The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 28, 1900, Image 3

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    Special lew Tears Offering
Flannel Waists
They are in cardinal, navy blue, lavender and
I black. I'reUily made wKh pleated full front
and French back. Attractive in appear
, ance no less so in price. Regular prices,
I $,,.25 to $0.00.
Less 25
It is not too late for
Christmas Gifts. . . .
iIen's Slippers Too to $1.50
Ladies' Warm Slippers 85c to $1.50
Ladies' fell, lined lace shoes $1.50
Children's felt slippers 75c to $1.25
in all
in the
All GooclH Mnrkotl
In Plain FIkui-oo.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
" '
Oysters .
,i '. nrlMw W ilnr's.
All Wllxmi County wiirritiits rcclnturml
prior tu Miilnniliiir I, I HOT, will l pulil
tin iirioiriiliiiliiii lit my olllri-, liititri'Mi
i:i'iiHtH nflur N'ovi'iiihnr "l, HMD).
,1 (III N I'. HAMl'MlIKi:,
FoundA lady's black mitten. Owner
(-.hi linil It at thin nll'icc.
The local price for wheat h til 1 remains
u cents u IiiihIiuI fur No. 1.
Professor Sandvig's children's dancing
c.ass tomorrow' afturnoou, at U o'clock.
Wanted A girl to do general house
work in a hinall family. Apply ut t IiIh
nllice. U8-dlw
Kuiersmi Williams has been iippointt.'d
io,itmii3ttir at Ivingsley, vicu .lames
Ward totired.
Lust Christmas eve, in tho I'iiiat End,
a black fur mitttiu. Finder will oblige
hy leaving it at tliiH olllco. USUt
Tlio young.uiuiuburs of thu liar, of this
city, huvu organized a dub fur tlio pur
pose of holding weekly discussions on
questions of law.
Scats for the Diorko recital can bepto
curoil ut I'arkiiiH it Mouefeo'H. Tliu
price of admiHhion luifl been placed at
50 cunts ho that all lovurH of music can
Do not forget that at tlio Nov. VcarV
inaeqnuriido lull, at the Baldwin, prists
will bo given for tin bod sustained
ehiiructort) and tint most eumiiwl cos
tumes. K, E. Beaniuu, of llnppniir, has a
llerefoid cow that has had tlnvu calves
witliiu tint past ten iiioutliH, mid all art)
alive and thrifty, tliu must recent uveut
lining twins.
Granite has refused to allow u liquor
license to a dealer who pcfiiats in keep
inn bin huIooii on tho Htiit. Ho claims
tliu right to remain betraiiso he wan thoro
bdfori) the town wusieorporated.
Tim following Ofd Fellows from Gol
diindalu arrived horn today and will ut
loud the meeting of tliu lomvl lixlun to
night ; .loo StulU. O. A. Holder, I,. A.
Duncan, Win. MeEwnii, Timid Must
ors, W. T. D.uiib, 0. M. Kyinun and
Donald Furry.
Why pay (utioy prices to puddlcis
whim "you can ltd IMy or Muhoii &
Hamlin organs, the hi'Ht in tint world,
from your home dealers at flu lo fit)
loia tiiiui thoy iuo uakim. OiUl ut 1. G.
Mukiilsen'n music store.
Kov. I). V. I'oliiiK ri'fdviid u telegram
thin morning from Rev. O. F. Clapp,
superintendent of thw liomu iniHflloiiH of
the Congregational church in Oregon, j make more millions and mare?" writes
iinnouiic'iii: that he would arrive here I "An American Mother" in the January
tomorrow and remain over Sunday. The j Ladies' Home Journal. '"It it) not po
announcement of the services conducted ' with the older races. 'Hie London
by .Mr. Clapp while here will be made i tradcHtnan at. middle age shuts bis shop,
in tomorrow'H OmtoMCi.i:. j buys an acre in the Biiburbs and lives
The other dealers in town cannot Bell J " a F""1!' income or spends the rest of
any pianos and organs. We are bavint; ' life in loping it in poultry or fancy
tbimjH our own way. Of course we are I gardening. The German or Frendimnn
almost civinK them away, and we dare ; neldoni works when past 00. He uiveS
not rush into print with prices, as it . bis last years to some study or hobby-
would make them still more furious. ! "'- a micro'-cope, or it may De domi
Call ut Nicl'.elsen'ri music store, where "es. Vou meet him and his wife,
the Wiley 1!. Allen Co., of Portland, I iHy. direwd, intelligent, joBU'inp all
are bavins their lemoval sale and turn-' over liurope, Uaedeker in Hand. I'hey
j tdi you they have a curiosity to se'
j line world before they u'o put of it.'
Another 1Ioiu't Cioiin.
ItlrUlon niul Annexntlnn.
