The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 09, 1901, Image 4

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    Bled Quarts at a Time
"I am aknif e maker and'worktxl for a number of years in the New York Knif o
Co.'s factory at Walden, N. V. First thing I knew'I commenced to bleed from
the mouth. " Sometimes as much as a quart of blood would come up from my
lungs at a time. Even' time 1 coughed the blood spurted out. It was in the
tall I got so bad ana ttiecnurcli
people told me I had better
make my peace with tJ-.c Lo'il
and prepare to die foi I vukl
not live till spring. My home
doctor ccukln'tdonie any goad,
but advised me tu get in'Ncw
York C.ty for c:a:::inati r
They finally took me tu a med
ical college and a whole lot of
physicians made what they
called a diagnosis There were
several students looking on
One professor had a httle"ivory
hammer, and with this he
pounded my chest and held his
ear close to listen. After a
while the professor looked at
me solemnly and declared
One of your lungs is about
gone and'the other is affected.
There may be a slim chance
for life if vou quit working in
that knife factorv.' 1 went back
home, but didn't improve. One day I saw an advertisement of free samples of
Acker's English Remedy for Consumption, being given away by our home drug
gists, sValker & Eaton. I got one of these bottles, and it relieved me. Then I
bought more of the regular size, and rrrv improvement was continuous, although
slow. Mv doctors were astonished and so was I. After dark I hated to spit,
because I was afraid it might be blood, and I wanted to know for sure. I have
no fear now, for at last I am a solid man again. Although one lung is gone, the
other is as sound as a dollar, and answers as well as two lungs, so far as I can
see. 1 want evervone to know the facts and that is why I tell them here."
(Signed) A. H. Simpson.
Acker's English Remedr is sold br all drucsrists under a positive eoarantee
that your money will be refunded in case of failure. 53c, 50c. and i a bottle in
United Slates and Canada. In Hncland, is. ad., ss. 3d., and j,s. 6d.
We authorize tti? aborc guarantee V 11. 1100KEK d- CO., 1'roprielorr. -Vnr Tort.
For sale at Blakeley 's Pharmacy.
.Men's Jereey cloves, only -5 cents at
The New York Cash Store.
Men's warm-lined leather cloves, only
30 cents at The New York Cash Store.
Professor Sandvig will commence n
new dancing class for new beginners
ne.U Wednesday evening ut S p. m., at
the Baldwin. j" lit
Clearance sain of winter millinery at
the Campbell & Wilson Millinery Par
lors. Trimmed hats, street hats, nnd
baby bonnets nt cost. j7-lm
lie snre and purchase a pair of the
Iamb-knit saxony gloves. Just the thing
for cold weather. For sale only by The
New York Cash Store.
Men's lamb-knit saxony gloves. 50
and SS cents at The New Yoak Cask
Store. These gloves are the correct
thing for looks and comfort, and should
be worn bv ererv centleman in the city.
Great Bargains
Men's Overcoats
J. E. Adcox & Co. have moved their
! jewelry store to the new building on
(Second stieet west ot J. T. Peters',
where they will be pleased to meet all
their old friends and as many new ones
as need anything in the line of watches,
clocks, jewelry and repairing. Optical
goods a specialty. Eyes examined free
of charge by a graduate optician.
j7-tf J. E. Anco.v it Co.
Ladies' Jackets.
Mcmi's line Overcoats, worth $8.50, for
Men's better grade Overcoats, worth $12.50, for
Still better and extra fine finish, worth $15.00, for
Ladies' Jackets it is a well-known fact that we have shown the be?
in this line for the least money in the city. We have a few Ladies'
left and will close out
Our $13.00, $13.50 and $15.00 Jackets for
Our $10.00, $10.50, $11.00 and $12.50 Jackets for
Come and see we do just as we advertise.
t values
The Place to
EeB Thluve.
"While eggs are quoted at sixty cents
per dozen, not many would care to see
the thief boldly remove from his prem
ises and possession many of those laid
by hens that come home to roost and ac
knowledged the ownership of the one
who digs up wheat and burns bones for
tbeir benefit. Eut one night recentlv
Mike Pankratz. who is obliged to leave
his couch
attend to some of bis duties in tbe
Attorney J. B. Hosford, of Moro, ar
rived in town today to look after the
case of Fred Mathias, who is under ar
rest for cattle stealins.
John Combs and Judtie M. E. BritiK,
two prominent citizens of PrineviUe,
were in town today on their wav home
from a business trip to the Spokane
Paint your house with paints that ara
j fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Fa lk
! have them.
