1 I i ....A NEW YEflH'S GREETING.... We will Greet You this year with our Is, ' HI ) . 1 J SALE ANNUAL REDUCTION When we say REDUCTION SALE we mean that the Goods in Every Depart ment in the House will be marked down to prices that will insure their sale. It takes time to do this, and in order to do so, our - Store will be CLOSED WEDNESDAY Preparing for one of the LARGEST REDUCTION SALES that ever took place in the history of The Dalles. The Sale mill eommenee Friday morning at 8 a. m. nnri and Watch this Space for further developments.. PEASE & MAY! j Oysters The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY --. - DEC. 111. 15)00 served in any stylo... At Anrlrmo KnllRr'n. - . , TI.'KASriilflirs NOTJCE. All N'limm Comity wiinunlN itbIkIithiI pi lcu to M'litiniilii.r I. I H '. 1 7 . will lit) jiulil on it'i'iitmtihii Hi til ullli'p. Int.iii'M ((iisitrt uflur Niivi'inln'i 'lK 1 IMIO. IOIIN P. IIAAI I'SII I ui;, lluiint Ti'tiKHitrur. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Maetinoradu bull tomorrow night. Found A lady's blank mitten. Owner cm Unci it ut tine Don't forget In attend tins masquerade ball tomorrow night ut Hit.1 Baldwin. For Hale Out) hut second-hand car penter tools (it the Into Roderick Mc Neill, ut, Miiier it lient.on'e. ti'.ld-lw Lady spectators will lie charged So cento ut t lie iniiKHenulo bull lomoirow night, and nianiucrn will lie admitted free. Mien l.enoro WinuiiH has gone to Hood JRivcr to spend tlio holidays with her fgrandparente, Mr. and Mrs. K. . WnmiiH. 15. Adcox & Co. removed their stock in trade today to the new building ad nining the .1. T. I'eterH waiehouso 01 the west. '1'ho New Yoik Cailt .Store will b cloned all day tomorrow, and takes till menus of wishing its patrons a Happy Now Year. ' Tim inaMitionido hall ut thu J'.aldwin tomorrow night will he thu event of the J HeiiHoju-ilf yon miss it you'll miss some .tTTTiit: good. 11. II. (.Irani, the cigar man, will take charge of (lie I'ortland Telegram agency for Thu Dulles tomorrow, vieu Joliert Iturr retailed. Deputy Sheiiir 15. It. Wood, of Mo nier, Ih acting us Mr. Kelly's chief deputy during the ubsnneo of F, C. Sexton ii at bin old home in Kuiihuh, Miss Lena Meriimau and her brother, (who httvo heon guests of Mrs. J. T. Rob ertson during the holidavH, took the lioat for Philomath thin morning. Tim vuHtniiBH of the solid contents of the earth we play on may be realized from the statement that should a person essay to count the entile miles contained therein, n mile equate and a mile deep, j hu would have to count sixty a minute, and twenty-four hours each day for nearly eight hundred jeas to complete I the tusk. Lost On .Sunday afternoon, between Twelfth street itnd Mr. Peters' lesidence, a silver neck chum, witli five churme uttachod. Reward v. ill tie paid for re turn to litis odice. it; but, doctor, just come up close to me." The doctor obliged. "Ah, doc tor," euid the soldier, sighingoonlenled ly, "yer breath's verm refrefchin' !" An accident happened to the stage Thursday night in Adams canyon, says the Antelope Republican, which resulted in severely injuring Roe Grimes, who wiison the scut witli the driver. The Wednesday night is Hie date for the i Rint?l'olt iiroke, allowing the tongue to kiolin recital by JJImore Rice at the dP. tl11 wagon collided willi a ,Methodist church. Those wiio have not telephone pole, winch broke ami loll on idready done so, mn.y procure tickets at '-'rimes' head, cutting u gaeh in his Uiakeioy's drug store. Admission H- ! iu!lld ,ul(t 'i'1" '"" fienpeies-. iSMisB Haven iahes to announce that j A man named Murphy, hailing from during tlie months of .