Clpimicte. VOL. XII I THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY. JANUARY 7, 1901. NO. Dalles ?J7J Ti l' 11.: "i0 Plllt p( Unlit crxy (!-inuinin Is t?liMi lv miuli' Mini j.crtcct tlt IitC Not In nil .c. but ;.;;" h,ivo $8.34 All Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits Reduced One-Third. Those who have denied themselves the pleasure nnd comfort of a new tilt earlier in the season now reap the benefit of these reductions: Anv $ G 00 Suit now $ 4 00 Anv S 00 now 5 34 Any 12 00 Suit ... now 8 00 Any 15.00 Suit now 10 00 Anv IS 00 Suit now 12 00 Any 20 00 .Suit now 13 154 Anv 22 50 Suit now 1500 Any 2o 00 Suit now Hi t!7 Anv 30 00 Suit now 20 00 ALL REDUCTIONS quoted in this ad. will remain good until fur ther notice. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE. Profit by it. 1 All $10 00 Jackets our window display or hotter still visit our uit department. You're not asked to buy. All All All All All 12.50 Jackets 15,00 Jackets 1S.00 Jackets 20.00 Jackets 25.00 Jackets Ladies' Jackets. Your choice of any style, any quality, at $ 10 or over ' At Half Price. Our Jackets are known for their excellent stvles and perfect tilting quali ties but the month of January levels al! prices, regardless of cost. . reduced to $ 5 00 reduced to (5 25 reduced to 7 50 reduced to 9 00 reduced to 10 00 reduced to 12 50 Children's Jackets Reduced One-fourth. They're just as they were at the beginning of the eeason. Not as large an assortment probably, but stvles in plenty for a satisfactory selection. At $2.97 We offer a nice double-breaetr d Jack et in a neat check heayy material that will give good satisfactory wear. Large storm collar, silk lined hood, large fancy buttons. Ages 3 to 12 years. Worth regularly $3.95. All others in like proportion. Little Girls' Worsted Dresses. In this department we show a complete line of sizes from 2 to 14 years m qualities ranging from G9c to $10 each. These prlceB now Reduced just One-fourth. Every dreas is a little gem. All neatly trimmed some in braids and r tidies others in laces, velvet ribbons, silk guimps and small gold buttons. We describe 2 neat styles here : At 75C Made of dark fancy At $4.50 Sailor Suit, mixed goods; yoke, revers edged similar to above cut, made with rufile and trimmed with ?' p""V?d i5 Vn? fancy braid. ff." we.ave; 'n. red, or ' blue; trimmed in four Sizes 2, 3 and 4 years. Worth rows narrow white braid; regularly $1.00. 6 to 12 years ; worth $6 00. Right Up-to-Date. OUR JANUARY SALE OF SHOES fs s? rare h&- VrkGYmZ . w- zr: Ladies,' Misses and Children's Shoes have been re-marked, and are now being sold at from a half to a fourth of former price. Special $1.00 Pair. Choice of a table full of Ladies' fine Kid-ekin Shoes that sold regularly at $3 and $4. Special $1.50 Pair. Another table full of neat up-to-date Shoes in welts and turned eoles; value $2.75 a pair. Ladies' Patent Leather Sandals; here tofore $2.50; SPECIAL 75c Special $2.50 a Pair. Strictly up-to-date shoes of best vici kid in new coin toe and medium or heavy flexible turn ed or welt soles ; value $4 and $5 a pair. Special $2.00 a Pair. Ladies' Lace Shoes patent leather, flexible eoles; vici kid, turned soles; vici kid, welt soles. Regularly $3 50 a pair. Comfortable Shoes. Thie stylish Lace Hoot is made of the beet vici kid; with broad bull-dog toe, patent leather tip. and has heavy welt solei kid lined throughout. Worth 1 1 ; Special $2.50 Ask to see theu. This Store Closes at 6 P. M. M. M. WIL-L-IMMS 5t CO Common-eenee people waut common sense footwear not all style, but com fort as well. Here's a bargain for them': A whole table-full of plain toe, common sense button shoes that have sold regu larly at $2 00 a pair ; choice $1.39 SALT AS A LIFESAVER ( - CASTOR AYegclable Preparationfor As similating tlicFoodandHegula Ung the Stomachs andDowcls of Promotes DigesliopXheerful ness and Rcst.Contains neither Opium.Morpliirte norXiiicraL Not "Narcotic. ttmkOUSJ- MfnpSfJ. nhtmym nmrmr. A perfect Remedy forConslipa Hon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea md Loss or Sleep. i L Facsimile Signature or new vonic. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Jw AAV tACT copy or wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMC CfMTAUH COMMWy, HW VOW CITY. !... Mt . ki r itfui fir nmiw The Kauj Wllklnnon warehome, on 'W iu ujt rr'iv or mini iv in Vil'Wry, rrurated irou building, iwio.i feet, with water elevator. Apply w Sam Wilklmou, The I)lle. n25-tf Sick Headache abeolutely and nafiua. neolly cured by using Muki Tei. A pleasant herb drink. Cures coimtlimtion and Indigestion, makes you eat, sleep and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 20ctf. and&Octe. Blakuley, the druggist. ' , Result oT Experiments Made By Chi cago I'liysicians. Cnicuio, Jan. 5. As a result of a pro tracted series of experiments with salt solutions, the