The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 26, 1900, Image 3

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    ' wMW"fr jMrt wvfun me-' smis--"h.-.i. v
Special Dew rear's Offering
Flannel Waists
Tlioy Jiro in citrdinal, navy 1)1 no, In. vendor and
black. I'rol.tily niarlo with ploalod full front,
and Kroncli hack. Atlraelivo in appear
ance no loss so in price. Regular prices,
$:;.2r to $0.00.
Less 25
It is not too late for
Christmas Gifts. . . .
Men's Slippers
Ladies' AVarm .Slipper.4!
Ladies' felt lined lace shoes
Children's felt slippers
All Goods Mrtrkod
In Plnln Fluron.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
l)KO. 20. 11100 i
served i
A At id row K tor's.
All Wiiauo County warrant rt-citr'l i
prim tn Mi' i t m Im i- 1 , I HI)?, u 111 III' piilil j
mi iii'i'iltiitliiii in my (illicit, Inti'iiihl
IM'lltlln llflur NllVtlllllllT iJII, I Win. '
.MH1.N P. 1 1 A .11 Phil I Ki;,
llllllllty TlVHMlll-l'.
Don't forget the dance tonight.
The Kuthbone Sistcni are notified to
meet ut their hull tomorrow, Thursday,
afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Dance ut the Baldwin tonight.
Juiues Uriiuhait, while pluying foot
ball on the beach yesterday, suH'ered a
dislocated shoulder blade, lie is not
"eiioUHly hurt, however.
All the footbuM playerH urn expected
to be ('own to the practice grounds tit S
o'clock thin evening. A coach will tul:o
the players in baud for the guinea on
New Year's day and .January IStb.
From one cause or another ,1. K. Hull,
of Dutch Flat, bus lost four of his six
work horses since the clone of hiHt har
vest, while n fifth one lias been sick for
the past three weeks.
0. C. O'Noil, of Muddv Station, today
tiled on it ijnarlz mining claim ut the
corner of sections 21), 110, IM and 112 in
tow nsbip 8, south of range ID Kast. W.
L. Ilinkle, of Antelope, Hso tiled u
similar claim in the same hieulitv
The new liOlbfoot tunneon theO. I?.
V X.. about u mile undi half west of
Mosior, is Hearing conpletioii and the
contractors, Foley Brthers & Larson,
expect to havu the etmre eleven, miles of
reconstruction near tfmt place completed
by the month of Amil.
A valise was silen last evening from
a mom in the Cosmopolitan lodging
house, mid the night watchmen having
been notified, ollicers Allsky and Like
found It near the (Input In tliu East Hnd,
where it hud been cast uwuy by the
thief alter It hud been cut open and
lobbed of its contents. There Ih no
trace of the thief.
.MiirdocI: Finluyhoii. who was shot a
few w mtlc ri ago by I'.ert ItogeiH at Ante
lope, and who ban been stopping since
at the Kuropean Mourns left for Ante
lope on the wiou train. Mo is in excel
lent, health, but coinplaiiiH of un almost,
constant pain In the right shoulder,
where the bullet Is lodged. Me expect,
to go to Portland Id tho near future and
try and get the bullet extracted.
A rounder, giving his niuno as .John
DUIiou, wuh arrested Monday afternoon
at, the Culuinhia hotel by Detective
Allsky and Deputy Hhorlir Wood, of
Mofllur, charged with having stolon a
Too to $1.50
7"jc to SI .25
jiurnu c mtnining $15, from tho bedroom J Hhort program will be rendered and re
in" William Johnson, a (tonic at Petersen's 1 freshmentH served at the elos-e of the in
restaurant, Mosicr. Deputy Wood had , stallatinn exeieise?. A state officer from
followed the fellow here and made the Portland will conduct the installation,
iirruet. OIlIIoH was examined before j Mlur,,(lY(;Hterdav, December 25th,
.1 Gates tin-af err.oon and 1 ttt Ultl re8I1i0llBe flf t,;B hrl(ie'9 parents,
over to (he grand jury in the sum ofMr und Mr3 K(m,r of TuL.e
" ' ! Mile, Itev. Josiuh Burlingatne, grand-
Leonard W. Keed and Miss Esther ! fntll(jr or the bride, officiating, Mr. E.
