Lout Bl Money Hoinewhere Else. The report in Monday's Ciiito.vici.K of the robbery nt thu Ski hue Hotel of n man mimed Murphy, hailing from Arl incton or Condon , while true to the, facta as they wore known or believed at the time, appeals, on closer examlna tion, to have been a mire invention by the alleged victim to account for the loss of his money, that is to say if he ever lost any. Murphy came to the hotel about 9 o'clock Sunday night very much i.mler the influence of liquor. He paid for a room in advance and before retir ing treated a couple of other men who were in the barroom. Alec Hugenine, the bar-keeper, noticed that Murphy spent considerable time fishing through hie pockets for the necessary thirty cents, and when found it seemed to be all the money lie had. Murphy went up stairs to bed and was not seen till after midnight, when he came down stairs and passed out, remaining out for about an hour. After his return be reported tbat someone had entered his room by the transom and abstracted fourtv.enty dollar gold pieces from his pocket. The report naturally created a commotion in the hotel and during the day a careful examination of the transom was made, j which resulted in the conviction that no I vi-iYkKa liatl haan in m rt t M ar) in tlin tin . , , , , , .,, ,i tel. nor could any have been committed ... . , , ., . . UJIUI ,11b Kit . . U.U ..... VV. U HI, 1 1 1 1 1 1. VI ' J .Murphy. The ten-inch transom was found in place, just as it iiad been be fore Murphy entered the room. This i was euspicious, for it was considered , hardly probable that a thief who en tered the room by it would have taken the precaution to put it back in place after he had committed tiie robbery ijo nuiiiu I a t uiuic iiivcj nntc uccii j T-Ja ,.-.,..1.1 r,,n.Q lil.l !,.. .., only too anxious to get away from the place with all possible speed. But what settled the matter beyond a doubt was an examination of tho base of the tran som, where the dust of the hallway had naturally settled. This dun was fcuud I absolutely undisturbed, a condition that i would have been impossible if even a j child had entered the room in that i way. When Murphy was confronted with the evidence that he could not have been robbed in the hotel, lie sheepishly owned that he mu9t have lost his money somewhere else. lilrllidny Gatlieriug. Es'DEUsnY, Dec. 30, 1900.t Mr. Charles Covert, of Endersby, met with a pleasant surprise Sundav when twentv-twoof Ida relatives PathnrPtl at I diis home in honor of his 21st hirthdav. Tho9e P'usent were the Misses Emily -n excellent dinner was served, after Cr0isvn frudence Patterson, Helen Mc which all went home feeling that it was j Evn'l'enc Hampson, Bessie Snipes, good to have been there. Those present I Besaie E,1(lon Margarette Kinersly, were G. W. Fligg and wife.G. V. Covert j Mary McIern'. Guthrie, Emnm and fatnilv, Win. Endersby and familv, Cre!B)t0. Lena Zimmerman, and J. W. Dickson and fatnilv, Allen FHgg , Mt!S3re-Tliorn Kinersly.Adelbert Moody, and familv, Ed Stevens 'and wife, and j Ciul Hansen Claude Kelsay, Silvey .Kev. Meeker and son ..neighbors). Be-1 KeUa' Br,lt'e '""neon, James Urtju fore separatinir for the day all partook ' hart' CliUldB Frizzdl, Porter Frizxel-. of .a watermelou raised by Grandpa j it saved lis- i.ve. Fligg, which had kept excellently. , P A. Danforth, of LaGrande, Ga., Jloatil of Water Oomiiilssioiiers. The regular monthly meeting of the board of water commissioners of Dalles City was held at the recorder's ofiictj Monday night. The petition of N. Harris and others, praying for the extension of the four inch waler main from I street to Clark street in Tacktnau'n addition, was re- 1 f-r.