The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 22, 1900, Image 4

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    Treaty utirt Amendment.
The provisions of the Ilay-Paimcefote
treaty all'ected by the Davis amendment
are as follows :
Section 1. The canal shall be free nnd
open in time of war, as in time of peace,
to the vessels of commerce and of war of
sill nations, on terms of entire equality.
Sec. 2. The canal shall never be
blockaded, nor shall any right of war be
exercised, nor any act of hostility be
committed within it.
Sec. 3. Vessels of war of a beligernnt
shall not revictual nor take any stores in
the canal, except so far as may be strict
ly necessary, and the transit of such ves
sels through the canal be effected with
the least possible delny.
Prizes shall be in all respects subject to
the eame rules as vessels of war of the
Sec. 4. No belligerants shall embark
or disembark troops, munitions of war
or warlike materials in the canal, except
in case of accidental hindrance of the
transit and in such case tiie transit shall
be resumed witti all possible dispatch.
Sec. 5. Vessels of war of a belligerant
shall not remain in waters within three
marine aiiles of either end of the canal
longer than twenty-four hours.
The Davis amendment, adopted by
the senate, is as follows:
"Insert at the end of section 5 of arti
cle 2 the following :
" 'It is agreed, however, that none of
the immediately foregoing conditions
and stipulations in sections numbered 1,
11 rt . , t ... lH 1-.
o, 4 auu o o: uus article snail appiy
to measures which the United States
may find it necessary to take lor secur
ing by its own forces the defense of the
United States and ihe maintenance of
public order. ' "
This statement will make the matter
plain to interested readers.
(llurlou Sow,
Comes from Dr. D. B. Caigile, of
Washita, I. T. He writes:
"Four bottles of Electric Bittere has
cured MrB. Brewerof ecrofula, which had
caused her great suffering lor years.
Terrible sores would break out on her
head and face, and the best doctore
could give no help; but her cure is com
plete and her health, is excellent." This
shows what thousands have proved,
that Electric Bittere is the best blood
purifier known. It's the supreme
remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum,
ulcers, boils and running sores. It
stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels,
exoele poisons, helps digestion and
builds up the strength. Only 50 cents.
Sold by Blakeley Druggist. Guaran
teed. 4
for Kent or Sain.
The Sam Wilkinson warehouse, on
First street, is for rent or sale. It is a
three-story, corrugated iron building,
110x33 feet, with water elevator. Applv
to Sam Wilkinson, The Dalles. n26-tf
Given Away.
J. E. Adeox & Co. will give a watch to
the person making the nearest guess to
the number of atones in the jar on die
play in their show- window. One guese
given with each twenty-five-cent pur
chase. d21-2t
Lost A lady's silk bag, containing a
program, a couple of handkerchiefs and
a number of toilet articles. Finder will
oblige by leaving it at the Chuonicm:
office. ' dl-3t
The celebrated Columbia Salvador
bock beer will re on draft on Christmas
eve at the places of all the customers of
August Buchler. dl9-24
Dressed turkeys, geese, chickens and
Booth's eastern oysters at the Stadel
man Commission Co.'s. 21-3t
We recommend Lazell's perfumee.
Try it. M. Z. Donnell. 18-dlw
Lazell'e perfumes for Christmas at
Donnell's. lS-lwd
Don't fail to see tiie mechanical toys
at the New York Cash Store.
Hnlidav perfumes at popular prices at
M. Z. Dohnell'H. 16-dlw
Iioslyn, Cl?aluin and Australian coals
by the'Stadeluuu Commission. 21-lm
Our holiday perfumes are now ready.
A full line at Donnell's drug store. l'w
Wanted A girl to do housework in
a small familv. Apply lit thin office.
Ever? thing that is new and rare in
the line of children'ri toyem be found
at Menefee & Parkins'.
When the stomach is tired out it must
have a rest, but we can't live without
fond. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure "diueste
what you eat" so that you can eat all the
good food you want while it is restoring
the digestive organs to health. It is the
only preparation that digeslu all kinds
of food. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O.
Remember I bar Menefee & Parkiiih'
store is the headquarters for holiday
Christmas shopping made easy by
calling at Menefee & Parkins'.
LhzhII'h perfumes, the best , at Don
null's drug store, 18-dlw
Clarke ft Falk have on sale a full line
af paint and urtiut'e brushes.
