LOST CREEK LYRETS. A Hunch of llrlKht tlrcvltlra from the Columns of Tlml lluatltnir Jimrtinl. Hilly llyors him returned from his t rip to Denver dintl hopes to be ablt to leave his lied in n tiny or two. In the society depart ment of a Den ver paper we note that hustles are nirain eomlnir in fashion. Old papers for wile at this ottiee in bunehe.s o nny size. Old Simon Huekley, who lost one ye from a blast in the Holy Moses mine a few weeks ujro. eame mighty nenr losing the other one in the Home hotel last Monday niht. A woman, a hatpin and a keyhole figured in the incident. At the marring of Hank Cutes and Ulla Ilnrdinir on (loose ereek the oth er day the blushing bride passed u subscript inn paper to raise funds to erect a tombstone over the remains of her late husband. A pood round sum was subscribed, and she hopes to now be able to pay due tribute to the memory of her recent loved one. Cyrus Hand and Mnry Homer eame over from Methodist Mountain yester day to be married, and .ludije Jenkins tied the knot in the latest approved style. In the spirit of jocularity for which he is noted his honor whispered in the ear of the bride, just after be stowing the judicial kiss, that he had never spliced a Ilunii-Sonier couple. In the trial of a mining; case in our justice's court last Wednesday a voting sprig; of the law from Denver, with enlarped ideas of the latitude to which attorneys are entitled in court, failed .ludg;e Jenkins a "pettifogging; liar." A moment later he left the temple of justice with a head en larged to more comfortably accommo date said ideas. At the swa-ree iriven bv Mrs. Jack Milieu last Thursday oAeninir in honor of her reconciliation witli her divorced husband the hostess wore a mustard- colored gown that was pronounced to be the smartest thing; in the frock line ever seen in this camp. Jack was j not present, having; been detained up town celebrating; the event with the bovs. Daisy Illack. who ran away with a "Denver drummer a few weeks atro, re turned home last evening; with noth ing; to show for her escapade but a tear-stained marriage certificate and a black eye. She will g;o to Cripple Creek next week and file an applica tion for divorce, and expresses the sin cere hope that the next fellow that jrets the matrimonial drop on her may be a gentleman. Hank Devlin, of Methodist Moun tain, who was married last week to hat dashing; young widow from Den ver, came over yesterday to s?e if he couldn't have Mrs. Devlin arrested for obtaining; a husband nailer false pre tenses. When ye Lyre man asked him for particulars of the crime he shut up like a startled clam and refused to talk, further than to throw nut a vnpue hint that a woman .should never lie judged by the shape of the clothes -she wears. Denver Post. "I have need Chamberlain's Colic, 'Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find it to be a great medicine," says Mr?-E. S. Phigips, of Poteau, Ark. "It cured me of bloody (lux. I cannot speak too highly of it." This remedy aiwaye wins the good opinion, if not praise, of those who use it. The quick cures which it -euecte even in the inoit severe cases make it a favoraite evotvwhere. For sale by Blakcley, the druggist. To Wham It May C'lineein. It having come to my knowledge that (parties, presumably interested, are claiming that when I sold out my retail interest at 173, Second street, French's block, I contracted to not open any re tail business in the city of The Dalles. I beg to say that I sold tiiy right not to open any retail business between Fed era I and Washington ntreete, on Second street, and have and intend to conform 'to my contract. Mv place at the Hank Cafe is in no sense in violation of the contract. dl-tf C. J. Rtuiimnh. Help 1b needed at once when a person's life is in danger. A neglected cough or cold may soon become serious and should be stopjed at once. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures coughs and colds and the worst cases of croup, bronchitis, griie and other throat and lung troubles. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Dyspepsia can he cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Illakeley the drujjgist. Experience ie the beat Teacher. Use Acker's English Heme ly in any case of coughs, colds or croup, Should it fall to give immediate relief money refunded, 25 cts. and 50 cts. Illakeley, the drug gist. Clarke & Folk have received carload of the celebrated .lame E. Patton atrictly pure liquid paint? Come in and nee the 'Cheaper than ever. Geo, latest in art. C. Hlnkeley. .Hynitiin Cniurtl liy Aimer. A study of amrer from experiences in about U.UHl case, collected from re liable observers, has been made b. (!. Stanley Hall. The causes were initu, and various, often lieinjr ery trivial, and the physical sensations tieetinipa nyinir it differed irreatlv with the in dividual. Flushing was very jretirrnl, althotifrh pallor wa a charnetertstic in -7 jier cent, of the ca.cs. The heart beats were violent, several eases of death from rupture of this orpin be ing1 reported, and there were some times peculiar sensations in mouth and throat, sometimes dizziness or faintness, frequently tears, and iren erally enpinus salivation, which mifrht produce "frothing at the mouth." Common sounds were animal-like cries in children, oaths and threats in adults, while in many cases the throat was paralyzed, and there was inabili ty to speak above a whisper, or with out crying or tremblinir. Hutting; with the head, biting; and scratching; arc noticeable in childish tinker. Stray Stories. Cure fur Morphine llnhlt. (ireat interest has neen aroused in medical circles in (lerniany, says a Herlin dispatch to the London Chron icle, by the discovery by Dr. Otto Km mcrich. of liadcu-Iiadcu. of a specific airainst morphia poisoning; and that peculiar form of disorder known in (iermany as "morphinismus." The In creasing; u.-e of morphia among; a con siderable .-cot ion of society has been lately exeitint; much attention, and medical men have been ut:nbie to pre scribe any ellieient remedy. It is claimed for Dr. Kmuierieh's discovery tltat it has proved infallible in the numerous cases in which it has been applied. It is distilled vegetable oli of intense acidity, two or three drops of which are taken internally ilnih. After a cure, extending; from three to six weeks, patients acijuire an intense loathing; for the use of the morphia needle. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the part- . narship heretofore existing between J. E. Adeox and Theodore H. Lieue, ! under the firm name and style of . I. E. j cdcox & Company, is this day dissolved ! i. , ,.,! ,. t v t,imv milriim I from said firm. Theodore H. Liebe will continue, me uusiuees 01 gam nrm unuei the name and style of J. r.. Aclcox iS: Company, and is authorized to receive and receipt lor all moneys due eaid firm. and all claims against said firm should be presented to him for payment. Dated thie 10th day of December, 1!R)0 .1. E. Ancox, Tiieo. H. Likisi:. I desire to announce to my patrons and the public generally that in assum ing; control and management of the jew elry firm of J. E. Adcox & Co. I retain the services of J. E. Adcox, which is u sufficient guarantee thst all work in trusted to our care will be repaired in a workman-like manner. Respectfully, 2w Theo. II. Lieiik. Now ie the time when crougi and lung troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results is one Minute Cough Cure. It is very pleasant to take and can be relied upon to quickly cure coughs, colds and all lung diseases. It will prevent consumption. Sold by Clarke & I'alk's P. O. Pharmacy. Bl'Dl.VKSS J.OCAI.H. We Try it recommend Lazell's M. Z.Donnell. gierfiimee. lS-dlw Lazell's perfumes for Donnell's. Christmas at 18-1 vvd Don't fail to see the mechanical toys at the New Vork Cash Store. Holiday perfumes at popular prieep at M. Z. Donnell's. 18-dlw Roslyn, Clealum and Australian coals by the'Stadeltnan Commission. 