The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 04, 1901, Image 4

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Ker. Paul Kruger Alt aiuKe--Wco
Wrhoiim Granted Ground on the
Condition of II rr In the Oiier
atlon ufa Flouring Mill.
The regular monthly meeting of the
city council was held last night. In the of the mayor, Councilman F. S.
""Gunning was called to preside. AH the
members of the council were present.
Attornsy John Gavin presented a com
munication from Rev. Paul G. Krnger
-i-itinc the fact of the injuries he received
'.November 16:h last through eteppinz
,, ;
.into a hole In the sidewalk in the alley
cross-walk on the east side of Court'
street, between Fifth aud Sixth streets;
that i s the necessary results of the in
juries sustained, bills and expenses for
the services of physicians, nurse, drug
gist and hospital charge have been in-
curred to the amount of from $125 to
ind. ml t,,t hil Mr. Krnoor ha
-.endured much pain and suffering, from !
ichich he is not entirely free and is ln
donbt as to whetner or not his injuries
are permanent. Therefore, holding that
Dalles City is liable to Mr. Krueer for
his injuries he offers to submit his claim
to a board of arbitration to consist of
one person to be chosen by the city, one
Ov Mr. Krueer, aud a third by the other
. .. .
much lower than tiie adjoining property
that it has become n receptacle for mud
and stagnant water and is a nuisance,
and asking that the ground be filled up.
Mr. Farley also called attention to the
dangerous condition of
the. oiinHintr
tile StuQUlXJK
. irame work or the recently burned P.icb -
rnond stables. Both matters were re
ferred to the committee on streets and
public property, with power to act.
The matter of opening a street in the
neighborhood of N. Harris' residence
property and the placing of fire hydrants
on extensions of the water mains pro
posed to be made by the water commis
sioners, were referred to the committee
on fire and water.
John Fender asked permission to cut '
trees for fire wood from the public streets
in the Pines. The matter wis referred
to the committee on streets and public
property, with power to act.
The petition of W. D. Woodrow and
others asking that the marshal he di
rected to "level up and scrspe all that
portion of Clay street lying between Un
ion street and Kelly avenue," was re
ferred to the committee on streets and
public property; as was also the matter
of repairing Weet Ninth street.
A epecial ordinance was passed grant
irifr tn III. U nei-n tVarahnnao PnmrfiMi-
the right to erect buildings noon and
other structures on that portion of what
-15 Irnntrn a a Tani It Qlfaat in'u'
Addition to Dalles City, as said street
appears on a map of Laughlin's Addi -
tion filed in the office of the count v clerk i
of Wasco county, on the 29th day of i
',o. 7 CIO . I,,. ......! . I , I
..u.i.iuui.1 , iL.u., iiii; ciu luuilUB lu u-r
nMin HiPnridmnni n flnnmmndll
. &
- v!deanth the Tr'ans ZITe
videa that the grant is made v, .th the
- tsnderstp.nding and proviso tuat the
asco Warehouse Uoiupany
commence ;
lbs construction ot raid flouring mill
'tie cninnleted within one vear of the i
dale of the said am.roval. oihHrwi tl. '
ii . i , . .
grant aud ordinance are void and of no I
Ex-Governor Moodv appeared before
-th nri lnrthBO,aiin
ot Monroe street, between faecond etreet
and the railroad grounds on the north.
The grounds in question are at present
occupied by the East End hose house.
The matter was referred to the judiciary
The matter of purchasing 500 feet of
hose for the fire department was referred
to the committee on fire and water,
with instructions to report at the next
.regular meeting of the council.
Tne treasurer's report is ae follows:
?)ecl Cash gen fund $2707 23
Receipts for Dec. . .'482 33
C180 50
-iJI'i sr.
?011u oil
Dec 3 Bvwar. isanedJHL'o C9
DecC Trans to sink
ing fund 1487 67
Dec 31 Trans to sink
ing fund ....... 500 00
Jan 1 Bal in gen fund
. .770 00'
The following "bills wore allowed in i
-addition to those for salaries of officers : !
