FBUIM.K CIIWIMI AMI lilllNO. j Jim Abbott, thti Wapiiiitia sheepuiar, is in town, I Hugh ,Irtckon, the irrepressible stage limn, in registered at tint Umatilla House fi'om upiuitia. aiAiutiiii). On Christina, at lite residence of tlu bride's father, Thum.ts Hatnu', of Boyd, .Mr. .minus tiutesou ami .miss Annie t. Kaniu? were united in uiarriuu'e, l P. Underwood ottiuiatitig. The bridegroom returned from Manila List summer, after completing three years' service for Uncle Sam in the West Indies ami the Philippines, but was compelled to surrender to enpid. BROKE THROUGH WHILE SKATING Drowning of Forty-nine School Chil dren Xear Foster, Iowa Two Escaped. D.iVKXroiiT, la., Dec. 'JS. A startling rumor is current here that forty-nine school children were drowned while skating on the river near Foster, la. Say the ltepurt Is True. Des Moines. Ia., Dec. 2S Telephone messages by way of Oscaloosa and Ot tumwa say the report of the drowning of forty nine s-hool children at What Cheer is true. The children were skat ing on a pond near the fair grounds, and tue accident occurred about y o'clock 1:1 the evening. Wire communicati n with What Cheer cannot be obtained nt present. Two r til Children K.cueed. Chicago, Dec. 'JS. A special to the Times Herald from Burlington. Li. says: A telephone message from Wash ington, la., last nijht announced that fifty-one children were seating on the river near Foster, Monroe county, when the ice broke through, forty tune of them being drowned. The message announced that two of the youngsters, badly bruised 'and utterly exhausted, manag-d to reach the land and give the alarm. Telephone and telesiiaph messages to every point near Foster has failed to bring confirmation or denial of the story, and there is no means ot tracing the origin of the first message, Foster is a email to.vn near What Cheer, and is lo cated on the Milwaukee & St. Paul rail road. Every available point having connection with Foster, either by wire or railrotd, was roused, but could get no information. It is thought here that the report is probably not true. The telephone exchange at What Cheer closed at midnight without either con firming or denying the ru trior. Many persons hay had ttie experience of Mr. Petei Sherman, of North Stratfon'j N. H., who eays, "For years I euflertd torture from chronic indignation, but Kodol Dyspepsia Cure made n we'l man of me." It digests what von eat anil is a certain cure for dvspepsia and every form of etoniach trouble. It gives relief at once even in tht worst cases, and can't help but do voo good. Soid bv Clarke & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacv. NOTICE. 7n future auv and all inquiries rela tive to delinquent taxe? must be made to the county clerk, an he is custodian of delinquent las ale record and rolls. The frherifP having complied with the law in making sale of delinquent taxss, he is completely out of the tax-collecting business till March next. dll'-lm Ifor Rent ur Sal. The Sam Wilkiuson warehouse, on Firet street, is for rent or sale. It is a three-etory, corrugated iron building, -110x33 feet, with water elevator. Apply to Ham Wilkinson, The Dalles. n20-tf Koslyn, Clealum and Australian coals by the (jtadeluiHti Commission. 