The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 24, 1900, Image 3

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    Fj 1 " " '"' ' . . A Trlliu ti) ,tif Aflectlou. I BUSINESS LOCALS. I Mnrrj Chrtntinn.
A Very
Tnko our "
in as much
friend to friend. But
it's Christmas time, we'll do it in a verv cordial wav.
In our daily announcements, in the paper, we try to loll you of
the store happenings in much the manner as would a personal friend.
Read them, then, as though enjoyed in friendly conversation.
Almost daily we invite you to the store in the very same spirit
as we would in asking you to pay a neighborly visit. The store is yours,
and in it. you may come and go at will wo never plague you to buy.
Take this way of serving you in lieu of a personal handshake.
The store will be closed all day Tuesday, for 'twill be Christmas
day. The day we hope will be yours. Let's enjoy it in the broadest,
most liberal way forget business in a day of good cheer.
Yours very truly,
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
DEC. '-'I. WOO
tj:easiiiiki;'s notice.
Ml U'n County uurriiiitH rt-KMnreil
liiiiirto s.ilviiilMir 1. I HOT, will tin HI1
on ii'iiiiiitulliii lit 1 1 1 J' ultlri'. Intrust
' HfKT Nmi'lllhi'l' 'iO. 11100.
(.'tillnly TlraMIMT.
Merry Christmas.
Ice cream for CliiistinsiH dinner at A.
Keller'. IWd-lt
List -a fountain pen. A crack in the
rubber holder is bound by a sti.and of
lino wire. I.etiirn to tbiH office. 31-21(1
Tho Now York Cash more will be
cloned till day tomorrow, and wiHhetj itn
.. ....... ni.r;ui...uQ
Illtlliy l 'IIHIUHU'I D II I III. ivii'.C'.."'-. (jyl
Dr. It. K. Sanders, and Charles llarzee
ato aunouiifed to speak at the fjeth
Morcan (.ctioolbousu
next Saturday
evening on Socialism. w
Uemember, members of the football
a-Hoclation practice at the grounds near
Hon. M. A. .Moody's residence, Wed
nesday evening at 8 o'clock.
The Albany poundinustcr is on a toot
and thu Democrat' only hope for him
in that he will make an iron-clad reso
lution not to think any more fur a
w bile.
Thu Chrysanthemum Club will jslvo
their next dance New Year' eve, at the
Ilaldwin opera hotiKe. None but the
members and their uuesta
til it ted.
Ktmoru Pico will bo at the M. K.
I'huich Weduohday, .Ian. '-'ml, hi u mui:
nillcet.t program, iisMjted by Mr. Lillian
W. linker, pianist. Seats l , at Wake
iev's drti" utore. I
' . . .... i
A vagrant, who gives his nainu as
Chin ln llulnon, was arrested yesterday
for beiiiL' drunk am! disorderly.. In do-
vai'rant, w ho gives hi naiiiu a
tubulin, p.
fault of the cash to pay a fS line the,
fellow wa put this morning to cooping
the crosswalks.
Pianos and organs will not cost you
much now. We thuo not state pi ices in
print thev would make our competltore
furious. Call at NickelHcn' Hook k
Music store. We will continuo out ale
until our entne htock of pianos ami
organ are uold. We M on easy pay
ment If o desired.
Kvery nuiiuber of tho football elivun,
mid others intereHtcd, me rtquested to
be at the pi ad ice ground at S o'clock
Wednesday evening for practice for the
game with Wasco, at The Dulles on
New Years day, A competent coach
will be prcHeut, ami it 1 necetsary that
all should bo in attendance.
Marshal Driver arrested yesterday u
drunken Yuklma Indian whom lie
" : !
I t, served t i
UVS C6IS Jl.. !
At Andrew K lar's.
jHerry Christmas to Yoa.
Merry Christmas" tomorrow as
the same spirit as a cherry "
may wo not speak a word
fintid lyin in the mud in the miiidlo of ;
the tirade immediately west of the'
Uin.ilillit House. As the fellow wa j
dead broke and had not been disoiderly
and riothinn would be trained by con- j
fliiiiit: him in the city jul, he was
turned loose this morning.