Water rent
Jeff Drippa, hauling
James lilakeney, hauling
James .McKay, hauling
Jake Wettle, fiauling ..
OFred Ljinpke, removing rubbing
J A Geieendorffer, prof eervices. .
H Losan. prof services ,
MrsT J Drivel, meals prisoners.
a-a ha t
Hi 00
in Oil
. .
14 00
8 00
r "X
5 00.
R js
.1 Juben, sawinc wood
r 7 ii V.
Irwin-Hodson Co, supplhe 50 I
CKRnnnln. i- m
r. T "." "I'""" 11 vu
h & C Telephone Oo 2 60
J T Peters & Co, lumber 86 fil
.Henry Darnielle, labor 1 5U
James Uannon, do G 00
two; the board so chosen to lully mves-' "le uu.v 'e prouucis 01 me uuui
tigate all the cironitances of the in- ! Seated foods they do eat poison the
jury, and a majirity to render a deci-' blood. It is important to eure indiges- (
eion. The matter was referred to the j tion as soon as possible, and the best ,
jadiciary committee. j method of doing this is to use the prepa- j
G. J. Farley appeared before the conn-1 ration known as Kodo! Dyspepsia Cure. !
cil and complained that a piece of gronnd I' digests what you eat and restores all j
adjoining his residence prcpertv was so ne digestive organs to perfect health, j
S 00
10 00
7 00
12 00
i 00
'2b 00
12 00
1 00
12 15
14 -10
13 60
14 40
12 00
14 00
35 00
3 00
1 50
1 50
1 50
A A L rqubart.
Dave Donaldson, do
Sam Gilineer,
Charley Fonts,
W R Brown,
Emile Weber,
joe Aiken
nye: Out.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts'
of the bodv, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach. Loss of appetite, Heverishness,
Pimples or Sores are all positive evidon
; css 01 ,niP"re mooa' -0 "uuler
how it
oecanie so it must De purih-a
in order
I to obtain cood health.
Acker's Blood
ir nw neve; miieaxocnre Bcroiuiuus
i or fcvphthtte poisons or nuv uther blood
diseases. It is certainly u wonderful
i remedy and we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee. Blakeley, the drug-
Persons who suffer from indigestion
TM t i . .i . ; r.. t
",tci w ve .cug, ikuuw .
cannot eat the tood required to nouristi
.1 1 i j t. . 1 . 1 . 1 1:
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
When threatened by pneumonia or '
any other lung trouble, prompt relief is
uecessarv, a it is uangerons to delav.
We would suggest that One Minute
n u n u . , i-
I TnnwH ho talrott oo onnn fic nnipn.
iti0DS 0f hayjnjj taken cold are noticed.
it cures quickly and its early use pre-
vents consumption.
P. O. Pharmacy.
Claike i Falk'd
How to Cure Rrouji.
Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Amenia,
Duchess county, X. Y., says : "Chamber
lain's CouL'h Remedy is the best medi
cine I have ever used. It is a fine
children's remedy for croup and never
j fails to cure." When given as soon as
the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy cough has developed, it will
prevent the attack. This should be
borne in mind and a bottle of the Congh
Remedy kept at hand read for instant
use as soon as these symptoms appear.
For sale by Blakeley, the druggist.
Now is the time when croup and lung
troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only
harmless remedy that produces im-
mediate results is one Minute Cough
Cure. It is very pleasant to take and
can be relied upon to quickly cure
1 n.inclic r'fdrls anil nil Itincy flisencua Tf f
will prevent consumption. Sold by
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
. . . -
. amon!? children from irrnnn anil lniif '
! ,rnnVlIp. T.mmn. np.inl, .: ai.v,hc.
little one; from these terrible diseases.
vie know oi notliiug so certain to give
. ... 7, .
instant. rflipf in On, limitp (Vn-u.h
' . . . . '
i (jure, it can also De relied unon in
thrlU ",,d t'ranUe'
, of adnUs. I.,MSllnt t0 taUt.. Clarke &
Falk's Pharmacy.
