The Dalles Daily Chronicle, six years should be a consideration in his favor tor re-election." Notice. W. of W, Member? o! Mt. Hood Camp, Xo. 59, -SATURDAY JAN. 5, 1901 LEST VL FORGET. This from the Sbaniko Leader : . and of Cedar Circle, Jio. S, with bns- "Some of onr exchanges appear to bands, wives and sweethearts, are re think H. W. Corbett is the onlr man V"" Ft,erait-v h.aU on . , Tnesdav. Janoarv S, 1901, to participate in Oregon at to represent the state as ,B itMmtioa o the cfficers of ih senator. -Gee whizz! "What would orders. Brine your hamroere and have we do if by any possible chance he a pood time. By request of committee, sbonldvlie: ' P " C. H. Bnotr.v. And this from the Astoria ew: o. a. k. Notice. -The supporters of H. W. Corbett The meuber5 w XrtmUh are mkinf; every effort to secure post are quested to meet at the K. of from the republican members of the P. hall. Saturday nijbt, Jan. 5, 1901. legislature nledses to co into secret pec: meeting by order of caucus. They, as well as Mr. Cor bett. know that the caucus is the old man's oniv chance With it he , M' ""' woaM require onlv 32 votes to cain . A pjec .! Jnn ?Wd "ih . , . Cnamberiatn s Pain Balm and bound to him the aoainstioa. assuming that be afft;cled pans ;DMr,or .Q anv all republican members ssrree to tbe piaster. When troubled with lame back caucus plan, whereas on the door of or pains in the side or chest, srive it a V nppix- trial and yon than pleased R. I- Acts, Com. C. H. Brown, Adj. tbe aouse 4t- vote would sary. Every sensible man knows that in the caucus the vote is secret, are certain to be more ' with tbe .prompt relief which it affords. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism. One application cives re- and that it is there that the sack can " jeft for 3le by Blakeley, tbe drnggist. be used with good effect. On the ' , , , , . . , , It 5Tet Ki Lee. other hand, on the floor of the house . T , Tin: Chroxkle devoutly hopes that republican state senators and representatives will rot forget that some of them at least, during the last state campaign, proml the railroad employes that they would give generous consideration to all that was reasonable in the reforms that the railroad men asked for in what was known as tbe "railroad plank" in the democratic state plat form. It matters sot that probably three-fourths of the railroad vote went to the democratic candidates. Rather, for this very reason, the sue cessfnl candidates should fceod every effort to convince a most intelligent class of voters that the American wage earner has no better friend than tbe republican party. It will be remembered that the men complained that within tbe past two cr three years the number of freight cars bandied in trains on the mountain divisions bad been practic ally doubled; that this had been done with little improvement in tbe brakes and appliances for holding trains; that tbe risk to the lives of tbe trainmen had been greatly in creased and that there had been little or no increase in their wages. The legislature was appealed to to set a tr. -l.r, V, f! comprise a train on mountain grades ' ' - , " .. ... ., , ! Chicago, one of the most prominent re- and for shorten the hours" in a . T . -W.ln thatdirjn ,peaHBof ma uk luivsa iree uaue nu out mis, says: e recommend unamoer new insular possession; and is opposed Iain's Cough Remedy for la grippe in to the rjrinciDle of Dro't-cttn" Amen. maD-v cas5' as 5t not on,-v ive5 PromP: can vessels and American sailors en gaged in foreign shipping, both of which measures are favored by the 'administration. How much influence .1 epnstnr lifcplr tn rnmminri in reasonable, tbe last one, m fact, more . . . . , . , , , . . ' ' administration circles who bids for for common justice , . .... , ,,. . me seuaiurauip uj puuiiui uuuuuuu Complete of Drills at PIONEER BAKERY, I hare re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. every member would be compelled to place himself on recorl. Tlml Mr. Corbett will use money goes without saying, and tbe motives of those members who favor the caucus plan will be apparent to all." nSered intensely for six months with a frichlfni rnDninc sore on his leg, bnt write that Bncklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in ten day. For Ulcers, VToands, 3nrns, BoU, Pain or Piles it's the best salve in tbe world. Core enar anteed. Only 2oc. Sold by Blakeley, druggist. 6 Ainonz the tens of thousands whohave used Chamberlain's Conzb Remedy for colds and la rrippe during the past few M. Z. DONNEL THE DRUGGIST. L, i :: i o THE CELEBRATED .. .GOIiUJWBlA BREWEfiY... