NEW HTTRHCTIONS AT OUR GREAT REDUCTION SALE. This Palo has proven to bo one of the most successful ever undertaken by the house. The people that have crowded into our store the last few days goes to show that they appreciate real bargains. A good many customers have been disappointed on account of not having been waited upon promptly. The rush was beyond our expec tationsour help did the best, they could we have employed more for our Dry Goods Department and are now in a better position than ever to look after your wants. There will be new attractions daily come and see them. The store seems biggest in the mornings. Can you come then? But eome when you can, we will sec that your wants are attended to. The Triumphant Success df Dm firnt few days of our CLKA RANCH saI K NjiurtkH wonders for the (jnaiity ol our offerings. Wo Mart again today with in creased energy, bound to make .January, U'OI, the greatest celling month in the his tory of our Clothinu Department. PRICES TALK MKS'S WlNTKIt SUITS-Over twenty diHar- i-nt pAtlt-rnri to i-elect from tpo.&O MKN'S WI.VTKU SUITS In a wide selection of new pattern1!. Made and finished fjual to regular g- a $10 00 hhiI $1 00 uili 90.00 MKN'S ALL WOOL SI' ITS A wonderful line to make your "election from. comprising worsteds, cheviots, vi ctinaa, meltons and cerges in all the latest- jmtternp, otnineticing at S7.35 to S17:85. Suits that retail regularly from $10-00 to ''' 00. Boys' and Youths' Winter Clothing. We 1 fl'-r extraordinary baigaln in fact we have placed on our counters overtlV) boys' vesteeand double lircrtMHil suits that must tie fold. I, )T 1 Suits that pold regularlv from 1 to $2. Clearance Trice ". OVC LOT 2 Suit that Bre worth from $2 2b to ?::60; Clearance Price Jpl.O 1.0 T ". Ltrge line of all-wool "tvliih suits. coid regularly from $.'! to fb ; Clearance Price P l.y7 HOYS' OVIiRCOATS AN I) ULrKit? mice Price $1 95 to $7.35 M -n. Winter Underwear. .M- U'tiilom wool shirts or drawers; A li" .1 I , I ). JtJJ ivy li'iitii'.l -!tirte or drawers; Clear- ' y o tegular 75c value? ; Clear- 39c 59c A 1.1 ' -iM , regular il .00 values1 ; Clearance 0 Price. DdC A large line of Mori's Colored Dress Shirts. tiii patterns, regular Soc, if 1.00 nnd $1 .23 ; q C.earatii'M Price OyC SEE WINDOWS. Eiderdown Jackets. Vou know of the warmth and coziness of these .Jackets; we still have a few left at 75C wortn double. HOSIERY. These cold mornings there is nothing nicer than to slip ones' feet into a air of wool or fleece-lined hose. Our values in a good many instances are less than half the regular price. Look at them when you enter our corner door. There are six or seven lots, all makes, some at 11c, 14c, 19c, 21c, 27c, 31c, worth up to 7oc. CORSETS. A lady does not buy a corset every month in the year, but here is one she can afford to buy and throw it away and then have the best end of the bargain. Only small and large sizes left. 25c per pair. .lust think! steels are worth loc. PEASE & MAYS This ttore closes at 0:15 p. m. TOWELS. In linen and cotton, we have them in all kinds for the bath and wash room, and the good old-fashioned kind, "Crash," for the hands. Our price for a fair towel is 3 1-2 cents. Of course we have better at 7c, 9c, 1 le, loc and 19c. Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. The feet, above everything else these cold days, have to be given one's special at tention. Look at our prices and then visit our shoe department for a general inspection. Men's congress and lace 07c Boys' calf and grain 97c Ladies' cloth top and kid lace 9.1c " kid welt hutton $1 53 " kid turn Bole, lace 1 93 " spring heel, lace, bntton, 2u to (1 93c Misses' kid, spring heel, lace, button, 1 1 . to 2 1 13 Childs' ' 8 to 11.... 83o " " " " " , " 5 to S 73c " goat, " " " 5toS ."3c " " " " " 9 to 12 03n ' kid " " button, 3 to 8 40c PEASE & MAYS This store closes at 0:15 p. in. Standard Patterns. Standard Patterns, every one knows they have to be sold at the publisher's price. We act only as agents and to keep up our sale in this end of the department, wo are willing to give you our profit. All 5c Patterns 3c. u IOC 20C 25C 7c. 11c. 14c. 18c. GROCERIES. Some live to eat, and others eat to live, but these cold days we can do nothing but eat, drink and be merry. If you have no appetite, here is a list that will make you hungry. Dunbar's orange presence, per can 20; Melrose sliced peaches, per can S'c Bold in Island asparagus '.'0c Bayles lunch herring '. 15ij Boneless sardines, o 20c Beardsley lunch herring JOc 1.9 Croit'sardines, ls 11c La Rochelle sardines, a 10c Mustard sardines, b oc K. C. Baking Powder. 50 oz. -10c ; SO 07. liie Alta Baking Powder, 5 It. $1.30; 2s It 70c Club House assorted preserves, per bottle 25c Cross it Blackwell marmalade, per bottle 20c White Ash Floating Soap, per bar 2,'.jc Columbia White Oats, per package 7c PEASE & MAYS This store closes at 0:15 p. m. re Dalles Daily Chronicle. - - - JAN. 8, 1901 TL'i MMY Oysters served In any stylo... At Andrew Keller's. TJiH.YSFKER'.S NOTICE. .til U n.i'o County nurrnulH rrcinteictl print ti if pt.