I". II. Button, of Hood Kiver, inforuie .
the Pioneer that tie and .lame" Sories
I have entered into contract with the!
Storey it Kaeppler Lumber Company to.
. furnish 50,000.000 feet of eawloi: for.
their mill tit Cascade Locks. Most of '
the louijine: will do done on Wind river. J
They will have chaise of the camp that ,
j has been established at Wind mountain ,
1 and will also tint dame in Wind river
j and drive logs down that stream. ,
! liiitton iv bones have sent east i;ir a
1 lectin engine and will put it
ou the
railroad now built at Wind mountain.
The road at the present time is only
built about two miles, back from the
river, but they intend to extend it an
other mile, thereby tapping a fine bolt
of timber. They do not expect to com
mence operations until eprin.
WflKlllIK Hulls (i.lllil...
A munhiKH license was issued Satur
day afternoon to A. F. ICvio, the leading
merchant of Victor, and Leona Collier,
lof IScvd. i
Another wap isuod to George 'I yrrell '
and Louisa Undei wood, of Hood Hivei.
Another was it-sued to K. M. Surface, j
of Dufur, and lather Ktta Green, of I
The Dalles.
And still another was issued this .
morning to Frank K.Strang and Dora '
A. Tucker, of Hood Ulyer. l
While vet another wa issued this i
afternoon to L. W
Hull, of this city.
Heed and Esther
A ViIIukx ISIarliMiiHIi Sail IIIh I.IKIh
Son's l.lfn.
Mr. H. II. Hlnek, the well-known
blacksmith at GnwianiM'ille, Sullivan
Co.. N. Y.. savs : "Our little son, live
yeaiHold, has always been subject to
croup, and o had have the attacks been ,
that we have feared many times that he'
vould die. We have had the doctor and
used many medicines, but Chamberlain s
Culll1 Kenedy i now our ole reliance.
It kkmiiih in dissolve the toilL'h mucus
"v , .
, , ,,j friiiiiniil ilnsi'H w lien tie
Itliecroupy symptom, appear wo have
" " " -"
0u U - ; I I. -
tains no opium or other injurious ding
and may be given a confidently ton1
babe us loan adult. For sale be lilakeley,
the druggist. j
Many persons have had t he expei iencu
of Mr. Petei Siieimau.of North Slrutfonl,
N. II., who says, "For yeai I suU'eied ,
I torture from chioulc indigestion, but
! Kodol Dyspepsia Cure inado a we'l niiiu i
ol me." It digests what you cut and Is
a certain euro for dycpU and evei
form of ploniach trouble, It glvca relii f
at once even in tlm worst case, and
can't help hut. do vnn good. Sold by
Clarke A Falk' P. O. Pharmacy.
Kiill't Kllli it III,
.lust wet the affected part freely with
m ..uturlniiM l'.iln (!nre. a Scotch remedy.
and tho pain Is gotie. .Sold by Clarke A I
Fullc, I
a personal one it is
of business, too?
Tivn I niiiiit:iiit itrreH,
At 1 :1," yesterday niornint: the sheriff
cf Umatilla county 'phoned Speeial
NiKhtwatchman Alisky to look out for
a couple of men that were wanted at
Pendleton for burclary. Mr. Alisky
communicated with Sherill' Kelly, and
finding that two men answering the de
scription of those wanted had taken
rooms at the Columbia bote! and were
there in bed, they concluded to postpone
the arrests till morning. Keeping trace
of the Flipped the tuoollieers took their
stand acrosB the htiet-t from the hotel
and as soon as the men came out on the
sidewalk they were placed under arrest.
The bheriir of Umatilla county was
promptly called up anil given a deserip.
