The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 09, 1901, Image 2

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i i
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JAN. 9, 1M1
Tbc senatorial election in Dela
ware. Montana and Oregon will at
tract unusual attention throughout
the United States this year. In
Montana, Clark, who bought bis
election from a democratic legisla
ture, but was ejected by the senate
after a thorough investigation, will
again make the trial, and he has so
debauched that rotten borough by
the corrupt use of his great wealth
that it is believed he will succeed.
In Delaware, J. E. Addicks. popu-.
larly known as 'Gas" Addicks, is.
again investing Literally m members '
of the legislature, and hopes to be
able to buy enough votes to secure j
his election. j
Addicks and -Clark are both men,
of considerable ability and are in
the prime of mental and physical life. :
But in Oregon the case is quite
different. The millionaire candidate .;
here is a feeble old man, who is seek- ,
iog election to the United States 1
senate, as he stated in a letter to
the Oregonian, because he desires
'vindicatiou" of a charge of im
morality and alienating a wife's
affection preferred by some obscure i
person named Peterson. There are.
then, so far as we have heard, three 1
reasons advanced why Mr. Corbelt '
should be elected senator:
1. He has been accused of being
an immoral man.
Sleep for
Skin-Tortured Babies
And Rest for
Tired Mothers
In a warm bath with CLTICURA sOAHana a sinsieanmuuns
with CUTICURA, purest of emollients and greatest of skin
cures. This is the purest, sweetest, most speedy, permanent,
and economical treatment for torturing, disfiguring itchinpr,
burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, and pimply skin and sea p
humors, with loss of hair of infants and children, and is
sure to succeed when all else Tans.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
Of the product of th'e we'.'-known brewery the United States Health
Report for June 1W0. ph.vs more suprtior brew never entered
TnitHi StiitU Health report. It if absolutely devoid
of the c-liehteet trace pf adulteration, but on the other hum! l? cotr.poeed of
the bet of malt and choicest of liop?. It? tonic qualities are t the hieh- j
est and it can be ued with the crentet henetit and ftllffuetiiin by old mid
younc. Ite n?e can eoii-centioni-ly he prescribed bv the phvsicmn with .
the cersaintv that a betier, purer or more w holt-Home beverage could not
possibly be found." J
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
Just What
You Laant.
a Cum. Coir, K Bauo
nman VMO 1
5, Ui;, ii Uur." fete.
5c ). to
tni tli2
' are in favor a viva voce vote in tbe Thie season there is a. large death rate
j republican caucus to be heid in the among children from croup and lung
I early hours 'he coinine ression of the troubles. Prompt action will save tne
i legislature Tun Oresonian lakes objec little ones from these terrible diseases.
; tion to thi- and claims it is at variance We know of nothing so certain to give
2. He is known to be a verv rich j with the traditions of former aiucus instant relief as One Minute Cough
man j proceeding: and thinks it is purely a Cure. It can also be relied upon in
., ' . ! matter for tne republican members to grippe and all throat and lnng troubles
o. He is - ven old man. o adnhs pieasant t0 take. Clarfce &
They are all good qualifications ; seem; .Q me the constituents "Ik's Pharmacy.
for certain positions, and there are 0 those members have a right to know
doubtless immoral and rich old men bow each member votes on so important
in thf. Tnitprl States senate, bnt this i a question as the election of a Lnited sanation. The power of this murderous
A Muunter D-vll rili
na?..Atiinn 5c flutim C n T - T"l D f, T lfl Tl
i u w . ...... i- u. .... . " - - I ic2 U l (Up I . C lkl .11 , ,. . ' t i"n
bnt tbisja question as the election of a United station
If JV?
Grandall & Barget
deali.ii- is obes,
All kinds of undertake BuriaSh
Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc.
The Dalles. Or.
Wasco Warehouse Company
- . . - 1 T ...... 1
is the first time the possession of ,-13 teuaiur uu -1 maioay is ieu on organntnu nt-.-ve mm
, ; that any honest member will want the muscles and brain. There's no health
luesc qualities uas uccu jjicstuicu
a sale and certain cure.
