The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 28, 1900, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
- - - DKC. L'S. 1900
Catarrh Cannot lio Cured.
with local applications, as tltoy cannot
' reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you mint take inter
I nal remedies. Hali'a Catarrh Cure is
,,,,-, .. . , .. . taken internally, and acts directlv on
Shall Great Dritatu now be free to , th(J b,ood nm, ame0M lloll.B
assume and exorcise dominion and ( Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine,
plant colonics in Central America? It was was prescribed by una of the best
asks the New York Times. In the j physicians in this country for veers, and
Clavton-Hulwcr treaty she lioiim! '8(a,T 1 1 " . .cam u
, " , . i of the best tonics known, combined with ,
uersuii nut iu uu unu. it, is nu ,ui,m(wm,i i,i.o .,,.. .it.n..
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
do that. It is
said that the Monroe Doctrine will
restrain her. lint, why was it
necessary to embody an express pro
hibition m the treaty of 1$:0? The
treaty was law. The doctrine is law
only for us, merely doctrine for the
others. If they chose to disregard
it we must stop them with fleets and
armies. With the treaty in force we
are free from all concern about at
tempts to control the destiny ot
Central American republics. We
shall not be free from concern in the
future, for at auy time a straining of
relations may lead to unfriendly
demonstrations there. That is a
complication created, a dead question
mado alive, by the amenders.
There is the further question of
Nicaragua. We must now make a
new treaty with her, and she must
rrakc a new treaty with Great liritain
before we can begin the canal. In
the treaty of 1SG7 with her "the
United States agreed to extend their
protection to all such routes of com
niunication as aforesaid, (meaning
the canal), and to guarantee the neu
trality and innocent use of the same.
They also agree to employ their in
fluence with other nations to induce
them to guarantee such neutrality
and protection." All that becomes
a dead letter if the amended Huy-
Pauncefote treat' is accepted. A
new treaty roust take the place of
the treaty of ISO". liutXicaraugua
also has a treaty with Great Dritain
by which she is hound not to grant
to the United States or any other
power any exclusive privileges in
regard to the canal ; and Great Britain
is bound not to permit such exclusive
privileges to be exercised oy any
power. We must ask these two
powers to be good enough to oblige
us with a new treaty not containing
the offensive restiiction upon the
exercise of our preference for a war
canal of exclusively American make,
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in !
: "v. . i. l.' l ..,: : .. i I
VUllUt, VUUlllll, CVIUl IUI IC3UU1UII1U13,
F. J. Cheney k Co., Props., Toledo 0.
Sold bv drrugpists, prico 75c.
Ilairs'Family Pills are the best. 12
1 :
Nntleo of involution of I'lirtnniltlii.
Notice is hereby given that I lie part
nership heretofore existing between
Grant Mays and L. K. Crowe, under
the firm name of Mays & Crowe, was
dissolved Dec. 1, 1900, Grant Mays re
tiring. The business will be continued under
the old firm name of Mays & Crowe by
L. E. Crowe. All claims against the
firm will be paid, and all accounts and
notes due the firm collected by him.
Guaxt Mays.
L. K. Ckowk,
In talking of Chocolates please
remember that we carry a full lino of
LOWNEY'S. just opened, fresh from
thu factory. In plain and fancy boxes
for Christmas trade, and at prices to
suit. Don't forget that we ium head
quarters for the best on earth. Name
l.OWXKY settles it.
Geo. C. Blakeley,
The Druggist.
Bt Mil Will tl..
You will not have boils if vnu take
Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
A full line of Eastman dims and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Falk.
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are i
the best. Ask vour grocer for them. '
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
.. m .. '
and sunburn
& Falk.
Manufactured by C'arke
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when yon can buv James E.
Patton's sun uroof paints for $1.50 per!
