I SCHOOL NOTES. 1 Nrv ltm thit mil He f lntret to, the Friend of Waacn Conutj ! VuM:c chopl. j The District Boundary Board is com - j posed of the three members of the J county court, with the county joJce as chairman and county school snperia- teodent as stcretary. Tbe board will consider the following petitions at tbe : regular session of county court, which , begins Wednesday, January 9th. Petition to divide school district No. 27, near Dsfur, signed by twenty.fiur petitioners and died Nov. 12, 1900. Re- ' monstrance to said petition, with nine teen natnes, was Sled Nov. SO, I9CV). The legal voters of school district No. 4S, or Bate Oven district, petitisn to have the eastern portion of said district ; created into a new district to accornrno-1 date the children residing in and about ' .Shaniko. It is signed by forty-five persons. j The homestejders and others living in ' the western portion of school district No. 42, Wamic, ask that the western part of said district constitute a new district. Tne above his fifty-three petitioners. A petition from school district No. 30 ted one from school district No. 21 prays j that tbe S4 of SV of Sec. 16, Vls of NWt4.NEi4 of NV:4, NWi. of NE'4 ; of Sec, 21. T. 1 S., P. 14 E. be set out of ' rcnool district No. 30 and included with in the bonsdarv Hess of school district ; No. 21. " I Oregon is now divided into two parts ! for the purpose of holding state teachers' associations. Trie Cascade mountains brine tbe dividing line between the eastern division and western dirision leaves Wasco cocnty nearer the latter, although included within the limits cf SAVE YOUR SKIN How to Preserve Purify and Beautify the Skin and Complexion. To preserve, purify, and beautify tbe s.v.u. ul prevent pimples, blotch?1', blackheads, redness! rouchtie.'?. yellow, oily, mothy skin, chapping, and many other trm- of sk'ti Kcmfchcs. uo o'her skin or complexion soap for a moment to be cc:np.jcl with (.tTii iR j-Oap, bocati-e no other soup reaches the cause, viz.. c' u'. ,mf .1, r .tmcd condition of the Pokes SAVE YOUR HAIR How to Prevent Falling Hair Scalp Humors and Dandruff. Cleanse the scalp an 1 hair tliorousb'r with a warm shampoo of Cm CCRa Soap, rinse with warm water, dry carefully, and apply a lisht dressing of Cttilura. purest of emollients, sently rul"iled into the scalp. This simple, refreshiac. and inexpensive treatment will clear the scalp and hair of crusts, scales, and dandruff, soothe irritated, Itchins surface, stimulate the hair follicles, supply the roots with enenry and nourishment, and make the hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, and "healtliv scalp, when all el?e faib. SAVE YOUR HANDS How to Make the Hands Soft and White in a Single Night. Bathe and ?oak the hands on retiring iu a strong, hot lather of Cctipcra Soap. Dry thoroughly and anoint freely with CxTirtn.v Ointment, the great ;kin cure and "purest of emollients. Wear during the n'mht old. loo-c kid gloves with the finger ends cut off. For red. rough, chapjied hands, dry." fissured, itchlti;. feverish palms, shapeless nails, with painful ringer ends, this one nKt treitmtnt is simply wonderful and a blessing to all afflicted with sore, chapped, rough, or tender hands. Cuticura Complete External and Internal Treatment for Ensry Humor, MVUI U Co:U:;ofCfTjrcxi Soap (Jjc ). to clean tbe rtia of cras:s aoj gB. Qi j n.a.i-aad no'ten the thickened catlcle, Crricrna Pi.ntxest in 961 SI.aS ; ,--j:t;y allay itehinz, rofUreaaUon, and imution. ai ootbe and hai, and Crncna ItEsoivzxT 50c. , to cool and c!carje the blood. A :cle Sit U often roSSeiest to core tieno: tortarisc diitur-nag, aad bcisiiiatio; ekia,calp, and btood bctaorr, wua k cf hair. wbVaal e:- full, sold tbroocboBt the world. 