.1 i.l W. ot. . 1 I : I at fome oi the ratheries? of pioneer la LOB 1aUeS lflliy VliTUWUiG.J the West. Then there are foar tirriBB , - - "Tales of Oar laland Se$," picturing TUESDAY - - - JAN. 5, 1W1 tie adventures of the sailors on the .VoU, Members oi Mt. Hood Camp, No. 59, and of Cedar Circle, No. S, with has- j Via rt W tOfi ft fl II lilt tta(S A. - reatLe, and four "True Tales from jo at Fratern5 hR on A B&ker City correspondent of j the Zoo, told ! by famous keepers and Tnwd,v. j,BaT S 1W1, t0 ptldp,e the Orctoaian. steniac btoself -T Jners . w,.,d bc?: f, " ' in th installation of the of5cers of both i only a befinninp. We shall be glad Jo orders. . - . . . t J . 1 anc nreieaaiac to cie sae ms. ami , t,:...a i-,o. f rtn Mm cine tnrinl citMAtinn in tv :.u l 8 pOJ time. uuti vu - v .4.-. .... - - volume inr l ;vi nuu raui iir u'.'u: vji Eastern Oregon, among a naaber of the paper free to anv address. cnnwrnnlr ?;lr rrfv5.tinr- of hi own The Yorrn'- CoxrAXiO.v. --t" -V - - - JO-. srisi your hammers ana nave By request of committee. " C. H. Snows. or some other equally addled brain says : J"Altboagh there has been nuch backing and filling there still re mains a fight between the gold stantlard and silver elements in the republican party." There is no: a sctDttlla of imth in this. The one thing that the November campaign settled for all time is that there js Boston, Mass. This season there is larpe death rate amonc children from croup end lues: ! .... troubles. Prompt action will save the Notice, ; little ones from tbeee terrible diseases. All members of A. 0. U. W. are re- VTe kaox of aotbiop so certain to cive quested to meet at Fraternity hall at instant relief as One Minute Cooph ; p. a. Thursday, Jan. 10, 1M1, as Cure. It n also be relied upon in business of importance will be trans- gnppe and all tfcroat anil lace troubles ; riee;ant to take. Clarke A harmacr. C. . and Fern L-uice Xo. . D. of H. AS! members and visitiaj members are acted. There will be a jiict installation of adults. :.f orSr? of Temple Lodce N 3, A. 0. , ?Klk ?b no longer a silver element tin the rto nested to tv present. Tae screen of A .Mounter Drill TUh Destroying its victim, is a type of can- stination. The rower o: this marderoas a free-coinaje-at-a-false- exhibited by the A. O. U. ; j. ;s fen oa orfajj? and nerves and i-i.vo , mntp'.m and brain. There's no health il it's overcome. But Dr. Kinc's Xew , ( sense ratio dement i in the republican party. The man who is not for the jrolfl standard in Eastern Oregon, or elsewhere is a Bryanite. The; ghost of 15 to 1 will do service m n Oregon senatorial campaign never more. J. M. Fixioos, Master Workman. Best in the world for stomach, liver, i Only 25 cents at 1 The Oregonian complains that Senator .McBride's friends are try ing, through the medium of a bureau, to secure his re-election, and hints that this is unfair. "What a pity, in deed, that every aspirant for sena torial honors hasn't money to bay Totes '. This thing of asking a man to vDte, without offerinc anv tnone- GOING EAST- Tf van intend tf t.ke a triD East, ack ! vour 'ticket agent to roote yoa via The t2a?y. towels. Pro.- rSh. & jr.iv.ora and ntwio-date Blakeiey's drag store. railroad in every particular. ! A iricnffni Blander Throuch trains from Chicasr. Ksnsas Will often cause a horrible barn, City, Omaha or Si. Loais to Xr York sca1-J. cr.: ,ir hrnise. Bnckien's Arnica and Sew England points. All trains Sa'.vr. the tf: in the world, will kilt ran via Xiaj&ra Falls and every throach the pain and promptly heal it. Cures train has free reciiaicc chair cars, sleep- old sores, fever sores, alcers, boils. corns, Complete Cipe of Drj$s at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. THE CELEBRATED 1 .GOIiUlWBIA BREWEKY ... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery the United States Health P.eporf for June 19.0. says: "A more supeiior brew never entered the labratorv of the United states HenUh reports. It is absolutely devoid of the slichtest trace of Bdu!tert!on, baton the other hand is composed of the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high est and it can be used with the creates: benefit and satisfaction by old and voanc. Its use cin conscientiously be prescribed by the physician with the cersaintv that a better, pnrer or more wholesome beverape could not possibly be fonad." THE DALLES. OREGON. t East Second Stree: - icf and diniag cars. Stop over allowed oa all tickets at agara Falls. Boss C Cast, Pacific Coast Pass. Art.. Los Arceles. Calif. C 5. CEAxr. G. P. A.. Si. Louis. Mo. Floral lotior and eaabarn. wia care wind cl:appinc Maaafactared bv C'arcc felons and ail skm eruptions. Beit pile cere oa earth. Only S3 c:s. a bax. Core paaraateed. Sold by G. C. BJake t ley crncjrist. 1 A fall :r.e of Eastman alms and sup plies ins: received by Clarke & Flk. tarv consideration, is extrcmelv re-' Falk. pugnant to the Oregonian and is a method of doing business that should be immediately wiped oat. Won't the politicians of Oregon please have pity on a poor old man who hasn't got a thing bat money and stop this peisonal canvas for McBrtder Astoria 2sew. For sale One set sreond-haad car penter tools m the late Roderick Mc-' Keal, a: Me1-' A Benton's. Si-lw Country lreeher. Stvlish Dressed Men.... Are those who wear clothes tha.: are up-to-date in fit. workmanship and caslity. My iiae o: samples covers all trie iatest dtriims for fall and winter, the price is Just What You uaant. 12 Tnere was a conlerence of Methodist ministers at Norfolk, Virginia, recently, &t which the members made reports o: their work daring the pas: v-ar, and told was: their salaties were. One man bad received nothinf. Another bad an income of twenty-sir dollars. Many, without a thought of complaint or re- all prose'n, reported sams so piufally s s to be almost beyond belief. The coaditioas are ao: peca' :ar either barber shop, treat. to tba: conference or to thf Methodist church. Tnere are men in other parts of the coaotrv and m all the deaoraina- Amonc tne ;ea; of thoasinds whohave nsed ChBnir-rlain's Coapn Hemedy for colds and rn'ppe during 'he jPast few years, to oar kaowi-dee.no: a sincle case has resulted in pheamoais. Tbos. Whitneld fc Co., i'43 Wabash sveaae, Chicago, one of the most prominent re tail draggisa ia that city, :a speaking of right, and I can guarantee a pertVct at. this, says: "We recommend Caamber- lasa s tonga itemeay tor ia enppe in many cases, as :: not only gives prompt and complete recovery.bat aiso counter acts any tendency of ia grippe to resal: in pneumonia." For sale by Blakeley, tne druggist. It your hair is dry and desa-lik", Cc eaanat Cream Toaic wisi give :: :ife and laster. I: is nronoaocvd :h- anes: :oaie oa earth. Can be nad at Frarer's it. s- -- ' v t 'i t- fcr -V4 1 txfi New ideas ia Crandall 5 Barget dealer.- i-v Robes, All kinds of undertake i BuriaSh Faneral Supplies embalmers Etc The Dalles. Or. ai'-im VJcality and not qsaatity mikrs De Wi::s Li:t5e Earlv Risers such va'.u&b Suits to Order, SIO.OO. John Pashek. The Tailor. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Wall Paoer here. Such wide variety as we are ebowine never be fore graced a single stork. Real imita tion cretoa effects at ordinary prices. Gtd papers at cheap parer prices. E:egaa: desigas, tasteial colorings, yoars for a s mail price, a: oar store oa Third street. A-lso a fall line of boase paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Ci3 ' . Iit:le liver rLls. tsons service, ske these, Jor smaller pj3armfic.v. wages than the bod-carrier or the cross- , ...... .. Thev are the coaa-' . "n aire canuruz. your ikiijnp oui. t sr uocsanui urea: sale a: Frarer's barter shop. JESISNS CCPTRiCKTS ii t i fit -re - r rtrr- aa;r ror m Remember tba: Cccoaac WiJl romo:e croir:h of hair. ' f Frarer, sole agent. Cream Toaic Charies E-la piece o: aaanel dampened rag sweeper earas iry preacaers woo mate up ise rsac ca; r.r---i fho- q.t and ale of the. armv of the church, and do the hardest of the work. It is ther wno bold the remote oa posts oi civii;rition eaics: reiigioas . ipnoraace and cabelief; who break the bread of Sue ia little back wooas ca area- pece o: aaanei ctmpeaei w et and father their congregations :a Cnsraberiaia's ?a Balm and bound :o cross-roads schDolhoases. They beg ihe affected par:? i; suwrsor to any xealoasly for missioaary iaads, taey plaster. When troable-d with lame back plead earnestly for money to build co',- or pains in the side or chest, give it s leges tad assist other chaiches ; bat of trial and yoa are cf rtaia to be more their own needs tbey sav little. ' tbaa pleased wi:i tae prompt re.jef Tbey never receive "eius" from rith '"aich it affords. ?f la Balm aiso cares and icfiaentltl parishes. Taey never rheumatism. One tpp;icatioa gives re open the morning paper to see their lief. For sale by Bltke'.ey. the druggist. came ia the bead-lines and their ser mons in the news colamas. Year after year, ia patience aad with smiling, faces, they tcswer the countless petty ca.is open taeir strength aad sympathy : aad when at length tbey fall, others, wno know all the conditions, all the htrd tbiDS they mas: iter, are yet wiping to e:ep to their places aad carry forward their work. Scientific Jfmerlcam - f .-tkr - Z i :; WIUNN I Co.w- New York bnic irSos C J 5"- '.To'- ti . Xj. C NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. No:icf ii tznj fives thi: iw miraenei tt tit: J SleS irXa li . srse ."ier A Lvx C-KirtT. Crvctr. Ju t.itl necxKml u re;-: tt isa$t:cT ui is ts-'-tie AfiiCj.r ipi.Lt. izfvtfi. si tit: -i&iTH!CLVi '.otrjtr : urr txrf itonitj-tseMi ir o! j,nTtjLj- jit.'. n: 19 o eiwr t ca! Si isr tie Bat. t&d tt Cunrr csr: jwat of tit .co:t Uw pjw tec tttriic .tii tatu tcwni.: as rr P'jk. JJ.. ",ert.u t3r-rf jr mjS tt: tre WW'? Uvinti :i t;-;Ar f. Sat tx: tt-i Hrir e-we. ii itiert t-i. urtj- ud ivv rt Tne theme of the coaatry preacher SSsSS. t7 " wz "i-"- i.ttis:iri.tic v4 it e-U". ml AtSoljiC Acii:c, K7 F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith. Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Bsr Ssssee & LshtdBl 7m 151 Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ?u kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, mTf'd Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOn FlOUr T:E J3r lf asanafactured erpressly for famllv as . everr pack is rutrantt-l to give Eatisfactioa'. a se.. oar roods .owcr than aay h nse .a the trae. and if von don't trunk eo cz.. tad get ur prices aad be coaviaced. ' Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. 3 Z. SVcsrit'Ti, 2- X Entt. First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - ORECON A General Baaiiag 3niae transacted UeposiU rfesesvfcd, raoject to :gi: REGULATOR LINE. DALLE, PORTLAND k ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY .-teuitn uf ttt KtTOiiiV.r :.a rtu. . tie fo. i ...t 9 il& lit -jotii-e. Sir. Regulator MT5. I'Jle t: T jl. x. tAtsntkT . e: r. jl. vr. 'jr. or:lm; ilTi.lt Ship your Freight via Str. Dalles City. Lt. Ue tt a. . :r. ! ' '.if x x. T"jei-Jr 'jat-.rJaj--r V. .r r Drth or Checi. f fcju prow S prosuptlj remitted on dsr n( Mw-inn FOE COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, W. C. ALLAWAY. Gen. Ajrt may in urapJe. fcif tpeeca toaeUcaef nncaltcrcd, hif leamiar ofu-a tbgb: ; bn: the tpirit oi hi faitbfal and ili-aid service If diviae. Uadir tbe rnfty old broadclcth i- a 5t are aw: nobly cig ed, raott rarely beaatilcl. Yoati"i Cora ;t Dion. lbtlltt0IU OF FINAL SETTLEMENT, ea CHOCOLATE BON BONS. In talking of Chocolates please reraeraber tbat e carry a fai. iiae of LOWNEY'S. ;i: opened, fmb frora the factory. Is .Jaia aad fancy boref for Carittrras miv, tad at prlcef to eai:. in't forre: taat ve are bead le tfc istKer of tit ert:;f JoiB otiit qatrtert Inr tiie bespt oa ctrtb. Natae ib tifx-zu? : Urt: Ut: -Ul tsj :e?-u.Qi: trf id f til steiwaat ic lie jctK cl Mjs Ktv. ut Ui Cccrr ocr: (! tte of Orticut ic le JO.C. IWaJO. O. JtU.i r- .'tr.-r. t: li tcrLr i n V.r LOWXEY tettlef it. .-iltat and Telefraphie Excaaag sold o je- i orr, its rraneiK) ta Port land. DIRECTOKS D. F. TEotr.os. Jxo. S. Scejjici. Ed. M. VTniLt, Gjso. A. L:zzx. H M. SttM. MATT SHOREN, General Blaeksmitb and porseshoer. lo4 eri ,w...e. 1 furti.fr lit S 1 5 post nad tbe W. E. C. iil take place oa Stcrdy eveaiar, Jan. ISib, a: 7 :33 t: K. of P. ball. After tbe iaftallttioa a e&i itrt'frara vili be fives, !oStocrj by a ecUtaaUa! lonti-as iih eoa'ee. Ad initlcia 23 cetts. By crier cf the re mittee, v-i-. m is Ciit 5t irt Jjni!f of johs wages ela-t. rixite f ite ui irj; : ;ci Trtta;tt NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. All lladf of Uacitajithtajr will receive ! prompt atteatica aad wi!) 6e eiecated ! in firtt-cltrf ebape. Give blia a call. I Retiring from Business. , Closing ont my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. rjcve. i in ttu ic oa.i. or ia iOW. or ay way to fait purchaser. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. btrVfiof 105rwi Call early aadure j J. P. McINERNY, Corner ibVond'and Court St. lon ia Ibc Vvctb" Ctua.t.lB. Richardson's Old Stand, Tiilrd St.. aear Federal. Tie Di..t. Or. .DfeaJer In. for w. i ttiut. Is IS Cotatj- Owen tit fUM Orepta Jiut ii btrrj-j- Ujiiti ci6erratl. . E- ?iliatrtie. icoaitui:o- wot ii,t iri. tiirtiei L lit n.5t d JtdiittiM iM-lvcc. Je a tfce a:tT-to ta of tie ;ear Ti.e ca tad uJe r.n r.t. st c tcSer tie than 2JJ ttor.r. ve: wreio!, are tber ek as t arww ?4 wry ViOOM, UlOtnmg, I , . , . .. uiit til it ict.: tutn rvjic ! tit ; rrA-b0 c; i: N - : . . .-. n: ... . . j. lit brttx t tJui tct; 11W.1C1: kill td -be ?! ! - W - . r ' . . - Mn MM) VffV. WW W M4. J . - - ., uexzjzf mtzvx fit i.imuL j 1 toastci tbe ; peril oaof Oid Set-1 K. E. tALTXABtHE. t ., trv , . ,, , . Ju4cjtiinrtvtr tt iirt will tr.titxe; oi !.V , f 5 tier' 0y Ta'.M aje stcaliy told 'ttuini.wau u: IC3 IEWY8BK Bestauran lejeptrtCit So. i. 5W tcoo4 e.. T12 Met Or. I- Y. Hoar. Prop'r. First-Class in Every flespect Xl'lU AT ALL HOIK?. Oyewre Served in any Style. i WEAK NERVES. tdai;-r?,tr rlrl.l , fC t,U1,r.0C T '0!l0W, Will u-il,'s AL WLL iii wake voo ttroog? Pic. I y pr, loxvart,f your druwltt or ftent bv il 00 mnpt of pricr, in plain Wrapper. ' LINCOLN PEOPBIETAEY CO., It Wayne, ltd. M 7. Dancll, Agent, Tbe Dalle. Advertise in The Chronicle. i