Best in the world for stomach, liver,
kidney, aud bowels. Only 25 cents at
Blakelev's drug a.tore. 1
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds
Headquarters for Feed Grain oi ?n kin
i Deoole be Teoresenls to know just how overcouit;.
a reason lor election, dir. uorueti ; e voted in the caucus if he is tone Life Pills are
letter to tbe Oregonian from Seaside bound by that caucus. I also believe
nresents the first reason, and tbe Mr- Corbett will want every member's
'second and third are advanced bv ! e recorded wish his name as he wli
(knows tnat the majoritv of the people of
Senator Daly of Benton and Repre- 0regQn 5UspecJ him o( usini. moaev in
sentative Pearce of Marion county. , njs behalf, and if he wants to set him
In all of these cases, however, tbe 1 self right before the people he wants to
ri i,n ncntront i in thn ' represent, be can find no better way
use of money. We freely admit and
New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety as we are ehowing never be
fore graced a single stork. Real iniita-
tion creton enecis ai oruinarv prices, tt. j x t- 11 .-i.j
Good papers at cheap paper nnces. Headouarters for Roiled Gram, ail kinds
But Dr. King's New Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, jours , ,
forasmal price, at our store on Ih.rd nRnfJ lltir LCxS IOT XSTRTL. nOiTS.
. , x 1 ui 'v. u.L rebw
A i-rlelitrul lllnriflT
WW. often cause a horrible burn,
scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, the best in the world, will kill
the pain and promntlv heal it. Cures
street. Also a full line of house nai
d. w. vatjse, Third st. Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle
tOn J lOlir TLis I-it.tir .s manufactured expressly for family
Ufe; eer suck is guaranteed to cive Batiafaction.
V- p. car toods lower than any lumse in the trade, end if you don't ttiink so
fa'., and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
Wallowa Countv.
'lenounce this when alluding to
Clark anil Addicks. but it is no less .
true in tbe Oregon contest. Mr. j
Corbett would not be mentioned as ,
a candidate were it not for his great
wealth, and no representative who'
votes for him will ever be able to ,
make his constituents believe that
. be was influenced solely by motives j
of public good.
In allottine two seuators from
fathers to so distribute political;
power that the great centers of popu
lation should not be permitted un- t
limited control, and, as tbe cities had
not become of such political im- i
portance as tbey are today, not
thought was given to protecting the '
rural against the urban districts. ,
The time has come, however, when
this must be done, and in Oregon as ,
in New York state it will be neees-
sary for the legislature to curb the ,
power of the metropolis, for it is
Portland, and Portland's desire to J
rule, under the control of such men , nora oUon wjl) wjnd cbapping
as Simon, Corbett, and their political : and ennburn. Manufactured by Carte
tools, that threaten to make a rotten ; & Fa,t .
borough of Oregon and cause it to Fr ale-One set second-hand car-
, T. , penter toole o! the late P.odenck Mc
be classed with Montana and Dela- Kea)( 80IalfttBenton. 2&d-lw
... , , , ! If vonr hair is dry and dead-like, Co-
" e hope there will be a farmers .coanDt Cream Tonic will give it life and
congress at the state capital before j luster. It is pronounced the finest
... . ! tonic on earth. Can ihj had at I-razer'e
the legislature goes into joint session, . barber ehop, agent. nfi-lm
and that its members will personally 1
interview the representatives from
their respective counties. :
than to insist on a viva voce vote in me . . BnrMa . nloer. boiU.cnrns.
caucus. a r;Eri jjlh
Baldwin's Dys
pepsia Tablets,
food digesters,
start digestion
properly- -make
a healthv. clean
:ach stste, without regard to popula-; f q J 4 Help
ion, it was the intention of our fore-' ( i j
tne stomacn 10
do its work prop
erly until it's
cured soc
San Pramcisco, CaL
I have wined to pound Jincc umg
tout Dypp TableU. Sly Jtoraach U noir
in good condition. A. K. Utoula.
After u2;nnB witn .ttomach HouWe
for three vear. I bare cured n-ell by using
vour dvpepia UbleU, thereby avoiding a
turcical chelation, which I wai abeu? to
undergo. Gko. 6tdtcvam.
Ccusty iwiui't Office.
Clarse & Falk. The Dalles. Ortgon.
felons and all skin eruptions. Best piie
cure on earth. Only ?b cts. a !ox. ,
Cure guaranteed. Sold by G. C. Blake
ley drupi3t. 1
When threatened by pneumonia or
any other lunc trouble, prompt relief is
necessary, as it is dancerons to delay.
We would suyuest that One Minute
Cough Cure be taken as soon as indica
tions of havinc taken cold are noticed.
It cures quickly and Its early use pre
vents consumption. Claike & Falfc'e
P. O. Pharmacy.
Wagon Shoo.
Horseshoeing, jj
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. ?
Cor Seuond & LaneMfe. 'Phone 151 1
t i ' 5
.-learner 0 tin- Ui-gulutor Uue will run hs iwt tlif foi
"' ifr H'lirtuu. the Comjmtiy rurvlni; tli
iir.rfiunj wit.Kiut notice.
