The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 05, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 4
hc Dalles
Our January Sale offers the most seasonable, the most desirable goods in the
house at prices that compell the attention of all buyers.
Little Girls'
Worsted Dresses.
All Ladies'
Tailor-Made Suits
Those who have denied themselves j
the pleasure and rotnfort of a new
ult earlier in the season now reap I
the benefit of these reductions:
Any f 0 00 Suit
now if
71 J
TliMl'J.MI Blllt (if light
Bray Iiiiiiiuhuii Ik htyllhli
lv iimili- mid jHTfeet llt
tliiK Nut In nil Hlzch, lint
H' ii'iiy liuve CQ Qj
aiiv h uu &i:ir. now
Any 12 0(1 Suit now
Any 15.00 Suit now
Any 18 00 Suit now
Any 20 00 Suit now
Anv i SO Suit now
Any 2.") 00 Suit now
Anv HO 00 Suit now
4 00
a .4
8 00
10 00
12 00
k; :m
is oo
10 07
20 00
See our window display or better still visit '
our suit department. You're not asked to buy. ji
Liadifl's' .Tn.nlv'ft.s.
XfcCw- Your choice of anv
) 3 or over
r TTnlf Torino
11 I
Our Jackets are known
for their excellent styles
and perfect fitting quali- I... U . L. -
3 , January levels al! prices,
i regardless of cost.
All $10.00 Jackets reduced to $ 5 00
All 12.50 Jackets reduced tD 0 25
All 15.00 Jackets reduced to '. 7 50
All 18.00 Jackets reduced to 9 00
All 20.00 Jackets reduced to 10 00
All 25.00 Jackets reduced to 12 50
i v
? 7,
IV. r
Children's Jackets
They're just as they were at the
beginning of the season. Not as
large an assortment probably, but
stvles in plenty for a satisfactory
At $2.97 We offer a nice double-breasted Jack
et in a neat check heayy material that will give
good satisfactory wear. Large
lined hood, large fancy buttons.
Ages 3 to 12 years.
Worth regularly $3.95.
All others in like proportion.
storm collar, silk
In tliis department we show a
complete line of sizes from 2 to 14
years :n qualities ranging from
69c to $10 each. Theee prices now
Reduced just
Every dress is a little gem.
All neatly trimmed some in
braids and ruflles othera in laces,
velvet ribbons, silk guimps and
small gold buttons.
We describe 2 neat styles here :
At 75c Made of dark fancy
mixed goods ; yoke, revers edged
with ruflle and trimmed with
fancy braid.
Sizes 2, 3 and 4 years. Worth
reeularly $1.00.
At $4.50 Sailor Suit,
similar to above cut, made
of pure worsted goods in a
fancy weave; in red or
blue; trimmed in four
rows narrow white braid;
6 to 12 years ; worth $0 00.
Right Up-to-Date. I OTTR JANTTA"RV RATjTC RTTfYTCR offers some rare bargains. All broken lines of
VJ O Hi XX XV X OjC1.XJXTj jr OX2.VJ.EjO Tariinc 'Ariccncnrirl niiilflvon's Shoes have been
re-marked, and are now being sold at from a half to a fourth of former price.
Special $1.00 Pair.
Choice of a table full o! Ladies' fine Kid-skin
Shoes that sold regularly at $3 and $4.
Special $1.50 Pair.
Another table full of neat up-to-date Shoes in
welts and turned Boles; value $2.75 a pair.
Ladies' Patent Leather Sandals; here
tofore $2.50; SPECIAL
Special $2.50 a Pair.
Strictly up-to-date shoes of best vici kid in
new coin toe and medium or heavy flexible turn
ed or welt soles ; value $4 and $5 a pair.
Special $2.00 a Pair.
Ladies' Lace Shoes patent leather, flexible
soles; vici kid, turned soles; vici kid, welt soles.
Regularly $3 50 a pair.
Comfortable Shoes.
This stylish Lace Root is made of the
best vici kid; with broad hull-dog toe,
patent leather tip, ami has heavy welt
soles kid lined throughout. Worth $4;
Spwiiil $2.50
Ask to see then'. T
This Store Closes at 6 P. M.
Common-sense people waut common
sense footwear not all style, but com
fort as well. Here's a bargain for them :
A whole table-full of plain toe, common
sense button shoes that have sold regu
larly at $2.00 a pair ; choice . . . .$1,39
AYegclable PreparationTor As
similating llieFood andHcguIa
ting (lie Sloinuchs uitdBowcis of
Promotes Digcstion.Cheerliir
nessandHest.Contahts neither
Opiiim.Morpliine nor Mineral
Not "Namc otic .
feV afMllrSAMUlZPtrCMK
-JU.Smmt '
Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa
tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
onus .Convulsions .Fcvcrish
ncss and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature or
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
for Knit or Hlt.
fhe Ham Wilkinson warehouse, on
'irst street, is for runt or sale. It is u
iin,V,ot,ory' flighted Iron building,
"ux.ld feet, with water elevator. Apply
to ham Wilkinson, The Dalles, n20-tf
, Sick Headache absolutely and perma-
neuiiy cureu uy using mum iva. n
plitnsant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, Bleep
and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money back. 20cte, andOOcts, Blakeley,
the druggist.
