HTT RMCT IONS AT OUR GREAT REDUCTION SALE. This ?alo has proven to ho one oftho most .successful ever undertaken by the house. The people lhat have crowded into our store the last few days goes to show that they appreciate real bargains. A good many customers have been disappointed on account of not having been waited upon promptly. The rush was beyond our expectation- our help did the best they could we have employed more for our Dry Goods Department and are now in a better position than ever to look after your wants. There will be now attractions daily come and see them. The store seems biggest in the mornings. Can you come then? But come when you can, we will see that your wants are attended to. . The Triumphant Success of Him first, lew .hive f our CLE -Y RANCH SALE speaks wonders for the quality of our iiflerinuH. We Htirt again today with in censed energy, hound to make January, I'tOl, the greatest selling month in the his i.iry of our Clothing Department. PRICES TALK M1V.- WINTER SUITS-Over twenty dilfcr. ,0 cnl patterns to select frotn ipo.&O li:v WINTER SUIT? In wide (.election of new pattern. MnileMitil finished equal to regular - oe (U 00 anil $12 00 t-uits JpO.OO MKN'"- ALL WOOL SUIT- A wonderful line to make vnu cc'eeiion Irom. (omjiriiiig worsted?, cheviots, vi- cijiih". meltons h.kI "t-rire" in h!I the latest pattern?, oiinurn'-mi: lit S7.35 to SI7:85. suit? that retail repi tti.y Irom $10 00 to 2 . tin. Boys' and Youths' Winter Clothing. We . tlr extraordinary hntgjiue in fact we hnvc i. I mi our eniinters over 250 fioy' vesteeand double-tirei.-'ted "nits that must he (-old. i ' ; vuitu Hint sold regularly from 1 to .;' I'leiiranee Price. . . 09C L I Siiitx ihnt are worth from .:.- to . :.'ni, Clearance IVice ... tpl.O I iii :- Ltrge line of nil-wool rvl;h suits. , - .-.0 funi r. cuoirly from to $-" ; Cleiuutire Price ?1.99 Ilii V -" OVERCOATS AND l'lrKRS W 4 t' 10 enr-; Clear- , re Cric- .......... .. $1 90 tO $7.35 A ' M n's Winter Underwear. i. .i i: uiuom wool shirts or drawers; . .i .c- fi u:" o9C he, vv i ihiicil khirte or draw ers ; Clear I' . 39c : tegular 75c values : Clear- o9c i' ' m:i x , regular $1.00 values; Cleaianee 63c A lame line of Men's Colored Dress Shirts. x i-h pattern, regular 85e, 1.00 and $1.25; Q 1'iearatn'e Price OoC SEE WINDOWS. Eiderdown Jackets. You know of the warmth and coziness of these .Jackets; we still have a few left at 75C yrtn double. HOSIERY. These cold mornings there is nothing nicer than to slip ones' feet into a pair of wool or tleece-lined hose. Our values in a good many instances are less than half the regular price. Look at them when you enter our corner door. There are six or -even lots, all makes, some at lie, 14c, 19c, 21c, 27c, 31c, worth up to 75c. CORSETS. A lady does not buy a corset every month in the year, but here is one she can afford to buy and throw it away and then have the best end of the bargain. Only small and large sizes left. 25c per pair. .lust think! steels are worth loc. . PEASE & MAYS This ftore closes at 0:15 p. m. TOWELS. In linen and cotton, we have them in all kinds for the bath and wash room, and the good old-fashioned kind, "Crash," for the hands. Our price for a fair towel is 3 1-2 cents. Of course we have better at 7c, 9c, 11c, 15c and 19c. Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. The feet, above cerything else these cold days, have to be given one's special at tention. Look at our prices and then visit our shoe department for a general inspection. Men's congress and lace 07c Hoy' calf anil grain 97c Lidies' cloth top and kid lace 93c " kid welt button $1 53 " kid turn sole, lace 1 93 " spring heel, lace, button, 2..i to 0 93c Misses' kill, spring heel, lace, button, to 2 1 13 Childs' " " " " " S! .j to 11.... 