The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY DEC. HI, 1900 The toughest job the democracy has over tackled is the reorganiza tion of Cleveland and Bryan on a common basis. "Wanted Votes of majority of members of Oregon legislature. Will pay highest market price. Address II. "W. C, care Oregonian. Astoria News. man of that name hailing from Portland. True to the name, and true to his nature and training ho remained at home throughout the month of December, chaffering and dickering and swapping and trading for votes in the legislature on the coming senatorial election, while his ;scat remained vacant at Washington. I It is a spectacle of patriotic devotion tn flul.v that tlio fathers of the re public missed seeing by dying tooi soon. It is not that the state loses much by his absence from the senate j the marble statues in the corridors i - - IJBML 'SB irantruD 1 CHOCOLATE BON BONS. The republican legislature of Ore gon is under safe and competent of the national capitol would fall to direction now Tony Xoltner is giv- j the iloor with a crash of astonishment ing all necessary instructions, says , if ever he arose to make a speech on the Salem Statesman. In talking of Chocolates please ruinemhor that wo carry a full line of LOWNEY'S. just opened, fresh from .1... r. ..... i.. ..I..: i t i. .,., i llll 1IIUIU1 111 imun tlllll ItWIUV UUAW any public question in thai body fop Chr,;tn:ns trnill!i ,, lU jirH.e8 to but lie is reputed to be engaged in a. spiniiuu medium wuu claims to wej j110WI1 held au interview witn the have held au interview witn spirit of Jay Gould says the shade appeared with a harp in its hand, and an irreverent populist suggests that Jay, far more likely, was manipulat ing an asbestos fan. In the yearly economics of the United States the hen represents $455,000,000. The hen outdoes the iron industry, the coal industry and the wheat and com crops; and she also soars one million ahead of the total yearly value of the dairy out put of the whole country. political methods in tampering with members of the legis lature and combining the functions of a statesman having a scat in the United States senate with those of a ward heeler and lobbyist, with head quarters at Portland. suit. Don't forget that we ant quarters for the best on earth. LOWNKY settles it. head-! Name Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. The state of New Jersey collected -M,SS4,GG9 in fees and taxes from corporations in one year. "The kindly spirit with which the cctopus is welcomed in New Jersey gives deep pain to the 15ryanite brethren but it seems to be justified financial y," suggests the New York Sun. Judge Taft, president of the Phil ippine commission, has recommend ed that the monctarj' problem in the islands be solved by the adoption of United States money. "If the gov ernment follows his recommendation it will save itself from many embar rassments" declines the Boise Statesman. Take them to j i 1 1 1 aay ana you win be well tomor row. Baldwin's Allopathic Cold Cure Tablets, (Cold In Head) No.23-B. 25c Sam Kkancisco. V.. X,. BALDWIN" COc Your Coli! Cure .i the on!.- rerncily that rcallv doe cure in out: day. Harry uowir.Kb. Harry KwJger. Co. Sacramento, C.l. E. I. I1AI.DWIN CO. You Cold Cure Tablets No. s;I! are splendid for Cold in Head. VM. DWINl'.U.. With Adasii., lioothe &. Co. Denvkk, Colo. 15. L. 11AI.DWIN CO. I (hid your Cold Cure Tablets the afes1 ami most convenient remedy for cold in the head. They cure ill ceiy instance. ii. F. CooXSOM Clarke & Falk. The Dalies. Oregon. ie Efiiuiia Packing Co., i , DAClCDC -C ' Complete Cipe of Drtis at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF! Just What MAJJO FACTtl KKK8 OK You cuant. Fine Lard and Sausages I Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIED BEEF. ETC. J. E. FALT & CO., proprietors CommelrGja Sample Rooms. Purest Liquors for Family Use Dolivorod to any part of the City. i.hollM: I73 Second Street. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. J. A. EBERLE, fii?e Jailorir m jt v New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such A complete line of Fall anil Winter wide variety as we are showing never be Suitiims, Paiitiriirp and Overcoating, now j (ore graced a single stork. Keul imita tion eretun edects at ordinary prices. j on display. lect from. 100 different varieties to po- Suits, $20 apd up. Senator Simon has at last torn himself away from Portland and started for the federal capital. It is presumed he fulfilled his contract with Corbett and the Oregonian so us to insure their support for re election two years from now. The fine Italian haud of the little ward heeler will be manifested later on. BUSINESS LOCALE I Call and ! elsewhere. I & Crowe's. examine goods before troinp Second street, upp. .Mays take lou will not have boils it vou Clarke & Falk's sure cure for bulls. A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by ClarKe & Falk. Clarke & FalU's flAVorinu extracts are the best. Ask your trrneer for them. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured bv C'aruc & Falk. Why pay SI. 75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy .lames E. Ovsters Served in anv Stvle. U Restaurant L. Y. HotiL'. Prop'r. First-Class in Every Respect j MKAl.S AT AM. IIOI7KS. Patton's sun proof paints for SI. 50 per gallon, uuaranteed fur 5 years. Clark & Falk, atiente. ml Philadel-1 sS-tf ! When Senator Dalph was a candi date for re-election to the senate, 15. F. Ally, of Lane count', was one e .1.,. . , l.,. e i . . ui miiwumuia wUO luuiiuu to sup-, DeWitt'd Little Early liisers are dainty port mm. lue Uregonian abused 1 little pills, but they never lail to cleanei! ,;,,,.Uf ., , ,i,ni 1 l"e liver, remove ooairnciions ami in-'i him like a pickpocket at that tunc. vllHJrat8 'tho pvetBllI goW ,)y Clarke- 1 I Some sort of light has since been re- i Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy. 11 a 1 II .1 I I TT .l t v rl " neciuii into juy s (Hint corner ill mmim". young man can mane .7011 per ii, i. e , . .1.,. -v i month and expellees. Pernmneiit posi-, Uuker county from the I rst atlonal j tion Kxp(.riJ(1(.0 minf t.es9Brv. write bank in Portland, and the Oreuonian i (Uiick for particulars. Clark & Co now pats him on the back and shouts SlanA LoB,,8t StreB,8 Ll.l 1 It t II 1 ' "guuu uuy, ftuiurnBiio, uic, ue- Don.tuw Bny nf the counterfeits of cause he advocates the election of . De Witt's Witch Ila.l Balvo. .Must of n.,. f-t.iii.,,.,1 ,.i,5 i. i them are worthless or liable to uaut-e in- that foih.ed old money-bag who ....... The orIl.inal nuWitts Witch Hazel owns the Oregonian's soul. It's dif-1 .Salvo is a certain euro for piles, eczema, IN 1:1 'cuts, burns, sores and skin diseases, i ' Sold by Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Wlien you need a soot hint; and heal- lilt: nntit-entii; anul cation for anv our- cent pronunciamento on the recon-, pose, use the original DeWitt's 'Witch struction of the democratic party he . llaf ?tt,Y,B' B w0" k,u?w", cur0 for ,!lBS i iiiui ci.iii iii.icii:ei:. ii, uran cures wiin i uses the term "true democracy" thir- j out leuviim a tear. Howare of counter-! teen times; "tune-honored democra-1 hy Cl!uke & Fo,k'8 '' ' , cy," once; "patriotic democracv,"i once; "consistent democracy," once; ! W,ien tlie 's tired out it must have a rest, but we can't live without, "triumphant democracy" once, andjfo0(1 Kodo, I)yiJ)()p9ia ClIru the "proud battalions of democracy," j what you eat" to that you can oat all the once-and vet ho never once f.flIip. food food you want while it is reatoriiiK once , unci 3 u lie hl vci oni.o comic tl)f) ,jjBe,tjv.H nrm)9 tn dealth. It is tbu i scended to tell us what the principles 1 only preparation that digests all kimls, of tins true, time.honored, patriotic, phfracold by CIurke & Fu,k'a ,'-'l consistent, triumphant, proud bat- ' '-- ,, , ... , . I'or Hprains, ewellini-'H and lameness . tahons are. Some of us have an there is nothltur Eouooci as Chamberlain's i '7 Stwmd .St., The Duller, Or. Ltoou papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our Htore on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, THE CELEBRATED .. .COIiUJlBIA BREWEKY ... I AUGUST BUCHLER. Prop. Of the pniilict of this well-known brewery the I'niti'd States Health Reports for .lime .S. 1000, says: "A more tuipei ior brew never entered the labratory of the Tinted .State" Health reports. It im absolutely devoid o( the Hlihti'Ht trace of adulteration, but nn the other baud is t'oir.pnm'd of the best of malt and choicest of Imps. It- tonic qualities are of the hiph e?t and it can be urd with the urcutcxt benelll ami satisfaction by old and yoiuiL'. Its ' can conlicieiitioii'ly be prescribed by the physiciaiiR with "the cersaintv that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could nut possibly be found." East Second Street. THE DALLES. OREGON. Is Prv Sni'iinrl 9. 1 atwhlin iDhnnn U1 ry i-r i "U1 uuuuiiu a uuuftuiu:. iuuuuii1 ..Dealer In.. I J. G. HCIIRNCK, l'reslilent. 