t BAD COMPLEXIONS Dry Thin and Falling Hair and Red Rough Hands Prevented by CUTIGURA SOAP. Millions use Ci'ticcha Soai exclusively for preserving, purifying, ami bcautifyintr the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and tiie stopping of falling hair, for softening, whiten ing, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, in the form of baths for annoying irritations, intlanunations, and ehatings, or too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes, for ulcerative weak nesses, and for many sanative antiseptic purposes which readily sug gest themselves to women, and especially to mothers, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. No amount of persuasion can induce those who have once used it to use any other, especially for preserving and purifying the skin, scalp, and hair of infants and chil dren. Ccticuua So.vr combines delicate emollient properties derived from Cltici'ra, the great skiu cure, with the purest of cleansing ingre dients and the most refreshing of tlower odors. No other medicated 6oap ever compounded is to be compared with it for preserving, puri fying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other for eign or domestic toilet soap, however expensive, is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it com bines in One Soai at Oxu Pisicn. viz., Twkxtv-kivi: Cento, the hest skin and complexion soap, hest toilet and hest baby soap in the world. Complete External and Intornal Troatment for Every Humor, Co::uis!lnsr of CuncuitA So.iv, to c'emc the skin and oc.ilp of crusts ami ocales, and soften I thicken. 1 ciiticlo, Citicuiia Olt.-.uieut, to Instantly allay itching and Irritation, und i-oothj and Leal und Ciitii im:a llEni.VENT. to cool and cleanse the blood. "IV.cc, Tub tier, ai.O; or, --OA 3c ,Oll,THU.NT '0C. ISKMir VENT, tiCCt'old tlitnuchout tlio world I'uitkk IRL'i and p Ho'--1 u.; t , Liosttn. V S.A. " Ilu. toajoBi.autlfulSlslu,Hair,aaililaua,"frev'. PKOI'LE COMING AM) GOING. j George Mcl.eoil was in town today j from Kingsley. i Attorney Fred V. Wilson went to, Portland this afternoon. Hon. C. M. Cartwrijiht ia registered at; the Umatilla House from tiny Creek. Louis Davenport, of Mosier, is in the city for the fiist time in many moths. George A. Young, theBakeoven sheep kin;:, is in town, the guest of the Uina tille House. Miss Joaie Jenkins, of Portland, is here on a short visit with the family of .Mr. Simeon Bolton. Deputy Sheriff Sexton left this after noon for Abilene, Kansas, to attend to business interests that he lias there. Mrs. Beatrice Barlow - Dierke, who gives a piano recital at the M. E. church tonight, arrived here on the mon train from Portland. Supir4n(un Of Vice. Chicago, Dec. 28 Keepers of 14 drives and nauiblinii-houies were indicted by the grand jury today, as the result of the inquiry into crime and vice in Chicago. The work will he continued tomorrow. Of the 14 indictmente, four were against al leged keepers of gambling-houses and 10 against pruprietorn basement and other resurts un the charge of conducting dis orderly places. One etate senator and David LiwinBohn,ex city detective, wer a in on u those held hy the first batch of in dictments. Those indicted on the charge of kfepinu common gamhling-houses are : Stale Senator John Broderick, Lonin Frank und Julius Frank, Dennis Foley and A. Bernstein. It was averted to mgii't thai the voting of indictments .'