1'otter Dkcq a-D C'lirx. Cos?, 5 tie i'r.;-, BoaVja, lliii. " Au about Uc sUa, Scalp, aad Hair," tree. SPECIAL SALE! Special Values , in all Mil linery at MISS HAVEN'S during January and Feb ruary. Trimmed Kats at Half Price. Kodol 0.R.&N. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. . Itartificially digests the food andnids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It Is the latest discovereddigest ant and tonic No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relievesand permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Snnr stomach. Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsand ctrrh cannot it curr.t. aii other results of imrrrect digestion, with local applications, as they cannot prlceMcanafl. Laree site contains 24 tines f t ,rrh SSJallSltC HOOK Sll BVUUl UJ uatarrn K-jared b;' E D:!ITT A CO.. Cbleogo. rrr.vnr r re Ka-t Mall li ."o t. in Atlantic Kxjirc i; i a. m. Yn Hunt- TIVK rllKt)t'LK. t ROM IUIAKV lt ljikr, IK-ttvcr. Kt. Worth. Omaha, K?i- m rity, m. liiis, Chlcnso anil Kast. Mlt Ijti..-'. trnvor, Kt orth. Umaha, Kan City. St. lut., CblcaRu mid Kn.it. Axr:vk Frox Kan Mall l;tI it I i. ' reach the seat of the disease. is a blood or constitutional disease, ar.d , in order to cure it vou must take inter nal remedies. Hali's Catarrh Cure is taken internnlly, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Core is not a quack medicine. Sold bv Clarke A Folk's 1 0. 1'fiarniac . NOTICE. MOlanc Nlatl niut 9 .'5 p. ra Wall Walla, tiVanc, Mlnnoaiolls. M. I'aill, i)U I II t ti, iltluauliv, ' t'hlcaeo and Kal, Via i Molaneakd UuntliiK- ' ton. alxi all point In ' Wanblncton aln1 Kml- 3.C91a. in rrn Oropun. Sfotiaiij Mall ami Kiprci It ws was prescribed bv one of tbe best , that i3rt:oaof tba sidcwaU , . . . ... , . northerly -ide o! Kuiton Strc physicians in this country for yec-S, and i ceathc cortheaH earner of t : p. ta. p. Kno l'oi:TtM Ocean Mrtmrilri For .-n Krancliro Every tvc Par. p. m. 4 p. m Ily r: an r.rdcr of the cunoil of I)alie . C t. Orti.-' r raaiScia thtb Jv of Norero- ! Ir t) l.'.v a fee i- ricny t;nra that on i thevrdiHh uay of Nocmtr I'.'IX the mM ', council declared y rclutwn adopted, that Miuatcn on in strcc .ind lymir lc- i t irrt'i thp corthpan earner 01 lac ouarc lorracu is aregclar prescription. It is composed & t.; uon of .itoa of the best tonics known, combined with , nn;eetcit rf .iid corner oa -attl talton Mrcet. , j- .1 i in a dacsrou coodition and in need of fviaz ! the best blood punhete, acting directly , rt.pUiU ln that -aid stdc-ar i wcav. decayod i on the mnrti Bnrfar- The nerfwl . and unvafe f tnncl upon, and it a- deter I on tne mccons suriare.. ine peneci hv couarll to ouud tbe Mmt aK! ' - I combination of the two mirredientS l! ! that tbe cot of rebuilding -aid -Idcv alU Ik1 I t..ta. WilLimkttx Kiveb. 4:30p.m. I ,i i ...i : cnar.'cd to the owner or owner-of tbe protwrty vx.?ondy Oreson City, h'cwbvrg, Ex.sundar I wb3t prodnces such wonderfnl results in j aDulnr on vaid portion of -aid -tc-cai dt- ?aitai ,v y Und'i. 7 1 carine Catarrh. Send (or testimonials, , clarcd in a caarerou- condition a- by law pro- Ci.;unday Colurnbli Rv. 8tcamcr. Ex.suti. To Astoria and Way .