i ! ii m. it- For You to Read DRIFTWOOD. What purged rr the bpntnnr; w-a. that I kept los sc. tiesh without any carfc for ;: that I cou.d se. I had a little trouble w.th my sto .ach. too, and but 1 Hbw to Trln the Children.. Keep Them, Trfo tluay to Me nn the Mreet. after a while bwraa '. soon co awsv and ci it cdu't I: srv,r wor the- I Sweat: to to courn li-r look.::c subs-tanee. I ver ttoucht of cvcstttrpuou. bet one day I bad a hemorrhage and ties Kcoi inbtesec ta earnest ard did ;sst -w-'fiat : would do. I rested to the d;tor. He w.. e-'.tber too busy, or 50c:b.rc ele. for he didz'; doae any gvi. I kepi sroiac dows bilL and tie outlook was bad. Tbiasrs took a dttSeres: turn, hovrerer. rheu I heard ot Acker" s Encash Remedy for Consumption, for I took and it not eiy c-ureC r cuefc intC a-d jpittut;;. but al-o built up my whole system I took cupef ur;;:: desb. and toiuv aa uit . The cough, I thought, would SPECIAL SALE! Special Values in all Mil linery at MISS HAVEN'S rnary. d Hats Price. i vou can nua 3i as heaiibv iu a vreei; s- travel Vou ruav be sure I alwavs keen Acker's- Euc iiib Reraedv the haue. aad "it i r ri.d th;uj I do o, f-r cue rich: my youuj2-.t ch3d was s-etiedwiti croup. That hoarse wheeiv ccmch. was- the ur5t ?:cual and I lost uo time is srvizc the twor If.tle suuerer prorer c-e of medicine- lu almost do lime the disease as- under control and It seems to nie that it parents were to 'tnsti'.i into the tnuids of their children the idea of waking something of their lives : to have some object in view in the far future and to work toward attaining sacss of the object, tnmiDc aii their Quriiig January and Feb iacniues in tee one direction, not iirnc -isp the force? which Xatore save them, that there wooid be better boys and piris. A boy or girl w ho dees not know what thev want to wake nf their lives are Iske ships at sea, without siils or - - rndder a 'belmless vessel."' Tarents ctmrrh fmnoi nr currd can generally tell accurate' v ehonph for with local applications, as thev cannot prlieSOaaridfl. Larrs $in xcziist t?pf . ...... .... ' . .. ..... . x cnc'i.n.tali&rasST?ri-lrf tt '! T np r piiinrpn btb Tuinra nrT5T. Q f a saot ni T 'i i i cua c. i jiiorrr and 'tis ricbt that the parents have the is a blood or constitutional disease, and child trained to do the wok for which ia order to care it vou must take inter- they are Stted. It may be rude work, nal remedies. Halt's Catarrh Cure js nut practice makes perfect. Give a taken internally, and act directly on child something to work at that he likes; the blood and mucoas snriaces. Hall's keep him busv and vou will keen him Catarrh Cure is not a noack medicine, itie Muds-.t. Lli? 1 count., jt'ciirtv- T JHV.i.tt tj,i it ne is nanay witn carpenter tools, pet him a few tools and some lnm- Kodoia.R.N Dyspepsia Cure Di'aests what you eat. It artificially dlpests the food and aids Mature in strengthening and recon structlng the exhausted digestive or mins. It is the latest dijeovereddipest rnr. and tonic So other preparation Trimmed Hats at Half can approach it in edeacy It in- . stantlv relieveaand perrcaqeailv cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heart mirn, Flatulence, Soar Stociidb. ausea. Sick Headache, Gastra:,;tA.Crsarts and all other results or iape??i ckation. snail size. Boot all atoat ij-f-re .ii.ue "i-zrei b" E - OcTTT A CO, Cil:; Sold by Clarfee A Talk's P.O. Pnxrnicv. NOTICE. f :v O-v"T. tirfi.'