The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 31, 1900, Image 4

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    Matlnnal nomocracy.
Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 30. J. G.
Johnson, clmlrmnii of the executive
committee,, ot the democratic mttionnl
committee, who today (uteaotl through
Kmimis City (roni Ohlcatfo, en roil to to
liis homo in Kitiisa?, aalil :
"I tun not in tv position to say what
will bo ilono toward tnnintnlnine the
democratic organisation perfected during
the lust en tn pnii?n, hut 1 will say there
will be no reorganization of the national
committee. Tne contmlttee is organized
until 11)04, nnd will remain practically
its it is until tltnt time. I beliuve that
the present precinct organization can bo
maintained nnd made entirely self
luck nun Kiifln UonipMiy, Attontloii!
Jackson Engine Gompanv, No. 1, will
hold their regular meeting Wednesday
evening, January -d, at 7:110 at the
council chambers. Election of tnembera
and other important business must bo
attended to. All members are requested
to be present or be subject to n line. By
order of the president,
A. Sandhock.
F. YV. L. Skuiiik. Secy.
I'roiili Mill; mill (Irpiim.
A dollar saved if a dollar itained. I
am selling the best Jersey mill: in the
market, warranted to test five per cent
butter fat, for $2 a quart per month.
Also purely cjtitrifugiilly eeparattd
cream at 40 cents a quart. Why pay
more when you can do better by phon
ing to tlio Ci(y Dai''. 'Phone !IS:.
i:S0-l in Dkist, Prop.
liiitur'il liv ISiirrs.
Lo.sno.v, Dec. Ill The war oflice has
receivol the following dispatch from
Lor.t Kitchener:
"l'retoria, Dec. o0, 7 p. m. General
J.yttleton reports that the outpost at
Helvetia was captured yesterday morn
ing by the Doers). About fifty were
killed and taken prisoners.
"Colonel Kitchener reports that he if
following with a small force in the truck
of the enemy, Helvetia being reoccupied
liy Keeves, who has been reinforced from
Belfast. Helvetia w.ih a very strong po
sition on the .Miichiidiidorp-Lydeiihiirg
Hallway, and wan hold by a detachment
of the Liverpo il tejitiient. Am asking
for further information."
lleniiMt In iiriiinurl:,
Coi'KNiiAdKN, Dec. HO. In Danish of
ficial circles the report that Germany is
negotiating to purchas l the Danish An
tilles is denied.
"If the islands are to be soli'.," said a
high oflicial today, "the purchaser will
be the United States and no oilier
power. All will be sold or none."
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Slguature of
Notice of IH'HiiIuiliin f riirtinTlilii,
Notice is hereby given that (lie part
nership heretofore existing between
Grant Mays and D. K. Crowe, under
the firm name of Mays & Crowe, was
dissolved Dec. 1, 1000, Giant Mavs
Tiu hniitiePf will be continued under
tlit old firm name of Mays & Crowe by
L. li. Ciuwo. Ali claims against tin
firm v, ill li.) paid, and all account1 and
noien due tin linn collected by him. Mays,
L. H. Cituwi:,
I' or Kent or halo.
Tne Sam Wilkinson warehouse, on
Firi street, in for runt or sale. It js a
thme-Htory, corrugated iron buildiug,
1 10x33 feet, with water elevator. Apply
to S.un Wilkiriwin, Tho Dalles. nL'IMf
I'rttvellteil u 'IritKeily.
Titiiely infonnation given Mrs. George
Long, of New Straitsville, Ohio, pro
vented a dreadful tragedy unil saved two
lives. A frightful cough had long kept
li"r awako every night. Sho had tried
many remedies and doctors but steadily
grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's
New Discovery. Que bottle wholly cured
her, and she writes this marvelous
medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe
attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are
positive proof of the matchless merit of
this L'raud remedy for curing all throat,
client nnd lung troubles. Only fiOc and
$1 00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial
bottles free at Illakeloy'nDrug Store. (5
Never before has a music house in Thu
D.tlltl- delivered in single day as fnany
pianos and organs as we did on Christ
mas eve. Many were the homes made
happy, And now for the now year.
