PEOPLB COM1NO AND UOINO. Mies Pickle, of tho state university at Kuiiene, is the (sunn of Miss Daisie Allaway, of this city. Dr. liny V. L. Logan returned on the noon train to Mom, after spending Christmas with his father and Mrs. Logan. Mr. and Mr. 0. V. Wetzel nud daughter left this morning to spend tho next two or tnree mouths in Southern California. George It. Campbell, of the Eugene university, is spending tho Christmas holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Campbell. I'eto Niekelsen, who is located as tele graph operator at Pendleton, spent Christmas with his mother, returning to Pendleton this morning. Duncan Chishnlm, the sheep king of Kent, Shsrruan county, spent Christmas tit the European House and returned home today on the noon train. Eddie McKenzie. who hug been here for tho past sis weeks in the emnloy of the .laeonsen Hook & Music Co., will ieave for Goldendale tomorrow, where he will spend tho holidays, after which he will return to The Dalles. The boys, and iiirls too, will be glad to see Eddie -back to The Dalles. County Superintendent C. L. Gilbert and Professor NetV left this afternoon for Albany to nttend the State Teachers' .Association. Professor Landers left for the same destination Monday. Mrs. 'Neff accompanied her litis hand as far as Hood River, where she will remain till' the return of the party next Saturday. itOKN. Christmas Day. in this city, to Mr. sind Mrs. G. W. 'Ferris, of Cook's Land ing, a daughter. MODERN BATHKOOMS. Many of the Fine Houses Fitted with Expensive Pools. Inrur .Svi IniniluK Tnitkn In u Number of I'rivutf Itcoiilf iioec Flne FiimUliluiiH of Mvlm- III I II 'Hllllllt. "Bathrooms in dwellinr-houes are a comparatively modern convenience, but public bathing places are as old n. civilization. The Greek and lto nians spent large sums in fitting up public baths, which' were popular re torts for all classes, but a private 'bath room in one's own house would have been hard to find. Kven to this day the people of India consider bathing in anything' other than river or small er stream of running water to be u disgraceful act. Pent wter was con sidered defiling to the body by the. ancients and the public bathsof Greece and Home were so constructed that the outflow of water was ecpial to the inflow so as to secure n nearly as pos sible pure water for every bather, says n Chicago exchange. The bathroom in hotels and dwell ings passed rapidly from the realm of luxury to that of necessity; to-day a liou-e without a bath-tub is the excep tion. Hut with the belief, or knowl edge, rather, that cleanliness J, next to godliness came a sort of rivalry in bathroom furnishings and sanitary en gineering skill and inventive genius were called upon to do their best. A few years ago a little room in an ob scure corner with a zinc tub was some thing to boast of, but in the-e days of great individual wealth and palace's the bathroom often involves a large ex penditure of money. Many of the wealthy construct their bathrooms on lines that are as far removed from the old tub style as it is pos-lh!e for the ingenuity of the architect and plumber to con,truct them. Instead of a $23 zinc tub a pool "nS fee; or larger is. constructed of p -reelain in the center of a large room. mi 14xS0. Knt ranee to the p-n! from Hit- curbing level is by marble steps :md the depth of the water may be as much as four or five feet. The curb ing is of marble and the walls add clling of the room are lined with tile or onyx. The windows are of cathe dral shape ami great palms and small er plants are placed about where they will give the room '"all the comforts of Iiome" and the pictures(iiene-s of a gnrden. Hut that is not all that is required of such bathrooms. There must be another, but smaller, room .