.'i iit ot Sorta- I- n :ae .."-:. rfrea tiki: o- .V-tpS! that aai iris- he m.rr.T tim: rm:aii.r, Krox DaU-K!-. Kat !-'. Penvcr, "t. Mall Worth, Omaha, Kan Ji io t. m. m tltv, st. l-ulJ Cbicasu and asL A rr:v Yuan Mall 1 05 ji c Atlantic salt IjiIs. lH-nvrr. Vi. t i., hjiirv. Worth. Omaha, Kn iiMi. in. City. t. Iul... Via Hunt- I htcaeo nJ Ka-t. mston. iwkaae Walla WJla. si-nkanc. Mall illacoajotlv 5t. I'aul, Mid ituluth.Jillwaul.lv. i.xt:c rhlraco and Eat, via srolaneatd Huntlne ton. atv) all l"l!it lu ? SJ p. a Waihlcston ud Kkt cra Orcsor.. tits srrand ,v cbiid was sired. I advise ererv parent to bare a bottle bandy all the time. It serves the same purpose ia keeping: croup out of the house that a cood lock and key serve to keep burjrlsrs out." It" is both au expectorant and a ionic It cured ae'o: con suraDtSou and mv child o: croun. and I know what I am ta!kinc about." (Sirued) It was was prescribed bv one of the iiest , itmi portico.' ts .jpevoj: tt ....... , j DOr:hfrlT o: ra.toc :r a physicians m this country for yec-, and iBthJ .-:b-a everx-reft: -cripdon. It is composed $ lc ICS known, combined with im!rctet tiii coraerae xaxiroUoaS'trvet. i . . .. ,. ., J ;a a daax ro woiiaoa ail tazwd ai tflnc . purtnerp, aetinp directly reJulit. A iwift u 6vart ! . i. ra. I. a. Yf.au t'oKTt'P Octus stiuinahltir. For san f'raiicl Kcrj' five latk. strtka:ic Mail and T .110 a, a t. a. 4 f. ra ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ...... , .. . . . - . (VlA. nt i. ter ana iet ntm worK. iwo toys l Know is srecn.ar presenpuon. it is comi.osea 6 cG ari i ?oS . Kx.sunday ColunMa Ut. Hu-acicn.. Ejcsan uoi L Hcm.vn. niuture frame manufact Center Street, New York. built a littie house near their home. It of the best to: ' is a rnde affair, but what a pride they the best blood aWa - linn knnaa A n T' rr rrte ta. U rnatanAS since I peeped in at the little window combination o: the two mL-redients is :h: tbt To Arroau and War 10 . a. Arirr'j Erf ai I3i4j aU by all irsjiaw eir jwnrt iiraa; thai jur acarj U! n- For sale at Blakelej's Pharmacy. curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, ciiri ia a ci?f roo-. cossiiiioe s- ty law- pro tree vsaea VI" , , , , Tt:so: l-posbHorUdt f.nni the F. J. Cheney & Co.. Prort.. Toledo 0. ith utr oi iwstx..- :. S t ord'.r : tat Dated at Ia' ,cs l".t O- !tf-u.VT "!. Vv. j;. ... ti...M Sold bv drrnccists, price 7.tc. Hai's Family Pilis are the heft. 12 i 7 a.m. Wilukcttc avn Yaic. Tm-.T0Br kiu. Ktvrit. bzkI saL ortvon caty, lajtoa. and Way-IaadlnK. J. E. Proprietors of FALT & CO., Commercial Sample Rooms. Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to acv iart of :Le Citv. Phones - ?I Local, S55 Long Distance. 