The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 24, 1900, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
-MONDAY DEC. 24, 1000;
C Tomorrow being Christians, no'
paper will be issued from this olllcc. '
Yc therefore take this opportunity j
of wishing the readers of Tur
CmtoxiCLi:, one and . hll. a merry 1
Christmas and a happy New Vear.
the sack for the republican snipe
hunters. It's going to bo n blamed,
long, cold winter for us this yenr.
Wood, coal, and corncobs wanted on
subscription, and wanted right now!
Hon. Henry W. Corbett, of Port
land, is reputed to be a rich man,
a very rich man, and therein lies his
strength as a candidate for United
Stales senator. It is useless to dis
guise the fact that if Mr. Corbett
were worth $10,000, or even 100,
000, no one would have thought
seriously of choosing him to rcpre-,
sent the people of Oregon at Wash
ington at this critical time in the
history of the state. Hut he is a
millionaire and wants thS senatorslnp,
and he has but to press the button
and the fly-wheel begins to turn and
the machinery to move, and in a
twinkling the whole mechanism is
whirring and buzzing. Professional
politicians are scouring the state,
legislators are slipping into Portland
on free passes in ones and twos and
threes, and drifting into the back
parlors of the First National bank.
So it is said a tremendous commotion
is stirred up by the liberal use of
money and the favorite and well
known methods of the Portland
managers. And by the time the
legislature assembles we will perceive
that bod in a ferment of excitement
over the question whether enough
members have been prevailed upon
to go into secret caucus and submit
to the shameful prostitution that
marks the process by which the rich
man reached the goal of his ambition.
The Eld ridge block at Salem,
where Jonathan liournc and Joseph
Simon herded the mcirbers of the
hold-up legislature in 18U7, will
probably be the scene of a high old
time during the coming session.
Pliable members will find Doc Keene
in attendance, ready and eager to
introduce them to that grand old
man, II, W. Corbett, "who has often
expressed a desire to form your acquaintance.''
The Clatsop county court has ie
structcd the county treasurer to remit
to the state treasurer the scalp bounty
tax for 1 890, amounting to $GG0.:4.
lu this connection it is quite perti
nent to suggest that the county court
of Crook county might profit ly the
example of its brother of Clatsop.
Paint your Iioubb with painte that are
fully guaranteed to Inst. Clnrke & Fulk
have them.
In talking of Chocolates pleaae
reiuetnher that we carry a full line of
LOWNEY'S, j list opened, fresh from
the factory. In plain and fancy boxes
for Christiras trade, and at prices to
euit. Don't forget that we are head
quarters for the best on earth. Name
LOWJCEY settles it.
Geo. C. Blakeley,
The Druggist.
Senator Simon ought to be fired
bodily from the United States sena
torship. He leaves his seat vacant
in the United States senate and re
mains at Portland to help in the
election of II. W. Corbett. Mean
time, the democrats consider it of
sufficient importance to gain another
vote there to have Chas, A. Towne
qualify as senator from Minnesota
and take his seat, although it will l e
but a few days more or less that he
can hold under the governor's ap
pointment before his successor is
elected by the republican legislature.
The questions upon the IIa3'-Paunce-fote
treaty, the Xicaraugua canal
bill, the army bill, and the river and
harbor bill will all have been disposed
of in the senate while Simon is ab
sent from his post of duty. Great
questions these, nnd of tremendous
importance to the people of Oregon,
and every republican vote is needed
in the senate. But Simon "lingers
at home and busies himself with the
petty intrigues and corruptions of
faotional politics. If McBride had
stayed at home as Simon has done,
the air around the Oregonian tower
would have been sulphurous as the
fumes of Aresuvius.
after eating
is ciuaed from the etomnch not
befrinninu its work Immediately.
Until it pots to work you feul dis
tressed tho food lays iu your stom
ach like it weight.
To start digestion to male tho
stomach do it worn you must assist
it if your stomach is weak or blow
to work.
No. 21
taken after meals supplies the Ftom
uch with nece-ary acids and juices
which digest the food quickly in a
proper manner. To jret tho liest
results use lialdwin's Health Tablets
No. 'S) with the Dyspopnia Tablets.
Tho Dyspepsia Tablote cost tUo and
j can he hud at
1 Clarke & Falk. The T)aW. Or. con.
mm mwml
L. Y. Hone. PropV.
first-Class in Every Respect '
Oysters Served in any Style.
sT Seeonil at.. The Dalles Or. '
I J. E. FALT & CO., I
& propriotors CommeFGjai Sample Ijooms.
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Ik'livoivd lo any part of tho Oily.
,,1,0,"!8 : Ks Eft 173 Second Street.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
Just What
You uiant.