.tinit divekeeperH ie but the prelimi nary action toward returning true lulls !Minst a number of prominent municipal othcere who are rt-Hpoiiflib!n for the en fiiiiement of all Inw9 an 1 ordinances. Foreman McCoy, of the jury, had only this to frfV tonight: "The question of lb" liability of the police and other municipal officers was put over until tomorrow ' Editor's Awful I'llKllt. F. M. Higaiiie, editor Senaca, Ills., 2Vu(t, hh afflicted for years with piles that no doctor or remedy helped until Jin irr.'il liueklen'rt Arnica Salve. lie writes two ooxea wholly cured him. lt'a the eiirext pile cure on earth and the best ralve in the world. Carts guaran tied. Only 23 cents. Sold by Blakeley, the drugkii.it. 5 Want l'rulectlva '1'arlfl'. Washington, Dec. 28. The vast in dustrial forces of lierrnany are organiz ing for it tremendous struggle with the A r rlan nl coal interests, according to a port to the state department from Unlt-u States Consul Schumni at Mainz. He -ay ttiat. the manufacturing Inter ests i G rmany surely will demand the jm?aun of a protectivo tarifl' during the precent i-H-iou of the Itelehstuu'. Three of Hih Nironguit industrial roclot'efl of 5f ruiHiiy recently convened to organizo ; a national council. The Imperial gov- i eminent apparently wai in aympatby ( tiih i lie movement, anil while the' efriM so ur have failed, they are not to I be a'-:iiiilii .ed. ' 1901. Tlie call for this countess was issued by Governor Chandler, of Georgia, who eays : "Impressed with the importance of creating an interest in the maritime business of the United States, and a sentiment Unit mav tend to restore its former prestige as a great carrying power, I have deemed it proper to issue a call for a National Maritime Congress, to assemble at Brunswick, Ga., January 30, 1901. In the interest, therefore, of patriotism and the commercial welfare of the citizens of the United States I trust the object of this call will receive that consideration from those who feel an interest in the promotion of the maritime greatness of our country, to which its importance entitles it." J'layeti Out. Dull Headache, Pains in varioue parts of the nod v, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness, Pimples or Sores are ali positive eviden ces of impure blood. No matter how it oecame so it must he purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir haa never failed to euro Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we eell uvery bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley, the drug gist. Many persons have had ttieexperienco of Mr. Petei Sherman, of North Stratford, N. H., who say?, "For years I suffered torture from chronic indigestion, hut Kodol Dyepepsia Cure made a we'l man of me." It iliiiens what vou eat and is a certain cure for dyspepsia arid every form of stomach trouble. It gives relief at once even in tru worst -cases, ami can't help hut do vou good. Soid by Clarke & Falk's V. 0. Pharmacy. A full line of Christmas goods can be found at the New York Cash Store. Our holiday perfumes are now ready. A full line at Donuell's drug store. lw Paint your house with paints that are fullyguarauteeu to last. Clarke & alk have" theuj. The mechanical toys at the New York Cash store will please the old as well as the young. Remember that Cocoa nut Cream Tonic will; promote growth of hair. Charles Frazer, sole agent. nO lin Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated Jam- K. Pulton strictly pure liquid paints If vou have dandruff, your hair is falling out. Use Cocoanut Cream. For sale at Fruz-.