83c " " " " ' " 5 toS 73c " goat, " " " fitoS o3c " " " " " 9 to 12 03c ' kid " " button, ." to 3 40c PEASE & MAYS ThiB store closee at 0:15 p. in. Standard Patterns. Standard Patterns, every one knows they have to be sold at the publisher's price. We act only as agents and to keep up bur sale in this end of the department, we are willing to give you our profit. All 5c Patterns 3c. u IOC " 20c " 25c 7c. 11c. 14c. 18c. GROCERIES. Some live to eat, and others eat to live, but these cold days we can do nothing hut eat, drink and b"e merry. If you have no appetite, here is n list that will make you hungry. Dunbar's orange preeerve, per can 20c Melrose sliced peaches, per can Sc Bolrfiu Island asparagus 20c Bayles lunch herrini: 15c Boneless sardines, .jB 20c Beardsley lunch herring )0c Le Croit sardines, 9 11c La Kochelle sardines, 'a 10c Mustard sardines, '48 5c K. C. Baking Powder. 50 oz. 40c ; SO oz 05c Alta linking Powder, 5 11. $1.30; 2J It. 70c Club House assorted preserves, per bottle 25c Cross it BlacUweil marmalade, per bottle 20c White Ash Floating Soap, per bar '2.U: Columbia White Oats, per package Jjf PEASE & MAYS This store closes at 0:15 p. m. Fhe Dalles Daily Chronicle. 'VJ- . -I) Y J AX. 9, 1001 (Oysters served 1 in any style... erty, else probably somebody would be( saving to sheepownre. The coyotes Apportionment of sciiuni run.u. j asked to pav a doctor's bill. are about de?troed, and two more yeare 1 iL t . . 1 Oi tin. I rat MitiiIiv it. .Ifln mrv l.Kll The local lodKe of Modern Woodmen I of bounty would rid the county of tl.el Rnonnt rJ109.41 ; ' of America initiated ten new membere defctructive aniinalH. The first few last night. The little K. of J'. nail was ! ontli-s after the law went into effect At An( row Kn or's. TJIEASUHEIi'S NOTICE. All U'u'i'i. Ciiiuiiy ivurrnnt reeNtor.1.! .rlrt M-itfintu.r I, IMC, will U pnl.l "i. .rikf 11tutl1.11 hi my ullle. liitorei f-n.. ufinr N.itfinl.Kr :.', 1IMU). IOI1N I'. IIA.Mt'MllltK. t:..mitj- TrrUKiir.T. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Ttie Fortuighlly Club will meet with Mre. (.eor,;o Ulakeley tomorrow after noon. S.w Ttjii'innn 11 running the shooting Nlery in tlm building, im mediately east of A. M. Williams & Co. County vourt met in tegular st-ssion tliifi morning. All the members are present and the docket is 11 very large one. A! ollhers-eleet end members of Fern louV, Ddgrei) of Honor, uro requested to alien I regular meeting tonight to pre pare Lr joint installation of otlicers with Temple Xo. II, A. O. U. V., tomorrow venln;. By older of committee. lames ICelly, the trump who was ar rentw 1 Sunday night for stealing a valiee 'r'lin u JupuiieHU lodger at the Cosmo politan lutlging house, and whose c.iho itf (MH'poned by Justice Brownhill yt-Hterluy morning for lark of a Japanese "iterpreter, HUiiHeqiicntly asked the ftifriir to take him back to court, when pleaded guilty mid was fined 4'23, in lefniiiof which he will spend twelve "'id a half days in the county jail. Kight before last us 11 wagon load of yoiiir,' people of both sexes was 011' the from this city to a dunce ut a faim limine on Mill creek, and while cropping ft lot in the neighborhood of West Tenth street the wagon wus upBet and the load d human freight hurled Into an open ditch, injuring four of the young women, of thum ciulUt seriously. The ditch and the roid tiro both on private prop- filled to ttie tloor with members, and the ceremonies did not end till midnight. At their clo-.e the wives and lady friend of the Woodmen broke into the room and did yoemen i-ervico in helping the brethren to dispose of an excellent nip