...Our RWVRIi REDUCTION SALE... COMMENCES FRIDAY, JANUARY 4th. Friday, January 4th, will usher in at this store one of the Greatest Reduction Sales ever known in its history, and one that should receive the support of every econonii- cal man and woman in The Dalles and vicinity. Kvery article in the house has been gone over carefully, and has been reduced without regard to cost. Remember, we are .not offering Shop-worn Goods. We are ever building for the future, and would rather underestimate the goodness offered here than have you disappointed at the showing in Mho store. Come tomorrow, and let tbe goods tell their own bargain tale. - Men's Winter Clothing. You can't trnot the weather. Any day may Bee the '.thermometer tiluving zero, mid the nights are pure to be gnohl. f'Men's Winter Suits, in a choice line of fM';pattcrns to select from; hi! well mada and in perfect, :lfjt le. Suits that usually bring $5 to ifli now $.'?.f)5 Men's Winter Suits, in a wide selection - iaf mw mitleriis. made wit'i nined scams, reinforced. LSjbood quality lining, nerfectly tall red. Suits that neu- wJc,... . t. .'. r.i. ... Ait r.i r or Illy nrillg ifi on iij now ii.ou en's Winter Suits, a wonderful line to lake your selection from; styli-h iatterns, perfect in construction. 1 hut usually hniin -18 00 to .flii .now $.3o leu's all wool Overcoats, len's all wool Overcoat" en's all wool OvercontH SffMch's all wool Ulsters .. .111 I ITI ... .... . jii i'ii h an wool i.isiers . Men's all wool Ulsters . , . at .$5 (15 , . .at 4.7 . '15 ,.ar$10.H5 . .at $7 05 .at $S.!I5 .at $10 .'55 In Boys' Winter Clothing We have placed on our counter dining this sale over 1250 Boys' Suits that iniiHt lie Hold. LOT I C'linDri-CH Bitits that sold in the rrirnlur wav llroin ."fl 2." to .f 2 . . Clearance price, o!'e LOT II-Suits that are worth from 2.00 to S.'i 00. Clearance price . . . ifl.!!7 LOT III A splendid line of all wool stylish suits ; W)ld regular at $1! to $" Clearance price, frl.Sl!) i'j$i . 1 , m& jbovs' uvercoats ana uisters, sfeAge 8 5 to I S -urs. Clearance price . . if 1.1)5 to $7.. "5 ossS We huve tn ! these prices in order to ell'ect a speedy Mjyi)'nr ' 11 do not intend to carry any of these fm Men's Wool Overshirts. K . r'- ' iiiiitU S" 1. .Tl ' IlllCt' 1 0 nnd $2 . . .75c, O.-ic, l.l( and .fl -15 Men's Winter Underwear. ,ot No. Itihhcd; regular 50c Clearance, .'!!)e ... '. I C IT 1 f.ui .-... . ri..m r.fl.. I . JT.. jUit .Mi. -ini rancy Hiripou; regular .e . Clearance, o;ic SOLot 2710 All wool; regular !K)c Clearance, 0,'ic Over 150 Men's Colored Dress Shirts ; stylish pat tern's regular 85c, fl and fl.25 Clearance price, (19c DRESS GOODS. .Some extraordinary values in both hlack and col ored Roods. Fancy Colored Dress Goods at 50c, 00c and 05c regular Sale Price, 36c. Good assortment of Cotton Mixtures at 8c, 10c, "c and 17c worth double. Silks. 24-inch Lyons' Dye Japanese Silk worth. 50c Sale Price, 42c. 20-inch Taflettas, extra quality good assortment of shades to clioose from Special, 79c. Dressing Jackets. Ladies' Eiderdnwn Dressing .lackets only a limited number left $ 1.15, .f 1.25 and f 1.50 values, v Sale Price, 75c. French Flannel. Special quality, Silk I'olka Dot Sale Price. 