21-lm LASS f Baldwin's Celery Soda cures a hendaclio at onco. It in a peas ant, opioid iufr. effurvobcent drink Hint iicta immediately. It cleans: and pur Him the stomach, gently quiets tho nerves and rollavm all pain. It. oures kick unl niTvomhti.luolifs, HtiaMckncixuiid uin lid Xatitfuo. 10c, 20c. 00c. $1,00 ( ln. & Falk.liie Dalies, Onjfon, Throat Troubles "Hardwell, Ky., where I live, is in the ex treme western part of the State and only a few miles troin Cairo, 111., where the Ohio empties into the Mis sissippi l'iver. It ina be thatth -oat troubles are common here be cause ol loea tiou, but, whatever the rca-oii, I find it wise to con stantly keep a supply ol Acker's ling- lish Bcmcdy for Consump tion on hand. It is the best thing I ever came across for coughs, colds and throat troubles', and I have used it in my family for years. No druggist here can bo depended upon to have it always, so I am writinK this letter to W. H. Hooker Co., '-'JO Broadway, X. Y to onler a dozen bottles at a time. My wife is bothered lately with sore throat and difficult breathing, but just as soon as the dozen bot tles get here. I will give her a few (loses, and she will certainly be well again . I expect to writo another letter in a short time saying my wife is cured, for I feel absolutely sure it j Is what sho needs." (Signed) T. A. White. SolrtataV.,50c.and51abottlc, throughout thn riiiitf.il States and Canada : and in laic' land, at 1. 2d.. L's. 3d., -. Gd. if you are not satislied after buying, return the bottle tc your drugprist, and get your money back. 1IV authorize tht above rruarcntee. IT. 11. UOOKEU i- CO., 1'rvprictxs, .Vew lorL For sale at Blakelev's Pharmacv. lllUi DlSAf PJiARS , Hither It .Never i:Mted or It sii ii lv lli-noatli (lit- 1nter of the I'nelllo. Illl. ! The i'nited States, hvilrograplii'- of lice i.s about to wipe Morrol' i-l-ind off the face of the map. .Morre'I i.-land doe not at present rear it. head above the water-, of the l'aeitie. As a matter of fact, remarks the New York .Sun. there may be hundred-, of just such islets, as .Morrell islam! was tint described as beiiitr whose exist ence is not indicated on tho be-t of I mariner-' charts. In some portions of ( the l'aeitie. the ofticiaU of the h.ulro-l graphic cilice -late, ves-els newr go. Of eoui-.-e it is impo.-.-ible to make the definite -tatement that there i- any spot in the ocean which ha- never been passed by some vessel at some tittle, but the chances are vastly against either sailing' ves-el or steamer having ex plored a jrreat portion of the waters of the miirlitie-t of oceans. Airain, there are undoubtedly a num ber of i-lands charted on the map which exist only on paper. 'I'll tailing ves-els which first the Pacific were manned by small crews and carried abort! them most imperfect chronometers. On many occa-ions they did not stop when they came in the icinity of land, but sim ply 'recorded in a more or .'ess earele-s fashion the fact that the M-s-el had sighted an island of such and -ueh size at the latitude and longitude in which the captain thought he w.is sailing. C'apt. Davenport, of the iiydrographie office, states that mirages which ap pear from time to time in those .