173 Second Street 9 9 Nasal CATARRH Mii HTnnflimni Tlnm?in th iix 111 II II II M III r J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 njf iiuiiiiuiu i auiiiu l r i:i;rta daliy ', ' .a. ra ?sa c E Rivek. l:i;.ar!a U Iwluia. S 30 ti. ra. Mon ,W'i3 aad Frf. Ltati LtWIfTO.N dally 9 to a. a a.m. WiLLaxrrre tttrcr- 4-..mn. ra and I saw a camp stove the house what produces such wonderful results in S0-'- ' El 'J t?': Ex-suaiT waited round with brick to prevent burn ing the walls of the house; a tiny tabie in one corner; some camp chairs neatly folded in a rack on the rafters; a shelf on which were several books. I noticed the names of the books, which were "Beautiful Joe" the story of a dag. "Biack Beauty," the story of ahorse; oret-E .uytnoiocy ; "neroes oi History ; j. .. "Chi.d's Bib.e;" "American History;'' iiou.d te c.a-sei, "F.ob:n-on Crusoe," and "Gtimm's Ely's Cream Balm lairv Tales.' Now, I do not beiieve cJu-.i-i4he3 this- boys wi .-ver so far wrong. Tae Uc!lnia..z.Z7t&r-xts parents have trained their minds to be awsy i csnd c ztt Lead hner. tn rid. and tf Tf&d pfvwl hnoVs. Ci.T t- " j i j Cream Balm is pjtcd Into the stessrSs. spread! Tnese .title fe.lows p.acrd pretty colored ; w .-i'i Ee..eU prints on the waiis, thus ihowiap a de- atdate aad csie foUow?. It l to: drr-r--doe! sire 10 "decorate" their boat?. 2Co cot prodste tzez:7.z. Lirre 5j:e, M ceat! at Zr;- too often indulge is, but pretty bits of rjun.'i itie, s iew suerp ,u & :ane, ana ( inere is out one small cnance to Yellowstone Park Line. THi TO THE EAsT. I'rue celriu to co to llcpfwr or l-i::.t. !:, i iumhia .-oottwra via Blcc. h alJ ! ( .' leartac The I)allc at 1J 40 ji v s.aa.'.e '..,t f(rwtliin at Htjr-(?r onrt. ! Wets Ke'umlus ffla'turtlirifteonnect; m at Hc;.pufr jum-tlon and hire ith Ho. 1 ar r.i!j; at Tac Iallt- ai Is X a. Tb O R A N Hn?r "M rfoc- 'i dw Bat , :Tt wnim tri)- to sl-tn and ltitejadi :.f tMiliar at ail aj lnd:::r. lew f . :asd on Moudaf . Uiuodtyk a&d Friday a' t a. m.. arrlrtist: at ia t jr... and Irldtl-; 1 i ewe atMKit s j.. in. oa kam drs- Rcf.ruiT loat ire ; uarvua flirt' at . a. nr. arid ;i.u 3LY 3TERi. Wa.-cg -t---.. New Y cri coid Mftl or Iirath. THE ONLT DIRECT IJXE TO THE YELLOW, j e n TLid,; Tfcur-d.yV aud iitu'f day, arrtriu: QSJt. lx i vt. CIK H;-l, Hfli til 1 SIS x Rtivr. at 1 ortianc ni.ut ire Nice R. A. N. C - some chickens in a barn vard. which re minded them of "out to cranma'.," a elve -V0Er 8ad that 5s ttjroacb an i nictcreof a do.-, which "looks like Bill. . operation," was the anful prospect set' No. PIOPH COltG AJ.D GOIXG. Mayor E. B. Da; or has returned fror ii placer mines it. Southern Oregon. Mr. S. E. Starr, accompanied by his 8V them. BUSINESS LOCALS. don't he, mams? and several cards ; iore Mrs' - B- Hunt, of Liine Eidge, Paint your bouse wnh patcts that ar ' fully guaranteed to iast. Clarke & Falk their teachers gave them. Thev nad a club room also, where they ' Wis., by her doctor after vainly trying I to cure her of a frightful case of stomach I u :s 5,1 daughter, Mr?. H. E. Rirhards. let: bv boat this rooming on a visit to friends in Portland. Prof. Bert Baidtria left for Mt. AngeH col-ese yesterday afternoon to accept a position as mnsical instructor in that in nitutios. His insurance