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & j
Falk, agents. ml j
DeWitt's Little Early Risers are dainty i
little pills, luu they never fall to cleanse
tlm liroi ratmi'u nlutr ilt inriu f w( 111. '
viiroratf the svstem. Sold by Clarke & j
Falk's I'. O. Pharmacy.
The stale auditor of Kansas has
prepared a bill, which he will endeav
or to have passed at the coming legis
lature, making it an offense punish
able by fine or imprisonment for an
assessor to assess property at less
than its true value. Such a law
would not work here unless some
plan could be invented whereby pro
ceedings would be inevitably insti
tuted against the offender.
I Hustling young man fun make ?,G0 per
month and expenses. Permanent posi
tion. Experience unnecessary. Write j
quick for particulars. Clark & Co.,
Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadei-!
hpia, Pa, sS-tf !
Don't usp any of the counterfeits of
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Most of!
them are worthless or liable to cause in
jury. The original DeWitt's Witch Hazsl
Salve is a certain cure for piles, eczema, !
cuts, burns, sorea and skin diseases.'
Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. '
When you need a soothing and heal- j
ing antiseptic application for any pur-
pose, uso the original DeWitt's Witch ,
Haze! Salve, a well known cure for piles !
and skin diseases. It heals sores with-1
out leaving a scar. Beware of counter-;
feits. Sold by Clarke & Felk's P. 0. ;
When the stomach is tired out it must
have a rest, but we can't live without
food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure "digests
what you eat" so that you eat all the !
good food you want while it is restoring I
the digestive organs to health. It is the j
only preparation that digests all kinds:
of food. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. 0. j
Pharmacy. !
The three great mechanical toys of the
aze the speedway racing gig, GO cents :
clown, stubborn donkey and cart, 4fi 1
(rits; the African letter-carrier, 2U cts.
For sale bv the New York Cash Stoio.
s lW?
A Village IMackmnltli Saved 111 I.lltlo
Son' I.lfo.
Mr. II. II. Black, the well known
blacksmith at Grahamsville, Sullivan
Co.,N. V., says: "Our little son, five
years old, has always been subject to
croup, and so bad have the attacks been
that we have feared many times that he
would die. We have had the doctor and
used many medicines, but Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is now our solo reliance.
It seems to dissolve the tough mucus
and by giving frequent doees when the
thecroupy symptouiB appear we have
found that the dreaded croup is cured
before it gets settled." There is no
danger in giving thiB remedy for it con
tains no opium or other injurious drug
and may bo given as confidently to a
babe as to an adult. For sale be Blakeley,
the druggist.
To ClimiKo FitliliiK Seanon.
South Bund, Wash., Dec. 20 Chinook
fishermen will ask thecoming legislature
to change the fishing seaeon. They de
sire that fishing begin about May arid
end November, making a close season of
the rest ot the year. This would allow
silversides, steclheads and dog salmon to
go to their spawning-grounds in Novem
ber and December and Chinook in the
remaining four mouths. As it is now
with the cloee season on the Columbia
from August 10th to September 10th, the
river is too low and the fish too weak to
reach their spawning grounds,
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep
and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money back. 25 cts. and50cts. Blakeley,
the druggist.
PORKand BEEF; Just What
Fine Lard and Sausages ;
Ciirers of BRAND
A complete line of Fall ami Winter
Suitings, Pantiuu"! and Overcoating, now
oil display. 100 different varieties to se
lect from.
Suits, $20 ard up.
Call and examine goods before going
elsewhere. Stcond street, opp. Mavs
& Crowe's.
mm Besiaraoi LinS,
L. Y. Hong. Prop'r.
First-Class in Every Respect , Blacksmith,
.mi:,vi.s AT A 1,1, HOUItS. Wagon Shop,
Oysters Served in any Style. HOfSeShOOiflg.
ST Eceon.1 at.. The Dull., Or. jfj BlaCkSlllitll SllieS.
j. E. FALT & CO., I
v Proprietors Commercial Sample Rooms.
