Knockout Drops " I am n saloon-keeper, -anil used to think that rock anil rye, or whiskey and quinine were proper rem-,y cdies lor cougus and coliis. Jlost .1 f'-j of my uciiunint ances were of the hjime opinion. Kuw 1 know sontetliingatloast n thousuud times better. It is Acker's llnplish Remedy for Coughs nnd Colds. A good while ago I began to cough and found out then that rock and rye was no good. I got worse nnd 1 was beginning to think that the trou ble would run into consumption. I didn't take any stock in patent medicines, but .somehow or other I tried Acker's English Itemed)-. One bottle did the business for me knocked that cough out completely and it has never come'back again. There is never a day passes that I don't say a good word about this wonderful medicine. I al most forgot to say that I am stronger and fleshier now, since taking the remedy, than 1 was before the cough began. I write this letter voluntarily and cheerfully and am glad to do it." (Signed) Chbis. Humble, Saloon-keeper, Pocatello, Idaho. Sold at 25c., 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada ; and in Eng land, at Is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you arenot satisiled after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. We authorize llf ulne puaranlet. W. II. UOOKEll A CO., rrvprictm, Hew 1'orfc For sale at Blnkeley'e Pharmacy. PEOPLE COtlINO AM) OII1SO, Mrs. H. E. Warren, of visitinit in the city with Heppner, is her- mother, Mrs. CIny Meyers. George R. Ctuniilwll left on the Dalles P!m tlii.) mrii-iiiiiif Tiiifiini tr roantnn his studies at the university. vy,i .u.,. ..., t.,.. . Mrs. C. F. Stephen? went to Moro to day to take part in t lie ceremony of in stallation of the officers of the D. nf H. and Workmen of the local lodges of that town tonight, and to institute a new lodge of D. of H. tomorrow night. FORECAST FOR JANUARY. Illoks, tlio WeAtlier Prophet, Telia What We May Kxpect. Acjording to Hicks, the first day of the ii-jw year and of the new century is the central day of a Vulcan storm period. The moon will he at the full on the 4th , j The indications are that b change to ' southerly winds, rising temperature anu falling barometer will be spreading east ward from western parts of the country in the opening days of Jauuary. These conditions will result in rain and snow progressively across the country from about the I'd to the 5th, the culminating storms of the period falling on and next to the 3rd and 4th. A very active high barometer will fol low theee storms closely out of the north west, accompanied by tigh northwester ly win ls and a cold wave. The moon belu at extreme mrth declination at j this time will tend to hold the atmos pheric tide northward from the equator, preventing, in all probability, that ex-i treme cold which might certainly be ex- pecteti were the moon at ner south uec- lination. Reactionary disturbances will appear -on and about the 7th to 0th, causing change to warmer with falling barome ter and more rain and snow. These perturbations will culminute on and touching the (Hit. On and about tiie 12th he says to look for u rapid full of the barometer in all western section, followed by rising tem perature and moro storms of rain. Wind aud snow from the 1-tli to the 14th. Tho umon is at apogee and last quarter on the lL'tli, facts tending to squalls and blustering storms on aud near that date. The indications are that a cold wave of wide extent and marked severity will bring up the rear of storms from about the 12th to 14th, causing a geueral spell of very cold weather up to the reaction ary changes due about the 18th to the 20th. Oa these dates there will be a re turn to falling barometer, rising temper ature and more storms of rain, wind and snow. Another sudden and sharp cold wave will follow theee storms, spreading east nnd eouth immediately after the new moon on the 20th. He predicts a marked fall of the bar ometer and change to warmer to set in about the 23d ; that storms ot rain and probable thunder will develop in south ern sections and that snow, sleet and blizzards will visit central and northern sections from about the 23d to 20th. Arctic currents will flow down to meet the tropical conditions eoutliward, draw ing a great cold wave down over most parts of the country about thi 24th to 27th. Mercury sleet storms will be ac uumpaiiiinents to all the disturbance? during the last part of January ami into February. The most soothing, healing and anti septic application ever devised is De Witt's Witch Hazal Salve. It relieves at once and cures piles, soree, eczema and ekin diseases. Beware of imita tions. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Subscribe for Tiie Chuokiom:. III I VV' For Fifteen Daya Only, Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today; so rustle up your photos,, stamps tin-types or cabinets,' and have a life-sized, lflx'JO, black pastel portrait made, vkkk of chaihik. Wo only put one or two in a liouso, and only to those who will appreciate the work enough to frame it after they are made, Our agents will call, so have the photos, ready, or leave them in care of Mr. Plas ter, at the engine house, and the old leliable firm, the Portland Art Co,, will do the rest. The work is simply an advertisement to demonstrate the high grade work we are doing, nnd you get the benefit. Re member a sample is given free. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The other dealers in town cannot sell any pianos and organs. We are having things our own way. Of course we are almost giving them away, and we dare not rush into print with prices, as it would make them still more furious Call at Xickelaen's music store, where the Wiley B. Allen Co., of Portland, are having their removal Balejund .turn : ing the world upside down just now. NOTICE. In future any and all inquiries relu five to delinquent taxes must he made to the county clerk, as he is custodian of delinquent tax sale record and rolls. The sheriff having complied with tiie law in ' . i maKing ease ot delinquent tax:, he le completely nut ot tlie tax-collecting business till .March next. uIH-Iuia- Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh; they dry up the secretions, which adhere to the memhrauo aud decom pose, causing a far moro serious troublo than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and smith and use. that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such n remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho 50c. size. Ely Brothers, fiG Warren St., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry nurfaco, roliov- ing immediately tho painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and urtist's brusbee. A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Paint your, house with paints that aro fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Remember that Cocoanut Cream Tonic will! promote growth of hair. Charles Frazer, sole agent. n!)-lui i Clarke Sc Falk haye received a carload of the celebrated Jame E. Patton strictly pure liquid paint? lf u , ,innilrnfT vour hair is falling out. U?e Cocoanut Cream. For sale at hruzur's barber shop. n0-lm Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when yon can buy .Tames E. Pattern's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agents. " nil If your hair is dry and duutl-liltH, Co coanut Cream Tonic will give it life and luster. It is pronounced the finest tonic on earth. Can be had at Frazer's barber shop, agent. n!) lm Dyspepsia can Ik; cured by using Acker'e Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 2b cts. Blakeley the druggiBt. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker'e English Remedv in anv case of coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drug gist. 1 Nasal CATARRH In all Its stages there iliouM be cleau'iness. Ely's Cream Balm cleanej,eootliei and licals tho diseased membrane. 1 1 cures catarrh ami drives away a cold lu the head quickly. Cream Ralin Is placed Into tho nostrils, spreads over tho memhrauo and is absorbed, liellef la m mediitoandacurefollonj. It is not drying does not produce incMing. Largo SUe, 50 cents at DriiK giiU .ir hy null ; Trial SUc, JO cents by mall. U.Y IXrOTUEUS, 30 warren Street, New York. SPECIAL SALE! Special Values in aft Mil linery at MISS HAVEN'S during January and Feb ruary. Trimmed Hats at Half Prioe. 