business will be looked after in hit absence by Mr. .41 Bettingen. lc MpEuoriam. Clarke & Falk h2ve received a carload of the celebrated Jame c. Pattoc strictly pure liquid pair Why pay J1.7 had a bowling ailev, a parlor croquet, a trocbIe aod -re5:w Jn'ce. He didn't punchmtr bag. dumb telle and Indian ' C3C3t oa ibe bUo Per of Elec- cinb. trie Bitters to cere stomach and liver ! Ja "paints when von can Thev bad there also several . booKS ia their "library, ' sad I noticed j " . . . -. ,r,cr,;irr,ir- ,u. bottles, was wholiy cured, avoided sur- o perg3.;ion tor inferior " -r- ... j ,,. hnr in.u f reaa. ".o cirire:ie tmocras.firMrinp Patton's sun n'roof paints for .50 per nor iond t&lkine, nor rede actions bv be"er lbtn ever- lt u Positively guar- Fa: mtil lor Taeoma. .i-atllc Olyaipl. Gray's Hartr aud Soatti Bead rotnl. r;iae, Kw Istxt. is. "... mTias. Mtw-, Lt,'ltoa. Bd-iatoHcspniintaoiun-Helena. Mlaaea;j hs, it. I'aul. Om.hu. Kansas ' ity, it. Lnci. C:ro and aii )3ist cut and Hau'l lBrv: ;oatid Exr.rw.-. 11,3 I'.H. for Tacaisa and Seattle and intermediate jjnt No. ; .x r. So. X ;COA. M 1 For toll ;artlccla: r:i on O. H. HfRUirRT. dei.. 1'a Act . 1'urtland rir SOUTH and EAST via 1 Souinern Pacific Go Shasta Route for years. Uarfc & ,nr .m, nrrinh Tf ?. anteea to cure stomacn, liver, ana kid ney troubles and never dissapoti 1 - . ... . . J . . 'lna1 t . . i . tl. ut; iru--u;e tau neve. ui?:po:ni. - . , ... At a social session of Cascade Lodge, B. P. O. , held Saturday r.icht, Iec. boiri at 25 . 2?th, when toast and sentiment ru'.ed the Experience i hoar, Mr. John K. Cradiebangb cave Acker's Engiis! cation, guarantee: , t- disabeved. he will be out out." Dyspepsia can be cured by using k-v Bvr !ntr nh ir. Ptlci Biakeiey'e druc store Acker's Dyswp-ia Tablets. One little , " .... .- . . . ' , Tablet ws.; give immediate relief or beioajed to tne "Kids suo.' Any boy How toU c:,ouP. monev retunrted. ?o:a in handsome tin conic went a mems-er upon paytnc .Mr. tl. Orav, woo .ives near Amenta, Blakriey tht druggist, ten cents per taozth. When scho-ol be- Duchess county.X. Y., say; : 'Ctiamber be best Teacher. Use f12 "c'.ub" was ciosed, and aii went Iain's Coaeh Eemedy is the best niedi- PcJSnian fir:-cls and Urariit tleopcn Triiut 1-V T',f Inr R,'.r.-i nrt depot connection! esabcled :rein- v'oio: I ; Learc Portland Albany or tiandoraelr iUuttteddecri5.11Teraa:je-. et.tSe.rcP.anvetc..:oarArt.As A. D. CHARLTON, ( - lt?JS5boo Ais.tn: oenera'. I'av-'nrer Arvst. V. Uorrl I MJt sirwM,-ner Tfj r rt.aad Orectin. : a n .i:.33 a in .12 3 urn S ra T ( j p in Eemedv ia anv case of 'tr studies tigsin the following s Lis contribution to the coughs, colds or croup, hooid i; fail to also edited a paper called " , ,.r 2a ct;. aad oj cts. .DsaceSev, the drug- ... - trrr cit - nich it now extinct on ai VTfeez rbc loo? ba:.d posctr to 1 o'eior j ana in man sane p-at u. TTf lam oar :toa:kt bm rtnhiy t&ukp Anc itanr o( U-e :c beT. Aac eUmbvd fmrtfaer h;.';. Wb ioreti w rv uy o: . G(i inou we kvc raw sIL " i: ii or cieo to iuiu- ry- T te: Oliver th. isst -"e - kwe we aao-t ltiert Beyood this life there more Gd t mis t