69c. FRENCH FLANNELETTE. Large assortment of patterns Sale Price, 14c. PEASE & MAYS This Etore cloees at 0:15 p. m. UNDERWEAR. Extraordinary bargains in good fleece goods Special Price, 19c. Heavier quality at 27c, 29c and 4"c. COMBINATION SUITS. Special heavy-weight regular 00c, Sale Price, 43c. Better grades regular $1.25 and $1.50, Sale Price, 93c, $1.19. Every garment in stock ha been reduced in proportion. Our space is limited for prices. Gloves. A few odd sizes and colors in our regular .f 1 00 glove at 73c. Ginghams. Good heavy Apron Check at 43c Extra quality Amoskeag Check at 5'J.js Muslins, bleached. Bric-a-Brac at 4c Hutledge at 5c Great Drive at G?.,'c Fruit of the Loom at 7.jC Lonsdale at 71c Special reductions on Sheetings in all widths. PEASE & MAYS This store closes at 0:15 p. m. Bugs. Extra Moquet. $1.25 grade, .f 1 07. f3 00 grade, if 2 47. $4.50 grade, f3 47 Cloaks and Suits. Two Big Drives. All Suits worth up to $13 00 Sale Price, $7.69. All Suits worth from $13 50 to $25.00 Sale Price, $11.93. SHOES. In this department the knife has cut. deep, and every article offered is an extraordinary bargain in itselt. Would take too much space to give particulars. On all regular goods in this department we make the following reductions: All $4 00 Shoes $2 07 All 3 00 Shoes 2 27 All 2.50 Shoes 1 87 All 2 00 Shoes 1 47 All 1 50 Shoes 117 SPECIAL. Men's Congress and L3ce Gaitere, values up to $4.00: Special 97c Ladies' Cloth Top and Vici Kid Lace; Special 93c Ladies' Special Kid Welt Button $1.53 Ladies' Hand-turn Lice; Special $1.93 Boys' Calf Lace ; extraordinary value 97c Every shoe we show you is a special bargain within itself. PEASE & MAYS This store closes at ti :15 p. m. Dalles Daily Chronicle. TlffjfesOAN oysters - .IAN. 3, 11)01 servod in any style MM At Andrew Keller's. m He is 100 years old and lives in Oneida i eldest county, New York. About 2000 widows ' late of of veterans of the war of 1812 are still on the rolls. From Dr. Geisendorfler we learn that he performed u delicate surgical opera tion on Mies Cassie Tliorbourn, of Kins ley, at one of the Portland hospitals Mondav, and that the lady is since re ported as g 'tting along nicely. um Waet!') county at this writing has a light eoverini; of snow, ranging from daughter of Rev. C. P. Bailey, has made one of the best clerks the die this city, now of Oakland, Or.; trict ever had. land at the same time united Mr. L. A. The Dalles Hook anil Ladder Com- Heath, also of Grass Valley, to Miss ,)any an enthusiastic meeting at Cussio Bailey, a yonnner sister of MiBS tne recorder's ofhee last evening. It ! Mattie. The younu couples left The being the date for annual election, the j Dalles for their respective homes in following officers were elected to serve Grass Valley on the noon train today. tne c.,jEl,inK year: President, K. 11. ! Chickeii-stealitig is practiced up in j Merrill ; secretary, Clias. Frank, Jr.; the Pines with a vigor and succesra that ( treasurer, .1. S, Schenck; foreman, II, would make a Southern dr.rkfy turn , C, Lielie; first assistant, . I. A. McArthur; We do Steam, hot water and furnace made and contracts taken for buildings. heating, heating Estimates old or new UMM m mm KASl'Ii wirs NOTICE. 'AHWikiio (iiiiiuty warrant reclHlxreil W.to ht'itfinttr I, IH!7, will lilt i:tlil m'jlMrrMrM tin Inn lit my oltlcx, Inli'ifHI Hflur .Niivi-inliMr ::i, lliliii. .IOIIN I'. IIAAII'SlllltK, ('oiiiiiy TriiuriT. .WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. A -few bargains in overcoats at The ilead all others in low prices on ruMmr gooiln. The I 'air. j:i-2t ihuve'a few men jackets left that ,W.Hfi closing out. The Fair. jU-2t JgUf regular monthly meeting of the Ityjiciunc'l will lm held tonight at 7 :tJ0 ntud-'A girl to io general house- i' ....!.. ... i... i ,.f v fl. Jj-llt regret to loam that Mrs. S, L, h lias been millurlng (or a weeK wlthti severe cold, Xalegrain delivered to your ollice, rttMr or residence, only ten cents