Hull were united in wedlock laat even- ji. Surface to Miss Esther Etta Green.
iiiL', December 'J5th, at 1 :IiO o'clock at T(l0 bridegroom is a prosperous young
the residence of Mrs. Hill'., by itev. , flir,c.r nf the Dufur neighborhood where
William Brenner. Relatives and friends I lllu yQXlnK couple will make their future
were present atid all enj yod a pleasant home.
l,",Ur', , ! A dead snake eight, feet in length is
It blows Home down by the sad sea , nB (m tlll. ,R,a(;h lll)0Ut 100 yards east
waves. A lute Astoriun savs : "During ! , .... ,..,i ...i nut., .
the storm last night fifty feet of side
wan. near u.e oiuinop nuns was o.ow ,,
invuv, 'J'lm walk wan iicwlv luiil, l)Ut HO
Ii .1 it..... ;1 1 .. .-. .
great was the force of the wind that thei
strong timbers were torn up and earned
awuy. Much daniuge was done to rail-
lugs in I'.aPt Astoria."
Cliarles McAllister, of Croy, was in J
Arlington Wednesday. Mr. 'McAllister
has just returned from the Antelope !
country, where h has been in quest of
sheep, lie reports that It is dilllcult to
find any kind of sheep for sale. An
offer of J.-:.tir per head for yearling weth-
ers was made to a prominent slieep
dealer in that country Uiiclt as do -
j dined. Independent.
The Arlington Independent says it is
reported that the Pendleton scouring died of hunger, us it appears to be very
mills company Is involved in trouble. emaciated.
The report is that Mr. Jtidd, who is u p.fore Bisiuatck leconstrucled the
large iitockholder in The Dalles mills, is i ,nl,, 0f Europe and made a united Gei
at. outs with Mr. Fall, of the Pendleton j many a dozen little prineitialities used
mills, and the result muv be the closing to annoy the travelers by stopping them
down of the Pendleton mills. We pre- !Vt their fiontiers until they iiad satisfied
sumo any embarrassment of this kind ( tim custom house demands. A Yankee
would lie only teinpori.'y. once had IiIh carriage stopped at the
James Baldwin, brother of Andy j frontier of u petty prince's country. The
Baldwin of this cif, died this, Wednea-; Ilerr Ober, eontioleur at the custom
day, morning, of con- umptiou, at, his house, came forward and, much to his
home In Portland. IHh brother Andy ' indignation, was received in a noncba-
li.iu I ....... it lilu liiiilutitii fur mtiH wiieks
11 ..... . .
awaiting the end, The deceased leaves j inuiiiy enougn not w get um ui nm nu
a wife, but no children. At the hour of I riage or even to take oil' his hat. The
foiug to press the friends bent had not I Heir Ober sharply demanded the key ot
ijeurned whether the lemaiua will be in
.leiied here or at Portland.
The compliments of Mr. W. II. Mob
Han are respectfully presented to the
gentleman who took IiIh rubber shoes
from the club looms Christmas morning,
and Mr. Molwon requests that the shoes
.i r,.,,,l
Oil reilll llliu I" ninim ill.' i. .i'. i
that is to say, of course, when the gen
ilcman Is entirely through with them.
Dr. John Hudson left today for Con-
dou, where he will make his headquart
ers in the fiituii-, looking after his huge
interests at that pluoit and in Arlington.