1 Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior SaTe Money
paints when you can buy James E. i
Patton's sun, pnor paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for u years. Clark &
Fa'.k, agents. ml
Dyspepsia can he cored by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little
; Tablet will give immediate relief or
nionev refunded. Sold in handsome tin
hoses at 'Jo cts. Blakeley the druggist. ,
' Experience is the best Teacher. Use,
Acker's English Kemedv in anv case of
F. C. Marquardsen, Prop
.R.N. 5
Dr. Hudson came here from Condon
at 3 o'clock In tbe morning to I yesterday on a vi81t to his family, and coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to
, icii un me uuuu iraui lor anieiope cive immediate relief money refunded.
' 1 wVipr hplmc ntirpVinspr! tha tirui.Mpc nf - xt .
- - - it. riiKiBLioi. wuo is nnom to leave
i gist.
with the ingenuity of two egg thietes ; for tbe East
that was rapidly disappearing nntil all j E. G. Gorman returned yesterday from Drying preparations simply devel
the eggs were gone. I a visit to his old home near Knigslev. j dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions,
Two woodrats had found where a hen He reports sis inches of snow on the ' fSSl
had made her nest in the brewery bni.d-. SS?a5SS2S
ine nnd were trying to abstract twenty !e en in excellent condition and there is mS, inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffa
cents' worth of eegs that the hen had t pientv of feed for a loneer siege than can j ?nd, etb'it which cleanses, Booties and
... . . . ,. 1 .uh., o-o.o.i heals. Elv's Cream Balm is such a remedy
cackled over during four preceding be reasonably expected. ; and wiU cure catarrh or cold in the Lead
days. The rate could not pick up the j Frank Parker, who has been in the easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be
eggs and neither could they roll them. 1 city for the past eight months in the em-1 mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the
Mike says this is so, for they tried both I D!0? f b E- .& Co-- '?,ft lasj i Ely Brothers 5G Warren St., N.Y.
. , .. ' ; nisnt for his home in w alia alia and i 1 he Balm cures -without pam, does not
methods. Finally, however, one rat ! tomorrow wili Q on to Wallare. THhn . irrilate or cause aneezinc. It snrcads itself
over on irritated and angry snnaco, renev-
wintteo at tne other wun ooin eyes, ana where he will again accept a position
then folding its 'or ward legs about an j with the company. Durintr his ehort
egg rolled onto its back with the egg, ""ence here Frank has become very
. . . . . ., . . ." popular with our youne people, who
firmly clasped to its breast and us tail I depl. regret hig .leparture '
The other rat was quick to catch on,
both to the idea and the tail, and the
way tbe prostrate rodent whs dragged
away made Mike "glower on like am be
witched" until the operation had been
four times completed and the last eg
dropped throush a hole in tbe floor.
And nli he said was: "Djt vas von
treck; but here is annuder yon," and
200 pounds of prostrated anatomy
smoothed the wrinkles out of two wood
rats forever. Harnev County 2vews.
This mornine. January 9rh, to Mr.
and Mrs. Hueh Farmer, of West Dalles
precinct, a daughter.
Card ot Thanks.
ing immediately the painful inflammation,
With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever.
Wanted A second- band fire-proof
safe. Must be in good condition and not
too large. Apply at the Chko.vicle
office. o31-tf
I desire, through Tiik Chi:omci.k, to
sincerely thank the friends and neigh
bors who so kindly came to my relief
and assisted me in many ways during
my recent serious and prolonged illness.
R F. Wkkh vm.
Theatrical 'iite.
The management ol the Vogt opera
house ie pleased to nnuounce the coming
of .Mr. Lirin J. Howard's rollicking little
star, Mt-rry Kit!- Emmett, presenting
"The Xmv Wnifn of 'ew York," with
entire new penery and mechanical and
electrical effctr. The New York Sun
fcuyc :
"Nearly 500 people were turned away
Jroin the Grand Monday afternoon at
the opening peformance of "The New I
Waifs of New York," and in the even
ing the bouse was again crowded. Petite
Katie Emmett takes the principal part,
a typical JNew lork newsboy, and tills
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
j For lient or Sain.
The Sam Wilninson warehouse, on
First street, is for rent or sale. It is a
three-story, corrugated iron building,
110x03 feet, with water elevator. Apply
to Sam Wilkinson, The Dalles. nl'0-tf
Sick Headache ab:oiuie!y and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures conciliation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep
nnd happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money back. 20 cts. andoOcts. Blakeley,
the druggist.
In future any and all inquiries rela
tive to delinquent taset muft be made
to the county clerk, as he is custodian of '
delinquent tas sale record and rolls. The i
sheriir having complied with the law in
making sale of delinquent taxas, he is
completely out of the tax-collecting I
business till March nest. dlD-lm i
FOI'. rf.OM lALl.Kh.
Fast salt ImVv, Denver. Ft.
Mail Worth, Omaha, Kan
1J. -'.").. 12. en City, st. 1niU,
CblcRO and East.
