Special (lew rears Offering Flannel Waists They sin? in eurdinal, navy blue, lavender and . blade. I'roM.ily made with pleated full front j and l'Yeneh back. A tlractivo in appear- I anco no loss so in price, ftegnlar prices, SJ5.2.r) to SC.OO. Less 25 REMEMBER It is not too late for I Christmas Gifts. . . . I Men's Slippers 7.rc to $ 1 .oO ! Ladies' Warm Slippers 8j to $1 ."0 Ladies' felt, lined laee shoes .$1.00 Children's (ell slippers Toy to $1 .25 General Reductions in all Holiday Goods in the Gents' Furnishing Department. All Goods Mnrkncl In Plain FUruros. PEASE & MAYS ' idiickeus and found an iron devis iveigh-1 Skihhe. So successful was Mr. Skibbe ; ing 1 pounds lodged lit llio bast,1 of the ' hint night with one of bin dishes, ii huge s'l URDAY . oho. liii. jihio . sorvoii i fh in nny t.' vln... , A? Anrliruv K luf'fl. UWOIGIO TJMiASUIJKirS NOTICE. All Wikok Ontility wurriinU itkIkIiii-imI lirlur li Mi'plitnilMir I, 1H1I7, will lm pitlil on irtNKiilittliiii ill my iilllni". lnturfHl ''HMi iirtur Nil vi'in inir :;n, i lion. .1(111 N I'. IIA.tl I'NII 1 1112. County '1'riiiiMiiinr. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Mrs. lij.itrii-'s Uarlow-Dierko At tlio Methodist church tonight. D.jti't forget th(! iiiaeipierado bull Now ear's night. I'nund A ludyV hlack.mittcn. Owner in tl ml it at tint) nllice. Tlif nun'oiii'mili' ball Tuunluy night is expected to bo tlio ovi'nt of tho teason. .M i'. lieiitricn ltarlow-I)icrku'B ricitul ir the M. H. church tonight will com mence promptly ut S:!il) o'clock. I' or H.ile---Onu set nceond-haiid ear P'mlor tools ol tho Into Roderick Me Ni'iil, at Muior A I Junton'e. L'Dd-lw The Salvation Army will meet to huh ln oh) year out anil the now one in tit their hall. 'I'ini public !h corilially in vited to attniiil. Capt. Uirvun. L G. Martin, of Portland, will Hpiiak at tln ChriHthui I'hnrch next EoiiI'h (lay, Inth morning and evening. All are cordially invited to attend these services. A viiry much needed holid at liiggs, with tlrrft-ulaHH iiirominodalioiiH for wait in travelers, in hooii to bo built there, conveniently situated, Hays the Moro Observer. Tho ladii'H of the Good Intent Society of the M. E. church will liave a sale of pien and li.ikim next Monday at Mr. Ulcus grocery utorc, wilo commencing at 11 a. in. Tnn I) tllciH CJity yesterday Iiioulit up from Portland a Ohlekoriiig Grand piano for i ho lino of Mrs. Itcatrioo Uarlow IMnrko at tho piano lecital in tint M. H. church tonight. liiimovo tint cause by meelianioal iiii'iuh and natiiiit will euro tho disease. Thl i ih the foundation prini'ipht in UhIc opithy. Dr. It. H. Sniith, Oileopath, room 17, Vogt block. l!uv. II. K. Hawk renews hfH invlta- t nit to tint youui! people to be present. at toinonov evening's Horviott, at which time the choir, airoinpanlccl by Mr. IHrgfuld, will lender special inline. MIhh Myrtlci Michcill will alno Hint! a solo. Tho cow dit'd. Sim had every reason to, wiyH tint Iluppnitr t'ihzutle. Shu wuh Shorthorn and n food cow. She be. IoiikuiI to (-nrgo U'olle, and i yuur uko eliu died and wiib rollocl into a ravine In Huppnor'B Albina. YuHlcircIny Jlnrrlaon Halo broko up her Iioiich to feed IiIh tOIIKIII'. i A carpenter iH at work putting ma, partition in the court room of the county ! judue. Tho improvement iH much j needed, iih at present the comniisejonorH liave no room to wbicii they can retire: Hhouhl they di'Hire to confer with one! another whilu the court iH in ecpaion. ! The lielyian hare, craze dy'nii: hero I too. Said a prominent proffBgionul man' who went into the craze wan my rid hiiHiiH'HH when the ' church am uivniK I bowl of salad, that it is saiil numbers of the boys made a square meal of it in spite of all that could be done to confine their appetites for this delicacy within the limitH of the constitution. When line honor hud been done to the supper, tiie company filled the. interval till 12:I!0 this morning with sont: and dance. Tomorrow beinn the 25th anniversary of the biiildini: of St. Paul's Episcopal in jliis city, appropriate com- at ill" height : "1 am uivmi' ! "lemorative services will be held Sun- animals away, or otherwiee netting i day morning in honor of the event, at of them, as fast as I can. The Hel- which time P.isbop Morris and Dr. 11. 