Kvery piano mid organ must go, Prices
cut no figure with us; they will not cost
yon much. There is lots of luu in tho
music trade now. Have you noticed It V
However, it is all at Nlckelsen'a music
Wanted A girl to do general hnuso
wo'le In a small family. Apply nt this
olllco. ' 26.ill w
Lost Christmas ove, in the Kaat Knd,
a black fur mitten. Finder will oblige
bv leaviiig it tit this oflice. 28 2t
piaprale : Ball !
A Grand Matquorrule Ball
... .will be given, . . .
New Year's Night, Jan. 1st
at The Baldwin, by
Prof. Sandvlg. ....
This will be the event nf the season,
and all who purpose attending should
make due preparation. Masquers will
in all cases be required to unmask be
fore a select committee before entering
the ball room.
Special Values in all Mil
linery at
during January and Feb
ruary. Trimmed Hats at Half
Ctttiirrli Camiiit Ho tlilrml.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
if) a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrli Cure in
taken internally, and nets directly on
thu blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cnre is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for yet-n, and
is a regular prescription. It is cumposnd
ot the best tonics known, combined with
! the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of thu two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrli. .Send for testimonials,
F. J. Ciii:ki:y & Co., Props., Toledo 0.
Sold by drruggists, price Too.
Hall's Family Pills are the beat
1'liiymi Out.
Dull Head.iche, Pains in various parts
of the body, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness,
Pimples or Sores are all positive evidon
cee of impure blood. No matter how it
became so it must be purified in order
to obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Klexir has novel failed tocure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and wo sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee. Blakeley, the drug
uist. The other dealers in town cannot eell
any pianos and organs. Wo are having
things our own way. Of course we are
almost giving them nway, and we dare
not rush into print with prices, as it
would make them still more furious.
Call at Nickulson'e music stort', where
the Wiley 1!. Allen Co., of Portland,
are having their removal salemd turn
ing tho world upitle down just now.
IH MM'.S.i l.iiO.Vl.S.
Paint your house with paints that aro
fully guaranteed to liiBt. Clarke & Fall:
have them.
llcuii'inbur that Cocnauut. Cieain Tonic
will piomoto urowth of hair. Charles
Frtizer, sole agent. n!) lui
Clarke ct Full; have received a cat load
of the celebrated .lame K, Pattoti'
atiictly port) liquid painth
If you have ihiudrull', your hair is
falling out. I'so Cocoannt Cream. For
sale at Fruzur's barber shop. nW-liii
If your hair is dry and dead-lilce, Co
coanut Cream Tonic will give it life and
luster. It is pronounced the finest
tonic on earth. Can be had at's
barber shop, aaent. nO-liii
Dyspepsia can be cured by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little
Tablet will give imniediiio relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
boxes at 23 els. Blakeioy the druggist.
Kon'l Hub It In,
Just wet the affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and tho pain is gone. Sold by Clarke &
Experience is tho best Teacher. Use
Acker'a Knglielt Ueineily in any case of
coughs, colds or croup. Should it fall to
give immediate relief money refutiiel,
2fi cts. and 50 cte. Blakeley, the drug
gist. Nasal
In all Its Maou tUeru
tlioiilil bo clfmillucsi.
Ely's Croam Italui
thu dUuveil mviiibraiic.
Il curoi tiiliirrli uml drlics
uwuy n culil In tlio licad
Cream llulm h placcl Into tlio nostrils, ipreadu
over tlio ini'iiilirana uml It almorbctl. Jlcllof l Im
mediate ftinl a euro follmvj. It In not drying iloc
not prodi'.co tinco7.liij,', Largo Hl.e, 60 oeiiU t JJruy
gltli or by mill; Trial filziyio ccnU by mall.
U,' IKW't'IlBKa, Ofl Btrcvt, Now York.
Clark & Folk nre never closed Sunday.
Djn't forget this.
H :
NlltlllU Of lllHNIlllltlllll.