Startinj; in some little paper in East
ern Oregon, a demand for the division of
that stato at tlie Catcades is being agi
tated, and newspaper comment all over
the No'thwest on the question, has be
inrne general. In view of this desire on
the part of Eastern Oregon to break
away from the domination of Portland,
it may bo highly interesting at this time
to recall that about twenty-five years
ago Walla Walla, says the Statesman,
was agitating the question of breaking
away from tho domination of the Sound
country and attaching herself to Oregon.
The files of the Stitosmari fot 1S75
and 1S7G are filled witli opinions along
this lini. Many petitions were circu
lated in Walla Walla, Waitsbnrg, Day
ton and other portions of the Walla
Walla country for alt that south of tho
Snake was so called asking congress to
annex this portion of Washington to
O egon. On December 18, 1875, Mr.
Kelly, member of congress from Oregon,
introduced a bill changing the bound
my lines of Oregon so as to include all
that portion of Washington territory
south of the Snake river. As soon as a
copy of that bill reached Walla Walla
numerous petitions were circulated and
generally signed, asking congress to paES
the Kellv bill. The county commission
ers of Walla Walla county forwarded a
petition, as did many of the Granges of
this section, for at that time the Granges
were numerous and of considerable
strength. Tt peemed to be the general
census of opinion that this change
would be beneficial to this section of the
Suit Has Wonderful Toner.
Joeph Burger, an old and respected
( it:..
iiuiia. Jim , 1.... r 'in... m,.ii i r. lif....:.. . .
ii ' requiem, ui i n- imnrs mm vjamu. ma G,jUP.Ko proiessors have not become yen
minus i . ,nln .1- .i ... i.! i.,, . .
pioneer of 1819, died at his residence in
I this city at 11 :!!0 o'clock Thursday night,
ing the world upside down just now
(.!. P. French, who owns an island of I
fifteen acres in the Columbia liver, near j
Mosier, add makes a specialty of raising
chickens, keeps about l!U(
chickens aru not profitable, but he
if he could raise water from the river
and irriuate a clover patch, to give the
l I ... . 1. .1 !...
Ileus gieeu .eeu ... u.e ...j m-u.u.. , ma , iMm gf lv,p ,., roI1(lered him
they would be more prolitable.-llood , t)nu!t.(! (1 y Thtim.
River Glacier. , mwjlllte UllUfcH 0f dm, strangulated j
The family of M. P. Isenherg held - I ht-rnia, from which he eutlert-d ititoiieeiy
reunion at. his home in P.elinont i (Uirini; the three dosing weeks of hiB '
.i . 1 . .... it... !....!. 'P.. ! . I
(jliilsimaH (lay, says uie u miner. Jullife.
say that all had u merry Chiistimis! j0K,.,,'n p,nrt:ei' was born sisty-nino
would he drawing it lightly. The laen-, Vlare lxj,n j .Mansfield, Ohio. Uncrossed
burgs know how to enjoy u ronuion. ; tu pj;,,,, lt Californi.i in IS-Waud for
The boys got M. I', out to the barn and i yi)lni, Wliq (.ngngod in mining and other
made him dance a jig, and they do say OU(!U,,utions in that slate. He came to
that he hoed it down in good old Vir- j Oregon about thirtv vears ago. and for
Salt, just plain salt, or sodium chlo
ride, as chemists call it, ip about to take
a new place in the world, for two uni
vqrsitv of Chicago profeors, working in
the quiet of their lalnratories, have
found that it is the long son.'ht for elixir
of life. They have found that sodium
chloride, or salt solution, when gradu-
lated to the right proportions, will cauee
a, heart which lias ceased to beat to take
up its rythmic action and do it? work
again. In other words, they have dis
covered that a cirtain solution will re
vive life that is extinct.
Professor Jacques Loeb and Professor
D. J. Lingle are the discoverers. The
i key word to the whole discovery is what
these scientists lnve termed "ions."
Professors Loeb and Lingle have bfen
experimenting all summer on the auri
cuiar and ventricular muscle, and have
found that certain "ions," or electric
current solution0, furnish life's prolong
ing principle which works on the heart
muscles through the blood. Silt in the
blood in certain proportions they have
discovered to be the cause of the heart
beat. The results of experiments of the
erally known yet, as they are prepating
a story ot their summer's work for pub
lication. CASTOR I A
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of Ju&&7'
Never before has a music house in The
Dalles deliveied in a single day as many
giuia style. In justice to M. P. it should ,mun. V(,,ir8 was engaged in the express nianos iUid organs as we did on Christ-
be stated that the boVri put up the cigars tmRjn(.ps n 1 1 j i m city. Ho was married j mil8 l!Ve jiunv were the homes made
before he consented to dunce. sixteen years ago to Mrs. .Uelle Dicker- j im,)!)y. And now for the new year.