dact: no: crtKei, v."e eatn bet hot-. Mine "Taey rest c she FaSber iamt-t: "T-ete sin for n to 5ri. So lrr a fcioi rnea:lkra3ee Ail a beimmiat; catet iore for ttue Who r tiiec ttrliit hsee Id tn-r irvir iorfc abore. Onhi-d eaud :nt Aretie oovi. Aad rae ic atdaient nans. nt aes. cr wttre. or hir saer ?t. 1ft lov taets the rame. r. T. barsnm Aeam. A i?h: nf Terror. ' "AwIbI ansiety was frit for the ' widow of the brave Gmeral 3crnh&m of Machies. Me., wfaen the doctor: said she could ao; live till taorniDc," writes t Mrs. i. H. Lincoln, who attended her that irarftii night. "Ail tbocrht she must soon die sroea Pneasaosia. bet she brgred for Dr. King's New Di-covery, saying it had more than once rived tier hfe, and nad cared her of Conrcmption. After three sanai'. doses the slept easily all sicht, and its further use completely i cured her." This marvelous medicine These two boys cine I have ever Uted. It is a fine Tne Star.'" cbi'.dren'e remedv for crou:and nver parer, but fiil: to cure." Whta riven as saon as account of it the child becomes hoerse, or even after taking so much tiaie. E-ich loy has the erosny cocgh has devek)ed, tt will Beiiian tzm. and early in the moraiac prevent the attack. This shoe id be these winter tise; tbeir lanterns aer borne in mind and a bottle of tht- Conch be seen z.esmsne in the r&bbtiries FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. TRAS? A CT A N E S A L BaN Kl.Sd Br r I S E; Letters of Credit isod avaiiabie in the East-era states. Arrive Ojion 4Co " Irnvw irot a to " KadM City TSja " tfcjfaco .. ...... : u,o Kemedy kept a; had reuiy fur instant i t''' "7" v V'S?'' Iranslers t-oid on ,w l orb, Chtcuso. - f "( r-u- For sale by Blakeley.the drorxisL GOING :ast- If you intend to tike a trip East, ask your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date i railroad m ev-ry particular. :t. Louis, San Fra.ncij'jo, Portland Or- ron, s-attie ash,, and v; in Oregon nnd Wabhinirtoa. ora-.ue EEa,. ana V&riOue point! uk jounr. er v t(th tr ' 1 11 1 on: what it U aad tr&ln tb-nj Jor the u-rfV n'l e,r -'. V.c V.. I -. MnJ j is guaranteed to cure all Triroii, Ch-'t . . , . , I j t n- n i -r j . . giri-, and better, more nsefel men and and Luar Diseases. Only jOc end IAO. ! . . . , vujca iu iur ju.ure. ue; your CL.li dren interested in afairs near home. where they sre eieaniar the hctcher end feeding the rabbits. Keep boys aad sriris so busy they won't have time to be on tiie streets. Give them work they like to do. If they don't like to work at ail, are "born tired," try to te2ch them to like some wur uv cttMBp K riay. tverv , Tiiroa,b ,raiaE r0J Cblcas,0 Kwtu hereby rirex tb tbe' Yrto- . boy and girl is born for something. Find ,. ' . ... , '"t ; named t:te- u fw stee of hi, tateoti- ' Arrtre Lo Ansrha . E!Po .... " Fort Wonts " Cly4XM HaesMm. ' Xwr Orimu . . Sw Tort .... I-J9j.IT. t j. ra C n III . K. . . laiii t i, a : . . . . f : in . . . L! i- ia 10. !. tn It Vir 4 a t- r.ic II t -a : y J a 7 a A a- r roa c I i: a . " tl' cart SMiiaaeiito lu Oedei, v rabl" term1. CaBStnHat e in Kratiwyj v:th m-t- NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION-. , tSL ' LxynOrnci it The Or.,i . . liTntr jr. J'O. 3i, u j k vuia iuai "rddri C. H. MARKHAM, and .New .aiand points. All trains and rwf .