Notico is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
.1. K. Adcox "tend Theodore H. Liebe,
under the firm name and stylo of J. K.
Adcox &. Company, is this day dissolved
by mutual consent, J. K. Adcox retiring
from said firm. Theodore H. Liebe will
continue the business of said firm under
the name and style of J. 10. Adcox &
Company, and is authorized to receive
and receipt for all moneys due said firm,
and nil claims against said firm should
bo presented to him for payment.
.Dated this 10th day of Ih'comhor, 11)00.
.1. K. Adcox,
Tiiko. II. Lir.iu:.
1 desire to announce to my patrons
and thii. public generally that in assum
ing control and management of the juw -elry
firm of .1. 1C, Adcox it Co. I retain
the services of J. I'-. Adcox, which ib a
sulllcieiit guarantee that ail work in
trusted to our care will be repaired in a
workmiiii-likn manner.
2v Tiiko. II. Liimii:.
Now is thu time when croup and lung
tumbles prove rapidly fatal. The only
harmless remedy that ptoditeeH im
mediate results is one Minute Cough
Cure. It is very pleasant to lake and
can be relied upon to quickly cure
coiigliH, colds and all lung diseases. It
will ptovenv consumption. Sold by
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
"I have used Chuniborlain'ti Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find
it to be a great medicine," (says Mr. 10.
S. Pliipps, of Poteau, Ark. "It cured
me of bloody flux. I cannot speak too
highly of It." This remedy always wins
the good opinion, if not praise, of those
who use it. Thu quick cures which it
efleots uvon in the most severe onsen
make it a favoraito evotywhuru. For
sale by Ulakoley, the druggist.
Help Is needed atonco when it person's
life is in danger. A neglected cough or
cold may soon become serious and should
buatopped at once. One Minute Cough
Cure quickly cures coughs and colds and
the worst cases of croup, bronchitis,
grippe and other throat and lung
troubles. Sold by Clarke A Fulk'o P. O.
DlHxoliitlon of rirtiunnlili.
The partnership heratofore existing
between A. M. Stringer and T. S. Ken
nerly, under the style of Tho Dalles Dis
tillery Company, has this day been dis
solved by mutual consent, A. M. Stringer
retiring and T. S. Kennerly continuing
the business and paying all debts and
collecting all bills.
Tho Dalles, Dec. 10, 11)00.
A. M. Sti:imii:ii
till) w T. S. Kicnnhui.v.
Many persons hayo had thoexperlenco
of Mr. Petei Sherman, of North Stratford,
N. II., who saye, "For years l sufl'ered
torture from chroulu Indigestion, hut
Kodul Dyspepsia Cure made a well man
of mo." It digests what you eat and la
u certain euro (or dyspepsia nnd every
form of stomach trouble, It glvcB relief
at once even In the worst cases, and
can't help but do you good. Sold by
Clurko A Falk's 1VO. Pharuiauy.
There is not n case of nervous weakness in tho world
today (no matter what the eaime or of how long standing)
Mint tho una of LINCOLN SEXUAL PILI-S iiceorcllng to
directions, which aro simple and very easy to follow, will
fall tn permanently num. Whv do vou remain weak when
LINCOLN SKNUAL PILLS will make you strong
Price, $1,00 por box buy of your druggist or Hon t by
mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper.
LINCOLN PR0PEIETAET 00., Ft. Wayno, Ind.
M. 'A. Douiiell, Agent, Tho Dalles.
The Dulles,
Job Printeps.
Knllrn In hereby Ki vou Unit the uikIlth Ik-mil,
CMiiiitur of the will of Andrew V. Anderson,
deceiiM'd, Iiin Med IiIh linnl ui-ciiii lit In the
county court of the Htntu ill Orei;ou for Wikco
County, mid mid court luis npiiiliitel .Monday,
the 7th tiny of January, l'jlll, nt the hour of in
o'clock n, in,, iih the time for hearlio; ohlcctioiiH
thereto and thu hi'ttlemuut thereof. All helm,
credltorH nnd ether iiersntit, Interested In Mild
oMiiteme theruforn hereby reiiuind to lllo their
objectloii.s to Hiilit Hccciuut, if miy they have, on
or before thu duy pet for the hearing thereof.