efficacy of which in pto. teutitiK Iif was recently announced by Professor Loeb, of the University of Chicago, two prominent physicians here claim to have demonstrated that in cases of great 0BS 0f blood by disease or injury, a normal salt eolation, as a restorative, will eaye life even when 00 per cent of the blood lias been lost. The experi ments, which have been extended over a period of six months, have, according to the physicians, made practicable a new eayssm of bleeding nnd substitution of salt solutions for persons suffering from pneumonia, typhoid, malarial fevers, peritonitis, acute and chronic Bright's disease, and all heart all'ections resulting from the last-named complaints. Much success has followed all their experi ments, the phyelciana say, particularly those with pneumonia and Bright's dis ease. In their experiments the physicians used over 100 dogs, and found it possible to withdraw 70 per cent of the circula tion from an animal before it was neces sary to inject a stimulant. The final test was made on a dog from which 00 per cent of blood had been drawn. A needle connecting with a salt water ap paratus, containing- per cent solution, was inserted In the jugular vein and a second needle inserted in the junction of the large veins lying clone to the heart. After the blood had been drawn off the the salt solution was forced in around the heart, and into the vessels of the bruin, The dog was able to stand itisidu of an hour, and the following day was able to walk, A human patient suH'ering with pneu monia, who was operated upon, re covered in much shorter time than is the rule with those stricken with thut diseaee. In cases of malarial fever, the injection of the salt solution wap made directly into the splaen, anc' in six weeks all the symptoms of the disease had disappeared. No claim was made tiiat a euro had been effected in cases of Bright's disease, the physicians merely asserting that they had removed several of the most troublesome features of the complaint. I Persons who Buffer from indigestion I can not expect to live long, because they 1 cannot eat the food required to nourish the body and the products of the undi gested fouds they do eat poleon the blood. It is important to cure indiges tion as soon as possible, and the best method of doing tiiis is to use the prepa ration known as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat and restores all the digestive organs to perfect health. Clarke & Falk's I. O. Pharmacy. ltewant for Cruwu'H Arreat. Omaha, Jan. 5. A specific reward of $13,000 ia now offered for the arrest of Tat Crowe, and nothing is said in the od'er about conviction. The police to day prepared and are sending out 5000 circulars bearing a picture and minute description of Crowe. They will be Bent broadcast, and will also hear the descrip tion of two other men and n woman supposed to bo connected with the Cndahy adbuction. The oiler is made unconditionally, the arrest and delivery to the authorities being the only re quisite for securing the reward. This will allow no excuse for any one refusing to tii'n him over on the score that he cannot be convicted, and the police ex pect this will greatly asbist In securing his arrest. l'liiyor, Out, Dull Headache, l'uiua in various parts of the boilv, Sinking at the pit of the Btomuch, Lisa of appetite, Feverishuess, l'i m plea ur Sores are all positive evidun cee of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must be purified in order to obtain good health, Acker's Illood Klexir has uevui failed tocure Scrofulous or Svphilitii; poisons or any other blood difeaeB. It in certainly u wonderful remedy and we fell every bottle on a positive guarantee, Illakeley, the drug gist. Subscribe for Tiik Uiikonici.k. ' JlXJik. FKfXns A VA'I Al A 1 A I AJ'A 1 AVA'I Al Al A Al A f A I A T A J A JVk rA I Al A A' ArATA, C. J. STUBMHG, WHOI.KSALK AM) liKTA'li Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention, i Next door to First National Bank. J Phone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON. FCCORSETS These Corsets can he had in all the latest styles, including the new G-irdle, at The Fair. :FCCorsets Tho Plnco whero you can savo monoy. FCCoastTSx When threatened by pneumonia or any other lung trouble, prompt relief is necessary, as it is duugeroiiH to delay. Wo would siigu'ust that Ono Minute Cough Uuru be taken as soon iih indica tions of having taken cold nru noticed, It cures quickly and Its early use pre vent)) consumption. Claiku Falk'n V, O, Pharmacy. Subscribe fur Tiik CiiKo.s'iar.u, For SiiIk. Kasteru Oregon timothy hay, $15 per ton, f, o. b. Tim Dalles, Hastem Out gou wild hay, $13.50 in car lots. McOt'ixv t Cayi.oii, d l'2w La tirande, Dr. For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing bo good as Chamberlain'a Pain Halm. Try it. For Bale by Illake ley, the druggist. t