111 i Jls I f f I f f 1; I ? f. It I.I The I I f I f I... . fit! If'? ! L ? ! ? 1 ; NEW AND STRANGE STAMP. Han So Vn Un it Uaeful tin I CntlnilicH Found In ScnilliiK Their Mull. A new nnd strange stamp has been attracting the attention and wonder of our pint otlice othcinls. It is a staitin not found in any collection or sold by any of ruiufiit. It has no legal vnlut' whatsoever. Neither is it a counter feit, nor intt ndei! to supplant in any way the stamps i-sued by the govern ment authorities. It ahvn appears accompanied by the proper number of United .States' printngc stamps, either fust nt cJ by their side or stuck in the lower left-hand corner nf the emelope, .as the Philadelphia Press. At a (irst stance the stamp is a sur prise and a mystery to the ollieials. In size am: genera! appearand it is much like tho.-e of oriititai nun South Amer ican countries. Hut a closer look tit the (!cn"fn a saint ht-arititr the Christ child in hir arms reveal.-its religious character. Then the men dict er the lettei.- .S. A. (i. at the top of the stamp, and for many of them the problem is at once solved. Nearly everyone who hfi- anything to do wit.h the bundling of the mails i'h familiar with t lit three initials. 1 liou.-amis- of letters bearing' them in the lower left-hard corner or written Upon this back of rlie'envelope are re- celec and delivered dully in tins city alone. Kven the least ol)"ervanl clerk orcarrier has remarked and (piestioned them. The initials and stamps arc practic aVy the snme thing; or. rather, the srimp i.-. a new phnM-of an ancient cus tom which exists over the entire world, and which during the last, few years has sprung into popularity in this country. It is a Roman Catholic cus tom. The S. A. (J. stands for "St. An thony Guide." Inny wonderful things, are attrib uted to St. Anthony by Catholic.--. He is known among tliein as the "miracu lous saint." Countless stories arc told of the cures he has effected the won ders he performs even to-day. Hut the two things for which this saint is espe cially given credit are the finding of things lost and the guidance of all cor rcppondeucr placid under his care. Devout Catholics believe that a letter set" under the prohction of I'adna can i! vcrgoactrny, Therefore numbers of them to-day hahitiinlly itifcribi".S. A. G." on all their mall matter, important or otherwise. The stamp it merely a mote eonxplciioiis' method of placing correspondence in the care of the favor it' saint, and so paying him utlilitituia' honor. St. Anthony's Mumps, as-they are called, are a modern and distinctly American intention. Hut thcciistom is over a century and a half old. It is strange that while hundreds of Catholics will not think of posting n letter until "S. A. G." Is safely on Hie envelope, hardly one isnble to explain why they have this implicit faith in St. Anthony's guidance, or from what their belief has sprung. They w'-i! M vaguely that "It is a custom; that we have always hern told that St. Anthonv Villi care for letters." 'tTfllTltTI'tTHTHTlt fMHTTiM The Dalles, Chronicle, Of. Job Printers. "H t U'M.I.'''f U4-MM '""Vt'f ' im""MU IMMH U-UJ itX'Kf flltt'Jtl'tltlf XitYtTVf TTTTttl TTI m WEAK NERVES. There is not a case of nervous weakum in thu world today (no matter what tho catme or of how long standing) that the uee of LINCOLN SEXUAL PILLS according to directions, which are simple and very easy to follow, will fail to permanently cure. Wliv do vou remain weak when LINCOLN SEXUAL PILLS will make you strong? Price, $1.00 per box buy of your druggiBt or sent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrupper. LINCOLN PR0PKLETAEY CO., It. Wayne, Intl. M. Z. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles. GOING EAST , If you intend to take a trip East, ask j your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, JCansas City, Omaha or St. LouiB to Now York aud New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls aud every through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Ros C. Clink, Pacific Count i'ass. Agt,, Los Angeles, Calif. C. S. CitANK. (i. V. A., St. Louis. Mo. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Court "f the Kl.-ileof OreKiar Notice H hereby Riven that the uiiderniKued, It K. Hiiltmurshe, iiilmluistrntor with the will annexed of the estate of .lonnthim JiicKmiu. tie (.eic-ed, hiis llltil Ills llmil iiecnunt hi utiil esliite hi ttie couutv court of said V.'iim-o County, Ore nun. mid sulil court Iiiim. hy uu order ihited the 11th ilny of December, IWJ0, appointed Thms day, the 10th day of January, I'.mi, at the Imur of i' o'clock lu the afternoon nf said day, a, the time anil the county court room In tiie court hou-e nt Dalles City, O.-ckoii, the place, for the lieariiiK of ald ti mil account and or the oh jvctlons thereto, if any there be. All heirs, emlllots anil other persons inlcictcd in said e-itate, ate hereby notified anil re iulred to pre scut and llle their obkotluus In said account, If any they have, on or before the time set for the hearing thereof afoiesald. I!. K. KAII'MAIIMII-:, Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Jonathan .laekson, deceased. ilPJ it EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notl-u is hereby ulven that the utiderslKncil, (xeeutor of tho will of Andrew V. Anderson, deceased, has filed lil.i Hunt account in thu county court of tlio Htiitcot Orejpiti for Wasco County, and ald court has appointed Monday, the 7th day of .laiiilary, IUOI, at the hour of io o'clock u. in., as the time for hearing objections thereto unit thu settlement thereof. Ail heirs, creditors and other ktsoiis Interested lu said estate are therefore hereby icuulrcd to llle their objections to said nccount, if any they have, on or before tho day set for the hearing thereof. Dalles City, Or., Nov. 15, l'jdo. U17-U J. C. IIOSTKTI.KIt, Kxcctltor NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby i.'lveu that tho undersigned has Hied with the clerk of the county court of the state of Oregon, for Wasco county, Ills final account us administrator of the estate of Helen llradfotil, deceaseii, and thai by an order duly mHdc on the llth (Uy of December, Pjoi), by said court, Monday, tho llth day of January, I'.WI, bus been llxed as the time, and the county court room of said court as the nlaco for th l,,-.iri,... u, uiiji-uiiwim uj .inn mini aecouui. , 1'. T. HKADKOHD, 'lcclSli AdmliiUtriitor ,.r i.i .!....' " NOTICE FOH I'UULICATION. I.ANII offiuk at Tiik Dai.i.ks, Oil,, 1 December 10, 11KK), j Notice is hereby given that the following mimed settler has Hied notice ol his intention to make linal proof In supiHiri of his clulin, mid that said proof will be niHilehelore the register nnd receiver at The Dalits, Oregqu, 011 bntur Uny, January 1U, pjoi, vl-!.: Drost tlliliiKuclilHger, nf The Dulles, Oregon, II. K. No. .'diM for tho WJi NVVK and W HWJ( Sec. Ill, T. t! N It. la Ho names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vl.: Jacob Whittle, Jural) Ohlegchlagcr, Able Y, ilarsh, i'erry aiicaiup, all of The Dalles, Ore gon. "Ivcll JAV 1'. l.UCAS, lu-glster. ADMINISTKATOH'S NOTICE. .Notlco is hereby given that tl.o undersigned has been appointed by thu county court of Vtakco county, Oregon, administrator of tho estate of Haucls lloss, deceased. All peisons having claims against thu estate are hereby re quired to piesent the samo to me. duly verified, ut the olllco of W.H. Wilson, in Dalles City Oregon, within six months from thu date hereof Dated November 10, lino. OKO. F. ItOSS, "V10 Adinliilstrator. SOUTH and EAST via Souinern Pacific Co. Shasta Route Trnitm leave The. Dulles for Portland and way stations at !:' i. m. and n p. m. U'live Portland " Albany , A'rlve Ashland " KHcramenlo. ., " Han rranclsco , . x:snnin ...I'.iU) a in . ..12:."'! ii in .. fiioopm , . , 7: li p la T :(m p in unwp m 11 ::;o a in I ','15 a m H:lii a tn Arrive Ogdon " Deliver " KansiiNClty " Chleago . ., fi:l5u in , 0:00 a m 7!'