Pepsin preparations often fail to re
only albuminous foods. There is -me
preparation that d gests al clasee? of
: '. ...
i00d' BDd ,s Kudo1 Liypepsia Cure.
It cures the worn cases of indigestion1
. . ... ,. , , . ..
and gives instant relief, for it digeste
!!,hat y0U eat' Clarbe & Fa,b P '
Hualline voung man can make 160 ner
month and expenses. Permanent nosi-1
tion. Exnerience unnecessarv. Writw i
quick for particulars. Clark &. Co.,
Fourth and Locust Streets. Philadel-'
bpia, Pa,
gS-tf j
You will not have boilr- if vou
Clarke & Falk'- "lire cnr fur boils.
Land Ornt'E at The Dalles, Or.., .
December 10, U00. (
hotlce la hereby given that the following-
name.1 .cttler has filed notice oi IiI.h Intention I
to make final proof in support of his claim, and .
that ald proof will be made before the retrltcr
uairna, uiuu, uii caiuf
f1n- 111 lull !
t CrHt hlecelilacr,
; of The Dalles, OreRon. It. K, No. .-,ir for Ihe
Uyi.sw4 and W' nW!( nec. i'J, T. 'J N., I:. 13
I He numei the follovrliiK witnesses to prove
i hU eoiitlnuousi residence upon and cultivation
; of ald land, viz.;
Jacob Whittle, Jacob Ohlfchlai.'er, Ablo V.
. M.mb. Ivrrv Vnni-nmii. nil bITbi. Imilu. n..
dcoll JAY P. LUCAS. fttsIiK-r.
- .,ci',,iij tuiifc"i iiitni.ticoi u recoil
H J Grr,
S M Atkins.
J no Camming,
Jnie Stilwell,
Bert Ea'ion,
A T Dodge,
Etnil Weber,
H C Jacobsen
Frank Plankey,
Wm Gilbretb.
Jno Setterwite,
Georee Reno,
- .-.once is nereuy Kiven mat tne linilun stned, arH nn foiuwl whern filnmanli Ii,
B K.SuItmar.ihe, admlnlitrator with the will 1 1 un ,,sro Blomacii, liver,
' annexed of Hit eatateof Jonathan kldlievs and bowels are out of order. If
ceaitd, bus llltd hH final account lu said eniute ... .i n., ,
m thocoitiitv court of .aid V.W-o fount, ne- yon want these qualities and the success
Bn and said court tia. by un order tinted thu , thov hrlni m I)r k'ino'o Tuu. rifu
Hth lUyof Dweniber. 1'W. iippoliiiitl TlMii,- lMey "rm' U9e 1,r' wna J-"
'day, the lOthrtay of Jammry, uoi.utthc huurl Pills. They develop every power of
, of '.'o'clock in the alternoon of said duv.ui the!. , ... . - . I
time and the county court room lu the court
! houw at Dulles (,'lty, 0,-eKon, the place, for.
"ou" i" wuiict i;n, urexon, tne place, for ,
jectlons thereto, if
tne neuriue ot mu nuai account anil of the ob '
ma iiiiiviu, ii a:) wicii; uv. .Ill llir,
creditor und other per.oiis luteretlcd In taid
estate, aio hereby notified and reaulrcd to nro-
If..t..,.u ....... a tl ...... ah...n 1.. .11
.entuiid fib. their obleotlnn in uifn ..,,, i
any they have, on or fwfore the time net lor Ihe
hearing thereof as aforesaid.