1). . , v- ill -..l 'pi i l i'HH IS the biggest Irani! ' icviu nui uuiiaim-. inr uuuiuu hmp Jt gives the leaBt re-1 built under Dr. Neviua supervision, and .... i. i.i .i... i ..i l; ru:.. giau liare biisiu of the century tn r ii u for the money and time npeut in it of anything I ever tackled in my life." Mr. Kddy P. Michell, for the pact two I years connected with this paper, left on Mouday'h bout for Salem to accept a ; pohition in the Oregon statu printing j ofllce. The services of Mr. Michell In j connection with the Pioneer have always, been of the highest, order and it is with ( much regret that we sever our pleasant , associations. 1 he pioneer, along with bis many iriends heri-, wish him tho i greatest biicccsh. Skamania County , Pioneer. The (.ioldendalo Sentinel says : "Two ' gold-bearing ijiiarlz ledges wet e ilimiv- eied last week ab'iiit three miles west of Moro, in Sherman county, Ju one ledge the ore is white quart, containing gold in visible quantities, and the other ore resembles the ore of tho Oregon King near tins surface mid shows plenty of free gold. Tho white quartz ledge; was uncovered leeuntly by a small land slide and both ledges were accidently discovered by fa-mers. Martdia! Driver gathered in today a couple of opium linuds that have been making their home in a cavu or hut near tho old 0. It. & X. boat landing. The men are charged with having stolen a number of second-hand rubber shoes from the doom of the rooms over Pease A Mays' store. Tho shoes had been dis posed of for a tiille at a pawn shop in tiie Hast. Knd, and the proceeds, it is i presumed, nsccl to buy dope. The mar shal intends to run thu fellows out or town. he held the first services on Chnetums day 1875. Special iriusie has been pre pared for the occasion, and we are re quested to state thiit the services will commence at lOiISOli. m., instead of 11 o'clock, the usual injur. A cordial invi tation is extended to all. 'J'lin Uiiyotn. from thin burden? Have we not carried it long enough? Should we bo called "Krnfters" when we ask for statu legula-1 tion and for state aid to light thi. "yel-! low peril?" OUR CHURCHES i , .ion I.nt!:erfln church, Seventh and , Union fetreitsServicns at 11 a. m. and , 7:l'0 p. in; Sunday school 12:15 p. m ; 1 Lutheran League meeting (i:30 p. m. ! W. Rrcnner, pastor. j Calvary Baptist church Kev. V. P,. ' Clifton, pastor. Regular service' at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. rn, in the basement of the new church on Union street. Sun day school at 10 a. m. 15. Y. 1'. U at 0:30 p. ni. Methodist Episcopal church Corner Fifth and Washington, Ilev. U. F. Hawk pastor. Morning worship at 11 ; Sunday pchool at 10 a. m. ; class meet ing at 12:15; Epworth League at 0:30; Junior League at 3:30; evening service at 7:30. A special invitation is extend ed to both services tomorrow. Congregational church corner Fifth and Court streets. Rev. Poling, pastor. Services at the usual hours, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. Dr, Clapp, of Forest Grove, state superintendent for Oregon, will preach at both eervicee. Mr. Clapp is not a stranger to Dalles church-goers, and during the last year of Rev. Curtis' pastorate he epent a week in special meetings here. He is the most enter taining and instructive speaker of the Pilgrim faith in the state. A cordial in vitation is extended to all to hear him. Dr. Djune will efng a eolo at the evening service. KIIM.NKSS LOCALS. Wanted A girl to do general house work in a small family. Apply at this office. 2S-dlw Lost Christmas eve, in the East End, a black fur mitten. Finder will oblige by leaving it at this office. 2S-21 Why pay fancy prices to peddlers when yon can get Estey or Mason & Hamlin organs, the best in the world, from your home dealers at $40 to .