-idjaceiit. lined throughout with mar l)'e. with the floor inclined to the een 1er. for the shower bath. Then there must be another small room at hand for a porcelain foot tub ami still an other for a wash basin, to Miy nothing of an elaborately appointed 'drosin" !''""" AM the floors shtiuld ii in til ing, done in mos-nic patters;, with ru"s hero and there. Such a bathroom emu from ?3,(JUI) to .-57.000, ami it Is said then are a few of them in Chicago. In most modern maiu!ons in Chi "ifo the cost of the b.-ithrvoin :ind ae- range irom sJ70', to the ' inrr includes a (,uo inmatl ,lf ,, tl)j j .itliedral window are,.,,.,' wj,), ! tli" pool la porcelain lined, th W.-n-r I K oh'- the pu.jj. anil, in fact, ,... r, 1 s.--wK fr,r evervthiiiL' ex-M:t , , .... I .' apartment. It is a fa-! with '. ,." . a I thy n .)!)! to havn th ), i ..... i fro-,, a ml'd Woek f n.aii,. but Jueh ' " .ire tVw :, I,,,. , , .. ,u -il;.v liiw.iier hl.V.'c ill till; fi , I. II. .1 It is .olid leporec' ,K.(- Kt,t)j Oil the floor Without leg. ;,,,,) H, , place look, an If It might ;.ne. groun out of the wall. These tb are low and roomy, but the shim.-;- ha to be u'pnrute work of arl stationed on a slab in another part of tin There are many Chicago that have from $,-oo to Si.3i)0, have one on each lavatory, but as a private houses in bathrooms costing and vonie dwelling floor, as well as a rule from St.M) to c-ii-r :.. -it 1. is iin uouyp owners care to in- u-si in tliat department. A few swimming fadists have pnnN occupying most of the space in the cellar. Of course the cellar niii.t be constructed to admit of such a thing and also to srive tlm nnni tt :....!"i d . . , ... I f 1 1 1 1 I 1 Ill pth. "The correct house for a en- tlctnan ....... , i" me in lias a swiniiiiiiin- imnl in the cellar and a billiard top story," ays a man who has both. Plumbers say that few zinclined tuns nre used t i..v.. days. An iron Doily with enamel more and outlasts lining costs little dozen zinc tubs. - gentleman who has a costly bath room says the way to enjoy a bath is to submerge oneself in the water to the chin, then light a cigar and sip ice-cold champagne between puff. "Keep it up until the cignr and the wine are used up, then go to bed and dream of fairy lands.' aiiuiiuiIk 1111,1 nu'v. Cook half n pound of rice in n quart of milk (add a little more milk, if necessary, but only enough to cook the rice). Cook slowly and add a pinch of salt, four ounces of butter, half a pound of sugar, six ounces of well-pounded almonds and the beaten yolk.s of flc eggs. Cool, butter a plain mold (butter it well, else the contents will not come out whole), line i with blanched almonds, halved lengthwise, anil pour on the rice. Set the mold in a larger pan of cold wa ter, place in the oven and bake slow ly for one hour; then remove from the oven, place in a pan of cold water for a few minutes, then invert onto a round platter. Serve hot with a rich fruit compote. Ladies' World. In tin- TItriitiK. Ida Do you see that man with mutton-chop whiskers? Doesn't lie look bold? May lie looks very sheepish to inc. Chicago Evening News. A WONDERFUL WATCH. One In Miir.vliunl Known an n Mfttll. Whleli ArniMvil MiirkTunln'i Ailiulrii tliiu. Wha is perhaps the most wonderful watch in the world is in the posses sion of a resident of Prince Gregory county. .Maryland, says the Washington Times. This remarkable timepiece, known as the Mntile watch, from