Dalles VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1900 NO. 124 till; I NEBRASKA HAD A STORMY PASSAGE .Machinery Hrokc Down Three Times dales mid (lead Seas Constantly Swept Over the Decks. Xkw YoitK, Due. It was more tliuii ii inurry Christmas fur tin 110 imsfiytiKurn on tin; buluted Allan steamer Htatu of Nnlit unkn. Nineteen dnye out from tin) Clyde, eight days overdue, the Nebraska crept into port with muiishcd lllollOlltH (IlllIKllit 1 1 (4 1 1 1 1 1 cju huh mid broken and tvviHted railH, It wiih the first clear day the voyagers hud seen since December 7lh, whun tliuNchriiHku Hteamed out of Movile, Iritland, in the f.iuu of a uiile tliat nwept her decks. On bn.inl the liner when she left Glas gow December lith, were 10 naloon, .'10 cabin and 70 Hteeraue pusHunu;erH. Oili ctirs und passengers declared thu wreck age on deck tfavo hut a faint idea of the horrorn of the voyage. Three times the machinery broke down and the veHHel had to ho hove to. Chiles and head seas Hwopt, tt.e h 1 i 1 1 from the moment she left Moville, At. midnight of Deeeinher 11th, (lie feed pipes of the engines gave out, .mil the Nebraska wan hove to for three hours, headed into the Heaa washing over her. It wnii ut th'iH time that u wave smashed the two lighthouses coutaiuini; the aide lightH. The vessel waa rolling and lift ing to the ueua or plunging into them. The ateeruge passengers wuro all in ter ror and the cabin voyagerH eliuig to their bertha. The feed pipea were repaired anil improvised aide lighta placed. The enginea entild tint force her forward at more than three knots an hour. Some timea ahe moved lean than two knota. Two of tht, lifahoatH on the port aide for ward wore smashed to apliutera on Dec ember 15th. The vessel logged but fifty miles fur that twenty-four hours, und fo aix (lavs ahe made less than ninetv miles. u fireman, who wus hurled niialnst deck ruila behind. Captain Dnvid Ingram, of Vnncouver, who Iiiih circled the globe twice, waa one of the paeHongerfi. lie enhl thnt three times the voyagers felt that all hope was gone. Not a meal could be served in the saloon during the voyage. Allen (i. Tliurniiiii Attncl.n OIutiiIhiiiI. Coi.trjim-H. O., Dee. iifi. Allen V. Thnrmnn, the son of "the old Roman," today in an authorized Interview, ridi culed ex-Preiidont Cleveland's ideas of reorganizing the democracy, quoting thia sentiment of his father's regarding Cleveland: "My father expressed my ideu of Cleveland once, when he said, ufter reading Cleveland's message on the money question, 'while I have the great est faith in my friend drover's honesty, and integrity of purpose. I mtiPt say I have a poor opinion, of his knowl- MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP Chicago May Control Street Railways Hill to Be Presented to the Next Legislature. edge of money or anything else." Mr, Thtirman thin kB the party is bet ter organized ut the present time than if the Cleveland formula wtm followed,) anil it is twice more popular tlinn it would he under it. DlHHiilutluii of riirtiiPi-Hli! I he partnership heretofore existing hatween A. M. Stringer and T. S. Ken norly, under the style of The Dulles Die tillery Company, has this day been die solved by mutual consent, A. M. Stringer retiring und T. S. Kennedy continuing the business and paying ull debts and collecting ull bills The Dulles, Dec. dlO 2w 10, 1000. A. M. Stki.gi:i: T. S. Kk.n.vkki.v. To remove a troublesome corn or bunion : First soak the corn or bunion in warm water to soften it, then pare.it down ub closely us possible without draw ing blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain liulm twice daily; rubbing it vigorously for live minutes at each application. A corn plaster should be worn for u few davs, to protect it. from the shoe. As a general liniment for sprains, bruises, lameness and rheumatism, Pain Balm is nnequaled. For ealo by Blakeley, the druggist. ' The three great mechanical toye of the ngo the speed way racing gig, 00 cents ; The engines hud to he stopped on the i clown, stubborn donkov and eart, -18 I I'miiIh ! thl, A f L"!oi,n IhI f ir.iiirrinr. .'t ita I.'ith to cool some overheated i'lurnale, ! i..r miIh Iiv tin. Xkw York C,h St,,,,. and the next day the main Hteam pipes gave so much trouble another stop had to be made. Tie only one of the crew injured m i Clarke A Full: have on wale a full line the long voyage was William Thompson, uif paint and artist's brushes. Luzcll's perfumes, mill's drug stole, the best, at Don-18-dlw m I Tlio Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been,, iu who for over 30 years, 1ms borne tho signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its iul'ancy. Allow no one to deceive you iu this All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Exporimuuts that trille with and endanger the health of lul'uuts and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castor Ja is a harmless substitute lor Castor Oil, Pare goric, JJrops und Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It mtalns neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Mibstniicc. Its ugo is its guarantee. It destroys Wornw and allays Feverishuess. It cures