The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 26, 1900, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
- )KC. 2l. 1900
croup, niul so bail luive tho attacks been
that we have fenrad many times tlutt ho
tvould die. We have had tho doctor ntnl
' used mnny medicines, but Chiunberlitlii'B
Cough Remedy is now our sole reliance.
I It secma to dissolve the touch miieup
and by giving frequent doses when the
Itbeeronpy symptoms appear we have
found Unit the dreaded croup is cured
before it nets settled." There is no
dunuer in giving thi remedy for it con-1
tains no opium or other injurious drug
and ir.nv be given as confidently to n
hands, says the Xovr York Sun. At t babens lonn mlult. For sale bo Hlakeley,
2 a day it was impossible to get a ! the druggist
In almost every railroad station
between the Mississippi river and ,
the Kocky mountains, notices have
been nostril during tho last throe
months offering high wages for track
supply of this cheapest grade of ctrrn i-nnuot m cured,
manual labor. One reason was that j with local applications, as they cannot
it was easy, in Nebraska especially,! reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
. . i is a blood or constitutional disease, and
iu uiaau irum c.iiu iu ?o..u ;i iui
shucking corn.
go into the corn
leave of absence to
field and wotk for a few days. Jsow
the wages of railroad laborers in that
region have risen from $2 to $2.i)0,
with board, and the chances are that
the figures may go somewhat higher,
for the railroads can' get few men to
go into the mountains, where the
work is severe in winter. It is only
five years since the president of one
of the great Western railroads said
freely in private conversation that
the time was coming within a decade
when the day laborer, especially the
railroad day laborer, would be get
ting 1)0 cents a day, and would be
glad even of that. The great ad.
vance in the wages of day laborers
and the mistaken views of one of the
great directors of labor in this
country serve to emphasize the fal
lacy of the assertion that the work
ingman is not getting a fair share.
Next lo the Western farmer, who is
making from 75 to 100 per cent clear
profit on what he produces, the
manual laborer seems to be about
the most prosperous individual in
the land. In work on Western rail
roads his wages have gone up fully
100 per cent. 1'ew other callings
can show such a record.
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure ib
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
I It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for veers, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney Jc Co., Prop?., Toledo 0. 1
Sold bv drruggists. price 7ic.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
In talking of Chocolates please
remember that we carry a full lino of
LOWNEY'S. just opened, fresh from
the factory. In plain and fancy boxes
for Christtras trade, and at prices to
suit. Don't forget that we ant head
quarters for tho best on earth. Name
LOWXKY settles it.
Geo. C. Blakeley,
The Druggist. ;
Ttie Columbia Packing.Co.,
I J. E. FALT & CO., I
propHoiors Gommepeial Sample ffaoms.
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Dolivorod lo any part of tlio City.
P1,on,!s: Ks'ESl niHtance. 173 Second Street.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
The statement by some of the
press in this state that the only ob
jection that has been raised to the
selection of II. "SV. Corbett as United
States senator was that he was
wealthy, is erroneous.
To Whom It May Concern.
It having come to my knowledge that
parties, presumably interested, are
claiming thati when I sold out my retail
interest at 17o, Second street, French's
block, I contracted to not open any re
tail business in the city of The Dalles.
I beg to say that I sold my right not to
open any retail business between Fed
eral and "Washington streets, on Second
street, and have and liitund to conform
to my contract. -My place at the Hank
Cafe" is in no fn-.u in violation of the
dl-tf C. .1.
Notice i)f involution 'if I'artnerMilp,
Notice is hereby given t.'iat the part
nership heretofore existing between
Grant Mays and L. E. Crowe, under
the firm name of .Mavs & Crowe, was
dissolved Dec. 1, 1900, Grant Mavs re
tiring. The business will be continued under
the old firm name of Mays in. Crowe by
J., li. drowe. Ail claims ugumsi me i
firm will be paid, and all accounts and ! lKCt lr()l"-
notes due trie lirm collected by him.
tin a nt Mayh,
L. E. CitowE,
PORKand BEEFi Just What
Fine Lard and Sausages i
Curers of BRAND
pipe Jailorip
!- 17 VY
m, if
.. .COkUjVlBlA BREWERY ...
Of the product of thin well-know n brewery the United States Health
Report for .Imie 2$, ll)()0, tmys : "A more Hiipei ior brew never uiitereci
tho lnlirutoiy of the Tinted State Heulrh reportH. It ih abiolutely devoid
n the fliuliteHt, trace of adulteration, bin on the other hand 'ih eon. paced i(
the hea of malt and ehoicent of hops, Itn tonic iualitiett ant of the, high,
eat and it can be ned with the greatext. Iienelit and mitisfaclioti by old unit
young. I tn one can coiiMiieiilinindy be prescribed by the pliVHiciaiiH wild
the cereaintv that a better, purer or mom wholesome beverage could net
possibly be found."