-iurdy Indii:ir- i 10 !. ra. free. F. J. Che.vev & Co., Pro Toledo O. Sold bv drrnpeists, price ".Sc. Hall's'Family Pills are the best. 12 the former. Seven teachers from this county attended the meeting at Albany last week, as compared with thirty from Mcltnomab cocntv. The Dalles schools will resume work nest Monday after two weeks holiday vacation. Hood River and Antelope schools began aain last Wednesday. School assembled at Dnfar on Mon- W1H , Monday. The Teachers' Ileadinz Circle meet at Hood Kiv-r nest Saturday. School district No. at Kincsley, has icdaiced the hitdren of that schoo' in the modern losnry of patent desks. Graduates from the eighth crade in November were as follows; Antelope, EUSINESS LOCALS. Nasal CATARRH In all iu la;e there ahos.i te cer,.;na. Ely's Cream Balm cleaves, twthes and heiii tae diitawi ciijnae. I: con-' catirrh aad drives vided ; Tbi- Eoticr I- publi-btd for 14 d.iy from the, l:h day -if iMt'tntr. !'.'. by urdi-r uf tne I ' rv'-ncii' of Dalle-C.iy uaich ordt r a made Nov i'lh. I liatcd a: l'a'.ct C it- . Or IHmler 1. ln. Nhl H iATKS K-ct'pie" of jalle-Otr TA.ra, W lUaJlETTE ANP Vam-Tue-.Tbur. niu. Kircn.. and .-at. ureron City, Uayton. and W y-linJii. -aay, uec. oist, m tne principal s room, R0j:t.r a. Spicer, Vivian D Dzram of Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated Jame E. Patton strictly pare liqnid paints. Whv nav J1.75 Der cation for inferior Ethel Hamilton, Francis Kincaid, Lillie ! paints" when jog can boy James E. Vredt, Leola Stccker, Gatch Bolton, , Patton s snn tnol paints for $l.o0 per Paint yoor honse with paints that are twaj a co.d .n tbe head lolly puaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk j qajck:y. have them. Cre:un Balm'" placed Into the nostril!, tpreijf orer tbe raesbrsae aad is absorbed, lleliefula raediite aad a ere fo.low. It is cot drjic- i-t jmggi n nmnopn i j I r llparla dliy " "- a. m. -NE KlVEK. UipariK to Uwiiton. cot produce saeezia;. Lar- S.ie, M cents at Dn.;- i j:s:i .t by naii: Tral Sn, 10 cetts by raal- n Yellowstone Park Line. THE u.-VVj ( All ROt'l r KuM I-OUTUKMJ I'lTliL Il.--T. THE ONLY 1'IKKiT IJ.VE TO THE YELLOW. 3 10 p. m. MoaWnl and Kri. Leave I.ewmto.-c dally 9. CO a, ra H.Y D'ZWTIIERS, M Warrre S-jeit, New York, i .-TONE 1AHK Clark & . rreTmtert a Iracedy. UlTC. rartl de-lrint to co to HcDDner or ;-.i:it on Columbia southern via Itlco, hoult Ukc o 2. lenrins The Dalles at li V) p. ta. sat iiie dirrr t mnrcrtlon nt II- PPncr iunction ':id Klcc- HcturtiitiK ma.ineilinvtcoiinectloa , at Heppiier ntirtlon and JJ1e?i with No. 1. ar riving at 1 be Dallcf at U Jj p. m. j TheO It. .. N. Meaimrr "M k1it ii now mat mc nvtiUr tri P yalem and Inttend(.nce ' bi.riii3 at all iray landiuci. the leaVf oit I lur.d on Monday.-. Wcdntxlnyi and Krldayi at . a. in., nrrlvlni at .-k;n i p. tn.. and indcwud eni-t-atut f. p m. on .arne day.-. Keturmt e tet It-arc lndei-niletiee at a. tn. and s-alcn nt. h. m on Tueday. Thurdayi and eatur dnjf, arrnnu at 1'ortlaud atxiut 'i p. tn. same dar,. ml I Long, of Xew Straitsviile, Ohio, pre- I T . j t - Bo'ton allon Euaranietra tor o years and rendered an interesting riro?ram of n n t o i c a,:, agents. vocal and nstrtmental music, readincs R;ver one ' Dyspepsia can be cured by using rented a dreadful tragedy and saved two and recitations. Schoo: mu dismissed! tv,J n ' i c.k5r'a dyspepsia Tablets. One little lives. A frightful coush bad Ions kept . , , , ; "c .ui- xatjiet wi give immediate re let or her awake everv niht he had tried i m the formoon ot New dear's day. ' memh lhat the co;!e, and schools monev refunded. Sold in handsome tin afee every niht. .he had tried I Miss Bertha Hiii. assistant teacher at ,i.n, . hoxMat 2S ms. RlakUv th rirniat. nsanj remedies and doctors but steadily. 