-cas have often been recorded as actual laud. He says that many of the Pacific islands now chartered will turnout io be nothing more than mistakes in the vision of curi-Ie.-s navigators. C'apt. .Morrell staltii in the nei'ount of hi.s voyage that he had .-igiiti-d the is land in latitude 2!) decree.-. .17 minutes north and longitude 171 degrees .'11 miniutes east. The whaler' captain describes the island as being about four miles in circumference, flat, and so low a.- to be nearly level with the water. Kxtending around it were reefs! tor about :, miles in the west and ;it) miles in the southerly direction. An other very small island was reported as being; close to the greater one. The time was .Inly. and ill the sea.-on green turtle were to be found in abundance. As no one lias ever reported t lie island in the locution mentioned, ("apt. Daveii port i.-o the opinion that either it ban sunk beneath the waters of the ocean and completely disajipt ar d or that Cnpt. -Morrell mistook hi- latitude. lie might well have niistaki n some one of the .Midway i-iand or Itryce or I'i :i-l is land for the one he describes a in' have miscalculated his location by adi-t.itiee of several hundred miles. There ure inn .v rteurueii instances ot liiai'in jrs of ti:e period having made even tcr .iter mistakes. At any rate (.'apt. Cobb, cmnmai dlntf one of the Pacific mail stcaim i. Mates that h" has pa.-ncd over the f;eat!." of Morre'I iland on k eve nil .ce imis. Lieut. .laiues M. .MI'ler. of 11 ; i'l ted r . (I T. e States llayship Onialia, itj.' -: time .since that (.apt. ( itu'.'i Ci. of JVklii;r. hud eau-td a lookout to be iiade when hi this point on hin.vtiiy fii.iv U wieh islainlj, to C'IiIiih, but t 'it- i.-land or i!l?eolo:-ai'io!i ot tl . anywhere (.b-ei'.allje. w .iter ! l lie lute report or a w s-. -i m jieelally lo im for of the merehantti of the positive jiiforniatjon not exist. With thi drogniphle olllee wilt issui. nil eharU henceforth leaving only blue water for the fcpot wlue Morell Islam) in now In dicated, and Uncle .Sam must strike one oil' of the long Hal of Ingiilur posses sions which liu.ii as aciiuirid of recent yeui'ji. ..I. Ufa l,l" ' "Jit , ... . . n mirier 0a nf im inn m ..u.i h i . 118 II basis the hv. .!..., ii r nl nthftr ll.m .t. noil Iii.,.! ". '"'JKU t"l'lVO('.') earn of the Wlllmnclto .,., M. 'A. Donne!!, 't f NotlUU Of UlMNIlllltlllll. . K,tc .U.U .. nership heretofore existing between! I I.- ,i..,. ., i ti. ... i ii i-i I"- ouiiinnisiii:, aiiiniiii-iriii'ir nn ine win J. t. Adcox and Iheodore II. Ltebe, I annexed of the estate of Jonathan Jackson, de ll nder the Grm name and stvle of J. E. ! f,';",',!1,'!"1''1 ? ",u"1 V"' 1Mt ckA,,,e in tho eountv court of said V.u-co County, Ore- Adcox & Couipanv, IB tllia dav dissolved uoh.hiiiI natd court lias, hy mi order duted tliu i i i.- i 1 Hth liny of December, ltmu, iimxiintcd Tlilirs- i . - 1 - - .. from said firm. Theodore II. IJebe will u iiiuiuiii uuiiReni. .1. i'.. iii'riv reiiririt' 1 ..,: i. i. t !., u ,' .,,1, UU3.MCB3 vi oitm uini unwci tue name ami style Ol J. fj, AUCOX 5c I .,nti.nr:..o.i i.. ...:.... i. " :rn3 "r. .v... lu. u. c.u uiui, and al 1 claims against said firm should be presented to him for navnient. Dated this 10th dav of December. 1900. 