the name of its maker. wa made at I.ooe. Switzerland, about -Id years ago. It formed a feature of the Swis exhibit at the centennial held at Philadelphia in 1S7G, and was purchased on that occasion by it present owner. A description of the watch by .Mark Twain (.. L. Clemens) is as remarkable for accuracy as it is humorous. The well-known writer thus gives his impres-ioiis of the mar velous piece of mechnui-m: "1 have examined the wonderful watch made by II. I,. .M il lie. am!, in deed, it comes nearer to being-a human being than any piece of mechanism I ever saw before. In fact, it knows considerably more the average voter. It knows the movements of the moon, and keeps exact record of them; it tells the day of the week, the date of the month, and 'he month of the year, and will do this perpetually; It tells the hour of the ia.. am' t'he minute, and th" second, aini - en piits the second into fifths, am' nnrk- the division by .-top hands having two of the latter; it can take accurate ear of two race hor-es thai Mart. 11.1t to gether, but one after another; it is a repeater (wherein the oter is sug gested again), and musically chime the hour, the quarter, the half ami the three-quarter hour, and a No the min utes that hae passed of an uncom pleted quarter-hour, so that a blind man can tell the time of day by it to the exact minute. .Such is. this extraordinary watch, it ciphers to admiration. I should think one could add another wheel ami make it read ami write, si ill another and make it talk; and I think one might take out seeral of the wheels that are already in it and it wou'd still be a more intelligent citien than some that help to govern the country. On the whole, I think it is entitled to vote that is, if its sex is of the right kind." The watch was old for 51.100. uiul it is still performing its complex functions with the greatest regularity. Dr.viiitr iirnnuratioas bimnly dovcl oj.uryca arrh; they dry up tho eecrctions, ' which adhere to tho inembrauo and decom-, r' !Vni? ' oj) dry catarrh ; they dry up tho secretions, uuuiuuwij iunuui tuuimi, ATumuaurj. ing inhalants, fumes, Biiioltea and buulla and two that which cleansen, uoothes and heala. Ely'n Cream IJalm in bucIi a remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head easily and pleasantly A trial izo will bo ma cd for JO cents. A 1 drmHis nncll tho Cuo. SIze. KlyUrothors. fiiPA'ar ren f-'t K.Y. The -llilm cm-en iialn. doJa not 1 irritate or cause Micozing. It npreadii itself over an irritated and nnf;ry liurfuco, rolicy. inf immediately tho painful inllammation. With Ely's Cream Halm younro armed against Kaisal Catarrh and Hay Foyer. rilatoorcausofincezinr. It B.ireadi. Itself ' Clarke & Falk haye received a carload of the celobrated Jatne E. I'atton strictly puro liijuid paints tnarb'.o room. ty uvuinuiHru UL Hiey ,,HI LvO I -I.I.. . f ? f 1 si 31 w- BE 31 1 .3E 'A iiL 'i Notice of Dlsmiliitliili. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between J. E. Adcox and Theodore H. Liebe, tinder the firm name and style of J. K. Adcox & Company, in tins day diseolved by mutual consent, J. E. Adcox retiring from said firm. Tiieodore II. Liebe will continue the business of said firm under the name and style of J. E. Adcox it Company, and is authorized to receive and receipt for all moneys due said firm, and all claims against said firm should be presented to him for payment. Dated this 10th day of December, 1900. J. E. Anco.v, Tjiko. II. Likiik. I desire to announce to my patrons J and the public generally that in assum ing control and management of the jew elry firm of J. E. Adcox & Co. I retain ' the services of .1. E. Adcox, which is a sufficient guarantee that all work in-' trusted to our care will be rep tired in a I workman-like manner. j IJespectfiillv, i 2w Tiu;o. II. Lii:isk. ! Wanted A second- hand firo-proof safe. Must be in good condition and not ; . , T. "n . 