Mis family will remain here for the pres
ent and the doctor expects to visit The
Dalles frfquently. Dr. Dudm Hide I
many friends during Ills short rcsidenci!
in The Dalles, who legriHthat the de- '
muiulHof his business interests elsewheio '
necessitate a change of location
Lnuiel Camp, No. 0055, Modern Wood -
me,, f America, will hold a public In-
Htullutinu of the ofilourH elected (or tint
ensuing year at tho little K. of P. hall
ensuing year
New Year's. ni,'ht, January 1st.
in all
in the
, UI lilt: IlllIU UllUU iltlUOC Ullllltl V.ltv.nj
near the foot of Washington street. It
f()(jm (,eu,i veptBrllav at the n0rih
, , v . ".. ...,,,.,,, ti.u
d by b0nB ,)0VH w,lQ wero Lroin(, ,0
thu Qn Hwnt thu where
R fr(jm )o onB cail ,,llR,rie, B,i ;
t)U) wj() (aH K)el ;t ever b&w guch a i
monster in thene parts before. The
Huore9 (lf ,R,0pU. who saw it during the
jHV HhiI it, all uiannei-of names, as
m mukis blow snake, cotton mouth,
aIU) w,.lt not, but all were doubtful if
! nn v MMi( f jtn siz" were indigenous to
Ki,"etern Oregon. Its coloring is very
i nm,n tlat 0 the rattle.-uake, but the
1 Bpots on iln bodv are iriegular in form
and are found on the belly as well as
the back. The reptile lias probably
! hint wuv. The Yankee was ungentle-
i , .i. . ... ..... . ..r i.:.. ......
the tourist s iiuiiki?, wruuii ins fuuouu
nate began handling roughly. "Here,
hands oil'," shouted the Yankee. "I
didn't come from the United States of
America to be controlled by you. Put
those trunks back. J'll not go through
you at all. Til turn back. I'm in no
Ihniry and don't, earn mr losing u ..ay.
. j You'ie no country.
You're only a spot.
And he did.
A A. il.
I'll go round you."
A. I'.
A stated communication of Wasco
Lodge, No. lTi, will be held ut Masonic
hall on Thursday evening, Dec. 27th, at
7:30 o'clock. Business, installation of
olllceia and work in the first ilegivo.
Full attendance desired.
By order of the W. M.
20 2t O. D. Doa.vk, Secy.
Iliii-riili lor ('In IMinuKl
1 ! have tluMinly inistletoe in Tint Dalles. ,
1 . . .1 ,. ..I .1... urn 1.. ...
i " . , 1 . . .
fcmit WSt .co nmsonable.
, Mknuv,
18-hv With Geo. U. Blakeley.
A Itrilllant Virtuoso.
A brilliant ovation was tendered
Beatrice Harlow-Dierku last night at
Arion hall. Never before in Portland's
musical history has a young debutante
been received with such marked favor.
A big and fashionable audience, com
posed largely of musicians, ap
plauded her to the echo. She was
fairly buried in (loners after every mini'
ber, until the Arion parlors, where the
fragrant ofierinKa were deposited, began
to resemble a florist's ehop.
All persons of thoroughly nnbiaeed
judgment will probably concede that
Mrs. Dierke is a virtuoso whoso tech
nique cannot bo regarded otherwise than
ne extraordinary. That she la endowed
with astonishing powers of application
and memory is acknowledged by all who
are familiar with her repertory. This
embraces most, if not all, of the great
compositions for piano that are on the
programmes of the leading virtuosos of
tbeday. She is absolutely undaunted
by technical difficulties of any sort. It
is impossible to refuse admiration for
such amazing pluck and energy.
This is the first public appearance of
Mrs. Dierke in which she has bad op
portunity to show more than a single
phase of her art. A year or so ago she
was beard in the same hall in a single
programme number that was designed
to exhibit her remarkable technique.
It was a bold challenge sent out by a
girl of 18 for comparison with Rosenthal
himself. Since that time she has made
great gains in her art. Her technique
is cleaner, her cantabile is purer and
sweeter, ber interpretation more sympa
thetic. Oregonian.