Administrator with the will annexed of the
estate of Jonathan Jackson, deceased. dlJ St
Read This, Consumptives
" From the way my wife coughed for six months, I knew she had consump
tion. She showed it in bcr,face. too, and her body wasted away to a mere skele
ton. After she got down in bed the doctors couldn't do anv good. I called in
both Dr. T. A. Shannon and Dr. X. L. Hawsen. each of whom is a first-class
physician, but they had nothing
that would reach the trouble
in her lungs. My wife's father
came to see her one day, when
she got very low. He lives in
Cedar Lake, Wis., while we
live in Rice Lake, Wis. .He
said he knew what was needed,
and made me get a bottle of
Acker's English Remedy for
Consumption. I went to
Schmidt's, our local druggist,
and got a bottle, and it helped
her fight away. She took eight
50c. bottles, and they put her
back on her feet and made her
as sound and well as any wo
man in town. She has taken
on flesh again, she doesn't
cough, and if any one who
doesn't know the fact was to
be told she was so near death
with consumption, he wouldn't
believe it. My' wife does all
her housework, and at night
sleeps as soundlv as vou please.
Her stomach no longer gives her any trouble at all. Maybe vou doubt what I
am telling. If so. I advise you to see J. X. Schmidt, the druggist who sold me
Acker's English Remedy for Consumption. . He'll tell you the snme thing. He
says Acker's English Remedy is wonderful in all throat and lung troubles; that
11 is soiu on a guarantee to cure, or
ttle come back to his store, although
j3 Luther Bedell, Rice Lake, Wis."
Acker's English Remedy is sold by all druccisti under a positive
that your money will be refunded in case of fnilurc. ajc.. joc. and Si
oiaica nuu irnauii. cnianu is. aa., as. 3a., anu 4s, cg.
Ife authorize the choxi guarantc. If. IL UOOIMT. & CO., JYoiirirfcrs, .Veir l orfc
For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy.
For Fifteen Days Only.
I Dcu't put off until tomorrow what
. you can do today ; so rustle up your
..V,. aom ,;n-,r.oa n I. n u o
!"-. " -
. 1 ' 1
i Pftra,t u,ade- n:EE ol CHAKC'E'. "c
on v put one or two in a uouse, nnu on y
i r J
to those who will appreciate the work
enough to frame it after they are made.
Our agents will call, so have the photos. '
ready, or leave them in care of Mr. Plas
ter, at the engine house, and the old '
leliable firm, the Portland Art Co., will
do the rest. J
The work is simplv an advertisement
to demonstrate the high grade work we
are doing, and you get the benefit. Re -
member a sample is given free.
Timely information given Mrs. George
Long, of New Straitsville, Ohio, pre-
vented a dreadful tragedy and saved two
A frightful cough had long kept
uer awaKe every nigni. one naa iriea
many remedies and doctors but steadily
1 i . t t f t.
grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's
B . T: r i t.n i
I 4,e" "i
"c" uuu ouc ""lcn lu,
i meJlc,I1 ured Mr. Long of a severe
attack oi rneumonia. bucn cures are
positive proof of the matchless merit of
this grand remedy for curing all throat,
! "J1"' hUjJ lan 'rnb'e3- Only 50c and
I $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial
bottles free nt P.lakelev'pDrug Store. 6
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Falk.
t .
Paint your noose wun
' f..,i , , .
paints that ura
Clarke & Falk
unj guuraiueeu io last.
I have them.
i "nmXr that Ucoanut Cream Tonic
1 will; promote growth oi hair. Charles
j Frazer, sole agent. n'J-lm
Clarke & Falk haye received a carload
of the celebrated Janie
E. Ptttton '
strictly pure liquid paints
, .V, ru, """"run, yuur imir is
fa Wine out. Uah Cneoantit Crnnm. For
. aae at Fnizere barrwr Hhop, n9.In)
., a, ., , .
by pay $l.o per gallon for inferior
palntB when you cu Duy Jamen E.
Pa"on'8 Ban proof paints for 1.60 per
7 - V.T "
i ruiK, ugeniB mj
' BCU"" U,J
H your hair is dry and dead-like, Co-1
coanut Cream Tonic will eive it life and
Mile will give it life and
pronounced the finest
luster. It 18
wnic on eartu
Can be had at Frazer'e
barber shop, agent.
Dyspepsia can be cured by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little
Tablet will give Immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
boxes at 25 cte. Blakeley the druggist.