7 , ,, ,. , i . . . , i i i Clarke & talk have on sale a full lino too large. Apply at the Ciikosiclb of paint nn, llrtislH ))rHlloe. office. olJl-tf Dyspepsia can bo cured by using tor sprains, swellings and lameness Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. Onu little I "''"I1 'aihuX e.iua Chamberlain's Tablet will give immediate relief or ! f ' iO' it. tor sale by Jilako monev refunded. Sold in handsome tin i 1,1,5 'lrll13t' boxes at '! cts. Hlakeley tho druggist That TlirolililiiK IteaductHi Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of suirerere have proved their matchlesH merit for Sick and -Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy J to take. Try them. Only 5i."5 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by Hlakeley, the druggist. 5 Now is the time when croup and lung troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results is one Minute Cough (hue. It is very pleasant to take and can be relied upon to quickly cure oughe, colds and all lung diseases. It will prevent consumption. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera arid Diarrhoea Remedy and find it to be a great medicine," (says Mr. E. ""VS. Philips, of Poteaii, Ark. "It cured me of bloody flux. I cannot speak too ,,,,,y ,)f t. Thin remedy alwaya wins th uoo.l opinion, If not praiee, of Hiobo Tli" .quick curen' which it eiiects even In the iiiout eoveru cae mHi it a favoralte ovoiv where. Kor f.ati ,v Hlakeley, the (IritKUiet. ' . , - Help Is needed at onto when a person's f 8 1 danger. A neglected couyh or .. . . . V "H ".0(, "ecomeeef.ousami M.oui.i ; stopped at once. One .Minute Coiiuh i 'likly cures couulis am colds and the worst cases ol croup, bronchitis, troubles. Sold by Clarke A Falk's l O. KLfi. i ii. I.. mviiwi hi. imi, ...... .I...U ( I'liarmiicy. VSatuliour window for ten days, If you don't see what you want, step in side and we'll do tho rest, (ieo, C. Hlakeley, OVER-WORK. Hundreds of Lawyers, Preachers. Actors, and other ...... .......I. ...1 t... : t 1 11. .i. ai i. , 1. ....!. 1 iiiiueoiuiini 111111 ituniiiees iiieu wiiu iiiumui. kidney trouble Iiuyu told tta thev had never .1.!.... . I T 1 Al.. C3.. 1 nee 1 1 11 u 1 n 111 nun miyiiiiiii; 111 equal l.inuuiu dha-uui Pills for the cute of that pain in the back, and the all gone feelinu that eo often precedes paresis. Price, $1.00 per box buy of your druggist or sent by mail on receipt of price, in p'ain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY 00., Ft. Wayno, Ind. M. ',. Donnell, Agent, Tho Dalles, Or. IS IS The Chronicle, The DultBB, On. dob Printers. BIJSJINK.VS I.OCAI.h. Wu Try it recommend Lazell's M. Z. Donnell. perfumes. lS-dlw Lazell's perfumes for Christmas at Donuell'a. lS-lvwl Don't fail to see the mechanical toys at the New York Cash .Store. Holiday perfumes at popular pricee at M. Z. Donnell's. I8-dlw Koslyn, Clealum and Australian coals by the sjtudeluiau Commission. -1-liu Our holiday perfumes nre now ready. A full line at Donnell'e drug store. fw Wanted A girl to do housework in a small-family. Apply at this office. 