1 ...Oqp flHUAIi REDUCTION SALiE... COMMENCES FRIDAY, JANUARY 4th. Friday, .January 4th, will usher in at this storo one of tho Greatest Reduction Sales ever known in its history, and one that should receive the support of every economi cal man and woman in The Dalles and vicinity. Every article in tho house has been gone over carefully, and has been reduced without regard to cost. Remember, we are not offering Shop-worn Goods. We are ever building for the future, and would rather underestimate the goodness offered here than have you disappointed at the showing in (he store. Come tomorrow, and let the goods toll (heir own bargain tale. Men's Winter Clothing. Yon can't trnt the weather. Any clay may see the tliiTino tt;r playing .fro, and the nights are sine to he mid. Men's Winter Suits, in choice line or iiattiTii" to select from; ail well mada and in perfect Bt) Ih. Suits that iiHUally bring $5 to fO ... .now f3.95 Men's Winter Suits, in a wide selection ol new patterns, made wlt'i piped seams, reinforced, pnwl quality lining, perfectly tuii ired. Suits that nen ally hriiii; $0o0 to $8.50 now fi.85 Men's Winter Suits, a wonderful line to inske vour selection from; stylih patterns, perfect in rone .ruction. Tlmt ueimlly bring 48 00 to $12 .now $7. 115 Men's all wool Oveieoats at $T Cm Men's all wool Overcoats at $7 .".5 Men's all wool Overcoats at $10.85 Men's all wool Ulsters at $7 05 Men's till wool Ulsters at $S.Hr Men's all wool Ulsttrs . at $10 X In Boys' Winter Clothing We have placed on our counters dining this sale over 25J Hoys' Suits that must he sold. 1.01' T Comprises euits that told in the regular way from ?1 "" to $li .. . . . Clearance price, 59c LOT II Hints that are worth from $2.00 to $3 00. Clearance price ... $1."7 1.0 T III A spU'iidid line of all wool stylish suits; eolil regular to $5 Clearance price, $1.9'J Boys' Overcoats and Ulsters, Ages 5 to l5 irs. Clearance price . ,$1.SI5 to $7 ."5 We I uve hi I'e'thesi) prices in odor toell'ect a speedy elenr. i (r do not Intend to carry any of thee'e ir v r. Men's Wool Overshirts. v r.. rh i I S 1 . $1 50 and $2 n ce ! . . 75c, 05c, $1.10 and $1 45 Men's Winter Underwear. Lot No. s:2 Uihhed ; regular 60c Clearance, .'l!ic I.-it No. 4!W Handoni wool; regular 50c. .Cieurance, :?7c Lot No. 4S4 Fancy striped ; regular 75c .Clearance, 5!lc I.it 2710 All wool ; regular ilOc Clearance, flllc Over 150 .Men's Colored Dress ShirtB ; stylish pat terns; regular 85c, $1 and $1.25. . Clearance price, tiile DRESS GOODS. Some extraordinary v.ilues In both black and col ored goods. Fancy Colored Dress Goods at 50c, 00c and 65c regular Sale Price, 36c. Good assortment of Cotton Mixtures at 8c, 10c, 13c and 17c worth double. Silks. 24 inch Lyons' Dye Japanose Silk worth 50 Sale Price, 42c. 20-inch Taflettas, extra quality pood assortment of shades to choose from Special, 79c. Dressing J ackets. Ladies' Eiderdown Dressing Jackets only a ltmited number left $1.15, $1.25 and $1.50 values, Sale Price, 75c. French Flannel. Special quality, Silk Polka Dot Sale Price, 69c. FRENCH FLANNELETTE. Large assortment of patterns Sale Price, 14c. PEASE & MAYS This ttore closes at 0:15 p. m. UNDERWEAR. Extraordinary bargains in good fleece goods Special Price, 19c. Heavier quality at 27c, 29c and 4!!c. COMBINATION SUITS. Special heavy-weight regular 00c, Sale Price, 43c. Better grades regular $1.25 and $1.50, Sale Price, 93c, $1.19. Every garment in stock has been reduced in proportion. Our space is limited for prices. Gloves. A few odd sizes and colors in our regular $1 00 glove at 73c. Ginghams. Good heavy Apron Check at 434c Extra quality Amoskag Check at 5?.,c Muslins, bleached. Bric-a-Brac at 4c Rntledge at 5c Great Drive at C.?4'c Fruit of the Loom at 7,'m: Lonsdale at 7,'oC Special reductions on Sheetings in all widths. PEASE & MAYS This store closes at 0:15 p. m. Bugs. Extra Moquet. $1 .25 grade, $1 07. $3.00 grade, $2 47. $4.50 grade, $3 17 Cloaks and Suits. Two Big Drives. All Snits worth up to $13.00 Sale Price, $7.69. All Suits worth from $13 50 to $25.00 Sale Price, $11.93. SHOES. In this department the knife has cut deep, and every article offered is an extraordinary bargain in itself. Would take too much space to give particulars. On all regular goods in this department we make the following reductions: All $4 00 Shoes $2 97 All ." 