A BRILLIANT A brilliant ovation was tendered Beatrice Harlotv-Hierku Inst niirtit at Arion hall. Never before in Portland musical history ha? a yountr deluitunti been received with ?ticl marked favor. .A big ntnl fashionable audience, com posed larch of critic! musician?, up jplituued !ir to the eclr. She was fairly buried in flowera after every num ber, until the Arion parlors, wheie the fragrant offerings were deposited, began to resemble a florist's shop. All persons of thoroughly unbiased judgment will prolnbly concede tbat Mrs. Dierke is a virtuoso whose tech nique cannot tie redded otherwise than a9 extraordinary. Tliat she is endowed with aetomshini; powers of application and memory is ar.kmovledued iiy all who .aro familiar with iier repertory. This -embraces most, if not all, of the great compositions for piano that are on the CHINESE POLICEMEN. Queer Officials of the Celestial Cities and Their Duties. Detncen 15,00(1 Hint 20.000 of Them Itequlred to I'reierve Order Wltli tn the U'nlU of the Imperial City of I'eUlnnr. In costume a Chinese policeman is something' between a circus clown and ti football player. His breeehe- are iihvays hnsy and very well wadded so clumsy yon wonder how lie ijets :irouud in them particularly when, an jk often the cj.-e, lie wears a coat, also thick and clumsy, coming we'.l below the knees. Dark blue is the prevailing :olor, set ofT and accented wi'li binds Jind facings of lighter blue, red green, maroon and brown, hut never yellow. That is the tiered or royal hue, per mitted to nobody below the rank of a -viceroy, says, a foreign paper. In the treaty (Kim that is to say, thoe open to foreign influence- and "Oinmerce the polie" force Is large1! made up of Kikhs from northern In .lia. The ret. jo, perhaps, is tint the ' hine.-e thenue.ve.-. are so e.-?f.tially wwurlike; they have a proverb to the flTeot that "no good man is ever a sol dier." As men in the pay of the Chi nese government, whether natives or not, the have taken an active part in the present troubles in China. The police rank ollicially as gen- liarmerie. In I'eking the head of them is always a Manchu. Policemen must be phntier than blackberries in the Chinese capital. The sacred or im perial wal'.ed city keeps between 15, 0O and e.O,0O(J 0f them. This walled -ity is two miles wpiare. with two great trates in each wall face, half a mile from the corner and a mile from each ither. Uroad streets stretch straight rrom one to another, thus cutting the paee inside into a big niiicblock. Po lice stations are scattered al! along he nine Kpiares, especia'ly around heir outer edges, which face upon the passway inside the wall. The head of J he police hus charge of all the city jMtes. They are nine in number since Jhe side next the pa luce has an extra jjlltc in the exact middle of the two mile wall. Pollcetren in this, the Tar tar city, belong to what U known as the Eight Uauiier corps. They do not 'aiT,v nrnis, not even so much a the baton of a civilized oilicer, but );ee; xwofds, spcar, gutu. and cutlase in a at the st jtioiu. am! uiak-' a rush .