17-dlw Everything that is new and rare in the line of children's toys can be found at Menefce & Parkins'. ltemember that Menefee & Parkiiih' store is the headquarters for holiday goods. Lazell's perfumes, the best, at Don-lS-dlw "ell's drug store Tho mechanical toys at the New York Cash store will please the old as well ttu the young. The molt efl'ective little liver pills made are DoWitt'a Little Early Kiseis. They never an ne. hold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. NOTICE. In future any and all inquiries rela tive to delinquent taxes must be made to the county clerk, as he is custodian of delinquent tax salo record and rolls. Tne. sherih" having complied with tint law in making sale of delinquent tax.'H, he is completely out of the tax-collecting business till March next. dlii-luiA- Clark A Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't, foruet this. I'layeii dm. Dull Headache, I'aiiiH in various parln of tho body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, i-overisliness, Pimples or Sores are all positive evldon ces of impnri) blood. No matter how it became so it must be purified in nrihtr to obtain good health, Acker's Blond Llextr has never failed tocure Scrofulous " , IZn''Z , htii a 1 1 ' is 1 -rl uli v . ' ,' y ' ,1 J 1 1 , , ' ' r. ' remedy and wo sell nvery bottle on a positive guarantee. Hlakeley, the iliiin. ui-it. ICillloi Awfiil I'llKlit. F. M Mll'lillIU s! III,. ..... , jum.n, nio,, IIUW8, was iMllicleil lor yeara with hIIch I t , ; "- . "'l "', .r " ' ""'l1''1 i nucKien s Arnica halve. Hi. writes two boxes wholly cuied him. H'h liij fclirest Ii II cum mi l.-irll, ,,,1 1 1... best salvo in the world. ('lire uiiarau' teed. Only 25 cents, the driiKuist. Hold by Hlakeley, Come iu and see the hitcd in art. Cheaper than ever, (ieo. C, Hliikt-lev. SOUTH and EAST via Souinern Pacific Co. Shasta Route Triilns IniM- The Dulles fur I'ortl.iliil uiul way station at I int. in. uiul a p. "' Leiivc l'litllnllil " .vlluny Artlvc A'hlimil " Siii'iiiiiu-ill'i . . " sun KrmicNt'o h,:i a in .)'.'.:) a in .1J:i ii ta riant n in . . T: l.i p in 7-(i p in lo.hl p in 1 1 :.") ii in I ;'V a in h:l.i a in Arrive Omtun fi:l.. n in " ponvor yam in " KiinsiiHlMty Ti-.Tiuni " Olik-iiijo "Mm in 1 1 : l"i ii tn '.I. Kin in 7.-.Vi n in ii in Arrive AiiRi-les p in Kl I 'a mi I'l.l'l p 1" " Kurt Worth .. . i::in m " City of Mexico . . i:.Vuim " lloiiiton . . I. a in ' New Orleans li.-Vui in WmhliiRtoii fi: l.' a m " Now York ;j.i:lpin 7-.IHI ii ill I'.'.m m n in I.-."iS ii III I '.(10 II in li.'Ji i in ii l n in l'J-l.l p in I'lillmici uiul Tourist ears on Imtli IuiIiih Clinlr car.s Siu-riinii-ato lo Osdcn mnl Kl l'iio, ami tniulst ear.- to CIiIcukd, Kt UiiiIn, Now Or leans anil WiislliliKtoil. Coiincrtliii; at Han Kmiu-Ik-o with several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, Clilmi, Philippines, Central mnl Hoiith Ainerlca. Siv apout at The Dalles station, or aililtiss C. H. MARKHAM, (icncral I'Msii'tiKur AkciiI. I'orloinil, llr J Yellowstone Park Line. Till. lllN'IS'u CAit IIOC'l K 1-HO.M rilUTI.AND TO Till. i;ast. THK ONLY IIIItKCT LINK TO Till. YKI.I.OW- HIO.Ni: I'AUK mm:, Union Depot, ruth and 1 sis .umm.-. No.'-', i I-'int mall for Tiiroiita.' No. Seattle. Olytnpla, (irayV llarlior ami Nmth lleml tHilitts, .Spokane, Itoss ' limit, II. ('., Pullman, Mo-cow, U-wlslon, lltlf 11.13 A. M. falolliimiuiiliiliiKcoiin- .ri;,VI 1'. M. try, Helena, MImiioiihi I Mm, St. 1'iitil, Omalia, Kansas I'lly, !St. liilis, . Clilciik'o mnl all points' No. I. east am! southeast. No.:!, l'liuot iniiiiiiI Kxpn-s ll;. P.M. for Taeoma ami ;-eatlle 7;lIA. M. ami iiiterintillatu Kiints I'lillmnn lint class mnl toiirlit slecern to Minneapolis!, Ht. Paul ami MIsmiiiiI river points without climate. Vustlhiilcil trains, t'lilou ilc-pot