DalleH City, Or.. Nov. 15, won.
nlT-lt J. ('. HD.S-TKTI.KI!, Kxecutiir
In the County Court nf the Ktiito of Orcpm:
Notleu 1h hereby ulveii that the uiidernltjiied,
It K. Hnltiniirnhe, iidiiiinlfitriitor with the will
annexed of the estate of .lomithnii Juekhoii, de
ccavcil, luis tiled his II mil account In Mild eMutc
III lliu eouiiiv court in niiiii v, mm:o iiouniy, urc
, iiii, mid xiild court has, by mi order date d the
'Uth duy of December, l'.to, Mpioiiited Tbuts
I duy, ttm loth (lay of January, l'jul, at the hour
(if 'J o'clock In the afternoon of Mild day, as the
1 lime mid the county court loom In the court
i Iioum' nt Dulles City, (1,'cKon, lis the jihiec. lor
the hearinit of Mild Hunt account mid of the on
jeeiions tuereto, u any mere lie. ah neirs,
creditors and other persons In snld
estate, nru heicby notllled anil ie iulie'1 to pre
scut ami tile their objections to said account, it
any they have, ou or before the time set fur the
hearing theieuf as aforesaid
It. 1'. SAl.TMAltKIIi:,
Administrator with the will annexed of the
estate of Jonathan Jacl.son, dcccic-cd. dl'J at
I.mii Ornci: at'Iiii: Uai.i.ks. iir.,i
December 17, 1WJ0. 1
Notice Is hereby ulven that the following
named settler has Hie I notice of his luteiitioii
to niiike dual proof In support of his claim, ami
tlmts.ild proof will be miule hefote therenisier
mid receiver of the 1'. H. laud ollicc at The
Dalles, Or , on '.Saturday, January l'jul, viz:
I'mnclx A, Olirlnt,
of The Dalles, (IrcKOU. II. i;. No. IC.Tii, for this
loiL- K'.v, NKH mid aja N w . hcu. :i,Tl s
It f.' I;., W. .M.
lie iiaines the following witnesses to piove
his eoiitiiiiioiiH lesiduiice upon unit cultivation
of said laud, viz:
.1. K. Hull, 1). 1) .Nelson, Cluis. (illson, Alex
I' taer, nil of Thu Dalles, Oregon,
decks JAV 1'. I.tSCAH, lleKister.
Notice In heieby given tint the uiulcrslened
has duly llled with the County Clerk of vViisco
County, OrcKon, his dual account anil report as
administrator of the estate of Adolpli AKldlus,
deceased, ami that (he llouiiiahlu County Court
has llxed Mouilaj (thu'ith day of November, I'.mo,
nt 10 o'clock a. in. id said day as thu time, mill
thu County Conn room of the County Court
house in DallesClty, Waseo County, Oregon, uh
thu place for heariiu; said Until account anil re
port. All Persons Interested In said estate are
hereby notllleil to appear at said time and place
nnd show eaiifce, it any there be, why said report
should not he approved and said administrator
Dated this Sth day of October, I W0.
J. 1' AtllDIUS,
Admlnlstralor ot thu cstutuof Adolpli Anldlus,
deceased. oiittl
In tho mutter of thu citr.tu of John (iottlleb
Notice Is hereby Kiven that the iiuderHlKiied,
tho executor of thu last will and testament of
John (iottlleb WiiKimblitht, deceased, iiiih tiled
hl.i Una: account In the matter of said estate,
mi 1 the County Com t of the htntu of Oregon for
Mateo County has set Monday, thu 7th day of
January, Itnil, at tho hour of 10 a m, of said dav
H4 thu dale for thu hearluu of the said account
and nay objections thereto, ,
JOHN VA(li:.N!I,.sr,
Kecutor of thu lust will of John (Iottlleb
MiiKuanhiHt, decerned n'Jbfit
In future any and all inquiries rela
tive to delinquent taxes must be made
to tlio county clerk, as he is custodian of
delinquent tax sale record and rolls, The
sherlli' having complied with tho law in
making sale of delinquent laxm, he is
completely out of the lux-collecting
business till March next. dlii-luiw
Clarke & Falk have ou sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushee,
Ithti raiiic
Yellowstone Park Line.