-H. to a committee uonsistinir of T. J. .Seiifurt, August Uueliler, Hans Hansen. , Tho pxtition of the Wssco Warehouse i A Mother's Plain Words " I suppose you will be astonished when I tell you that six vcars ago I wva m a most dangerous condition with bronchitis and lung trouble, because you causee how well and strong I am now. The attack at that time caused terrible iu, i iiy cnestanti lungs, i couiu Hardly tenng. Someone advised Ack- .. ers iiuglislt Remedy, and I I thnnfrlif I vst,l1 In, it .ltl,...l. I I confess that down in my heart I had little faith in it. The first bottle gave great relief, and the second bottle made me the healthy woman I am today. My husband's lungs are weak also, and he cured himself with the same grand old remedy. Our boy and girl have both been saved by it from death by croup. I know this is so, for when they were attacked in the night I had a bottle in the closet, and by acting quickly that fatal malady was easily overcome. Wealwaysgive it to the children when they have a cough or cold, and we would not be without it for anything. My sister will tell you also, if you ask her that ii i u iiieuicinu tiuucan always be depended upon for all the troublesof the breathing organs, I tell all our neit'hbors nnmtt Acker's English Remedy whenever I get ""illc, N, V,, wlrc K u ui;u iKUL WIWJOUl a IX)tt o Ot it in liey albw their clidreno d tounSnr ;iP"rwit8 an crinVny '.sponsible wheii I 'fc n., 5A because here thA r r nirx ...1,1.. ati . . A rlP'D ITn irl I r Is TMn.I. 1 . ... UnltJ States $d Can Ja. In " b0t,1 ,a Wc authorize UiealMntgwrantec. H'. U. UOOMlt & CO., enpMm, Ktw Vvct, For sale at Blakeley's Pharmaoy. Company and others, asking that the six-inch main on Second street be ex-' tended from Tailor street east some 100 feet or more und u hydrant put on the eanie for thu protection of udjicent property, was granted. The extension is askpd for the protection of a largo flouring mill, which the stockholders of j the Wasco warehouse contemplate building on the ground adjoining the warehouse on the east, as well as for the protection of other property in the vicinity. It was ordered that the exten sion be made as soon tie necessary. The treasurer's report for December was as follows: Dec. 1 Hal cash on hand. . . .$L8oO 54 Int. from debt for lots. 27 95 Uash from water rents. 1,110 10 Total By warrants redeemed. Interest on bonds .$3,974 50 ,..$7150 S'J , . . 7i0 00 Total $1,480 S2 Bal. cash on hand Jan. 1, 1031.. 2,-1' i The following claims were allowed in addiiton to the regular salaries of the officers : For recording Henzie deed ?1 o0 Meuefee & Parkins, nidge - to Mays & Crowe, mdse (i ew Y-nr Party. Miss Helen Hudson gave a pleasant party to a few of her schoolmates of the ' , . , , . , high school on Monday evening at her li i nr. rcna, Cji.nr.,1 ..mi., A .