-r'a barber shop. i.iMm If your hair is dry and dead-likn, Co coanut Cream Tonic will give it I if and' Jneter. It ia pronounced the finest tonic on earth. Can be had at Fntzer's barber shop, agent. n'J-liii The three great mechanical toys of the age the speedway racing gig, GO cents ; clown, stubborn donkey and cart, 18 cents ; the African luttcr carrier, 2.'i cts. For eale by thn New York Cash fjtoio. OVER-WORK. Hundreds of Lnwyem, Preachers. Adorn, and other overworked PrnfcnBinnal ami BuhIuosh Men who thought they had kidney trouble huyo told un they hud never been able to Had anything to equal Lincoln Sexual Pills for the cure of that pain in thu back, and the all gone teelim: that so often precedes paresis. Price, $1.00 per hox buy of your druggist or sent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY 00., Ft. Wayne, Lid, M. ',. Donnell, Agent, Thu Dalles, Or. Mi Pact m I I' f 't VIS IN fa The Dallas, On. The Chronicle, Job Printers. ! !qi 'i Mi qti'.;i Notice or IMHKiillltliin. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between J. E. Adcox and Theodore H. biebe, under the Orm name and stvleofJ. K. KXF.OUTOU'S NOT1CIC. Notlm Is hereby (riven Unit the uiiik'rsliriiel, executor of the will of Andrew V. Anderxm, defeated, tits filed his final account In the county court of tlioHtatoof )re;:iiu for Whm'o County, und Mild court lnis !i;iinte(l .Mimilny, thu 7th (lav of Jiuuiiiry. 1U01. at the hour of In Ailrnv A ("Vimrmnv iw tins ilav ilinnnlvoil i ciock a. til., hs tlio lime lor ru-.irtiiK nlili'ntlonN AUCOX &. UOUipailV, IB HUB Uay UlSSOIVeU ti,ereto Hllll lnu kcttleuient thereof. All heirs, bv mutual coneent, J. E. Adcox retiring creditors ami other ktsou!. interested iii said . ' .... rr. , , . , , I estate are thcreforo hereby reouire.l to lllo their from said firm. Theodore H. Liebo will objection!, to Mild account. If anv timv huo. on continue the. business of said firm under the name and style of J. E. Adcox & Company, arid is authorized to receive and receitit for nil monnvfl due a.iid firm. and all claims against said linn shouid i NOTICE OF he presented to him for pavment. Dated this 10th day of December, 1900. J. E. Adcox, Tiieo. II. Likiik. I desire to announce to my patrons and the public generally that in assum ing control and management of the jaw elry firm of J. E. Adcox & Co. I retain tlie services of J. E. Adcox, which is a sumcient guarantee tlnu all work in or before thu ilny tel for thy hearing thereof. italics i,iiy, ur., miv. ij, r.ioo. 1117-11 J. (J. IIO.VlKTI.lii:. i:.xecutor FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Court of the Mute of Oregon: Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, It, K. rialtmaruhe, administrator with the will annexed of tlie estutoof Jonathan Jackiou, de ceased, hat tiled his Dual account in saiil estate in tlmcountv court of salil Wasco County, Ore gon, mid said court has, by an order dated tlie 11th day of December, icon, appointed Tbuis day, tho 10th day of January, I'.)