I Union Depot, nrtn and I sis;
No. 2.
Knsl mull for Tueomn,
Hcattle, Olympln, Orny'N
iiiiroiir iiiiu nnuiJi nuiiu .
lioltitN, Hpnkntic, Rohk-I
land, II. (!., rilllman,,
Xlnunitv. I.wtutnll. Illlf-
11:15 A. II.1 faloIliinilimliiliiKCoun- 5;fjO r. M.
! Irv. fli.letiu. Mllllimlio. I
II-, HI. I'ntil, Omaha, I
L'tinanL f!lte. Rf IllllH.
(;hlcn(?o nnd nil pnlnts
unit nnd southeast.
liner... Mmitirl KYtirnt,!.
No. I.
No. ;.
7;00 A. M.
H;;t0 I. M. for Tocnmn and Heiittlc
nnd Intermediate points!
I'lillmnn flrst-chisH nnd ttmrlit Hleniicrs to
Mlnticiipnlls.Ht. l'litilnnd Missouri rlvor points
without rbaiiRe.
Vimtlbiilcil trniiiN. fjiiinn depot eoiincctionii
in oil principal cities. .
IIiiruiirc cheeked to destination of tickets,
For liniidRODicly Illustrated descriptive mutter,
tickets, sIccpliiK-car rencrvatlotiK, etc., enll ou or
Asslntiint (iunurnl rnsseiiROr Attctit. 235 Morrl
koii Htrect, corner Third, I'ortlnnd Oregon.
SOUTH and EAST via
Shasta Route
Trains leave Thu Dalles for Portland and way
stations at l.-'. a. m. mid :i il m.
Leavu I'ortlnnd
" Albany
AtIvu Ashbind .
" Siieriiineiito
" Kan l'rmielsco
. S:'M ii in 7 ;00 p m
A'S.'M a m 10 :.r0 i m
.U::n m ii:::oiim
. .":IW )i m I i.Ti a tn
. 7. l'i lit h:lo a tn
Arrive OKdou
" lienver ....
'" KalisaKCltyV. .
" Chleauo ... .
.Vl.'iii in
M'M) a m
7:25 u m
7: 15 n in
ll:l.rin in
liilKla m
7:25 n in
Arrive Uis Angeles
" HI l'aso
" Kort Worth.
" City of Mexico .
" Houston
' New Orleans
" Washington
" Nuiv York
1 :2fl p in
0:1)0 p m
0::ii n m
!i:55 a in
1 :IKI a in
l.:25 a m
7:00 n m
(i:(Ki p in
r,;:so n m
ii.r5 a m
.1:00 a in
(:2.ri p m
li: 12 n in
I.-12 n m
. .12: 1:1 jim l2'i;ipm
I'lillmnn uml Tourist ears on both trains
Chair ears Bacramento to Oitden mid Kl l'aso,
mid tourist cars to Chicane, St Louis, New Or
leans and Washington.
Connecting at Kim Kranelsco with huvernl
steamship Hues tor Honolulu, .Japan, China,
Philippines, Central mid South America.