21-lni Our holiday perfumes are now ready. A full line at Donnell's drug store. l'w Wanted A girl to do honsework in a small familv. Apply at this otlice. 17-dlw Evert thing that is new and rare in the line of children's toys can be found at Menefee & Parkins'. Remember that Menefee &. Parkins' store is the headquarters for holiday goods. Lazell's perfumes, pell's drug store. the best, nt Don-18-dlw Clarke & Fulk have on sale a full Hue of paint nnd artist's brushes. For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing eo good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake ley, the druggist. The mechanical toys at the New York Cash store will please the old as well as the young. The most. edVctivfi little liver pills made are DdWitt's Litlln Eirly Jtliers, They never gripe. Sold by Clarke & j I'alk's P. 0. I'luriuacy. ( NOTICE. ! In future) any and all ii quM'-s ruhw j tive to delinquent tnxc must he made to tho comity clerk, as ho is custodian of , dulinuijejit tax sale record and rolls. Tim sheriff having complied with the law in I making sale of delinquent tax?, he is I completely out of the tax-collecting business till March next. dl!i-lmv I Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday, j Djii't forget this. For Nearly Two Years Unable to Lay in Bed " In my capacity ns druggist, in Buffalo. X. V.. I have the best opportunity to judge of the merits of many different remedies. I nin in close touch with tho sick, who conic into my store for medicines, and most of them tell me how they are gcttitigaiong. ut nil the Hun dreds of preparations which I sell, not a single one begins to give as much satisfaction as Acker's Eng lish Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Hronchitis, Asthma, Pleurisy nnd consumption, i sen it on a tus- tinet guarantee that it will cure, II nr the purchaser s money will be returned. This is n perfectly safe guarantee, because the remedy does cure. Nobody wants his money returned. Its cures are nothing short of marvelous. Take the case of Mr. A. H. Gilbert, for instance. He lives at No. 5 Carey street, Buffalo, N. Y. For more than three years he had a bad case of asthma, and had been un able to lie down in bed for nearly two years. He came to mv store and asked me what to do. J. snid: Take Acker's English Remedy.' lie said he had tried other reme dies and didn't think this would licln him. But he thinks differ ently now. Three bottles fixed his asthma nil right. Ho could sleep and eat nftor taking them, ns well ns when a boy. He was cured several months ago, nnd is well vet, so I am certain his trouble is gone for good. You can write to Mr. Gilbert himself, if you doubt my word. He will go further than me in prais ing Acker's English Remedy." (Signed) S. B. Thoknk, druggist, Buffalo, N.Y. Sold at 25c, 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada; and in England, at ts. 2d,, 2s. 3d., ,gs. fid. If you are not satislied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. lt' authvrl:c the above vuaraiUcc. II. A ltOOh'h'l: A- CO., J'toprictors, :av York. For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy. Hundreds rt, overworked N i tin f nr jTrrrnrrnTtTTriTnrTT7iTrTtTTTinTrrTTtTnTTi 5 K f f f f f 't r-fek $1.00 per month. Strictly first class local and long distance telephone service within your homo. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con vereation will bo kept a secret. No cost for installing. You get the standard Untitling Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night service. We will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel same on giving us thirty days writ ten notice, PACIFIC STATUS TELEPHONE Q0H. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in the Chronicle i-Jpf (M OVER-WORK. of l.iuvycif, Preachers. Actons and other Professional and Business Men win thougrht 1 fAX they bad kidney trouble have told us thev had never beep able to find anything to equal Lincoln Sexual Pills for the cure of that pain in the hack, and the all gone feeling that fo often iirecedes paresis. Price, .$1.00 per box buy of your druggist or sent by mail on receipt of price, in p ain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY 00., Ft. Wayne, Ind. M. Z. Donnoll, Agunt, The Dallea, Or. itt" nTHniTrfrrrrTTf rrTTHrniTTiniitrn urni r itmh n htmi rn I fly The Chroniele, The alien, Op. Job Printers. SOUTH and EAST via Souinern Pacific Co. Shasta Route TriilM". leave The Dulles tor lMrtliimt Hint way Mntlnns nt ii. in. mut :: i. m. 7:KI in III. p in 11. "II it in i ;:v ii iii ,S;K ii in ii.i;ii ll'IKIll 7 :'.'." ii 'j;..u ii id 7.0(1 M til r,.im p m ii in !I..V ii ill IMNln in t'i:'J.'i i Hi : n in t'J'l.'i in l'lillimia mill Tniirht ears on lioth tnilim I'lmlr rar.s Hueriuiii'iito to Ogilen unit 111 I'mo, mill tourist euro to ( hlrui;o, rit Ixinlt, NcwOr leiiii.s mul Washington. ContU'i'tlm: at Kail l''ralir.li'o with several .sU'Miiishl Hues for Honolulu, -I uj" " ('lilua, riilllipliiL's, Central anil smith Ainuilca. Kee audit at The Pnlles Miitlim, or aililriss C. H. MARKHAM, (ii'iieral l'Mhsciicur Agent, Port. am!, Or l Ull Yellowstone Park Line. Till. DININit ( A II 11(11' 1 1. I 1IO.M l'OUTI.AM) TO Till. l.ASV. Till-: ONLY DlltLCT LINK TOTIIK YLI.LOW SIONK I'AltK Union Depot, Ftlthand I sts .u'.mvi:. No. : Km st mall for Tiiconiii, No, heattle, Olyinpla, dray's llnrhor ami houlli llt'iiil tiiiiut.s, hpokuni!, Hiiss Inmt, It. (:., riillmmi, .Moscow, l.i'M Istnil, lllll 11 15 A. M. fal. 1 1 1 1 :i i j i iii 1 ii I UK " 'Ull - fii.V) I'. M. try, lli.Mt'iia, MlimcapO' lis, Ht. I'aul, Oiniilia, Kmiihis City. Kt. LoiiIn, ChiciiL'O mill all uoiiitx1 No. 1. n -,;) v. m c.iKt ami sinitheiist. No. :i. 1'iiKot hoiiuil Lxprt.sh for Tai'iinia anil Seattle 7;ll A. M. ii lid i ti terniLill ii tu potnt.s I'll llniiui lirM-elasN mul tourist NleoiMirx tn Minneapolis, Ht. I'mil ami Missouri river point1 without rhaiiiie. Vostlhiilcit trains. I'tilon tk'pot coniieotlotiH in mi iiruiuipai cute, HiiKKiiire chit!ketl to ilvstliiiitlon of tickets. Kur hmulsuiiivly lllustrateililcscrlptlve niiittur, tickets, BleepliiK'L'.ir rcscrvutimis, etc., ealt on or wrne A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (iciicral russi'tiifer Await, son Htrcet.enrin-T Thiol, l'ortlatnl J.Vi .Morrl Oregon. NOTIC1C FOIl l'l'HLICATION. l.A.sn OmcK ai Tim Dai.i.kk, or.., i DiTuinlier in, iwm, i Notice Is hcreliy elven that the followinir limiuil settler has II cil mitici- nl ills ImichiIkii to iniike lluiil proiit in mipport ot his elalni, ami trull Mild proof will he miiile holore the register niiii iivcurr ai i ne iMiiei,, im'KOII, on hatltr- iiaj , iiiiiuary r.i, rjiii, iz.t tiriiHt (Hili'KHi'liluciir, of The Dalles, OreKon. It. I.. No. .'.HVs for the ),-, NW!', mill W.J BW'j hw. 1U, '1. 1! N., Ii. in lie names tne following witnesses loprinc Ills eoutiiiiions luslihjiice upon unit cultivation of miIi! Imiil, vl. Urill) Whittle. .IriCflll Ollll'Ll-llli,.r ai.i.. v Marsh, I'erry Vimi.'iiiiip, all cf Tin; Dalles, Ore- K'U. 