Str. Regulator
Quality and not quantity makes De
Witt's Little Early Risers such valuable
little liver pills. Clarke A Falk's P. O.
Remember that Cocoa nut Cream Tonic
, will promote growth of hair. Charles
Frazer, sole ajreni. n9-ltn
Clarke & Falk's fiavnrinu extracts are
the best. Aefc vour trocer for them.
, 3! Jlr.Al.L,
First national Bank.
III 7 A. It.
Tiiesdny . .
HisturdHV .
Arr. Vti.-tlntid
. at -1 :3) c m.
Iv I'ortlmd
m 7 a .
Arr. Pdllea
a 5 V x.
Ship your
Eegnlator Line.
lit 7 A. Jl.
Arr. i'ortlaiid
at v. x.
richt tu elm! f
Str. Dalles City.
A full line of Eastman nlm? and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Falk.
A General Banking BusineBB transacted S
Deposite received, subject to Sight I FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE
Draft or Check. 5 '
Collections made and proceeds promptly 5 Tri" ei hy "K sln,V ?' t.he I!t,1'fr '! 1'he ( omjumy will mdenvor to give 1
remitted on dav of collection. $ ,lR M!'.T,W hlv F""'l--rmforiIItioi idr
Sicht and Telegraphic Exchange eold cr i, 1'ortland Mfiic.., om: -street uooi- w. c. allaway. Con. Atrt.
In W . .
1. 1'ortlttwl
lit 7 (ju a (.
1 ni-duj'
AT IlHttt".
ut . r x
D. P. Thompbon. Jso. E. Bceesce.
Ed. M. Willukb, Geo. A. Liebk.
H. M. Beau-
General Blacksmith
and florsesboer.
All kinds of blackBinitbing will receive
prompt attention and will be executed
in fir ft-clues shape. Give hi in a call.
There ie not a caen of nervous 'veakneng in the wnn-1
today no matter ivliiit tb cau.e or of hnw long otandiiiL'
that theiL'tsof I.LSCOLN SKXUAL 1'JLI.S according to
direction!-, w hich arn fimple nntl very easy to follow, wi 1
Jail 10 peniiatiKiit'iv cure. W'liv do vou reinain weak when
LINCOLN .SKKL'AL PILLS will make you Btrong?
Pricf, (Kl per box buy nf your druggist or sent b
mail on receipt of prict-, in plain wrapper.
M. '.. Domiel!, AgHiu, The Dalles.
Let It lie VIth Vote Vut.
The joint insta.lation of the G. A. K.
post end the V. IL C. will take placo on
Saturday evfninc, Jan. 12:h, at 7:.K) at
' K. of P. hall. After the installation a
To the Euitou good pro-.-ra in will be given, followed by
I see bv the last issue of the O.-ego- j substantial luncheon with collee. Ad
ni.n that there has Ven a eimnltaneous ! 15 cents. By order of the corn-
ontbresk of several newepapere of the ; u'mee. 8-2t
tate which has caused a ripple of un- Clark k Falk are never cloed Scnday. ,
plMWUtrett on thii hitherto peaceful tbu-
cene. Tbe onmreaK was in regaru to 1 yon hav! dandruff, your hal
tbe tenatorial content jnt now tgin-. falling nut. Use Cocoaout Cream. ForJ
Ing ti develop. The paper! alluded to 1 sale at Frazer'e barber ehop. n9-Im
In talking of Chocolates plea-e
remecalier that we curry a full line of
LOWNEY'S. juat opened, fresh from
the factory. In plain and fancy boxes
for Christtrns trade, and at prices to
suit. Don't forget that we are head
quarters for the best on earth. Name
LOWNEY settlee it.
Richardson's Old Stand,
' Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or.
u Beslauraaf
L. Y. Hone, Prop'r.
First-Class in Every Respeet
ria'GeO. C. Blakeley, i0yBters Served m any Style.
Retiring from Business.
Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost.
Dry GoodB, Clothinii. ISjotR and Shoe, at much Icbf than wholesale
prlcc-e. 111 tell in bu'.k or in lots, or any way to huh purchuBere.
Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days.
e Glove-fitting Corsets
vail early and secure
All u-riod- wl be sacrificed except Th(itnpon'i
and liutterick Putterne. Your prices will bo mine.
Corner Second and Court Sts.
The Druggist. I
a" Stt-ond 6t., The Dalle. Or.
! Subscribe for The Chronicle.