(! .n ' joyable time was had in ushering in the new year and century. The guests arrived at S o'clock, and .1 i . . i . i . . t I iui mree limits uie punurs nun; win, ' merry laughter, music and song. Many pleasing- and unique games were intro- .1. ...... i :.. t ...i. ...i, t uutcl,i iJ tuic ui muu jiu.c? cicui- icieu. .ui:; uieiuuiun ettiaeu me nrsi prize and Miss Zimmerman carried off the booby. At 11 o'clock refreshments were served, which was enjoyed for nearly an hour, and at live minutes to 112 o'clock the young hostess presented each guest with a horn, to which was attached a card bearing the following inscription : "Hail! neiv born cycle, hail! A royal jjreetin? units thee here. May peace and happiness be thine: May all your years be tilled with cheer. Adieu Nineteenth contury. Welcome Twentieth. The guests then repaired to in front of the house and commenced blowing the horns, keeping it up until the dawn of the new century, aud the music that thoy made would have turned a steam calliope green with envy. The young people all pined in declar ing it one of the most enjoyable parties 01 lne 01,1 or new year- ; auffered intensely for sis months with a frightful Minnim: son.' on his !e(, but writes that Buckl-n's Amiea Salve wholly enrnd ii in ten days. For Ulcers, Wounds, Burns, Iiollp, P.iin or Piles it's tho best salve in thu world. Curo guar-! an teed. Only 23c. Sold by lilakeley, druggist. o Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured bv C irke & Fnlfc, Subscrilie for Tin; Chi:onicj.i;. move, and to stoop caused intunsesuf . , a chance and there arc h1,.mk. ,,f I live" whol peo- ot go- the hnnw. tlif.n h,. m ,.f i ' w k v mwmU "I IWilV If " iiiuiiaiur ovcry nine. inigllfll) JJIRS. l-I.OVD i'OlVl.KH " ' i ii SKIN TORTURES And Every Distressing Irritation of the Skin and Scalp Instantly Relieved by a Bath with CUTICURA SOAP And a slnglo anointing with Ctrrictiru, tho groat akin euro and pun'st of emollients. Tills is thu purest, sweetest, most speedy, permanent, and eeonniuical treatment for. torturhiK, disfiguring, itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, and pimply skin and scalp humors with loss of hnlr, and has received tho endorsement of physicians, chemists, and nurses throughout the world. lie.iiillfyin the skin, Ecalp, hair, anil liamlii. honeier expensive, Is to bo coinpaied ullli It for all the purposes of tho toilet, Kith, and nursery. Tim It combines In Om: simv at osi: l'ntci:, vlx., Twi:nty.vivi: Cent', thu UhT skin and complexion soap, the iu.st toilet soap and nr.sr h.lby oap lu the world. Complete External and Internal Treatment for Every Humor, Price, $1.25., Conslftlng of Cuticciia Soap (UJe.l, to cle.ine the skin of crul and scilot mid suftrri the thlokinol cuticle, Ci'Ticuiu Ointment (Wjc.), to Instantly allay Itching, lriil.inim.itl.ui, imd Irrl. tation. ami soothe and heal, ami C'l'TKinu Hksolye.nt (Me.), to cool and clc,me the IiI.kuI. A SiNi.i.E Bet is often i-ulliiiont to cure thu mou torturing, iJIriluurin, and huniUutin- Lln,iicalp, and blood humors, nlth lo of hair, when all H falls. Sold throughout th nnrhl. I 'OTTK II UilL'o jMUCheji. Cone., Sole I'ropn., Ilaston, Mass. "A II about the Bkin, Scalp, and Hair," lrcc. ... : is, fern SPECIAL SALE! Special Values in all Mil linery at MISS HAVEN'S during January and Feb ruary. Trimmed Hats at Half Price. Another C'rouu Arrt-teil. Omaha, Jan. 1. J. J. Crowe, a brother of Pat Crowe, whom tho police believe to be a principal in the (induc tion, was taken into custody in Council Binds this afternoon by Omaha de tectives and brought to this citv. Thu warrant charges Crowo with the abdud tion of young Cutlahy on December IS.. Crowe consented to accompany lOllkeis acrorsj the river