Special Hew rears Offering Flannel Waists They ur; in cardinal, navy blue, lavender and black. Prettily made with pleated full front and French back. Attractive in appear ance no less so in price. Regular prices, S:i.2f to so.oo. Less 25 REMEMBER It is not too late for Christmas Gifts. . . . Men's Slippers 7oc to $l.o0 Ladies' Warm Slippers 8oc fo $1 .50 Ladies' felt lined lace shoes .....$1.50 Children's felt slippers 75o to SI. 25 General Reductions in all in the Gents' . Furnishing Department. All Gootln Murkotl In Plain FIkiii-ob. PEASE & MAYS tsrt Ti?i1W ?r?W (httnttna. rnriisDAY DKC. 27. HMO again hear him at 1 Tickets .$1 ; on Halt; Stole. Never before iniH u music honso in Tho tint M. 10. church, i C. Diokerson, Gns Ilixon, Charles Wal at Blakeley's drutr 1 lace. William Powne, Ed Martin and P. ! A. IvirclihuiriLT, returned a verdict for Baxter, awarding damages in tho amount : j Yf va a served UySf8l S rlo... i i A Mdi tiV K 'tor's. ! m i ire lias a iniiHii! 1 1 on nod in a single dy organs as wo (Ifd o Dalles deliviuoi pianos and organs miiH eve. Manv were tit as many 1 ' ,r' l'n(' 'obih. on Christ- 1 Acting Postmaster Forest Fisher left liome.H made today for Washington, I). C, where he TRKASnittli'S NOTICE. All U'ikho (Initiiiy wurriinls ri'Klsliirril prior tn Nnililiilnir I, I H1I", will I mi pulil ill pi.miintiitlnll lit my H :. leanest I'fiimm ufliM Niivmnhnr 0 I'.M.O. John r. iiaii'mi m:i:. County TrriiMirtir. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. happy. And now for the new year, j litis obtained a position in the census IOvery piano and organ nust go. PrieeB I department. Mr. Fisher's services in cut no figure with us ; they will not cost i The D.dles postolHce since the retire you much. There iX lots of Inn in the ment of M r. Kiddell have been esceed nniHii' trade now. Have you noticed itV ' umly satisfactory to the patrons of the Ilowever.it is allat Nickulaun'ti music ollice, and he carries with him to his store. j new sphere of labor the earnest wishes Found A lady's black init'.en. Owner (.in liiul it at this uHic. A Tennessee man full heir to $'J()0,fH)0 the next day alter Ids wife had triumph antly secured a ill voice from him, and now she is leu times madder than she was before. Why pav when vou can irut lOatoy or Ilamllt organs, the best in the world, from your homo dealeni at fill to fill li'iH than they uni uHkui'. Until ex-l'resldeut Cleveland and ex- ! President Harrison opptHcd the election i f llryan, but now that the campaign Is over thoy are doing nil they eun to em barrass the man who defeated him. The local eluliol I.. A. S. (League of A iioriiMi) Sportsmen) will have a clay bird Hhoot on the beach Now Year's day afternoon. Outsiders will be allowed to i Salem tints up the claim that her Sun- day school census shown the government i census of that town to have been a farce, I and the Antoria News responds by say j inu' that "Suloni is oil' her base. Why, j up in Portland the .Sunday school een I huh would nhow not more than 1(100, t while tho government census gives the city UO.OOO inhabitants. The best, theory ' that iSalein can advance is that her pop- ulation was poorly enumerated." nw- J The practice of receiving new year's 'calls having been revived with such sue- of all who knew him for his future wel fare. It was necessary tint Mr. Fisher should be at Washington at the first of the year, so his bondsmen appointed.!. M. Patterson, whose appointment to the ollice was confirmed a few days ago by the senate, to (ill the vacancy till Mr. Patterson's own bonds are approved. Mr. Patterson therefore took charge of the ollice this morning. A VERY SAD CASE. Ten Thftnnnnri IMtlnn Thnt Some Ynutie Mlixiilft In Tim Dalle Won't (let Tlmlr llRNcrtm. W. T. Gardner, of tho Hoys' and Girls' Aid Society, was in town today looking alter the case of a young yirl of 10, who had fallen into bad company anil had apparently started on the road to ruin. The girl, who is a mere child in looks, ifi an orphan, her mother having died when she was two years old and her father when phe was seven. She never, therefore, knew a mother's care, and living here and there, at times among , relatives and at other times among! strangers, like Topsy, "growed" up rather than was raised np. Corning here eight or ten days. ago the girl put up at one of the hotels and soon after her arrival took the hell-boy, a lad of her own age, into her confidence and told him she was without money and wanted to find work, either in the hotel or anywhere where ehe could earn a living. The young scrub took advantage of her situation and, as the girl alleges, ruined