1) e Dalles VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY. JANUARY 4, 1901. NO. 3 All Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits Reduced One-Third. Those who have denied themselves this pleasure and comfort of a new ult farliur in the season now reap j the hetiuflt of these reductions: ! ..REAL BARGAINS.. Our .lanuiiiy Sale oilers the most seasonable, the most desirable goods in the house at prices that compell the attention of all buyers.- -- -- 7J ThlsflLTJ) Suit or light Kruy Iiiiiiicmihiii In htyllhli Iv miiile mid perfect llt tliiK. Not In nil hlzi-K. hut we ii'iiy Iiiivii QQ OA yours Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Anv r .on 8 00 12 00 15.00 IS 00 i'0.00 '22 m 'J5 00 ::o no Suit Suit Suit , Suit , Suit , Suit . Suit , Suit , Suit . .now .now .now .now .now .now .now .now .now M oo 5 iu 8 00 JO 00 11! 00 VA 'A4 ir oo 10 7 20 00 1 0Q Hoo our window display or belter still visit our suit department. You're not asked to buv. 1 li All 10 00 Jackets All 12.50 .Tncketn 15.00 Jackets 18.00 JucketB L'0.00 .IncketH 25.00 .laeketB All All All All Ladies' Jackets. Your choice of any 8tyl, any quality, at .$10 or over At Half Price. Our Jackets are known for their excellent etvles and perfect fitting quali tiesbut the month of January levels al! prices, regardless of cost. reduced to .? 5 00 reduced to . G 25 reduced to 7 50 reduced to 9 00 reduced to 10 00 reduced to 12 50 Children's Jackets Reduced One-fourth. They're just as they were at the beginning of the season. Not as large an assortment probably, but Etvles in plenty for a satisfactory selection. At $2.97 We offer a nice double-breasted Jack et in a neat check heavy material that will give good satisfactory wear. Large lined hood, large fancy buttonB. Agea 3 to 12 years. Worth regularly $3 95. All others in like proportion. storm collar, silk Little Girls' Worsted Dresses. J In this department we show a i complete line of sizes from 2 to 14 , years in qualities ranging from I 09c to if 10 each. These prices now Reduced just One-fourth. Every drees i'b a little gem. All neatly trimmed some in braids and rufllee others in laces, velvet ribbons, silk guimps and small gold buttons. We describe 2 neat styles here : At 75C Made of dark fancy At $4.50 Sailor Suit, mixed goods; yoke, revers edged aimilar to above cut, made with rufllB and trimmed with ?j P"reJI"tf d in oi,i fancy weave; in red or fancy braid. b,U; trimm'ed 5n fonp Sizes 2, 3 and 4 years. Worth rows narrow white braid; regularly $1.00. 6 to 12 years ; worth $6.00. Right Up-to-Date. OUR JANUARY SALJ2 OF SHOES re-marked, and are now being sold at from a half to a fourth of former price. Special $1.00 Pair. Choice of a table full of Ladies' fine Kid-skin Shoes that sold regularly at $3 and if 4. offers some rare bargains. All broken lines of Ladies,' Misses and Children's Shoes have been Special $1.50 Pair. Another table full of neat up-to-date Shoes in welts and turned soles; value $2.75 a pair. Ladies' Patent Leather Sandals; here tofore $2.50; SPECIAL Special $2.50 a Pair. Strictly up-to-date shoes of best vici kid in new coin toe and medium or heavy flexible turn ed or welt soles ; value $4 and $3 a pair. Special $2.00 a Pair. Tarllac' T ann V-iroa naton t loathor flfvihlp I soles; vici kid, turned soles; vici kid, welt soles. wV Pponlnrlr IS 50 a nair. Comfortable Shoes. ThiH stylish Lace Hoot ie made of the best vici kid; with broad hull-dog toe, patent leathur tip, and hag heavy welt soli'B kid lined throughout. Worth 1-1 ; cil $2.50 Auk to sen then'. This Store Closes at 6 P. M. M. M. WILLIKMS 5t CO Common-sense people waut common eense footwear not all style, but com fort as well. Here'e a bargain for them : A whole table-full of plain toe, common sense button shoes that have sold regu larly at $2.00 a pair; choice .-..$1.39 TO MAINTAIN C ASTORIA AYegetable PrepnralionlorAs- similaiiug ilicl'ood andHegula ling the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digcstion-Cheerful-ness and Rest.Contains nei titer Opium.Morpliine norIiucraL NOT UAHCOTIC . '' of Mit DrSAMl'EL PtTCHIUi tx.Snttut ftotkttUSJit- ftairnmmt. - fen .IW - Aptafccl Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea onus .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Si'flnnturc of . JNEW YOHKT. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Jjf EXACT COPr OF WRAPPER. P In Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA .mm Wouui Htui ruuiimii, 1 ItiBtitutioiiB uiid iho public echoo'.H. Ho santa Fk, N. M., .Inn. Superiu- rt.jardB the game us moro brutal than nuetit of Public IiiHiruotlou M. t!. De- prize-fighting. Ho has gathered alalia- lu his annua! renort. makes ft ' tin j Alinisln j tit tit. luat vnnr flfttm hni'S revniiimiMtdntlon fur the prohibition of imtytng o( football in the territorial were killed aud 200 furiously Injured in the United Hiatus w title playing lootouii, OPEN DOOR We Shall Endeavor to Secure Provision in Pekin Treaty Guaranteeing the Principle. Ni:w Vokk, Jan. 'A. A special to the Herald from Washington says : In the commercial treaty to he negotiated by the powers with China, a provision will be HiBerted If this government can com pass it, formally recognizing the principle of the "open door." This important step will not be a sur prise to the powers, all of which have expressed themselves as in favor of the preservation to the "open door," and it is believed that there will be no open op. position in the proposal when made. At the same time, it would not surprise the officials should aome of the powers urge that each nation make an independent convention with the imperial govern ment, thus securing opportunity to ob tain special advantages. This danger has not been lost sight of by the ad ministration, which will urge that but one treaty be made, aud that In the nature of h reiteration of many import ant features of the old commercial con ventioiiB, with such additions, including the "open door" proposition, as may seem desirable. , In a dispatch received from Pekin, Minister Conger expressed the opinion that the questions of the commercial relations of China aud foreign powers and that of indemnity would be the most difficult to solve and most productive of delay. The Chinese envoys, he Bald, had stated that their government was able to guarantee compliance with the condition imposed In the preliminary agreement. Germany may raise the question whether the punishment of Hoxor leaders la sufficiently severe, but thiH 1b not likely to Interfere with the conclusion of the negotiations. Minister Conger takes a hopeful view of theflituu- tion, though he say? ho expects delay in the settlement of the indemnity and comuiercial treaty question. .leu Will .Not Ituy t-uluion, ' New Youk, Jan. 'A, The Journal of Commerce says : It is Blated in West' Side canned-goods circle that the mat-1 tor of discovering t-he author of the rumor or report recently published to j the effect that const packers of salmon I were canning Louisiana catfish anil j branding it as salmon hae been turned over for the consideration of the United States fish commission. The rumor or report was taken serious ly in certain East Side quarters, particu larly among the Hebrews, who, because of their religion, which prohibits the eating of catfish, declined to buy salmon In many instances. This action resulted in eomu loss of trade to canned fieh dealers here. Catarrh Cannot lie Uurrd. with local applications, ae they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood puritleis, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results In curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Chksky & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggists, price 7fic. Hall's FhimIU- IMIIh are the best. 12 Miss Haven wietiea to announce that during the mouths of January and Feb ruary she will otter all her remaining Btoek of winter millinery at greatly re duced prices, preparatory to receiving spring goods. Tiimmed huts at just half price. dtt0-2w Wauted A Becoud-hand fire-proof safe, Must be iu good coudition and not too large. Apply at the Ciiuonici.k office. o31-tf :lAlAlAlAIAJA'IAIAlAIA1AyiT!ikJ:ATAIAIXIk 3 C. J. STUBblHG, WHOI.l.U.K AM) ItKTAH, Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention, i Next door to First National Bank. I Phone 234, A V A THE DALLES, OREGON. FCCORSETS y. TViaba nrvrsfits nan hfl s "' v had. in all the latest V styles, including the new Girdle, at The Fair. FCCORSETS TIio IMaco where you can save money. i ;- FCCOHSETi rrttkii Aiiik wml Oiuiini. A dollar Baved ie a dollar gained. I um Belling the best Jereey milk in the market, warranted to test live per cent butter fut, for $2 u quart per month. Also purely cantrifugally separated cream at 40 cents a quart. Why pay more when you can do better by phon ing to the City Dairy. 'Phone 1185. uilO-lm Iii;ur 15.uu.KY, Prop. Slek Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea, A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and iudlgeetion, makes you eut, sleep and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 'J5els. undiiOctB. Hlakeley, the druggist For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing bo good us Chamberlain's Pain Halm. Try it. For sale by Hlake ley, the druggist.