....fl HEW YEAR'S GREETING.... We will Greet You this year with our ANNUAL REDUCTION SALE! When we say REDUCTION SALE we mean that the Goods in Every Depart ment in the House will be marked down to prices that will insure their sale. It takes time to do this, and in order to do so, our Store will be CLOSED WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY With the exception of the GROCERY DEPARTMENT, which will remain open as usual. Preparing for one of the LARGEST REDUCTION SALES' that ever took place in the history of The Dalles. , The Sale oiill eommenee Friday morning at 8 a. m. Watch this Space for further developments... This Store Closes at 6.15 P. M. PEASE & MAYS IKSEHW Dalies Dally Chronicle. WKhNKSDA Y .IAN. 1001 Oysters served in any style... At Andrew Keller's. ti Will close at Gilo p. III. iss Lily Senfert, daughter of MIS, Mrs. Frank Seufert, gave a vety THKASrifiRS NOTICE. All Wim (ninny wiirritnlN irt;l"t'ii(I nl.iilii M p 1 11 in Im. r I , I HUT, will li mill nil iri'in'litiit lull lit my iillli', Intcrrxi I'riiHiin lift, r .i vi'iiili.T '.'!, 1 1MIII. .ItlllN V. IIAMI'Mlllti:, dimity 'l'ri'UHiirt.r. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Mr. ISIniore Rico Tonight lit till) M. I'w. chinch. .o'clock. Commencing tonight, for mi indefinite period all departments of the Btort) will close tit 0:16 p. m i Mis : uud ! delightful party to some i!5 or .'!0 of her ( friends uuil hcIioo! companions New i Vein's eve which lusted till the old yeur and century hud vanished uud the new begun. At u special meeting of the city , council Moudiiy night saloon licenses ; for.eix months were grunted to eighteen saloons, all the Hiiloona in town Nave 1 that of .1. Ii. Fait & Company which ' tonic out a license only u Hhort tune ago, j and the brewery which hue i license unexpired. j The masque hull at Hie Baldwin last i night was all that, it wnu claimed it whs jnuitu'to lie, namely, the event of the season. It wan very largely attended ; both by niiiMpiers and spectators and I whb greatly enjoyed by all present. belter keep in Fchool next time." Un der the circumstances the teacher thought James had been punished enough. Osteopathy means the adjustment of the bones, removal of obstructions to the flow of the blood to and from the tieart through the arteries, veins and ither channels, removal of obstructions torn the nervous system, muscles, carti- i leges, tendons, etc., ho Unit pfirlect free-1 dom of all parts may es.;st, thus restor- j ing circulation and nerve loree to all ! parts of the body. We believe if we ! cun secure good circulation and nerve ! force to the diseased and enfeebled or- j ii ... ... . . .i . Vi'imn i Mum ummtr im nrpi thprn i:in r : an annmUT " ' ( riw doubt of improvement or cure. Dr., j h. ti.. ; ftiniui, usieopam, room ii, ogi I block I t mo cioso oi tne uuncaot me Chrysanthemum club New Year's, eve, j Charles N. Ruigett, u merber of tne club, invited the party, '.mustmg of The Kliniirc Klcp Violin KecllKl. The program for the Klmore Rice con cert tonight at the Methodist church is as follows : I'.VKT I. Jlcetlioven n j Aiiilui.t"; ill K Molleiiliuupt b ( Schero Hium solus Mrs ,. w. linker. Beethoven .. Soiiutu No !2 Alio vlviu'e A ndHiitu A He conbrio l'leniu n j rfereiimlo Cavutimi b ( Itiill l'djiulur Mclulles or Violin Alone I'.VKT 11 l'iniio Gems (if Scotland titles .Somite in ' Minor l-t'iite DoloroMi- .Vile Aiidniito AIIu vlvitco Humlel .... l-:iri;o Iteuiml HerceUMj No. 1 ("oditrd f (.'uu011(ttll Hansen i-'raillu .Sons: .S hubi'it ( . "otelitiile Program will begin at :u0. Extra tickets at Hlakeley's drug store. Mr. KI.noreR.ee tonight at the Moth- prizH " (lonl)lu ,., for the ln,J0Ut 25 l'lf, tJ ucco.fpany him to u "Ht ,:l,urul'' . 