per B. II. Grant, agent. ii-d2-wl 111 3 lorrow s paper win give you an m- ntlon in regard to A. M. Williams ,'rt .laiiuary wale of shoes. in memlunmf the football assoola- will ineet at 7 :!I0 this evening ut uli rooms for signal practice, F,M. Willi mm it Co, have made big itious on all l lielr misseh' and chil- ixckiilH. worsted dresses and ldi$fl' talloi-inade suits, f'.We are pie ised to learn that Captain lston has resumed work its pilot on )ulleH City, although lie still HiiU'crs the injury he received a few weeks at the nanus ni a u sunarL'oci necK- .i Irani Cronk Is the on v nens oner . i i . i ifini K w eJ dui vi:vt in tnv nm ui ioiM, emerald with envv. Ileport lis it that ' second Assistant, Vic Marden; police, during the holidays a M: Sringer lost e live or six measley (ittle S. L. Thurmau. Members of board of fire delegates J. A. McArthur, E. M. Wingate, F. Van Norden. It was de- thirteen inches in the Hood river valley and five inches on Smock Prairie to I!1.. V!'ery chicken he had- -soi inches on Tygli Hidge ami about huff (Ifr.wn Bave only one, a that mt'iisiirement in and iiromiil Ttm i pcruh that was too utterly poor and i culeit to give a masquerade nan on Ifcrubby for anything. A Mr. Williams, February 14, 1001, for the purpose of living In the neigiyiorhood ot West procuring funds wherewith to remodel -Mnth street, also loin between four and the unittractive siieu now use'i as a live dozen, and, wist of all, the same 1 truck house, which lacks much from Dalles. .1. M. Uussell, of The Dalles Scouring Mills, has returned from a business trip through the territory east and southeast of here, as far as Idaho. Mr. Russell expects wool to begin to change hands in the near future and, jnst as soon as it begins to move, operations will be re sumed in the scouring 'mill. It's your own fault if after reading this, you still go without a good warm thieves, it is supuGsed, stole Sam Thur-1 man's sawbuck Co thai the poor man I hasn't been able to saw a stick of wood I for about two eeks. I - Governor Goer has announced the ap- i pointmnnt of H. W. Scott of Portland,! P. L. Campbell of Monmouth, Stephen I being an ornament to that part of Third i street. The firemen should he en couraged in this, and Thk Ciikonui.k wishes them hearty success. Henry Lingstrang was arrested last night by Special Nightwatchman Alisky while he was.trying to dispose of a new 5 t t wtm, jackets, worth 10 or over, at just mf ' ville as the ttxt-book commission, which J lodged in the county jiil, wl the regular price. This is an excep- ' ,1" vvas ml"irwl t0 appoint by the pro-1 mains at this writlmr. Fron " t i it ..e i ... it ... in ii ii .. i t jacket. A. M. Williams & Co are oll'ei- ' ' 1 euuieion, . m. iauo oi i pair oi nuiy b snoes 10 uie pairons us one imi an'v of their Indies' f.'.Mi.ln.ml'.l.. I ''upland, and W. M. Colvig of Jackson-, of our leading lestaurants and was here ne re- roin iiujiiiries visions of a law, passed at the last legis- j instituted by Sheriir Kelley it was lature. It is hard to conceive of any learned that F. E. Jackson, a merchant valid objection that could he made to of Hood liiver, claimed that Linstrang the governor's appointees or fo any of j had been working at the Davenport saw- them. If these men cannot bo trusted 1 mill, and that he tifd some kind of a to act for the best jnteiests of the school credit that gave him an opportunity of children and taxpayers of Oregon there over-drawing his account to the extent Is no use of seeking further. Our hope ' of the value of a couple of pair of shoes is that all the appointees will accept, -land a liiackiutosh, when he lit out for ..... 