!, at the hour of 2 o'clock. In thu afternoon of said day, as the time ami tlie county court room in the court liousu at Dalles (.'Hy, Oregon, s tho place, for mo Hearing ot said iiuai account ami of tin- in trusted to our care will be renaired in n 1 Jvctlmis th'.vcto, if any there be. All heirs, iruaieu to our care w in oe repuireu in a . t.rt,ntrH l)ther persons iuterenlid In said Respectfully, Tiiko. II. Likiii: estate, arts hereby notllieil mid re-iuircd to nre I sent and lllo tlieir objection', to said account. If any they have, on or before thu timu set for the hearing thereof hh aforesaid It. K. H.VI.TMAHSlIi:, Administrator with tlio will aiiucuil of tlie estate of Jonathan Jackson, deceased. dl'J.5t Subscribe for Tim Ciu'.o.mci.k. Nasal .Miirlllme CuiigrMH- Of l. gnle-, 5".i.km, Or., DrC. 28. Governor Geer hut )i-eu invited to attend in person and appoint three delegates (o represent this nihi ai a National Maritime Congress to bo held at Brunswick, Gi., January IJO, j ! In nil id etaga thero tliould bo cleaiillucan. ! Ely's Cream Balm I cl-aii.-n',iiootUear.il!u'2la thu disvaK-d mc-mbrauj. ' Itcnrc4iatarrUandilrlvc3 I uivay a co.d in thu huud I ijulck.y. Uruam IIiilui h placed Into tho nosttiln, spreadj over tlio UK-inbrauo ami li absorbed, liollef la lm liiediataaiiilucurofollond. It la not drying docs not produco ineezlng. Itrgo Site, 60 cents at JJruy. gUti or by mall j Trial SUe, tu cents hy mall, 1A.Y lAm'UKItS, 30 Warren Strwt, Kcw York. mm That Tlirobbliig Ilruilucli.t Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King'e New Life Pills. Thousands of suflerorfi havo proved their matchlesx merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by Blakeley, the druggist. 5 Now is the time when croup and lung troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results is one Minute Cough Cure. It is very pleasant to take and can be relied "upon to quickly euro coughs, colda and all lung diseases. It will prevent consumption. Sold by Clarke & Falk'a P. O. Pharmacy. "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find it to be a great medicine," (says Mr. E. S. Phipps,uf Poteatt, Ark. "It cured me of bloody flux. I cannot speak too highly of it." This remedy alwaye wins the good opinion, if not praise, of those who use it. The quick cures which it effects even in the most severe cases mako it a favoralte evoiy whore. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. Help Is needed nt once when a person's life is in danger. A neglected cough or cold may soon become serious and should be Htonued at once. One Minute Couuh Cure quickly cures cougbn and colds and J'iu (mttiUh Wugt-nb it, dc ceased, mn nid tli.. wVir.t V.sh nf ..rnnn tirnn,.hlilo '"." account In the mailer of said estate, tin worst t.ases ot croup, nronet ills, ,,,, jK. (.()lllllv (;olll, ,, r htllt() f () . , ; NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. l.A.vn Omen at Tin: Ii.ui.ks, Or.,j December 17, lino, t Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler ha.s llli-I notice of his intention to make Una! proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo mado before theregiier and receiver of the I.', is. laud olllco at The Danes, ur , on Saturday, January "0, lvui, vi.: I'rancl A, OlirUt, of Tim Dulles, Oregon, U.K. No. 10711, for thu lot 2 X'-vy, N V.x, i and H'a .NWJ, See. J, T 1 H it i.'i:., W. H. lie names the following witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vi. : J. II. Hall, D 1) Nelson, Chas, (iibson, Alex Kruzcr, all of The Dalles, Oregon, declS JAY P. l.tJt'AH, ItegUter. NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given tint Ihe undersigned has duly llled with the County Clerk of Wasco County, Oregon, his final account ami report as administrator of thu estate of Adolph Agidiua, deceased, mid that ihu Honorable County Court has llxcil Monda),tho5tti day of November, l!x), at 10 o'clock a in. of snld day ns tlio time, and tlio County Court room of thu County Court house In DallesClty, Wasco County, Oregon, as