The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 08, 1901, Image 1

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    e I) cDn II cg
NO. 0
Taken From the Boston Gazette and
Country Journal Uncle Sam Ap
pointed Guardian or Colonics.
Stifcd, Jn. ".Hurt Barker, a Salem
Tonne iimn w ho is attending the Harvard
University, sends to Professor George
V. Jones, of this city, an interesting
...l..,i f .(, ,1v. hpn .-nlnnl.
V""""' "
were struggling iur luucjicuutiitc, iuu
when the feelines ot the people toward (
England ere not quite what they are
li ia tl'fti frnm thn Itnitnn n.
fV.m.rr .Innrnal of Mnml.r.l
- J '
Jnly 2". 1770, printed by Benjamin
Eules i in', Boston, and is in words (
a? follows j
",1 v I St. I AMl'-s t-AT WILL." j
"I, Uiil KnglanU, being in very lati
gnistilisp rendition, tiiro voluptuousness J
Mid io;s i-f blood, do make and ordain'
tins my iast Will and Testament in the
following manner, iz. : I
"Imprimus 1 give and bequeath nn-
to Mshop of t. Aaph and Petersbor- ( lion of the northern part of Idaho to the
oazh, to equally divided between them, state ol Washington. State Kepresenta
all my rfliglon. I tive II. I). Merrit is planning to bring
"2J I give all my knowledge in poll- J this projsct tiefore the legislature at its
ticato Lard Camden and Lord Agbingdon, eoming session. The purpbse is to add
itud thow other lords who opposed the to this state the entire region known as
ministry in their late mischievous and , the "Panhandle," lying north of the
rarfed war in America. : -iOtli parallel, which is the eouthern
"2J I give all my virtue and sincerity ( boundary ot Washington. This would
totbe worthy members of the minority j Include Kootenai, Shoshone, Latah and
in the house ol commons. z Perce and part of Idaho county,
"hti I give unto my Sister Scotland ! taking in all of the famous Coeur d'Alene
all my prido and haughtiness. j silver-lead mining district, as well as
"5tb I give unto my Sister Ireland j most of the rich Clearwater gold fields,
one-hall of my distress, poverty and j The plan is received with euthusiasm
rain. here and Northern Idaho has in the past
' Gib I give unto the Earl of Bute and , voted in favor of such annexation by an
Lord North all of my treasury and Tyran- overwhelming majority. It is argued
ny, to be equally divided lietween them, j that Southern Idaho would now consent
"7th I give unto Lord Howe and Geu- because of lack of railway connection be
Howe all my cruelty as a rew ard for their j t ween the two parts of the state and
treatment to the American prisoners. especially because of the gieat expense
'Stb I give all my cunning which I J resulting from the mining riots in the
bate not herein disposed of, to Lord ! C eur d'Alene district and two years of
MuneGelJ and Lord George GuriuMue. j martial law.
''9th give oiv power by sea and . " . ,
hod to the French king. i ' swellings and lameness
"10th-1 mv integritv to the k!ll,, .s iiothli.g so good as Chamber Iain's
n( 5 . ' ' I Pain IJalm. Tiy it. For sale by Blake-
Ul lalU. j
'11th- I give my trade and commerce le' ll,e ,lrn",st-
AYcgclable Preparationfor As
similating thcFoodandBegula
ling (tie Stomachs ancLBowels of
Promotes Digeslionheerfur
ness andRest.Contains neilter
Opium.Morpliine norliueral
Wtw Sad'
A perfect Remedy forCoratipa
Hon , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca
Norms ,Convulsions,Fewrish
"ess ttiulLOBS OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
exact copy or wrapper.
to the states of Holland.
"12th I give all my right and title to
the liberties and privileges contained in
that most glorious tract called Magna
Chart to the United States of America,
to them, their heirs and assigns for ever.
"13th I give unto the most atject
mortals, the Tories of North America,
one ton of hemp.
"14th I give nnto my colonies in
North America, Nova Scotia, Canada,
Florida and the West Indies the other
half of my distress, poverty and min,
and I do appoint the United States of
Amerira, guardians of my said colonies.
Lastly, I nominate, constitnte and a;
point the Count of Almodayor to be
I "rciuur ui wile, my last i 111 aim lCSin
.. I 1 a 1 1 ? 1 1 m
! ment.
"In Teetimony thereof, I have hereto
I pet my hand and seal this day of
, 1779, for the palace of necessity.
"Old England" (Sea
IIC! ...1 C. 1..J Tl..l.,:.l..l I !.
clared (to tie trie last Will and Testament
of the said Old England In the presence
Wanlfc To Amirx 1'art r Jdalio.