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of tbe product of this vell-knon brewery the United States Health Report? for Jnne S, 19iW, says: A more sopeiior brew never entered tbe labratory of the United Stales Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of tbe best of uialt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities, are of tbe high est and it can be ued with the greatest benefit and satirfartion by old and yonng. Its nse can conscientiously be prescribed by tbe physicians with tbe cersaintv that a better, pnrer or more wholesome beveragecould not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON S Corbett's friends are sever tired of telling ns of tbe powerful influence that gentleman will be able to wield at "NVashmston in the way of procur- years, to our knowledge, not a single case ing appropriations. Tbev convenient- has r'ted in pneumonia. Tho-r. i iiituriu o. uj., -iu uirasH avecue. Just What You u-iant. legal day's work. In addition it was ' asked that a law be passed, similar to those prevailing in several other states, making corporations liable to employes who are injured through the carelessness of a fellow employe. These demands are all considered J and complete recovery, bat also counter acts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia." For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. than reasonable demands it on behalf of a class of . men whose lives are endangered to . a greater extent than those in almost any other calling that could be named. VTe understand that one or more bills will be introduced in the com- ju jegcmiure emuouvin me ne- i mands of tbe railroad men, and we cannot aouot tint tuev wm receive i the generous consideration senators and representatives from this district. ing his opposition to tbe pet measures of the administration r Senator Simon Such little pills as De Witts Little Early Kisers are very easily takes, and they are wonderful;? effective in cleans ing the liver and boweis. Clarke t Faik P. 0. Pnarmacv. jr ft) L ' DEALER? IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall & Burget UNDERTAKE EMBALMERS The Dalles. Or. Hobes, BuriaSh Etc. If your hair is dry and dead-like, Co- coanut Cream Tonic wili give it life and . i tonic on eartb. Can be had at Frazer's barber shop, scent. n94ra nas more orams man i.oroe , 1: mey luster, it is pronocDced the nnet : were rightlv applied, and ten time: ' Pnrhoft's ofinripitv fnr wntt. rA vrhn : . " , . Qualitv and not ouactitv makes De- -can point to anv one thing of ir:..'-r c.t.. is. " , . 1 - - itt s Littie ivarjy Kisers sncn valnaole ; moment that Simon has accomplished littler liver pills. Clarke & Fa!k's P. 0. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. .Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, taeteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third etreet. Also a full line of bouse paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ol f11 kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, EtKKSo Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour brated his entrance upon senatorial if yon have dacdreff, your nair is ! woik bv onnoiop the Porto Rinan . tailing out. L se Coeoanat Cream. For of the , . sale at Frazsr's barb-r shop. r.9-I:n i s . IleciemOtfr tbat Cocoanut Cream Tonic wi'I promote crowtb of hair. Charles . irrazer, sole agent. nfl-lm We have a few iiie jackets left tbat we are closing out. The Fair. J3-2: A full line of Eastman nims and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falfc. tann mil, a most numsse anal considerate measure whose wisdom THE SENATORIAL QUESTION. This from the Grants Pass Ob server: Now that the time is asar for tbe election of a I ; time has amplj- justified. OUR CHURCHES ' Calvary Baptist church Eev. W. U. ! Cliiion, pastor. Regular services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m, in the new church street. Sunday school at 10 drawing T- t : on Union a. ui. , lj. I x u . at u iwb J. Ui. States senator to succeed Senator . ,t . , Congretiationai cnorcn corner fifth McBride, tLere is a great deal of ' and (QTt sUts. F.ev. Poling, pastor, speculation as to who it will be. The I Service in the morninp only. Preach two principals in the race at the I iug by tbe pastor; subject, "Backward present time are Senator 3Ieliride 8Dd For ward Glances, or from the Oid j t? - . TT . , . , i to the .New Century." and Ex-senator H. W . Corbett, with , , , , . Methodist Episcopal chnrch Corner severcl prospective 'dark horses in i it- u- . v c c ' ' Fifth nd Washington, Rev. L. F. tbe field. Whoever is elected ser-a- Hawk pastor. Morning worehip at 11 tor should be an able and vigorous i Sunday school at 10 a. m.: class meet man, and one who will be of service inB at 12:15; Epworth League at C:30; to tbe interests of Oregon. The most serious objection tbat can be raised against Mr. Corbett is bis age and feeble condition, he being a man of almost 74 jears. It is not likely Junior Leagne at 3:30; evening service at 7:30. Rev. H. K. Hines will occupy the pulpit at both servicee tomorrow. Zion Lutheran