$50 less than they are askini?. Call at I. C. Mckelsen's music store. The other dealerB in town cannot tell any pianos and organs. Wo are having things our own way. Of course we are almost giving them away, anil we dare not rush into print with piicai, as it would make them still more furious. Call at Nickelsen's music store, where the Wiley B. Allen Co., of Portland, are having their removal eafejwd turn ing the world upside down just now. Never before has a music house in The Dalles delivered in a single day as many pianos and organs as we did on Chi ist mas eve. Many were the homes made happy. And now for the new year. livery piano and organ must go. Prices cut no ligure with us; they will not cost you much. There is lots of lun in the Hmusic trade now. Jiave you rionceu u : """"Ilowever, it is all at Nickeleen's music I ttore. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought S2? The extinction of predatory animals' in Oicgon is mi undertaking of no Piuall magnitude; and yet it has been done in j oilier states and can be dons in this. Especially is this the cao with the coy ote, for lie is the chief ollender. L.irge portions of the state are as yet but sparsely settled, which furnishes ample area for breeding grounds, and therein lien the chief dilliculty. Difli- cult and somewhat expensive though it may he, when the amount of direct loss fusttiiiied each year by their depreda- ! lions is considered, it surely appears the uurt of wisdom that the present effort, iiuin iiub H i, the state to destiov the I '"' "Ll lno i""1 i . . . . . ii .!.. t O ..-v ..1. ...... w.. I tt ' ontinui'd. The mure- iMysierious i . in i,u..-, - ' ".' Bears the Signature of L Dyspepsia can hi; cured by using '"Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little 'Tablet will give immediate relief or I money refunded. Sold in handsome tin 1 boxes at 25 eta. Pilakeley the druggist. on the part of covote should be .....1 ii... ....I., lu ir.ina S!m1i1 Iiv dlnrh'i A- gate amount of loss sustained in Eastern , jja. Oregon annually is difficult to .'...mate ; - - .j.;-,, lVe hut it is the opinion of people heie long , ie() . uuy Qf in the business of rinsing stock that the , Qf shol)i) filj, tl) loss in ttheep alone from tins source will u,VB immediate relief money refunded, amount to live per cent annually. East-1 '3 clt. and 50 cts. lilakeley", the drug- Oregon, fiom the best cist 1 in a tea . gist. Tho most ell'octive little liver pills made are DeWitt's Litlle Early RUer. Thev never gripe. Sold by Olarke tc FalkV P. O. PlMrnuicy. ern given us by its fifteen slock inspector , contains about one and three-quarter ' million head of sheep. Five per cent of , this number, rated at. a head, amounts i to the snug sum of $175,000. Add to ! Don't fail to see the mechanical toys this the expeiiFe inclined in tho way of at the New Yoik Cash Storey extra help required on account of tho (jiuk t(i Faik are never closed Sunday. covote, and the annual loss from this Adolph Ascholl", the finest ranger, and former Mount Hood guide, who resides (pt.Ht to sheepmen alone, will easily reach at Marmot, states that tho show is only i joo.ooo a year. six inuhi'H deep at the summit on tliej Neither Is it alone tho sheep industry Uarlow road. This is unusual for tint 1 that sulleis tiom tho depredations of latter part of December. He ulfo stated j t.hjs pest. Many claim that the loss in ' that 11 wagon came over the loute a few poultry from this source will easily days ago without experiencing any ditli- mit., an uninuut etual to that sustained unity. Mr. AhoIioIi' carries the mall ,y ilUi sheiqi industay. Nor does the once 11 niouili to (. ('. Yocum at Gov- coyote e.vpenfe account cease with loss 1 eriiinent Camp during the winter sea-1 ; nhf(p a"d poultry. The lots mis son. When the nuow gets too deep to I tained 111 hogs alone is considerable, and travel all the way on horseback, Mr. ,iven caltie and horses come in for their 1 Yocum, who lives alone during the win- H,nre. ( ter, ineetfl the mail carrier on Hiiowahoes. ; jt would appear from the beutesti-i The local FurresteiH held a foci.il