11KA1.I., (Ju.shlm Grandall & Burget DEALFKS IN beS, fill kinds of undertake i BuriaSh Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. Tho Dallos. Or. Wasco War ofioose Gompanf Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oi ell kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, SPWJlISld Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOn FlOUr '1,,iH i,lonr 1H "UMmfuiiturwl expresHly for family iisti; nverv sack m mmrauteed to iv Hatisfaction. a sell our (.'nods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so i. .hi in m uui, nir iiriceu ami ne convinced, Dpy Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. first National Bank. I Highest Prices Paid for Whea.t. Barley a.nd Oats. Hoots, n'hnos. lint (or VI Douglas dhoe l.tilllDi. Telcplione No. S1 i:il swoiiil rtt., fercnt, don't you know. in bx-rresiuenc uieveiant) s re- II JMallc nhidins: conviction that for than a generation "ttuo democracy" Ins neither been timc-houoied, patri otic nor consistent und, however "proud" its battalions may have been at the ontcrance of a political con test, they have been very seldom tmy tiling but triumphant. more ! rain Ui"n. i ry it. toy, tlie uruuuist. For sale bv lilake- bcljjs the leant. Saves wear mm expense, bold every where. BAHK IV STANDARD OIL OO. BO YEARS-EXPERIENCE "Simony" is nn old Knglish law term designating the mime of "sell ing a uenefit." TUoro never was a Simon in the United Stales senate until Oregon sold her right of repre sentation in that body to the gentle- Iryiii(r jii'tiparatioiiK eiiiiply dovcl op dry catarrh thoy dry up tho Becrctious, which adhero to tho jiiembrauo mid decom poso, causing a far more herious trouble than tho ordiuary form of catarrh. Avoid alldry iiiL' inhalants, fniiieB, gmokes and liuulfH I and uso that which cloauses, sootkcH end l heals. Ely'H Cream Balm is Buch a remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head easily and pleasantly. A trial aizo will bo i mailed for 10 cents. AU drugm'Htu boll Uio due. bizo. I.iy Jirotiiers, m warrcii tit., H. X. Tlio Balm cur en without pain, does uot irritate or causo sueeziug. It spreada itsolf over an irritated mid uugry eurfaco, rolie? iut immediately tho painful inflammation. Xfiilx Kly's Cream Jialm youaro armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. VMM TriACE Marks JE8IGN8 COPVniQHTB &C. Anrnnnpviiillni; nakclrli nml dojcrlptl'm urn lulckly uKcerl.'iln our opliilun I rati wdetliur it InviMilloii In prohnljly ruitviitalilo. 'JoiiirnuiiU'i tluiiHfitrletlycoiiNiloiitlal. lluiidbnokon I'alontt jeiit Ireo. OMvut uuuiicy for iiecurliiK Putenlii. IMtHi.ts taken ttirouuli Munu ft Co. receive tpfiialuotUt, without clmrno, In tuu Scientific flmcricait, A lianilioniely llliiitnited weekly. IirKMt clr i-iiliillon of any nrlentltln journal, 'leriin, 13 four moiittu, 1. tola lir all newadealorn. MUNN&Co'-.,f, New York Hrwich Office, ffii V HU Waililunton, D. I' THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Hanking liueinesfl transacted Dopoaita rocoived, nubject to Siyht Draft or Check. Collections made and jiroceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. fJifht and Toleirniphic Exchange cold on Now York, Kan Francisco and port-1.....1 DIHECTOKS D. P. Thomi'mon. Jno. H. Hcius.nux. Kn. M. Wii.liamh, Gko. A. Lik. H M. Ii KA II. 'matt shoren, General Blacksmith ; and tforseshoer. s All kinilH nf IdackHiuithinK will receive prompt attention and will be executed I in first-clues shape. Give him it call. Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or. StylivSh Dressed Men.... Are those who wear clothes that are up-to-date in fit, workmanship mid tpialltv. My line ol samples covers all the latest designs for fall und winter, tlie price is right, and I can Kuarantee a perfect (it. Suits to Order, $IO.OO. John Pashek, The Tailor. I J VX fit'! A I-ATA-A rATJ-.l -J. -A I A'f ATA - ATA - A VAT A TA. -"A'f A-t ATA A'I"A TjrfA .A TAT AWJ VVA "1 .s IS DALLES, PORTLAND & ASrOIHA KAY. COMPANY 1 i HU'iinicrs ol tin. lliKiilntor Line will rim in- ior the fol ! ouiiar n'linlnli-, tliu ComiMiny ioi;rviiiK tho rllit tn ulituit- ! M",.illllo wit.iont imllci;. J Str. RciRtilntor . I.V. Dlllll-K lit T A. M. 'I'nenliiy Tlniinluv . . . Hntiliilay. Arr. I'ortliunt tit I:.'i) r. m, nr. l.v. I'oril.iiMl it' 7 A. M, Moiiilny . Wcitlll'MlHJ' l'rldiiy Arr. DiiIIi-h 11 ft r. M, Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dallou City. ImWN l.v. Diillin III 7 A. l, I .Moiiilny 1 Krlilay. . . Air, I'ortlmiil , at l:.:o i'. m. nr. I. , I'ortliinil at 7:iki a. m. 'I'lK-nliiy 'I'liiirmlii.v . Hn 1 1 1 n I ny Air. DilllrH at ft r. m. FOR OOMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, 3 Truvul hy the HlemnerH o( tho Heuuliitor l.lno. 'I'hn Comanv will I'lnleuvor to elvo ItH lull i roin. tho hust tervleii poanlblu. Tor fuither liifoimutlon uilihuns M , rortliinil (illlee, Oak-Htreet Dock. W. C. ALLAVVAY, Gon. Ant. A Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. . 1)ry w,'!",,H' ('lot,ini:, Hoots and Shoes, at miiuh less than wholesale prices. W ill Hell In hulk or in lots, ur any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must he closed out before 30 days. All uaaiu u-lll tut uimplftii.wi 'in. r!i.,.. ruti.,,- rVfoutu and Uiitterlck Patterns. Your prices will he mine. Call ourly and secure J P. McINERNY, Oornor Socond and Court Sts. hai'Kuins,