3rs Valley, has returned to her work ; celebration of John Marshall Dav, on ' Experience is tbe best Teacher. Use W n . nM, m R j after a pleasant holiday vacation at Monday, Feb. 4. 1901. This day i's the Acker's English Remedv in anv case of , ?fW 1' JZt i ! centennial anniversarv of his appoint-1 coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to j h"- ?nd ,she b arvelons Mr a w t,fiB,a nnn,ie . m.i . .. .. " , . . trie immidiatf rpli.f mnnpr rpfnr.dwl. I medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe II .so K . w . ... - . n. w i - .k. uvi , iu.ui til- m.T)T nu r " ' i. t in BTirvA a rn Li itnniin nart - - . . f . i, ? . ! , , ..f. " 1 " 9 25 .iiiiucui oi u.iy pepu- in sccoo. uismci , in office for more than a third of a UllK 3:Ji, Flftt SI 1 515 a kxive. No. 1 25 ct-. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drag ' attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are -is, Known as rairview scaooi. c?ntury. Let tbe schools at The Dalles Mr. F. H. Isenberg has returned from ' join with the members of the bar in Cross Keys, where he tauzht to terms, j celebrating this important event. He succeeds to the principalsbip at ' Cascade Lccks where be bean test ! story or a slave. Wednesday, with Miss Louise Hull, of! To be bound hand and foot for gist. positive proof of the matchless merit of Persons who suffer from indigestion i ,bis erand remedy for enring all throat, . can not errtct to live Ions, because ther I ctleit long troubles. Only 50c and cannot eat the food reanired to nourish ! w- Every bottle caaranteed. the bo'iy and tbe products of theondi-j vears gested foods they do eat poison the i No. 2. Fat mail for Tacoma, reattlc, Olyapia, Gray . Harbor and South Bend otnt.-, sp)'ane, Ki.--laud, ii. C, t'ullman, Moscow, I;ihton, Huf 11.15 A.M. faloIlatnpaiinim;e"'in- SMl'.lt. try, Helena. Miuticaj-Ii-, stU 1'aul, Omaha, Kana- CltT. st. Uuis. Chica?o arid all point eat and -.octbta-t. l'ueet .-ouud Eztres M. for Tscurna and ..attic 7:10 A. M. end inttrceiiale .inti For full particulart. cull on O. r sent Tbe lialle. or uddri-- R. S. N. Cti. W.H. HfHUlfUT, Oen. Ta. Agt , Portland, Or SOUTH and EAST via No. A Souinern Pacific Co FTillraan Srt-clan ana touriit le.-r to Minneapolis, st, 1'aul end Mlswjuri rirer uAaU without ehanie- tlbik-l train. I nion depot ctnm-tiu V.nMt. f. PI.KUtn. c I t-:xecocc...i ioQc;inaiiUii o: tioiet Portland, as asiisttnt. br tbe chaits of disease is the worst blood. It is important to cure indices- Mr. T. M. B. Cuastalo, j.rinc:pl at form of slavery. George D. Williams, of , -'on as soon as possible, and the best Pioe Grcve scLoc! near Hoed Eiver, ' Manchester, Mich., tells low scch a method of doing this is to use tbe prepa- How to Core Croup. i Mr. 11. Gray, who lives near Amenta, t Trial ! '3 a11 principal title Kor bendvjaely liluMiatedde-criptlT-einatter, tickets, t!cp:c; car rescrrationi, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, k-'.