church, seventh and Union streets Services at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. in; Sunday school 12 :15 p. ni ; F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & LaneWiL Tfconelfljl ThiE Hour is manufactured expressly for famiJv Use: everv Bant ia TOr.rnnul in T . W e sell our poods lower than any bouse iu the trade, and if vou don't think bo tail and get cur prices and 1 convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. :5 5 ! steamer ol the Kc-culuKir lane will run k j-r tlielol- 'J " MiIiHluI.;. the Cotti.nii rtwii:B the right to chacse '3 chaulc witnuut notice. .3 s REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY Str. Regulator J. B. SCKESCS, President. E. JI. BeaJ.1. C an hie First national Bank. Mir:; Dalle f. at 7 x. v., r. Tundar Tliuisday . Arr Hurt'end km 7 r x. i" p. Lv Portl.intl Bl' a. x. MontJuy FrWay Arr I)llm '. r. x. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City. I.v. lMkn at 7 a. n. Monday Wwlntwlay Friday. Arr. I'ortlHiid at :'M c. it. I 3 I- l'iirfiiil Tbursduy ,Jj aturdav Arr. IjU- H THE DALLES - OREGON , that he would be able to serve more i German service at U:30 in tbeafternoon ; than nn tfrm. nnrl tf nn,ilrl . Lutheran Leagne meetine 0:30 p. m. CHOCOLATE BON BONS. In talking of Chocolates please rememher that r prrv a (nil linn rf seem .v.r,.. ..!,...... ...... LOWNEY'S. ast onened. freeh from like throwing away a good oppor- "u"s . ' "aK"slu " . lue i tbe factorv. In plain and fancv boxe. o ' ' ; evening service will be on "Missionary " '- ooxes tunity to put a roan in who would , Greatness." Confirmation class meet- . Chriatira8 trade at prices to not likely be in a position where he'init Wednesdav evening at 7:30 o'clock. 8U,t' Doo,t 'oreet that we ar head- could bold out inducemenu for a re ' Brenner, pastor. ? niv vl v bf St " eartfa' Vame ... . LOU sh settles it. election. There is no doubt hut Auuouucemeut. tbat better results can be obtained. . .... ". . A, .. " . .u . . , i There w ill be a meeting o( the citizen t-1 i i for the state by keeping senators voteri held at the Three Mile scnool : C BlakeleV, tn.iuiu.ui.ij a, n oouiusiuu, x ucic uouee, near -nr. setn .u organ e larm, on is nothing gained by a change unless Mondsy, January 7, 1601, at 7 p. m., for some man has been elected who is tlje PurF88 o organizing a club to con- not qualified for tbe positio:: or who;!in: ,the 'n,ere8t in tbe late Vw TZZ. ... . , , ; for state and yovernment ownemhip of 2 cannot ue suoserve tue interests Ol ni0nOpOHe, on tbe pablic ncbool and bis stale. Mr. 3IcBride is a com- postal system as advocated by the Social paratively young man and is Intel- Democratic party. lectually strong, but unfortunately " bis health has been bad for some, . time. He has, however, made an CI MX I OR A For Infants and Children. Tli KM Yiu Havi Always Bovgiil Bears the BiyTtare of A General Banking Bneinees transacted i DepoeiU received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dar of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. DIRECTORS. D. P. Thompbok. Jko. 8. Schxhcx. En. M. Williakb, Geo. A. Lib. 1 H.M. Bealu J MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith snd florseshoer. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, The company will fiidiror to clvc n imt Kor liirthi-r information ldrc, E 11 p T.-itvel r the .Steamer r.f the Regulator Mile. service j.toie. lor inrtlier inf.irmutioii artdresi J'ortUud Office, Oak-Street Dock. W. C. ALIauav r- . . . . . . , I Aft. ixx xmxxx xixxjLMxxxxjufxxJ xrx xxxxjt lxx I I The Druggist. able t enator, and U by fur a more acceptable man to tbe people of the tate of Oregon than is Mr. Corbett. The fact tbat he so ably represented tbe btate at Washington for the past C. F. Stephens .Dealer In.. 1 Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. lloott, Shoe. Hat, i. Nutlonj. lor V, J. Uouglmi tihoe. Telephone No. 88. cond at,, Tie Dalies, Or. t All kinds of blacksmithinp will receive prompt attention and will be executed in first-class shape. Give him c call. Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, Tbe Dalles, Or. Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. priced'" Sttlf I?bSlkoBr?n !."-nd 'mK"h le8f lhttn prices. ui ten in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days andjM J. P.- McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. mm Restaurant J.. V. HonK. Prop'r. first-Class in Every flespeet .MKALM AT A LI. UOCltH. Oysters Served in any Style. t' Se:on(l St., The Dall-. Or. WEAK NERVES. .i T''eru "ot " ,'tte ' nervous weakneHS in the world K ;?f ,s ;;r ., ;uu iiiuiii;, in I'rice, 1 00 per box buy of your druitgist or went bv ail on receipt uf price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PEOPEIETAEY 00., ft. Wayne, Ind. M. '.. Doimell, Atent, The Dalles. Advertise in The Chronicle.