The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 08, 1901, Image 4

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    From m
G. Am ? Man
" Mr attack of in r's Atlmia was very
bad. 1 was afraid t" li clown at nisht fur
fcarofniotherins I couldn't get my breath.
Jtontattcrir alitlie
doors ami windows
in the Iioum? were
oicn, it seemed a
if there wa no air
and that 1 inu-t
Mirelv smother to
death. Mr. V. B.
ltns, of this city,
called ruy attention
to Ackers English
Jlciuedy for Throat
and Lung Trou
bles. I thoticht lit
tle of it hut boucut
that it midit help
me a little." It cave
me wonderful re
lief, andthesecond
bottle cured me
completely. Jly re-
been HI for several weeks. Extreme
unction wag administered to him late
last night.
General Cavanaph, who is 7S yearp old,
was born m Ireland and came here when
n young man. In 1S54 he joined the
Sixty-ninth regiment, and at the out-
I Men's Jersey cloves, only
The New York Cash Store.
cents at
Men's warm-lined leather gloves, only
31 cents at The New York Cash Store.
Professor Sandvig will rouimence a
break of the Civil War went with it to,"1'"' dancing class tor new beginners
nes.t Wednesday evening ut b p. tn., at
the llaldwin. j-ot
Clearance sale of winter millinery at
the Campbell it Wilson Millinery Par
lors. Trimmed hats, street hats, and
baby bonnets at cost. j-lm
He sure and purchase a pair of the
lamb-knit saxony cloves. Just the thine
for cold weather. For sale only bv The
New York Cash Store.
Men's lamb-knit saxony cloves. 30
' and 55 cents at The New Yoak Cash
5tore. These gloves are the correct
'. front as a captain. He was made mayor
, for ca'iant conduct. At the close of the ,
1 war he was acting colonel of the Sixty
'ninth. He was made colonel of the Sixty
, ninth regiment of the National Guard'
niter the Civil War. He held that place
until Governor Flower reduced the regi
ment to a battalion. He was then placed
on the supernumerary list. In recocni
1 tioti of his work in the militia he was
brevetted a brigadier-general.
1 President Arthur appointed General
j Cavanagh an inspector of customs
Great Bargains
Men's Overcoats
Ladies' Jackets.
tlitrtr tn tnnWo ami nn.i-. f.W nnrJ nUrsts IrJ 1
- . - " . f , - . . . , ul iui iuuic auu buuitutii aitu euuuiu
'v.iuuuum. v 01 A kCUCIciI iJH? ttl n tt 2 E 1'UKt.ll Hill IJIlUr Ut . . t . . , .t
v..... . l i i i:i.. . u ' ' hi irnrn nv ppprr aontlfttnuTi in thn ntfr
enemy. I consider Acker's Enclish Remedv h,E h'enaship with President Arthur,,
ijenerai LTrant, uenerai Alcuieiian
General Hancock.
by Ion? odds the best medicine in the world
ror hacfcing couglts. asthma and bronchitis.
It completely masters those stubborn dis
eases that many people wruucly supio? to
be incurable. If sufferers will ju.-t try a sin
pie bottle, it will prove every word I have
aid, and more too." (Signed.)
Jons I). Elliott.
Commander John Megarah Post, No. 132,
Portland, Mich.
Men's fine Overcoats, worth SS.50, for
audi ow is the time wbn croup and long,,. . , ,inr f,,.01.nnfs CIO SO. fnr
the United State and Canada: and in Enc- ana 8 numDer
1 troubles prove rapidly fatal. The onlr
i harmless remedy that produces itn-
Spit Student at the University, i i:. ,..i. : :... l
mediate results is one Minute Cough
Eugene, Or., Jan. ..The L niversity . Cure. lt ig verv pleasant to take and !
ot uregon leopenea us uoors tnis morn-, wn reiied upon t0 qujcfciv cure
ing, after the regular Christmas vact-, cuphg, colds and all Inne diseases. It
Uon. All the old students are on hand, ; w511 meven. consumDtion. Sold bv
land, at Is. 2d.. 2s. 3d.. 4s. 6d. If you are not
satisfied after buying, return the bottle to
yourdrujrist, and get your money back.
It V aulAnrize Ihr ot-trr iKaraattr.