1 J. E. Adcox, , Tiiko. H. Likiik. I I desire to announce to my patrons and the public generally that in ass-uni- , ing control and manaitement of the jew ( elry linn of J. E. Adcox & Co. I retain ' tbe services of J. E. Adcox, which ib a sufficient guarantee that all work in-' irueieii to our care win oe repaired in u workman-like manner. Respectfully, 2w Tiiko. II. Lihiik. Wanted A second-hand fire-proof suiu. .uusi ue in liooo condition and not too large. Apply at the Ciikoxicus Office. olll-tf Dyspepsia can bis cured by iisinc; Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little lauiei, win ive imineuiate reiiei or, money refunded. Sold in handsome tin i boxes at 'Jo cts. Blakeley tho druggist. ! That Tlirolililiif,- lleHilaclio I Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for .Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try lliern. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by Blakeley, the druggiet. ,r Now is the time when croup and lung troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only harinlcBS remedy that produces im mediate results is one Minute Cough Cure. It is very pleasant to take nnd can be relied upon to quickly cure ujughs, eolda and all lung diseases. It will prevent, consumption. Hold by Clarke & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. "1 have used Chaniberlain'H Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find it to bo a great medicine," (says) Mr. E. S. Philips, of Potent, Ark. "It cured me of bloody flux. I cannot speak too , ii,,, "'K'" ii. reiueuy iiiwaya wins leuu nay, and at tho front door of tho county " V ihe good opinion, if not prnieo. of tliOHi ' 'urt Jiuimo Jti liiihea i;ity, U'iimh County, tio !' ?':' who use it. The quick cures which it i ri (I, ejrectH even in the most severe cases ' which the defendant.,, 1 , . pi ' J u e t a ' i! I o i , !-i id-1 niako it a favoraito ovoivwhere. For ! l'iuct, or either of them, had on the '.'7111 dav n , of j tale hy Blakeley, . he druggist. ! "V ei'S "L !"I.,.,:..VV " I I, nl U II 'I'l.I-, ..I I highly of it." Ihis remedy always wins 1 1 1 11. 1 , 1 Help Is needed a tonne when a person's life Is in danger. A neglected cough or I if.trinii .....I n.lidi. tl......l I...... J KI1J'U UIJ,. U.IIDI .IIIUI,, l.lf.l llll'U iroiiDies. fsoiu ny uiaiKe v faiK'fl r. u. I'harniacy. The uiont efl'ectivo little liver pills made aro DoWitt's Mttle Karly Jilsors. Thev never aripe. ft'old by Clarke & J'alk'H i'. (J. Pharmacy. - ,'S " - Mi " 1 I '11 ii itliilrlif .it .i-.iL.Ku .....I ..,.1,1,. .....I ' ...... 1. ...... 1 vi si t! U .1.,,., I vnivn iuiijjii3 tnjii iUiuii uini itiiti iiiu ruuiii will 01 Uc )0 t tJC'Ukt 'i riMilci I li il I I I UlH I... a ,.a,.lt ,t l..n....l.M,. (if kix'lliili tliri.it i n nil 1 k.i. . 1 .'. OVER-WORK. Hundreds ofi Lawyer, Preachers. Actors, and other overworked Professional and Business Men who thought they had kidnuv trouble have told us thev had never been able to tlnd anything to equal Lincoln Soxutil Pills for the euro of that pain in thu back, and the all gone feeling that so often precedes paresis. Price, $1.00 per box buy of your druggist or'scnt by mall on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY 00., Pt. Wayne, Intl. Agent, Tho Dalles, Or. The Chronicle, The Dallas, Of. dob Printers. NOTICE OF FINAL SKTl'LHMKNT. i tho County Court of the. State of OroKon- ,N9liVu ls hetehy kIvch that the undersigned, mi,, jijiji jt uiiiiiinij. Kill, 111 lliu Ulllir 1 - o'clock In tho afternoon of smiil day.as the . i.... t,,.. ...... i i -;ut, ... ..... . . . iiuieanu me county court room in the court i nou-c at Dulles City, U.