00 Shoes 2 27 All 2.50 Shoes 1 87 All 2 00 Shoes , 1 47 All 1 50 Shoes 1 17 SPECIAL. Men's Congress and Lace Gaiters', values up to $4.00: Srecial ' 97c Ladies' Cloth Top and Vici Kid Lace; Special 93c Ladies' Special Kid Welt Button $1.53 Ladies' Hand-turn Lace; Special SI. 93 Boys' Calf Lace; extraordinary value 97c Every shoe we show you is a special bargain within itself. PEASE & MAYS This store closes at 6:15 p. in. "V" lissN unn V The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY IAN. 4, 1901 served In any stylo... Oysters . . . ' At Anc row Knllor'p. I - TJtEAsrii ICR'S NOTICE. All U'm.co , utility iviirruiilN i i'cll ti ! I'rlort.i nrtiintf r 1, 1H07, will In- pulil ua rrnriitHiluii ul my ciltlcf, lllti-rcM tr, uft,.r NimhiiiIht '.!, 11MIO. .IOIIN I'. II AM I'M It I UK, Uotmly Truunim-r. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. A few bargains in overcoats at The Fair. j;.t '''How tops at a reduction at Mrs. Morgan's. 4 2t W'e lead all others in low prices on miber eiode. The Fair. jii-'Jt A f-.fiO patent leather Hernial reduced to "5 ti pair at A. M. Williams k Co.'s Wanted-- A girl to do general house W1rte' Apply at tlm rusiilnnco ol N. No excuse for not wearing good shoes no. Read Willluins & Co.'s ud and yoVII thiol: likewise. Telegrrttn delivered to your ollice, 'torn or residence, only ten cents per 11. II. Grant, agent. U-dU-wl 8-ileet our ladies' party sandals from t'walx dlllerent lines on special sale at A. M. Williams & Co.'h and nave money. Hie Ir,c.l tl A, I:. I 'oat today moved 'Mr charter nod lodgn paraphernalia to tje K. .,f p. m( wnurB lhvy wl ,ol(j 'eir meeting in the future. , The editor of the Hood Kiver Glacier lias jua- ciiiiinernle I the people within ooi't of the Dalles neonle. The laat lie between Miss Bessie Eddon. Mis gutne, from a financial standpoint, was jjllattie (ilenn and Miss BUnche Emerson quite disastrous, owing to the bad wea- ''and, on leaving the decision to the abitre ther. orient of three stinws, Miss Glenn drew The postoflico at Grants was robbed I the longer one mid captured the first Monday nlKht. Fifty dollars worth of 1 P8e. Miss Delia Young and Master V postage stumps were taken ; also cigars, prize anil the lunger straw awarded chewing tobacco, clothing, and other sr- j tides amounting to $150. Mrs. Wilker :ion, the postmistress, doesn't live in the i building. The robbery is supposed to ! I have been committed by two hobos, who I ! ti'i.r.. duiiii tl... ilutf nf lln. mlilu.i",' 111 tlmt ' vicinity, Goldendale Sentinel. Here's an example of what A. M. Williams t Co. are oll'ering in their cloak department at present: A lady's lino Kersey cloth short jacket, lined throughout with a good heavy satin to match; made double-breasted, with i wide scalloped reveres; seams and edges j finished with several rows of stitching ; J fancy pearl buttons. Oilor, a mode. Worth !2.M), for ifO.W. Ail other jack- ets above $10 at sume reduction, j A big stout German who works for jSeufert Brothers, while walking the 1 rallioad track near tho powder house Wednesday night, was iio -iiied by four j tramps who demanded that he should j hold up his hands while they would re lieve him of his valuables. Instead of ' com plying the German grabbed for a big ! horse shoe that he happened to have in I his pocket and striking out solar plexuses I like greased lightning had three of the A C'linnre to Kn HumlitlKgetl. P. T. Barnum said the American peo ple liked to be humbugged. Our city is now being canvassed by agents who are very liberal. They want Frank Sylvester tied for the consolation" tnak,i n enlarged picture free. . i on get tjomeuiiiiK uii iimiiiiii;. jiuw .!.. .1.... !.. t I. ..!.... ..,. 1 to Miss Young. Tl ornpanvdid noti ou"" ' , break up till midnight. ' 1 ',omt- It'a the same old game; you I don't get tho picture unless you buy the At the residence of Leon Curtis, on 1 , .... . , . . i frame, the north side o the river, at h.gh noon T,J(. year bsfor(J j tf) Uli(J dty , uii ruurru,i, wv ...u, . u. . , proprjelor of it Portland I'oling, ol the CongregHtional church, united in marriage George Ulysses Wand and Miss Pauline Knechtlc, in the presence of immediate relatives of the contracting parties. The bible, who is a young lady of splendid character and well liked by nil who know her, was becomingly attired in white, and wore a wreath o( real orange bloosoms. Th? groom has been in Mr. Curtis' employ for the past night years, and is a man of sterling worth. At the close of the fes- tfi'iliuti U'liii.li !rw1ml.(l it crilufiillil i.