-ir them when lhi-.y liear the slgnul jruu, This find .y an ofl'eer whose "jieclal charge It in, - ither upon order or if in his own judgment it is neee--snry. The penalty for lluag it at the wrong time is severe it may be deg radation and banishment or simple trangulatiou. I'pon parades and reviews tits police .leu are always armed, especially if VIRTUOSO. ' ' programmes of the leading virtuosos of tneday. She is absolutely undaunted by technical tlitlicultiea of any sort. It is impossible to refuse admiration for such amazing pluck and energy. ThN is the rirst public appearance (if Mrs. DierUe in which she has bad op poriunitv to show more than a single phase of tier art. A year or so a.'o she was heard in the same hall in u single programme number that was designed to exhibit her remarkable technique. It wa a tmld challenge sent out by a sjirl of IS for compaiiton with Rosenthal himself. Since that time she ha made trreat -.rains in her art. Her teeliniiitie is cleaner, her cantabile is purer and sweeter, her interpretation more sympa thetic. Oietronian. Mr?. Dierke will izive a recital at the M. E. church Saturday evening, Dec. 29th. foreign deviK are to witness the re view or the p'irade. The weapons are curious looking, bu wicked in the ex treme the three-honked spears they all carry in particular make jagged and ghastly wound-. Resides the 20V 00c within the waii Peking maintains a force of 14,C) with which to regulate affairs in the outer city. They are under conii-.'and of the same general officer and governs! by the ,-ame regu Iitioni. though there are variations iris-in from the (iitlVrenc of situa tion. -Men and oflice r aillce furnish 'heir own uniforms, but are armed h the state, and receive a month) ,rice allowance in addition to their pay. The chief get.- a fair salary, but the men and subordinate ollicer.s are mea gerly paid. Xotwithstandinir. they make and .-ave woify enough to retirr after moderate terms of seriee. "in iluence" in the shape of cold cn-di -tands the pri.-oner's friend in China even more than anywhere el-e in the world. In fact, hut for the "presents." the force is allowed to xjiice.e on; of natives and foreigner alike, there iniirht be dilliculty in getting men' for the service, even though humanity is cheaper than dirt cheap all over the Celestial empire. old i:iiiiif in i'uii"iiiii'. According to un I'ngiish consular report oil engines are rapid) advanc ing in fuor in Palestine for the pur pose of drawing water from the deep wells to irrigate the orange gardens. Hitherto tiie water was pumped by animal power. There was a large wa ter wheel and from four to eight limits were required to revolve it, according to the isit1 of the wheel, jt Mi's INKS'". I, DUALS. Wo recoi'iinend Lazell'e perfumes. Try it. M. '.. Donnell. lS-dlw Lazell'a perfumes for Christmas at Donnell'e. IS-lwd Don't fail to see the mechanical toya attlio New Yoik Cash .Stoic. Holiday perfumes at popular prices at M. 7u Doiinelt'o. 18-dhv lioslyu, CI .'alum and Australian coals by the'Stadelman ConimiBsion. -1-lm Our holiday porfu.net) are now ready. A full line at Djnnell'e drug store. Iw Kverj thing that is new and raro in the lino of children's toy? can bo found at Menefee & Pat kino'. Remember that Menefee A Parkins' storo i the headquarters for holiday goods, The mechanical toys ut the New V .rk Cash storu will pleate. the old as well us tliu young. NOTICE. In future any and all inquiries rela tive to delinquent taxes mil! be uiudo to the county clerk, as hu is custodian of delinque nt tax sale record and rolls. The sheriff' having complied with the. law in making sale of delinquent tnxfts, ho ia completely nut of tho tax-collecting business till March next. (IHMiua- 't i i i i v f t 21 f 'an SE .sp an, f i.i.Hiii f.i-im f m : 1 1 T. nl;iaimimu.fTiniiii iin,;t4''.''ttf:''i;ir,,ttjtru.'