-croii, ms tliu place, for j mo nearini; ot .said nniil account anil of tlie oh lections thereto. If auv there lie. All heirs .."....i other Kou uni iuui , csiaie, are nereuy noiiiioi mid reiulnsl to pre sent and file their objection to said m.eoiint. it !'"' they have, ur or before tlie time set for the heiirinir thereof as aforcsalil it. K. HALTMAItrfllK. Administrator with the will annexed of the. estatu oi Junatluiu .lucksou, deeeasisl, dl'J &t NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. JUmjOfhck atThk Dai.i.ks, Or., , December 17, hum. I .Notieo Is hereby clven that the fiillmvlni iiumisl settler lias Hurl notice of Ills intention uiiiiMKP imai jirofiiin supixirtof his clidm. mid ttmisniii priMir will be made. Iieforo the rclsir mid receiver of the I.'. S. land ollleo at The uaiies, ur., on Saturday, January ffi, lwi, vu Francis A, Olirlsl, of The Dalles, OrcKOll, ILK. No. ll'.Tli, lot S'.vi-, NK!t and fc';, Ns;t bee. J It ii K W. M. s ' for the o, i i n nc iinmes the folloulne Hitiiesses to jirovc , V aaidianii, vi,; cuiiivaiiou : J. Ii. Hall' D."l) Nelson, Chas. tillison, Alex iiivi,aiiui luu iaucs, wreKon. ileeis JAY I". Lt.'CAfc, ItcKlnter. NOTICE OF FINAL .SETTLEMENT. . Notice In hereby Kiven that the iindersiirncsl has lllod n Itli tho clerk of the county court of int-siiiiu in uicKuu.jor nseo county, his hind ill-count as administrator of thn estate of Helen llradford,dcccasj.l,iiud Unit by mi order duly made on the llth dty of Dicember, Itmo, by said court, Monday, the llth day of January, l'.Wl, Iiuh been llxud us the time, and the county court room of .said court as the place for thu hearini: of objectious to hidd final account. . !'. T. IIKADKOUD, "CC15II Administrator Sheriff's Sale. In tho Circuit Court of the Stuto of Onvon for Wahco County. Jon'f.h ruijuct, I'lalntlir, vn. K. X. l'iiiuetandO. L. l'aUft, DcfendanU, Hy vlttiio of an attachment, execution, decree and order of wile, duly IhmicI out 01 mid under thu teal of the Circuit t'oiiit of tho rflatu of OiCKon. for the County of M iittiiotiiai , to 1110 i!liu'.-ted mid dated tho '.'Itli day of November, Ti'.. 1 . j,'." iviiuiTwi nun eniereu 111 (.aid Court on thu .'7th day or Jummry, lh'J7, in tbu abovo entitled cuum, In fitvoi of the plain till mid inriilufct the defendants, , ',i,,uet audO. L. I'ltonct, im JiiilKinent debtorh, in the fciun of four huiidiisl dollars, with lateriist thereon from thu Willi day of K'ptember, IS'Jl, at the rate of eisht per cent per annum, mid the further bum of Iliteen (ll.i)dollarii, ivilli Inteiest thereon t tlx per cent per milium from tho'. '7th day of January, lh'J7, and lliu further bum of thlity.ono(:i ) dollars, costs, iUI, thu costs of mid uiin thin writ, and eomiiimulliiK inu to makoHaloof tliu ten I property hereinafter do-b'-r hid. I will, on t in :lkt ihn- ,,i iu 1..., l'joo, at the hour of i! o'clock In thu afternoon of" I ... H.villlUHUI III III unts herein, have i-lnin nc-'i ill 1 ti . 