-'.i a m 7:15 a ui it: 15 a in H:lMla m 7 :'-." a in U:S0n in Arrive Iis Angeles . . " Kl l'nso " Kort Worth.. . " City of Mcxlru . " Hounton " New Orleans . " Wimhiiigtou ... " New York 1 :'J0 p in (-,:() p m iii.'toiim . '.i:.v a m , l:0Oa in (VSt II ill fi:l'.' a in t'J:t:i p in 7:00 a m ; ixi p in .n;:a)a m U:Mn in 1:00 a in tl : .' p in ii' 12 a ni l'."i:t p in Pullman and Tourist cars on both triilim Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden and Kl l'nso, nud tourist cars to Chicago, Bt IaiiiIk, New Or leans nnd Washington. ir Francisco with several stcamslilti lines for Honolulu, Japan China, rmitppiiies, i;eiiirai nun nnuiii Aiaericn. Hee ngent nt The Dulles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, (icucrut I'lissciiKcr Agent, Port. anil, Or NOTICE. Hy virtue of an order of the comicll of Dalles City, Oregon niiuluoii the Lllth. duv of Novum her, A U. IW)U, notice Is neriihy given that on the said LUth. day of November, IIKI0, the said council declared by resolution adopted, that that portion of tho sidewalk situated on the northerly "Ido of Kulton Street, anil lying be tw ecu thu northeast corner of thu sipmre formed liv the intersection or sold I'll I ton Street with Washington Street In Dalles City and a point Inn feet east nf said corner on said Kulton Street, is in a dung irons condition and lu need of being rebuilt, In thai said sidowallc Is weal;, decayed and unsafe to travel upon; and it was deter mined by said council to rebuild the same ami that the cost of rebuilding said sidewalk bo charged to the owner or owners of the nronertv abating on said portion of said slilenalk de clared lu a dangerous condition us by law pin- VllliKl, This notice Is published for II days from the Ith day of December. P.m. by older of the council of Dalles City, wnleh order was made Niu.'Hth. IlKJii. Dated at Dalles Clt , Or., December lid, I'.kh). Ni:i II t! ATI'S, Kecorder of Unites City. Yellowstone Park Line. Till: DINING (!Alt ItOt'TK FItO.M 1'OitTl.ANI) TO THK KAST, THK ONl.V DIltKCT LINK TO THK VKU.OW- SIONK I'AUK I.KAVK. Union Depot, ririh and ists No. Fast mall for Tacorua, Seattle, Olympia, (iray's No. iiariair nun souiu neon points, hpiikaue, floss laud, It.- C, Pullman, MiN'inv, Ivenlston, lltlf 11:15 A. SI, falollumpmlningcoun- fiiM) P. M, try, Helena, .Mlniieapn. lis, Ht. i'aul, Omalia, Kansas Cltv. St. l.oni.i. Chicago aud all points cast and southeast. No. I. No. ii. roi;ct Siionil h vtihivw I'. M. for Taeonia and Seattle and lutcrmeillate points 7;oo A. M. l'ulliimn lirst class ami tmirlst slirper.s to Miniieapo i,st. l'aui and Missouri river poluU without e i.inec. Vestlbuled trains. Cnlon depot connections in all principal cities llaggage Checked to ile.stliiatlou of tickets. Mir handsomely deerlpllve matter, write slL'l-'1'!"K C''"r t-servatlons, etc., call on or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (icneral Passenger Agent. 'J55 Morrl son Street, comer Third, I'ortlaud Oregon. NOTICE FOU I'UIJLICATION. I.ANDOM'ICK AT Tlii: llAI.l.KS, Or.,( .... . , , , December 17, I'.xxi. I Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make linal proof In support of his claim, ami that said proof will bo made before the icglsier and receiver of the I). S. land olllce at The Dulles, Or , on Saturday, January !, P.Hil, v Francis 4, Oltrlst, ''.T.'"..'.'.''"'."'1'!01'- " K. No. 1071',, for the '"r.'.e ije-N' """ b) MN!- Hee. a.Tl S He uiiiiies the following witnesses to prove Ids continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, vl.: J. It, Hall, 1). D Nelson, Chns. (Jlbsou, Alex tiaer.nllof Tho Dalles, Oregon. dec. 18 jay I'. I.CCAh, Iteglster. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the matter of the estatejof John (lottlleb iigeubhist, deceased, Notlco Ih hereby given that the undersigned, the executor of tho lnt win ,,mi i,.u,,.,n,.,, ,,( John'Jeb Ungeiiblast, deceased, lias fllwl IiIh lliui: account in the matter of said estate, and the County Court of tho State of Oregon for Wasco County has set Monday, tho 7th day of January. l'JOl, at the hour of 10 a. in, of said dav in the date for the hearing of the said account aud mi) objections thereto. JOHN WAOKNltl.AHT, hxecutor of the last will of John Gottlieb Vtiigeiinlast, deceased u'JP.'it It. K. SMITH, Osteopath. llooms lOnud II, Chapman Itlock, Tho Dulles, NOTICE FINAL SKITLK.M KNT. , Notify l licicie. given Hi it the uuderslgiicd has duly llieu with Hie Cuun y curk ; sva"c,, County, Orjgou, his