Notice of IHnnolutloii.
Notice is liurt'by givun tlmt the part
nership heretofore exiotinc lietvveen
J. E. Adeox nnd Theodore H. I.iohu,
under the Arm namo tuid style of J. K.
Adeox &. Cohipany, ie tins dity dissolved
by mutual consent, J. E. Adeox retirinc
from said firm. Theodore H. Liebu will
continue the business of said firm midtM'
the numo und style of J. E. Adeox &
Company, nnd is authorized to receive
und receipt for nil moneys due said linn,
nnd nil claims against eaul firm should
be presented to him for payment.
Dated this 10th day of December, 1000.
.1. E. Aik'ox,
Tiiko. II. Likiii:.
1 desire to nnnaunce to my patrons
nud the public generally that iii iissuni
iiiK control nnd matiat!emint of the jew
elry firm of .1. E. Adeox & Co. I retain
the services of J. E. Adeox, which is u
sufficient guarantee that all work in
trusted to our care will be repaired in a
workman-like manner.
2w Tiu:o. II. Ltaii:.
Humpies! Miniple-!
H. Herbrtnc bought from one of tho
most prominent manufacturing com
panies their entire line of samples, con
sisting of fine ladies' dress skirts, waists,
petticoats, etc. He paid for them the
extremely low price of (52'. j cents on the
dollar, and therefore ie in u position to
sell these coods at such low prices as
cannot be found elsewhere. Don't fail
to examine them. l!Mt
The Talk of Town.
Now for hurrv days : four pianos and
organs sold vesterday
The wav it looks
now we will have our hands mil to
deliver all iiano selected so far for
Christmas- In order lo induce custom
ers and allow us to deliver instruments
at once, we will make a special cut to
party purchasing first instrument, each
day "this week only. Nickelsen's Book
A .Music Store.
For Infants anil Children.
Tiie Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
CaturrU C'uiiiint Itu Unreel.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
phyaiciane in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the beat blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Chexuv & Co., I'ropH., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 7nc.
Hall's Family Pilis are the best.
In all Its stages there
should be cleanliness.
Ely's Cream Balm
cleanses, soothe i and heala
the diseased membrane.
It cures catarrh and drives
away a cold lu the head
Cream Balm is placed Into tho nostrils, apreads
over the membrane and is absorbed. Helieflnim
mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying does
not produce aneelng. Largo Sl.e, 50 cents at IJruy.
gists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail.
II. V IXJOTUEUS, S3 Warren Street, .New York.
To Whom It May Cnnt'Miii.
It having come to my knowledge that
parties, presumably Interested, are
claiming that when I sold out my retail
interest at 17.'!, Second street, French's
block, I contracted to not open any re
tail business in the city of The Dalles.
I beg to say that 1 sold my right not to
open any retail business between Fed
eral and Washington street", on Second
street, and have und intend to conform
to my contract. My place at the liauk
Cafe is in no sense in violation of the
dl-tf C. .1. Sri'iiMM..
Help Is needed at once when a person's
life is in danger. A neglected cough or
cold may soon become serious ami hhould
be stopped at once. One Minute Cough
Cure quickly cures coughs and colds aud
the worst cases of croup, bronchitis,
grippe and other throat and I org
trouhlen. Sold by Clarke ft Falk's P. O.
Hurrah lor t'lirl.iiiiiis!
I have the only mistletoe in The Dalles.
Just cut from the oaus of the Willam
ette. Call early and get the fincHt be-
foieitgoea. Price reasonable.
Oi.vdi; Mj,m;v,
18-lw With Geo. (J, lilukeley.
For sprains, swellings and Innmin'RH
there is nothing enuood tir Chinnbi'rl.tiuV
Puln Balm. Try it. For sale by liluke
ley, tiie druggist.
atoh our window for ten days. If
yon don't see what you want, stop in
side and we'll do tho rest. Geo. O.
The mechanical toys at the New York
Cash store will please the old as well as
tho young.
A full line of Christmas goods can be
found at the New York Cash Store.
You will not have boils if vou take
Clarke & Falk's sure cure for bolls.
A full lino of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Falk.
Clarke it Falk'B flavoring extracts are
tho best. Ask your urocer for them.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by C'nrkc
it Falk.