-. tie t run via Niagara Fails and everv tbroueh ' 1 wr 02 'srday. January j. j'n. rlt f i..-.... ; ......... . . . . . law: oSke at Tbe ritra. .jr train has free reclining chair cars, slep- JTU lag and dining cars. to-,"l't s'3 sw Stop over allowed on all tickets at Xi- He r-amU 'tie !rflowinjr wits Trial battle; fret: at Biafcelev's If the foreman of the Portland Art Co. ' 1 wi!l carefully read the article in Friday's ' 1:orr. r.-a)(veared. Chronicle then he isn't to badly rat- Losxos, Jau. 5. -Lord Kitchener re tied; he will find the statement was that wm So tbe wiT oc. or.der dMc oj the company tbat cime here whilel was prt...orje jtnnftM- 4. ts fos,., . iu xurmas cnariea . lor Jrames. -'Th P' 1 knew nsthtng a bant the price your frames till of. Get interested yourself in their little arTtirs and praise their work, be it ever so faulty. You can correct work for them by a few judicious suggestions that nil! be helpful. Get them good aerr aate reapp-red along toe literature. A cutis s oratn is active; Obrl.t, ; So. tC4. Sot ttc t' f.J,Il e., Z'Jtf- C. Cli.ve. n"nn(i tt-udenc c;.n and cnltiraoon 5. Pacific Coast Pass. Agt.. 'j. u.V. V V Seiwn. Cb. Git,n. Ale! ' I' Los Angeles, Calif. ruer, (Ii nl Toe X.U. urejton f, C. S. CtAjft, G. P. A., St. Louis. Mo. UT xxcas. Ktcuur. 'C, agara Falls. L. Lane, OE.NEKAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT.'! than the frn.e tour gect tried to sell them at $-5. All I ask o' the ;ubiic is to compare the pictures and fratnes. Bex.. A. Girroas. if t.ive; In future any and alt inquiries rela- lo the matter of ti, e,itt o( John Got'lStbiS" st be . tive to delinquent taxes must be made w"'t':t.Cett3) ' " E custodian of ia ni nn.. '.tust ir. ttr matter o! tl9 tttte. nd roll The . rVs 1,1,1 ca etainent oi no roil., iae Josn Gotf'.A Mtfei-bUst. CecnxH. cu fekd sheriff havine corxniied with the la making sale of delinooeat tar . he is f.al :a" t:t-tv 'inrt of toe rtateot Oxwoa lor completely out of the ux-collecting C. -It, t .1. , ' j . . . . a u 0Oie pdrt.trt Citled ftt tr. br:C i: i rimhfnl W TLrf is uii v.n- ta v. i tn thp rfinntr iWr i Kb ii on&ur. 1 Notice Ji bervtr rn Ml shtt ?h- ' C ' tnem. ith regard to the situation in tneta ruht. There is gtd in tverv bov frame-I asked 42 r5 for was much naer , r,r rnr tr :.. .j !. .v seems to oe mating towards Calvin xnd nature and cultivate tbem. the eastern party appears tb have broken ' ive lor something. h a jr;.-. up into sma:. parti-. Another small lA&KTS Tbon tn: ceet io vet! t tm. KalJ the vrc tntt ictr Uie :i aoae ttr bad U-ec taeir arai-lc. Uicbt Late Ut nUtf wltly itct ttcy drifted iu ttt udt. SbXCY MELBOt EN. business till March next. Ernies . Gn von boiy crossed the Orange river w st of Aliwal North yesterday."' The Bors have released the members o! the regiment eaptertd at Helvetia December rWiinr iironnrfitinnc w; dKlso .tt date lor :u huru; o the wtld aeeotiin ar.s any twoiij liereto , JOHN WAG EXE LA T . plTderel- Ix-wo f U.t lait will