counectloiiH In all principal cities. llwnsiiKcclicckcii tnilestliiatloii of tickets, Kor liamlsomcly IllnsiraUsI ilesorlptlveniatler, tickets, klecpliiK car resorvatlons, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (iciiernt Pas sen nor Ai''.'Ut. Morrl on htrcct, corner Thlnl, Porllaml orcKoii. ADMIN! ST K ATOK'S N OT1 U H . Nollci'h horehy Klven that the iiinlorslKiiiil has Ihvii appolnUsI hy the i-oiinty court of U'aseo county, OriKon, itilnilnlstrator of the estate of Francis Hush, ilccciittil. All persons havhiK claims iiKiilnst the estate are hereliy re liiirisl to luesc-m the s.ime to me, duly verlliisl, at the olllen ot W. II. Wilson, In DalleH City, Oreiron, within six 'iths Irom theilale livrenl. Dateil November 1U, P.sU iii:o. r. itoss. novlO .Mlinliilsttalor. lCXKUUTOlt'ri NOTIUIL Notlee Is herohy kIvcii that the uinlerslKiiul, executor of the will of AnOn.-n V. Ainierson, ik-ceased, lim llleil hl.i! ucc-ount in the county court nf thi-Htaloot Oiei;ott for Wmcn County, Ami sahl courl has npKiiiieil .Moiiilay, the 7th ilay of Jmiuary, IIMJ1, at the iioiir of u o'cliKik ii. m., as the time for hc.trlhtf ohlecllous I thereto uiul ilie sollloineut thorcof. All heirs, I crcilltorK ami other ih.tsoiis inlerestcil In said i en tutu are thoreforu hoa-hy reiitlrcil to llle iholr I oliji-ctlons to siiiit uccouul, If any thuy have, on i or ueioro iiieuay sol lor the hearitif,' thorcof. nun's liiij , nr.. rov i i, i'.i. nlijt .1. C. IIOH'I KII.KII, l.xeeittor FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. j TKANHACTA HNIOKAI.DAMKINU 1IIIHI.NICH j Letters of Credit issued available in the I Eastern K tales. Hiicht Kxclianno ami Telegraphic ' Transfers sold on Now York, OlticiiKO, 1 Kt. Louis, Kan Francisco, Portland Ore koii, tseattie wuali,. anil various pointo in OreKon and Wasiunutoii. Collections matlu at all points on fnv rablo terms. Belgian Hares to Lease. I have about 100 tliorouulibred (Ioch that IJwill lease in lotH of 10 to reHpon filhlu parties on Hliareu. Apply to C. 1-:. 1IA Y"AUI, n!i(-2w Tim Dullep. pit. It, I.', SMITH, Oslnopiil !i. Itooins inmiil 1 1 . ; monk, Tlic Dalles OlOHoa. hoji'i niitick i-o it l.Nii oi l ,i r ITI'.I.UM noN. f III: I Hi. 1 1... mi.. K... u ,,,, Ii 1 1 in -.i r pi, l:niii ( iiaimd settlor has nini miiii-i- ,,i i,u i, h,, 7, Ulien Hint il,,. fiillowlim ,,, ,Hkii ,;r(l( j ,y , ; j . 't ' i-ir will be im,,ebeim, the H-Juior 2 I ' , , J ' , ' e j a, tiiw.ii.uii hatur ,.;,' ;,. ,,.,. .if Tin. H..II. i.n . " " wi'iii r for tint ti i It. IM lilt IiaillCW lint fnlli.tulm It.......... .. Nortnern h of kail! i.imV'vL' U""' u,ll,,v,""" M.!'1'oV1,'".l.''",'''ol, IHcKk(.-lilaKer, Able V. Jrli, Puny Viuicainp, mi cIThulhilluH, Ore- ',lwU JAY 1'. l.rcAH.Iic-KlHlor. DM imr.utT nut twk sen KIHII.l:. I 'lUlM I I.U.I. KM. AlllliVK I- HUM fast jHalt I.uki, Ilenvur, Kt. v..t Mall Worth. Omaha, Kan- mu U.J.M.. in.i fiiH City, Ht. biiiU,, VA: , 'm (illlciiKO uiul 1 Atlantic Kxptess 1J ii. in, Via Hunt lii:;tou, Halt Uika, Denver. I't.' Worth, Oiiialia, k'au . sas City, Ht. Louis, i CIiIchko mnl I jisI. , I Id a. m Hpokmic Mall ami Kxpic.iM Walla Wnlln, Hpokiuie,1 MtinieiipollN. St. Paul, 1)11 lilt It, Milwaukee,! Clllriitfii mnl Kant, via Spokminakil lluntlim l ton: also all points in' WushlilKtfiu mnl KiMt ern Oregon, Hpokium Mall ami Imprest '.i.J.'i p. m :i :h h. m i p. in. 1'IIOM 1'OIITI.ANII Oeeau Hleamiliir.. Knr Hull Kranclsro Kvery l-'ivo Days, I i. m. h i. III. Kx.