NEW HTTRHCTIO N Si AT OUR GREAT REDUCTION SALE. This sain has proven to be one of the most successful ever undertaken by the house. The people that have crowded into our store the last few days goes to show that thoy appreciate real bargains. A good many customers have been disappointed on account of not. having been waited upon promptly. The rush was beyond our expec tationsour help did the best they could wo have employed more for our Dry Goods Department and are now in a better position than ever to look after your wants. There will he new attractions daily come and see them. The store seems biggest in the mornings. Can you come then? Hut come when you can, we will see that your wants are attended to. .s . . The Triumphant Success of the first few dave of our ChKAKANCK .I.K speaks wonders for the quality of our offeringe. Vn start again today wit li in creased energy, bound to make January, l'K)l, the greatest, celling month in the his tory of our Clothing Department. PRICES TALK MKN's WINTKH SUITS-Ocer twenty ciilfcr Q Q. tni interne to select from .... tpo.yo MKN's WINTER SUITS In a wide election of new pattern. Made and finished erjual to regular tr oe 10 00 ami $12 00niita $0.85 MKN'S Al.I. WOOL SUITS A wonderful line to make vonr selection from, comprising worsted?, cheviot?, vi can", meltons and serges in nil the latest pattern?, conimenrine at S7.35 to S17:85. Suits that retail rrgalat.y from $10.00 to t'So IK) Boys' and Youths' Winter Clothing. We t l!Vr extraordinary hat pain in fact n have pinceil on our counters ov:r 2"0 hoys' vesteuaud donhle lreftel eults that tiitm be sold. LOT 1 -uite tliat sold regularly from $1 to -. I eurarice Price.. ... ooo . . . . . . i . I .i nr . . LUl - Mill" inai are worm irom - to $3 50, Clearance Price px.o LOT a.t ft" line of all-woo) tvliii nitfi. Ktld regn'arly from to fi ; Clearance I'rice pl.yy E0Y' OVERCOATS AND CITER-?- iWr" 10. .!:"!!.. C,.Mr' $195 to $7.35 M-n's Winter Underwear. A ! tr ,w K cwlorn wool shirts or urawere; h'vy ilhlied -hirt! or drawer"; Clear- i ' ' ' ii'-y A i' l Price -'!' : regular 73c values; Clear- I, regular $1.00 values; Cleaiance 39c 39c 59c 63c A lari:e line of Men's Colored Dross Shirts. stjiih patterns, regular S3c, $1.00 and $1.23; ,,Q Clearanre I'rice DcfC SEE WINDOWS. Eiderdown Jackets. You know of the warmth and co.iness of these Jackets; we still have a few left at 75C wwth double. HOSIERY. These cold mornings there is nothing nicer than to slip ones' feet into a pair of wool or fleece-lined hose. Our values in a good many instances are less than half the regular price. Look at them when you enter our corner door. There are six or seven lots, all makes, some at lie, 14c, 19c, 21c, 27c, 31c, worth up to 7oc. " CORSETS. A lady does not buy a" corset every month in the year, but here is one she can aflord to buy and throw it away and then have the best end of the bargain. Only small and large left. 25c per pair. .Just think! steels are worth 15c. PEASE & MAYS This store closes at 0:13 p. m. TOWELS. In linen and cotton, we have them in all kinds for the bath and wash room, and the good old-fashioned kind, "Crash," for the hands. Our price for a fair towel is 3 1-2 cents. Of course we have better at 7c, 9c, lie, loc and 19c. Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. The feet, above everything else these cold days, have to be given one's special at tention. Look at our prices and then visit our shoe department for a general inspection. Men's congreea and lace 07c Boys' calf and grain 07c Ladies' cloth top nnd kid lace 9,'lc " kid welt button $1 3.'! " kid. turn pole, lace 1 91! " spring heel, lace, button, 2J.j to 0 93c Misses' kid, spring heel, lace, button, II,1 J to 2 1 13 Childa' " " " " " 8,' .to 11.... S3c " " " " " " 3 to 8 7Jc " goat, " " " 3 to 8 33c " " " " " 9 to 12 03c kid " " button, 3 to S 40u PEASE & MAYS This store closes at G:13 p. in. Standard Patterns. Standard Patterns, every one knows they have to bo sold at the publisher's price. We act only as agents and to keep up our sale in this end of the department, we are willing to give you our profit. All 5c Patterns 3c. IOC X5C 20C 25C a a a 7c. 11c. 14c. 18c. GROCERIES. Some live to eat, and others eat to live, but these cold days we can do nothing but eat, drink and he merry. If you have uo appetite, here is 11 list that will make you hungry. Dunbar's oranse preserve, per can 20;; Melrose sliced peaches, per can S!:,c Bolditi Island asparagus 20e Bayles lunch herrinc )5c Boneless sardines, ss 20c Beardsley lunch herring )0e J.e Croit sardines, s 11c La Kochelle sardines, 3 10c Mustard sardines, -Xa 5c K. C. Baking Powder. 50 oz. -10c; SO oz 05c Alta Baking Powder, 5 It. $1.30; 2., 11. 