Mrs. Dierke will give a recital at the
M. E. church Saturday evening, Dec.
Under the profit-sharing policy of the
U. H. Grant cigar s'ore a drawing took
place Chri'tmae eve for the prizes that
have been earned by Mr. Grant's cus
tomers since the adoption of the policy
November 10, 1900. The following is a
list of the presents and the number of
the coupon to which each was awarded :
Wizard camera and case, 3ST2; German
tobacco jar, 2254 ; fancy bisque figure,
2742; decorated carnation vase, 1S79;
one box Louis James cigars, 10; fancy
Austrian pitcher, 19S8; bra9 boudoir
clock, 'MA ; silver match box, 1 143 ;
bipque candle stick, 3370; fancy deco
rated rose bowl, 1012; hand painted
china cigar holder and ueh tray, 70S;
decorated chrysanthemum vase, 2033;
bisque figure, 3000; fancy Austrian vase,
4090; novelty ash tray, 3124: fancy
bique figure, 2317; Turkish tobacco jar,
2022; fancy Austrian pitcher, 1100; hand
painted china cigar holder and asii tray,
3005; French briar pipe and case, 1080:
decorated carnation vase, 103S; nickel
dated watsh, 3055; bisque (iguie, 3394 ;
fancy Austrian f pitcher, 1759; bieque
candle stick, 1972; braes boudoir clock,
339; silver match box, 1304 ; decorated
chrysanthemum vase, S5S; hand painted
china cigar holder anil ash tray, 3720 ;
one box fifty El Sidelo cigars, 2439; rub-
j ber tobacco pouch, 2120; bisque figure,
I35S3; novelty tobacco jar, 4225; nickel
j plated watch, 591 ; bisque figure, 2SS7;
French bria- pipe, 399.
1 Two more pianos and two organs sold
, yesterday. A fancy Martin upright piano
in walnut is set aside ior a Christmas
surprise, a Paris Exposition Ludwiggoes
to Walla Walla, a large stockman from
j Mitchell sendB in a mail order for fancy
case Chicago Cottage organ. Santa
' Clans will soon be here; take advantage
1 of our bargains now. We will make a
! special cut to parties purchasing first
j instrument each day this week. If you
jever intend buying a piano or organ,
' now is the time. Remember the place,
1 Nickelsen's Book .t .Music Store, The
Dalles, Oregon.
j A well-known society young lady of
i Mils city, while alone in her home at
twilight yesterday afternoon, had occa
sion to exainino something by the light
of u kerosene lamp previous to going out
i on some little errand. Whita scanning
'the object of her examination her hat,
which was of the regulation variety,
'caught in the fiumo of the lamp and tho
smell of silk and burnt feathers toon
'convinced the lady that there was a fire
in tho house. But just where it was
she could not tell. Becoming alarmed
I she si'iuched every nook and corner of
' the room, looked into the stove and ex
I uiuined the stove pipe and Hue; but in
j vain. The smell grew stronger and
' mistier us she eeaiehed every room and
closet in the house witli the same re
sult; when, filially, as she hail haif
I made up her mind to ring up the Hie
1 depaitment she clasped her baud con
vulsively to ber head and found the hat
1 ablaze and mined beyond redemption.
For Infants and Children.
. TL V .J Van Umin AluiAiin llAIOVhl
" UU nfl 'flJ& UUU&m
Bears the
Slguaturo of
Toy Htnnm hiiglnrii, rtn,, Won't Do.
That is what one of our competitors
says, and he is right. Tho idea of buy
ing tin whistles, etulled dolls and trash
is an absurd proposition, especially
when fine pianos and organs are going
at such prices that will enable any one
to make a Christinas present that has a
value to it all the year around. At
Nickelspn's Hook it Music Store you
can have a piano or organ on terms to
suit your purse.
Many persons haye had the experience
of Mr. Petet Sherman, of North Stratford,
N. H., who says, "For years I suffered
torture from chronic indigestion, but
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure made a we'l man
of me." It digests what you eat and is
a certain cure for dyspepsia and every
form of stomach trouble. It gives relief
at once even in the worst cases, and
can't help but do von good. Sold bv
Clarke & Falk's P. 6. Pharmacy.