1 best dressed couple.lady and gentleman, C,llv:w.'v' r"i;)list hnr!h ul."1 "Uwsa Wanted A girl to do general house work. Apply at the lemdimco of N. .Harris. )'S lit Pease Si Mays announce that they wasawaidsd to Silvey iCelsay and Miss Irene llniiilmrf.. It (DiiHiHti'il of u ...... .to.. ...., ..,.ii.,r i ...,ir iv., .....i I found the young lady there and Pastor i i...i.. c... 'in... i 1 Clifton who neatlvlie IIUUllOUlll II1U D Hill, Ins marriage to Miss .lennie loung. Tim party promptly responded and The hoobv ' "'lon WMO ut'iitlylied the knot at tht; lomantic liour oi liVM a. in., when the ' .!...! ...-.y ... . . . If .. I Mr. Willtums, whose initials we could ... " """J W,,B J"el "our ( oili. i lie puny i-epaiaieu auer wisning ! the bride and groom "many rt'tiiniH of the season." Air. and M rs. Hurgett are will cjlleut on l'riduy, '1th instant, in- prize, u box of eigsus, was awarded to n stead of Thursday, Thu receipts nt the county cleik's Vt learn. (illii'ii f rnni uu mlri' fiifi (In rl lit I lie moll lb I 1'nr iilir.nl. two vih in M iiier & lieiiton ,, , Jf, , tlio season." Air. and ,J rs. Uurgett are of i),ce.ntmr amounted to. fJb(..l... Wfhuv made a lml.il of gmng away to u vyry 1Htimtl4 yt)nltK co-.ple and they llieu ciiaioiiitii r ii;i i.uuinu u iiiuiiiiid . . . . . . . ... j ' ..enter upon tlieir married jjurnev with or so u new aiiiiuniy.nu usiriiinn st,eei:,., . , .,,,, . , ..... tlllT III!.. 11.1.11 :UUU I) ICIICC J I .1 range ws a pri.o in iiiih nvniy iiui-.. ... , f ...i I chaser of a dollar's woitn of goods at the Htore hud one chtiuce. The move- iue.it has become so popular that they i Mr. ICIinoro Rice tonight at the M. H eliuich, assisted by Mrs, Lilian W. lin ker, piuiiiste. Tickets, on sale at Uhtke ley's, , Tim Fortnightly Club will meet with Mru W II T,.,I ........ ,.r. nfli.l Ml. mi ,, .. ,,. .1.. ..i .( have cone uded not only to continue it, 1 Reading wi II commence promptly at -':.iOi . i , . , nil , .1 .,, ! but to iirreiifco the number of prizes mid a new book w.ll be bi't'iin at that . . ,' ,. I , from one single prize to seven. J he list , of prizes appear in their display ud i lie cpiurturiy rent 01 all loci: noses in ( ,Hmvht(rt)i u iH ony necessury to udil 'lie posioince, except inn very large ones lias been reduced to TtO cents mid tit this iricn Postmaster Patterson suy host of friends. ya theyj), i 11 CASTOR 8 A For Infauts and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought nit these gentlemen guiirAUtee that lire going like hot cakes, Itig clearance sale of ladies and chil dren's shoes will lie announced bv A. M. Williams k Co. in u day or two. All broken lines are scheduled to go at but u fraction of I heir iea worth. Wait for it. All biokeu llncf of Indies' bods, sllp.ieis, snudals, etc., us ' well us all broken lines of children's fluies, will he olfeiud at slushing reduc , tiuus (lining A. M. Williams & Co.'s clearance sule. Parllculars later. Ttie store of Pease & Mays, wilh the exception of the grocery department, which remains open, was cluse.l all .day ludiiy uud will be closed nil day toiuor leir prices are us low us the lowest, and hut they will not lie undersold by any one. Boars the Slguatuio of l A ''ii'kIi .11 Ilk mill Cit'iiui. I dollar saved if a dollar gnined. J A very subdued looking Hoy ol alioul j am fiHit)kr , u ,.(,, Jersey milk in the j II yeais, with a long tcruleh on hin iiohh mnrkot, wttrrnnteil to test live per cent , and uu air of general dejection, cnnie lo butter fat, for ipi n (iiiirt per month, his teacher mid huiid-d her .i note be. j Aaa ,,utHiy enti ifugally sepimitid fine tal; ill).' his neat uu I iieciining deep j cream at 10 cents u (nart. Why pay' y ubsoibi'il in his biiok. The iioin read i moro wien you can do better by phon ua follows; ".Miss I! : l'leaee ex- lug to the Cit'y Dairy. 