Si'OKANi:, Wash., Jan. 7 Plans are
being formed here to secure the aunexa-
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
Bears the t
A Dlnclplu of Crowe., Mo., Jan. 5. Thomas Ciin
ningtiam, president of the bank of Joplin,
yesterday received a letter through the
mail demanding that he place $1000 in
gold in a sack and deposit it at a certain
designated spot south of Joplin. If he
should refuse to comply, the writer
threatened to shoot Cunningham on
sight. President Cunningham consulted
the police department. It was finally
decided to fill a bag with rocks and leave
it at the place indicated, which was done,
Ofllcers concealed near the place waited
all night, but no one put in an appear
rauce. The police are working on the
case. The letter received by President
Cunningham wae undated and unsigned.
It follows :
"To Tom Cunningham, JodIih, Mo.:
1 have been laying for a chance to get
even with you. We've decided now not
to kill you if you will put $1000 in gold
in a white soft sack and take the 7:30
car at a Fifth street go one-half mile
west of Bleiidvllle and drop it oil' the
rear end of the car as the car crosses the
railroad, and we will call it even with
youthen. If you fail to do this, 1 will
blow your brains out the flist chance I
have to do it in your bank. If you should
fail, the next iiiuu we call on will cer
tainly give up when he sees the fix we
leave you in. If you don't consider your
Our Mid-Winter Sale of Mid-Winter
Garments Continues.
Ladies' Stylish Winter Jackets
Every day sees the assortment growing smaller.
Plenty of bargains yet, however, for those who were
unable to come earlier but come soon !
"There are problems that call for a brain
strong and clear,
But you need not be a scholar
To f iKure the saving on a Jacket bought here
At fifty cents on the dollar."
A $10.00 Jacket for $5.00.
Short Jacket made of brown herringbone golf
cloth; plaid self back turn-down collur, fly
front, reveres faced with satin to match. Sty
lish and serviceable!
A $12.00 Jacket for $6.00.
Katon Jacket double-breasted with high scal
loped collur ; collar and large revers trimmed
with silk applique, lined with good eatin. A
great bargain!
A $15.00 Jacket for $7.50.
Light tan kersey cloth etylish short Jacket
coat collar and large revers, trimmed with
Etraps of same material and heavily stitched.
Satiu lining to match. A perfect beauty!
An $18.00 Jacket for $9.00.
Litest cut, short Jacket of dark brown kersey
cloth new scalloped storm collar collar anil
revers faced with eatin to match and heavily
stitched bell-shaped sleeves. One you will
surely like!
A $20.00 Jacket for $10.00.
Short tight-fitting Jacket of heavy blue kersey
cloth extra quality; large scalloped storm
collar and revers faced with black satin and
stitched in rows all over lined throughout
with blue satin, new scalloped sleeves. The
best Jacket in the house!
We bea to state that all liner Jackets have found
new owners within the past few days. At the be
ginning of this sale we had Jackets as high as $30
several styles at $25 today the best is only $20.
Small wonder though when
Fine Jackets are
Selling at Half Price !
This Store Closes at 6 P. M.
life worth $1000, we will surely have it,
and if you should ever mention this to
any one, we will certainly kill you after
wards. We are not trying to bluff. We
means just what we say. It is revenge
we want, and we will have it. Return
this letter with the money.
Catarrh Cannot lt Uurril.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies, Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acta directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces, Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription, It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the bet blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces, The perfect
combination of thu two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh, Send fur testimonials,
F. J. Ciiknkv & Co., Props., Toledo O,
Sold by (irruggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
llou't Kuu It In,
Just wet the affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and the pain ia gooe. Sold by Clarke &
They come!
They see!
They buy!
Impossible to do otherwise
if you are in need of....
Ladies' or
Children's Shoes
January Sale Prices.
Patent leather strap Sandals
heretofore $2.50 reduced to oC
Kid, strap Sandals; be ded toe, satin
bow, beaded buckle; worth rr
$2.50 reduced to 51.UU
Fine kid stock, coin toe, beaded -
satin bow; $2.25 value now l.OO
Double-sirap Sandals, tine kid stock,
best finish ; worth $2.25 re- -
duced to J..OO
Red satin Sandals white kid lining
beet materials; worth $3 re- - Q
duced to , l.o
Lace or Button
$3 and $4 kid Boots ; Special . . $1.00
$2.75 welte and turns; " .. 1.50
$2.00 common sense toes ; " .. 1.39
$4 and $5 up-to-date styles; 0 ,.
