The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 02, 1901, Image 1

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    I)e Dalles
NO. 1
IT li O.
Ity n Hruro r
The Now Year's font lutl 1 Afiimo e
tween The Dalles tintl the Purtland fot
lull team took place vtfflerday nfsr.
noon at the groiiiHU'near thu Wco
.varehouso anil resulted iti a scoro o'l"
to I), In fayor of Tim Dallee.
Owing to tht' snow on the ground ho
gamu started very slowly. Tlai first 15
minutes was a succession of fumbis,
slips and tumbles, hut Dalles finaly
settled down for business and stared
from their 10-yard line, and wnt
through tackle and guard for 70 yade
and a touch-down. There ruuiair'd
about I minutes to play. Albion klcV.'d
oti', Star caught and advanced thu till
M yards. At the 'nd of the llrsthlf
Dalles had the hall in the renter of he
field. Score li to 0, favor Dalles.
Alhina kicked to Slittliu on ''() y.rd
line. Muuiing iiiiiioii'ii, nut iiiiany o
i ivered mi l with excellent interfereice
tarried the hall to the center of the flrd.
ciitt went 'around the riunt end jjid
away from his interference?, and inty.
nig to elude his opponents he ran lick
and was downed with a loss of .'! vails.
Williams went around left end fc 7
yards and Cooper then went over grurd
for lirst Town, MoKorizio hroke thro I'll
riiit tackle for ft vards. Willtitiis
punched tackle for 2 yard", and Ie did the same. Williams an
held on third down and Alhiua took he
I). ill on downs.
Alhlua's hall, first down. They est
. van! a on right end run. They tiun
tried 1 1 io left end and lost another vird.
Alhina punted to Cooper on ID-jird
hue. Cooper slipped and Alhina fel on
the hall, Ahiua then made small wins
around and punted on third down. The
hall went utmost straight across :he
Held and rolled nut of hounds, and Al
hina again full on the ball. Alhina tiun
lo-it thu hall on a fumble and played Ie
tensive almost all the rest of the mine.
The ball was in thu center of the litld.
vmi,u ,riu,t i..f, ..,! i,, u ,i !
and lost ." vards. Spaulding was
B "l I
around the ritiht end for the longest nid
mint neiitlv f umed run of 'lie "iiiiih-MO '
vards. He left hij interference hint I
i .i. i i . i . t .
,111 1,11V- llllll I. Ill hllfllllLlI, II." .11 ,
Alhina men, and was not downed null
hi. It. ill l ivii t llln 4 In In. t
ground In this run Spaulding shmed
ins knowledge of the game, for no ne
similiiliiig llicFttXlniulllctfuIa
lutg lite Stomachs undBowcis of
ncss niui Kost.Loiuains neillier
C))iiiiii,Morpliiuc norluicraL
Not K arc otic .
'. fVMf
lUj' i i rimytr.
Apmfecl Remedy forConsiipa
lion , Sour Stouuich,Uiarrliocn
(nid Loss of Slkki.
l ac Simile .Sifinnlurc or
N'KW vonic.
u l' COf'y Qf WRAPPER.
lint at. experienced player could have
successfully "atHl'artr.ed" and torn nwuy
from the llrst man who tackled him.
Williams started around the left end
hut was too slow for Ills Interference; lie
"cut In" and broku through and made n
run tor a gain of 20 yards and a touch
down. Cooper kicks goal. Score 1U to
0 in favor Dalles.
Kleven minutes to play. Alhina
kicked to Spaulding on L'o-vard lino.
who fumbled, but fell on the bull on the
20-ytird lino. McKetizle plunged tiun'
left tackle fer eight yards, and Williams
punched for two more on thu opposite
side. McKunzio again tried the right,
but could not make thu line and was
downed with a gain of two yardB.
Cooper hopped over Fatty for three
yards and first down. This was the
neatest line buck ol the game. Cooper
wa thrown completely over the line
and lit on his feet, and had he not
slipped he would probably have made u
touch-down. Spauldlng tried right end
and lost a yard. MoKenzio then tried
the line, slipped and lost three yards
more. Dalles lost the hall on third
down and was penalized ton yards for
Stunting "oil' side." Alhina made the
attempt mid lost thu ball on the third
down, not having gained an inch.
The ball was now on Dalles' -lo-yard
line and they took the hall and walked
through Album's line for 1)5 yards in
three minutes. When the ball was car
ried over the line time was called, and
Cooper failing to kick the last goal, made
the llnal score 17 to 0 in favor of Dalles.
Persons who sudor from indigestion
can not expect to live long, because they
cannot eat thu food reiptired to nourish
the body and the products of the undi
gested foods they do eat poison the
blood. It is important to cure indiges
tion as soon ns possible, and the best
method of doing this is to use the prepa
ration known us Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
It diuests what you eat and restores all
thu digestive organs to perfect health.
Clarke & Falk's 1'. O. Pharmacv.
When threatened by
pneumonia or
"'u- ' irouhli'. prompt
other I urn: trouble,
relief is
... . . .. ...
uei:i;?rm , iir, u in uiiiiKt'iiiiin iu
' we would suggest inai uue .Minute
Cough v;ure lie taken as soon as indica
tions' of having taken cold ant noticed.
It cures ipiicklv and its early use pre
vents consumption. Clarke it Falk's
1. 0. Pharmacy.
You will not have tiods if von
Clarke A: Falk's sure cure for boili).
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
J Bears the .
I Sienature I Air
Ifojr Use
A For Over
Says Democratic Party Was Never
Less Attractive Than Now Should
lircak Ranks and Call the Roll.
In'dianai'omk, Ind., .Inn, 1. Kx-Prea-Idunt
Harrison, speaking to the toast,
"Hall Columbia," at the banquet on
the dedication of thu new Columbia
club, said :
"1 estimate thu governing faculty to
ha (iod's great gift to thu Anglo-Saxon,
and in the constitution of thu United
States, with Its division of powers, limi
tations upon the governing departments,
and its sublime reservations in the in
terest of individual liberty, I see thu
highest achievement of that most rare
"I have no argument to make hero or
anywhere against territorial expanpion;
but I do not as some do, look to ex
pansion as the safest or most attractive
avenue of national development. By
the advantages of abundant and cheap
coal and iron, of an enormous surplus of
food products and of invention and
economy iu production, wo are leading
by a uoic the original and the greatest
of colonizing nations. Australia ami
iSow Zealand send their contingents to
.South Africa, hut Great Britain cinnot
hold thu trade of her colonies against
American ofl'erings of u better, cheaper
product. The Central and South Amer
ican states, assured of our purpose not
only to respect but to defend their
autonomy, and finding thu peace or
social order which a closer and larger
commercial intercourse witli the world
will bring, ofler to our commerce a Held
the full development of which will real
ize the uldortido,
"Thu decapitation of the ei -president
when the oath of ollice has been admin
istered to his, successor will greatly
vivify a somewhat tiresome ceremony ;
and we may some time solve the news
paper problem what to do with our ex
presidents in that conclusive way.
Until then I hope an ex-presldeut may
he permitted to live somewhere midway
between the house of the gossip and
the crypt of the mummy. lie will
know, iu an especial way, how to bIiow
the highest honor to the presidential
ollice and the most courteous dofcrenco
to tiie president on great questions,
however, and especially on questions of
constitutional law you mint give an ex
prceiilcnt his freedom or the a: and it
is too late to give me the ax.
"Any Dumuoratii: friends who may
share our hospitality on this occasion
will pardon me for saying to any of
them who has cast begullliug looks
toward me that the Democratic party
has never been less attractive than now.
No plan of reorganization suggests itself
to me except that suggested by a wag
gish lieutenant of my regiment to a
captain whose platoons woru inverted.
He said: 'Captain, if I were iu your
placu I would brink ranks and have an
orderly call the roll.' "
FAiillftlii'il l'eiiil Knt lliiiimii Flimli.
ViCToiiiA, Jan. 1. Advices by tiie
steamer Kiojun Maru say that owing to
the troahles in North China and the
consequent abandonment of farms, the
rlco crop has lon far from equal to the
demands of thu people of Hhiinsi, and
there is n great famine there, The
Tien-Tsin correspondent of thu Daily
Mail says caiinabalism has broken nut
mi account of the starvation in .Slums),
and human llesh was being ollered for
sale iu thu villages, thu authorities being
unable to prevent the sale.
Never before has a music house in The
Dalles delivered in a single day as many
pianos and organs ns wu did on Christ
mas eve. Many were the homes made
happy. And now for thu new year. '
Kvery piano and organ 111 11 st go. Prices
cut no llgnro with us; they will not coat
you much. There is lots of tun In the
music trade now. Have you noticed it?
M,,u,,v..r. it Is all at Nlekelaen's music '
Fiir ICwnt or al. ;
The Sm Wilkinson warehoiue, on ;
First street, is for rent or sale, It is a
three-story, corrugated iron building,
UOxIW feet, with water elevator. Apply
to Sain Wilkinson, The Dalles, n'-'tl-tf
AlH)- OM'nr .iHtiialra to II It It nil Stuti'H,
Nuw YoitK, Jan. 1 . A npvcinl to the
Journal and Advertiser, from Washing
ton, save: The ISrltish colony of
Jamaica will be given, in exchange for
Htfair share of the United .States colony
of thu Philippines. This is an interna
tional trndu which will be probably the
result of acquisition by thu United
States of thu Danish Antilles.
In official circles it is thought that
Great Britain will not want the island
ol Jamaica if thu United States shall
acquire the Danish possessions, and the
prestige of Great Britain hb command
ing thu highway to thu Nicaragua canal,
will have disappeared. The United
States will not only he able to command
the approach from the east, hut It will,
Iroiu its point of vantage, control tliu
ocean east of tliu Danish Antilles, from
tliu magnificent Dane which will un
doiihtedly be established there.