1:05 ji n'
Atlantic salt l-nks, Iienver. ft. 1 lb u. in
Kx)ires Worth, Omuha, Kan
l'J.SOa. m. sn City, St. I-otlis,
Via Hunt- ChiCHgo and Kust.
Spokane Walla
3:'Ji p. m
Walla, fenokaiie.
,:iuiicaKiis. si. raui,
i)u lu t h, Miluauki-c,
Chlcaco and Kust, via
Spokane afcd Huntitiq
ton: al.oall K)ini In
WashiiiRton and Kast-t-ru
3:.'tf)a. m
6 p. m.
j FKOJt 1'ORTiAMf.
i Ocean Sitcainhhipe.
For San Frnncihco
Every Five Duts.
4 p. m.
i p. ra.
b r. m.
Ex.suuday Columnia Uv. Bteamcrk. Ex-ouutf-
10 astoria aua ttay
Samrday Lrtiidiliira.
10 p. m.
a. m. Willamette Kivck. i:3un. in.
Kx.sundwy Oresou City. Ncwtiere, Ex.nundaj j
salera it Way Land's. I
7 a.m. WiLt-AMrrrr. a.vd Vam- :i:30 p ra.
Tues.Thur. niLl. Kivekm. lMon.,Wcd
and at. Orecnn City, Unytou, and Fri.
and Wiiy-Lshdiugt.
E. FALT & CO.,
Commercial Sample Rooms.
of .
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of the City.
173 Second Street. !l
lhon"s: 51 Local,
85S Long Distance
Lv Itiparla
3:35 a. ra.
Kipariu to IKlstou.
0:COa. in
iT"A? ' iTiJATiTATilATAril A Jk't Jt ATA1 M. t A? ATAVT JLT A Vt
Wines. Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
ij Phone 234,
Next door to First National Hank.
A mong the tens of thousands who have
used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for
' colds and la rrippe during the past few
years, to our knowledge, not a single case
' has resulted in phenmonia. Thoe.
i Whitfield & Co., 240 Wabash avenue.
, unicago, one ol tbe most prominent re-, Bt0ck of winter millinerv at creatlv re
Bo'endeared ,ail draP2iet8 in tt'at city, in speaktnuof ,dnced prices, preparatory to receiving
Ti..lth!a' Ba-ve: "We recommend Chamber- spring oodB. Trimmed bats at iust
manv cases, as it not onlv livee nrnnmt
I'lirtic dCHlnuc to iro to lleimnor or
iiuu ou t.oiuraoiu nouinurn via ini;s, huoiild i
taic.-.No. 2, leaving 'J'lit: Lialk-i. ut 12. 10 p. ni. 1 iTATTTT-'!ATTJ"''T'"r-"r'':'
mafciiiK direct rnnnectimik nt Hcppner Junction
end Ki(ji;. Ke'.urnlni; iimiiiiiKdirueteoiintctlou
ut Heppncr lunrtlon mid HIkks itti No. 1. ur
riving at Tbe Dalles ut lv:au p. ra.
The O, P., it N. Meumer "MmIk,'"U now mat- ,
iliR rerular trip to oiilcra und Inpcn.'iidciict',
stopplnp ut all way landiliK. title leae 1'ort- ,
land on ilondayn. Wcdiieday8 and Fridays ut
f u. m., HrrlvliiKut hu'en I p. in., and Indt-viid-1
vuv-t Rutmt u p. in. mi nun,.- iiHv, i.uiuriimj; , f
Ixiat Icavei. Iiidepcudcut-v ut "i u, in. and aalem f
L. Lane,
... , , ooai leave indepcudent-v ut .i u. in. and aal
iliss Haven wiehes to announce that t ) a. m. on Tuesdays. TlumdMyi. and e'al
during the months of January and Feb- i "s ul ri,"lu
vnon cl.a trill .fTu nll I : .. ! , !
.-.j rUv. uut, uci icuimuiug i For full particulars call on O. It. ,. X. Co.'s
agent The Dalles, or addtes-.
ur- y
it in the manner that has
. . , , . . itins,save: " e recommend Unamner- qnrincr vnn-ip
her to Grand theater natrons. Tbe.. ' . spriuK ;uuje.
, , , . . , lain s Cough Iteinedv for la grippe in : half nrirp
play has been seen here a number of . ' , . b r uan Pr,ce
times, but never fails to draw large au
W. II. llfKLBfUT,
Gen. l'uti. Aft , Portland, Or
t and complete recovery, but also counter
acts any tendency of la grippe to result
in pneumonia." For sale by Blakeley,
tbe druggist.
of three children who become lost to
tbeir parenisjand two of them become
waifs of the streets. Of course all ends
happily in tbe last act and the family ; Such little pills as DeWittH Little
are reunited, the heavy and the polished Early Kisers are very easily taken, and
villain perishim; miserably in a burning they are wonderfully effective in cleans
building. During tiie progress of the i ing the liver and bowels. Clarke & Falk
play several clever specialties are intro- J O. Pharmacy.