-a alrcet,c-i i'awnzer Ami. -V, Morri rt er Tilfd. P..ruand Orevuu. -new has an assistant tracher, Mrs. Mag- slave was msde free. He say?: "My gie Rcld. An eutx-rtainnict and bos wife has been so helpie:: tor rive vears social hM at thi; school a few days ao that she could not tern over in bed alone, aef.rd a handrurre seta of monej with 1 After usiuc two battles of Electric which lo tDrebiae iiorary books. , Bitters, sheis uo;. i(rri'o!Iy improved and Mr? Ea.: e C. Shaw closed a sccee's- able to do her own wrk." Thi: supreme fal ;-riri of school nt Vies to Dec. iSih. j remedy for female di-ea;es quickly ceres Miss Martha U'beatdcti has yutracted ! nervousness, sleep. essness. naelancboly, ration known as Kodo! Dyspepsia Cure. It dicest what you eat and restores all the digestive organs to perfect Lealth. Clarke & Fa'.k's P. O. Ptarmacv. I'lsji-rt Out. Dncness county, X. V., says : "Chamber-1 Ai-Utant Mni-ra Iain's Coush Remedy is the best medi-1 , cine I have ever used. It is a fine' ' children's remedy for croup and n-ver 1 fiils to cure." Whtn u'iven a; soon as , I the child becomes hoarse, or even after ! : the Croupy COUgh has developed, It will ' TKANeACTA ENEKALHANKINO Blrl.-.Er 'prevent the attack. This should be i Letters of Credit iss-ued avtiiril.. in rhc Shasta Route Tniiik lenv- The Dalle- for Portland and vcij btatluin at I . jj a. a. and i p. ra. Leave 1'ortlaml :: in " AlUoy lj;am A 'rive Aibland 12:rttara iracraiueato .. SlDpn " cU rrauci-oo 7 Ijpm FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Arrive Ojdon " iHmver ' KjmA city. " C'bJeajo . . . 5 Uia ':(' a m T 'A a ra T i'j a m of UOU tleaoacne, rains in various parts borne in rnind and a bottle of the Hon--!. Eastern State e ! Kemedy kept at hand readv fur instant I . Siifht Exchange and Telegraphic ' i- I .... Tl"3 r.&l..a rr.M r. V"... T.- I. PL! to teach tlir. m!ith in -nh.i t. ,:..t , hf-ria,-hf. hwtsrlw. f.inrir... anH Hirrv I swmacn. 1.1 01 appet.ie, r r-verisnn'-SS, n-v as S.300 as these svjnnlr.irw nnr li" "rfc., uoiwigo, -10. iw, Mt. riood fchool. ! spells. Tnis miracle working medicine , ""f" - " i:,e cvluu:j. tor saie by ciate.ey, the drnif.Mst. run down , c" oi ImDOre bloo'j- ,D M how il ! "nriiNn IFT Occam--to it tnii:t be puriti-d in order T to obtain sood health. Acker's Blood S If -VOa ,nte,"J t0 Uke 3 tr,P Eass hik Klnrir hnH faii?f-rsnfnin 1 voar t,nkfct a?enl to route yon via Tbe Arrlte U AnceU ... El fa-o M Tort Worth " city o! Mexleo . " HoDrton " Sw Orkoua . . " AVatbimrtoc ... " New York .. I'Wpm - c w p ra . 6 . a in . 'i v. ,i i i I ! a in . i. u ii ni .12 I : p in 7 :00 p m 10 &j p tn 11 30 m m 4. .11 em b l' a ta 11 I'.au. Sinn' 7 w a n J a r ;! c c p f. I a I 'J H i 1 00 H C S II C a i U-CJ p . I spells Mi Maie Barn'.t will wield the rod .' is a godsend to weak, sicfclv, i tea Flat di-tr:ct. je;inn:n!: ntst . people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only Mtl.'t.; . The Jatitiary apportionment of county and sent out t. Louis, San Francieco. Portland Ore- iron, Seattle Wash,, and various point; 1 in uregon ana Washington. ullraan ami Totirft cars on both traw i i hlr .- saerumenbi to Osd.jn ami f.l !. Hollinna ... .t. ! ' , J-u. S.w t n liwt! 'inds m'i be mad to the -ee'a; !'tr.et school clerks rext I 50 cents, told by BUtrley, the Drni gist. C Ftr.h .Milk and Cream. A dollar saved i? a dollar gained. I ' am selling the best Jersey milk in the: market, warranted to test five per cent or Svphilitic poisons or any other blood Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date cisea'es. It is certainly a wonderful i railroad in every particular. reinerjy and we -ell everv bottle on a I positive guarantee zist. rable term NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION Through trains from Chicago, Kansas C , and New LsiOmct