-mlur 1 , I HUT, will l paid mi prri.i-iitudiiii nl mjr iffl', !nterel "" ufl. r November 311. 1 '.((). .IOI1N I'. HA.MI'MIIUK, On il ut J Tl ruurir WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Head A. M. Williams & Co's ad, and profit by it. The steamer Iraldo tied up liibt iiirht for the winter. "liotp, (or the wife and cliildren, at 'noney-saving prices if you go to AM. Williams & Co. for them. ' Tlie Dalles Distillery Company today moved tlnjir odlce and headquarters from Second street to the dibtillery at the Mission Kardms. i- iscnmiut, wtiu was elected county petition being nothing more than a binding agreement not 0 patronize the corporation until it shall extend to Atoria the same freight rates as are allowed points on the t-ouud. At a raboit drive last Sunday on But ter cr-ek, ten iniie southwest of Kcho, I'matilla county, in which nearly 150 persons participated, 11100 rabnits and one coyote int ttie (lint, the iJeppner people will have Sunday and will probably run an excur eioti train to it. The foUortim' ollicer3 were iuvtallei last nljrht'H sei-sion of Friendship Lodt'e, No. 9, K. of I.: It, G. Dayenport, C, C; J. T. Neil-, V. C. ; J. K. Harnett. P.; J. W. Blakeney, M. of W.; John (Javin, M. o( F. ; W. K. Walther, M. of K. ; U. W. Vause, K. of It. and .; J. F. Moore has returned from a trip to South Africa j and announces himself a strong British sympathizer, thotii:h he savs he went there prejudiced the other way Ah Othr Sue V. The following is clipped from . week's issue of the Wasco News : ' . . "A trlii nn Mill ttreelr. Drv other statement he makes 'is one that ",A 'rl" P Mill Creek, Dry Hollow i , . ..... ' ami niree .Miie, win convince any mail Luiu mi nuiuiiuitii iiiai inure ' mat mere are enouiMi goon apjiies now lie wa were between 2000 and .".000 Americans ' fighting in the Briti-h army. Pnselbly, , but we doubt it. Jf there was even that mticli of a aprinkllnt: o( Americans! another killing next 1 111 tnal army in Atrica it would do better i j woik than has characterized it lately. t! ... took ii at i i ne loiiowiijg in a t ypoeraMiiical error, last, I 1 I lyinK on the ground to supply all Sher man county with winter apples. Many trees are well supplied with l)ij; apples frozen during the November storm, while those on the ground did not freeze. If the orchardists around The Dalles the same care of their trees that the people of Hood" Kiver do of theirs, they would equal, if not excel, the Hood loore from the I'iunkville Bugle : "Only at .1... ........ .. T.. .TV .1... I ..u.cul..iTniu, .,. i immune, inKver ,)(;0j)!e in ,ll0 production of line iiui-i, uu yik iimiuuiirii iijhi, hib line in liis contribution of last week that read 'She had a ciieek like Modes' should have been 'She had cheeks like roses.' M. at A. ; Adam Kaufman, I. (i. J As we said before, it i only because the Pat Crowe, who Im creited ueh a j 1)ard rained tuch a rint that we make furore in the "under w irlil" and caused j 'be correction, since the I'iunkville so much trouble tn fie police in the ; Udisf.' Literary, Dramatii', Theosophical Midt'le West, was at one time a Walla i a"'1 Ethical Study Club had designed to Wallan, accnrdiiitf to u paper publislieil j tak P fie Hi"' for study at its next in that city. JIo U quite well remem i meeting, to consider the esoteric mean, berod bv several who were acmiaiiited ! i hidden therein, ami we do bate to with him at that lime; a d it has been thonzht he might head that way in his i effort to neek a place of safety. C, Died. In thin city, Monday, Jan. 7th, at p. m., Minnie, daughter of Mr. and iMrf. William Oroehler, aged 15 years, amessor last June, entered upon the ",0,,t" lUK1 -8 l,rt'8' ,,or waa 'luttee of his otlice vesterday on the re-1J'l,lit0 t,ll,1,," tt"11 uni'xpeetud, although tirement of Mr. Whipple at the close of) llH,J beu for S0"'B ti,,,J vvltl' pnuumonia. 1 tie grief-stricken parents l.ui... tl.u ut'li. litl I ll l rhl llilu whose ages""1" ' ' 7 ,. " . :.. ... . , . i com muilll v in ineir gieai nibf. .ine i funeral will take place from the l.uth- Whipple that uentleinan'n second term. Thirteen colored women, range from 85 to 75, are attending night fllMfil tl. .lu,. !.. .....I I. .1-1.,,. Il.olr' "rm lesaons in readiDg. Several of the older women weru born in slavery. 