-uuju4uj.u4,1nlnMr;,i;t unJi-iuJfc iiiiiinrrTTrryriiiiiiiiroryrriTTrtTTrriWtTTfrrrittniiniiniryirinryyif umirj Notice of JMsHiillltlon. Notice is hereby given tliat the part nership heretofore existing between .1. E. Adcox and Theodore II. hiebe, uuder the firm name and etylo of J. K. Adcox & Company, is thia day dissolved by mutual coneent, J. E. Adcox retiring from said firm. Theodore II. Liebu will continue the business of eaid firm under the name and style of J. E. Adcox & Company, and is authorized to receive and receipt for all moneys due eaid firm. and all claim? against said firm should be presented to hint for payment. j Dated this 10th day of December, 1900. j J. E. Adcox, i Thko. II. Limit-. j I desire to announce to my patrons i .t.., n. . t.... I win inu piiouc. Kciieritii v mui ill assum ing control and management of the jew elry firm of .1. E. Adcox & Co. I retain the services of J. E. Adcox, which is a sufticient guarantee tliat all work in trusted to our care will be repaired in n workman-like manner. Respectfully, 2w Timo. II. Likiik. Wanted A eecond-hand firo-proof! safe. Must be in good condition and not j too large. Apply at the Ciuioniclu j oflice. o31 -tf j Dyspepsia can bo cured by using' Acker'e Dyspepsia Tablets. One littlo Tablet will givu immediate relief or! money refunded. Hold in handsome tin j boxes at 'Jo cts. Rlake.ley the druggist. J That TliroliliiiiK lleiiilachii j Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands j of sufferers have proved their matchlesH merit for Kick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 2.5 cents. Money back if not cured. Hold by IHakeloy, the druggist. 5 Now is tho timo when croup and lung troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results is one Minute Cough Cure. It is very pleasant to take and can be relied upon to quickly cure ciughs, colds and all lung diseases. It will prevent consumption. Sold by Clarku & Talk's P. 0. Pharmacy. "J have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarriioea Remedy and find it to be a great medicine," saya Mr. E. ri. Philips, of Poteau, Ark. "It cured me of bloody flux. I cannot speak too highly of it." This remedy always wins the good opinion, if not praise, of those who use it. Tim quick cures which it I efleclH even in tliu most severe cases' make it u favoraitu ovoiywhero. For salii by ISIakeley, the druggist. j Help Is needed a tonvo when a person's i life is In danger. A neglected cough or; cold inuy fooii become sorious and should ' be stopped at once. One Minute Cough , Guru quickly cures coughs and colds and the worst eases of croup, bronchitis,; urippe and other throat ami lung troubles. Hold by Clarko A Falk'B P. O. Phurmucy. Tho most effective little liver pills made are DoWitt's Littlo Etrly Risers. Thev never gripo. Kohl by Clarko & J;"all:'a P. O. Pharmacy. OVER-WORK. Hundrede. of Lawyers, Preachero. Actors, and (itlier overworked Professional and lltislnees Men win thought they had kidney trouble have told u they hud never beeii ablo to find anything to equal Lincoln Soxtml Pills for tho euro of that pain in tho back, and the all gone feeling that so often precede!) paiesis. Price, -tl.00 per box buy of your druggist or sent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY 00., Ft. Wayttu, Intl. M. Z. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles, Or. al Lb PS' ici The Chronicle, The Dallas, on. is it Job Printers. 