C. F- Stephens
.Dealer In..
TtT Hnnrlc ft 1 r I-H i r ft 5l
itoots, Shooh. Huts Cups Notions. Apt,
lor . i.. ihuikiiis snoe.
it B
Telephone No. .'S.
i;si second at.,
TUB Dalles, Or.
Drying preparations simply dovel
' O) dry catarrh ; tliey dry tip tho secretions,
which adhere to the nicnibrauo nud decora-
pose, causi ng a I ar moro Kcrious trouble than
' tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snulls
I and use that which cleanses, soothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Italin is such a remedy
and will cure catarru or coium tno neaii
easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho
oUc. size. Ely Urotliers. ( arren ht., Js. 1.
Tho Halm cures without pain, does not
irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself i
over an irritated and angry surfaco, roliev
: ing immediately the painful inflammation.
I With Ely's Cream iialia you aro armed
i agaiu3t Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever.
In all its atases there
. should be cleanliness.
Ely's Cream Balm
cleaii!cs,sootliei and heals
the diiea-eil membrane.
J It cnrei) catarrh ami driven
away a cold in the head
t Cretan Halm Is placed Into the nostrils, spreads
! over tho nicmlirnne and Is absorbed. Itelief In tin
' mediate and u cure follows. It la not drying does
, not produce eucwln;;. Larjjo Sic, SO ccntB at Drug
gists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall.
IA.Y lJTIIKUS,3!i Warren Street, Now York.
ro2& JUfji
America is likely to be confronted
with the question whether it is will
ing to ive up a portion of Alaska,
to England for the sake of fortifying 1
a canal which can be very well
guarded by our floating fortresses. '
It is sincerely to be hoped that the,!
administration will clearly under- J
stand that it was elected upon the
understanding that it stood for no
surrender of territory one 3 gained,
says the Astorlan.
The Hickory llidgo Missourian is
in favor of reorganization with a
vengeance. It says: "We are in
favor of reorganizing the democratic
party or abolishing the whole shoot
ing match. When it's got so that
wo haven't any principles of our
own and have to take them second
hand from a lot of Kansas and Ne
braska cranks and grnnddaddy long
logs with yellor hair and their pants
in their hoots, who don't know any
thing but free silver and calamity
hooting, it's time, by jingo, to call a
uow deal! We're tired of holding
iGrease 1
I helps the team. Saves wear nnd M
m. c::peufe. Hold every where.
iM u a nit
I OADE. rflAHrio
Anrnno neiidliiit n nlieteli mid i1eerlnllnn inn
quickly nseerliilii our (iiiliilnii free whether u'
luviMillon iii probably iiuleiituble. ''iimiiiuiilri
Mmin Htnct ly ciniriiloiit Inl. IluinJbookon I'litenti
join free. Oldest auanuy fur nacurluir patemn.
I'alel.lB tukun tbriiuull Munii & tu. recelVv
tptelal twtke, without chHrue, lu tho
Scientific .American
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. J.nrBCst elr
riilutlon nf liny rlniitltin juiirual. 'lerim, .i
yenrt four nioiitlis, f I. Hold by all nuwuileuleri-.
MUNN&Co.30,B New York
Branch omce. 3i Y UL, WashloiHon. 1. C
piije Jailorir;
A uomnlete Huh of Full and Winter
SuitincO'autinuF Ovurcoatinir, now
on display. 100 different vurieties to Ht
luct from.
Suits, $20 ar)d up.
Call nml oxamine sjoadt bufore uoinj;
elsewhere. Second Htreet, opp. Mayb
& Crowe's.
He GuiumDia PaGRlnp Co.,
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the tood and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
otructlng tho exhausted digestive or
gans. It isthe latestdiscovereddigest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It in elllcicney. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Ilearthurn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Gastralgla.Cranipsand
all other results of i tnperfect digestion.
Price 50c. and tl. LarRosltocontainBSV't tiroes
amtill alio, liook all abimt Uysixipslaumlledtreo
H'cpared by E. O. OcVITT 6 CO., CbleaflO.
Sold hy Ulnrke & FulkV P. O. PlmniiHc.y.
JJIt. It. K. K.1IITII,
Ituoins ID nml 11, C'liiipinuii lllock, The Dulles
OreK'Hi. wi'-l
Kick Heudaaho ubtiolutoly mid perinn-
nently cured hy uuinu Moki Ten. A
pleaBunt horh drink. CureH coiiHtloation
nud indlpeHtlon, makes you eat, sleep
and happy. Katiafaution wuurunteed or
money hack. -Viete. uudGOcts. lilukoley,
the drugKiit.
