, ut Vr 0ty J CONCERNING CHRISTMAS SHOPPING 1 1 i I III III! We wish to assure the Ladies and Gentlemen who do Christinas trading that the collection of wares what we are offering for Holiday gifts are of the very best and just as represented. There are some striking designs in Vases and Cameo Ware. Below you will find a list of the many suitable things that we would suggest as being an appropriate present for Lady or Gentlemen. THE PRICES, by the way, have been remarkably low from the start, it will pay you therefore to buy here. Sterling Silvor Waro in .Souvenir Spoons, Bon Bon Spoons, Taper Cutters, Darners, Embroidery Scissors, Nail Files, Manicure Sets. Tooth Brushes, Tooth Brush Bottles, Tooth Powder Bottles, Nail Brushes, Curling Irons, Thimbles, Shoe Morns, Erasers, Blotters, Button Hooks, Stick Pins, Bracelets, Cameo Ware in l'lacjues, Vases, Fancy Jars, 1 land-Carved Leather Goods, Shaving Cases, Cufi Boxes, Collar Boxes, Picture Frames. Fur Jackets, Fur Capes, Silk Waists, Dress Goods, Ice "Wool Shawls, Fur Scarfs, Pillows, Hand Embroidered Linen, Blankets, Real Down Comforts, Shoes, Ladies' Slippers, Men's Slippers, Clothing, Neckwear, MulHers, Hats, Canes, Umbrellas, Collars and Cuffs, Smoking Jackets, .Fine Night Gowns, Suit Cases, Overcoats, Underwear, Fine Hand-Made Candies, Preserves, Nuts. Figs, Oranges, Etc. So many good Christmas gifts for boys and girls,grown-up folks too, that wo attempt no description, but ask you to come and look around. For the older people many useful and val uable presents can be found among our display of China and Bric-a-Brac. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS. OPEN EVENINGS "he Dalles Daily Chronicle. s ITIiDAY . DKC. '-'I!. WOO tilt) close of the year, near the close of tin; century. Wo want to make these exercises the mod interesting of any we to spend the holidays at Moro, we learn that u iio?tofllee hns been established at tint landing with W. L. Hunting, of the IliKli Scliuii) Ntjwa. sorvocl i in any stylo tCnllnr's. (5) (S) Oysters have had. All parents of pupils and j linn of Hunting & Ilosford, as post friendH of the school are urged to he ; master. The poetofliee will he looted picst-nt. - in the store of Hunting & Hosford and The stockholder of the Usco Ware- pill he n -real convenience to the i n i jr.y... ... ..-... fhettlern of that neiL' iborhood. and a IIUIISU liOUIIiMllv inn i; r'lli vili'-u tu rn ib t nmi.i t cimii(J YYPIPIt1. ! IJirjYni ni'jii o iiviJV'"" All tViKim CiMiiiljr warrant ri-i;iHliirel pi I, .1 In itit'iiilir I. IKHT, lll l I'hUI mi iirmiciilutluii ill in)' "llii'". I til til 't a. i urtur NiivoiiiIht :;u, moo. .MIIIN I. HAAII'MIIIti:, Count)' Tnmmm-r. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. 1-ound F. of A. watch charm. Owner i;.in have sumo by proving' property and paying for this notice. The Dufnr Dispatch says Tom Farghor recently refused fl u head for a hand of MID head of mutton Bheep. Miss IStirthu Koberlaon, who h.tH b-nu tai)hhiK school tit Wuplnitia, returned homo lust tiiht wheiti alio expeetn to tipen I ilio Christmas liolidayH. The funeral of the lulu Mi is Hattie Tahlfero will tuko jln from the Cal vary DuptlHt church tomorrow ufternoon at l! o'cl'.ick and thu lutoruiont will ho in Oild Follows. cemetery. The Missionary Society of the Congre gationul church wilt conduct the services at the church .Sunday evening. Follow lug a Bhort aong and pruUo service, will lie presumed three iiaperH by dllfeiont iiiiiiuborH of the Hocitily. A aurvoy in being mudo for thti ditch and llumu uud route for the polos for the Hood Uivei Klcetrio laght Co. As hooii as the Burvoy is completed work will be liUHhttd vigorously till thu electric UulttH Hliinu in Hood Jtlvor. lihtttler. The rumor that wua all over town yes terday that Kiigiuoer Curtis and bin urtiinnu had tieon Injured when thu train run Into the big landslide at Dxl hoii, lutH huppily turnnd out to hefalne. Tint uitiii jumped lu tliiiu to Hiivd thoiu huIviih from u possiblo death. Sunday will bo purutitu diiy at the M. K. Sunday wiliuul. There will bo rw.itatloiiH and Bpoelul niacin awl a Hliorl Mvluw of tint lesHOiiu of the quarter by Mr. N. Whauldou. Tim timchorH will report thu number of llllud wheula aii'l tlm uwordliiK' of uitirltu. Wo ure near ' a .')