Experience is the best Teacher. Use
ia..!. l- u ....I- :
T "V? ' . u.
coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to
Bive immediate relief tnnnnv rnfnnilod
i.tfl anil oil rla
Blakeley, the drug
The most soothing, healing and anti
septic application ever devised is De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It relieves
at once and cures piles, sores, eczema
and skin diseases. linware of imita
tions. Clarke & Falk's P. O. I'harraacv.
llUmark's Iron Nrv.
Was the result of his splendid health.
Inuouittame will and tremenuous anruv 1
c j
"rain ana uouy, uniy -' Ulakeiey's
clruooiorn K
Kou't Hub It In,
Just wet the affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
ami the pain is gone, Sold by Clarko &
Hubecribe for The Ohuonicle.
nionev returned, and he never vet nail a
he h'as sold hundreds of them. ' Mv tin
1 me
1 a bottle in
171 1 TT. 1 .11 IT 1 1
. operjiai V aiUCB ili ail mil-
linery at
during January and Feb
ruary. Trimmed Hats at Half
. . T
If you intend to Uke a trip East, ask
your ticket agent to route von via The
Great W abash, a modurn and up-to-date
raur0ad in every particular.
Throueu traing rom Chicago, Kansas
Cit.. 0maha or s, Lotlis ,Q w Yrk
,i v,.i,i ... ah ..-..
run via NIaeara Fa)8 and everv through
trai hag free recHnin,. ehair ' . ,,.
, and dinin car.
' "
Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni-
agara Falls. Ross C. Clink,
Pacific Coast Pass. Agt,,
Los Angeles, Calif.
C. S. Ciiane. (i. P. A., St. Louis. Mo.
In all its etag4 there
liomd be cleanlinesj.
Ely's Cream Ualm
the dijc&'eil membrane.
1 1 cu res cat.i.-rh an d drives
away a cold in the head
Oreuin Halm U piaced Into tbcno3tri!i, spreads
over the membrane and M abiorlil. Ilc;icf ia im
mediate and a cure follawj. It is not drying does
noi prodice sntezln. Iirgc S.c, 50 centii at Dru-
gisn ir by nui:; Trial Siv, 10 Tcnt3 by mail.
Ll.Y lAKJTHKILS. 3.5 V.'-?mi Vro, '. Vml-
fitory or a .Muvn.
rr i l , . , , - ,
lo be bound hand and foot for years
b t, , , dieeafifc ja tl
' ' ' ui u"!,-u,'c '- urm
, torm of slavery. George D. Williams, of
1 Manchester. Mich.. tfll how surh u
i , ' -""-"'i ,low HUl- u
i slave was made free. He Bays: "My
, wife has been so helpless lor five years
tnai. mie coum not turn over in lieu alone
I After using two bottles of Electric
Hitters, sheis wnndi-rfnUv !mnmvi.rf
V l . i i Z , ,. "
ab,e d, her own work' T1"9 8ufrele
l ,'. ..'.
J remetJ.v 'or female diseases quickly cures
nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
headache, backache, fainting and dizzv
spells. This miracle working medicine
is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down
people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only
50 cents. Sold by Blnkeley, the Drug
gist. C
In future any and all imitiiries rnla
tivn to delinquent taxe miiHt be made
to tie conn y clerk, as he e ciistouiari of jn,y: ,,,1 'the hoVd'ioi; m of a d i ,';
delinquent tax sale record and rolls. Tnelu the date for the heurlnsot the mid aceount
I sheriff having complied with the law in
.making sale of delinquent tax, he is
completely out of the tax- collecting
buainoss till March next.