New ideas in Wall Paper hero, riuch
wide variety as wo are showing never be
fore uraued u giulu Htock. Heal iinitu
tion ureton effeets at ordinary priues.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours
for a small price, at our Hloro on Third
street. Also a full line of house puiuts.
D. W. VAUSE, Third St.
F. s.
Wagon Shop,
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies.
Cor Second & Lanshlin. TIioiid 157
Of the product of tliiH well-knoun tirewery tlie Uujted State.H Health
Keportn for .lime lis. 1H0O, nay: "A more hu pel ior brew never entered
the lahralory of the Tinted State1 Health reportn. It ih aholntely devoid
of the HliulitcHt. trace of adulteralioti, hut on the other hand it con; poctl of
the ln'Ht of mall and ehoieeHt of liopH. Itf tonic (tiiilitieH are of the hih
ent and it can lie ued witli the irrculeHt henellt and H.'itixfae.tion tiy old and
youue. Iih line can eoncchintlouxly he preecntied hy tlio phynlcianH with
the eurnaint v tliat a hetter, purer or more w hulem me lievoragti could not
pocHihly tie found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
Crandall & Budget
DKALKiih ix -B- obes,
Rll kinds Of -rjNDEKTAKE BuriaSh
Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc.
Tho Dalles. Or.
I PI Af.ll-A r'AfA-" A"jmi.A"XIAtA1 Am iJA'i 'AUrj, tjk.ATArA-.-ATA-rjlTA'rATAT'ATA"'Jl',."'
H ...
II. M. IlKAU.,
First National Bank.
A General Banking BuHineHH trmiHacted
Dejioaito received, oubject to rJiulit
Draft or Check.
Collection!) made cud proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of collection.
Hl!ht and Telerapliiu Exchange Bold on
iNew York, bun irunciflco and Port
land. DIRBOTOK8,
D. P. TllOMI'HON. Jno. S. Bohknok,
Kd. M. Wim.iamh, Gko. A. Likkk.
H. M. Ukam,.
General Blacksmith
and Horseshoer.
All kindH of hlackflinithini' will recolvo
prompt alteiitiuu and will he executed
iu HrHt-clnHH Hhape. (Hvo htm a cull.
Richardson's Old Stand,
Third St., near Federal, The DallcB, Or.
t Are thoeu who wear clothefl that are up.
to. dale in lit, workmaiiHhip and (jtialltv.
My lino ot samplea covera all the lutHt
(IhhIkiih for fall and winter, tho price ie
riKht, and I can guarantee a perfect, fit.
Suits to Order, $10.00.
John Pashek, The Tailor.
Hti'iimi;m of Mm ItcKiiliitur Mae will run nh nr tin' lol i M-lii'iluli'. tlio (.mniiitiy iumtvImi: tlio rli?ht tn cIiiii.k'
Sir. r?QKiilntor
C I v DulK'N
A lit ' .. si
r: Tuemlny
B TliuiMliiy . .
M Hnttiriliiy .
k Arr I'lirtlimil
p at l.U I', ii,
t -
l I'lirtlaml
ii' 7 A Jl.
Arr. Hiilli's
it 0 c. M.
.'iliilc uitiiimt iintlce.
Ship your
Regulator Line.
Str. DuIIob City.
Lv. Dulk'H
III 7 A. l.
Wcdiniwliiy.. .
Trldiiy. . .
Arr. Portland
nt l:i:u e. ji.
if ;
1a I'lirtlimil H
ut ; iil a ji.
Tni-ilii' Ji
'J'liurMlm S
Arr I i I It - i
ut v M i
t Trnvul Wy the Htviitiien nl thu Iti-KUliitor Line. The Coiiinuiv will endeavor to give Uh mt
t roai the IivhI ervlee niiillile For (nrtlnir lninriiiiitlou aililri'ss f,
C rortlimd Oillce, OuU Strwt Doi'k. W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. At. J
Retiring from Business.
Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost.
Dry OoodH, Clothlnir, I'.ooih and Shoen, at much hiHt than wholi'Halo
pricoN. Will hoII lu hulk or iu lotn, or any way to auit purchaHerH.
Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days.
All u'ooiIh will he Hacriliced except ThompHon'H Ulovn-flttln Cornetii
and llutterick 1'atternn. Your priceH will ho mine. Call early and necure
Oonu.'r Sofond and ('ourlSts.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot n kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Tmiu KSd
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton FlmiT '''Ma I'lor ib qmnufouturod oxpreaBly (or tauij
Wd no! I our noodB lowur than any house hi the tradu, and if you don't tin" BU
call ami Kt our pricuB nnd ho convlnuod.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats,