The Dalles Daily Chronicle. l MONDAY Slates and other W. Corbett senatorsbtp, equipments of ( for the United! tocetber Notice, W. of W. Member of Mt. Hood Camp, No. 59, with, and of Cedar Circle, No. S, with hoe- ESD OF A C HI3t ERA. i t v r 1011 jy ,L1 ' sundry certificates of sssurance that ' binds, wives and sweethearts, arete- - - . - . t?-. r . i m ,u ; anesiea 10 or i rrierny uau on he alone of all other Orccon footstool is fit to represent We have always looked upon the this commonwealth in the Tuesday, January S, 1901, to participate in th installation of the officers of both higher orjers Brine your hammers and have By request of committee. C. H. Bkown. dalles boat-railway project ss vision- branch of the national council. The'ayood time. ary and impracticable, whose only thing savors of a patent medicine ad. P- use was to defer temporary relief in With slight modifications it might This season there is large death rate 1 he form of a portage railway as well be used to recommend St. Jacob's amons children from cronp and lnnc as the onlv permanent improvement Oil or Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre troubles. Prompt action will save the adequate 'to the demands of th ' scription. The -Chronicle" is an lUtle ones from these terrible diseases. , . , , . . .... ... We know of nothing so certain to give futute, namely, a canal and alleged "political newspaper o. .QsUat re,ie Qae Mcnte Congb , And now we learn that the river and eight page, with latent outside and Care- jt csu ci!3 ue reh&i upon in ' ' harbor committee has repealed the patent inwards, and never so much grippe and all throat and lace troubles;! boat railway project in toto and . as 3 line of local new ot editorial of d.n,t- Pisnt to take. Clarke & , j ' r , . , Falk s Pharmacy. maining of the appropriation back big display ad of the First National into the treasury, while the chairman bank of Portland. H. V. Corbett. has announced that before he will president, and three or four others permit tbe adoption of any new pro- that are probablv patent. Ii is pure- muscles and brain. There's no health A .Uunter Devil Flh ' Destroying its victim, is a type of con-' stipation. The power of this murderous ' malsdy is felt on organs and nerves and j ( ject all proposed schemes must be , y a political advertising sheet that , tlil it's overcome. But Dr. King's New investigated, so that the comm may decide upon the one it cons: most feasible and most warranted the demands of commerce. This ' 0 my countrymen ; mv countrvmenl . . . ... .. - - a rrlgntiui uiandfr leaves the situation about as it was if McBride had done tbs.t. this inno- w-i; often cause a horrible burn, ten years ago, and if it is disappoint- cent news item would have been the sdld.cnt or hruise. Bocklen's Arnica me it is not surorisinE. "We had d nbitnarv of a creat Silve the s5t in the worW win kin ImnM thot the nnPTtvnd nortinn , tfc.t h f.l'l rH with -irnnUh. . tbe Pa5n Rnd Promptly heal It of tbe appropriation would be re- ment and erief. tained as a nucleus for some practical j ittee, Mr. Corbett has hired to boost him-; Le " a 'e nd certain cure. ; j. . . t,' .tt tesi in me wor n ior s;omacn, liver, iders self at so much an inch. It s all , ' ' by right, of course, for Corbett but ; B,.kJeT.. drtJJ. store. ' Cares old sores, iever sores, ulcer?, boils, corns, j felons and ail skin eruptions. Best pile Jrlcfc M riSfc 1 j i ;il Complete Cine U at I M 7 nOMNIF! I l THE DRUGGIST. PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. THE CELEBRATED ...GOIiUlWBIA BREWEKY... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this we.i-known brewery the United States Health Report' lor June U. 1900, says: "A more superior brew never entered the laDrntorv of the Uotteil States Health reports. It is ahiolntely devoid cf the slichtest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of ihe best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high est and it can be used with the Greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and yoanc. Its use can conscientiously be presented by the physician with the cersaintv that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. 1 Take them to day and you will be well to-morrow. Baldwin's Allopathic Cold Cure Tablets, i Cold In He) No.23B. 25c improvement, whether temporary or permanent, but the boat railway scheme bad to be knocked in tbe head some time and tbe only real subject for regret is that this was not doDe before it was born. Tbe dalle and Celilo improve-, ments have now reached a crisis that we may as well face at this time as at any other. Judging the future by the past there is no certainty that an man who has now reached mid dle life will ever live to see a canal and locks completed by the govern-! ment. Even if within tbe next-' eight or ten years we should succeed in obtaining an appropriation that! would commit tbe government to J permanent improvements, there is no certainty that a score of years would see them completed. AVbatj then ? Shall the people of Eastern I Oregon fold their arms and await1 tbe action of congress, and die while they are waiting or, remembering Clarke & Falk, The Dl!es. Oregon, 'that God helps those who help them- j Floral lotion will care wind chapping selves, take the matter in their own aad sunburn. Manufactured by C'arce & Falk. hands and determine that relief shall i , , , rrr . - . i Clark & Falk are never closed sendav. ' be obtained if the people of Oregon t Oon't foreet tbif. have to do the work at their own For sale One set second-hand car COStr penter tools ot the late Roderick Mc- A portage road, owned and oper- Neal, at Maier A-Benton's. 29d -lw ! ated by the state, is no untried ex-, Among the tens of thousands whohave periment in Oregon. We remember used Chamberlain's Conch Remedy for what tbe little portaze road at the ' colds and la srrippe dnrin? tbe past few , ,. , , , years, to our knowledge, Dot a single case Cascades accomplished for the people. . , . r . . r has resnlted in nhenmonin. Thns. tributary to the middle river. An-' Whitfield & Co., 240 Wabash avenue, other around tbe dalles and Celilo ; Chicago, one of the most prominent re rapids would accomplish ten times as' ta'l druggists in that city, in speaking of much, because the territorv tributorv ' tb.5fi' fia-TE: "We rnin.end Chamber- l lam s uougn iietneay tor la grippe in Saw Filacisco. E. 1. BALD-WIN CO. Your Cold Cure the oilr rerattfv tht reav doe cere c ooe day. Kirrj- Kcdgers Co. SACBA.MESTO, CaI X. In BALDWIN CO. Yon Cold Cure Tablets No. sj-E are iplesdid for Cold In Head. WM. DWINELL. With Ada5, Booth- & Co. Sevlk. Couo. E. L. ELD-XIN CO. I 5d voar Cold Cere Tablets the and rsost coevcnieat recedy for cold is tie head. Ther cxrt i everj-irataace. H. P. CIO303 care on earth. Only So cts. a bor. Care guaranteed. Sold by G. C. Blake ley druggist 1 A full line of Eastman slms and sup-' plies just received by Clarke & Falk. You Luant. DEALEK IN W :A11 kinds of : Funeral Supplied Grandall & Burget UNDERTAKE S EMBALMERS The Dalles. Or. Robes, BuriaSh Etc Stylish Dressed Men.... Are those who wear clothes tbut are up-! to-date in fit. workmansh'iD and oualitv. ' My line ot samples covers all the latest j designs for fall and winter, the price is s right, and I can guarantee a perfect nt. Suits to Order. SIO.OO. John Pashek. The ov.tfTf I Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. ewiceasin all x ape.- here, sucb w j l j -t i t r wide variety as e are showing never be-. HeaaqUarterS IOr FeRd Gram Ol Pll kin ForTsma to? Bran, Shorts, 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE street. Also a full line of bouse paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. and all kinds of MILL FEED trace marks Designs Coptrigkts &.C. Arrone er.dlnj: a fkctrb and description si qu:c;lr ascertain onr opinion free Tbetber a iuri:t l prrbablT TiRtpntabift. Ctanjumr tlons 'nctlyeor.fide'rtlaL Hcadbook on Patent ! Jldest arener Jjr leconcf patents. l'ileu.'.; tiken tnrosrh Muss X Cj. recelTv trrtiol uotiet, Tithoat ccarre. to the Scientific flmeilcatu A handf -neJr !!!ntratd eo"t'T. Iirreft rir - I zr.j fnpp'lt i- :nx Term. S3 a rnr; ftarrani'hs, lu ioii tyaJI newdel-r. WUHM&Co.--Hew York Braacti o-Sc. Ci r ?t- Wash-crtn. 1). f Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour This Kvir is manufactured expresely for familv U'e: even-Mck is guaranteed to irive satisfaction. Gunning, to it is ten ttmes larger. The cost, ! many cases, as it not only fives prompt according to competent estimates, and complete recovery, but also counter- need not exceed ?4G0,000. Tbe ' acts any tendency of la enppe to result government owns a right of way in pneumonia." For sale by Blakeiey, that could be procured without cost, , the draK'5 and the road would effect a saving ' SacD littIe Pl!ls as DeWitt Little ' to tbe producers of the Inland Km- EarI-v Risers are Ter-r ea5il-r ukea' aad . . , tbey are wonderfully erTective in cleans- ptre equal to several times its cost lng tbe ver ,ad bowe1. Clarke & Falk every year. Ten years ago a bill p. o. Pharmacy. passed the Oregon senate for this. voor ba5r"is drJ. at)d dead-like, Co- purpose by a practicallv unanimous coanut Cream Tonic will give it life and vote, and came within a very few I0"'- PS0?", finfe;t votes of passing the house. I be , barber shop, aeent. n9-lm situation is more pressing now and 1 K7 Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. lj Cor Seuoud & IwM. VimtiVl We seii our coods .ower than any l.oii'e in tbe trade, and if yon" don't trunk so call aad set cur prices and be convinced. i Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. 3 REGULATOR LINE. DALLES.. PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY I Str. Regulator SCHKSCt, President H.i: t-. Dalle ' n -;dfjrdi(y . ;U-(i;ner I tht KituUV wil! nan jr the '.1 'jS h. 'I -3 5 5' Ship j'our Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City. I.v. Dalles at 7 xt . Manrtay FiiORy... . Arr. I'.irtlaiul nt I :m v. x. first National Bank, izs FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, THE DALLES L . I'ort'.ami .5 lit 7 lJ A. M. P Tuday 'rj TliurNlay ,5 Saturday Arr Dalh- g at "!. CHOCOLATE BON BONS. Lv KirtUad at 7 a x. M''iJay , ttidlit-wjuy Krjdoj Arr. !a!U- a i Y. x. I? - OREGON ; A General Banians- BuBinees transacted J ipUt received, subject to Sight i t Travt-1 by the -turner r-l tb IteKniator Mnc. The Comumv will t Collectione noade and proceede promptly , i i-orUat.d osice, o -tr-ct vri w c ALUW.V . . remitted on dav of collection. ;8 w. allaway, Cen. Agt. SlKht and Telegraphic Exchange sold on ' irir.iv-,vrrl1ixlxxlrl . . . . i or i, r; an rranciflco anc "on- land. DIRECTORS D. P. Thojciok. Jko. B. Bcbxkck. Eo. M. Williaxb, Gzo. A. Liaax. H. M. Bti.LV. SJtUTi JTJ3TJJ C1.U4 pressing" now In talking of Chocolates pleat-e reraecQjer that we carrv a full line of LOWNEY'S. fust ooened. fresh from Quality and not quantity inakee De- the fartnrv. In niln ami h, the demands Of traffic have greatly ; Witt's Little Early Kieere euch valuable ior Cbrie'trras trade,- and at prices to increased, while tbe ability of tbe JittIellTer P5l!e- Clarke & Falk'g P. O. , euit. Don't forcet that we ar head- state to make tbe appropriation increased in corresponding ratio. has Pharmacv. quarters for toe best on earth 11 too have dandruff, your hair ie LOWXEY settles It. t uu ui our siatc seuaiurs sou rep- saie at Frazir'e bsrbor shop. r.9-Itn resentanves will take this matter up Remember that Cocoanut Cream Tonic and father a bill for a state portage will promote growth of hair. Charles around the dalles and Celilo obstruc F'"er' 60,6 agfePt- d9 ltn Suob a measure ought to ' Tbe Be" ,,u,t- A piece of flannel dampened wltk Name MATT SHOREN, General Blaeksmith and Horseshoer. Hons? measure ought to ' rpMJvf thf nnnnrt nf nrv flolo- v . r i tCftatnberlain'e Pain Balm and bound to i.uu,, unu, as it tbe atfcCted pM nverlw t0 any ii confesselly notorious that Plastern piaster. When troubled with lame back Oregon gets mighty little from the , or palm in the tide or chest, give it a state treasurv. tbe bill ou"ht to meet trial and jou are certain to be more w w - Geo. C. Blakeley, The Dmggist. If no effective oppotition Tallej' members. from the than pleaded with tbe prompt relief which it arlordf. Pain Balm also cures j rheumatism. 'One application gives re- lief. For sale by Blakeley, the druggitt. .rectfully acknowledge the receipt of J -VZ . a sample copy of tbe "Portland Witt's.Witch Hazel Salve. It relieves Chronicle, ' containing a full page ?Dt nd CQre P. ortt, eczema Corbett's bar'I is on tap. We re- display adTertiwment of the Intel-J ,. Clarke & Falk'. P.O. Pha ruAcy. C. F. Stephens ...Dealer In. Dry Goods, Clothing, V Gents' Furnishings. I Boot, choe. Hati. Cp. Nutioni. Apt. (or W. L. Uoucla oboe. Telephone Xo. US. Ki Dtcond St., Tie Dalles, Or. t All kinds of blackemithing will receive prompt attention and will be executed in first-claes Ebape. Give blm a call. Richardson's Old Stand, ' Third St., near Federal, Tbe Dalles, Or. MM BesfaNl I.. Y. Hone, Prop'r. First-Class in Every Respect MEitS AT ALL HOL'ti. Oysters Served in any Style. 7 Bt-con-J St., Tie Dalkt. Or. fetiping from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothine, Bdois and .Shncr at prices. ill tell iu bulk or in lots, or .nv v t ,Y, , - J y VJ fcl... I'UILUI ian wholesale aeers. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. Pn.?01 u"!.1 eac:lCceJ Thompson's Glove-flttlne Coru brains CkI aUernS- Your prices will be mine. Call earlj andcure J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. WEAK NERVES. There is not a ease of nervous weakums in the world today no matter -,,at tl.. can. or ol lonl stan?l?nL , 1. 1 1 I ' wh,c,,1"l'and very easy to follow will j.i.iui.. fsi.MAL PILL'S will make you strong? Price, $ 00 per box buy ol vour ilruirifigt or Kent .v mail on rereipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PEOPBIETAEY 00., It. Wayne, led. M. Z. Douuell, Aent, The Dalles. Advertise in The Chronicle.