70o Clnb House assorted preserves, per bottle 25c Cross & Blaelcwell marmalade, per bottle 20c White Ash Floating Soap, per bar 2.c Columbia Wiiite Oats, per package 7c PEASE & MAYS This store closes at 6 :15 p. m. fte Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY JAN. 7, 1901 Oysters served in any stylo... At Anrlrnui K'ollnr'c. - . ' 1 THKASl'MOirS NOTICE. , All U'atco t uunty urnrmut rreitrel ' rrlorto .it-ptrinliiT I. 1KU7, will lie pul'l n r-Mitrliii 11I my otlU-e. InterrMt ; tei.e, nftrr N, ,.m,r S, I MOO. IOIIN r. IIAMI'MllltK, Cminiy Trennurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Meti' Jersey doves, only 25 cents at TLe New York Cash Store. Mi'e warm-lined leather gloves, only 39cinte at The New York Cash .Store. All Circlers und Woodmen are re loestti' to hrit)!' their hammers to the intillation tomorrow nuht. PrjfetKor Sandvlg will commence aj dHIR'ilii flimn fur iihw ln'1'iniiHrH 1 next Wednesday evening at 8 p. m., at the Baldwin. i7-3t Clearance sale of winter millinery at I Campbell A WiUon Millinery I'ar-; ''. Trlmuieil hats, street hatf, and My bonnets at cost. i7.1m' 0. U. Duune moved his officio t- y from the Chupman block to the nomi late'y occupied by Dr. John Hud vaiothu Vogt block. lie mre und purchase a pair of the j nb-kn t caxony gloves. Juet the thing' "rcold weather. For nale only by The ! N York Cub .Store. J W'Mlip I). Armour, the groat Chicago Pork (meker, died at bis home in Chi-1 M un lay, January Utli. Ho h-nl j n i failing health for two years. I 'n's lainb.kuit saxony gloves. 50' nr ss cents at Ttie New Yoak Cash j tore. Theie gloves are the correct f (or looka and comfort, and should " worn by every gentleman In the city. ! I" View of the annoiinceinefit that the fople of Seattle are going to take itept 10 Purify the city, the Astoria Newa sug. t that as a ttarter it might not be a Mea to buy ?4 worth of catechisms father, who live-j near Moro, has been tent for and the examination will not take place tiF his arrival. The father of Kdward Cudahy, u hile he son and his brothers were growing p. was an Irish common laborer in lilwaukcH. Now this laborer's four son!-, MIc'iael, .I0I1 fi . 1'iitrick and Ed ward, are all millionaires and eciploy 0000 men in their business enterprises. This circumstance illustrates tho oppor tunities this coiititrv :il lord- to vouth of A colony of Dunkardt have purchased 1 the townaiieof .Sunnyside in the Yaki same mnnner as they have in .North D.tkota and other western states. Tho purpose, according to those wiio are the iA(lvance uiretitH of the colonv. Is to found tile In. Bcttli.rnnnf tli'if ulll hp nrtturl it, ull and distribute them among the enter prising liars who compile statistic for the sound city. Tonight the regular installation of ttie officers of Friendship Lodge, No. 0, K. of I, will take place, Ornnd Chancellor V. L. Brudshaw installing oflicer. A ful; Httendanco of memlferrt is requested The newspapers will now, please, give Mrs. Mary Kllen Lease iv rest. Shu has decided not to sue her husband fir a divorce, to return to the hoom of her family, abandon politics and settle down i thrift, enterprise, industry to domestic life. The conciliation and reformation have been brought about by the efforts of her children. - Mrs. OlIieF. .Stephens, Grand Chief of Honor, has just returned from Wasco, w here she organized a Degree of Honor lodge with 38 charter names. The mem bers christened their new lodge "Twentieth Century" D. of II. They nf ,1,., West for its tKiimHnmcH. haye a line corps of o.'hVrs and ur" "IClirIttiuMity and educational institu to date in that ihrivii.,' liule city, tionfii !n th i.,;j,mng it s tlie iuten- Tho ohleat woman in Oregon is Mrs. i tion to give liomes to about one hundred, Mary ILcmtey-Wcod, of Hilisboro. .She ! but within u year it i said the colony was horn In Knoxville, Tenn., May 20, 1 will increase to he one of the largest of 17M, and is therefore in her 112th year. its kind in tlie West. Despite her advanced age, the old lady walk about tho hoiifo spryly, sleeps well and says she is going to live until after another presidential election. Hugh Jackson today closed a deal for the nubeoiitraet of the stage Hue connect ing Mitchell with Canyon City, the one that bankrupted the last man that hud it. Mr. Jackson, however, 1ms got the 1 tivo from tlie Columbia river to Califor line ut a figure that he thinks will pay . nia and Nevada lines depends for hie him to run It. He leaves for Mitchiill ; election on the vote of Wasco county. onight and w ill take charge of the line It h a great snap for The Dalles' inter- on the Ibtii. ftest, iui nut cjuromcie s sense 01 justice A Washington dispatch says that For- ! (!' "t Hw It happy under such est Fisher, late actlnif postmaster of The jiirrangeincnt. -Salem Stateaman. Dalles, has It-ni placed on the rolls and iiflr,ttpH fAw of our people know, says assigned to the manufacturer.,' division, 1 1, Agriculturist, that in Franklin coin. one of the in-nt desirable divisions of fUy there is hut one poslolllce 'I'usco the censu ofUi-.'. Mr. Fisher Is Itepre- Ut HWh 4 tlt) IlU.t Ami tho last cen tentative Mod's secoml perimiiMii,H Hliows a population nf buUHU pwo census app .ihti-J'lhi) otTlffKlJeTiig" lohn p a ,l(.(!rease 111 ten yeais of over 100. F. Pipes, rim of .lifdge I'ipes, of I'ortlaml. 1 ral . too, It is supposed that u portion Slicriir Kllv returne l yet.rdny from of this 11)00 eiiiiinerallon, however, lion- population of less than 100,000, but the wheels of fate turned the tide. Columbia Lodge No. 5, 1. O. O. F., held its semi-annual installation last Friday night, when F. II. Van Norden was installed N. G., O L Walther, V. G. ; Paul K Paulsen, sec'y ; Simeon Bolton, treasurer; A 15 Lake, warden; Chas E Mcintosh, conductor ; G O Allen, I. G.; A Burgeson, O. G. ; K Hosteller, It. S. N. G.; FC. Sexton, L. S. N. G.; J U Bees, K. S. V. G.; T E Ward, L. S. V. and brains, i1'' J0'"1 K Ferguson, H. S. S. ; Chas E Hay ward, L. S. S. The secretary's port showed 1 auditions to re- ! that then: had been tho membership of tho ins valley and will sc-ttle then, in the ,odKe .iiirina tho p.iet year. Tho lodge U in 11 most prosperous condition. One of our principal sheep raisers tells a reporter of the News that several years ago the coyotes killed 1000 lambs in hia band alone in one season. Last j year a loss of twenty out of the same ' number was all t hey missed. This con dition of affairs is due entirely to the 1 scalp bounty law. Our legislators I should make a note of this and act ac icordingly. The benefits Grunt county 'derives in return for the thousands of The Dalles Chronicle does not like the 1 dollars contributed to the state's reve senatoilal and legislative apportionment 1 ime are very meager as compared with of the state madii by the last legislature, j the western section, and wo should do notwithstanding tho fact that it created i mand, through our representatives, a several districts extending clear to the I continuation of the scalp bounty law California lino and made them subject j which Is being so bitterly opposed by to the influence of the Chronicle's home some of tho Multnomah legislators. county. Every senator and ropresenta- Grant County News. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Slgmtturo of l( f 111 V It I . J. E. Adcox k Co, have moved their jnwolry store to tho new building on Second street west of J. T. Peters', where Ihey will he pleased to meet all .,1.1 f.i.....i .1 .... .., , Eiigeno firiuuing with him Wed . slsts of transients who were stationed ut 1 ' ., . . .1 1 mi. ..1 ..i.,.. uh need 1111 j' thing in the line of watches, Math as, who was arres ed there under Pasco its railroad men at the tiir.e the ,11 ,, ! , liilnjilu Mii'u rv uml r. ,111 i rl n ir llntinnl . . .. . :nu.....l lnutt.tu Hr.iu'.i. , u'uu miiili 111 liirirw.r I - ' . , ....w. hill's court charging him with cattle ; days, when JMsco was aspiring for tint j , H "I"'4'11 " stealing. On being arrulgued before j slate capital and real estate men weie Juitlce Brownliill this morning a plea of ! selling town lota at fabulous prices to Even examined I of churge by u graduate optician, j7-tf J . K, A ncox ik (.', free not guilty was entered and the prisoner was placed under bond of 500. MuthUs' the New York bankers, no one suppotetl that the census of 1000 wotilJ show a i Steam, liot water and furnace heating. Estimates made nnd contracts taken for heating old or new buildings. J We do t t Do not forget That wo operate i plumbing and tin shop, also a ma chine repair shop in connection with our hardware and implement store. Repair work of nil kinds done. MAYS CROWE, Yon will not have boils if von take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. ...Given Away... With ovory Dollar's worth of goods purchased at our storo during January anil February, wo will givo Ono Chaneo on tho following prizes': FIRST PRIZE One Aluminized Garland Steel Range. SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron Heating Stove. THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated Knives and Forlcs. FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork and Steel. FIFTH PRIZE One Niokle Plated Tea Kettle. SIXTH PRIZE Ono Nioldo Plated Condenser Cof feo Pot. SEVENTH PRIZE One Niolcle Plated Tea Pot, In addition to giving away thoso prios wo will soli goiids as low as tho lowest, and will always ho ready to serve tho trade in tho Ixtr-t possible way. Wo will positively not ho undersold by any ono. Our prices aro right. St BENTON,