o Jobn Gottlieb BlacKsmiifi i Horsesnoer ! .t .wyer. xax- ere a id at4A rents a r,.t. V.i.v j,ar will preven. consumption jtr re,c:: v .dv.se-d to consult ' ratlft. wh.0 voc Wfc Co 1tf s,v bon'. Clarke & Falk' P. 0. Phari attorney. Ei,;:0 QauoytCLt. iar to the City Dairy. Phone 3ia. . I'th Milk Ld Cteiiu. A doiiar saved if' a dollar rainnf c?ntrifo,raj!v I Now is the time when croup and lung troubles prove rapidly fatal. Tbeon'.T harmKeS remedy that prodocet tett.e tais question: H the city cruscM right to Tacate freet; or aley? If so to whom d&et the rartird ttreet go, to the onrinii owner "t lu Ibr tcii'.r,i ,.-.. . . . . . , ' . ., ., r . a ttiiiir it,? oest Jeu-y mi fc n ti,- erty on each ,Ke of d street? nirkrli unutt4 :o 6 . . . , '"wrc batter fat. for 42 a qoart r o.bbth. cn be relied upon to qcickly cure ilU UilE5SK U oat a acs adhere to tne memlirane and decern. SOTIl'K u? FTVai v rvt vi ?.' the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid til err. ax Is tb ..wtsty tb -v t. ..( Oregon tug inhsknU, lumei, tmok tmd sittif. EtaitTW; i.l.V,::' and ue tint which ciearvjE, toothe and oneied th- ,t.,- ..u.i,,,i. etwn de- hd. ByCretmP&m:is.t;charts:tdr f'.J'"L!t "" V tad will care catarrh or co'.dinfie tk T 11 .' V1?. '' J .".f s im- e&ipy tad pleasiatly. A trial siz will hi ittt d.y m . . .w-Vntrf 71o7m ru-4 . n. j tne bour The Balm cures withoat teh.dw not h-jj ... ..... . !;J ?1, : L Tt ..1. J. the ... , " '. r-.-ve.l'.r 3 Mr,..K. .U:..tn j:.. i. '- vf "--j. ci.ieajiii r.7.". . " tti 't -;.r!,a v-wr, over an irritated ap.d ar.ifrv curie. 13r. 1:: . . . ' a.i Wagon and Carriage Werk. Flh Brothers' Wagon. Third end ftm 159 mediate results is one Mirete jugb icaiitd lor 10 cent. All drurfci.ts ttU tie Kk. Cere. It is very pleasant to take and SW-aase. Ely Brother, MVtnra St ,N.Y. uwi'i'v" Pharmacy. Sold by isz istatdiateJy the patsful : ation. The taerttei reputation for curiog cSJ-ln: Beet Baou:, Prop. f 1 t1 . - clrrI h'fUuffWMiwaiiiMaHjOp, rnary rhe -ill oiTer all her remaining by DeWm's ncb Kase- aivc, has sr'onm aad expense. Permanent posi- ttt1,k fi ,tnt,f miitn4.r.. a, MfIr " , . v: .ti... i . tioc. EiMt c cucHwiif, v,i. flocjc ,ctr tntiimerj at greatly re- a- t " . . " - ' v"" '.xourth tad Loc oauTe. viarae a t aic r. O. rearmavcy. . fcpj, p. L. eta:te. 2ic biititr riti1 ........... . . . With Elr" Cretin Bm Toutre aicti eitoj tu tXt&t urtu told ,i agsitr. Nfcial Cturrh and Hay Fever. !".a. .S Uct ic Miss Haven wishes to announce that V. ., . ... . i:. K saltma vvtrr durin, the month, of January and Feb. 0' ' ,0" dW e coneceetary. Write . . . " . : . 1 Jus I wet the affected oart fre!v with i ilare. Clark A Oj doc price, prepratory to receiving . o , ,inl ust-raSil.sprin.. Trimmed L.U at J? J aSSTKfl1.-.-ScSTSfcSSSS? ?f svtf J half price. d30-2w ' Falk. ! Uoti'l Uut II lu. T1R. K. K. kMITM. Jom wet the affected oart fre!v with i u . - rui .1 vsieunaui. Ko ad h. Ctajtcta Bioct, Tbe Belgian Hares to Lease. I have about 100 thoroughbred d-a that IJrt i I lease in lot of 10 to respon eibie psrtiet on shares. Applv lo C. E BA VAKD, D -" The Dalles. rw,f nil 1 1 i aa rlLLS