Special OV
Dress and School Shoes
Vesting top, kid, lace shoe, sizes 8!a to
11 ; regularly sold for $1 40 nn
Special Jpl.UU
Kid button shoe, patent leather tip,
turn sole sizes S'a to 11; - nr
regularly $1.40 Special X.UO
Button, coin toe, kid stock, heavy ex
tension sole, worth S1... to 11, - -.c
$1..50; Special J..UO
Sizes 11 lj to 2, worth $1.75; 0(
Special". l.aO
Kid stock, lace, broad coin toe, patent
leather tip, plump sole; val- - n
ue S'J to 1 1, $1.50 ; Special . . l.UO
Sizes ll'.j to 2, value $1.75; -Special
Heavv grain, button school shoes, pat.
leather tips, heavy soles; an Al wear
er; 8I.3H ll'i to ''; worth
$1,50 Special
riuytx. Out.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the bodv, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Lobs of appetite, Feverislinees,
Pimples or Sores are all positive evidon.
ces of impure blood. No matter how it
became so it must be purified in order
to obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Klexir has never failed tocuru Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseaees. It is certainly u wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee, Blakeley, the drug
gist. Persons who sutler from indigestion
can not expect to live long, because they
cannot eat the food required to nourish
the body ami the products of thu undi
gested foods they do eat poison thu
blood, It is important to cure indiges
tion as soon as possible, ami the best
method of doing this is to use the prepa
ration known as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure,
It digests what you eat mid' restores ill I
the digestive organs to perfect health.
Clarke A Falk's V, (). Pharmacy.
fur Hulit.
Kasteru Oregon timothy hay, $15 per
ton, f. o. b. The Dalles. Kasteru Ore
gon wild hay, $13,50 in car lots,
MoCui.i.v & C.wi.oit,
d4 2w
La (iraude, Or,
Subscribe for Tut; Ciiho.niui.k.
Gettcral MacArthur Has Banished to
Guam a Number of Captured In
surgent Leaders.
Manila, Jan. 7. General MacArthur
baa ordered the deportation of General
Ricarde, Del Pilar, Hizon, Llanera and
Santos to the island ot Guam. Nine
regimental and four subordinate officers,
with eight civilians, including Trias,
Tecson and Mabini, notorious assistants
of the insurrectionists, have also been
ordered to be deported. It is General
MacArthur's intention to bold most of
the active leaders of the rebels who have
been captured in Guam, until the re
sumption of a condition of peace has
been declared.
The first municipal election was held
successfully at Bagaio, province of Ben
gueta, Saturday. The Igorrotes took
part in theelection.
The Filipinos in Manila have been en
joying recently a novel experience, in
the holding of the free, open political
meetings. Most of the addresses at these
meetings were made by former officers
of the insurgents, all of whom asserted
that the best way of securing personal
liberty is to accept the liberties guar
anteen by the constitution and govern
ment of the United States, which is
what American sovereignty stands for.
The audiences were greatly interested,
and many of those attending the meet
ings signed the federal party declaration.
The construction of a rebel prison at
Olongapo, in addition to those at Manila,
will be begun shortly.
General MacArthur, accompanied by
his staff, reviewed the Thirty-seventh
regiment of volunteer infantry on the
Luncta this afternoon. All the com
panies were together almost for the first
time since the regiment was organized.
After the review the regiment was drawn
up in close order, and General Mac
Arthur, in a farewell address, congratu
lated the officers and men on their
bravery, discipline and judgment, con
cluding his remarks with a hearty, "God
bless you, comrades."
The Thirty-seventh will sail for home
on the transport Thursday. More than
half the men nnd many of the officers
come from Tennessee.
Morrow County Wheat.
HinTNKit, Or., Jan. 7. Charles John
son has just bought S200 bushels of
wheat from B. Kiely at 44 cents. This is
oiio of the largest of recent sales, and
about 75,000 bushels have recently been
bought along the Heppner Railroad.
Mr. Johnson has kept pretty close track
of Morrow county's wheat production
tills season, and says that from the most
recent figures obtainable it will total up
to 950,000 bushels. There are still sev
eral thousand bushels on the farms that
will not be hauled until spring.
When threatened by pneumonia or
any other lung trouble, prompt relief ia
necessary, as it is dangerous to delay.
We would suggest that One Minute
Cough Cure be taken us soon us Indica
tions of having taken cold are noticed.
It cures quickly and its early use pre
vents consumption. Clarke & Falk'a
P. O. Pharmacy.
l'ltmli Milk unit 1,'rttuui,
A dollar saved it a dollur gained, I
am selling the best Jersey milk in the
market, warranted to test five per cent
butter fat, for $2 a quart per mouth.
Also purely t'.diitrifugally separated
cream at 40 cents a quart. Why pay
inoro when you can do hotter by phon
ing to the City Dairy. ' Phone 385.
ullO'liii liiiitr IS.uii.kv, Prop,
Hustling young man can make $(i0 per
month ami expenses, Permanent posi
tion. Kxperieneo unnecessary. Write
quick for particulars. Clark A Co.,
Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel
hpia, I'll, sS-tf
The nKiritud reputation for curing
piles, soren and skin diseases acquired
by DeWill's Witch Hazel Salve, has
led to thu making of worthless counter
feits, Be sure to get only DoWltt'a
Salve. Clarke & Falk's P. O, Pharmacy.
You will not .have boils if vim taktt
Clarke A Falk'a sure cure for boils.