W. S. MOOKKE d- CO., Proprirf. Sev lort
For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy.
of new ones are beins j ciarbe & Falk.s p. 0. Pharmacv
, i
Dulioli et It. I r.enuiTBl
Boise, Idaho, Jan. 7. Former ser.a- j J. E. Adcox i Co. have moved their
tor Fred Dubois was nominated by the jewelry store to the new building on
Still better and extra fine finish, worth 815.00, for 11.00
Ladies' Jackets it is a well-known fact that we have shown the best values
in this line for the least money in the city. "We have a few Ladies' .Jackets
left and will close out
Our $13.00, S13.50 and 15.00 Jackets fur $0.00
Viento this
Sheriff Kelly went
afternoon on tmr-iners.
fusion caucus at
States senator.
3 o'clock for Lmted Second street west of J. T. Peters',
where they will be pleased to meet nil
their old friends and us many new ones
as need anything in the line of watches. Rntrp TWrmpv
Our $10.00, $10.50, $11.00 and $12.50 Jackets for.
Come and see wc do just as we advertise.
The Place to
D. M.
L'ers on
and Smith French
the noon train for
W. Lord,
were passen
Hon. T. H. McGreer. of Antelope, is
in the city on his wav to attend the
legislative session at Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Wood and son and
Mr. T. A. VanNorden will leave tomor
row for a two or three months' sojourn
in Southern California.
F. M. Mathia?. father of the young
man who is under arrest for stealing
CAf.lf , arrived here today from Sherman
ciunty on a visit to his son.
Robert Leasure came up from Hood
Eiver last nieht on business, nnd this
morning he was followed by a telephone
message announcing that his wife had
taknn suddenly ill and was believed to
be dying, and asking for his immediate
Drying: preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions,
, which adhere to the membrane nuu aeconi
l pose, causing a far more serious trouble than
the ordinary fona of catarrh. Avoid all dry
' ing inhalants, fumes, smokes nnd snuffs.
and uso that which cleanses, soothes and
, heals. Ely's Cream Bake is such a remedy
! and will euro catarrh or cold in the head
I easily and pleasantly. A trial size will bo
1 mailed for 10 csnts. " All druggists sell the
uOc.size. Ely Brothers. C "Warren St., N.Y.
The Balm cures" without pain, does not
irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry surface, reliev
ing immediately the painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever.
The most sootbinz, healing and anti
septic application ever devised is De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It relieves
at onc and cures piles, sores, eczema
and skin diseases. Beware of imita
tions. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacv.
clocks, jewelry and repairing. Optical
goods a specialty. Eyes examined free
of charge by a graduate optician.
jT-tf J. E. Aicox & Co.
F. C, Marquardson, Prop
Culil .Steel tirlleulh,
"There is but one small chance
save yonr life and that is through
operation," was the awful prospect
Por Infants and Children.
Tie Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature af
SOUTH and EAST via
:rn Pacific Co
Shasta Route
before Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of Lime llidge,
Wis., by her doctor after vainly trying
to cure her of a frightful case of stomach
trouble and yellow jaundice. He didn't
; count on the marvellous power of Elec
tric Bitters to cure stomach and liver !
troubles, but she heard of it, took seven
1 bottles, was wholly cured, avoided sur
eeon.s knife, now weighs more and feels
better than ever. It is positively guar
anteed to cure stomach, liver, and kid
ney troubles and never dissapoints.
Price 50c at Biakelev's druc store. 1
laox U.lLLKS.
Fast Salt Lake. IKsuver. Ft.
Mail Worth. Omaha, Kan
12,ij p. m. City, st. Urals,
Chicago uuil KslsU
1:05 t- c
12ra. m.
Via Hunt-inston.
Sal: 1-al.s. Denver. Ft. I li a. ra
Worth, Omaha, Kan
sas Cltv, fit. Louis,
Chicago and Host.
' Paint your bouse with
fully guaranteed to last.
have them.
paints that ara
Clarke & Falk
Canal anit Lock.