her. Most of the rest of her story cannot be told in these pages. It moot eiiflice to say that her visitors be came so numerous that the matter came to the ears of the hotel proprietor and she vaa summarily ejected. After the girl had gone to another hotel Special Kightwatchman Alisky heard of her and reported the matter to Sheriff Kelly. Mr. Kelly immediately placed the girl under the care of a respectable elderly woman and reported the case to Judge 15lakeley, who wired Mr. Gardner to come here at once. Un fortunately for the ends of justice the girl is past the age of consent and, much to Mr. Gardner's regret, a number of well-known young bloods of The Dalles are spared the disgrace of open exposure and possibly terms in the penitentiary. After a long conference with the girl this morning, in the presence of Judge Blakeley and Sheriff Kelly, Mr. Gardner had the offending bell-boy summoned and in preseneo of the girl read the lad a lesson that ho is not likely to forget for many a day. As the girl is too old for the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, Mr. Gardner concluded to take her to Portland and place her for the present uuder the care of a lady who will look after her welfare. The girl appeared to be penitent and was perfectly willing to go with Mr. Gardner, promising that she would do all in her power to be a good girl in the future I'ontlmll on 'ew Yemx. CASTOR 8 A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears tho yy y TT Signature of (tyffi'&lfa&k'. BUSINESS LOCALS. Don't ISnli It In, .lust wet the affecied part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a S.:otch remedy, and the pain is gone. Sold bv Clarke '& Falk. ' Kxpcriencu is the best TVacher. Use Acker's Knglish Remedy in any case of coughs, colds or croup. Should it fall to give immediate relief money refunded. L'3 cts. and 50 cts. Blakelev, the drug- Kist. I'lnym! Out. Dull Headache, Pains in various parti of the hodv, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishne, Pimples or SoreB are all positive eviden ces of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must be purified in order to obtain cood health. Acker's Blood Klexir has never failed tc.cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley, the druir gist. " Editor' Awful flight. F. M. Higeins, editor Senac-t, Ills., News, was alllicted for years with piles that no doctor or remedy b"lped until he triad Bucklen's Arnica Salve. He writes two boxes wholly cuied him. It's the Eiirest pile cure on earth and the best salve in the world. Cure irnarnn teed. Only 25 cents. Sold by Blakeley, the druggist. 5 mil' extracts are- . I..C.O- inr them, riif- uiihI chapping .Ma .a!. matted bv Carke You will not have boils if vou take Clarke A Falk'n sure cure for boils. j A full line of liftman dims and sup ' idles jut received by Olurke & Falk. ' CluikeA Falk's fi Hie l'-i. Ask yi ' f lor.ti loiimi wi ami euuourii & Fall;. Why pay $ 1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when on e.m buy .lames K. Pat Urn's ntn uriof painis for $1.50 per gallon. iu;rante;d for 5 years. Clark ifc Falk, agents. ml DeWitt'n LillleKtrly Risers are dainty I'M tie pills, but I hey never ft.il to cleanse the liver, luauive onsiriictintis and in vlorate the sv.tem. Sold by Clarke it Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Hnstline yuiuu man ran make GO per inonih and expenses. Permanent posi tion. Kxpetiei ee nimccecprtry. Write quick for purticnUrs. Clark it Co.,. Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel hpia, P.t, s-8-tf Dnii't use nnv of the counterfeits of DoWitt's Witch H.l .Salvo. Most of them are worthless or liable to cause in jury. The oriuitiul DeWitt's Witch Hazel j Salve is a certain cure for piles, eczema, I cuts, burns, sort-s and skin diseases. , Sold by Clarke &. Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. I When you need a soothing and heal- 1 ing antiseptic application for any pur pose, use the original DeWitt's Witch- ; Hazel Salve, a well known cure for piles and skin dii-eases. It heala sores with- nut leaving a scar. Beware of counter feits. Sold by Clarke & Folk's P. O. 1 Pharmacy, I For Krtit or Snln. j The Sam Wilkinson warehouse, on First street, is for rem or sale. It is a I three-story, corrugated iron building, I HOxlW feet, with water elevator. Apply ! to Sam Wilkinson, The Dalles. tiL'G-tf. GRAND The game between The Dalles and Wasco for New Year's day has fizzled, owing to Wasco not being able to get a team together for the game; but The Dalles will play at that time with a Portland football team at The Dalles. This paper did not intend to speak