Drying proparutioiiH simply dovel
op dry catarrh; thoy dry up the becretions,
wiiiqu auncro to mo meruurnno nnu tiecom-
t TfMt n ntllnrm fri tnuro Lorlniwi iv.,il,1,
th wiir, tr. t --v, a,.i,kh.i... 1 ..
wtittj ,UUU1 VUWli4 Ulli Ui( J
ing inhalants, fumes, tunokes citid biiulfH
and uso that which cleaiise6, sootheft and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is nuch n remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head
easily onu pleasantly
mailed for 10 cents.
r,l)c. sizo. Klyllro thorn
Tho Ualm cures without pain, does not
irritato or cause sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry surface, reliov-1
ing immediately thopaiuful inflammation. J
against Nasal Catarrh aud Hay Forcr.
abut Nasal Catarrh and Pn, I
Clarke & Falk have on sale a full Hue
of paint and artist's brushes.
'. A trial sizo will bo fi ,W l,u,l-l!"tu ""'l1'' AKldliih. nri0.2w
All driit-mala sell the 1 !'f ''y Court
, no warren ht.. K.i. at o on oek a m. of khIiI iii. ii. ,1,.. . ;.
SOUTH and EAST via
souitieiQ Pacinc Go.
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Dalle fur Portland and way
statlutis ut I: -j 11. in. mid 3 i, m.
U'uvc I'ortlalirt
" Albany .. ...
A 'tlvc Ashland
" .-aeramniito .
" Sun r runelico
":() m
10:40 m
11 TO a m
1 ,:i a 111
t.l5u in
.1J.SU h ta
ft.M p m
. 7: l in
Arrive Ondou
I " Denver . ..
" Kmnas Ulty
1 " Chicago
A: Ma in
!:) 11 m
:Z' u 111
7.1'ia m
11 t.i u m
!):() a m
7 .'-V a 111
Arrive Lo- Aticule
" Kl 1'ho ... .
" Kurt Worth
" City n( Mexico .
" IIlltUtDIl
' New Orteaut
" Washington
" New York
1 :10 . ra
i!:ro 11 in
C:sn a m
!i:.v 11 in
1:10 a 111
ti :'.Vi a in
r,:Uu m
W: 13 11 ra
7:ro a in
f.:a i in
y:.Vi h in
I :oo 11 m
r.:'.'j p 111
r. i2n m
1.1 ji in
l'ullinini mid ears on both trains
Chair cars r-.iermneiito to Ogilun mid Kl I'u-o
I and tourist enrii to ('hlear-o, at Louis New Or-
leans and Wiithingtoii.
I Coimei'tiiiR ut fciin Kranciwo with sovewi
I stentiiihti Hue lor Honolulu, Jiii'iin. China,
I IitUlipmes, uciurui nun .-oma Aiuerien.
Sec iieeni at The Dalle. ntutlou. or mhlriM
General ra..seni.'er Agent, I'ort.imd. Or
Ily irtueof an order of the council of Dalles
City. Oregon miitlcou the sub. tlav of Novum
nor. A D. 1M0. notice I Hereby given that on
the said :Mth. day of November. IPiW. the said
council declared by resolution udopteil. that
that portion of th.i Mdewnlk situated on the
normeriy "iiie oi ! uuon .-urn" nnu lying nc
tweun the northeat corner of the square formed
bv the Intersection of said Pulton street with
Washington Street In Dalles City uml a Muit
li) feet east of said corner on saul Fulton atreet .
Ls in a dang irous condition and in need of beiu;
rebuilt, in that aul sidewalk l
and unafe tn travel unmi. and
we ik dec ived
It was deter-
mined by said council to rebuild tin :ime and
that the cost of rebuilding alii sidewalk be
charged to the owner or owners of the iiropi-rty
nbutlug on said portion of said sidewalk de
cl.ired In a dangerous condition us b law pro
vided. TbU.notice i published for II days from the
1th diiy oi Ieeember, Hi), by order of the
council of Dalles City wnlch ordur was made
Nov :mh IPCD
Dated at Dalles Cltt, Or.. Deo-mlier .Ul, Itio.
Uecorder of Dalles City.
Yellowstone Park Line.