'Phono .'iS5. ! ol'.O I m ense .lames for not bemg tliaie yiidter day. lie pliiym tr lo.uit, but you don't, need to lick hnn lor it, ns iho boy ho played linii.iut with nil I li'iii fell nut and .1... 1 11.. ..,.1 lit.,. mill ii limn lli.il1 j fitHffUii r u i tun in "'"ii ..' , . . driver of a curt they hung on to licked 1 (lesiltl tire department Hkut l$Aii.i:, Prop. !lll(l of TIiiiiiI.m. very sineeiely to thank the for their eliicient and I'lEIM'I.K COJin'l! AMI JOINO. Dr. Ray Logn returned to Moro to day, after spending New Year's day with hie father and Mrs. Logan. Rev. U. F. Hawk went to Ileppner today to assist thu local Methodist pus tor in n series of religious meetings. mai:i;iki. At Dufur, New Year's eve C. H. Cro foot, of that town, to Miss M. J. Magill, of Winnie. luekmui Kutlliie Ciiiiiiiiiiy, A ttiiiitliin! .lackson Kiigine Companv, No. 1, will hoid tlieir regular meeting Wednesday evening, January lid, at 7 :!i0 at the council chambers. Klection of members and other important business must be attended to. All members are requested to be present or tie subject to u line. Ity order of the president, A. Saxdiiocic. F. W. 1.. Siciiiitu. Secy. The other deale.s in town cannot soil any pianos and organs. We am having things our own way. Of couisu we are almost giving them away, and we dure not rusli into print with pi ices, ns It would make them still more furious. Call at Nickslsen's music store, where the Wiley 15. Allen Co., of Poitlaud, tire having their lemoval sale'nnd turn ing the world upMile down just now. Miss Haven wishes to announce that during the months of .luiiunry uud Feb ruary sIih will oiler all her lemnining stock of wintor millinery at greatly re duced prices, preparatory to receiving spiiug goo is. Trimmed hats at just half price. dM-'-'w Why pay fai.cy prices to peddlere when you cin get IC.-tey hi (i) also. Then paw Melted him, uud 1 in the lire of Sunday iiicin-1 .1. Ii. TllOMI'Ml.V. row while the clerks urn preparing for hud to give hnn another one lor s.issing tlm big tinuiinl .eduction mile, which j me fur telling ills paw, so you need not will commniicii Frlduv morning ut K lick him till ni vt time, He thinks lie with others iug. For Hiihi One set secondhuiul c.tr peuter tools ot the late Roderick Mc Neill, ut Malor & IJenton's. tTO.l lw Humliii organs, the best from your home dealers less than they are asking. Mckelsen's music store. or Mtison it in the world, ut $10 to fit) Call ut 1. C. Clurk it Falk are never closed Sunduy, .Don't forget tliis. t We do Steam, hot water and furnace heating. Estimates made and contracts taken for heating old or new buildings. Do not forget 1 That wo operate a plumbing and tin shop, also a ma chine repair shop in connection with our hardware und implement store. Repair work of all kinds done. MAYS & CROWE. m m .Given Away D M 19 With overy Dollar's worth of goods purcluit-ud at our storo during January and February, wo will give Onu Chanco on tho following prizes: FIRST PRIZE One Aluminized Garland Steel Range. SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Oast Iron Heating Stove. THIRD PRIZE Ono set of Roger's Silver Plated Knives and Forks. FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork and Steel. FIFTH PRIZE One Niokle Plated Tea Kettle. SIXTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Condenser Cof fee Pot. SEVENTH PRIZE One Niokle Plated Tea Pot. In addition to giving away these prizes we will sell goods as low as the lowest, and will always he ready to serve the trade in the hest possible way. We will positively not ho undersold by any one. Our priees are right. TVAIER & BENTON, J