Diarrluea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Kowols, giving healthy und natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Fricud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars the Signature of 9 Chicaoo, Dec. 20. Municipal control and regulation of street railways with popular safeguards in the nature of a permissive referendum and an openjsys of financietirig and provisions for ul timate municipal ownership are the main features of the bill to be presented to the next legislature by the Street Iialiway Commission of Chicago. The measure has been completed and passed upon by lawyers and is now ready to go before the members of the city council tor approval and the general assemblv for passage, The main points are: Regulation of street railways in the in terest of the public by city councils. Modified frontage law. liopeal of existing street railway act Street railway grants to be submitted to vote oi me people n city council so orders or 10 per cent of voters ask for such method. Future grants to street rail wuy companies inavcoutain provision for municipal ownership without com peusatiuii at expiration of the grant. City may purchase street railways at expiration of grants. Costof acquisition to he defrayed by street railway certifi eates ol indebtedness, nut no bonuB are to be issued against the credit of the city. Creation of street railway fund for re ceipts, interest on bonds and other moneys received through traction legis lation. Uniform man nor of bookkeeping for all traction companies, the books to be open to instection by slate auditor at all times. No bonds, to be issued by any street railway company except upon permission of a state board, appointed to pass upon il hu matter. Detailed statement of flnanciul con dition of everv street railway to be presented to state uuditor yearly and made public. The street railway bill is to be followed by the subway bill, to be drawii in ac cordance with a resolution adopted by the council on February fi, 1000. Both bills are expected to reach the legislature in January. A 'J'liollhiuid Toiikuph Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howurd St., Phil adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption hud completely cured her of a hacking cough that for niany years had made life tv burden. All other remedies and doctors coild give her no help, but she says of this Koyal Cure "It soon re moved the pain in my chest and 1 can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding its praises throughout the universe." So will every one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c tiudsfl. Trial bottle free at Blukeley's drug store ; eyery bottle guarnuteed. 5 started in a dispute between a man known as "lid" Hennessy and a French man named Ouilette, over religion, Hennessy being a Protestant and (Juli ette a Catholic. The two fought first with fists and soon resorted to clubs. In a few minutes the fight became general and about thirty men engaged in a ter rific battle with axes, limbs of trees and lumps of ice. A teamster named Wilson attempted to stop the fight and was laid senseless with a blow on the head. Then a team ster named Taylor took a hand as peace maker and laid about him with all kinds of weapons. In a few minutes the ground w as strewn with victims of Taylor's powerful blows, and those who had been injured in the mix-up. It is thought that of the twenty or more hurt some will die. The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TIW 0NTU OOMMNYt VT MURRAY BTWKT. ntVI VOWH OITV. CurtrllK licix t'ounil. FitANKKoitT, Ky., Dec One of the clerks in the state ouditoi'd ottiee, in searching tho vault, for old records, found ti cartridge lx containing eight metal patched smokeless powder cart ridges, i!8-f5, corresponding exactly to the bullet fouud Iu tho hack'berry tree, and which was believed to have passed through Senator Goebel's body. The significance of the discovery lies in the fact that Henry Youtsoy, convicted of participation iu the Goolml assassination, in October wus a clerk in the auditor's olllcu at thu time of the assassination, and iimibS to the vault where the cart ridges were found, and that George Games, another cleik iu the otllce, testi fied that he saw Youteey with u box of cartridges, I ; , I - lliittlo In J.uiiilitu- Uiimii. BANCiOK, Mu., Dec. 20.--A bloody but tle occurred Christmas eve at Adam & Iviiowltou'd lumber camp on Chase Stream, Upper Kennebec river, and po lice und physicians, none of whom are uenrur than thirty miles, have been summoned to thu scene, The fight ltolilieil the Crave. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated bv him as follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three physi cians had given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; and to my great joy and surpriee, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50c, guaranteed, at Blakeley's drug Btore. o Cu-OperHtlon Fur the I'oor, New iohk. Dec. 26. An appeal to Andrew Carnegie, Miss Helen Gould, Nathan Straus and other wealthy phil anthropists will be issued bv the officers of the Co-Operative Brotherhood atonce, asking them to help the movement of the brotherhood to establish co-operative bakeries and provision stores for the poor in thiB city. "Bread and provisions which are to be Bold in these stores at cost prices. The necessaries of life are to be sold without profit. One thousand dollars toward starting a $2500 co-operative movement in Belgium, and lias been subscribed by members of Bakers' Union No. 1," said President Storken. I was one of the organizers of the co operative movement in Belgium, and have been engaged iu work of this kind all my life. Neither politics nor religion has anything to do with our movement. Workingmen of all religious beliefs and political opinions are asking to join this movement. It already has a stroug trades-union of 5000 workingmen, who are readv to carrv on this work unaided. But at the same time if there are wealthy philanthropists willing to aid us we shall jump at any offers of assistance that may come from them. With the capital they have at their command hoy could Ect the co-operative movement in this country so solidly on its feet that it would last as long as the nation." Cremated Alive. Oi.vmi'IA, Waeh., Dec. 25. Joshua Lavering's three children were burned to death this morning and his house, to gether with its contents destroyed by fire. Layering is u cripple, and earns hia living by hauling weod. This morn ing hu had gone to the woods to load his wagon and his wife accompanied him to assist. About 11 o'clock a man ran up to them, and informed them that their house was on fire. Rushing to the ecene they found the house entirely consumed, and, after a little search, the charred remuins ol their three lit(lo ones were discovered. The children were aged 4 and i years, and a O'luonths-old babe, which the mother left sleeping in its carriage. The origin of the lire is uncertain, hut Mrs. Layering thinks the children must have played with the fire. S i) u lull (in of Vuiiiiiuuiy Ciiitiirt'il. Cai'K Town. Dee. 20. A squadron of Yeoiimiiiy, wiiieh had been following tho Buuis ficm Biltstown, is reported to huvo been entrapped. There were sev eral casualties, It is said, and the re mainder of thu force was captured. Gonetal Kitchener has left Naauw pooit and has gone northward. Tho rapid concentration of troopB in the dis turbed districts through the personal energy of General Kitcheuer has allayed tho local unenBiuess. Clark A Falk are never closed Sunday. Dou't forget this. And Still Goods Left Though Monday closed a busy Xmas week, in which the stock of every de partment were liberally drawn upon, we open again today with a store ap parently as full of goods as the day be fore the rush began. Our stock of Boys' and Children's Suits is still the largest and most varied in town. The quality of our goods, the splendid make and finish with the very reasonable prices attached makes this the popular Boys' Clothing Store. See our school suits at $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $5.00. Every suit is war ranted, which means money back if not satisfactory. BOYS' REEFER COATS 3 to 8 years $2.00, $2.50, $3.00. ...BOYS' KNEE PANTS... SPECIAL Black or blue all-wool cheviot, per pair 50c A. IVL Williams & Co. r I C. J. STUBlilG, WHOLESALE A SI) KETAIL Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First National Bank. Phone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON. Her Husband's Story " My name is E. J. Sprong, and my uddress is 16 Bondman Block, Troy, N. Y. I want to tell how thankful I am that my wife's health has been restored to her. About a year ago she caught a dreadful cold, which settled in her bron chial tubes aud lungs, hue cer tainly had bronchitis, and I think consumption, too, and wo de spaired of her life. She had a tightness and soreness in the chest, and it was dillicult for her to breathe. There wero darting, sharp, dull and heavy pains, with constant coughing and expectorat ing. 12ach day she was worse than tho day bofoie. I was ad vised to get Acker s English Rem edy, aud did so, but my wife only shook her head and said : 'Another dollar thrown away.' She took the Remedy, however, and said the effect was magical. In less than an hour thero was a remark able change. Slio got better at once, and in a short timo slio was entirely well and strong again. The cure was permanent and there has been no relapse. I don't know'what Acker's English Remedy is made of, but 1 am sure it contains something that fortifies the system against future attacks. My wife is in better general health now than ever, and you can't imagine how happy she is for her recovery. She tells everybody about Acker's English Rem edy, aud so do I. for 1 believe it to bo our duty to tho public to help every suf ferer who has throat aud lung troubles. My neighbors say it is a sure specific for croup, and lias saved the lives of hundreds of little ones around iu this viciuity alone." Sold at 25c, 50c. aud $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Car ada; and in England, at is. sd.. as. 3d., 4s. od. If you are not satisfied after buying, return tho bottle to your druggist, aud get your money back. IIV uiUwrftf Me twv ytiuio'i'if. 11'. H- ilOOKUi d- CO., PioprUtoN, .Vw Vail; For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy. 1