01- now have in mid to mo foiiouiniideseilbcd real ".ini'i'ity ',U.'I0,M' Ulll Wasturowntv, Oregon, i.e J, j( 1 uiui 111 niisco louniy.oieuoii.mid iMiiialnlmr onehiindrul and M.l (li.j aeies; or ko much of mid proieityas ulU hathfy huld Juiliiiiient mid decree, with costa and iiecrnlia; co.ts. bald property will bo 10M tublect to conllrnm. tiou and ledeiuptlou us by law provided. ,,".tHl ,','L'1,1U ''"llu! "r.. thlHiithduyof Du eeinber, 1000. ' c .,. .")l,liKT KKhhV, di fcheilll imcu County, Ohkoii, SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route 'I ndus leave 'I lie Dalles tor ruitliuul nnil nj-stnlloii-iit I '-' ) 'a. i"i"' ;1 !' Leave Portland s::!0n m Alkuiy l.nn in Arrive Aidiliiiul IJIiim " Saenimeilt'i fi.lkl )i in " i-ml i.'ranel'.eo 7: li p in ?:Oi p in 10. M . in 1 1 :::o i in l;:t'i ii iii MM,'. ii in Arrive OriIom " Deiner " KmiMisiaty " Chlerti;o .. r : 1 " ii in jam a in 7 ii m Til'jii in lIM'ui in 11. mi a m T :'.''. a m '.1:1 a in Arrive li- Aiiceles " Kl I'aMi ' l'ort Worth " City ot Mexico . " lloii-toa. ... ' New Orleans . " Wii-liliiKton " Xuu'York .. t:'.ilim i!.(l )i la . i;::)hi in . ;i:.Vhi in t;iim . i'i.'J i a in i'iiIJii in .WM.ll. m 7.la in li'.IKI i in ii ;:ui ii in ;i v. a in I .(Kill III n:j , in I'. l.'a in I j-i i i in l'nllmnn ami Touri-t ear- on hoth train Cliulrears Saeiainento to listen anil Ml I'jim), ami tourhteari to rhleiiK-o, nl IjiiiIh, Nuw Oi lcans and WasliluKtoii. I'onneotlin; at Han Kraurhro with several vteainslili lliu", for Koiiolillu, .lai.ill. Ctiliin, Philippines, I'entral and snutli Anicrlea, sieu iiKent at The Dalle- .station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, (icueral I'a cimor Aitcnt, I'ort.ainl, Or Yellowstone Park Line. Till: DINING ( Alt ItOftl. I ltOM I'OIITLANI) 'IO Till: LAsT. Till; ONLY DIItLTT LINK TO Till-. YKI.I.OW- SI ONI. l'Al'.K lrivk, Union Depot, Fifth and I sis .umivn. No. '.'. Kast mall for Taeonia, No. Seattle, OlympJu, Gray's' Harbor ami South llend iKiiutb, Spokane, ltos. laud, II. (.'., l'lillmuii, ' Moscow, b;wUtou, lluf 11:15 A.M. f 11L 1 1 i 1 1 in t 111 In inx t-i hi n - 5;ffll', M. try, Helena, Mluueatn.' din, tit. l'aill, Omaliii, Kansas Clly, St. Ivnils, 'Chleai;o and all points I No, I. I east mid bouthcast. No.;). 1'iiKut found Kxpress 11:30 l'. M. for Taeoma and Seattle 7:10 A. M. 1 and Intermediate points I'lillmmi llrst-class and lourlEt lceK.Th to Minneapolis, st. l'liulaud .Missouri river points without ctianxe. Vostlbuloil trains. Union depot connection in all principal eltle.-. llnitKiiitu r.hcckisl to destination of tickets. For tiand.sotnely lllusuntnl descriptive mutter, tickets, slecpliiK-car reservations, etc., call on or wrltu A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General l'asseiiKer A c-ilt. 'iV. Morrl Kin Street, corner Third, I'ortlauil Oregon. A DM I N 1ST li AT( ) UK NOT 10 K. Notice Is hereby kIvcii that tl,e unilerslitued bus been appointisl by thu county court of Masco county, Oregon, administrator of the esluto of KranclH ltos. deceiisid. All persons havini! I'laluiH axalnst the estate arc hereby re. "lllired to piesent the same to me. duly vcrllled, at thuolllco of W. II. VVIIsi.i, in lialhw City, OreKoti, within sl iiiomUis irom thu date hereof. D.ittsl November 10, l'.iou. tii:o. r. ito.