Kcu iiguut nt Tlio Dalles stntlon, or address
(iuuural 1'HsseiiKer Aseut, I'ortlnnd, Or
II.V Irtuo of uiuordiM' or the eoiinell of Dalles
City, Oreiton made ou the 2iith. duv of Novem
ber A.I), lime, notice U lieieliy ghen that ou
the sulci 2illh. day of November, I WW, thu Mild
council declared by resolution adopted, that
that portion of th.i sldewiilk situated on the
northerly sldu or Pulton Slice', mid lylritr be
tween thu northeast corner of thcsiiunrc formed
he the intersection of Mild Fulton Hired with
WashiiiKton Street in Dalles City nnd a point
inn feet east of Mild corner on Mild rulton Street,,
is In a dune; 'roils condition utiil In need of belnv
rebuilt, in Ihnt.s.ild sidewalk is wenU, deeaved
mid unsafe tn travel upon: mid Ii. was deter
mined by .said council to lubtiild tin sauu mid
that the cost of rebuilding said sltleivuilt lie
clmi'Kcd to tne owner or ow iters ol the properly
ubutlmt ou bnid poithm or smd stdertiill; de
I'lnied In ii (hmxerous toudltluu us by law pro
This nutlce Is publKhtd for II day, from the
Ith day of December, hum, liy order of thu
runnel! of Dalles City, wiileh order was Hindu
Nov. 2Uth. I MM.
Dated at Dalles fit, Or., December :id, Hum.
Keeordur of Dulles City
l.ANll Ol llUK AT TlIK D.ll.I.KS, Ol:,, (
Deeenibei 1(1, I'.HH), j
Notice is hereby ulven that the followlim'
liniiied settler Iiiih tiled notice ol his intention
to make dual proof in support ot his claim, and
lllllt Killll tri.r U'lll 1... Intnl.. I...I.,... t. I....
............. .v tu (, ,v ivinit't
iindrtvuiver nt Thu Dalles, Oregon, on butur-
nay, January ii, e.'oi, i.:
Crest dltlecsclilnger,
of The Dalles, OreRou, 11, K. No. fdGs for the
WWi: mM WJ- aw' Slc' 1'.'. T. 2 N 11. lit
Ho names thu folloiviiiK Witnesses tn prove
Ills eOlltlllllllllk ti'vlll. IW... Iii.r.i, ,.twl .,.l,
.... ............ .,.., (.(,. I., .1, 1, , tilt,
(if said laud, Vl.:
.lueoh Ulilttle, Jiieoh OlileBsehliiRer. Able Y,
Marsh, I'erry micunip, nil of The Dalles, Ore
s' Im'U JAY 1', l.llf Ati, Ueglstur.
Klitlf'n Ik hnri.tki iflenu tint a
1ms lIUsl with tlu clurk of tUv county court of
thohtatoof OroKon.for Wjisco county, tits tiuiil
itccount as mlmlnlhtrutor of llui cstato of IIuum.
iiiiiiiiiuiit um-iiu-ii, mm iimi oy an nruurutiiy
lllHiln mi tint 1 Ith fl.i tt iinui
court, Mtuulay, tho 1 Ith Uuy of Januury, V.kH,
mvv.i 1 1. ii.i miif, iuiu i mi utiuuty win i
room hi Mili! iHtiirt tin iiiu.ii. n. ti... i... ..!.
of ohje.'tloiih to said llnnl at euiiut.
, ,, 1'. T. II It A DKO It 11,
deolfill Adinlnlstratiif
Kotli'e Is liorcliv l.ll'llll II, .,1 ll-.i. ltl.l,.rLl........
, i ' i i . "'" '"-- '.'".vJiriKlieu
Iiiih beun uiuluted by the county court of
Wnseo eouiiiv. (liceon. iiilinltilhiriiini ..f n...
eslntu of Francis Kns, deceascil. All persons
havlliB (ilaliiiK aipilust thu estate me hereby in
iii led to p.. sent the saniu to me.dnly verllled,
... ....... ici'ii, in n.iiies iity,
OreKon, within si moiuhs lroin the date hereof
Dated No umber 111, I'M,
(ii:o. i". r.osa,
ll,,vW Ailinlnlstiator,
bB -ma mm mm mmm mmm n ,tiyv..o.T
ONb FOR A DOSE, fill I fl
f&ximsm rILLS
f lllovr
Southern Pacilic Go.
FllOM Da.i.ks.
12:2,j p. m.
Unit Lake, Denver. Kt.
1:05 p rr
worm, iinmna, khii
siis City, Ht. ln!s,
CIiIciiro nnd Knst.