()() barrel .llouriiiK uiiyTun the irroundfi tmmediutolv eiiHt or the warehoiipe. ! Tlio buildiiit; w illyde of brick and work' will commciicon ttie Htriicture just us J Hiiechtl convenience to the many patrons of the Colliuti' cpritniH who havu hitherto II. .wl l.i i. l.i.it. jliutiirw.il tri ttl.t f 1 1 i II I I J It i I hooii iih the weather will permit. The qiieetion is often asked, remarks A letter IniH been reciyed in thip city j the Glacier, how much return in cash from one of KruuerV followers asking ( can be expected fiom an acre of straw for information about Oregon, with a , berihw in Hood liiver. I. ). Hinrichs, view of eHtiihliHhin,: a liner settlement who is well known to be 'painstaking in here. If the K.tHtern Oteiton Land Coin- everythini; he undertakes on the farm, puny would, it. could sell 80,001) acres of j tellH us that his stutwberry crop of about farm land in .Sheiman county next i four acre- retui ned him hit-1 teanon .l,- vttar. Moro Observer To iiiake Mondav the banner day wo vill bell, Monthly mornini;, all pianos ()17. His cash expens-o for piukin packing and crates was ifu-10. The work was all done by his own family except VI I fedl, .HOIIIUIV IIIUI IIIIIK, nil .imiKs - - 1 ... . ! .1.. . .....I ..i.t n( tin. imri .'inir and oitans on hand at coot. Tula ap. ' ' V plica to Monday ...ornlnu only, ..a it will " P "0,"'t"1 to 01 ' ';rutes take the balance of the .lay for us l0 'Ins gave h,n, about lo0 an acre to pay deliver pianos Bold so far, and kept on j "-" ' bund us Christmas tmrnriBee. Keinum-1 ,v t,or Nickelsen'a Hook V Music Stoio is the place. John Cradlebaugh was in town last iSaturduy, the Hani" jolly, good-natured John Criidlehaugh who guided the des tinies of the Glacier for the lirsl live yeara of its .existence, lie saya ho al waya knew Hood Hivor would como out all richt after he left; that believer Woikinen engageu in niasting lock oil for straightening the ruilioad east of town and making fillu, have unearthed a bed of atone coal on the land of C. Wolds, one mile east of town. The big hill at mile post 07 bIiowb out-croppings of coal in Hoveral places. 11 the deposit of coal provea to bo extensive it will ho ti rich strike for the owner, Mr. Wolds, all rigbt niter no ion; mm nn i ...- - left a place vet but what it aeouieil to he I Hood lJiven'a pioneer shoemaker. Ita .i . ... .1.: r ill. ml. i i ... in i... !. ....i....i.t.. accessauuit v win mane u vmuir the miikinif of it. (ilacier The miiBiciil people of our olty are anxiously looking forward to thti visit of Mra. Beatrice li.irlow- Dierckti to our cdy on the 'JDth, when u recital will be given on that evening In the Methodist church. Ah a planlat Mrs. Dioreko la known to many IIh people, who alK) know of her popularity in Portland musical circled. The Salvation Army will haven Christ Kailroada are often built to coal mines, but thia mine, if it proves to be such, is located where the cars of a trans-continental railroad .vill pass its very door. Hood Hiver Glacier. The No. 1 passenger, west-bound, ar rived here today at - :Ii0 and passed down the road. This la the llrst west bond passenger that has passed here sine-' the same train passed yesterday ., ui.i.. .... T.1..U1I11V nh'ht for the noor I nfiHriiiimi near the samti hour. The Ullio nu '-ill v..-."