stag' mates obtainable that half a million dol- ( nnriv Inst night at their hall in the Vogt ! lars Is lost eacu yeai uy ivahu-ru wn-guu ' . ... . Don't foreor this. GRAND piasqiserade : Ball ! A Aran 1 Masqueiade Hull ....will bo given ... New Year's Night, Jan. 1st at The Baldwin, by Prof. Sandvlg. ... block and. counting Invited guests nearly 100 persons sat down to an ele gant supper, furnished by that prince of caterers, when he half trloa, F, VV. L. This will be the event of the seapon, , ,,, on account of the coyote. Such ! ' Sra lli: being the case, Is It causo for luumrk in ull (.ABt,H bo rvquirfd to unmask lie that our people should seek at tint hands fro a solect committee before entering of our law-makers a means of relief I the ball room. An Astonishing But True Story "My homo is in Sidney, Ohio. 1 have been nearer death with consumption than any other living person in the world, and I want you to reatl this, so you can tell others. I took a severe cold and neglected it, 1 grew worse all the umc, ami at tne unci ot two years I had run into consumption. I coughed terribly, lost flesh, could not sleep, and became so dreadfully weak that 1 had to take to bed. In the following eighteen months 1 gradually reached the last stages of consumption. Xo less than seven physicians treated mo and all gave me up saying I was in curable, fwas absolutely helpless. The whole fam ily wore themselves out caring for me. One day mother and sister came to my bedside, and said 1 had but a day or two more to live. Tears rolled down their cheeks as they sobbed the news. The doctors had declared I was in the last stage, and no human being could save me. I was Villing to die, but before going to the cruel grave, I wanted to go out and sec my dearly beloved town of Sidney once moic. They told mc such a thing was impossible that I would surely die before I got back. But I insisted, and to gratify my dying wish, a carriage was fitted up with a bed of pillows, and to this I was carried and slowly driven around Court House Square. I got home more dead than alive. Through the mercy of Provi dence, someone brought a trial bottle of medicine said to be a consumption cure. Xo one imagined for an instant it was worth trying. Hut as a drowning person grasps at a straw, so I tried this medicine. I was better after taking two doses. Mother got more of the medicine and I took it, improving all the time. Today I am as well as any reader of this paper, and the medicine that cured me was Acker's English Remedy for Consumption. I declare before (5od and man that every word here printed is true." This remarkable testimonial, on file in the mTice ot Messrs. W. II. Hooker Co., New York, proprietors of Or. Acker's Celebrated Knglish Ue.neJy, is vouched for by them, as well as by prominent drucgists of Sidney, Ohio. AeKi r's Klullsli He medy Is snlil by all itruszlsU unili'r a prMtiv.' gu iranti-e lli.it yo:ir moimy III 1' re funded!!! caseul lallure. lie., and Jl a lwltlelci I' . .unl CMnad.i. In Unirlaiul Is. :d..n.5il.. anil Is.tid. For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy. r FCCORSETS These Corsets can "be had in all the latest styles, including the new Girdle, at The Fait. DC FCCORSETS ' The Place where vou can save money. life PC Corsets i t Steam, hot walcr and ftlilirtce heating. E-tinialna niadn and contracts taKi-ii for heating old or new buildiriL'S. X$o not forget That we operate a plumbing and tin shop, uleo a ma chine repair shop in connection with our hardwrfin and implement store. Repair work of all kinds done. 0 5 Onp ttinifanrl :tv!e; and sizes. rTT For cooking and Heating. Prices from 95 to 950. Steel Range! Cast Ranges f The genuine all bear the above Trade-Mark ana are soia wiin a written guuiuum. Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900 OVER ALL THE WORLD. " Sold by First-Class Stove Merchants everywheie, ... ... 'i Tin. Michigan Stove Comnanv. u:.i uinvi.j jttul lt:iiii?fl In IIih World. flaL Stavei flaifl.Rurnets UfKv - - MHIER St BENTO iS, SOLE HCENTS Advertise in The Chronicle