t)c Hull m VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 29, 1900. NO. 426 THE PORTO i provided that the 15 per cent should be j remitted on or niter Mnrch 1,1902, or nirf TADICT ' legisiniure 01 rorio ttco nlUU lAnlrr shall so provide, and that in the mean while all collections of tliie 15 per cent, both there and in the United States, j shall be paid over to I'orto I'.ico (or her 1-orakcr's Reply to ex-l'rssident Hnr-J own eupport. We made this provision PARIS ABLAZE rison What the Islanders Gained Satisfied With the Hill. Cinvin.vati, Dec. 2S. Senator Foraker has niudu h reply to the recent speech at Ann Arbor, Mich., of ex-President Benjamin IlurriBin, in which .Mr. Har rison criticised the I'orto Hican policy of tho government, characterizing it as a departure from correct principles. In a speech before the Manufacturer-' Club of this city last night Senator Foraker said on this point; "All the questions arising upon the I'orto H-.co legislation are toon to be passed upon by the supreme court. For this reason 1 do not care to dUcuss them at this time, but it is in order to sny that 1 ho view titKcn by congress, at reflected by that legislation, was creditable to the generosity, the patriotism and the in dustrial spirit of the American people. Wu found I'orto Iliro aB poor as poverty could make her. Site had no money, no creilit, no system of taxation of any kind. Shu wanted a civil government and u revenue, to support it. We gave her a far more liberal civil government than was ever given to any territory prior to ' the Civil War, so far as participation in . it by her people is concerned, nnd we dealt by her more generously in provid ing support for that government than wo have over vet dealt with any territory, i "In requiring her to pay tariff duties, on imports from foreign countries, we did only what we did with Louisiana,' Florida, California and all the other territories; but in allowing her to put j these duties when collected, into her' own treasury, for the support of her. local government, wo did what was never ; done before for anylxjdy else; for in all I other cases wo have not only required ! because it was the easiest and least, burdensome way possible to raise in-1 dispensible revenue for their govern-' ment, and not because it was in any j sense n benetit to either our government or our people j New YotiK. Dec. 2S.-A dispatch to 'The Porto Ittcan legislature is now , the World from Paris savs: The letter in session, but neither that body nor from DrevflI, t0 Vlenivt WB,deck. anj member of it, nor anybody else, has ! Roueall demanding hpHn i... ..(..... ...... ......... - .1 !. . .. irttttii .in vu fcjitrrti vr aiier me lux ernment was arbitrary in character, bnt i he has not made Bnv recommendations. UITI 1 rvrITml I-MT 'Tne department will not act until he has WITH EXCITEMENT;. I Jiear-Admiral Crowninshield, chief of i the naval bureau of navigation, called on secretary Hay to ascertain if the condition of affairs in Venezuela per mitted the HRrtford to go to Trinidad to transfer to the Buffalo a portion of the trained landsmen she has on board, receiving in return the men just enlisted. It is espected ttiat the department will, in view of the dispatch from Mr. Loomis, request that the Hartlord remain at Lignay.-a. A VillHce Letter From Dreyfus to the Premier Demanding a New Hearing Has Aroused All Paris. system so imposed by congress. On the contrary, nil concerned alike testily to the highest satisfaction with what eon- i gress has done, and the request will be unanimously adopted Unit the provision -enacted may be continued, if not in definitely, at least until some sntisfae- i tory system of proper taxation may . substituted. ! "In addition, it should he stated that congress also in the same generous spirit , ex-iupted I'orto IJico from all internal! revenue taxation, another favor never i ! before extended to nny people any- j where. j i "Yes, it is true that the legislation set Pans abloze with excitement. The nationalists will hold a secret conclave to decide upon what action to take in view of the threatened revival of this celebrated "affair" which "will Dot down. ' The impression prevails that Dreyfus is now in this city. Some usnallv well ue , informed persons insist thai bis letter to ; tne premier was carefully prepared after consultation with various distinguished . i . . men, one oi mem Deing especially con- -spicuons. The absence o.' any date to the letter is pointed to as evidence that Dreyfus-is here. Dreyfus' letter nas provoked bv Henri l.lHrktmith Mecl ill- Little-, Snn' Lirp. Mr. H. H. Black, the well-known ; blacksmith at Grahamsville, Sullivan ' Co.,N. Y., says: "Our little son, five, years old, has always been subject to croup, and so bad have the attacks been ' that we have fearyd many times that he would die. We have had the doctor and . used many medicines, but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is now our sole reliance, i It seems to dissolve the tongh mucus ' and by giving freqnent doses when the ' the croupy symptoms appear we have' found that the dreaded croup is cured ' before it gets settled." There is no danger in giving this remedy for it con- ...A Lot of Remnants... SOME CHOICE PICKINGS. Active holiday trade in the Dress Goods