atTh. Iuixl. Or.,i Notice if hfnby civeri that the follow in i Blakeley, the drug- .ritv " t. nw t, t . v!... v " u u. b i.t.u t final tiruof in titrTtrt if MifLim .... England points. All traUnlllVliri ttl.. .1 . J L. : I X-1 T- , . -.. . IUV lU'iuitt with i blllppluer, Coutral and eoutli Amtr:(a. t agent at Tbe Uallei ttallon. or addrci C. H.'MARKHAM, Oeutral I'afHiisrer Ageut, Portlaiwl, Or ffc mm butter fat, for a quart per month ! ntn mreatenea oy pneumonia or 1 ran via Niagara rails ana every through ' "r , on caturoay, january'J., lwi. vl UlCalCOl III HII cream at 40 cents a fwrt. W,v p3V necessary, as it is dangerous to delay. ; ing and dining cars. ; Vg& prf t " Every one in can Antonio. Texas, say ' more when you can do better by 'pLoo- wnld ?a&et tbat 0ne Mi'1Dtt I Stop oyer allowed on all ticket at Ni- j "V nimk Vbe follo-m; wlBeww , ,.rovc l that Acker s tngluti Kemedy is tae greatest lug to the City Dairv. .Itinr. arb. .mf nn ffi. rfiil-.tik - colds, a-sthma, bronchitis, croup and consumption. I Lave been ruing it over four a30-lm 'Phone 35-5. Beet Bag ley, Prop. Cough Cure be taken a; soon as indica- agara Falle. tions of having taken cold are noticed. It cures quickly and Its earlv use pre- Pepsin preparation! often fail to re- vents consumption. Clarke & Talk's Here indigestion because th-y can digest i P. 0. Pharmacy. Ross C. Cu.ne, I ! . t, i wi iue jonowjn; wltcciM-r to prove ". -y"""ou reticence upon and cu tltudon Pacific Coast Pass. Art.. i fflS- Vf u N,.llAn. r, I g. IyiS Acsrelee, Chlif. j frrr,U.I The lJalle. Oreson' 4 C. S. CisANE, G. P. A., St. Louis. Mo. i dctl JAY P. j.t. ca. iul , I L. Lane, '1 CiENEl'.AL only albuminous foods. There is one j tiv NOTICE. 'NOTICE OF FINAL JsKHLEMEJCtT In fatare any and all inquiries rela-' In the matter of tbe e,t:cf John Gottlieb! 6' re to delinquent tare mutt be madei Weub!iut. deceased ' nmu Kiven that the underfilled. This season there is a large death rate food, and that Is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. ; ' irom croup and lung - V whrtXTn f i. .i .... .. trnnhlca. Pmmnt or-tIr,n t iku ".nl"'i.ur,"li11 9Ble recjra ana roue, ine Jr.hn r.otti- it cures tne worst cases oi lnuigesuon r "" eQer and t-ivee instant relief, for it diceste ! li,tle onei from tb6e 'riWe diseases. mak what vou eat. Clarke t Falk P. qJ " e know of nothing so certain to give 'Pharmacv. instant relief as One Minute Cough .Cure. It can also be relied anon in .hereby corn bus 2 i w v iT "na ""raeiit of j f Iff having complied with the law in hU fin.: acun," , ,hV inait" of i iVuu- I 5. ing ea!e of deiinouent tar . he is tne ivjuntv court of tbertatcof or.-,.. t..i ipletely out of the tar-collecting jLSS?rr?Si3rr ,,ho "?"'.' iness till March nert. dKMmi lH 'dMci'or't fw' V , and anj objtcOont thereto. JOHN WAOKNBI.A-iT, Biacksmiin A NDa Horsesnoer Wrjhlff preparations 6imply devel- Executor of the Jan will of Joun'oottllt-b dry catarrhs ther dry on the wcrctionj. euilt, deaod -. fiuKii aonere 10 u memurane ana aecom- NOTICE OF FIVA1 KTI'LKMENT. nslltriri tnn nn mar n c ! au PJl hi ' r,n,v, ,nn ,ric p...,.. S" ppe sod all th roat and lunz troubles years for all fonrxs of throat and Ions tron- quick for particulars. Clark & Co.. ralk Pnarmacy. bles, and have yet to come across a case Fourth and Locust Street, PhtUdV, wcere u iauea. e nave lour little ones in bpia. Pa our family, and neither my nife nor I have i ever lost a night sleep becau-e of throat trou-. Now is iuuuu .uciunuicup i sued mill xa more , rr. i. . ; harmless mediate results is one Mijute i,ih ''one' Clarke & Fatfc'e P. O. Pharmacv. jailed for 10 cents. All drugRiaia sell the a!T.