Don't Huh It In,
Just wet the affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and the pain is gone. Sold bv Clarke &
Experience is the best Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to
give immediate relief money refunded.
25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeleyl the drug
gist. '
If you have dandruff, your hair ie
falling out. Use Cocoanut Cream. For
sale at Frazsr's barber shop. n9-Im
Christmas shopping made easy by
calling at Menefee & Parkins'.
Remember that Cocoanut Cream Tonic
will promote growth of hair. Charles
Frazer, sole agent. nO-lm
A Gran 1 Marquerade Ball
.... will be given . . .
New Year's Night, Jan. I st
at The Baldwin, by
Prof. Sandvig. . . .
j This will be the event of the season,
and all who purpose attending should
I make due pieparution. Manjuers will
in all cises be required to unmask ho
I fore a select committee before entering
i the ball room.
neene : in
Steam, hot water and furnace heating. Estimates
made and contracts taken for heating old or new
Do not forget
That we operate a plumbing and tin shop, t.l-:o ma
chine repair shop in connection with our hardware
and implement store. Repair work of all kinds done.
sa, One thousand
ii r-i
m Prices from
! Ranges
fThe genuine all bear
and are soia wuu
lufflrriRri First Prize
Sold by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere.
....... '1. 1.. Tim Michigan Stove Comnany.
. . ....I...... ..1 Hinv.ui
HAtajiiirneri '
Yon will not have boilo if vnu take
Clarke A: Falk's sure cure for bolls.
A full line nf Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke A Falk.
Clarke it Falk's flivoring extracts are
the buf. Ask yn'ir umvr lor them.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured bv C'urne
& Falk.
Soule Bros., professional piano tuncra
of Portland, will be in town the coming
week. I.nave ordern at. Menefee &
Parkins' or Nickelsen's music stores.
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
Patton's sun nroof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark it
Falk, agents. ml
DeWilt'e Lit tie Early Risers arc dainty
little pills, but they never bill to cleanse
the liver, remove obstructions and in
vigorate tho svsrem. Sold bv Clarke &
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Wanted Men and women of good
character and references, to represent an
established house, eplended opportunity
for advancement. Address P. O. Box
587, Portland, Oregon. novl5-lmo
Huslling young man can make $60 per
month and expenses. Permanent posi
tion. Experience unnecepsary. Write
quick for particulars. Clark it Co.,
Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel
hpia, Pa. sS-tf
Our toilet necesaires are of tho latest
'importations; something unusually tine,
and at, a price that will convince you
that we mean to give the people of The
Dalles an opportunity to buy at metro
politan prices. See our east window.
Geo. C. Blakeley.
Don't use any of the counterfeits of
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Most of
them are worthless or liable to cause in
jury. The original DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve is a certain cure for piles, eczema,,
cuts, burns, sores and skin diseases.
I i r-M .. i. f. I?li.t t n 111..........
rUIU uv l;liirhc IVTHlh B l . v. i inn mm;
When you need a soothing and heal
ing antiseptic application for any pur
pose, use the original ueuitts witcn
' Haz-i Salve, a well known cure for piles
and f-kln diseases. It heals sores with
out leaving a sear. Beware of counter
feits. Sold by Clarke & Felk's P. O.
For Kent or 'tili.
The Sam Wilkinson warehouse, on
First street, is for rent or sale. It. js a
three-storv, corrugated iion building.
110u33 feet, with water elevator. Apply
to Sam Wilkinson, The Dalles. n20-tf
If vonr hair i.-t dry and dead-like, Co
coanut Cream Tonic will give it life and
luFler. It in pronounced the finest
tonic on ecrth. Can be bad at Krazer'a
barber s'.op, agent. n9-lm
styles and sizes. 4&
,i i.nn4-;.n.
$5 to $50.
the above Trade-JYIark
Paris Exoosltion 1900 mM
mill Hum-cn lu tliuWoild. dak Stomi
i i