tho plueu for hearing said dual account and re port. All persons Interested In said estate are hereby notified to appear at said time mid place and show cause, II any there be, why mid report should not bu approved and said udmlniBlrator discharged, Dated this Mil day of October, I'.kki. .... . , ' ' AOIDIIIH, Administrator of the estatoof Adolph AgldliiH, deceased. ooto NOTICE OF FINAL SEHLEMENT. In tlie matter of tho odi'to; of John (iottlleb Wageiiblaid, deceastd Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, thu executor of the last will mid testament of grippe and other throat and IllIlL' i u troubles. Sold by Clarke A Falk's P. O, ' Jni;ary. iwi, at tlw hour of hi a in. of said day ascot ouiily bus hut .Monday, Ihe 7lh day of Yellowstone Park Line. TIIK IMNINti ('Alt Itor iK KltOM l'01!TI..NII TO Tin: KAST. Till: ONLY DIIIKCT LINK TO TIIK Yi:l.l.()W- SlONi: l'AUK I.KiVH. Union Deroi.rnthaiiilists No. V. Knst niall lor Taroiim, Seattle, Olympla, Oray's Harbor and South llend points, Hpukaiic!, Itoss land, II. C, rullniau, Moscow, rj'wlslou, lluf- 11;I5 A.M. lalollunipmlnlngeouii Iry, Helena, Mlnueaiio lis, St. I'aul, Omaliii, Kansas City, St. bulls, Chicago and all points No. I. east and southeast, I'uget Sound K.tpress 1 1 ,;x P.M. for Thcoiiiii and Seattle and intermediate points .UtHIVK. No. f.l.W 1'. M. No. X 7,(0 A. M. rullniau llrst class and tourlft sleepers to .Minneapolis, St. Paul and Missouri river points without change. V.istlhuled trains, t'uion depot connections lu all principal cities. Ilaggage checked to destination of tickets, h'or handsomely lllusmittsl descriptive matter, tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc, call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (icneral Passenger Agent. 'JVi Morrl sou Street, corner Third. Portland Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via lllll'.MIT run ra st Mall M.Z'i p. Ill Atlantic llxpiess 1 : .', a. in Via Hunt llllttou. Hpokmie Mall and I'.xpress J.'.'.S p. in H . in. H p. in. Kx.sunday Saiurday Hi p. 111. TIHK MUIIUIII.'.K, I'HOM llAI.I.KS. Halt I .like, Denver, Kt, Worth, Omaha, Kau Ms City, Kt. buds, Cliieagii ami ICast. ' Salt IjiUo, Denver. Kt," Worth. Omaha, Kan. sas City, Ht. IjiuIs,, Chleiigo und Kast. Wnlla Wulla, Hpoliarie, .Minneapolis. Ht. Paul, 1)11 lllth, MllUllllklS!,! Chlragu anil KaHt, via Hpokanoakd Hunting ton; also all points in Washington and Hast en! Oregon. KllDM I'llllT.'.ANII Ocean Klcamshlins, For San I'miicIm-o-Kvery Klvu Days. Auicvr. fium I'nst , Mit r.(i."i p i,, I l'i a. m Hpoknno Malt and Kxpresi ! a. m 1 1. m. Columbia Itv. Steamers. Ks,B;iiu'. To A nth II I a ami Way I'lltdlllgs. iii.ni. , WII.I.AMKTTI! KIVKli. 1:30pm lU.hiiuihiyiOrcHon City. Nowberg, Kx.mmdaj ' haloin .V. way Laud's. SnnlfiRm Panifin nn WWUUIVlll X w 1 w w l.v Itlparla x x dally ' " n, in. 7 II. 211, WtLI.AMKTTK AND VaH TUts.TIltlr. and Mit, Oregon City, Dayton, and Way-I uidliigs. IllM. Itivuns. IMon.AVeil and Krl. Shasta Route Trains I ave The Dalles for Tort. a, id and nil) stations at ! ..' a. m. and p. m. HNAKK P.IVKlt. Itlparla to biwlutou. l.KAVK i.BWlSTO.'l dftlly a.oo a. m Leave I'ortlaml " Albany .. .. Arrive Ashland . .. " Sacraim-nto " Sail l-raiici-.co s::aia in . .l.'.ai a in . U::cia m .1 s p in . 7: l'i p ui 7:i'i m 111:5(1 p m 11 .:a n m I .:(' a m s:l,'i a in Arrive Ogdon " Dener " Kansas city " Chicago Arrive bis Angeles ' Kl I'aso " Kurt Worth " City of Mexico " Houston. .. . " New Orleans ' Washington " New York A: 15 a m J;no a in 7 :'.'