I Information Comes Prom Filipino Chi 1
, dren Under Charge of President of
I California University.
New Yokk, Jan. 4. Benjamin Ide
Wheeler, president of the University of
California, who is now staying at the
Waldorf-Astoria hotel, has received in
formation from secret sources in the
Philippines to the effect that Aguinaldo
is dead and that his death occurred no
less than six weeks ago. The news has
been kept secret by Aguinaldo's fol
lowers, it is said, for the purpose of pro
longing the rebellion, since it was be
lieved that the news of the chief's death
would cause such discouragement and
alarm that an utter capitulation would
Pretident Wheeler obtained this news
through several Filipino children who
have been placed in his care by their
parents. Two are the socb of Buen
caniino,a wealthy citizen of Manila, who,
before the advent of the Americans in
the Philippines had been an uctive
leader of rebellion against the .Spanish.
President Wheeler also has in his charge
the children of Midel, the governor of
Mindanao, and several other boys, whose
parents are of the wealthy class. In
speaking of the reported death of the
chief insurgent, President Wheeler said:
"These boys of mine, as I may call
them, receivu frequent communications
from their parents and friends at home.
The information which was obtained
concerning the death of Aguinaldo, 1
understand, cumu from secret and trust
worthy sources and is probably true. J
understand Senor Uuencamiho was a
close friend of Aguinaldo, and has kept
in touch with that remarkable personage
even ufter Uuencamtiio himself took a
neutral stand. Uuencamiiio, however,
did not take a firm stand on the side of
America until recently.
"These Filipino lads" continued Presi
dent Wheeler, "are bright fellows and
most quick to learn. However 1 cannot
say that they have the stanchness and j
solidity of American youths. Before the ,
Hag of this country was raised in the
ielands tuch boys as these would have
been sent to tlm schools of Spain for their
graduate studies. Now they come to us.
Ihey have already received eoujo instruc
tions at the hands of the Jesuits at home.
In order to (it them for the university,
it was necessary to place them in pre
paratory schools. Other families are
also making arrangements by which their
children will come to our shores and
benefit hy our institutions. Those who
cannot come are to have American
thought and education carried to them.
Almost every steamer which leaves San
Frnucisco for Manila carries parties of
teachers who are going to posts in Philip
pine schools.
The commercial bonds between the
Pacific Coast and our Oriental posses
sions are growing stronger and greater
with every month. The people of San
Francisco have begun to think of Manila
as about as near to them as Chicago.
Our trans-Pacific trade, which is assum
ing wonderful proportions is only an
earnest of the great commerce that will
come to us in after years."
President heeler said that the pur
pose of his yisit to rsew York at this
time is to choose an architect for the
new echool of mines of the university.
He said that the plans of the university
buildings which are to be erected at a
cost of from !f8,000,000 to $10,000,000,
through the generosity of Mrs. Phoebe
Hearst, have now been revised and that
great economy has been assured by the
change. The president's house is al
ready being built, and the school of
mines is to be built us soon as an archi
tect is chosen to perfect the detailed
The merited reputation for curing
piles, sores and skin disease's acquired
by DeWilt's Witch Hazel Salve, has
led to the making of worthless counter
feits. Be sure to get only DoWltt's
Salve. Clarke & Falk's P. O, Pharmacy,
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention, i
Nest door to First National Bank.
These Corsets can "be
had in all the latest
styles, inoluding the
new Girdle, at
The Fair.
The lMaco where you can savo monoy.
Niit'i't-vurul KxIIkioiin Ituvlvttl.
A I. man v, Jan. 4. The most successful
revival in the history of Albany Iims
been in progress in the Chiistiau church
for nearly a mouth. It will cloeu Sun
day night. Over 100 members have
been added to the church through the
efforts of the evangelist, Charted Heign
Scovllle, of Chicago,
Subscribe for Tim Ciikonici.k.
Fur .Suln.
Kastern Oregon timothy buy, $15 per
ton, f, n, b. Tho D.illes. IC.isteru Ore
gon wild hay, $1:1,50 in car lots,
McOuu.v it C.VYI.OU,
I. a lirande, Or.
For sprains, swellings ami lameness
there is nothing so good as Chambeilnin'ii
Pain Halm. Try it. For sale by Ulake
ley, the druggist.