3S 3C s 3:, I 'I -fi j NOTICE OF PINAL SETTLEMENT. I In the County Court of the Stnto of Orccon . I Notice Is hcrehy given that the uiiilcrMKiiccl, i K. K. Saltnmrshe, iiilminUtrator with the will annexed of the estate of Jonathan JmcUmhi, dr I ceaseil, has lllcil his linal account in Mild estate : in tho eountv court of said V.'iuco County, Ore son, anil said court has, hy an order dated the 'llth (lay of December, l'.wo, aolnteil Thtirs j (lay, tbi! 10th day of January, 1101, at tliu hour I of 2 o'clock in tho afternoon of Mitil day, as the i time ami the county court room In the court I haunt at Dalles City, UrcKon, s the place, for I the heariiu; of said Dual account ami of the 0)1 . jectlons thereto, If any there be. All heir.-, creditors anil other erKus Interested in said i estate, are hereby notlliol and required to pre sent and file their objections to said account, If I any they have, on or before the time set for the I hearing thereof as afoiesnld It. i:. 8AI,TMAl!rtlli:, . Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Jonathan Jackson, deceased, dl- H NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. J-ani) OrricK at Tut: Iui.M!s Or., i December 17, ll0. I Notice Ik hereby clvcn that the follow Im: named settler has lllel notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, mid that said proof will be madebefoie thorexlMcr and receiver of the I.'. H. land oflice at 'lhe Dalles, Or , on .Saturday, January a;, 1W1, vU. Ft-HiiclH A, (Ihrlst, of The Dalles, Oregon, II. V.- No. P'-TO. for the lot .'. KWJ,,- NK)4 and SJ. .N .Sec. ll,Tl h K l i:., V. M. lie names the foIlow'luK witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, vl.: J. It. Hall, I). D Nelson, Chas. (iihson, Alex hnier, all of The Dalles, Oregon. decIS JAY T. IX'CAh, ItcKlbter. NOTICE OF FINAL .SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that tliu undersigned has Hied with the clerk of the county court of thostaloof Oregon, for Wasco county, his linil account as administrator of tliu estate of Helen Ilradford, deceasea, and that by an order duly Hindu on the llth dsy of Dtcemlx.-r, I'.kxi, by said court, Monday, the llth day ol January, I'.J1, has been fixed as the time, and the county court room of said court as tliu place lor the bearing of objections to said linal account. 1'. T. IIKADKOKD, decliil Administrator Sheriff's Sale. In thu Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County. Joseph l'duct, J'lulntlll', vs. F.X. I'aipiet and 0. 1.. I'mpiet, Defetidauts. lly virtue of an attachment, execution, decree and older of sale, duly Issued out ol and under tho teal of thu Clicult Court of the .statu of Oregon, for the County of .Multii'iinn'i, to 1110 dlieuhsl and dated the tilth day of November, lWH, upon a Judgment rendered and entered in wild Court on tho '.'7th day of January, lh'J7, in tho iibovo entitled cakto. In favo: of thu nl iln. till and against thu defendant-. . X i'aipiet ' uii,,u. i iaiit.'i,i jufiKiiii.MiL ueuiors, in tue sum of four hundred (f l('h dollais, with Interest thcieon from tho iWth day of September, Is'Jl, at thu rato of tight per cent put annum, and tho further sum of fliteen (ll-iidollars, with Interest thereon at six percent per annum fiom tliu'J7ih day of January, lh'J7, and thu fiuther sum of thlity-onu (Ml) dollais, costs, and thu costs of mid upon this viit, and commaiidlug mo to inakusaluof the real property hereinafter de seribfd, I will, on tliu glut day of lieieuiber, 1WJ, at the hour of a o'eiiKil: In the af