1 lion of the men. when the answer came
i, , , , ' , , , ...
oat'K mat they should tie held at all
buzzard till the arrival of Deputy Sheriff
Joe I'.lakeley on the lirst west-bound
train. .Mr. lilakeley arrived here this
morning and was pleased to find that
'PI... lv. M ill. .:! i .1
i ,iU ,,..!.-. miieiaiB mm i -mi-ni mu
ine j tmuieiun iimrers were niter. I
One of the piisoners registered at the
hotel us Thomas Uarties, of San Fran
cisco, and the other asdtts W. Lucking,
of Penilleton, It tiouuti both of them
have aliai-efl. They had on them a
lady's gold watch with a diamond set-
... .... ..
ting and u gold chain and kcket with;
diamond setting. They had soaked a
revolver for drinks, in a saloon on FirPt
stieet, which the sheriff' tedeemed for i
-M0. One of the pisoners had a near-1
ly new .Mcintosh of hue quality and I
wore a very line silk undershirt.
Deputy Shetiil' lilakeley identified all
these articles as hnviuu been tecently
stolen from Pendleton
formed Tin. Ciutoxici.i
portant arrests make
person that they have
people. Ho in
that these hu
some seventeen
in the Umatilla
county jail under charges of burglary.
.Mr. lilakeley returned home with tiic
piisoners this afternoon.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Biguuturo of
'I'wo more pianos ami two organs sold
vesteidiiy. A fancy Mai tin upright piano i
in walnut is set aside lor a Christmas
surprise, a Pari Kxpositlon Ludwig goes
to Walla Walla, a large tocknian from
Mitchell sends in a mall order for fancy
case Chicago Cottage organ. Santa
(j.,UH will soon be here; take advantage
( 0iir bargains now. We will make a
s,.,.u ,.ut to partien purchasing first
i,1Hiruiiicnt each day this week. If you
. , huvin n .,iiwi0 or ()r,,ul)
now i the time. Konioinhor the place,
Nlckeleen's Hook Muic Store, The
Dallis, Oiegon.
The celebrated Columma .Salvador
bock beer w ill be on draft on Christmas
eve at the places of all the customers of
August llnchler. dlO-'-M
A full line of Christinas goods can be
found ut the New York Cash Store.
I'ohti.ani), Den. 'JO, 1000.
To Tin: F.nnoit.
The news of'tlin di'iith of Mrs. Pearl
Dvnmnil ttnifnnl u'MmIi nt !
The Dalles Dee. .1th. mm., a .,
- -"
surprise and shock to bur manv friend
and acquaintances. Although her health
1ms not been of the best for some months
no otio anticipated it would terminate
fatally. She was 21 years old last
March. She was married to W. A.
Hurford, a well known and respected
farmer of Ifartland. Though less than
a year in length their wedded life was
very happy and their bright, cheery
homo a center of hospitality.
Her parentB, Mr. and Mrs. Dymond
and brothers Hert and Gay are well
known in the west end of the countv
and highly esteemed by everyone. For
many years they have lived in Camas
Prairie. If ever a dutiful daughter and
sister brought cheer, sunshine and
brightness in a home Peat I certainly did
in theirs. For several years prior to her
marriage Bhe was a popular anil success
ful school teacher. Her amiable, gen
erous disposition, cheery manner and
true kindness of heart endeared her to
all. Not alono in Catnae, where she
grew from childhood to womanhood and
was loved by old and young far and near,
but in every neighborhood where she
taught will her death be felt as a per
sonal loss. Her place in our memory
can never be filled by another, but will
always be fragrant with tier loving
kindly deeds. To those who are near
est and dearest, whose hearts are torn
and bleeding, whose loneliness is inex
pressible, to whose lips is now pressed
the bitter cup of sorrow and whose grief
is deeper than words, we would say,
look up and beyond. There is One who
has fathomed the deepest depths of
human sorrow and need, who drank to
the dregs the bitter cup, who died but
live ngnm to bind up the broken
hearted and comiortall that mourn. In
this time of your great need, let His be
your solace, your refnue. May God
comfort each one.
Oxi: Who Siiakks Tin: Sonitows.
An Historical Number.