"8' i Hustling young mao can make $00 per
The above attraction will be at the month and expenses. Permanent n'.si-
Vogt nest Wednesday evening, Jan. ' tion. Experience uunecesarv. Write ,
3C;h. Seats can be secured at Clarke & i9.u,c,. ,or particulars. Ulark & Co.,
Falk'e one week iu advance. Prices 75
cents and 50 cents.
The most soothint', healing and anti- J
septic application ever devised is De-1
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It relieves'
at once and cures piles, sores, eczema (
and skin diseases. Beware of imita-1
lions. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacv. j
Don't Hub It In,
JuBt wet the affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and the pain ie gone. Sold by Clarke &
Falk. i
Fourth and Locust Streets, PhUarifj.
hpia, Pa, r8-tf
For sprains, swellings and lameness I
there is nothing so good ns Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake-
ley, the druggist. I
hclj the team. Saves wear and
expense, bold everywhere
HAur. ur
snort em
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in BireiiKLueuitig and recon
structing tbe exhausted digestive or
gans. It Is tbe latest discovered dlgest
unt and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It in eniciencv. it. in.
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Iudlgestlon, Heartburn,
Fiatuleuce, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
blclt Headache, Gastralgla.Crampsand
all other results ol imperfect digestion.
Price 50c. and ft, Large site contains t times
small size, liook all about dyspepslu Bmlledfrea
, Prepared by E C DclMITT A CO., Cblcaga
. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pliaru.acv.
Belgian Hares to Lease. 'FRENCH & go
I have about 100 thoroughbred does VW.j
Wagon and Carriage Work.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
I Third and Mnim Phnnnifti
I . A A A A - . . .
i Pepsin preparations often fail lo re
, lieve indigestion because they can ilight
only albuminous foodt-. Tiiere I- muc
.preparation that tliu'estfc nil c'aeeii of
food, and that is Kodol D.ipi-ia Cure.
The Itrat I'lumt-r.
A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain's Pain Balm and boutrl to
the affected parts is f interior to any
plasler. When troubled with lame back
or pains in the side or chest, give It a
trial und you are certain to be more
than pleased with tbe Dromtit relief
which it affords. Pain Balm also cures ' 1 ,,aru)Rt,.v.
rheumatism. One application gives -j You will not have boils if vou take
Jief. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist, j Clarke & Falk'e sure cure for boils.
All members of A. O. U. W. are .re
quested to meet at Fraternity hall at
7 p. m. Thursday, Jan. 10, 1001, as
business of importance will be trans-
! Nasal
In all lu stages tUere
iliouM bo ck-arilmest!.
i Ely's Cream Balm
cleanse, fioothenndlic-ala
It cures the worst cafes of indigent Inn i acted. There will be a libit installation , the discard membrane.
and gives instant relief, for it digests , of 0"e of Temple Lodge No. 3, A. O. I iwaTa co'd" uTul'ca
what you eat. Clarke & Falk P. O. I U- W" and Fern La(18e No- -5 D of IJ. j (,uicwiy. '
Subscribe for Tut Cnno.sici.i;.
Sabscrlbe for The Cuuonicle.
- - - n30
tllHl IJWIII IHIIPI! in lot'. .
sible partifs on shares
c, :
u. it. i;. .m n ii
' 10 to respou
l ..iv to
'ie Dalles,
j Letters of Orodlt isnued available n. m e
! Eastern Stated,
. bight Exchatigi! nnd IVl.Kri,ii;
;rran8ferfl sold on Now York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francinco, Portland Or-
Euii, neauie vaaii,. und various iioinm
IllMllIU lU JI 111! II. I liiil.ii.Mit In,.... II... In irL.,,r.n .....I 1 .
All members and visiting members are
requested to be present. Toe screen
work will be exhibited by the A. O, U,
W, J. M. Filmjo.v,
j8-2t Matiter Workman.
Creuin Balm Is ilnccd Into too nostril!, tpreadi
over the inemhrsne snd It absorbed. liclleMi Im
mediate and a euro follow. It 1 not drying doci
not produce ntezln. Iryo Hlze, SO centi st Drug
gliti or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 ccnta by mall.
Il.V ttiOTUKKS, 50 Warien Street, New York.
Now is the time when croup and lung
troubles prove rapidly fatal. The onlv
J hannleau remedy that produces im.
mediate resulte is one Mii'iite Com-I, i
Cure. It is very pteaeatit to take audi
can ue relied upon to quickly cure
coughs, coldn and all lung diseases. It
win prevent; consumption. Bold
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
sepal I Collectlone made ut all miiim f.,-j.
rable terms.
mi sft
1 . Isi''Ui ill