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered (o any purt of llio City.
,,1,0",;3: sis1 Long Distance. 173 Second Street.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Broad, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
Of tin product "f tide welUkimtin brewery tliu United Htatew Health
HuportH for .Inuc US, 1000, h.ivh : "A more super lor brew never entered
the liihrHtnry of the Unitfd StateH Health reportH. It 1H ulnollltely devoid
of the lighten!, trace of adulteration, hut on the other hand 1h coiiipdhi'iI of
the het of malt am! choicest of Imps. ItH tonic iiualltieH are of the high-
eit and it can be uM with the greatest, henelit ami HutiBfnolion by old mill
young. ItH nee can eou-eienlioiHy be prenmhed by the pliVHiclaiiH iritli
the certaintv that a butter, purer or more wholcHouie beverage couhl not
.oi),i,. i. r,,,,,i
fulfil!.. "
Bust Second Sfcroet. THE DALLES. OREGON.
New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety aa wo are showing; never be
fore graced a eingle gtock. Heal imita
tion creton effects at ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours
for a small price, at our store on Third
street. Also a full line of house jminto.
D. W. VAUSE, Third St.
Grandall & Burqet j
All kinds of undertake BuniaSh
Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc.
Tho Dnllos, Or.
For sprains, ewellings and lameness1
there in nothing so good as Chamberlain's j
Pain Iialm. Try it. For sale by Blake
ley, the druggist.
Paint your bouse with paints that aro
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke Si Falk
have them.
Remember that Cocoanut Cream Tonic
will promote growth of hair. Charles
Frazer, sole agent.
In all Hm etaea there
thuuld be cleanliness.
Ely's Cream Halm
clcanes, soothci and hcaU
llio disca'cd inuinbrane.
It ciirou catarrli anil drives
away a cold In the head
Cream IJalm la placed Into tho nostrils, spreads
over tho mcinbrano and la absorbed. KellcfU Im
mediate and a euro follows, it la not drying do
not produce tncczlic Largo 8I.C, 00 cents at Drui;.
uUt' by mall; Trial Sle, JO cents by tnall.
U.V JAiOTilEUS, 00 Warreu .Street, New Vork.
.Doalor In.
J. S. Hcjibnck,
II. M. Ilia i.i. ,
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, S? MIIlbeu
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
ton FlOUr 1'1'8 I,'ol,r ln manufactured esprosHly for family
uko: every Hack 1h Kiiaranteed to tfivo eatisfactiou.
Wa eell our (roods lowor than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so
win unit uni. ;ur prices aim do convinced.
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Gents' punnishings.
Hoots Shoes. lints, Cup". Notions. Airt.
for V. I.. UoukIhs nhoe.
SSSSSSgf TUB Dalles, Or.
5. 7V
Ktr.U 't
beliw tlit team. Saves wear nun
o.spcuse. Jold every v.licrc.
i uait. in-
fL STAriDAfiD OIL ao.
First National Bank. ! Highest Prices Paid for Wlioat. Barley and Oats.
Drying preparations Mainly devel
op dry catarrh; they dry up tho becretions,
which adhero to tho membrauo and decom
pose, causing n far moro nenou.4 trouhlo than
tho ordiuary forvi of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants, fumex, smokes and ttiiilfH
and uso that which cleauKeu, Bootlien and
heals. Ely's Cream Halm is such n remedy
aud will euro catarrh or cold in tho head
easily aud pleaKantly, A trial uizo will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All dmigibta cell tho
COo.sizo. UlylirotherH, COWnrrcn St., N.Y.
Tho Balm cures without pain, does not
irritato or cauuo Encoding. It bprcads ituelf
over an irritated (iiuliuifjry eurfuco, relior
iK iiiuuedlately tho painful inflanixnation.
With Ely's Cream Halm you aro armed
ugaiust Kftnal Catarrh aud Huy Foyer.