"It may not be generally known,"
says the .Mc.Minnville telephone iteg-
ister, "that the original copy of the first
number of the Oregonian, a fac simile of
which was printed in the semi-cento:-
j number of that paper on the -1th
jinst., was found in Yamhill county.
: For a number of years the editor of the
Oregonian had offered $100 for a copy of
the lirst issue, but none was found.
"During the last sickness of the late
Win. Huffum, of Amity, he gave to
George Himes, secretary of the Pioneer
association, and assistant secretary of
the Historical society, authority to take
charge of all papers, and preserve what
ever of value might be found among
them. In this collection the long
sought for paper was found, and is now
one of the relics on exhibition at thn
j Historical society's
rooms in the Port
land citv hail. When Kditor Scott was
I shown this lirst paper he is said to have
jslied tears of joy. The fac-simile
I formed a conspicuous part of a very
I interesting centennial number."
W, U. Warner, of White Salmon, was
in town today.
j,or,i returned yesterday from a
business trip to Portland.
T. M. I!. Chastain and H. F. Life, of
Hood Ktver, are registered at the IJina-
tilla House.
I 15. F. Laughlin returned from Port
' land ycHterday to upend the holiday
j with ti is family.
Miss Nellie .McGiiinis arrived heio
I yesterday from Shaniko to pend the
, Christinas holiday with friends.
M... I I.I.,.,,,,..., ,,f .1,,, ,,,,t,,,.
,,,,,, rt!lurI1(Mi !011. tl,llrty a(,l(r
apuiiclint: two or thiee days in the city.
Mis. Robert Kelly, who ha been
I vieitinn for the past week with friends,
'in Portland, ii'turned home yesterday.
Chris Sehwabe, for years a valued
employe of this ollico, now with tho
Irwin-'llodson Company, of Porlland,
artived here from Portland yesterday to
spend Christmas with his mother and
1 No I lii of DUaiiliitliiu i f I'm Ini'i-hlp,
Notice is hereby given that the jiart-
nership heretofore existing between
Grant Mays and L. K. Crowe, under
the firm name of MaysACiowe, was
dissolved Dec. 1, 1900, Grunt Mavs ic
tiiing. The bniincHS will lie continued under
(lie old Unit mime of Mays A Crowe by
L, K, Cinwe. All elaini against the
firm will be paid, and all account and
i notes duo the llim collected by him.
i GiiAsr May.'-,
L. K. Ciiowu,
, lllllTllll till' CIll'lnllllllHl
! have the only mistletoe in The Dulles.
Just cut from tlieoausof the Willam
ette. Call early and get the finest he
fore it goes. Price reasonable.
Cl.VIIK llliNUY,
18. Iw Witli Geo, O. lilakeley.
Uoineuiber that Cocoannt ('ream Tonic
will piomoto growth of hair, Charles
Frazcr, sole uiftuit. nO-lui
Subscribe for Tun Oiiito.sif.i.u.
You will not have boils if vnu take
Clarke & Falk's euro cure for bolls.
A full line of Kasttuau films and sup
plies just received by Clarke A Falk.
.. mrKO rniK's iwvoririis extract are
t iilfl i.,,.,.
Ask your urocer for thfin.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arue
A Falk.
houle llros., professional piano tuners
of Portland, will be in town the coming
week. Leave orders at Menefee A
Parkins' or Mckelsen's music stores.
Why pay if 1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
Patton'e sun nroof paints for $110 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark A
Fulk, agents. ml
De Witt's Little Early Risers are dainty
little pills, but they never fail to cleanse
the liver, remove obstructions and in
vigorate tho system. Sold by Clarke A
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Wanted Men and women of good
character and relerences, to represent an
established house, splended opportunity
for advancement. Address P. O. Mox
587, Portland, Oregon. novlo-luio
Hustling young man can make $60 per
month and expenses. Permanent posi
tion. Experience unnecessary. Write
quick for particulars. Clark A Co.,
Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel
bpia, Pa.