Paint your house with paints thnt am
fully guaranteed to lust. Clarke it Falk
have them.
Soule Bros., professional piano tuners
of Portland, will be in town the coming
week. Leave orders at Menefee it
Parkins' or Nickelsen's music stores.
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy .lames E.
Pattun's sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark it
ball;, agents. ml
DeWitt's Little Early Risers are dainty
little pills, but they never fail to cleanse
the liver, remove obstructions and in
vigorate the t8teni. Sold by Clarke it
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Wanted Men and women of good
character and retorences, to represent an
established house, splended opportunity
for advancement. Address P. O. Hok
5S7, Portland, Oregon. novlo-lmo
Hustling young man can make $(50 per
mouth and expenses. Permanent posi
tion. Experience unnecessary. Write
quick for particulars. Clark it Co.,
Fourth aud Locust Streets, Philadol
hpia, Pa, sS-tf
Our toilet neeessaires are of the latest
importations; something unusually tine,
and at a price that will convince you
that we mean lo give the people of The
Dalles an opportunity to buy at metro
politan prices. See our east window.
Geo. C. Blakeley.
Don't ust' any of the counterfeits of
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Most of
them are worthless or liable to cause in
jury. The original DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve i? a certain cure for piles, ec.ema,
cuts, burns, sores and skin diseases.
Sold by Clarke ic Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
When you need a soothing and heal
ing antiseptic application for any pur
pose, use the original DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve, a well known cure for piles
aud skin diseases. It heals sores with
out leaving a scar. Beware of counter
feits. Sold by Clarke it Felk's P. O.
Notice of IllKNolutloii lit I'lirtniirxlili),
Notice is hereby given that tho part
nership heretofore existing between
Grant Mays and L. E. Crowe, under
the firm name of Mays it Crowe, was
dissolved Dec. 1, 1900, Grant Mays re
tiring. The business will be continued under
the old firm name of Mays it Crowe by
L. E. Crowe. All claims against the
firm will be paid, and all accounts and
notee due tiie firm collected by him.
L. E. Cnowf,
The Appetite ofu (lout
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose
stomach and liver are out of order. All
such should know that Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the wonderful stomach and
liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite,
eound digestion and a regular bodily
habit that insures perfect health and
great energy. Only 2o cents at the
Blakelev drug store.
10 remove a troumesouie corn or
btnrion : First soak the corn or bunion
in warm water lo soften it, then pare it
down as closely as possible without draw
ing blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain
Balm twice daily; rubbing it vigorously
for five minutes ut eacli application. A
corn plaster should bo worn for a few
days, to protect it from the shoe. Ah a
general liniment for sprains, bruises.
lameness and rheumatism, Pain Balm is
unequaled. For Hide by Blakeley, the
"I have used Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find
it to he u great medicine," says Mr. E.
S. Phipps, of Poteau, Ark. "It cored
me of bloody flux. I cannot speak too
highly of it." This remedy always wins
the good opinion, if not praise, of those
who use it. The quick cures which it
euects even in the most severe cases
make it a favoraite uvoiy where. For
euleby Blakeley, the druggist.
The most effective little liver pilln
made are DeWitt'd Utile Lhrly Risers.
They never gripe. Sold by Clarke &
Falk's I'. O. Pharmacy.
Clarke & Falk liaye received a carload
of the celebrated .lame E. Patton
strictly pure liquid paints
Come in and see the lateHl in art.
Cheaper than ever. Geo. C. Blakelev,
Clark it Fulk are never closed Sunday.
Don't forget this.
Tho three great mechanical tovs of the
agethe Hpeedway railing Big, (ill cents ;
clown, stubborn donkey und cart, 18
cente; the Af.'lcitn lerter eurrier. 23 cts.
For sale by the New York Cash Stoio.
Now Is the time when croupand lung
troubled prove rapidly fatal. The only
harmless remedy that produces im
mediate results is one Minute Cough
Cure. It is very pleasant to take and
can he relied upon to quickly euro
coughs, colds and all lung diseases. It
will prevent coiiMimption. Sold by
Clarke ft Falk'a P. O. I'lutrmaoy.
If vou have dandniH', your hair is
fulliiig'out. Use Cocoauut Cream. For
sale at Fruzar's barber Hhop. iilMtn
Subscribe for Tim Ciiito.sici.i:,
- - For all will be found at
Fine Toilet Sets and Albums.