Washington", Jan ".Chairman Bur
ton, when asked today if be favored the
repeal of the boat railway project for
the dalles of the Columbia, said that he
did, most emphatically; that the boat
railway was highly impracticable, and
he f-hould use every effort to have the
project wiped out. He would not be
willmc to consider any other project un
til this had been set aside and the
money turned back into the treasury,
for he did no: propose to have the bal
snce used as a ciub over him and the
committee to force the substitution of a
new- project. He was free to admit that
lUf jiriiii.-e road proposition could never
le adopted, fur it opens up the question
of government ownership of roads, and
hat cju never have congressional sanc
tion. His conuiu-iou is that the canal and
locks If the oulv feasible nroiect. and
the onlv one that can ultimately he se
cured; but he thinks the cost, ?4,000,
000, is entirely out of proportion to the
amount of commerce to be benefited at
this time. He eaye Oregon has much
more than her share in the pending bill,
and if piovision were made for the
dalles improvement, the nameof the bill
would have to be changed to "A bill for
tr- improvement of Oregon rivers and
He is under the impression that Ore
gin has already received more consider
ation than its commerce justifies, and
became nettled wh-n pressed to continue
projects which the engineers had report
ed disparagingly on, eo that when merit
orious propositions were offered he was
In no spirit to entertain them.
Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and way
stations at ivio a. m. and 3 p. m.
Leave Portland :0)am
" Albany 12.30 ara
Ative Ashland 12:.:; a ra
" sacraniento 5:CO p m
' sau Francbco Trttpiu
Arrive Ogdon 5: IS a m
" Denver il:f a m
" Kan-asCJity .7:35 am
" Chicago ' 7: IS a m
0:25 p. m
Walla Walla, bpofcane,
Minneapolis. St. Paur,
) u 1 u t h, Milwaukee,
j Chicago aud Y.ksI, via
.SDOKaneaEd Kuntinc-
! ton. alo all point in
Washington and Kast- 3:30 a. m
em Oregon.
J. E.
of ..
Commercial Sample Rooms.
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of the City.
173 Second Street.
Phones ;
51 Local,
S5S Long Distance.
Arrive Los Angeiei I:i0pm
' Ei Ph-o C:(.ij ra
" Fori Worth caftm
" City oi Mexico 9:55 a in
' Hoution 4:toa m
' New Ortatn .. .. 6:-J5am
" Washineton 6: l-Jnra
' :'ew Yuri . a p m
Clarke & Falk haye received a carload
of the celebrated Jame E. Patton
atrictly pure liquid paints.
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints wnen yon can buy James ..
'Patton's sunproof paints for f 1.50 per
7:C0pra : gallon, guaranteed for 5 vears. Clark &
10:.;. m pa;t, agents. " ml
ii:sam Dyspepsia can be cured bv using'
s;i;aS Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little;
Tablet will give immediate relief or;
, money refunded. Sold in handsome tin '
11:15am tnx.a t ''.I pre R1mI-.1mi- rh. rtrtit.fFiar I
Experience is the best Teacher. Use i
i Acker's English Kemedv in anv case of i
coughs, cold- or croup. Should it fail to ,
Vwv ra L''ve 'U3rae(1'at,i relief money refunded.!
:: am ; -5 cts. and 3U cts. Blakek-y", the drug
e. Mam gist. i
6:35 pro.' A Night of Terror.
0-43 B ro :
1213pm; "Awful anxietv was felt for the
8 p. m.
, Ocean .Steamships.
' For San Francifco
Every Five Da?s.
4 p. m.
6 p. m. 4 p. m
Ei.unday Cfllumoia p.v. Steamers. Kx.buuif
To As-TOBiA and Way
Saturday Landings.
10 p. m.
Ca. m. WjiLAKETTE P.IVKR. 4:30p.m.
Hx.5undayiOreson City, N"ewbrg, Ei.sunday
aalem A Way Land's.
Si:f.Oa m i
7 :23 E m
a. m,
cud rat.
HILL l:iVi:Kt.
Orepon City, Dayton,
and Way-I sndinss.
3:30 v ra.
and Fri.
s -35 c. m.
Itlparia to IjavUioa.
9:U a. m
r -
a J. STUBbliNG,
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Phone 234,
Next door to First Xutionui Hank,
fit r..rrj r; r; TyciTyiir;TiT,i v; t.t. r. t.t . r v w t ;
Pullman ami Tourist ears, on txith trains
Chair car Sacramento to Lfileii and Ei Pjo.
and tourist oar to ChiCd?o, .-t LotiU, Ketr tn
leant and Washington.
Conncctiuc at san Francisco with several
steamship line ir Honolulu, China,
Philippines, Central aud south Amuriea.