Our toilet necessaires are of tho latest
importations; something unusually tine.
and at a price that will convince you
that we mean to give the people of The
DalleB an opportunity to buy at metro
politan prices, hee our east window.
Geo. C. lilakeley.
Don't, use any of the counterfeits of
DeWitt's Witch Daze) Salve. Most of
them are worthless or liable to caue in-
jury. The original DeWitt's Witch Hazl
naive is a certain cure for piles, eczema,
cuts, burns, sores and skin diseases.
Sold by Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
When you need a soothing and heal
ing antiseptic application for nnv pur
,,.. c. .i. .:..! n,.iv:..
i, tirtj biic mimnm iCMiti r .lliuil
Hazel Salve, a well known cure for piles
and skin diseases. It heals sores with -
out leaving a scar. Kewar of counter -
feits. Sold
bv Clarke
e A Felk's P. O.
I'll!" Itcnt or Slllt!.
The Sam Wilkinson mreiionp, on
First street, is for rent or sale. It is a
three-story, corrugated iron
llOx.'Jo feet, with water elevator,
to Sain Wilkinson, The Dalles
If you have dandruff, your hair is
falling'ont. Use Cocoanut Cream. For
sale at Fruz'Vs barber shop. nO-Iin
Christmas shopping made easy by
calling at Menefee A Parkins'.
Steam, hot water and furnace
made and contracts taken for
Bo not forget
Thit we operate a plumbing and tin shop, also a ma
chine rep'air shop in connection with our hardware
and implement store. Repair work of all kinds done.
One thousand styles and sizes.
, For cooking and heating.
Prices from
The genuine all bear
ana are soia wim
Awarded First Prize
Sold by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere.
m..ii i.v The Michigan Stove Company,
T.aruust Makers (if Htovuti
Site -Burner
7vmiER St
Why not go to Jones' cafe and enjiy
a good Christmas dinner? Everything
for your comfort and enjoyment.
Oyster Soup.
Turkey with crHiilwrry "mice.
Irish and wl Potatoes.
Iloiled Onlniis.
Lobsw Salad.
Plum Pudding, with or without brandy
Mince Pio.
Vanila Ice Cream and Cake.
Candy. Fruit.
Salted Almond!;.
Dinner, 50 cents. Order your ice
cream for Christmas. 22-''t
A TlnilMfilitl rongllpn
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil
adelphia, Pa., w hen she found that Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
had completely cured her of a hacking
cough that for many years had made
life a burden. All other remedies and
doctors could give her no help, but she
says of this Royal Cure "It soon re
moved the pain in my chest and I can
now sleep soundly, something I can
scarcely remember doing before. I feel
like sounding its praises throughout the
universe." So will every one who tries
, Dr. King'e New Discovery forany trouble
of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c
, ant $l Tri(,l bo'tle free at Blakelev's
drug store ; every bottle guaranteed.
Tny Stenm linulnt , etc,, Won't Do.
That is what one of our competitors
says, and he is right. The idea of buy-
I whistles, stuffed dolls and trash
is an absurd proposition, especially
when fine pianos and organs are uoing
at such prices that will enable any one
to make a Christinas present that has a
value to it all the vear around. At
Nickelsen's Book A Music Store
i can have a piano or organ on terms
1 suit vour nurse.
When the stomach is tired out it must
have a rest, but we can't live without
fnnd. tvmlnl nvnfii.i Corn "ilieests
. u-h,it vnn cit" siihai vnn nn Mt. ul! the
- ,f0Od fbod von want while it is restoring
tne digestive organs to health. It is the
ntilv nrennration that diuests all kinds
; of food. Sold by Clarke A Falk's P.O.
If your hair is dry and dead-like, Co
coanut Cream Tonic will give it life and
luster. It is pronounced the finest
j tonic on earth. Can be had at Frazer's
.barbershop, agent. n'J-lm
old or new
$5 to $50.
the above Trade-Mark J
i wrmcu Kuuiaiuic.
Paris Exposition 1900
unit Kuiikou lu tho World. Oak Stovet