12:.r)0 n. m,
VIh Hunt
ington. Salt hiilca, Denver, Kt. 1:45 n. in
Worth, Omaha, Kim-
hiis City, St. UiuIk,
Chicago mid Hast.
n nd
WhIIb Walla, Bpokanc.l
Minneapolis. Kt. I'miiI,!
iJti luth, Milwaukee,!
Chleaco and Knst, via;
Hpokanc alia liiiiuinit-i
ton; also nil points in
WnsbltiKton and Knst- ."::-') a. m
crn Oregon.
U:25 p. m
8 p. m.
From I'okt.'.anh.
Ocean Btcamshltif,,
For San FranclKco
Every Five Dav.
4 p. m.
8 p.m. ' ' 4 p.m.
Kx. Sunday Columbia Rv. Htcamera. Ez.Munti
To Astoria and Way
Haitirdny Ijiiidiiigs. i
10 p. m.
fla. m. Wim.amttb River. 14:30 p.m.
Ez.Buuduy Oregon City, Newborei'Ex.Sunday
Salem it Way Laud's.
7 a. m, Wiu.AMtTTF. anp Yam- :S0p. m.
Tues.Thur. itit.i. IUVKits. Mon.,wol
nud but. Orepon (;ity, Dnyton.i and FrI.
nnd Wiiy-I.undltiBs.
Lv Klinrhi
3.:!."jii. in.
Ktpuriu to I-eivlston.
9:00 a. in
1'nrticH (leslrmc to iro to ilcnnncr or
points on coiumiiin souitieru via niKcts, snouia
take No. 2, leavItiB 'i'hu Dalles at lliMO p. m.
miikliii; direct coiincetioiis at Hctipner juiietiou
and IIIrrs, lietiirnliiK innkliicdlrectconnoetlon
at Heppner Junction mid IIIrk." ttlth No. 1. ar
rlvl'iK nt The Dulles nt l'j.W) i. ra.
The O. It, A: N. steiimer "Modoc" 'h now rnaU
lilt; reirulal trijis to rinlem mid lnpeietidciitt
stopiiliiK nt all way lnudlmts. She leaves I'oit
land on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at
('. a. m., arriving nt Suleri I p. in., nnd Indeiieiid
euee about (i p. m. ou same days. Kcturnliu;
boat leaves Indeiieiidenee nt ."i a. m. and rinlem
nt U ii. in. on Tuesdays, Thursdays nnd Batur
diiys, arilvlllg nt l'ortluud about : p. tn. same
For full pnrtlctllurs call on O. It. it N. Co. s
agent The Dulleb. or address
W. 11. iin:i,nruT,
Gen. I 'as. Aft., I'urtlntid, Or
L. Lane,
p. Wagon and Carriage Work. Jj
f., Fish Brothers' Wagon.
I' Third auH Joffcrnn. Phono 159 -s
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially dlsests the food aud aids
Nature iu sUennLbeniti(j aud reuou
atructlng the exhausted diKestive or
Cans. It Is tho latestdiscovereddigest
unt and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in etilciency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Gastralgla.Crampsand
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Prlce&Oc.andtt. Large slto contains tlmos
small site. Hook all about dyspepsia miilledfroo
Prepare by E C OcVITT A CO., Crjlcaa
Sold by Olurke Al'ttlk'sP. O. PnuriiiHey.
Letters of Credit issued uvaihible in the
Eastern Statee.
Sight Exelmngo nud Teleitraphis
TrnnHfera eolil on New York, Ohiciivro,
Bt. Louia, San Francisco, Tort luml Ore
con, Seattle Wusli,. and various points
in Oregou and Washington.
Colleetlons mftdo at all poitttH on fav.
rahle teruic.
Belgian Hares to Lease.
I have about 100 thoroughbred does
that IJwlll leiise in lots of 10 to respon
sible parties on shares. Apply to
nilO.'Jiv The Dalles.
Jjlt. It. K. HM1TI1,
Itouiub lOiiuil II, Uluiiuiiuil llluek, The Dalles
I Orwell. tool1-