-siiiulay Sanuilay tn p. in. CnluniDla Hv. Hteaiiiers. K!!,,. To Antoiiia and Wav l.iiiillliKs. , fin. m. Vii,i..iktti: ItlVKit. lift) ii. m. l-:.x.hiiliiliiy()rt;on City, NewU-ri;, Kx.Muiiilat . Kaleui it nay IjiiuI's. 7a. Ill, I Wll.LAMI(TTIS AHli Yam 'I. ii. m. liiis, I Itiir. ii ILL UIVKIIS. I Mon, .Will miill-iit. 'Oreituii City, Dayton anil Wuy-kiinlltins, ' anil FrI. I.v Itlpaila iil.'AKi: ItiVKH. I.PAVJt !,kwisto:i hilly lion, m ilaliy Kiparia to Uiwlston. J a. in. HT- I'arlies itestritiK to k" to llopiuicr or Hiuits on Coliiinljlii Soiitlu-rn via IIIkks, slionM lam-No. 2, leaving; '1 he Dalles at U 10 p. ni, iiiakiitu illteet i-oiiiiectious tit llc'iipuer Junrllnii mnl Blues llcturulllK tna'iilliKilln-etioiiticcUon at iieppuer Jiinciioti ami liluusuitli No, ilvlui; at T he Dalles at 1':. p. in, The I) It. .V N. struiiiyr "Moiloc'"ls now titnk i i.. t.i... .. ...t i i...., ? "'H .Vh'H'l" . - .-ft.VIM .111,, ( II n. IKIV.Iil , stopiilni! nt all way lautlluiti. Hhe leaves I'oit on Monilays, Wciliiesilayh anil Ktlilnr at fi a. m., nrilvliiKiit Haort I p. in., ami Initeiciul em e alioiil 0 p, in. on Mime ilays. Ili'turiillii; boat leaves luiloicttileii('' at .' a. m. ami Hnlcm lit I, n. in on TucMlays. 1 liursitays mill hilar ilnys, arrlvliu; at t'orthitu! about a p. iii.miiiio 1 1 i i .-. Kor (nil partlcillaiN call mi (). It. A. N Co.'. HKoiitTlie Iiallo. or inlilicss W. II. IICItl.HI KT, Con. I'as, Aitt ., I'orllauil, Or NOTICE. My virtiieof an order of the coiitu-ll of Dalles City. Oregon mailt-on llei i.ith. iluv ot Novem ber, A I) IPOO. notice N nupiliy nlxon that on the NiilirjJlh. iluv of No ember. IIhiiJ, the Mill cinmcll di'Clareil by rusolnliou uilopled. lh;it that portion of tho .sidewalk Hlt-iati-il on tin northerly Hide of I'ultoii Slrce'. and lyinir Ihi Iw con the nor Ihcast corner of thCMiiare turuicil liv the Intersection of Mild l-'ullon Htn.-et with Wiishlimloii I Street lu Dalles City and a point Ii i (eel cast nf Mild corner on Mild l-'ullon Street Is In a ilaiiK 'rim.s coiiiiltlon mnl lu uoi-il ot boinx rebuilt. In lliats.ild .slduwalU Is weali, ilociycd ami unsafe lo travel upon . anil It was deter iti 1 tn -i I by said council to rebuild the Name anil thai the oust of ruhiilldluc; snlil Hhlewalll Ihi charireil lo the iiwiier or owners of the property abnttiiK on said portion of Mild hltlewiilK lie clareil In a il,iiiKi-rmisi"illtloii as by law pro viilod. This notice Is published for II days from tin lib day o( Diii'iii her, IHO. by order of the connoll of Hallos (,'lty, wnloh order was made Nov anh. IWH llalod at Dalles Clt,Or., Dot bcr::d, I'.mu. Mil) II. tlATIlH. Itcciirdur of Dalles Cltv I arrjcr-ATAT-rA-ti-ficr-ATA'n en 1 I L. Lane, GKNKKAI, Wagon and Carrlago Work. Fish Brothors' Wagon. Third and JciTcon, Plioue 159 rJ i.ron-Ax.yjj.-Mjcfci rirr utwm Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. ItartlllclallydlKeHtsthofoodauduids Naturo iu atronj!thcnlug uiul recoil atructlng the cxlmustcd dlKostlyc or duns. 1L Istlio;st; unt and tonic. No otlior proimmU" i can upproaoli ib In cHluionoy. it in stantly relieves und parnmnontly etiru Dyapoiisla, lndlKCHtion, IlenrUiitn , Flatulonce, Bour Ktoiniicli, Naiiseu, Sick Hoadaclic, GitstralKlaCrniiipsaiiu allotlmrresnltsotimiiurfucLtliKestloii. I'rlcoMc.andlt. LarR05locontaliiR8tlrriM 8maUBUo.lloolcallal)outUy.siii.sliiii)iuledir'-u Toparod by E O. DclITT 6 CO. Chicago Hold liy Ularko A Kalk V 1. U I'mu m''i DGUNNS OWE FOR A DO&&, PILL llimuvo IMiiiiilim, I'rnionl hi... .umn, , .miy i inniuiiii, m mm IJiiriiiiHilucliuiiniUi,ii!ii, ii .i - -mm .in r niiiiwr aniiii nor i iKn,. ' r""" y"S "" "ol miil iihiimO'i frn,..r fill' '"' " HuJdhiiiHtikv(i; Off v.jiifi;t 0& a" BiacKsmiiH ...AND... Horsesnoer