The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY JAN. lttOl KEDISTMCTIXU IMPERAT1 VE. The law passed by the last Oregon I more neB(Je(1 at Washington? It legislature "redisricting the sta , C!U,110t be denied Unit Senator Mu into senatorial and representative'. ., . , , ., Mma. districts, and fixing the number of l members," was bitterly attacked in J many quarters during the last June campaign and, we believe, with a large measure of justice. It may have been the best that could bet obtaiued at the time, but it is open to so many grave objections that something better ought to be jU' tempted by the coming legislature Wasco county, tor example, large , and populous as it is, has not a seua- j tor or representative that it can call , altogether its own. we are nueitou 10 every aujuin ing county ami to a number of others that are hundreds of miles off. AVe elect senators and lepresentatives jointly with Sherman, "Wlieelcr, Grant, Gilliam, Crook, Klamath and Lake, and neither we nor any of these counties referred to, lias a senator or representative of its own. We. may have interests in common with these counties, but no man knows the wants of a com munity two or three hundred miles away as well as the man who lives there. Even this is not the worst feature of the present law. These joint senators and representatives are all nominated at the state con ventions and to a very great extent in ma be said the people have no voice in the matter. The mass of the delegates who willingly attend the county conven tions cannot afford the luxury of the state delegation and the latter appointments are left with the bosses to be parceled out as they see fit- j If good men are frequently nomi- i uated they are nominated in spite of a system that is unreptiblican and undemocratic as it could well be. And, lastly, when the nominstions are made no candidate in moderate circumstances can begin to afford to canvas a territory of many hundred of miles in extent when the expense would eat up his salary as a legisla tor three or four times over. WE'LL SEE WHAT WE'LL SEE. A number of Oregon newspapers have been making spiteful remarks about Senator Simon's absence from "Washington at a critical time. Thoir attention will be called now to Sena- tor Mclkide's visit to Oregon in ! his re-election's interest. Probably their seusc of fairness will induce them to make the same remarks again, with a different application and then, again, probably it won't. Oregonian. ... ...., u,. w.BBu...MO,poatva pr00 Q th0 lnatchle6S merit of sense of fairness, since it never made this grand remedy for eurinK nil throat, an3' remarks, spiteful or otherwise, chest und lung troubles. Ouly oOu and about Senator Simon's absence from i1,00, Kvery bottle uuaranteed. Trial ,,r , . . .... ... ' AVashinHton at a critical time, will umbfiblv inilnpo it m imnn ic n,r.,,.i. shut about Senator McHride then, anin, probably it won't. , "nntl , I i neiauve to me mucii mootctl sen-1 atorinl question, the Kuene Register makes some strong points. It holds that however much the energy and ' enterprise of Hon. fl. V. flnrbnit ! may be admired, it is a patent fact i . . 1 that his age and body iuflrmitics led to the making of worthless counter render him unsuitable fur a repre- felts. He sure to got only DeWitt'e scntative of this state in the senate of s dve. Clarke & Falk's P. O. I'harmacy. the I'nited States. In the second! place it is held that even if Mr. Cor bett were a younger man lie would not be suitable, for the reason that he does not stand well in adininistra tioE circles. Corbett has made his bid for the seuatorship on the ground that tie is opposed to tho ndmiimtrn- ! tion's polioy towards our nov posses. 8ions and also the quasi administra tion policy of a ship subsidy. This being the case, he would luck the necessary influence to serve Oregon well in this time of crisis to I'auific Coast development. Tho last point is especially woll taken, ns it is often overlooked. Our new commercial expansion on the Pacific lias opened up vast possibilities tor the "West, am! each state is hustling for first place in the race. "Was there ever a timo wlinn n man of influence was istration, and generally gets what he goes after. In what way would a change, then, bo beneficial? The onlv answer is that Mr. Corbett wants the position, and being rich therefore otiuht to have it. The Ie9,ntre wlle, luocls this month hn9 l0 ,ll!Cjclo between, the best in-1 ttrests 0r Oregon utnl the ambitions of Culbett) alul a Vision for lhc hiUer w, Qpoa U) some Iea(Hng qUMtons of mis)laced confidence by bjjt , eon3tiUluncics. cwberg Graphic. Story or a SImvh. To bo bound hand ami foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst tnnn of slnverv. Georce I). Willinms, of i Manchester, Mich., tells how such a ; slave was made free. Ho s: "My 1 wife has been so helpless tor live vear that she could not turn over in bed alone After using two bottles of Electric Bitters, sheis wonderfully improved and able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy ' spells. Tins miracle working medicine , is a eodseiid to weak, sickly, run down neonle. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 60 cents. Sold byjBlakeley, the Drug gist. G Baldwin's Dys pepsia Tablets, food digesters, start digestion properly- -make a healthy, clean stomach. Help the stomach to do its work prop-1 erly until it's cured soc. San I'xancisco, Cal. HOWARD I.. BALDWIN CO., I have -aitied 10 pounds since uiiif your Dyspeps a Tablets. My stomach is now in kouu condition. A. 15. I.oomis. Alameda, Cal. HOWARD L. I1ALDWIN CO., After tufferitiK with ttomach trouble for three years, I have cured my-elf by usiiik jour dvpepia tablets, thereby avoiding a turcica! erratic-), which I was about to uudergo. Oho. Sturtewikt. County Assessor's Office. Clarke & Falk. The Dulles. Oregon. Prevml li d u Irnuvdy. j Timely information given Mrs. Geore ; LuriL'. of Now Strltaville. Oliio. ore- vented a dreadful tragedy and saved two lives. A frightful couuh bad loni; kept her awake every niht. She had tried many remedies and doctors but steadily grew worse until ured to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her, and she writes this marvelous medicine also cured .Mr. Long of a severe attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are oottles li I'Pin preparations often fail to re ' lieve indf(re4t iim htr.inBo tliMv m,n ili( . C ' -w..w r ...... only alhuininoiis foods. There is one preparation that diiteets all elasees of food, and that is Kodol Dvenensia Cure. It cures the worst cases of indiu-estion i i""11 K'VU3 instant relief, for it digests -vou eut Clar" talk I'. O. 1'l,u")iU'v The "erited reputation for curini; f"68,8?8. ""t .""1" ,1,8eT8. 1BWl,,red I iiv DeWltt'H Witch Hliy Kali l...u 1 f?uca little pills us DeWitts Little Kirly Hisers are very easily taken, and ! they are wonderfully elective in eleaiiH irii? tlie liver and bowels. Clarke & I'alk ' P. O. Pharmacy. , (hiality and not numitity makee Do. 1 Witt's Little Karly Ithers such valiMhlul nttlo Ilver pil8i oirte fs Falk's P. 0. 1 Pharmacy. For sprains, swellings it it ii liimencss ' there Is nothbiL' eo uooii as Chain berlain's 1 Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by lilake-1 ley, tho driujidat. " i Wanted A ilrl to do eneral house-, work in a small familj!. Apply at this ! olhco. L'S-illw Clarke & Fnlk8 liavoriciir extniets are the host. Ask your urocur for them. J. A. EBERLE, pipe Jailorip A complete Hue of Full and Winter Siiitiiii!H, 'lntinir8 nml Overcoating, now j on display. 100 ditl'erent varieties to so. , led from. Suits, $20 apd tip. Call and examine goods before coinp elsewhere. Second street, opp. .Mays & Crowe's. MM Restaurant L. Y. Hone, l'rop'r. 1 first-Class in Every Respect; MKAI.S AT AM, HOttUs. j i Oysters Served in any Style. ST Second St.. Tin- DiillC". Or. CHOCOLATE BON BONS. In talking of Chocolates please . remeinber that wo carry a full line of LOWNEY'S. just opened, fresh from the factory. In plain and fancy boxes ' for Chrietiras trade, and at prices to suit. Don't forget that wu am lu'tul rjuarters for the best on earth. Xante LOWNKY settles it. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. Hie CoiumDia PacKing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF ilANCKACTUKEKS OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON iHilKD I5EKF. KTO. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TrtAcr. rVlARKS DESIGNS COPYniQHTR fr.. Anvoriosenilliiu mlictrli nml dowrfptlrm iuh fiiji-!ily narvrliilii our opinion pco vln-iliur u ""'""i i. iiiiiiy lutlt'iil null;. iloiiitricelyniiliieiitiul. UuiuIUicAoh I'lUc-ntk I'.iKji.ii Uken tfiruuili Jlumi & Cb..-etiv ' "lllllllllllc; ml nu 7 ! ...Dcalor In... j Dry Goods, Clothing, S i j Cents' Furnishings, n N Hoots, Shoes. Huts, Cups. Notions. .st. fj 1 1 j for W. 1 Doukius Hliw. 5 M'ss Tbc Dalles, Or, 1 iiskid&Jm the m ' 6m&& Z. 1 ! hphtt (tin Iivt.ti Q.'m .....i.. Iff ' I c.-.)cuse, Hold every where. BL I JUL BTA'lDAfc'b'oiL CO. I tvitvtui'Hu-., hhudu'. tiiiiru'Ci in (Iim Scientific Mirim. A linnilrnmclr lllnatrntnl wiklr. l,;irt'0,l fir ruliiiiiiii df niir kUhuiUi! luiiriinl. 'I'onm ii it HuutU (mini li, K r1'.., Wmhlii'iUiV l'. " ft Complete Cir?e of Drills at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Just What You LUant. i New ideaB in Wull Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a ainide 'stouk. Heal imita tion creton effects at ordinary pricea. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Eleyant designs, tasteful colorings, youre for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house pninta. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. p. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Second & LangWiE. Tbonc 151 J.B. UCHKHUX, freniduiit. 11.. M IlKAl.I., L'n.shlei fiFSt KatiOnal Batik. THli UALLES - - OREGON A General Baukinc BuHiness transacted Deposits received, nubject to Siidit Draft or Cheek. Colleetioiie made ami proceeds prompth romitted on dav of collection. Hipiit and Telegraphic EsehaiiKo Hold on New York, Kan Francinco and "orl. land. OIHBOTOKS D. P. Thompson. Jno. 8. Kchknck, hi). M. Wilmamb, Gko. A. Libiii:. H M. Bkai.i.. MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith and Horsesboer. All kinds of lilncksinithiiiK will receive prompt attention and will he executed in iirai-cmuH Htiapu. uivo him r. call. -, Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, Tim Dalles, Or. ! Stylish Dressed Men.... i Are tlioee who wear clothes that are up. lo-diite in lit, workmanship and iiualUv. My llno ol sampleH covers all the IiiIvhI , denies for fall mill winter, the price H t riKht, and I can uarauteo a perfect lit. J Suits to Order, $10.00. I John Pashek, The Tailor: fm 4 v I J. E. FAUf & CO., S v pr0pri0torS Comrflet.cia Sample Rooms. Purest Liquors fr Family Use 9 Delivered to any put of tho City. A Phones: nU.ocal, PIONEER I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now preparec to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple anc Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. -r-1 i t - t- .. .COliUjVJBlA AUGUST BUCHLER. Prop. Of the prnilm" i if thiH wi'Il-knimn hrwory the United .Status ileultb Report for .luni' 2S, 11)00, Bay ' A ion; mipt'iior brow never entered tile liibratnry of the linted Stiiiec Hrii.thrtipnrtH. It m ab-olntoly devoid "f the nliglit"Ht irai'ti of iidulteratioti, bnt n the ntlier hand is eonipOHi'tl of the bt'Ht of limit mid i'h.iit:it!4t of liopn. It' ton if tiliitlitii'H lire of the ld(;li cHl and it ean be UHi'd with the reiitfH( hinilit hihI Hiitlsfaetion by old mill yoiiiii:. ItH i!e (mii con-ciisntiiuihly lie pi-Honhed by the phyHieiuiiN with the cerbiiintv that a butter, purer or inoi wholeHi-ine bevernye could nut possibly he found." 0 East Second Street. Grandall & larget DKALKH.S KV - F(0beS, fill kinds of UNDEKTAI:E . BuriaSh Funeral Supplies embalmsrs Etc. Tho Dalles. Jr. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot 8 11 kin Headquarters for Rolbd Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, SPIifeSd Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOUr TlliH I''lour 1H '""'ufuctiired expreHHly for familj , ., , , , "H: "very nac' iH uuiirantecd to (;ivn HatiHfaetion. W d Bell our l'OOllH lownr ..linn ii ii i' Intnl... !. .1... .....I I it ... .. i . .. , I l-nll .mil t ...v iHighest Prices Paid for , ...ii. .ji, . u, jii n.rn uiKt mi cuiivinced. 1 K 1 K ntcilllll.TX im.iii? M'li.iltilc, -('.Cllllll! WltlMiiit Str. RoKWlrttor Ship your Freight via I. ,.iiiv.-i, C, I A DllllfH H lit 7 A. M. vi: l.v. Viirtliind lit 7 A. II, MdiHlny y luuMliiy .. . V 'riinr.iliit K Kdtiirilay, ". . "iiiiuxiHy V..I i ;. . "I'liiii'Miuy . .. , .w,:ffl!3, Regulator-Line. Atr. rurtliiiiil I. nt p. si. , ft FOR CriMFnR'l1 lilfinMniwrcr a ivtt mwAOTTnn C. Travul l.y the HU-iinmH nt the ltwul..t..r I.lne. r""s "" '"J,t "wrvlei. hissIIi. C. l'..rtl,Hl oillcu, Oak-Hlrmt Pock. W. etimng from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. priced wlSi'.n I?, '.!!? ' hl,0"H' ",m,n ,,,HH t,m" wlol'HUi l'nu.H. S(1 i )Uk ,. M( U)lHi U, i(iy wwy t() Miit mr,,1llHurHi Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. and fllStluMlk p!!! t.!r,l.8',Uv ,,W,m1 V'lt 'l'limpon' Glove-flttl., UoraetH ImrBiiliia. "r ,,r":,'H wUI " C,U m,rl' a,,(1 J. P. McINERNY, Cornor Socoml and Court Sis. J3 Second Street. B1KERY. i rrn a -r-rrr-v 3REWEKY ... THE IALLES. OREGON. ....i.i. - ., .. ,, vlm;, ,w, u yim (jun'l MIIIK au When. Barley and Oats. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, rORTLAN) & ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY III tit, ItCL'llliltnr I Inn will iin fnt i Hie (iiiiiiiny u-M-rvliiK tliu rlglit to ulmiilii' j! lllltlrc 3 Str. Dnlloa City. IiiiWK l.v. DiilleN tit 7 A. h, ' .MiiiiiIii,' dp. a l,v . I'ortliinil .S llt7;IKI A. M. h TuoMliiy H . . 'I'liurKlay ,2 Hiitiiriluy IN Air. llnlli'.s 'jj lll.'i I', m. !j Wrilni'Miluy . III 1 NHI I'. X, v -w uvwiiumi jiiM ij ri ii'iiGunirj. T, t:ltmv,my will ...Kluiivor to K vu Un ,..t I Fur (irtluir liiformiitliin iiilrticsH S c. LLAWAY, Oon. Ayt. 3