.' u m 7: II a in 1:'.D p m fi:l p in r,:: i a m 'j:.V a m l:oo a m n.Z'i a in li: 1- a in !'J. I.I p ni 11 l" a in 'J:lia in 7 n in J.'M a m 7:0) a ill r:no p m a in y..Via in 1:00 a m li.'J.') p in il- f: it in J J.J p in I'artic" iP-slniiK to go to llctumer or IKiiuts on Coluiublii southern via lllggj, nhoiill lake .No. .', leaving The Dalles at Vi 0 p. a. making direct coiii'ce.tious at llcppuer jinictloii mid lllggs. Ileturultig iiiakliigilliirtcoiuiuctlnti at Ifeppner lunetlou and lllggs with No, har living at The Dalles at fj::p. in. The 0 It, .V N. steamer ".Modoc "Is now rnafc lug regular trips to :alrm and lnpeH.nilciice, slopping at all way lauding, She leaves t'oit land on Mondays, Wednesdays und Krid.irs n' i a. m,, arriving at Sa'eri I p. in,, and InileK-inl euce about li p. in. on same days. HctiirnliH boat leaves Indepeliileilce at ru. til, nnilintetn at I. a. in. on Tm-ilays, 'I'liursdays mid S.itur days, iirrivlng at I'orthiud about . , m. same days. l-'or full particulars call on O. II. A. N, Co.' agent The Dalle, or addiess w. ii. nntLiiruT, den. l'as. Agl., rotllaud.Or I'll 1 1 imi.-i and Tourist cars on both trains Chair ears Sacramento to Ogdcn and Kl I'aso, and tourist ears to Chicago, Ht Louis, New Or leans and Washington. Connecting at San Kraiiclco with several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and South America. See agent at The Dalles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, tit-usual l'asseiiger Agent, Portland, Or NOTICE. Hy virtue of an order of the council of Dalles City, Oregon inuiioon the tilth, d.iv of Novem ber. A I) I'.HJO. notice I-, neroh given that on the Mild -JJlh. d.iv of November. IliJO. tlie said council declared by resolution udopled thai that portion of th.i sidewalk .situated on the northerly Iilo of Kiillou Streo'- and Ivlng be tween the northeast corner of the square roriued bv the intersection of said l-'ullon street with Washington Street in Dalles City mill u point loo feet e.ist of said corner on said Fill Ion Street is lu u dang .-rotis condition and in need of being rebuilt. In tliat.sald sldewiill! Is ueah, ilecivoii and unsafe to travel upon and It was deter mined by said council lo rebuild the mimic and that the cost of rebuilding said sidewalk la. charged lo the owner or owners of the property abullng on .said portion of said .sidewalk ile dared In a dangerous condition us by law pro vlded. This notice N published for II days from the I tli day of December, Itrnu, by order of the council of Dalles City, wnleh order wus made Nov. anb. Hum. Dated at Dalles (,'lt, Or., Deis-mlwr .Id, IW0. .MID II. tiATllS. Keeorder of Dulles City. NOTICE FOK Pl IILICATION. I.ANII OH-ICK AT TlIK DAI.I.KS, Oil., , , , , December lu, ll"Kj, Notice In hereby given that Ihe following named settler has llled notice oi Ills Intention to mako Dual proof in support ol his claim, and that said proof will bo iiiHilobeloie thu register mid receiver at Tlie Dalles, Oiegou, on eatur day, January 'j, iwi, vl.: ?TAiiiTAVM.vAi.riL.