East Second Street. THE DALLES. OREGON.
A complete line of Fall and Winter
SiiitinL"J, I'antinga and Overcoating, now
on display. 100 different varieties to se-
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
Several of ' Feasant herb drink. Cures constipation
! ntnl ItwllrrpQtinn m:iUpq vnn pat. olpen
the leading republican papers of the i and inppy. Satisfaction 'guaranteed or
state, outside of Portland, arc op-1 money back. 25 cts. andoOcts. Hlakeley,
. , , ' the druggist.
posed to ins election, noi uecause ue
New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety as wo are showing nover be
fore graced a single stock. Keal imita
tion creton effects at ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
Eleeant desiirna. tasteful colorings, vourn
SuitS, $20 aDd UD. , for n Binnn price, nt our store on Third
'V ( i street. Also a lull line of house paints.
Call and examine goods before going ; D. "W. VAUSE, Third St.
elsowhero. Second street, oup. Mays
& Crowe's. 1 ----- -
HJH Restaurant
is rich but because he is the repre
sentative of a ring and, if elected,
would work for the interests of that
ring; therefore ho is not the best
msn to represent the whole people of
the state of Oregon in the United
States senate. Another statement,
which is not true, is that the objec
tion to Corbett is a silly
emanating from populism, etc. There
are surely a few men in this state
beside Mr. Corbett who are success
ful men, and who are as competent
and capable as he, and who ate not
owned or controlled by a certain
political faction. True, we want a !
capable and successful man to repre- (
sent us but let us have one who is
free to work for the interests of the !
United States, and tho state of Ore-!
gon; not one who is bound hand and
foot to work for a very small portion '
of the state. Antelope Republican.
Paint your house with paints that ars '
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke A Falk .
have them.
A full line of Christinas goods can
found at the New York Cash Store.
L. Y. Hung, Prop'r.
Hi'st-CIass in Every Respect,
aiKiU.S AT AM. HOCIil,
When the stomach is tired out it must J
have a rest, but we can't live without I Oysters Served in any Style
food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure "digests
what vou eat" eo that von can cat all the
good food yon want wnile it is restoring
! thn fliffcattvii nrimrin tn honlr.h. It. 13 the
mania' I reparation that (li!,e9tH tlj .jn,js
of food. Sold by Clarke i: Falk's P. O.
State Senator Daly is out for II.
V. Corbett for United States senator, I
on the ground that Oregon needs nnj
energetic man to represent it in the j
hxi of congress, well, tins is a
joke 1 remarks the Astoria News.
Senator Daly says Mr. Corbett will
certainly be elected, which is an
other joke. 3Ir. Corbett doesn't
stand as much chance as Mr. Daly,
lie is not the fit man for the place
and the Oregon legislature will not
elect him.
p. s.
Wagon Shop,
I Horseshoeing.
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies.
Pnr- SPiiniirt 9. 1 aiirrhlin iPhnnn 17
. p. Stephens
Grandall & Barget
fill kinds Of UNDERTAKE .'. BuPiaSh
Funeral Supplies t; embalmers Etc.
"" Tho Dallas. Or.
7 Second ht.,Tlio Dalits Or.
arc many timj3 tljo of various
l:seates. Ninety pr cunt of tlio
American peoplu are said to bo
troubled with liver and stomach
complaints ."uch as constipation,
dizziness, indigestion, billouiuesa,
fcluiiKish lier, et.
No. 25
overoouin and euro tlm'o UK
Tlit-M Ubltits net lib ;i trentlo laxa
tive Tii'iy mako tun livur and
fctouinch do tlieir iluty as tliey
should Tho most olMtinato cumh
yield to theb't little tabluH. Thuy
cost -.'') and can bo nrocuiud t
OlurKH it fall, the Dalles, Onuon.
1 1
.ealor In..
11. M. JlIIAJ.I.,
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Cents' Furnishings.
i Hoots, Shoe. Hnt.s 'Vips. Notions
j for W. I DoiikIu" Hhoo.
Telephoiif No. 8.
Vil teccoud St.,
ABt. M
The Dalles, Or. 1
Tho Statesman says a visitor to
the state house recently noticed on a
tahle ti set of incotporation papers
for tho organization of a "Natural
. - r t ft It 1.. I
L. as company. -iicuo, w ; eih Cream IJalm
"the populist party IS Oing to re- J clcamce,ootuMamluaU
organize, is it?"
In all in tlvim tliro
tliould Ijo cleaiiiiueji.
A VlllM llUckiinltli Saved Ills l.lttlu
Hoii'h Llfd.
Mr. II. II. Ulack, tho well-known
blacksmith at (iraliauiHVillo, Sullivan
Co.,N. Y saya: "Our little son, life
years oll, has always beun subject to
the diseased meiiiuruno.