Union Decot, Finland I Sis
Kast mull for Tiieoma,
ceattie, uiyiupm, i,ruy s
Harbor unit Smith Iletid
pollitii, bp.ikiinu, Koas
IuikI, II. L'., I'llllmuu,
Mofuw, Iyiwlstou, HuI
15 A M. fiiloliump mining coun
5;M I'. M.
try, llelenu, Minneiiii
lis, 8t. l'uiil, Oniahn,
Kansas City, St. Louis,
chlcugo uud all point
No I. eaxt uud soiitheuit.
Iliget hound Express
11 "A) 1'. JI. lor Tiieoma uud Seattle
mid ititernieilialt- tioiiits
No. ;
7;C A.
riillmnn tlrst-ebiss una toiirb.t uleeimra to
JlinueiiiMilis, St. ruulaud i!louri tiver iimt
without ehunge.,
Vostibuled trains. Union datHii conneetlous
lu all principal citie.
ItiiggiigfOheeked to destination of ticket.
Kor hunilMinielT iHustiutodile.wirintivi.iniitti.r.
tickets, sleeping enr reaervatloaa, etc., call on or
,v.-nsiiii iiunerui i ueiigr Agent,
on htreet.eorner Third. I'ortiuud
t!.V Jlorrl
La.nij Oi'Ftci: atTiik Dai.i.k.. Or.,)
Deeemlmr 17, Hx.O. 1
:i)IIce Is hereby given that the billowing
named settler has llle-l nolli e of his Intention
to make liuiil proof In supjiortof his claim, una
that said proof will U mude hvfnru thereglsror
and reeelver of the I'. H. laud olhco ut Tiie
,""Uft" 0r-u" Kmrday, January '.i isoi, vU
t . .. . .. 'r"cl" A. obriat.
nf The Orc8.,i., If, E- So. ir.70, for
I i" p. V tiA ""U 'NW ' ' ' 1
i It?.'.,.,ri,8".i E. No. ir.70, for the
1 fe
He names the following ulini., u i.,
continuous residence upon and cultivation
Wl BUH1 Ulllll, VIZ,
J. It. Hull, D. D Neliun, Chill. Olbsou, Alex
i razur, all of The Dulles, Oregon,
'jecIH JAY I', Ll'CAb, liiuliiter.
In thu matter of the estc.tejof John Gottlieb
uHi' tonsfc, iieeeuseu.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned,
the executor of thu will and testament of
John (iott'ieh Wiigenbliist, defeased, bun Hied
his Him: account in the matter of said estuto.
P."'1 the I'ountv court of thoritntoof oreKon for
1 n"'1 objection thereto,
, Executor of the i.Vt'wIU of Joh!.''uoTtll,l
WuBeiiiino.i. deceuwd n"i-"t
JyK. it. K
Kooms lu mid 11, L'hupmuii lllock, The Pulley
Notlic 1 he eiiv
!-M-ii li it o-im.rnlL'iieil
has duly film nltii
be ( oiii 'i i. lurk o' Whwo
Jnu Coiiiity Court room of thu t onnty i.oiirt
pi, "o f.'.r Kuriiii fcm!(,.i(I!,,.V Hly' ()a,?""l
pnAt tSuiTiSlS1,
ficroby notifK-d toapiarat tuld tlmu nnu pluc.)
'1 E $ 1,0 I'P" "d safd .lralulli!.tor
Dulwl this 5th day of Octobor, 1'jOO.
dcw.u.L "lr"",r ' U,L' ASTwfr.
In nit
County, Ort-Kull, his uccoiiut renort lis
... ... .... ". '-., '' j,it.jii,ii,,jii in o vein iiir. i n m i i
Tiwr. cii:biii.r.,
r'HUM llALI.Hf .
1 :'J.3 p. m
It Lake, Denver. Kt.
Worth, OiiiHhn, khii
n city, St. Ij'iiU,
1 Chicago "I'd Kust.
t:5 p tr
Alliiutlc I
Kxprcss 1
I3:Aiia. in.'
Vl.i lliint-t
.Hit Ijika, Denver, Kt '
Worth. Uinnhii, Kim
sh City, St. Ijillls,
ChlciiKualid Kast.