7i tionally liberal oiler, considering that our winter is but just beginning. At the first meeting of tinGood In tent Society for the year, old at the home of Mrs. D. M. Ereuvh yesterday afternoon, the followiiur olllcers were elected; President, Mrs. U.K. Hawk; vice-president, Mrsyfl. W. Wells; re-l cording secretary, Mrs. B. F. Laughlin;! Iluaucial secretary, Mrs. S. Bolton;! t ruiiHii i-hp Mrs. V. A. Ivirlu MIbh Delia Young and Miss Lena Moore gave a party lal night to about j thirty of their male and female school , companions at the home of Mr. and Mis, Sydney Young on Alvord avenue. The bonis from 8 to II were spent in ; giiuies and mirth and in discussing an elegant light retention. Pi v.w were of fered in a guosHlm: contest, which were awarded, the llrst to Miss Beltie Steers j and the consolation to Coke Jenkins. Do not forget That we operate a plumbing and tin shop, also a ma chine repair shop in connection with our hardwaie and implement store. Repair work of all kinds done. MAYS CROWE. ...Given Away... Willi overy Dollar's worth of goods puivhiiod at our storo during January and February, wo will givo Ono ('banco on the following pri.os: Aluminized Garland Steel Rose Garland Cast Iron At the tegular monthly meetiiu' of the directors of school district No. 12, held yesterday, O. L. Schmidt tendered his resignation as eleik, to take ell'ect Janu ary the oth lust, ihe resignation was v accepted and John Gavin wus appointed :"miiu "tquainted with the ciiciiinst.iuces to serve as clerk for the unexpired term.,;olll",L'll1 wltl1 l''") arrest, Mr. Schmidt's resignation became nee-, llBk011 tl,B aherlli' to hold the mackintosh essrtry because he was elected county "ml tu,n ,ho Inun loose' T1,l Bl,l'rI'. assessor last June and his term of office ' however, concluded to hold Lingstiang FIRST PRIZE One Range. SECOND PRIZE One TTon finer Stmro iini-lH mikiiowii. Isesiiles tlie ladv's a shoes Linstrang was trying to sell when THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated arrested, ho hud on his own feet a brand i KlliVOS Olid Forks. new pair oi snos aim was ureese.i lit a pnTTT?TW X3VT7.T?. Duo eot of nnvvov'a Vnif Pnel- and Steel. FIFTH PRIZE SIXTH PRIZE- new mackintosh. Jackson, on being as such will commence next Monday. It is due to Mr, Schmidt to sav that his resignation was accepted by the direct ors with regiet. He has made an ideal A double wedding took place al the clerk ; was always prompt in the ills residence of Mr. 8. H. Johns, of this city, , charge of his duties, while his hooks last evening, Junuary 2nd, when the! were kent so that at any moment the Hev. W. B. Clifton united In marriage Dr. M. B. Taylor, of Grass Valley, Sher man county, ami Miss Mattie Bailey, llnaheial condition of the district could be eeeu ut a glance. The directors have no hesitation In saying that Mr. Schmidt in custody till the evidence of Ills guilt or InuoctfiKU was more clearly de termine J. Miss Il.iven wishes to announce that ! during the months of January and Feb ruary she Mill oiler all her remaining stock of winter millinery at greatly re duced prices, preparatory to receiving spring goo.ls. Trimmed hats at just half price. dl!0-2w -One Niclde Plated Tea Kettle. -One Nickle Plated Condenser Cof fee Pot. SEVENTH PRIZE- -One Niclcle Plated Tea Pot. in addition to giving away these prizes we will sell goods as low as tbe lowest, and will always be ready to servo tbe trade in the best possible way. Wo will positively not be undersold by dny ono. Our pricoaro right. 5t BENTON.