(urinary and Feb-1 Arlington, was robbed last night in the ruarv she will oiler ali her remaining ! Skibbe hotel. M'fpl'y had been drink- ! stock of winter millinery at gieatly re- j ''b """'I went to bed at 0 o'clock witli Id need prices, preparatory to uceiving fnur twenties in his pocket. He spring goo !?. Tiimmed liats at just I woke up about 1 o'clock in the morning half price. dIJOiiw 6 find liis bcdtooni door open and his f noiiey gone. The thief hud gained en hd .lames, an opium fiend and turnip, ti,in(. room ,1V wav of t(a tmn. was urriiigned .Saturday evening in Jus- H,jn No trlK.t. of lct.n foumJ tice Ned (lutes' court on the uhnige of j . (. j larceny. He had stolen u number oft ! i nbber shoes from the doors of a lodging I '"''i' f. pr&bably, few other women ! house and pleaded guiltv to the oiienoe. ' 'uutiy as biny as Mis. m. T. He was fcntenced to thirty days in the I Rorer, the famoiH cook, or few earn as county jail. " 'much money. Retidea her editoiial Iwork for The I.'idies Home .lournal, Tomorrow being New Year's day, and ! whk,h ,nVi,,vl,H mlverinK several thou. the tlrst day of a new century, the em a1(1 1(Hl(I.H (lu,h vi;iw. e,w t,omtm.t!1 ploves of the Ci.no.MC.i: otlicH consider ,)U, Bl!100i jn I'hllntu.lpl.In, and ;a u.e.r religious uu.y io ouberve u u , u,,Ulrl! tonBl, Mi Hp011jU8 uf the hohdav. Couseqiiently no paper will io j ,.0Ulll, v, ,MrH 1:ori.r m;Ver had a iseued tomorrow. Tin: Ciiiioniu.b wishes llll(liu;hei itf ,n, all(, in her ;itsreade.sa hapP) Ni w Year and many arllU,i , certainlv the best esam ! returns of the season. , ,.,,, .,,.,. L ,,lurilJU c , the riglit way to live. 15. T. MeCue, a local barber, was arrested yesteiday iiiorning on a war rant charging him with assault witli a MeCue and a number the the An origin, ihe building belonged to . Lord and was rented by Win. Isabel. Mr. label first discovered the tire by snorting of one of the horses as lbuues broke out over his manger. alarm was given and in a few minutes willini; hands had helped Mr. Isbel to clear the lower floor of horses, vehicles and harness. The fire department ar rived witli remaikable promptness, not withstanding that the boys had to drag the fire engine the whole distance. It was evident from the first chat the building was doomed; but it is to the magnificent work of the fire department that we owe it that practically no dam age, was done to the surrounding build ings. Never bad the department a fine dunce to show what they are made of, and never did they take advantage ol it with grealer credit to themselves. Not one man in a hundred would li.ivo be lievod it possible that tlie building, which was simply a huge fire trap, could have been burned to the ground without more or less damage to t lie , big ware houses and other buildings in the imme diate neighborhood. Everything ot value on tlie ground iioor wac saved, but the hay, feed, harness and live sleighs on tlie upper floor were a total loss. Mr, label estimates his loss at about iS00, which is fully coveted by insurance. Tlie building carried only ifSOO Insurance and cot, when new, piobably three times that sum. Tlimilm. I Steam, hot wati-r and fm mice heating. Ketimates fh made nnd contracts taken for heating old or new P buildings. es hot That we opeinte a plumbing and tin shop, i;bo a ma chine repair shop hi connection with our hardware and implement store, Repair work of nil kinds done. For cookino; and heating, JMff. prices irom ips to $50. Rangoa Cut (langes m In tlie last issue of lite Antelope Her ald there uro petsonal items relating to Joe Ivelsay, OdCiii' Kelsav Leslie Kelsay, William Ivelsay, Williuln ICelsay's wife, - s r 1 1 :i 