iter. Dancing followed for an l.ouror two, during which the Iw inkling feet of saved. the dancers kept time to the music of The funeral of Minnie Groebler, which Louie Coiiiini's "sweet potato." t ! was to have taken place today at 2 p. in., IIon.T. II. Mc.Greer. of Amelone. leftlllas hw" poMponed till tomorrow, this afternoon for Salem, after spending many hundred of "calps weri presented at every term of the county court, but the number each lime gradually de-' creased until now one tenth as many are pretentfd as hefoie. The bounty has had a beneficial effect, "'id thousand" i of dollars' worth ol property has been; a couple of .lavs in The Dalles. Mr McGreer thinks it tjuite likely that aj movement will be started before ing U! attach to .Sherman county all that part j of Waco county lying fouth of .Sherman j and east of the Descl uteo. He says a 10 J W Johnston, Thursday, at the same hour. The . 1 1 Ja Ctmeion, friends of the dead girl were surprised 1 J- ,,, .V? ' .11 . 1 1 1 115 W II Sharp, this moimng to find verv little of the ,, i (Jmu),:,,,, irigor mortis that i- characteristic of 113 August Di-ckert, Head bodies, while the lingers of the , 10 Win Brookhouee, amount distributed $9011. 'JO; surplus 1 $lt".51. Kach district received $50 and j the remainder was divided per capita. 1 Following is the amount mailed to ' each dittrict clerk : 1 TC Benson, Cascade Locks. $ 245 75 2 M II Xickelsen, Hood Itiver 247 10 L Heurv, Hood River 4 I' D Hiniichs, Houd Hiver . 5 C I) Henrich, Hood Kiver.. (! Win II Hdick, Mt Hood.... 7 J H Feak, Hood River 8 W T McClure. Mosier U A Y Murh, The Dalles. dp do do do and held in front of a lamp appeared ed as the hand of a living person. It do do do do do number of the taxpiueis around Ante- w M'cl"ded to postpone the funeral ant! await development, ur. ;it-en-dorller was called to examine the body this afternoon and he at once pro nounced the gfrl to lie dead beyond any manner of doubt. The flesh along the lotto are in favor f the movement. They say they don't see the necessity of having to travel all through Sherman county to get to the county seit. How ever, all that has been d"ne in the mat ter as vet is a little talk among a few t!i'' '""or part of the body taxpayers which may ail end in smoke. iid already turned quite black. The , ,, , ,, ... ,, Tr"? funeral services will be held a previous- James Rosa and Barney bheltz, while ' ,. ,. ... Iv announced, at the Lutheran church, piospecting on the north fork of the ' . , , 1 i 1 and the procession will leave the house John Dav a few weeks ago, discovered a , I fr lluj fltiwlt .1 I k j.'.iI.mL i. tt i.nvn in the hiiIh lit :i no untuin. 1 large about twenty-llvo miles aluve Dale, mys the I'kiab Sentinel, cave a short distance Iv larger, wit,h many side passages lead ing oil' from it. Owing to lack of torches they were unable to penetratu its dark 1 recesses very far, but Hiiw enough to' convince them that the cayt is some-1 thing cav W. W. Little brought suit against 17 M D Partington, 18 Leon L Davis I ID Xo report 20 J 1! Havely, Bovd 21 C il Southern, Boyd 1220 B Council v, The Dalles 1 23 T F Grav. ' do 24 M I) Adams, do , 250 L Walter, do 1 2(1 Win Means, do 27 J W Nolin, Dufur '28 W J Harritnaii, Kndersby. 1 29 Geo W Johnston, Dnfnr ' . '30 Henrv Hudson, Dulur ... .'Il II W I'owell, Boyd 152 W H Odell, Bovd 15 H Haynes, Xausene . . . . 154 Orriu W' Moore, Xausene 155 W L llentlncks, Kiugslev They explored. he. Jol'-' .''' yeatenlay in ! ij-''." jJJ" 'Wv , and it grew rapid- J ati Hrownhlll'i court for the suin of ;!SntJllrv V,oun, Kingsley '. '. . . tor iiaiiiages w men 1111; pmninii i , ;!J K M Warner, Xausene... legnil he bail sustained by reason of the; 40 P U Mt:Corkle Tygh Valley unlawful detention of a lot of carpenter ") )'m"- Mofh'r . , , .. 