lernoon of said day, and at the front door of thu county coillthoilsu In Dallci, (,'lty, V.aico County, On: gon. sell at public auction lo the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the light, title and Interest wincii uie iieieiiuauis, r. .v raipiet and o I l'auiiet. or cither of them, had on tho '7tli i'h of Janusry, IW, thu dat'JOf the iu.JhiMit, or which such defendants, or any of tie. depjnd- ay mi m ueieiii, navo since ncipuieU, or now have ' III mid to tun followlngdiseilbiil leal piopeity, ! situate and being In Wimuo Couatv, Oiegon, to- wit The northwest iiarler (J-jmf lhe noilhwest 'lllarler (H) seeilon Ovn (, ami the nnrlh u.mt Mijiirter '!i)ot the nortliciut iiuarter ('.i), ami thu south half of tliu linillieiat oiiarlei (:.,) nl sectloii threo(.l), all In townsulii six soutii of rangu twelvu (IV) east of lhe Wlll.inioito Mutl illau lit Wasco County, Oiegon, and c...'iitalulni! onu humlrul and sixty (lli) aeies, or ho much of said protcrty as will satisfy said Judiimvut and ilecro -, witii costs and accruing costs, bald property will bos'ld mblcct to coiillrma. Hon and iixleiiipllon as by law provided. Dated at Thu Dalles, Or., this tith day of De cumber, lti;o, KOJIKitT i;i;i,i.y, il) fchcilir Wasco I ounty, Oiigiui, SOUTH and EAST via MA Pacific Co Shasta Route Trains leave The DaMes for I'ortlauil and way stations at I J.ni. m. and 1 p. m. I.eae I'otlland " Albany Arrive Ashland " Sacramento " San 1'iaiielsco , S'Il n la . .IJ.IiOii in . ,li::ita in . ,VI p III . . 7:l p m ?:) p Hi HI:." p 111 1 1 ::: a m I ;:i' a m .Sil.'ni m Atlhe Ogdou Denver " KalisaiClty " Chicago ... ft I "i it in '.MM II m 7;i'i II in 7; t'i a in II I'm in '.l. (ma in 7. Jo n in j::a a m Arrive l.os Angeles Kl l'avo Fort Worth. " City of Mexico " Houston .. . ' New Oilcans . " Washington " New York . I:3)iin (l.() p m . li'DIIIUI . I'.Vill III l-.KI a m . fi.'A'i a in .. it: I.' a m .iM.ipm 7 ("in m li.lM p m '.;.' it 111 y-.Vi a in l:lla in fr.-i'i p 111 I'J a in 1J' l.'l p m I'lillmim and Tourist cars on both trains Chair cars Sacramento to Ogdeti and Kl I'aso, and tourist cars to Chicago, St Iuls, New Or leans and Washington. Coniieotlng at San Kr.uiclvo with several ste.uiishlp Hues for Honolulu, .lapati, China, Philippines, Ceiitial and South America. See agent at The Dalles station, or r.ddrts.s C. H. MARKl-lAM, (ieueral l'asstnger Agent, l'oiuaiid, Or li Yellowstone Park Line. Till. D1NINU t Alt KOl'll ntOM rOltTl.AND TO Till-. l.A.sl. Till. ONKY DIKKC'l I.1NF It) Till: YKl.I.OW SIONK l'AHU lkivi:. 'UillOu D8POt, Flltll 3nil I SIS aukivb. No.". Fast mall (or Taeoma, No. Seattle, Olympla, dray's Ilarliorand South llend iioinls, sp'ikiuie, Hos. laud, II. ('., Pullman, Moscow, I;iston, lluf 11:15 A.M. falollumpiiilnliigcoiiii' 8;M) V. M. try, Helena, Mluucatn llis, bt. I'aill, Omaha, 1 Kansas City, St. Ijnils, 1 Chicago anil all points No. I. east and southeast. No. a, l'uiret Sound hircs, lli) I'. M. for Taeoma and Seattle 7;t")A. .M. i and Intermediate xnnts I'lillmati first class and tourlit sleijiiers to MlnneaK)lls, St. Paul and Missouri river H)lnts without change. Vustlbiileil trains. I'ulon deimt conueclloiis ill all principal cities, llaggagu checkisl lo destination of tickets. For handsomely lllusmitisl descriptive matter, tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant Ocucral Passenger Agent, '-' Morrl son Street, coiner Third. Portland Oregon. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has liven appointed bv the county court of Wasco county, Oregon, administrator of the estate of Francis Itoss. dcecasdl. AH persons having claims against the etate aie hereby re iilircd to pieseut the same to me, duly verified, at Ihoolliee of W. II. Wll-on, in Dalles City, Oregon, within sl movths from thedale hereof. Dated November 10, 1'.ioo. OKI). I'. ItO.-s, novlO Administrator. EN ECL'TOIl'ri NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned, executor of thu will of Andrew V. Anderson, deceased, has lllnl his 111 al aecolllit III the county court of thcS.taloof Oiegon for Wasco County, and said coiut has apiinted Monday, the 7th day of January, Hhji, at the hour of in o'clock a. m., us the time for hearing obli'ctlduit thereto and the settlement thereof. All heirs, creditors: aim cincr persons interested in said estatuarc therefore hereby required to tile ihelr objections to said account, If any Ihev have, on or beforo tho day set for thu hearing thereof. Dalles City, Or., Nov. 1 lt Ill7 lt .1. C. IIO.iTKTI.Kll, Fxeeiitor FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. I'ltANHACT A KNKHAIiJIANiClMl IHJhl.S'KH Itter of Credit issued availahlu in tho EaHtwrn Statea. HlKlit EikChanKo and ToleKraphis Transfers unlil nti Nun' Virlr (Mii, tu,n St. LouIh. Knn KrAiwiHrn. I'lu-Hmwl l")ri. Kon, Keattlo Wash,, and variotia pointa in urei?on anti wasntrmton. lyoiiectloiiH in ado at nil points on lav rnhlt) terinH. Belgian Hares to Lease. I havu about 100 thoroughbred docH that IJwill luatio in lotH of 10 to reHjioii ethlo partioa on aharcH. Apply lo C. E. P. A V'ARD, n::0-'-'w Thu D.tlluK. j)i:. K. i:. s.i i t in, ()siti.!()Mlll. Itooius Hi Mini II, Oliapinai. lit. ,, The Da I led OlUgOII. KCII.'l NC'ICK l'l! I'l llJ.ICA I ION. i.l.ll, Wl .1 r, ,, in. I .ll.l '., (I I., ( .... . , , Hi CI in 'KM II), I'JOi,, 1 Notleu Is heiiby ghin I li.it lhe followlnif named sillier has filed nolfee ol his lit Ivit I Ion to make, 11 mil pioof ii mpnortoi his claim, mid IhatHild pioof will he Hindu hciinu thu register and lueelver at Tlie i.ille, Oregon, on bullli day, liuiuary l!i liwi, vies Oiesl Olili.L-KiilMger, i'.1.i'I''lt,,.'!'llt'''' 'hcL-uii. II. i;. .No. .'litis f,)f (he ;.!'jw m'1 HW!l hu'' VJ' r- 1:1 llu uaimis Iliu following witnesses In piovu IilscoiitliiuoiiH iu!dciicuupoii ami cultivation of said land, vl, : Jiienl) Whltllu, Jacob Olilugsfihlagcr, Able Y. JUrsi,, i'0,ry vancaiup, all of Tholiallcs, ore.- ''"'ll JAY I'. l,t?CAH, luijlster, in era h 1 nHrwrr I run T I M K SCIIIUlUI.K, From I).i,i.i:s. Ahu.vr Ihom Fast ISalt Laki, Denver. Ft. I Mall Worth, Omaha, Kim IJ i p. in. ens City, St. Louis, Fnt Mall l:0.- p m Chicago and l.ast. Atlantic 'Salt bike, Denver, Ft1 HI , n.xpiess I Worth, Omaha, Kan 1 t'J:ro a. in. I sa City, Ht. l.oul.s, Via lluut'l Chicago and Dad, lu.'itou. I hixikiimi Mall and Kxpicss Walla Walla, Spokane, Mlliueapollh. St, I'atil, Oil 1 u t h, Milwaukee, Chlraito and Fast, via tipnkatiuiil.il Hunting ton: also nil points in Washington and Iji.t in ii Oicgou. Hpokane Mall and KxplcM ti.ij p. m p. ni. Fuom I'onn.ANir Ocean Hteamshlpf. For San Franclsco Kvery Five Days. I p. ni, s p. 111. i;.x.huuilay Bmuid.iy 1U p. in. Columbia Uv, Hleamers. Hx.hiiiu'. in .STiuiiA anil way Iwiudiligs. i I'm. ni. Wif.r.AMKTTK IttVHit. I::h p, m. i:x.hiindrtyOriMim City. Newberg, lli.Hiindaj j Salem A Way l.ind's, 7 rt. Ill, W'lLLAHKTTR AND V.M- p. m, Tues.'l hur.' IIILI, ItlVKHS. .Mmi.,v( and fat. (Oregon City, Dayton,, and I'rI. ' and Wny-I. millings. I v lilp.irla laliy ' l u. in. h.VAKK IttVKII. lllparla to Uiwlstou. I.KAVK l.HWISTON dally U,lit. m I SC)P I'.irties desimii: to go to lleptuier or p iiulson Columbia southern via lllggs. sluaiM ! t.ikc .So .', I'MVlng The Dalles at u.in p. t:i making dlt -et i-oiiuccltons at Heppner Junction I ami Hlggs Iteuirulug niiitilngdin ctcoiintvtloii i at lleppuer iuiietlou and lllggs with Nu, l.ar j tlvl'ig at 'lhe Dalles at l-.