-rtimji L. Lane, 1 (IKNKUAI. Biacksinnn ...AND... Horsesnoer Wagon and Cnrringo Work. Fish Brothoro' Wagon. i Third aud JcfTcrnn. Phone 159 '3 Crest )iliigcliliignr, liW for the n., it. i;i Pliarinaey. UlSKOlllllllll tlf 114 the dale for the hcarliii' of the said J und any objections thereto, , , JOHN VAfli:.NIII.AVr, Kxcculor nf tlie last wilt of John (.otlllcli Niigcniilust, deceased n'Jl-.'it r,'iriner4lili, The partnership heratoforjt exiHtine' between A. M. .Strinier and T. fc. Ken-! ' NOTICE. I nerly, under the style of The IXtllua Die- In (utnre any and all iiiiiiiirieH ruin lillery Company, IntH thlfl day been dls-1 live to delinquent luxe miiNt bu made eolved bv tnutnal consent. A. M. fitrlnirer V'.V"1 county "lurk, an lie ih eiiHtimi.tn i , retirint; mid T. H. Kennerly eontinuini; I the buainesH and payiui; all dehlH and of Tho Dalles, Oregon, II. II. No. ,'diW WJi NWKand Wy ttW, See. l'j.T.i; 1 ' it W . 51 He names tlio following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vl. : Jacob Whittle, Jacob Olileirsehlager, Able V. MHmh, Terry ancuinp, all of The Dalles, Ore gon. JAV I'. I.IICAH, Keglster. NOTION OF FINAL fiE'lTLKMKNT. Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned has llled with the clerk ol the county court of tliestaluol Oregon, for Wascocoiiuty, his lln:ll account as administrator of the eslatu of Helen llradfonLdeceasci, und that by an order duly maduoii the llth dtv of December, I'.Ml, by mid court, Monday, the llth day of January, I'.mi, has been llxtsl as thu timu, and the county court room of said court as Ihe place for the hearing of obje -lioiis to said dual aecouot. , ,, T- I. llltADKOltD, deolMI ilmluhtrator ADMINIsl'liA'IOIfs NOflCK. Notice Is hereby ulviin licit t'.o undersigned has been iip nlnl'sl h tl, i -mntv court nf Wasco coin, i, oi.goi, leiiii- ilstralor of the eslatu of ''riiM-ls l!o-. ileeea i. Alt Persons i. .. .-1 .... ..i.. ... . .1... ... . . initfiiv cfilll'in ii.- iitini iiie lllllllll 'II p telll tll s-lllll at Ihei.illee of V' II I Oiegoii, wllliln si li Dated Nincmbei II), l"-io. 1 novio 1 ii'i here bv in to me. d il- verllled, ' D iIIck City, fiom t'a-iia e heteof, OI.O, r, ItOSH, Adiuliilstialor. colleetlnu all billa. Thu Dulles, Dec. 10, 1900. A. M. SritiNfini: dlO! ;T. ti. Kk.nni:iii.v, deliiKiueut tax huIu record and iiiIIh eherilTbavinu complied with the law in iiinliiiiK Haiti of deliii(iieiil taxjs, he Ih completely out of tho lax-colleutiiiir businesH till March noxt. dlu-lmw Clarke Fall; have on mile a full line of paint ami urtist'd brtiyhue, ONf POR A DOSE. mi t Itornovn l'inipl, Pr,!Tcnt I'll I m Irian . w wlfl luill V',f ffi '"'''"ni.'fu eu" Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Ifc artlllclally dlRcsts the food aud aids Nature in mrotiKthentng and recon otructing tho exhausted digestive or faus. It lathe latest discovcreddlncst unt and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in etllolcncy. It in stantly rollovcstuid porinanently cures Dyapepsla, Indigestion, Heartburn, Ffatuluncc, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, GastralKla.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. I'rlcoSOo. and fl, Law alto contains 2M smallBlio. UookolUboutdydpoiwIaiaiilledtreo Vapored by E. C DoVITT CO., CbicoB Sold by Cliirku & Kalk'n I1. O. l'liarnuicy- FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. VilAfiHAOr A liNHKAI.IIAHKIHd llUMNW rtttorH of Crodit iflnnml uvuilablu in the KtiHtnrn Htati'B. Klulit Ekclutnifu and 'IVI'-cntnlii? Tranaforti Hold on N.-w York. 'lu'"t. Ht. LotiiH, 8un Kr.nicint'o, Portion ' ,r'" Kon, tjimttlo Wash,, and variolic in Ort'Kon und W'tiHliiniiton. Colltjctioim iimdoitt- all poiuU' rbln Minn". Belgian Hares to Lease. I huvo about 10(1 thuroiiu'libred 'I111'" that IJwIII lutiuu In lulu of 10 to ruH' Hihlu partiuii on Hhari'H. Apply to (). M, IIAVAUD, ii!I0.w Tho Dalliif. K. M.tHTII, OsteoptiUi. ItooniH 10 mid 11, Clmpmim llbsU, Tito iwll" Oregon, tIUI