'tell JAY 1'. I.UCAK, Ileuiltcr, NOT1CK FOU l'UHLICATION. l.AMlOFNCK AT Till: DAI.I.KS, Or,, .. , , , , Direinher 17, I'joo. ( Notice Is here iv ulven that the fnili.u iin. iimneil settler has Mel notice of his intention loiuiiKu iinai prooi in support ot Ills clnliii. mul tliatssld proot will he inaile licfnrii tne teglsiur .in., lu.tuu in mi! i . n. imiii oinee at 'ihe Dulles, (Jr., on Haturiliiy, January Vii, IWll, vl: rriuiiilM A, Olirlst, of 'Dm Dalles, OreKon, II, i: No, ir.7il, for tlie uVil-l -u1 """ Hh K':c' T1 He naiiieH the following witnesses to prove Ills continuous rcshlencii upon and cintlviiilnu of said Imiil, vl. J. It. Hall, I), D Nelson, Chun, (illemu, Alex I'raur, nil of The Dulles, Oregon. 'leclh JAY I'. I.t-'CAK, Iteglstcr. NOTICK FINAL KHTTLKMKNT. Nutlcu Is heiehy given tint the undersigned has duly Mid with the County Chirk of VViisco (,'ouuty, Oregon, his final account and report as administrator of thocsiatc. of Adolpli Agldlns, deceased, mid that the llouoriihln County Court has llxed Munda,thufith day ot Noveiulier, I'JOO, HtlOoeloek a in. of said day as the time, ami the County Court room of the Cmiiity Court loiiheln Dalles City, Wan:o County, Oiegon, as the place for hearing said Mm! account and re port. All iicrmns Interested in said estate urn hcreliy uotilled to appear at said tlimi and place and show cause, II any there he, why said leport should not he approved and said administrator dixihiiigeiL Dated tlilsStli day of October, HW). Ailmlnlstratorof tlieestateof Adolpli AkIiIIiis, ikceanit. ,,,(, AD.MINI.STi: VTOU'S KOTICK. Notice Is lierch.v iil .oii thai u,c uiidiirslgned has been iipoiul"d liv tin iniruy court of Hum) county, Ongiu, inliiihiMialnr of thu eihito of Knuicl. ;M.s, dee. nsi d. All persuus having tilaliii.' nit, ilnsi Ho; isintc aiu hcrehy ro illllid to p'csi lll the smile In n e, duly yerlllcil. .ittheollliv ..I W. . Wis,,., in lliillcs ("Uy Oiegoi', wthn six Mis (m,i, th, ii.-iie lieieiil D.iIl . ;iii!inl'i Id, 1'jlo. (iJ'.ii. . ISOSH. 11 OA' I U Ailnilui tiiilor. UXKUUI'OlJ'i) .NOTICK NotI"o Is hciclivi! ven that the umlerslgncil, exeiiutor of the will of Ainlriiw V. Aiidurs dcceand, h-s lib, I hi. (I mil account in the county court of ihchmtcof Oiegini for Which county, and ald cmut has iipiiolulisl .Monilav, the ah nny of January, luin , at thu hour of in iMiliidk ii. in., as this tliiui for bearing ohliMitloiis tlicretonuil thu settlement thenor. All helm, creditors mul other perHous Intuiestcd in said ejlato are therefore hereby iciiilreil In Me thulr objections to suld iiccoiiui, If miy thuy Inivu. on "ri ! ". '"r 1110 ''''''rhig tliureof. D.illcs city, Or., Nov. 15, P.mo, nl--Ii .I.e. IIOhTHI'I.KK, Kxcmilor U-iive l'lirtlmiil . .. H::n in Alliany li..,-J)ani Arrive Ashlatiil ..U.aiiim " SiirramiMito ."nim ji in " huh l'rmiclsco .... p in Arrive itoti r:ir m " Heaver ... !i:i i ii nt " Kiiiisa.sClty 7:':."iaiu " lMilrm;o 7: I'm m Arrive 1js AiikcIcs t:'.'n p m " i:i I'iimi i.'im i in " Kurt Worth . . li-wtn m " City ot Mexico . !i:.Vmiii llnuston . . a in " New Orleans . n !!!" a in " Wasliliiulnii ".: I J ii iti " Now York. '.'-' 1:1 in in era n TIMK M'MKIlt'l.K, I'lltIN II.U.I.Hs. AtlHlVR I- hum I'ust Isalt l.iilie. Ilrnver. Kt. Mall I Worth, Ojtiuliii, Kim-' Vi.'ir, 1 1. in. Mih City, St. Louis, CIiIcmho anil KtiHt. Fast Mull l:Ui p m Atlautli: Cxinesk I'.'tiMin. in. Via It Kilt iiiKtou. Salt bikt. Denver. I'l. Worth, Oinahii, kun MIH City, Kt. IjiiiIk, ClilriiKo mul I'.iiHt. I I a, m iii III I in H link ii III' Stall mul Impress Walla Wnlhi, SpokaiKi, M1iiiu'iiioIIh. St. I'aul, i Ml I ii t Ii, Milwaukee, CIiIi'iikii mul i:iki, via hpokminakil lliiiitlin.' ton; alo nil points In WiikIiIiikIoii