of it, but since there is to be no game be tweeu Tho Dalles and Wasco, and after the senseless and brutal attack of the I cess last year, tunny in our minus nave fancy prices to iuthllurs I ;!"" iK"Hl tliir lutmition ol receiv- Mason oc '"'; """ "lu 11 " " 1,1 lilu k"1"16"""1 ashiiii) uh they will boon hand, in or der that the iiiiiniiH of those receiving may bo published it is reinitiated that tho ladies notify Miss Georgia Sampson or Miss Myrtle Michell before noon on Saturday, and thes ladies will furnish Tin: Ciino.s'U'i.K with a complete list 1fltll ttift 'Pill Uift'O 111 t( M llVtftl Mlllf ,, , ,,,,, ,, , . i i i .i I Wasco newspaper regarding the game Drake O. O Ueilly bus been sued by the ' , Columbia Southern Railroad Company, with which corporation he has been '.having considerable trouble, for over 41'l,000, said to lie due on an assessment lie vied on the stock and alleged to he the-e recentlv between Wasco and our j home team, it becomes necess.iry to say ! that The Dalles boys have used all lion orablo means to bring about a return i game. This paper has no doubt that ! W'.iL.tf. Iiiicj rffwt iifiurkni: filr1 ilu.linMK. In fiunpaid. A lU'hmont proceedings have i "... . It, . , ,. II. meet The Dalles again and we accapt Rbeen commenced also. I lie complaint . . . . ; ., .... , . , , ., them in good faith. However, Hie sit at t'd bat the capital Rtock of the coi- Iv ,. . " , . .... , . it . ... , ... ' Da es is ready and willing to meet ;IWI ill till! I WI in Bin W "WWW "Mini ,1 vi nil uluo of $100 I'tuih, un;t that Deuumbur mi. innn .,t. t..wl lw...ii ft !u Wt H'UV p n it iiiu ui-ru mi umii it if ' i i . l 1 n 1 i ii'iin in nnv nltl finnti crinniMil nr nUiPf i iwnw niiui ii unit in uviMiiiiuui j Wasco at any time. W e will play them with high school, our first team, second mi 1.. . I I .!!....'( ... 1 1 llu.lr ml ..I . ...!.!..!. t... 1..... ' 1 lie r.iiuoitiKv iriinu uiiiii i in. .. o ueiny, OWIIM Plllirei-, WIIIUII ll HUH jnasQueraae : Ball ! A Gran 1 Ma?quprade B.ill .... will be given . . New Year's Night, Jan. i st at The Baldwin, by Prof. Sandvig. . . . This will be the event of the season, and all who purpo? attending should make due preparation. Masquers will in all cases be required to unmask be fore a select committee before entering the ball room. ' If your hair is dry and deml-liliP, Co 1 coannt Cream Tonic will give it life and 'luMer. it ia pronounced the finest tonic un earth. Can be had at Frazer's barber shop. Bgnnt. nO-lni Many persons buye had the experience- of Mr. Petei Sherman, of North Stratford, N. II., who says, "For yeais I tnifftsred 'torture from chronic indigestion, but Kodol Dyspepsia Cure made a we'l man lot me." It digest:) what you eat. and is i a certain cure for dyspepsia and every j form of stomnch trouble. It gives relief , at iiiico even in thrf worst cases, and can't help but do vou good. Sold by 1 Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. If vou have dnndruir, vour hair is falling out. Use Uocnanut Cream. For sale at Fnz-r's lurber shop. nO-Im i We do ! t Steam, hot water and furnace heating. Ktitmtes made and contracts taken for heating old or new buildings. Bo not forget That wo operate a plumbing and tin shop, al-o a ma chine repair shop in connection with our hanlwuni and implement sture. Repair woik of till kind" done. t CuuoNici.i: last Saturday and we have just found out the reason. The hnders by bundle was put in n mail sack that had come to the Oil itoNu'l.K ollice with lot of turnip seed fiom i:presentative I'omputt) and lire cordially invited to the j (UI waH tjH tMrried to the contest. AttorntiyH W. II. Wilson and IS. S. Huntington went to Morn today to ap pear before the municipal court of that city in ii i.Mso of an application for a saloon license. Moro bus always been a dry town and the oppoturs of the f aloon are putting up h1"' li1,t "K1"Ht it. Railroad men at Pocatello, Idaho, went on a strike one day last week. '1 ho cause was tho running in "f i niud en gine to do (witching. Tim switchmen would imtHtund this, andquit forthwith, "liimiuiilliig the removal of the locomo tive, which demand was speedily grant ed. The Htriko lasloil two hour. Tho other deiilnrH In town cannot sell any piunod and nignns. Wo are having things our own wuv. Of con ton we uro almost Hiving tlu'iii away, and we dare not rush into print with prictm, as it would iiiaku them still mom furious. Call at NielcalH.tn'H nitislu Htom, wheru the held and voted, and that on December 10th, al a tegular meeting ol the board of directors of the Columbia Southern, an assessment of 115 percent was levied upon each share of