without tho! ' J "",lu rt,l",s,ll0 ""Ps. Iv.irly , ttns forenoon a po-se of detectives with , search-warrants and complaintH ehiirtr inix abduction, ransacked tho promises 1 adjacent to J. J. Crowe's saloon in the j hope of diecovorins Pat Crowo in his 1 place of concealment. Thoy had the ' necessary papers (or the arrest of both Pat and his brother. Ivarly in the tl iy , tho police department had been given i ihu ,.!. n .1.... i,... a,. ... """i" c lu uiiimi xnvurowu was making hia hiding place in his brother's saloon or the brother knew a lot more j mini ue would divulge alioiit the kid-j he would divulge about the kid-i naping. trace of iV diligent search disclosed no Pat Crowe, but tho olIicorH came upon the brother asleep in a rear i room. They hustilv awakenml hi,,, .,,.1 took away two huge bulldoe uiutolB which he carried in I, in noeketa. f!,n, waa put in the aweatbox by the police ' luuiKiii, uui uenifu any Kiiowietlgo of hiabrother'a whereabouts, and that he' had nnythinL' to do with iL uu i , . 1 fm... . ... . . . . . , ine iiojiee nere Know nothing of the I and discredit the report. ' ' i Thin season there is a larue death rate troubles. Prompt action will savo tlm ' hi cai Ul I ilL lr 1WH MF Id rin iu W 1 I e. little ones from these terrible diseases. I j Wo know of nothing to certain to give iiiuihih renei us uno .Minute Uotiuh i Cure. It can also be relitd nnnn in grippe and nil throat and lung troubles f Uh. Pleasant Falk s Pharmacy. lo take. Clarke A The most soothinc, healing antl nnti septic application ever devised h Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It relieves at once and curea piles, sores, eczema and skin diseases, lleware of Imita tions. Clarke & Falk'u P. O. Pharuiacv. Millions of Women Psi: ruTiGUKA 8oxr, exclusively, for pro. serving purifylng.andlica.itltyliigtho skin, for cleansing tho scalp of crusU, rc.-ilcs, anil ilatiilnitr, .niil tho stopping of falling hair, forsottenlng, whitening, anil soothing red, rough, and sore hands, In the form ot baths farannoyinglrritatloiH.iiillaiiiniatlnns.nnil dialings! or too lrcc oroflemlvo pcrsplra. Hon In (lie form of wathes lor ulcerative eaknes.-e.-, and for many sanative nntlep. tics purposes which readily suggest them selves to women, ami especially mothers, and for all the purposes of the toilet, lulli, and ntirery. Noiunountnf perualoiuiu Induce those whohavo onro niilitto U'o any oilier, especially for prcsmlng and purifying the skin, scalp, unit hair of Infants and children. CUTtcutiA HoAl' combine ilellcatu emollient properties derived from CUTICUllA, tho great skin cure, with tho purest of cleansing lngTeillents.mil thomost refreshing of How cr odors. No other mall oi.ii soap ever compounded Is to bo com. pared with It for preserving, purllylng.nnd No other foreign or tloineMlo toilet soap. WEAK NERVES. There is not a case of nervous weakness in tho world today (no mntter what thu causo or of how long standing) that the uee of LINCOLN SEXUAL PILLS according to directions, which are simple anil very easy to follow, will fail to permaniintlv cure. Whv do vnu remain weak when LINCOLN SEXUAL PILLS will make you strong? Price, $1.00 per box buy of your druggist or sent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETAEY 00., It. Wayne, Ind. M. Z. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles. NOTICE. In future any and all inquiries rela tive to delinquent taxes must be made to the county clerk, ae he ie custouiun of delinquent tax sale record and rolls. Tiie sheriH having complied with the law in making sale of delinquent taxss, he is completely out of tho tax-collecting business till March next. (ll!i-lm IllmmrkV Iron Nttrvn. Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stoinach, liver, kidneys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and tho success thoy bring, use Dr. King's Now Life Pills. They duvelop tjvery power of brain and body. Only 2.jc at Blakeley's drugstore. (j Nasal In nil lis et.Tris there sho.isil be clcammcj. Ely's Crenin IJulni cleanse, foo the" and h r ils the dic-3-t-il rm .a Tare. , ltcirciratarrHaDldr.ic4 away a com in tuu ncau (pilck'y. Cream IIuliu u pleceil Into tho nostrils, spreads over the inembrano and Is absorbed, ltellef Is Iui. mcillato ami a euro follows. It Is not ilrylng-ilocs not produco (iicczIdk. Lirs Hue, 50 cents at Dru fists or by mail ; Trial Kw.; V) cents by mall. H.Y I--.WTJir.Ilh, 5' Warren .V.rect, New York. m.'MlNKMS l,t)UAI,ri. Paint your house with fully Kiiaranteed to last, havo them. paintfl that nr.i Clarke & talk i',.,,,,.m).u, ti,,., r-.... . . "-""."'t .ruam ionic win; jiromote growth of hair. CharleH Grazer, eolu ai?ent. nu-lm Clarke & Falk haye received a carload 01 .llle ceionrated Jauw K. Putton of the celobrated Jaui( 8tr,UUy ,)Uro "luid )3l"ts I vou havo dandruff your hair in V K V8e oco"ut Cream. For Bale ,U tr"zur 8 barb,,r P. M-Im 11 -vo".r lmir 'H ,lr' a,11 dead-like, Co- V"nui rf.am. l0nlc w"' Kivo it life and on earth nt Vr.r'u ! onop, agent. tili-lm f ,avn ZaM7 n 7 iT- i . .., lmV "fd '"'"rlHHi'a Colic, sJIIOII! Bra and Diarrhoea lleuiedv and find I to bo ti great medicine," feaya Mr. Ii. ?' !',''?' " ' i)X" Ark- "H cured lie of bloody flux, I cannot Hpeak too i , y "i U,-"t T,,ili 'e,lie,,y n'wyn wlnu cheelH even in the - ",al(f i,t," ffvoraite ovoiy where. For ,., , , """lull sule by lilakeley , the tlrtsfrtflat. "ycnupsirt can 'DyHptipsIrt can bo cured bv tisliiK iof money refunded. Ulukoloy, the driij,'. -'5 cts. and 50 cts Kiat. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushee. yfSySfc. i Ji lt H fSiJlSJi ! SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Trains leave The Italics fur I'ortUml and way stations at l. h. m. and 3 p. m. J-cnve I'ottlimil " Albany Arrive Ashland " Sacramento . " Sun Francisco . Simla m ..1'J::k) n m ..lJi.tlam .. fi.fopm , . 7:l p m 7:ii0 p ni I0:fs)p m U::a)n m l;:i'i a in H;15n in Arrive ORdon " Heaver " Kansas Ott)'. " Chicago .. ft: I'm m '.):) a m 7:W ii m 7; l.'i a ui IIM'ih m u;()u ui 7;'.,'i n in '.i;:Wu in Arrive l-os Aimeles Kl l'nm " Kort Worth " City nl Mexico " Houston. . . " New Orleans . " Washington " Now Vork . , I i'.fl p m tv.cn t m . i",::lun .. m .. I. fx) a lu .. fi.aii m n.Un m .J:l.! pin 7:1)0 n m fl.m p m i;;:ai n ni U:.'Sh in coon in nA't p m a in U' I'l p m I'lillmim mid Tourist curs on hoth trains Chiilroars Siicnimnito to ORdon mid Kl rasn, mid tourist curs to ChlcsRii, .St Louis, Now Or leans mid Washington. ComiM'tlm: Ht piiii KraniilTn with several steamship Mill's lor Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and South America, Bco agent at The Dalles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, (itinera! !Hciiucr Altcnt, Port. and. Or NOTICE. Ity virtuoof nn order of the niimclt n Dalles City. Oregon madcon thuv'ilth dav of .Novum Imr. A. I). ttK. notice Is nerohy given that on the said -Mill, thiv of Noiemher, If"), the Mild council declared liy resolution adopted, that that portion of th.i sldewallc situated on the northerly "hie of I-'ultou Strut" and lying hi tweeutho uortlieaslenrnornt thesiiu.iri' tormi'd hv the Intersection of ahl rultou .Street with Waslilnglon .Street In Dulles City null a point linlfeet c.ist rf said corner on Haiti Fulton .Street Is In a dang rous condition and lu need of lielnn ruliullt li tliiits.ildslilewnlU Is we.ilt. deeaetl and unsafe tn tr.iul upon, and It uas deter mined by said council to rebuild the same und that the cost of rehulldiug suul sltleuallt he chanted to the on nor or owners of the property ahutln;- on saltl portion of said stilon.tlk de clari'tltn a dauserous cotiillttou Us Ii) law pro vided This notice Is published for II dm - from the Ith day of liceemlior, 1-"J, by order of the council of Dalles City, ivnlch order was mado .Vol -Jith. IMjii. Dated at Dalles Clt, dr., DrcemlKT :;d, I'jW. NT.D II liATHH. Uecorder of Dalles (lity Yellowstone Park Line. THK Dl.VlNt. ( Alt UOfTK KHOJI I'OItTl.ANH to Tin: i;ast. Till; O.VI.Y DIKKCT LINE TO THK VKLI.OW HIONK l'AI'.K ;.kvk. Unioa Depoi, Firtbaari I sis Aimm.-. Ko. 'i. Kast mall for lucoma, Seattle, Olyinpln, dray's No. , naroor ami i-ouiu nenil poitils, Spokane, ltis. land, II. c, l'lillmnn, ,. , . .. M,,,".'!'W '""Mon, lluf 11.13 A. Jl. fiilolliimpmlnlngcoun- fl;,V) I. M try, Helena, Jllunwipo. Us, HI. Paul, Ormilia, Kansus Clly, Ht. IjiiiIs, Chicago and nil nolnt' eiit and toulhnist. l'liuet IMlIld r.rrinw No. .1. for Tacoma and i'ontite 7;WA .M aim inierrmsiinto point lital class aim lourlit slecM:rs to . Ml. I'llll Kill) ll..,,,,.l .1, J ........ iii,r - Vostlbulen trains I' tlifltl (I Ml Jll lififl ,.U.tf .... 111 all pr,,,,-,,,,,! dtit,. IlitKiriiKc i'.Iiiv kl l.iilestln illon of tickets. ror .oiiin.iimcly lllilstiateild,eilliUvemntter. Ikk. t sieepiiis ear rutervatioili, ule., fall on or write A. D. CHARLTON, A".s,,f!'!f!t ('-ncral l'ussenuer .K';nt. 'JA', Jlorri urn hlreet.eorm.T Third, l'orllanrt Oregon. iVUTIOK FOR PUHMCATION. U:.'i, omen .ti 1 nt. Dai.i.ks, or ,i ii. i. i 1'irlUiilhcr I', IWJU. i 'l""?L . f "crehy civen that the foiiimliii; named h; tier has llli-i mdlie of his i it" it ,i omalte llnal proof In support of I Is claim that said proof will . ..ilnle before the reKl" " id rtet-iver of the I', h. land olllet, , t - l Dalles, Or., on Haturday, January '.'ii, iwi, vl' Frunvls A. Olirlsi, J!!t'"lH.v,i,ill'i.,..VjWH".1 K 's'' h-r the it ii r. lil """ w Nttt s'-c !-.t He names "the following witnesses to prove olllZX' ,","' """ J. It. Hall. I) Ii sju,. !.... uveifi ii v I , l.b'OAH, lltKlsler. NOTICE OF FINAL KK'niJiMHNT. ..Nolleo Is lierebv inven Hint II "". I""! aet'OUUt iu the n li,r ,,f I . ,',L1J iV ami mi. ( ouiitv Court of the Htiitu of ( reion for J .iuar "i"',!',, '?r "i"1 tW. yf jiiui ar). I.nil, at thu hour of (I a. m. f vi,i i,... ami v z. i, ' m h; --0 -.vtiwiia ltt;l'lll. T)lt. K. K. rfMITII, O.Sf(i()lltll. liooms io.in.1 11, ..'hapmai, ll(Wk( Tllu IMlut) . R kep'.'l NOTIUi; FINAI, I'll, KM KNT . Notlu Is be ei . l-i w.i ti, ii , , alnl show cause I my , t1111!1 I'1"1'" buttif this 5th day of October, pjoo. Soullffl Pacific Co. No 1. urn, uui; iniii n i . IV,,,,, . i ,- :"(. - "wunuuiiH An iBaHa. nR rimy HMK St'lll'.lllM.R, KllllM IIAI.I.KH. Auittvr Kno Kltst Mall Ul'Jo p. m Halt Liikr, Deuvur. Kt. ! Uiirth. Omaha, Kim-, sits City, Kt. IjiiiIs, UhleiiKii iintt Last. Xst , Msll 1:M p Ir Atlantic Kxtircss I'Ji.Vln. m, Via IlllUt 1 1 1 ;i 1 1 1 1 Salt IjiLo, Deliver. I't, Worth, Omiiliu, Kan sim City, Ht. IjiiiIs, Chicago und Kust. I ' a. in Hpokami Mall and Kx press J:'J,S p. m Will la Walls, HpoLatic,' HniUsui) I iiiuiicnMiiis, pi. i iiiii,. i II I II t h, Milwaukee,, Chlrairo unit Khsi, vis, ! Hpokauuiikil lllllitllig. 