null l.nst era Ori'Kon. HpiiUhu Mull mul lixpreis U"i" i. in "'l ii. m h 1 1. in. KllllM I'llllTtANIl Oitiiii HleaitiMhif,. I'nr Hun l'raiii:lsrii Kvery I'tvu Iiavh. I p. in, h p, 111. j Kx.HiiuiliiyiColiiniiilii Kv. KteunierM. To Ahtouia ami Way Hiuiiriluy i l-iiiillnus. It) p. in. ! I p. in Kx.htuif. " t. m. i Wii.i.amktti: Itivuii. -1:30 p. m, i:x.Siiiiiliiyi()ri'Kon City. .Sewheru, Kx.aiitulHj 1 niilem A. N ay IjinU'h. 7 h. tn, IWll, Ajterrr. ahi Yam- :i ;ui ii, m. fill's, l lmr.; IIII.I, UlVKItM. Moil ..Whl anil hut. Oregon City, Dayton, una FrI. mul Way-I.:inilii(;s. l.v ttlpurlii miliy , ' '. in. hNAKi: Uivnic, Itlpaila to l'WlHton. Lkavj: i.kwiktiin ihilly U.Wla. in iW riirliin ileslriug in go to Mepiiuer or tioints on Coltimlila hoiilhurn via )ilj;gs, slnnili! tiui- Nn. .', leaving The Imtlcs nt U in p. m. making illtcct confections at lleppner junction end lllggs. Itetiirulng niinilngiliri'i'lcoiuiei'tluti at lleppner niiictloii ami lllggsulth No. l.m rivllig at The Dalles at I'.'.. in p, in. Hie I) It. A N. siemner "M nine 'Is now tank ing regulai trips, to ruli'in and Iiimmk'iiiIciiii' stojiplng at alt way landings. Hlie Icmvi's I'oti laud on Miiuilays, Wednesdays mid Fridays t r. it. in., arriving Hthalem I p. in., and tiiili'ivnil cm c iiliuiit I, p. in. on siiiiic day-- Hi'turnliii! hoat leaves ludepeiiileiice at hi. in ami huli-m at Mi. in. on Tuesdays, Thursdays mid batitr days, arriving nl I'nrlhim! nhiiiit p in Mime days. For full particulars call on O. It. A. N. Cn. s agoiitTlie Dalles, or address , W. 11 IiritLHI UT, Oen. Fas. Agt , l'ortlnnil, Or ONE FOR A DOSE. liomnTR I'lmplvt, 1'rnrnt IIIUiiii.iirsM, I'arlfy ttixllluinl, i.urn ll.isiUrhr sail llr.ii.uui.. PILLS n niiiTPiiiniit n( ,n liownls acti d7 la n 16c. buld b, ara,,u: U0SJ!K0 CO. PhlU. SZ NOflCE. 1 ly i Irtuc of nn order of the council of D.illci (Illy. Oregon inudcoti thu '.'nth. iluv of Nnvein her A I) limn, notice I hereby given Unit on the Mild "Dili duy of Novmnber. I1"HI, the sain eiuuicll dcclnrcd by resolution adopted that that portion of th.i sldeniilk Nltiiuted on tin northerly Hide ot Kulton Htreet mid lying Ik tween the northeast corner of tin siiniire toruicil bv the Intersection ot suid I''ulton Hircet Willi Washington Street In Dalles City unit n point Jim fuel east ot siild corner on snlil Fulton Street Is in ii ilutiH Tims eondltliiii null III need of being rebuilt In ihiitMild Hidewull; K uculi, dcc.ijvil mid unsiilc to travel upon and it was iletur mined by sulil council to inlmllil the niiuic mul that the cost of rebuilding siild sldewnlli be charged lo the owner or owners of the iiopurty nlmtliig on mild portion of sulil sidewalk ilc clarcd In u daiigermis couditloii as by law pro vlded This notice Is published for II days from tin1 Ith day of D mher, I'.xD, by order of the council of Dullus City, wnleli order was made Jfnv. lth. Iltm. Dated at Dalles (Jltj , Or.. December .'Id. IW. Mill II. liATHS, Itccordur of Dalles CHv rLTjkTacrjrrawjkD ii a,twi L. Lane. (iKNIII'.AL Warjon and Carrlago Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and JcHcrn, Plionc 159 FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. i'uanhact a i;nkiiai-iiam.'i:.'(i urn.' i -" IxittorH of Credit InhiiciI uvullitble in tho EiiHtern KtnteH. Stultt KMtlmiiun nnd TolnKra)ln TrnuHfora Hold on New York, OhiciiKO, Kt. LouIh, Kun FnmuiKCO, rortland Om uon, Kouttlo WhbIi,. nnd vnrlotie jiolntfl in Oreuon nnd WuHiuniiton. ColliiclioiiH Hindu ut ull iointu on luv riililn teriiic, Belgian Hares to Lease. J liiivn nhiiiit 10(1 thorouiihbred 'If"-'" that I jwllt luiiHii in lolH of 10 to rmpoti hIIiId pnrtiuu on Hhurcn. Apply to 0. U. HA V'AUDi tiDO 'Jw Tho I illwu. nr.r.w.T Kill BiacKsmnn A N D Horsesnoer