stock. The defend ant is said to liavo been notilied on Da- postollice. The sack carried a label with i ,.tMi,.f 15th that this sum of money Mr. Moody h name on it, ami a poHtoiiicu clerk supposing thu sack was for Mr. Mooilv let it take the usual course in ONtmltli . should be paid, and that he has failed to pay over his assessment, which would amount to ifl l.SlO. Therefore the com- siieh cases, mid tint mUake was not,mv UHi;S the sum of $1-1,840, with in- discovered till two or three days after tt, fljm.t( December loth at tl per cent. the bundle should have reached Knders- by. The storm of last Thursday evidently Htirred things up a bit across the river, Hiys the AHlorian, as it carried awav llfty feet of '.he Tokeland wharf, turned over a car on tho I. 1!. it N. whaif at Nuhcotta, ami lilted the Methodist church at Buy Center from its louuda-; lion. About a half miln of the N. P. 1 track was washed out between Willapa j and Glesz crossing. Tim storm of Hum preceding Sunday had de-droved about j eighty feet of the Tokeland wharf. The hinol.oHtaekt of lint Slier mill al South Bund weio also blouu down. Last Saturday George Baxter sued j Hwtui Mc.LiMinau in .Iiintlee (ilisau's The gime betweon the Portland and , tho Dalles aggregation w;ll bo interest ing. Tho players below are not allied with any club and have won four games out of five this season, and the other was a tie game between the Orients and themselves. It is composed of amateurs I entiiely. As New Year's day is a holiday, it is ' hoped that all will attend and contrib ute to the support of ,tho game. Our young athletes have spent a great deal ' of time and some money to put our' town wheat it belongs in the ranks of . . . the progressive ones. The Athletic and ( Natu.e s met , oil l ot healing, developed Commm,irtl 0l, , a)eo t.xteluU(1, 1X ,nto a science by its . iecovor Dr. A. 1. , l!lni,, whit.h ia much appreci-' S.i I, .he basis principle o which is lu J Mt mipon ul, ixhMk,a adjustment of the bones, the removal of tinnMu be ,der the' One thousand styles and sizes. For cooking and heating. Prices from $5 to $50. Steel Ranges i i Cast Ranges obstt net Ions to the perfect circulation of j the blood, the removal of any undue pressne on the nervous system, muscles, tendons, etc., thereby establishing, lie folding t" the laws of nature, a perfect harmonv of the whole system. All forms of di.-eases are treated successfully bv osteopathy. D11 R. 10. Smiiii, Specialist in nervous and chronic dis eases, room 7, Vogt block. A, P. .V A. M. Wiley B. Allen Co., of Portland, j t.,nirt at Antelope for $100 damages for . p(att.() l!mimnilli(Mt,ou of Wasco urn having tliulr auuov.d sale and turn lug the world upside ilown j'"11 ll,vv' Noun who heard Mr. lOlnuue Rice in his recital at the K. ' 0,1 1,ifl former visit to our city have forgotten thu manner in which h niwlu his violin Hpuuk to his audience, and they am urulouBly wulllni! hl return WuUuoBdny evening, when thoy will .... , i i ... ' tresspass 01 .Miti.ennau m sneep .... t( No Jf . w, ,m ,,,,,,, tU Mafl0lil. tor's promises. I no uepu .mean s. ( ()n T,rein). uyoninVt l)t.c. 27Hi, at the case attracted considerable utt.iitloi. , ()Vlm(.( .Udll)l!HP) ilH,allatlon of and was ably handled by lgul ta eul, , mi WOfk ,n H Jlr8t Amv Imported and domestic, .1. B. Ilosford, uU,.mllullM ,,,,. of Moro, appearing for the plaint! , tmWr of the W. M. while Kit Mays, of Portland, and h. O, , j Q , oAXKi Suoyi (ioodwin.of Antelope, handled the do- " . - fense. The jnrv, which conelHtod of 10. SubHci lbe for Tub Ciikonu i.h. auspiius ol our splendid club. I'Klll't.lC COM I Mi AM) (illlNli. State Senator T. II. Johnston was in town today troni Dulur. A. M. Kelsay returned today to Shan iko, after (ipeuding Guristmas with hid family in The Dalles. Justice and Airs, Brownbill returned home todav from spending Christmas with Mr. Brownhlll's sister, Mrs. Lath dm, of Dufur. George Lang, an old-time loijoinotivo engini'iV of the O. H. it N., and an all round good follow, arrived here today from Portland. Frank Gabel, of Wapinitla, returned i home todav, after spending Christmas, In The Dalies with his two sons, who are attending school here. Koineinber that Cocoanut Cieatn Tonic will promote growth of hair. Charles Fnifci'r, solo agent, nO.lin 'A aie-Burnera The genuine all bear the above Trade-Alark and are sow wan a wruicu guaruiucc. Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900 OVER ALL THE WORLD. Sold by First-Clats Stove Merchants everywhere. w...i.nni. i. Tliu Michigan Stove Company, T.Hriiist. Mukura ol Qtuvud uutl Kaiiud la tho World. Oak Stover St BENTON. SOLE HC5NTS