11 1 1 1 iv lvoluuv mill .f. IhU.iv. u'liliti ti'ilf 1 . ..it 11... II .... I ji.sui.es loo o.u sav ing uiawteti J- ; o( olltrs 1U(l ,p,.t Satuuhi) night in a meet an Antelopr wltoso name you ,,,......., : nf ..... MUans and Idon't know, cullin. Kelsay and it will j towari,H ,,10(II1IW whun i!u.v Wero all iie ten to one tbui. you are riglit. weU lk mi8undeistanding The football game between the Port- i arore bet ween the lurber and one of the laud and Dalles teams will be called on company and, it not ending to tlie tomorrow at "Jioli o'clock in tlie unci- burners sausiactioii, tmu yenueinuu noon. J 11 this connection it is proper to j left the place and bonowing asix-shooter remind gentlemen vieweis of tlie game returned to tlie barroom and for u time that it costs money even to niu a game held up tlie entiie crowd. Finally the of football, and that no gentleman should gun was taken from the barber and on appear on the grounds without a ticket ! his calling one of tlie crowd a son of a in his butioii hole. The cost is only 50 ( seaeouk lie was promptly knocked down, '(lints. On tlie Issuance of a warrant for his A good Btoiy in told ot a Scottish sol- j ''ett Medio was taken into custody by .11 in, i : i ..... uirs na nr ver ami kc H in tue eny inn lill'l Ilk ijuii lllli'llli'lil nil I, tin jiioi. I i, ' - i cowring from an attach of enteric fever. 1 "u0,, "'ay. W,,B rek'ttHed ut One duv Im Mingesti d to the doctor, who ' tlie request ol tlie pros, curing attorney, hud called to see him, that ho would be the complaining witnesses begging off or grateful for just u weedrappie. "No, j lefuwnn to appear jigulnst him. no," said the doctor. "Do vou know ' 1'lin Riehmond (.tables in the J5ast that your stomach is in meli tin ulcer-1 I5ud were burned to the ground ut dil ated condition t hut it spoonful of wliis key would kill you?" "Awool, sir," break yeHterdiiy morning. The fire started in tlie loft of tlie bam, but no replied the patient, "I muat do without I one knows, nor can even tuose, its I To Tin: I).i.i.i:s City Fikk Diii'.vki'must : I Gi:sTi.i:.Mi:.s : I desire to thank you for tlie very successful manner you all ' exercised in saving my property yester day. Most particularly do 1 thank your' chief, F. 8, Gunning, for his cool judg- i mo ii t and also his firemen, who imniedi-' ' ately obeyed his commands. Also many j thanks to tlie citizens who liberally mid I voluntaiily assisted me in my Uneaten 1 nig position. Yours Respectfully, 1 (i, J. I''AHl,l' , j .Sole proprietor of Farley & Frank's, ! 'liiiili! fur Hit. Itlni'K, i Thank3 to tlie November number of , the Uornhill Rooklet (Boston; the voice , of "The .S.veet .Singer of .Mieliigan" is j again heaid In the land. Tlie poems ie-1 printed in the Booklet uro her master-' pieces and tlie best tonic that u man j ...... ft,wl f.toit .iMtuiLr nf Hm lilniui. Who ' t till HUH , J , .... HU""" ' ...M-... .w can withstand the pathos of such lines us these? duo in iriibiK la April a fliort tluio hko l.tlib'e wiiciH'tlM' unit Kiiy; JlerSiivlourealliil lier.ai.'l hlie lint to go Kre tliut'loM) of ttiiit iti'iifci.iit iluy. Whlli) euliiiK illiitier, Hits ilear lltlfe cldM Win. eholiiil on ii ilm ol bwf, Iineturt. eiure, tried tlu'lr hklll n while Jlut none could glvu relief. )Vorldsg PThe genuine all bear the above Trade.Alatkyg! and are sola Willi a written guaraiucc. Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900 nUCP ALL THE WUHLU. V Vlk KniA hu circf.Rlass Stove Merchants everywhere. tyK M..t...ii. Tin. Micliiiian Stove Comnanv. 3a(s-Burner Largetit Makera of Btovej und Hii(jijjuJlmVrld:OI St BENTON. SOLE KG E NTS Advertise in The Chronicle. n