1 1 1 . -m ,1 . 421'. N Chandler, ainic . . . . toils by the defendant. II).) parties to.,. ,ose)l A Ku0X(,1o,mI HlvtM. the tuit are iiom the Wapinitia country , 44 J M J.edford, Smock ng wonderful. The opening of the 1 d the testimony showed that the suit ; 45-J I Ve.t. Wapinitia e is almost large enough to admit a ! was the cu.u.lnatiou ol a sort of a family , j-0 M '' n on horseback. Who knows but the ! row. The plainlilf was represented by , 4SJ (j,,,,,,, . Vl.,()r; Ac Condon and Ned Uulud. A ; r0 Frank Irvim, Antid jih mill 1 John Im- c.unirv uny have a rival to 1 Mre ,c Gavin and the defendants by , ,u.k s Fleming, Bake Oven the world-renowned Mammoth Cave In Condon KpntuckyV A great ciiange nas oeen nouceu 111 ; uuum unttt.-n ..n .. u. ..m ....w..i ....n- CJIitla tloon, Dalles Wasco cmii'v in the saving of the mini' her by since been pondent of the Telegram, through whose without going into court for iiO, Xow 1 (K)--.o report IiiiiiiIh miss nmbablv three. fourths of ' H'W ttru 01,1 mow l,ian ,W,I',J t,,,,t 81,1,1 J 1 "ur "oil Itlv h nds pass, probaljl , tl r ut-lourtlis 01 , mlUn to show for it. Rather, j 02--No report 11 nm ci-n.j.a .uii. I nerliup, Itsiiouui ue sam tnev nave nan .'ot many sheep are now killed by the ; tijH (,Jn ut,d the ' j.irv was demanded and a verdict ol one 51--K P MitDonald, Antelope in ! dollar damag was ic.uined about mid- -t ialu in- night. This leaves the defendants lia-1 54 j," j eeee , A ntelope ler of Iambi and sheep from destruction hie for the costs of court, which will 1 55 II W (Jonke; Ridgeway iv unvote since two vears ago, ami amount to abnit $50, Other coUs and 1 VMnlnVi i ' ' 'l ' ilucethe bounty on coyote scalps has expenses will foot up a total of '0i ( rS--0 C Kiitrlleh, Tlm l ilk'H jcen increased, says The Dalles cures- '. $150. The defendant could have settled . u)).. ; Holier, Cross Keys 450 :i5 220 10 15!) 155 94 53 1511 !)5 I 79 70 I 7S 35 102 05 ! 87 80 j 2027 75 I S3 10! 80 45 j 71 00 v 70 25 j 101 00 I 79 70; 122 90 144 5(1 , 109 40 I S7 80 ! 09 95 j SO 45 75 05 j 100 70 I 94 55 j 2112 25 112 10 07 55 I 81 05; 104 00 81 05' 07 55 95 90 77 00 152 00 105 115 102 05 81 05' 170 15 72 95 85 10 82 40 121 25 89 15 100 70 105 !i5 ' 212 00 75 05 JOS 05! 94 55 , r t t We do Steam, hot water and furnace heating. Estimates made and contracts taken for heating old or now building's. Do not forget That wo operate a plumbing and tin shop, ttleo a ma chine repair shop in connection with our hardware and implement store. Repair work of all kinds done. MAYS CROWE. t t all Xot animals, und the result lias been a gieat , money, lawyer have got the tM J K Kenneth , Wainle. . . . 04- -H Stoneman, The Dalles 05- -A 0 Martin, Victor.... 70 25 07 55 114 80 97 25 75 05 10 50 151 25 101 00 81 05 111 80 ...Given Away... With every Dollar's worth of goods pureluotl at our store during January and Fehruary, we will givo One Chance on the following prizes: FIRST PRIZE One Aluminized Garland Steel Range. SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron Heating Stove. THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated Knives and Porks. FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork and Steel. FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle. SIXTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Condenser Cof foo Pot. SEVENTH PRIZE One Nickle Platod Tea Pot, In addition to giving away these prizes we will sell goods as low as the lowest, and will always he ready to serve the trade in the he.-t possible way. We will positively not he undersold by anyone. Our prices are right. 7VMIER St BENTON,