section has reduced a number of bolts in ail kinds of goods to short-length pieces. Today we place these pieces on special tables and offer them At Special Remnant Prices If you need wrapper or d material for a waist, a skirt, a nice tress or sometninc suitable lor a child s ?chool dress it will be to vour interest to call earlv and look over the following: BLACK GOODS -at ?hort lengths- Special Remnant Prices Iiochefort'sassertion in the Iutransigeant tr.ins no opium or other injurious drug! ami may tie given as continently to a babe as to an adult. For sale be Biakeley, the druggist. laKitie-e Art. Kullriiailvil In. CnifAtiO, Dec. L'S. A special to the Kecord from Vancouver, B. C, says:1 John Watchorn, agent of the United j States Immigration Bureau at Tacoma i left today for Washingtui, where he will j lay before the authorities the details ofai complete system of fraud perpetrated in ' defiance of United States custom laws, ! at tho international boundary line be tween here and Seattle. With Inspector Healey, of Vancouver, Commissioner Watchorn has lately un earthed the facts of how a large number of Japanase laborers were railroaded across the border. The Japanese were hired out to farmers in Washington mid Oregon through large Japanese eon- for Porto Klco was a 'departure,' hut it is not true that it was a departure 'from correct principles.' " Drowninc Story Was- h Fake De Moines, la., Dec. 25. Telephone messages from What Cheer, this morn ing, declare there is not a word of truth in the story that forty-nine school I children were drowned there while skating. I Conversation with the ladv operator j in charge of the exchange at that point ! stated that the storv was a ioke bv some ! ' I the legislature; that, goaded by the iu- trainmen, and thev first told that the ! suits of the opposition will order an in- accident had occurred at Pekay, a little vestivalion, which will result in another town near What Cheer. The ridiculous-court-martial on the ground that new ness of the etory, she declared, is appar evidence has been discovered. The , ent from the fact that there is not a wiser nationalist heads severely blame I pond in town big enough to hold ten that Dreyfus sent to Emperor William in 1S4 a document stolen from the German embassy in Paris, which docu ment constituted direct evidence of the i crime "fur which'" the ex-captain wires, j "I have been twice condemned uu ! justly." Everybody believes that if an inquiry is accorded it will mean a revival of the case. The nationalists are palpably 1 alarmed lest Dreyfus' former counsel, j now stronger than ever, may find a ' formidable majorltv in both houses of ' Pieces varying from '2 yard: in to 5, ' Kochetort for precipitation a new dilemma. ( The World correspondent has inter i viewed several leaders in the senate and ! chamber. They simply expressed satis- T- I . .... . i i ii-iniTiiir I irMvins r 1.11 npi n-inm- annn , with the inspector iiere iias been making . i...i. , . , : , ..... ... r.. ...v..... !!.. ,.,( .1,.. : ',..... .... .,: Biiiicuieni ami sum uiej .,........ ;i mil iiiyl- ilmwuii. ins reports stale j .United States, we ilid not levy 15 per . than about 1700 indigent Japanese iu nil ' cent, but wo remitted 85 per cent, of the I have been taken across since August. existing rates on a number of articles,) ltoslvu. CL-alum and Australian coals ! the payment of these same duties, but we have required them, when they were ' tractois collected, to be paid into the national; Two months ago Secret Service Officer treasury at asiilngton ior the ix-nellt oi , sj.irgent was sent from Washington and the whole country : and as the duties on people, let alone forty-nine. The story is the outgrowth of the Pekay "joke.'' Henriettas, Cheviots, Serges. Ottomans. Soliels. Scicilians. Moscorites, Brocades. Creponnes, Ladies' Cloths. Trecots, Etc. The linings of your dress should be good if cood resnits are ex pected, outlining depart ment is complete with the best of everything, at the least in price. Short Lsnc.hs in Fancy Mixed Goods Plaids and plain colors, waist lencths, skirt and dress leajths, also some choice pieces ot Satin. Lining Silks. Waist Silks, Trimming Silks all at Special Remnant Prices Come Early ! ! For DANCING PARTIES the many little necessities are best bought here. Party gloves, party slippers, party hosiery, party fans, etc., etc. A. HI. Williams Co. and tho whole duty on all the rest, and by the Stadelman Commission. 21-lm expect that an investigation will be granted. Kochefort, prcud of having raised a rumpus, talks hotly about traitors and declares that Drevfus' letter is a bluff. , M v. A XllOIMHIIll rollCUI'ri Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. , King's New Discovery for Consumption ' am now n well man. Knblipil flit Oral r . j A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the ; subject, is narrated bv him as follows: ' "I was in a most dreadful condition. My I j skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, j tongue coated, pain continually in back ' I and sides, no appetite gradually grow- ; ' ing weaker day by day. Three p'nysi-1 cians had given me up. Fortunately, a I triend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; and to j my great joy nud surprise, the first J bottle made u decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and i I know thev saved Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, mid which lias been, in U8o for over 30 years, lias borne the signature of uiul has been made under lite per- ly yg- Hoiml HiiperviHioii since its infancy. COCCtfZt Allow no one to deceive vou in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" ore but Experiments that trillo with and endanger tho health of Inl'atits nnd Children Exucrionco against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare inric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It umtaius neither Opium, Morphino nor other Naruotic Mibstanue. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nud tillays Fovorishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nud Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Frieud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars tho Signature of bad mmnletelv iiir(i hnr 11 Jirwlrim 'cough that for many years had made life a burden. All other remedies and 1 doctors could give her no help, but she ' savs of this Roval Cure "It soon re- j i i moved the pain in my chest and I can ! now sleep soundly, something I can , scarcely remember doing before. I feel ' my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try thetu. Only 50c, guaranteed, at Blakeley's drug store. 5 (I router Krlt' CiiiihI. j Ai.iia.vv, X. Y., Deo. '2$. A barge ca- j nal costing $('J,000,000 following very i closely the present lines of the Erie, ex-1 like sounding its praises throughout the ' cept that while touching large cities, it univorse." So will every one who tries j may not bisect them, is what State Eu Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble gineer Bond will recommend to the leg of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c ialature on or about February 2d. Tne nnd $1. Trial bottle free at Blakeley's most minute details will be given in the drug store; eyery bottle guaranteed. 5 report maps furnished, and even the( May F.ireoViTr7.ulatT.MttT7AccauntliiBii;,lr'i:'er of the soil throtU'll which the, 1 i I. ..:ii i... i ik ' New Youk, Dec. 2S.-A dispatch to I ts,,,uue ",H " 1,1 the Herald trom Washington savs: If j Probable that electricity will be recom- the view of Minister Loomis is adopted i im1!(k'd f(,r U10tl '0Wl'r , . bv the state department, Secretary Hay Lieutenant-Governor Timothy L. will probablv bring pressure to bear on ! Woodruff, who !, in the city, is positive the Venezuelan government to respect 1 th,U tl,e recommendations will be agreed . ri..i,la nf m v.r VnrL- .c n.,rmn,i.,a,. to by the legislature, for he asserts that 1- It- .'5' If- J " R" 5 .5 '5' r C. J. STUBLilHG, WlIO!EVLE AND KKTA'L Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Nest door to First National Bank. Phone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON. The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TT CCNT.UK COMPANY, tt MUBHV BTWtfT. WtWYOHKCITV. j Asphalt Company. A dispatch has boon received from the minister, bnt its con- tents will not be otlicially divulged by ! the department. It is understood, how 1 ever, that Mr. Loomis indicates that the revolutionists are not making any head I way and that tho government Is in con 1 trol of the situation. At tho same tituo, i ho apparently does not think it advisable j for tho truining-ship Hartford to be w ith I drawn as desired by tho navy depart ! ment. ! Mr. Loomis has begun his iuvestigu- tion of tho controveny bet ween the New i York A BBrniuduse Asphalt Company j and the syndicate consisting of Charles 1 Wainer, P. H. tjuinlnn and PSulllviin, already twenty-tlve nuunbers oi the seu- J ate are in favor of it. If the legislature ' passes it the measure will go before the : people next fall. To remove a tioublesome corn or bunion : First soak the corn or bunion in warm water to soften it, then pare it down us closely as possible without dnnv-! ing blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm trt ue daily: rubbing it vigorously fur t v - inii'titis i-.t each application. A corn plaster should be worn for a few days, to protein it from the shoe. As a general liniment for sprains, bruises, lameness and rheumatism, Pain Halm is uneqtialed. For sale by Blnkeley, the druggist. Sick Headache abtoluteiy and perma nently cured by using Mokt Tea, A 1 $ i .00 per month. Strictly rlrst class local and long distance telephone service within your home. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con versation will be kept a secret. No cost for installing. You get the standard Huuuing Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night service. We will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel same on giving us thiity days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. I in wliii'h tint Vt4nnzm0im itH'ninniont ! transferred tho concession of an asphalt , ,,0!,91ant ,,or dr,nk' ,CurCi til"tio ! ' !.,. .ii.,i 1,1. ii,., w v.ri- (. n ' nml indigestion, makes you eat, sleep ;l,ki', claimed by the Nort ork & iter- ., Satisfaction enaranteed or ! tM.-l,:i, U rrU n rU 1 a mudeso Company. Mr. Loomis believes t mo,.y back. '-'5 cte, iiudSOcts. IMakeley, O U-U&Li 1 UO AUi X ilu V-J.11 vjilivAC that the action of the Venezuelan gov-1 the druggist. 5 I