An Extra Fine Line of Stationery.
A Jacket for a Lady or an
make very desirable presents.
We also have a nice assortment of Umbrellas. Kid
G-loves and Handkerchiefs both linen and silk.
Our Prices are flluuays the boujest
The place lo Save Money
133 Second Stroot,
5 'i'5t2"j:r 5J ' ' A ' 'rAi Ti :A'MuiA!iii ii't An i a a a r a- a a-i A-rr
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First
j Phone 234,
2a One thousand styles and sizes.
hffihfl For cooking: and heating.
ifiL Prices from $5 to $50.
genuine all bear
ana arc soia wun a
Awarded First Prize
Sold by Firt;Class Slove Merchants everywhere.
d u..i...... ... ui.
ojuuif uiii. iit A .11 ii.iiii.ii. .Til i vi" i f iriiri'..,..
lglurnr . .n. ...
Overcoat for a Gentleman
on all kimN of Merchandise
r. C. JYIanquardsen, Prop.
National liauk.
Lincoln Sexual Pills rc-loro natural Hrenyth and
viijor. Tht-y do not t-xuito or Mtiinulato. They urn a
purfoiitly port! and cititain iioriv fn-iil, und virv taiili'i
is HtandariZKd to uhHoluto uniformity. Uhu them and
vou w li rujolct) in Htrt'iitfth, nervt; vior and manly
Price, $1.00 pur box- buy of your druiim or bent
by mall on recuipt of prictt, in plain vruppcr.
M. ',. Dountdl, Ajjunt, Tim DuIu-h, Or.
the nbtive TrnlcuAinrk
written ituatuntce.
Paris Exposition 1900
"...i t.:..'.,: v.' .
hum hiiiikuh III till WOrlQ. Oik StOVtl
timk Miii,
r hum
run mm i.iiki', iK'uvur, Kt. V...
Mull Worth, Omitlm, kirn d.ii
1 J .'") p. in.
hin t: tv. St.
.11, W
'"ill", Itttt i,
Cllll'llKII HIKl I.HHt,
Atlioitli! Suit Liikii, Denver, I'l. i ,
Kxi'rov , Worth, (minim, Kim
lUi.Mi . in, hum City, Ht. Lunlii,
Vtu Hunt- CIiIl'iiko mill
W'kIIii Wiilln, Ki(ibiiiiL',' Khiiliii'in
,i i . i. ..ii 1 ""i
. it . ii, .iiimiiii,ii',
CIliCllL'll llllll KilHl, vlll
.HiHikmioituii llniiiiim
inn ; mImi nil (mlnK hi
WiiNlihiRtnii miii hunt
rrn Ori'itmi.
U:'J.'i p. in
'' h, m
rt p. m.
KllOM l'111-.TI.ANIf
(iccmi Kii'uniMlili.
For Sun Knnidvo
r.Vfiy l'lvo Duyn.
i p. m.
s p. m. ., m
i:.,mi!iilr(:iiiumtilii Uv. Hti-unnrh. f.x hum:.
To Ahtoima mill Wiiy
Simiiihiy I..imlhiiis.
in j.. in. '
li 11. m. , Wll.I.AMKTTi; lilVKK. llMliln
llx.siiuiliiyOri-uim City. .NVwUtr, Kx.miikIht
i uiiluin .v Wny IjiiiiI'i,.
7 ii. m, Vii.i.ash:tti: ami Yam .'i:ioim
1m,Tlmr. liti.i. Uivkhv .Mim.,Weif
niul but. lOti'tion City, Dayton, una Krl.
mill Wity-kiiidlnch.
I.v Itlimrlii
:!;; n. in,
IMiirln to lAiwlKtim.
UiOOn. m
nxsr 1'nrtH'M (Ii'Mniik to no to Ili'iumn nr
pniiith mi Culiiiiililii Niiiilicrn vh lllKiit, h ti DM l.i
take fin. .', li-!IVl!IK Tin- Dnllrs lit Vi 10 i. a,
llinUllij; illiirt rntilHVtlnlih ut l(t'pitit.'r junction
mid Hl' lli'inrnliiK iiiiuMnKHIiirtrnmaTtin:!
nt lltjiiiur Jiiiii'tlini unit hlitK v. lth !.'n, l.uj
rlvhiK nt 'J ill: llHllch ut Iu.ji p. m.