-.s. novlu Admlnlsirator UXKOIJTOIt'S NOTIOF. Nollrc Is hereby ulven that the iiiiilerklun..,!. executor of the will of Andrew V. Andv-rsoii, deceased, has filed Ida 111, a I account In tho county court of thehlatool Orcj;un for Wasco I'ounty, and said coutt Jiiis i)iponled Muudav, the 7t)i day of January, 1W1, at the hour of Id o clock a. in,, us the time for hearlm; objections thereto mid lliu sctlleinent thereof All i,eiru creditors and other pemons inlerestisl In said estatoaru therefore hereby ieiiilred to tile tlieir objections lo said account, if any ihey have, 011 or before thu day set for the hearliiK llieieof. , 11., ,,uv, 1,,, r.niii, nl7Wt J. (!. IIOSiTLl'LKIt, Kxceutor FRENCH & CO.. BANKERS. lKANHACTA KN'KKAL HANKING JltlrilNKH fitters of Credit isaued available in the liastern htatea. Bight Exchange and Teleirriinlno Tranafera aold on Now York, Cliicago, fit. Louis. San Franciaco. Portland Or. gon, Heattle Wa8h,.and various pointa in wrcgun mm waBiiington. ivoueciiona made at all pointa on fav ruble term. Belgian Hares to Lease. I have about 100 thoroughbred doea that IJwlll lease in Iota of 10 to renpon elblo partlea 011 aliaren. Apply to 0. 10. liA "AKI, Tho Dalle?. jjit. i;. k, h.uri 11, 0sj(M)llfl. "Irnul II, Chapman W.icK, Tho Dalles ..,.,, ,,,,,, .,. f, M111' ,ul I'l. 1.1,11 I ION. I LtMiOn ik at 'in n D.11.1 1.-. ,111.. , I UlCe.M'ii l ill I nl. ( Notice It. heiibj naiiii'ii hciuei has (lied 01,11.. 1. ..1 1,1 1 ....... ...T. .0 iiiiiuu Hum .rooi 1 1 HI iii 1111 1 of his claim and that mid proof will be ,,!,! ,5 !,,,!! tin. reuVs eM 1... 11.. .. . . ' " "in iiiii; 11111 I nnd welter at Tho II.iIIoh, (hlil 1, . 11 isailit-, day, laiiiimy pj, mm, i,., """" Soutnern Pacific Go. hi em Pacific "'l"! MIH'l;ClllllKt, , ll.'V'. M 'a MW! bt'"' ''.'I'.'-iN-11. Ll hl"...oim;?..,!,H '"""Wl'iif witnessus lit prove ol ' id!i land, 1!'I upon mid cultlv'iilon m(i','.1V'"'",1''' J"001 "I'lwochhurer, Ahlo V. Miir.h, I'erry Vaneamp, all cl Tito Dailus, Ore' -IAV 1'. I.UOAS, UeaMcr. 0JL&NL i iiur.MiT Mir. 1IIIK MUllUllll.K, I'l'.OM llAl.l.KS, Aiuuvit I hum Cast Halt Lake, Denver, Kt. Mull Worth, Omaha, Kan ll.Xt p. in, fas City, SI. Unils,! ChleaKo and Mast. l'nt Mll l;0S ). m Allantli! I.Sntt Lake, Denver. I't. Lxi.ie.s- Worth, Omaha, Kmi-I IM: a. ni I'.'Hia. iii.i -a- Ctty, Ht. I.iml.1,, Via lliuil Indian, Chicago mid Kant, Himkime Mall and I.XplC'SS Wiillii Walla, Hiiokiitie,! MllilleiipolN. St. I'aill, IMI tilth, MltiMillkee,, ChlciiKii mid Hast, via sipokanuakd llillithii; ton; iiImi all points la Washington mid l.nM em OreKoii. Hpokaiiu Mall ami Lxpll'M y '.VI p. m :t M . ru s p. in. l'ROM I'OltTiANII Ocean Hle.iiiiKlilpi. For him Fimielseo Kvery 1'ivo Dav. l. m. K p. 111. Kx.niiniliiy SaiilPlny 111 p. in. Cotiiraiilii Itv. Kteaniers. Kx.sum?. To Ahtoiua and Way 1. Hidings. , fill. in. WlLMMItTTK ItlVKIl. pjlln.ffi, V.x. Sunday Orrxou City, Nowheri;, Lx.hiuiilHj halem ,: way ljiad'n. 7 a. :n, IwiLWMerrr. anh V.im- Tues.ltiur. IIILI. ItlVKHS. ! and hal. Mliciron City, Dayton, mid Wiiy-LauilluitK. I !l:Sf) ii. ni. Mon., Wed mill Krl, Lv Itlparla ilnliy hNAKK ItlVKII. It tj.ii tin In lAiwlntou. Lkavk i.hwiston dully ti.Wn. m I I KMT 1'arlies desiiniK to o to JlepimiT or jmii on I Ill in bin Sniitheril via ItlXKs. fllnllll tiiKe No .'