It euro cntarrh and drli cs
away a cold lu tho head
Cream Halm W placed Into tho nostrlle, ipreadi
over the raembrmio and ia aheorbed. llelief I Im
mediate and a cure followu, It ia not drying doea
not produce ineeln'. Largo KUe, SO ceil In at Druy.
2iitt.r hy mall; Tilil tiiv, 10 cents by mail,
U.V JaWTIIKKH, 50 Warreti Street, New York.
trade marks
A u vnno lending n ulirlrh and dencrlptlon rnu
'inlclil amerlaln our opinion free whether u ,
Invention ii prohnbly piilentable. ''oiniuiinlcf
linrit ai rlcl lr oonll.knl ml. I land hook on I'ulente
tent line. Olrictl imenrv for neeurliiK patent.
I'atei.ta tiilien Ihrouxh .Munn & Co. lecelvu
tlrtlal notice, uithoutcharuo, In tho
Scientific American
A handtornely llluttraled week I r. I,.irneat clr
1'iilalloii of uir KrienllUn Journul. 'I'orina, II a
year: lour iiionlha, (1. riolU brail newadealem.
MUNN & Co.30""0"""'' New York
' UriLcIi Ofllct. fa V KU, W.ihluilo" U.C
First National Batik.
A General Banking Bushman transuded
Deposits received, auhject to Kiicht
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceuda promptly
remitted on dav of collection,
fiicht and Teletrraphiu Exciiangn Bold on
Wow York, San Francisco and T'orl-Jnnd.
D. P. TllOMl'BON. J.VO. H. HciIJfNOK.
Ku. M. Wu.MAMfl, lino. A. Likhk.
H M. Bkam..
matt shoren,
General Blacksmith
and Horsesboer.
All kinilR of hliickfliiiitliiiii; will receive
jjirompt attention and will lie executed
I in lirst-clasfl shape, (live him it call.
Richardson's Old Stand,
Third St., near Federal, The l),ille, Or.
! Stylish
i Are those who wear clothes that are up-
lo-diiie in lit, workmanship nud quality,
i My lino ol tminpleH covers all tho lutein
1 deaiKiiB for fall mid winter, the price Ib
i right, and I can KUiirauteu n perfect lit.
Suits to Order, $10.00.
John Pashek, The Tailor.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail idnds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, S?1iKek
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
I tOn FlOUr lmH r 1H mauiifiuitured expressly for fitmllj
uee: iiverv pack in uuuranteed to iivu Butiafaotinn.
i Va sell our kooiIb lower than any Iioiibo In tho trade, nud if you don't think so
1 call and ut cur prices nud ho convinced.
j Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats
AT3l-A ' ATA 1 A TA1-.I I-A T A'J ATAMTI l"A:J TAt JL. I! mTJl I'A.-J A rAyillC-rjei VA" A-fATA-1 iirA
Str. RoKWlntor
MtoniiH.TM of tho IteKiilittor l.lno wilt run iih iliefol
owwik n:ln ilule, the Coiup.iii)- rescrvhiK tho tlKht to elm'W 3
i)ivihilii wltnoiit notli.'o. "i
, l.v Duller
l nt 7 .. fl.
: I nubility
' 'riiiiiMhiy . . .
K HHtllliltiy .
h Arr. I'ortliilid
n nt i vi i. u
l.v. I'ortl.iml
II' 7 A. H.
. U'lilnunliiy
.Vrr. Dm lies
.'i l: M.
Ship your
Regulator Line.
Str. Dnlloo City.
l.v. Diillcx
nt 7 ,. M.
Momhty . .
Wi'ilmxlny. .
Air. I'orthiliil
nt I I-. H.
l, M'ortliitKl H
nt 7 ix a . y
'iin'i.ij a
' iiirila' ,2
Kiitunla)' H
nt.) i' H
k, iliivui ny tlichtwiiiciK iK tlio liCKllhitor I.llif. The Ciimiuiiiy will iMiilnivor to Kl Vf lit l'"
mux nit' noil H'rvii'ii posMhlc. I nr (nrtlmr Inlorniiitloii mlilrosM n
rottlnnil Oilk, O.iL Hliwt Dock.
W. O. ALLAWAY, Gon. At.
turux r.i'r';jr..jrj.T. t ir..'J.u.'.i.YiriJ'j.4.wirjti.ri.r .r..i
etiHng fom Business.
Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost.
Dry (SooiIh, Clothim;, HontH and HIkjch, at much low- than wliolcwtln
pricuH. W HI eel) in hulk or in lotn, or any way to wuit purchuHiirH.
Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days.
All jmodH will ho Biicrilloud except Thompson'o (love(lttin CorHiilH
and HutiBriek I'atteniB. Your prlcew will ho mine. Call eurly and eccure
Oornor Second and Court Sis.