Hie I) It. iV N. Mi'iini'T "Mmliii 'Ih linn milk'
uift ti'Kiilut trl fn aiili-m inn! Iline.'iiilcnci'
Mopplnc nt nil wiiy liiinlhim. hlie luiivcs I'litt
limit on Momlu)h, WeilneMliij'h n tul I rlil.ij ui
! it in.. nrrlvhiK nt hiiieri I i. in., unil huleKml
elite iilimlt Ii i. in, on huine iIm lU'turnlin;
limit Iciives liiiliieliilenee nt .1 n, 111 mill f-uloui
ut int. hi 1111 1'ni'MlnyN. Tlititmluyn 11 ml htlnr
lUyx. nrriviiiR nt I'ortluiii! iihniit a p. m, mmc
1'nr hill imrtletlliirn enll nit (1. li, A. ,N, c0.'i
UReltt The DiiIIvh. nr iiililtrt,
W. 11 lit UI.I1I UT
(en, I'iin. Ai:t , I'uttliinil.Or
in'i'""1""' ''"iPl"". Prfitdnt
I urn I l,.,cin nml 1 j.i"ini
A iimtwrnoiit nf thn IniwrU m
I'lrltMlth, Tl1(-y .nirhr
: .,MV" 7,(,i wm will niAll lAmtiU r..- ... ..11 1.,..
Hold b, Uru,i.u. OR. U0SAHK0 CO. Phils-
Ily virtni of 1111 nrtler of the rouncH of IMlli
(Hty Clri'Hiin iniiili: uti thc-inli iluv of Niivcm
her A t) iwu, notlee N linrotiy Klven that n
the hitlil Jltli. day of November IWMl, ttiu wild
council nVdiircil liy reholiltlou mloiiteil tli:i'
tluit purtion of th.i Nlilewnllc Hltimleil im till.1
tiurtlierly Hide nt Knltou .Slreo1. mill lyliuf he
tweeii tho iiorthviikt enriiiirnf tliexiiuure furniwl
In the tuterhecllon nf hiiIiI rultou .Street wltli
WiishliiKton .Street lu Dulles City uml 1. poltit
imifueteiiil ofwililconnir on mild Kultmi Stri ct
Ih lu 11 limit: irons cotnlltlon und In need of hvlux
rehullt. lit thuthiild Hldewulk Is unilt. ilucnjcil
miii uiisule to tnivnl u)iou . mid 11 drier
iniueii ny niiiii eouncii to rmiilliu the miiiic iiiiu
thut the cost of rubulldliu: suld Nlilewnllt hu
ulmrKed to the owner or nu kith of the priipuriy
uliiitlm; on Mild nnrtlnn rtf .suld niuVwalkilu
clnreil In 11 diiuKcroits eunillltou us hy law pro
'I'lis notice Ih dii tillsln ! for II iluvs from tin'
lth liny of Deeoinher, I'.kh), by order of tilt'
council of Dulles City, wnlcli order wus miide
Nov 31th. UJO
Puled nt Piilk'n Clh , Or., De einlH.'r:lil, V.V.
m:d 11. (!ati:s,
liecnrtlcr of PiillchC'lty
L. Lane,
i. Wagon and Carriage Work.
Fish Brothoro' Wagon.
1 1' Ttiirfl and JcITcrnn. Phone 159
I L7 .
ritANHACl'A ttNKKAl,U.Mvl.' I'l r 1 !'
Lottcru of Onnlit. IhhhhI umiIIiiIiU' in
EiiMtirii Hliitct'.
KlU'lit Juhuti." mid Tiili-KNiplu';
TruiiHlurH Hold on Now Yuri;, Cliifii''".
St. LouiH, ritiii Frrtiii:iw:(i, l'ortlnni rl"
Kon, fcitmttlo WitHli,, uml viirioiii' l"iniH
In Oregon ntitl WHuhinjrloii.
ColloctloiiH matin ut all iioltite on wv
rnliln tdriiio.
Belgian Hares to Lease.
I liitvo about 100 thoioiiKlilired dm'B
thut IJwlll Iuubo In lotH of 10 to recoil
Hlblo partiua on ulinruH. Applv 1
C. K, llAVAKD,
ti30-2w Tho ItlU;e.