-"f lttu"V n! ' -t the hour Cure. It i very pleawnt to take u,,l u.r?.T,oT:V.. ' .5;Wt'i:: V'- '.r'. V.-"; can te renea upon .o quitt.y cure Was the result of his eplendld health, irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads ittelf th hearing .. i s COUSrllS. COldi and all lur iliseaen It ' rj.i. ..ui. ...!,, -j , over an irrit&tfcd a- I nnrnr imrf. Jecllon thereto, if - luuuoiitauie iii auu treuienaous nil prevent Oinromptiori. .".j:d by than any other family can tay .cngusu nemeoynjuj.t as ettettivelor grown up people as for the jroun? It seetcn to so Kraight to the place where the trouble lies in the throat and bronchial tubes and lungs. It soothes and heals the irritated tiisues, loosen; up the phlegm and muctii in the breathing pavase- quieta the nerves, invig orates iue contiiuuou ana fctops tbe cough thnnnni.,fMt.n, 4 . ti j in luei.oi.iti u'irii-ithi -,., .i.. ' ih U , r !: "TJI..r. T K f-e8,8moke8 and". XJLZ VV." flM the time when croup and loos ' 7 :Z:"r . " . e' ra, "cU B.. xUte a y"".0' ,,.'lr": "-' n.'d". , nie"iicii riazei saive. it relieves fjy s wream jiaua is bucu a remedy ,rvi:-" '"" : , ,M tttM.,, prove rapidly faUl. The . nl V a. and CQres .,,,. ,(.yma Md tarrb or !r, , l.J ."'t -l Kid V a-oo luut? Ore remedy that profile-? im- and skin diseases. Beware of imit. easily and rleasactl v. A trial size will ,n nth d.voi i-.-i.. "?.''.7. '?a.t' ,hfc tr, r.. ,i..i,. . i ii"rr i a bottle in thehou. It nil ' Uarte 6: r all. s i . O. J harmacy. fe&Iezuard asaimt croun." f.ai?riK?i F.G ZutMEBXa San Antonio, Tex. Sold at St. tar and 1 a Ull. Ihroojbom tU I'tuwd Rtaiea aad Cicada ; awl In EocUod,atla.M:.M., 4. Id. If yoo are tun aMaScd aft baylnj. mot tL Uxtk to dniuitl and (tt jvat utautj tad. We eutkarbe tie aUjte srucrauict. H. . 1IOOKE & CO., hrvyrietwt. Aw Yuri. For Bale at Blakeley' Pharmacy. are not found where stomach, I kidneys and bowels are oat MUs Haven wishes to announce that , you want these oualitle and the success '1 lie A 1 1 a'ry ins immediately thiufu'l inflammation, "uu're WeUW.tl?,,ln n o liver. With Ely's CrfA.n Ifalm n ...J aeut anri fit. tl71l l!.,-:!??.."0.'?. ?V7J?ife 1 I'"' . of order. If against Natal Catarrh and Hay FeTer. ?2Lt,.L'.,""n "'Mw 'the time etfir thi I Hay Wagon and Carriage Work. A Flah Brothers' Wagon. ,g Third sn1 Mrrcn Phnnpuo 3 v.. vi I 1 IUUUUI.J.7 Belgian Hares to Lease. I have about IWl tliorouirhbPH.i .)... e court that 1 1 W 1 1 1 Innan In l-.ic ..t in . I - I. for .111 ' V, . iu 10 '"P!l- d of the ob B1"'o parues on enarea. Ann v to C. K. IIAVAItD, The Dalles. during the months of January and Feb-' th t.rlnir. n. n,. k'ln. v. t tf. ,V" on.8' 'alMiiie ruary tur win ocer an uer remaining , Pills. They develop every power of stock of winter millinery at greatly rt- brain and body. Only 25ct Blakeley'. i doced prices, preparatory to receivinif ' drmratore. " i r- half price. ' t'e hruRhef. iieanng (hereof a aforald Admlr.l.tralo, with lie u!VxCot the 'r.,"tC.0,-',i'."'tbu d"teaS 1 dlVct In't hub It In, ! jk. Jost wet tbe affected pari freely with I U Myaterious Pain Cure, a Hootch remedy.! ,,, - Jon yon , ot htve toiuif vou t.ka aud tbe pain I. goYe. Soldi by Cla7ke & dJO-i'w ' Clarke & Falk'a sure cure for boils. 'Falk. : a Jt. K. NMITII, Osteopath. 0ron' 10 "r"3 ,;uf"n The u.n. ONE FOR A DOSE. Qll A sfeftes rlLLS u.i. ..,; ,k, (