-:;jl p. m. j The 0 It. A S'. steamer "Modoi "'Is nm. tail ' 1,,,. r...,i,l... l.li.v t.i Mill. .(, mill I it i.i.,hiiiIi,',.i Mopping at all way landings. Hhc leaven I'ott land on Mondays, Wednesdiiys and FrMsrs nt a. in., arriving at Saleri I p. in., and Imleieiul eiiee about ii p. in. on same days. Itetiirnllii; boat leaves Independence at a. III. anil .Mlcm at a. in on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days, nnlvliig al Portland about :i p. in. same days. For full particular!) call on O. It. A; N. Co.'s ngeut The Dalle. or address W. H HI'ltUH ItT, (ieu. I'as. Agt , I'ortlauil, Or NOTICE. lly vlrtuoof an order or the council of D.illus (ltv. Oregon rn.uluon thu -'ith. il.iv of Novum her. A. I). ltJU. nillleo Is Hereby given Hint on lhe said aith. dav of November, llxi, the Mid council .leclareil by ru.soliitlou adopted thai that portion of tho siduwall; .situated on the northerly "Ide ot Fulton Httei". and lying lie tween the nort huast corner of the siiuare formed bv the Intersection ot .said Fulton htreel with Washington Silreul In Dallies Cltv aud n (mint ll I feet cast of Mild comer on Mild Kill tun .Street Is In u diing'toii'. eonilltlou mid In need ot lielng rebuilt In that, said sidewalk Is weak, dee.ijtil and uuMife ta travel upon . and ll was deter mined bj said council to rebuild the k.iiiic anil that the cost ot rebuilding said sidewalk In) charged lo the owner or owners of the propcrf abating on .said portion of said sidewalk de elared In a dangerous condition as by law pro vhled. This notice Is published for II ilnv- from Hie llh day of December, l'.J, by order of lie council of D.iIIuh City, wnleh order was made Nov . with. tlK.ni Dated at Dalles (Tt, Or., Ihcenlber .Id. I'.mJ. .N'lll) II. HATliS, Hecordcr of Dalles CUT $ L. Lane. ' H (i:ni:i:ai- I Wnyon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothors' Waijon. ! Thinn onn TotTrrinnn PhfiliP lhQ S 1 1111 U (II1U UUIIUl'UU, 11IUUU LOO Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artillclally diBestu the food and aids Nuturo in HlrutiKtiieiilug and recoil atrtictlng the uxliaiiHtcd dliJosUyc or ruiis. It latho latest (llscovurcd (I ii!-'-ant und tonic. No otlinr prispunition cao upproach It in otlUsljn:y. it''1' stantly rcllovcsand pcrniaiitsntly curci Dyapopsla, Indigestion, HcarUitini. jj'ratiilonce, Sour IStoitmcli, JNatisea. aick Headache, GastnilKlii,Cininii.saii all other results ot Imperfect dlcstlo. Irlen5nc3.ftn(ll. tariroslzocontnlnsaM tlrnM ' bmullBlio.UooltoUftl)oiii(tyMiiuislituiiiliodiri.u I 'ioparcd by E C. DcWrr co., cljicaBO , .'-old by Olurlto & Fulk'.s I. O. I'nai mmiv. ONE t?OR A DOGE. iM"m"" ''. ''Udiii', I'myent ' T1"."'! 'i roy lllllllllilig, H HI? wii.il MUllUliUIII, HI,, lhlH'll4, MMl.MWI WlliW" A iiiuvfiiiuiit or thu liiirtuh fucli day Is uri-euiiry f'irh-'Jih. TlM'vni'llbc'vrliii nnrol' liau. Tiu-an- rlrtrn .in. im,. u,ll I i ... ..... i . . r if l. Cu.lbrilrueSU.u. ', -,; ft'cO BiacRsmnn ...AND... Up i - 1 MmtUMMM(MMVlMlj(.'l m