Set- agent at The Dalles station, or address
General PasMitaer Agent, Port.imd, r
widow of the brave Genera! Uurnharn of
1 Machine. Me., when the doctors said
. r.-r.i'v.x.
Parties rtcM;im to no to Ilctmiier or
joints on Columbia .Southern via Ifiggs. should
late No. 2. lenvinc The IiaII. Mt V tfk t. tt,
she could not live til! morning," writes malting direct connections at Heppner junction
ii c u ri.,,.,.1 i ,, ,ji ' end Bigg,. Keturnlng mujtingtlirw.-tcoiiuwtlon
.Mrs. ft. H. Lincoln, who attended her ut Heppner Junction and Hlggs with Ko.
that fearful nicht. "All thoutrht she . rivl:,B at Tt"e Dal!es m.
The O. P.. it . kteamsr "M jdoc",Is now mnl:-
int? Tenilnr !Hn. tn .tlrm mH ln,j.,..,it.
begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, stopping at ail way landing!, rihe le'-Port-
iiiu uu jiumtiis. euiierjays aim rriaays ut
na'on i p. m and irideiiKi-
nignt. "All thoutrht she ,.
uiust soon die from Pneumonia, but she
; begged for Dr. King's Sew Discovery,
saying it had more than once S3Ved her . r, a. ra., arriving at
L. Lane,
1T il Tl
Ill flu
encu ahout 6 p. m. on tamv dayn. ileturuing
toat leaves lndetedunce at ' a. ra. and Halcm
atba. ra. on Tuesday. Thursdays and Satur
days, arriving at Porllund about u p. m. sumo
life, und had cured her of Consumption
After three small closes she slept easily
all night, and its further use completely
cured her." This marvelous medicine' For full mrtimiian. mii n.
is Guaranteed to nnrp nil Thrnat. . "gent The DaUet. or address
, and Lung Diseases. Only 50c and $1.00. ' oc. pVaV"' Portland! Or
, Trial bottles free at Blakeley's " " "
drng store. 1 Uow to Curl' firoup.
P.. A Jf. Co.'e
Yellowstone Park Line.
. uaiaa Dewi. nruaid I su
11:13 A. M
NpauUli nteamIil H'rrckeil.
New York, Jan. 7. The little Spanish
Bteamship ban Augustin has been
wrecked on a small islet in Smith Chan
ne', ft'traits of Maeellan. The British
jBteamship Cova, which arrived in New
York last night, saved the passengers
and crew, 102 in number, from attack i t,:a)
by tin pirates off the coast and landed 1
all hands at Puuta Arenas. j puiiman
they cauld lay hande on
from the wreck.
Fait mall for Taeotna,
ecAttk-i OlympU. Gray's
Harbor and south Ik-iid
KjiiiIs, nMil:anc-, Rou
nd, IS. C, Pullman,
JIowiw, U-Mlstou, Buf
faloilurap mining coun
try, Helena, JilntH.-m..-lis,
St. Paul, Oraahn
Kansas City, St. Unl,
Cnlcigo and all j-olnu
east and soutliea.t.
Pnget bound t.Xru.
P. M. for 'Xaeoma uud hiittic
Hhd intercitdiate j-iiiii
!:) P. 31.
Nt. A
7;CiA il.
In all Its tti;ta there
tliouid be cltatilme).
Ely's Cream Balm
, c,eanj,ioo,,iieiandrra!
the discited mmbrsne.
It cires caurrh and drives
' away a coM in the head
C'reutn Ilalm Is pUccd Into the nostrils, tpreida
over the membrane and Is absorbed. Relief Is Iu
mediiteacd a cure follows. It Is cot drying loe
' not produce sneezing. Large Size, 0 tents at Drug.
glsti jr by mall; Trial Size, 10 tents by mail.
; W.V IXOTHEItS, M Warren .V.rewt, I.'ew York.
t-1 f
Wagon and Carriage Werk.
Flah Brothers' Wagon.
Third and Me, piione 159
Mr. K. Gray, who lives near Amenia,
Duchess county, N. Y., says : "Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy is the best medi
cine I have ever used. It is a fine
children's remedy for croup and never
S IA . lltl
i aw a 10 cure. utn given bb eoun a&
tht pViiIrl tfonmua iifiaroo nr LAit oft,..