'I'hln the body Htm Its cure, lie ui jve tlie caiibe by mechanical inaulpu. laiioiii and liealth must prevail. This interfere with any outcropping of the desire for mental growth now surging in the bosouiB of womankind." In dianapolis I'ress. State Senator K. I Mays will intro duce a bill In the coming legislature to give the electors, at all future state elec tions preceding the election of an United States senator, an opportunity of ex- fruits. With the exception of Judge Bennett's orchard, those of Mill Creek are an eye sore to the horticulturist and a drawback to the development of the wonderful resources of this locality. Three Mile orchards are still worse, while Dry Hollow is little superior. "The late census report of the popula tion of Tlie DalleB is hard to believe. If correct when taken, Undo Sa.n's time of enumeration is the wrong 6eaeon ol I the year for the reason that a largo per centage of a small city's population is 'scattered and in many cases no one is I left who can give an accurate account of j those gone. More people are building houses in The Dalles this year than for I many years past. Nearly, if not all, the good houses ate occupied and scores of ; shanties are tilled with tenants, there fore the doubt concerning the census ru- We do Steam, hot water and furnace heating. Intimates made and contracts taken for heating old or new buildings. Xto not forget That we operate a plumbing and tin shop, also a ma chine repair shop in connection with our hardware and implement store, Repair work of all kinds done. XHA1TS CROWE. t t t t t ...Given Away pressing ineir cnoice lor mis oince. j ne i p0rt Dill will provide that the names or the, ruH year iimiiy niciresidenees urn regularly nominated candidates for sen-, going up in the Pinna? The hospital ator, of all political parties, shall be I . Hn ornament tothe city. A stone tomorrow, Wednesday, at 1 Placed on the ollicial ballot and voted j basement and for, and the votes counted as in tlie case . ! eran church ! 2 o'clock. i A tiamp, who gave his name as James j Kelly, wa- arn-eled last night on First j street, near lint Wilkinson wari;houBe, as i he was opening a teleccupe valise that I... t I !... . . ...I - I... ....It i lie nun jum muni Hum i vi"iin'i"ii other additions are being built to the Kpiscopal pal church. The of other candidates. Duplicate lib- mKinherH of the Cafvarv Hantist church stracts uf the yoto for the cenatorial can-, j,ttVH jBt put up aiiploiidid edillce cost didates shall be certified un to both jni! m)!lry $:,000. On the opposite Mde houses of t e legislature, where the vote 0f IJtilori street fclng the Calvary Bap. list church, stands that handsome house birloneing to the Lutheran the basic principal of Osteopathy. ' llH liu(i M,,i,MI (rom .i,., (vi0ii 1 shall bo counted and the name of the 'Jr. It. IS. Smith, Osteopath, room 17, j,an lo,).!,, mUv. The valise is the candidate for senator having the highest f worsliip ogt block. ! property of a .lapauei-e. The examlna-1 number of uites aiinounced to each : people. lliere will ben special meeting of Hun of Kelly was et for 'J o'clock this , house. Jollowiug this announcement "The publlt! school system of that city rnendihip Lodge No. 0, K. of I'., In ufternoon, but as all the witniHses, with , hoiues are to proceed to vote in tlie , j next to perfect as Is attested by the tbeir Castle hull tomorrow Wednesday) the execution of OUicer Aliskv, were ! "iar reijiiireii by aci of congress. i number of high grade teachers turned evening, at which time the brethren are , Japanese and requested to bo present, us some very important matters v, III be disposed of. Aslorlann are circulating a petition among shippers and biuluees men of tbt place, in an eudeavor to secure a fcoyc-Jtt analnit the O, It. & N. Co., the could not understand : A , , k . , Knglish.or make themselves understood, mv fH) ,((t(, UM al A M W,, the hearing was postponed till an in- ,t Cd'h terpreter can be found. W, S. U'lten, of Clackamas county, the whlloln prophet of referendum and initiation populism, fusion and hold-up, The cloth and trimmings alone are worth more than A. M. Williams A Co, utk for the finished jacket. lout from it each vear." t - ; Such little pills as DeWltts Little hirly Risers are very easily taken, ami they are wonderfully ell'ective in cleans- lug the liver and bowels. Clarke A, Falk I'. O. Pharmacy. ' With ovury Dollar's worth of goods purchased at our storu during January and February, wo will give pno ('banco on the following prizes: FIRST PRIZE One Ahiminized Garland Steel Range. SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland- Cast Iron Heating Stove. THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated Knives and Forks. FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork and Steel. FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle. SIXTH PRIZE One Nicklo Plated Condenser Cof fee Pot. SEVENTH PRIZE-One Niokle Plated Tea Pot, hi addition to giving away those prizes we will sell got ids tis low as the lowest, and will always bo ready to serve the trade in the best possible way. Wo will positively not be undersold by any one. Our prices ant right. MHIER St BENTON. ,,H1 1