1 Ion . also all points In , i Washington Mini Kust j era Oregon. Mall ami Kx press rm , m tt p. m. I'ROM I'OltTl.tKH Ocean Hteauistili. For hall l-'ranelseo-Kvery Klvo Dnvs. l. m. Hp, Kx.m m. 4 p. m Kx.HiitnS lllulny Colli m Din It v. Htcnmcrs.' To Astokia and W'Hy Uiudlngs. Hnilirilny 1U p. m. It H. Ill, , WII.I.AMRTTI! IttVKK. f.'Wp. m. Ilx.butidiiyiOregoil City. NcwherB.'Kx.Huuilsj Hiilem & Way ljiud's. T a. m, Wii.i.A,MrTTK aHu Van Ttn-s.l imr. mti. Itivcits. a:) t. m. !Mi)ti.,Wwl and Hat. ' orcptiii City, Dayton,; and Frl. i and Wiiy-l,'iuiliiiK, l.v Itliuirla, iinliy I J::Vi a. in. UNA Kit IttVKII. Hlparlu to lAiWlstou. I.KAVK I.KWtSTI).) dally 9:00 a. m l'lirllis deslrinc to i.'o to Ilcntmer or isiiius on i, omnium Miiiiiiern via llllttts, suoiilil t.iKr ,No. 'J, leavlui; The Dalles at 1J II) p. ei ninklni.' (Ilieet oiii'cctlons u( Hepiitter Junelloii mid iiIkks. Itvtiirulnr; makiucillris'tcouiiection at llctipuer Junction mid IIIu'Hh v. Itli Nn, l.ar riving at ') In; Dalles at !.' ti i. in. The O. It, A. N. stcimr l nl x "is now mak Uifc- MRtllur trips to falem mid (lnox.-udiiuct. stupidiitf at all ivm lundliius. Sin- leaves I'ltit land on Mondays, Weitiii-sdays ami Kridafs at i, a. tu.,.irr!vUiK'iit Nilcn I p. in,, mid tudeimuil em e nhniit r, p. ni. on samu dns. lietilrnlii; boat leaves ludepimdvliec lit ' a. in and Salem at I, a. in. on 'lue-days. Thursdays mid Hatttr iluvs. ariiviiiR at I'orlliuiil about .1 p, in. lauiu days. Tor full nartlrulitrK cull m, o. r. a n'. Co, , nKuiit I he Dalles, or addris W II H' ltLllI KT dfii I'as Act , Portland, Or Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. 1 1 artlliclully d igests the food aud aids Nature- iu Htruiigthuulug uud recon utruutiiiR tho cxImuHted digestive or Runs. It istlic lut,oaLtllscoveredUlRt!st unt und tonic. IN'o other preparation can approach It in olllcioucy. It la stantly rullovcaimd pormanontly cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, fa'onr Stomach. Nausea. Slclc Headache, Gastralgla.Crainpsand all othur results ofiuiperrectdigcBtlon. Prlco50c. nntl 81. LarRoslrocontnlnsSW tlniM smullaUij. llookallalKitittlysiiopslaiHuiletUre "cparod C Dsl"ITT a CO., Crjlcaufc Sold by Clurko A l alk's P, (). pfinrinm'V. ft A-TJ l-i. l-A-T A-T ATA.TJ IT. jJt' J. VA-.U L. Lane, (h.M.I.M Wagon nncf Carrlngo Work. Flah Brothoro' Wngon. Tliird aud JcUcnu, nm 159 FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. I'UANHAOTA K.N K I'.A I, IIAN KINO IIUHINKH IiltorH of Credit iusued uvnlluble in the , ,, '"-"HUtrii KtutoM. iv,..Bi lu1,:mK'' id TeleKraphifi I nn nfura sold on New York, OhlciiKO, f I "U, )V,',,,Hh" "lld Vftr'H Point "Vr,VKOn w"'mi:ton. Colt;.ti(,H M)i) , , 1( n, (o nn , ruble Uirmn, Belgian Hares to Lease. I have about Kill tht.roiitrlibre.l docs t ml Ijvvlll Ihubh ,N llf , t(, tlH10. ONE POR A DOSE. PILLS '.'"'"iu'siUci,,;-,;,! .A llllVHllHll , I t V... I '"' l'"- nuriRT Milt SHlilii ...AND... Horsesnoer Ol! ID