It will he Interesting to recall that
when thu United States amended the
Hay.Pauiicefote treaty, the Itritish
press idea was that If Groat Britain was
forced to yield there should be Home
compensation to Great Britain. What
Great Britain's demands will he are not
clearly known. It is understood, how
ever, that she will endeavor to have the
modus Vivendi Alaskan boundary made
tJiiturrli IJiiuiiiit It,. jiiri'il.
with local applications, iih they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrli
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must taku inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
thu blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not A quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians iu this country for yee-s, und
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of tliu best tunics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting" directly
on thu mucous surfaces. Thu perfect
combination of thu two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results iu
curing Catarrli. bund for testimonials,
I". .1. A Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold bv drruggists, price 7ro.
Hall'H'Family Pills are the best. 12
Wiii tin. (Iiirtepli unit Jlmiiy.
Sax Kicanum'O, Jan. 1. -Tliu over-
turned hull ol a small cralt that was
sighted by the schooner Sacramento
limiting in the ocean nil' the Columbia
river has been identified by hhippiug
men us the wreck of the Joseph and
Henry, which left here December llith
for Cnquillo river. She carried live men,
her commander buiug Captain Charles
Kasinussou, and lur cook, Frcdriekeon.
The names of the other three men of
the crew are not known.
The schooner was owned by Joseph
Darter mid Henry Stell'eiiH. She had
about 'M tons of freight in her hold.
A Vlllufcii Ithiukmiiltli hiuul II In Little
Nimi'n l.lf.i.
Mr. II. II. Black, the well-known
blacksmith at Graliamsville, Sullivan
Co., N. V., says: "Our little son, live
years old, has always been subject to
croup, and so bad have thu attacks been
that we have feared many times that he
would die. Wu have bad the doctor and
used many medicines, but Chamberlain's
Cough Itemedy Is now our sole reliance.
It seems to dissolve thu tough mucus
and by giving frequent doses when thu
the croupy symptoms appear we have
found that the dreaded croup Is cured
before it gets settled." There is no
danger iu giving this remedy for it con
tains no opium or other Injurious drug
and may be given as conlideutly to a
habeas toau adult. For sale be Blakeley,
the druggist.
Now la the time wluui croup and loutf
troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only
harmless remedy that produces ini-
iiii.dtiitf, ri.Mtilln Ifl niui MtmitH r?iiiiilt
f,.,.. r, i. ....... ..I..... . ...i,.. ...wi
can be relied upon to quickly cure '
coughs, colds and all lung diseases. It !
u-lll inv,.ni ....HH.imntmn. Sold bv
whkh -a.K s i . u . I narmacy. ,
Hick Ileadiiclui ulisoiutoly and pcrnia. !
nently cured bv using Moki Tea. .
pliant herb drink. Cures constipation i
,, Indigestion, makes you eat, sleep
and h.u.iiv. Satisfaction iMi.mmtood or I
! .....w... ik ..1 .....1 ro...
iiiwii.'i ii', u r,n. iiii ui uipi uitinciii'j ,
, ; " "' , .,
Just wot the ntfecled part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
ami the pain ie gone, Hold by Clarke A
we hardly know where to begin. It's
just like trying to find the end of a
circle. ::::::::::
More good kinds
of S H O E S here
than at any other
Store in town . . .
is thu best wearing shoe on earth. Will stand all the use and abuse the
liveliest hoy 'in town can cive it. Made of veal calf, with best oak
tanned double soles, soles and heels studded with small steel circlets,
which prevents shoo from running over. Comfortable last, wide coin
toe, capped; leather back stay, reinforced seams.
J 2 to 2
2 J. to 5.
A. IK. Williams Co.
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First
Phone 234,
These Corsets can be
had in all the latest .
styles, including the
new G-irdle, at
The Fair.
The Place where you can save
remove u troiitueaoiiie corn or
M",lon : l-'rst soak the com or bunion
'," WBrm HHr lo oH ,,t' J1'0" ,aro lt
'"" J.uioiu uuui.l. iiraw
',,,1,1,1,,.. it vlwimrwlv
for live ininntes'at each application. A
corn plaster should be worn for a fw
Z'wl M'im.!,., Ki" !ii.?i10i'.r.,iif. J
am L
f.8. " V. iL" 1 " "N.Val' , .. " ,'M
1 .
Huslllng young niau tan make f0 per
month and expenses. Permanent posl-
tion. Experience unnecessary. Write
hxperienie unnecessary.
quick for particulars. Clark & Co.,
Fourth and Locust Streuti, Philadel
hpla, Pa, tS-tf
and iii:tah.
Natioual Bunk.
!"C Cosset
I'lnyoit Out.
Du'l Headache, Tains iu various parts
of the body, Sinking at the. pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, l-everishuess,
Pimples or Sores are all positive evidon.
! i-ee of impure blood. No matter how it
! became so it must be purilled iu order
to obtuiti good health. Acker's Blood
' ''lr n0tfe' (MbA tocure Scrofulous
(liseaees. It is certainly a wonderful
rl,t,lMlll, imri u'i,
riMIIIMIV 1111(1 It'll hl,M KVITV tlUttllt Oil .1
j positive guarantee, Blakeley, the drug-
I . .
Wanted A second, hand firo-proof
safe. Must be hi good condition and not
too large. Apply at the Ciikosiclk
otllce. o'JMf
v ii run"':.-!