The name of the team that will meet jjson, who survives him. ) Every piano and organ must go. Prices
the Dalles boys on New Year'rt day is j The deceasei' was a hard- working, j out no figure with us; they will not cost
Portland Football Team, u leyular or-honorable man and a good and worthy vou mm.u There is lots of tun in the
uaiiiKaliou that has met several elevens
thin season and thus fur has not met do
feat. Members of the lucil football or-;
ganization, and others interested, will
call on our citizens with tickets in tlio
very near future. Help the town by
assist inu' in meeting the expenses of
bringing the team to The D.illes. """f
The members of Columbia lodge No.
0, I. O. O. F., anticipate an unusually
pleasant meeting this evening at 7 :!!0
o'clock. There will lie work in tlio
initiatory and first and second degrees,
and they have been nutitled that a laigo
delegation of brothers from Goldendale
will he over to pay them a fraternal
visit. It being the lust meeting night
of the year, ami of tint century as well,
a full attendance Is much desired.
Sunday being the dosing Lord's day
of the year, as well as the century, Kov.
U, F. Hawk, of the .Methodist church,
extends a special invitation to the mom
burn of his diumh and the public at
large to attend services on that day.
Special inniiic is being prepared for the
livening t-ervlce, and he hopes to see the j
(iliuiuh crowded at that lime. Young I
Mrs. Beatrice Barlow-Dietk-', P irt'and's brilliant virtuoso, will appear in a re
cital at the Methodist church tomorrow (Saturday night. All lovers of music
should hear this, remarkable artist, as few opportunities of the kind are afforded
Dalles people. Tickets 50 cents ; on sale at Menefee & Parkins'.
FC Corsets
z? These Corsets cars be' -lir&J
f 'if had in all the latest UfN
:'!? Kf.vmp. inolndiiifi the Y "'C t.f J
"a I O
liF Th
new Gfirdle, at
e Fair.
The Place where you can pave money.
Steam, hot water and fnrmicn heatuig. Edtimatea
made and contracts talten for heatim: old ur new
Thst we operate a plumbing and tin shop, also a ma
ebitie icpair diop in connection witn our hardware
and implement store. Repair woik of all kunl.- done.
1 m.&WB & CROWE.
citizen. He was a member of the mU8it. trade now.
Ivniubts of PythioH for over twenty i H0Wever, it is all
years, and the funeral, which takes j Btore.
place at 2 p. m. tomorrow from the resi- ; - )ui,t (l1 ,( "
deuce on Third stieet, will bo conducted W(Jl UlH n,1Vu,e(! )nrV frel))y wjti, I
under their auspices. i jiy8terious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
ICx-Pii-Kldi'iil lliirilson TiIch Uoll. I auti inu inun .o guuo.
Have you noticed it?
at. Nickelsen's music
Sold bv Clarke A-
One thousand styles and sizes
For cooking and heating.
Prices from $5 to $50.
When Edward Box, editor of Tho
Lidies' Home Journal, heard that ex
President Hariison was .iracticing golf
on a links near Indianapolis, he took a
new ball out of his golf-bag and ex
pressed It to the general with the wotds,
"Drive this."
In a few days came back a dispatch:
"Thanks. I have. But doesn't a
bottle of liniment go with each bull.
" Benjamin Harrison."
It, of I'. Attei.tlonl
Tho otllceis and members of Friend
ship lodge No. I), K. of P., are huieby
notified to to appear at. tiie castle hall
011 Saturday, Dee. L'Dth, ut 1 o'clock, to
attend the funeral of our late brother,
.1. Merger. By order of the C. 0.
I). W. V.ujhi:, IC. of U. ei S.
Experience is tho best Teacher. Tfo
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to
give immediate relief money refunded.
25 cts. and o0 cte. tilakeley, the drug-
' Don't fail to see the meclmi leal toys
1 at the New York Cash Store.
1 Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday,
' Don't. form this.
1 A
people especially invited, f you have i H vour hair is dry and dead-like, Co
failed to consider tlio blesslnes w hich ' coaniit Cream Tonic will give it life and
the Giver has bestowed on vou through
out the year, do so at tliu services of the 1
dosing S.ibbath of the year.
"If it is not tine that we Americans i
regard mouey-iimkliig as the work for
which life was given ns, why, when wo ,
have millions, do we go on struggling to
It is pronounced the finest
tunic on earth. Can bo had at'B
barbei shop, agent. litl-lm
U vou have dandruH', your hair is
falling out. Use Cocoanut Cream, For
sale at Fruzer's barber Hhop. niMni
Subscribe for Tun Uiiuoniui,i.
A Gran I Maiquerade Ball
. . . .will bo given. . . .
New Year's Night, Jan. 1st
at Tho Baldwin, by
Prof. Sandvig. . . .
Tins will be the event of the season,
and all who purpose attending should
make due preparation. Masquers will
in all cases be required to unmask be
fore a select committee before entering
the ball room.
The genuine all bear the above Trade-Mark
ana ore sow wim ttti.vw.
Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900
mien . I TUB UIORL.D. O
Sold by First-Class Slove Merchants everywhere.
1 MuJo onii by Thu Michigan Stove Company,
. v. t '-v y "N. w. ? '