llual necouut and leport as adinlnlstriitor of theeslato of Adolpli Agldlus. dcceafccd, and hat che lioiioiablo Ci.tuity Co irt has fixed Moiidaj , thofi h day ol November, lw"i at 10 ochM'k a. 111. of said day as the time, am he County ,'onrt room of thu County Co irt house in Dallescity, Wasco County, o cgon , ' h the place for hearing said final iiceoiiiit a r". !"'rl; All ieroiiHlnlcrested lu said estate are Iicrchy untitled to nppcnr at taht time and id co and show cause. II nuv il,r, 1.,, .ii... .!:.. ' "... ttmige! bu"''',,ovca "'"'1 tmlulHirlitdr Dutwl this 5th day of October, loon. Ailinliilstrator of tho wiatool'AVojidiAg "huh, u(.C(.auu, 0(.j,j inn Pill; 0.R.&N. cm IlKl'AllT timk seiinniii.r., KlIOM IU l.l.KH. Aittt:v FHOM rim Fust Mall 1J:'J.") p. la, Halt Lake, Denver, tt. Worth, Oiiinha, Knn niih City, Ht. Iiuls, Chicago and Kast. Fust Mull 1:05 p tn Atlantic Kxpress l'j:5on. in, Via Hunt ington. Salt fjiko, Denver, FtJ Worth. Omaha, Kiin-i sun City, Ht. Louts, Chicago and Kast. I lil'i a, m Hpokatie Stall anil Kx press Wnlln Wnlln, Hpokniic, BpnliHiio Minneapolis. St. l'aui, MHI illl tilth, Mllunukeu, hiuI Chlcaeo and Kast, via Kxpress Simkiiiienkd Hunting. ton; also all points lu WnsliliiRtoti and Knst-I :i:OT h. m ern Oregon, U :'-.' p. in I x ' t P. m. 8 p. m. From Poktlakp. Ocean HtcatiiNliliK. For Snti Francisco Kvcry Five Days. up. tn. 4 p.m. Kx.sundiiy Columbia Itv. HtcnniorN. Kx.Biiud. To Astoria una nuy Kiuurdny 10 p. in. umdlngs. fin. m. Wim.amkttk Kivkr. j 4:30 p.m. Kx.biindiiylOregou City. Nowhere, Kx.Hundsjr ! Salem A n ay Umd's. 7 H. m, WltlAMeTTK AND VAM S:S0 p. in. TiiCH.TIiur. iiai, Uivkiik. Mnn wed and nut. Oregon City, Dayton, nud Frl, and Wny-Diindiiigs. , l.v Clparla daily .'I .:!" u. m. 1 SNAKK UlVKtt. Itlparla to IjwlMton. I.KAVX I.KWISTON dally U:00n. in Parties Desiring to go to Ileiuiuer or poiuis on ciiiuiubta Miiitneru via utggs, siiouti) take No. J, leaving 'I he Dalles at l-: lll p. in making direct connections at Heppner Junetloti mid lliggs. Ileturuliig makliigdlrecteouuectlnn at Heppner Junction and lliggs with No, 1. ar riving at The Dalles nl la:!iii p. m, 'lheO. It. A N. steamer "Modoe'"s now mak ing tegular trips to Salem and Inpcpcudcuu, stopping at all way landings, Nhe leaves I'oit land 011 .Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at ii a. m., arriving at Suci-i I p. 111,, and ludeiamd euee abiait ii p. in. on same days, Huturuliig boat leaves Independence at .1 a. III. and Salem at lm. 111. on Tuodays. Thiirsday.s and Satur days, arriving at I'ortlaud about :: p. m. same llll.s. For full particulars call on O. It. A: N. Co.'s iigeutThe Dalles, or address W. H. Iintl.llt'KT, (.en. Pas. Agt , Portland, Or Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially d igests the food and aids Nature io BtrenKtheulug aud recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latestdiscovcreddigest ant and touic. No other preparation can approach It in efflcieucy. It in stantly relicvcsund ponuanoutly cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Hour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgla.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Price-50c. and II. Largo slio contains SVS times smullslzo.llookall about dyspepslunmilcdtruo Prepared by E C DclITT ft CO., CblcaflO. Sold liy Clarke A l'alk'ri P.O. I'lumiiney. L. Lane, (ii:si:i Wagon and Carrlago Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Jeircrmn. Phone 159 FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. THANH ACT A KNEKA1, BANKING IIUHINKH Lettern of Cnjdit iaaued available in the KfiHtarn Statea. nitrht Kxoiianco anil Tlra TrunHfera Hold on New york, Ciiicauo, at. Louie, Sun Francisco. Portlnn.l nr. Kon, Seattle Wnah,. and variouH pointo in Oregon and WnHhinirton. joimcuoiia lundi- hi nl) ilntp nn fav rabln tertuH. Belgian Hares to Lease. I liavo about 1011 thoroughbred dupe thut IJwllI luaso in lota o( 10 to reapon alblo partiua on elinrce. Apply to C. K. HA VAItl), n!l"-2w The J)a)lu8. PlGUNiO ONE FOR A 006E. U.movo I'linplH., Pr.voiit eius uruuswu U. S'.iAflKb CO Htilli K 1 -a 1A1. H BiacKsmiin i ...AND... H Horsesnoer :