I the croupy cough has developed, it will
prevent the attack. This should
, borne in mind and a bottle of the Cougt:
j ,-- .--..j .v.. iiiomiii, ... , ! U..I. 1...,. ..: ,a
. . . i ' -"u- ... imr -,i lu reenoii
eible parties on shnree Aim'v to
HlfOn Anom Puma
I vjgucuoia vui c
Digests what you eat.
'C It artificially digests the food and aide
'j Nature In strengthening and reeon-
atructing the exhausted digestive or-
2 rjans. Itisthelatestdiscovereddlgest-
ant and tonic. No other preparation
3 cao approach it in efficiency. Itln-
cjj stantly relieves and permanently cures
,5 DvBpepsla,. Indigestion, Heartburn,
,5 Ilatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
A falclc Headache, Gastralgla.Crampsand
ouuuuli icauitaui tniperieciaigestion.
llcS?lc-.,)d ,fsiecontatift1mei
small site. Ilook all about dyspepsiamnlledtm
-cjsred by E r DcVITT a CO.. Cblcag
fe'old by Clurke it Kalk's 1. O. Ffiariiiucv.
use as soon as tnese aympiome appear
For sale by Blakeiey, the drugsifit.
i- Belgian Hares to Lease.' French ro'
1;! I have about 100 thoroughbred does
n30 2w
C. K
Iirt rlj, mid tonri-: l.i- it.
pirrttes K-tiu ewarm on that coast ' iwl'i',: ,'"ul a"'1 i,lMUUrl P""'
jjhu lanen an
0n. L'btsusIi Oyins; of Ulil Age.
New Yek, Jan. 7. Brigadier-General
James Cavanagh is dying from old
gent hie home in Brooklyn. He lias
Vastlbuleit trains. I'nloti derail r-nimM-tlr.rn
lu all priiic-iixtl cities,
luggage cheeked 10 destlnattoii of tickets.
for liandomo!y lllusiiateddeacriptivi-matter,
tlciielt, sievping-car reservallous, etc., call on or
AnUtnnt General Passenger Arcut. ilorri
ou fitieet.coruer Third, Portland Oregon.
In future anv arid all inmiirleu rxlu.
Vut item or Hi. . tjve t0 delinquent taxes muHt be made
The Sam Wilkinson warehouse, on ' t0 t,,e county clerk, an he is custodian of
First street, is for rent or sale. It lg a 1 HnQuent tax sale record and rolls. Tne
three.story, corrugated iron building, ' el,fc,r!r hav,.MP JPd law in
110x33 feet, with water elevator. Apply ', ",aki"f fie of Minueni x,e, he is
to Kam Wilkinson, The Dalles. nL'C-tf completely out of the tax-collecting
business till March next. dlli-lniA
Sick Headache absolutely and perrna-'
nently cured by nsinK Moki Tea. A Miss Haven wishes to annoutiPH tnt onlv
lii Dalles.
Ilixjtni luimd li. flint. inmi Wi,c;
Tl.v Hallo,
Pepsin preparations olten fail to tn.
I lieve indigestion because they can digest
uiimminoiis foods. There is one
ritA.VHACT A i:.SLP.AI. HA s'KJNti ( N tM
j Letters of Credit issued available In the
: EaHtern Rtutet.
bight Exchange and THeirHlii
fransfers Hold on Nw York, Chiuwo,
nt. Uie, ban Fr.tnciHco, l'ortluinJ Ore-
gon, heattle Wush,. and various points
in Oregon and Waiilnngton.
CpllectionB innde t all wilr on fv.
ruble terum.
ami indigestion makes vou eat sleep uu,,n !" uT" " l"T"n "M " C,HHt,;H of
and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or rU8r)' ehe HiU ulUr aU ,,er rennlng , food, r,d tl.ut Is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
money back". : cte. andoucu, JJlakeley, ; "n"-" ' winter millinery at greatly re. it cures the worst cases of indigestion
iduced prices, preparatory to receiving
Clarke & Falk have on aale a fall line I spring goods. Trimmed hats at just
I half price. d30 2w
of paint aud artist's brushee.
nu gives instant relief, for it dig
wnat you eat. (Jlarke & Falk I
Pl.mplM, tV.fsnt
scb das- la n.c
i.rsirsrn. Xucnu.
rcx.'.r full Lo. ...
'-'.HK0 CO n,M Z