Clarke & Falk Itaye received a carload
of tho celebrated Jame K. I'atton
strictly pure liquid painte.
9 Assigns
rrrTT-o Copvriohts Ac.
Anrntin Knriillntf n nkolrli und flrtHLTlntlon fn.i
quickly amcrlHlii oiir opinion fiuu v dottier
liiyentlon In prolinblf imlfnlnlilo. I'lniiiiiiinlrr
t luin Hi Icily coiillUeiilliil. lluiidbookon I'mt'iiti
lout frto. Oldcut iiKiiney furnorurliiKlHtleiii.
I'tiiHi.tii tfiLTi tnrfiuirn 31UUII & lu. rucui
l'(dal notice, Hll limit, cliuri;o. In t
Scientific fltticrican.
A liuiidromclr HIiiMrtlnd weekly. l.(iwet clr
i illation d1 uny Kclenlldn Journal. Terms, a
your i Inur montUa, fl. Horn by all newtdealtiri.
MUNN&Co.36'8' New York
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, Biibject to Hiilit
Draft or Check.
Collections mado and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of collection.
1 fik'ht and Telegraphic Kzchanxo sold on
Now York, Han Francisco and "'ort
land. DIK1COTOHS1.
D. P. Thompson. Jho. H. Schknuk,
Kij. M. Wiu-iams, Gko. A. LiuitK.
H. M. Hkai, l.
General Blacksmith
4 H t
ana jiorsesnoer.
All kindH of blnukHinitliint; will receive
prompt attention and will ho executed
j in first-elius shape. Give him a call.
Richardson's Old Stand,
Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or.
Are those who wear clothes thut aro up
I lo-diuo in fit, workmanship and ijnalliv.
I jMy line ot samples covers all tho latest
, deblt'tis for fall and winter, tlm price is
j riKht, aud I can nuaranteu n perfect lit,
Suits to Order, $10.00.
John Pashek, The Tailor.
Str. Routilntor
MtciiuicrH ot tho Ki'ipiliitor l.lnu will ruiriis t llif f'
owiiib i-eliiiliilc. tlm C'ouipiiny rervrvitlK th" rlKllt to climwe
M'iillilllC wit llllllt iintlw. i
I.V llllllc'M
W lit 7 A. M.
r. 'I iiCMliiy .
n 'ii,,i,v,i;...
f( Hutui'luy .
.rr. I'ortluncl
C, lit I-U) i m.
I.V. I'oiti.iinl
hi 7 A. M.
. . M ( 1 1 1 1 : i y
. WnliiOMlny
Arr. liiilltM
ii .' r. m.
Ship your
Begulator Line.
Str. Dnlloo City.
l.v. Dalles
lit 7 A. H.
Wi-ilni'Xiliiy . . ,
Arr. I'nrtliiiiil
ut i;'M v. M.
J, , I'urtliiii'l 3
lit 7-lXl A M. .
, Tiii-Mliiy 2
TJiil I nJi J
niuimI'O' ,a
Air. IMII"-" i
ut .i r 4
fc. Travel liy tlio .Steamers nl tlm Ili'Killiilor l.lue. Tho (;nmiiiiiv will eiulviivor to Hive II" I'"' 5
l; " uiu wi rviviui, iioic, ror iiiiiiiui' lllliirilliilioii nucirusM
t, l'ortluiiil oiiico, O.ils-Stu-et Dock. W. G. ALLAWAY, Gon. At.
fetifing from Business.
Closing out my Entire Stook Regardless of Cost.
Dry Goods, Olotliinii, Boots and SIioch, at much less than wholesale
piIcuH. Will noil in hulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers.
Entirq stook must he closed out before 30 days.
All uoode will h sacrlllcod except. Thompson's Glovo-fUtiiitf CoreotH
and lluticrlck I'atlerns. Your prices will he mint). Call early and secure
Cornor Second and Court StB.