. lenvliiK 'I he Dalles nt 1'J IO p, 111. mnkln iilrn't coiiiiecllons at llnipner Jiinctlnii and IIIkks Item rill UK miiklUKillicetcntiueottori at ii'..iner Junction and IUki?s with No. l.ar iUI'ij; at 'I he Dalles at la..m p. in. 'lhed It. A. N. Meainer "Moioe'"ls now rank I'.ik reuul.ir ttl. to .ntem nnd IiiK'.-iiiIiihi' utopphiK ill all way lanilllurs. rihe leaves I'uii land 0,1 Mombiys, Wtstnenlays mid Krlihrs ' o a. in., .irilvlni: at Sn'cri I p. in,, ami linlti-eiul uuee about ii p, in. on smne days, Keliitnliis 1,1 1.1 1 le.ncs ludcpcnil'.'iico nt ". n. ill. nnd Silcm at 1. n. in on 'IucMlays. 'I IiiiimIujs ami hatur days, nriiviui; at rorllmid about a p. in. same days. Kor full particulars call on O. II. .v N. Co, HKCiit 'I he iiiilli.'s. or uildiess W. II. IlI'ltLltrilT, Gull. I'as. Act., r.irthitul, Ur NOTIO10. Ity vlrtuoof an order or the council of D.dlex Cltv. VrcKuti m.ideon llio-Mth. d.iv of Novum bur A I) I'.ioo. notice Is iiun.'tiv ulvcn that on the said UJtti. day ot November. Usui, tho s ilil council declared by rusolullnu adopted, ttini that portion of U1.1 .sldowalk situated on tli" uortliurly -Ide of Fullou Stiee'. and IvIiik he tw ecu tho uorl hens t corner of the Mpuire formed l.v the Intersection of Kiltl l-'nltim Htreot ttllli Wushlmxton .Street In Dalles City and a point loo fuel cist nt .Mid corner on Mild I'ulloa Htreot. N In 11 diirik' runs coidltlon mid In ueeil of behiu rebuilt In that said .sldowalk lsnc.il;, dce.tyeil and unsafe to Irnvol upon, and ll was deter mined by bald council to rebuild tlie .same ami Hut the cost of rebuilding said MdowalU In. chawd lo the owner or ownersof the property abulia); on .suhl iHirllon of suld Milewatit de elated in a U.inxeroU'. loailltlon as by law pn vlded. ThK notice Is published for II davs from l'. lib day of December, r.N), by order of tin council of Dallus (,'lty, walch order was miele Nov SHU. it")" Dated at Dalles Ct , Or.. Disember :id, I WO. NIJI) II ti.VTIIH. Ilceordur of Dalles t'Hv jrTa it- atxtzta-ti v-rJijrrJL-rA.-T'Arj i L. Lane, (iKNKI Wagon nnd Carrlago Work. Fish Brothors' Wagon. I Third audf JcITcrnu. Phniifi 159 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Diaests what you eat. It. artlllclally d Ificsts the food and aids Naturo iu HtroiiKtlionlng mid recon- Bans. It iHtlic JutestdiscovcicddlKCHt' nnt and tonic. Ko utlior iiiopuralion can approach lb in utlluloney. 11 in Htantly rcllovcsainl ponnanontly cures DvHpopsla, Indigestion, Ilcartlmnii lOlnt.nliiiK.n. Snnr Klomnrdi. TsInllSCU. ! KlAk- Hmiflnnlin flnnf rnlirlii rirnniimillld all other results ot Imperfect dlKestlon. PfletiMo iinilfl. r.arffnBlinenntalna2WtlmM bmallslzo.tloolcallaliiiiitdy.sDeiislainiilledtreo r rcparea oj t. r, ocivitt co., tiijicoyw hold liv (J ur it A: 1'iiIU'm I O, I'liariiuii'y. - . fi le ONK FOR A DOSE. PILLS Kum-ivi. t'luipliM, l'fvont 11 I UI1HII1.M,. l.nrif t l,,.lll,.... Car.. UnmUchi. mill llnii niiV S. :al 3 Blacksity j AN D at Horsesnoer tr t K'1 ri"' ic i ily a niri'i.rir liiw, 1 ru",f .'"hliori.-rli... n.ii.l'kun. Taw to t.-Jjabjdrurfij1,u.iji '.usani; 1 co, chlu