1 Vt 11. m
, Walla Walla, S)kiine, SpokHiie
MUHieiipolis. ft. I'nlii,, MhI!
I ilu lu I h, Mlluuiikiii,, hiiiI
Chlrnso mid Dust, via Kxprcsi
Spokiineakd Iliiutliig
ton. iil-o nil Kilni. in
Wiisblugtoo Miid Kant n SO b. m
eru Oregon.
fa p. m
b p. m.
. Kiioji roi:T:..v.vif
(leean Stemnshlln.
1 For Snn Krulicln'o
Kvcry five Duvs.
t p. m.
s ii. m. .
I p. m
i:..oiindiy'C:oIumbltt I: v. Hteiimerh. Kx.bum;.
10 AsToi'.tA auu viny
Siuurdiiy lauding. ,
10 p. m.
i'.h. m. Wi.!..imkttx Itivuii. i:.iop. m.
IlLsuiiibiy Oregon City. Newlnrg. Kx.suudn;
tiiilem V way Land's.
Ta. m, , WiLtAKErrr. and Yam
Tues.Thur. him. Uivkrx.
mid .-ut. Oregon City, Dayton,
aud M'ny-I.:indiiigs.
a.:in p. m.
.Moti. .Wed
aud FrI.
l.v Utpurlii
3. .16 it. in.
r.lpuriii to Imihtou.
0MX)n. m
I'nrties iiesirmc to go to Ileimner nr
lxmit on Columbia southern via lilgg. Nhould
,,"it 'vl' - leaving i nu iniiies ni is -m p. m
I "'"king direct eonncetlnns ut llcppticr Junction
i'iiii iok. iii-'.iiriliiiK iijiiKiiiKUii Li-iMiiiuviiiiiii
nt llcppner juiM'tliin mid HlggH v. Ith No, 1. ar
riving ut The Dulles at 1j:J) p. m.
The O. It. A N. steamer "Minlnc'"ls now mnk
llig ngnliir trip to .-nlem mid Iill"iH.Midi.iitc
i-tnppllig ut all way liiudllig. (ihe leaves I'oit
land on .Mondiiy.s, S'eiliiediiys and Fridays ut
r n. m., Hrrlvlngiit hueri I p. in., mid liKtepuiid
eni e about li p, in. on Mime dnys. ltcturnlug
boat leaves Independence nt . n. in. and biilem
ut Mi. m on Tui"diiys, '1 lmr-diiys mid Hntur
dnys, arriving ut l'ortliint! uboiit It p. m. same
For full purtlnulars rull on O.
N. Co.
iigeut llie Dulles, or tuHlrus
W. II. HI KLltl llT,
(ten, I'us. Act , rorlluud, Or
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature ia Rirengthening aud recou
atructing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latestdiscovercddigest
ant and tunic. Ko other preparation
can approacli it in elllcicuuy. It in
stantly rellcvesand permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Gastralgla.Crampsand
all other results of imperfect digestion.
PrlcoMc.antlgt. LargosUocontaliiBSW times
small size. Hook all about dynjiepsla mallodtrce
r'r-oparcd bj E r DoWITT 6 CO.. CblcaflO.
sold by Clurki- A l ulk'n I' O. I'liariuncy.
VTJVI. rvt AfATj.:ui;i At a.ta r.v r atj ctati
i."' 1
s: L. Lane,
Wagon and Carriage Werk.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
I Third aud JctTcrnn. Phone 159
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States,
bight Exuliatige and TelTttrraphi5
Transfers sold on Now York, Chicago,
bt. Louis, ban Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, beattlo Wash,, and various point
In Oregon and VWmhington.
Collections nm ii Mi nil polntf n fn.
rabln ttiria.
Belgian Hares to Lease.
I have about 101) thoroughbred does
1 1,,. i 1 1. i ,. . . .. .
mm ijiYiu iuuhu 111 huh oi iu to respon
sihlu parties on shares. Apply lo
C. E. 11A .'AUD,
The Dalles.
no niiii'o
inn??.!!'",!e". rrien.
Pll I $