-uil '.. . . ! town. uing dinner, the young couple repaired . . .! . .. ... .!. ! ...I'i I io ineir iieai lime iiome, wnicn lias recently leen built near Mr. Curtis' res ideuce, currying with them inanv useful i . nUui i i . ...i .i. .i j less . ami oeaniiiiii i preseius. one i.nariK ing them kindly for a generous remem brunce'of cuke, Tine Ciikonici.k wishes for Mr. and Mrs. Waud a long and happy married life. proprietor of a Portland portrait com- ! pany told me that he took -t700 out of ' The Dalles on the same kind of a scheme, j He called my attention to a frame that j he got $7 for. lOf course he would give you the picture.; You can get tho frame for less than half that amount. I When the agent comes back with your ! picture, just tell him yon can get u handsome Florentine frame, finished in gold with burnished corners for $2.'J5, and see what you can do at home fiist, instead of sending the money out of That's business and the way to build up your city. Kemeinber I will enlarge your picture, tgivo you Hotter work, ami Iraiiie it tor Yours to please, Bi:.s i. A. GiKKoitn. I'Koi'i.K com i no AM ;ni.o. For Saltt. four wouldbe highwaymen biting the Daniel O'Connei. a wealthy sheepman railroad ballast in loss time than it lakes ; of Klickitat county, is in the city, to tell it. Then kicking the prostrate! Mr. W. A. Stark, of Mosier, is in town tramps till the German thought they 'on a visit with his sons, Sam and nnitmhlv bad enoiiL'h hu let them go 1 Charles. 1 th.-lr ii'iiv nffur mivk-ltiL' thani solemnly I Al AltltlliU. swear that thnv would never attempt to January i'rd, by Justice Brownlull at tlifv ! his otlice in this citv, Mt . J. E. Maloy ----- r lived. The fourth man escaped punish1 inent by inking Itv lail. mi.... i .ii.. I-. I ........ i. .t....,M i. A. It. Sntli'H, i.lin l.riiv it'iiy iiitii. iiijjiii. mivcji it.nirii the Korporuto II in i I h of that, town, and fil''l8 tlm population to be 7ol. Trie football seasiiti for the Dalles tui will close with' the giimo with sec ond Multnomah on January 18th. It is "Milan of the members to give a bene ' ball in the evening after the game for e purpose of (lischarglng indubtudneBS 01 'tin association. The members feel in this they will have tho loyal sup. ij and Mrs. Kiver. X. I.. Miller, both of Hood about twenty ol her school companions at the rcf ideuce of her uncle and uiiut, Mr. ami Mis. Hugh Gonrlay. If the noise and laughter that forced their way hiougli Hour and carpet and celling to the reportorial ear in the rooms below were any index by which to estimate lie fun and enjoyment of the youngsters pstalrn, we conclude them was no lack The uier.ibers of the J. W. Nesmlth Pos, are requested to meet at the K. of P. hall. Saturday night, Jan. J3, 1901. pedal meeting by order of H. L. Akin, Com. 0. II. Brown, Adj. A nice if!") Indies' fine lace boot Is now Mug clored out at A. M. Williams A f enjoyment. In a guessing contest for 1 p- r nw J2JZ li your me he authorship of a list of quotations, J Wanted A girl to do general house aken largely, but not exclusive')-, fromjAvrirk in a small family. Apply at this the hiifh Hchool text books, there wa-6 ollice. 28-dlw On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, January 7th, 8th and 9th, the following furniture will ho for sale at the residence of Mrs. Mary E. Freneh on Eaijt Fourth street : One oak folding bed, worth 25; sale price $10. Dresser, worth $21 ; sale price $8 Sideboard, worth $21 ; sslo price .8. Parlor table, $0; sale price $2. Chill'onier, $8; sale price $4, Oak bedstead, with wire spring and mattress, $8. Cabinet Singer sowing machine, ij'o. 4-4t CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Slguature of r i We do Steam, hot water and furnace heating. Estimates made and contracts taken for heating old or new buildings. Do not forget That we operate a plumbing and tin shop, also a ma chine repair shop in connection with our hardware and implement store. Repair work of all kinds done. MAYS t CROWE. t Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the beet. Ask your grocer for them. ...Civen Away. Willi ovory Dollar's worth of goods puivlmsod at our storo during January and February, wo will givo One ('banco on the following pw.os: FIRST PRIZE One Alummized Garland Steel Range. SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron Heating Stove. THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated Knives and Forks. FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork and Steel. FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle. SIXTH PRIZE One Nicklo Plated Condenser Cof fee Pot. SEVENTH PRIZE-Ono Nickle Plated Tea Pot. In addition to giving away those prizes wo will sell goods as low as the lowest, and will always bo ready to serve the trade in tho best possible way. We will positively not bo undersold by any ono. Our prices are right. & BENTON, 0