...,. j children and families bavin.' no tree : mty morning passenger trains went to at homo this year. Tim public la asked j Portland over the Northern I'acidc 10ml. toBhareof the abundance that God has j Today's No. 1 is expected buck hero be given them, so that heartfi and homes , fmo midnight. The Dalles poslolllce may bo made happy. All goods, bucIi aa . oillcials expi'i'ted the tlelayed I'orthinil grocerlea and I'Jothini! or money, will ho, mail lo arrive here by bout about 4 acceptable. Singing by the childieii ' o'clock thia afternoon. Jt is said that 11 and iniisle by the string hand. The whole mountain side covered the track public Ib cordially Invited. A free will nt Dodaon, and un unuy ol men 1b at collection will be taken for the same I work 011 it In hope that the obstruction purpose. i amy be cleared bd tlmt through trufllt! From W.J. Hosford, of Colllna L.tnd. may be resumed sometime during the ing, who wna In town today on hid way night. We wish to call special attention to j our literary exereiree. They have been j a source of profit and pleasure to both I visitors and students. As they are pub I lie, we cordially invite our tax-payers of 1 the district to attend and witness for ! themselves the benefits resulting there ; from. The fotball team has disbanded, and it ia to be regretted that they did not have a chance to show what they were made of. The team has done its best to arrange a game, but no one would accept J our challenge. We had a game arranged ' with the Portland high school team, but they withdrew , saying tiiat we played "first team" men. Well, we did play llirst team men, but they were high ; school students, which right gave them ' the privilege of playing. As there is no I foundation for their excuse, we have set ! it down as a plain, simple case of fenr. j As this Is near the end of the term ! I and as we look back over what wo have 1 I done, we realize that there has been 11 I higher degiee of excellence in the stand ing of the students than ever before. IfKvervhmlv miniiil hiisinesR and thev have mastered ull their icspective studies. Their success is due not onlv to themselves, but also to our instruct ors, who have been vety accommodating, staying after hours and woiking with us at noons and iccesses. 1 The following teachers will attend the annual meeting of the Western Division Oregon State Teachera' Association, to bo held at Albany December L'd-L'O: J. S. Landers. Melissa Hill. Mary Douthit, iKtta Wrenn and Mis. Koche. Jj Maud Michell, of the clairs of '00, is 'lioinefrom Wheeler county, where she j taught a term of t-rhool. , Ola Norman, of the class cf '00, will . teach again after the holidays. j Stella Hrown and Ada liell have ie j Mimed their studies in the high school i after an ahsmce of three mouths, dur- ! Ing which time they huvo been engaged ' in teaching. K. H. J. J A I'-iillim'o !'rittl. I Tin: D.i.i.i, Dec. 22, 1000. I KniroH Ciikonii'I.k : I have fiequent ly noticed comments from your pen, ub ' well as others, published in your paper 1 from time to time, in reference to the 1 sale of liquor to Indians and Illinois by I ....tn I.I1....U. n .ii.i-u.-iii wlltilti tlila i.itv. CUIII17 l cull wl )i 1 rwno -..1. " ' It seems strange to law-abiding citi .una that such u matter, that is of such vital importance to the youth of this community, (not speaking of the injus tice to Indians.) should be ellowed to pass apparently unnoticed by the officers of the law. as this seems to be. It is a frequent occurrence to see young men j from 15 to 19 years of ngo coining out j from different saloons in a state of intox 1 ication. There Is no excuse for tnis, for a saloon man would either have to be dead drunk himself or a 'fool, or, worst of all, lost to ull shiise of shame, if he did not know or could not see that these beardless striplings are under age. Havn't we enough fathers in this town who are enough interested in their boys' welfare to put a stop to this dastardly trallic, indulged in, us far us the saloon j keeper is concerned, for mere beastly gieed of gain, to take this matter up anil see that it is stopped? Let us hear from vim. A F.vnu.'it. OUR CHURCHES Calvary Huptist chinch Hev. W. 15. Clifton, pastor. Hegular services at 11 a. 111, and 7 :!!0 p. m, in the basement of the now church on Union street. Sun day school at 10 a. in. 1!. Y. P. U at 0::'iO n. m. Zlon l.uti-.eran church, Seventh and Union stieits Services ut 11 a. 111. and 7:.'i0 p. 111; Sunday school l'J :13 p. in ; Lutheran League meeting (1:30 p. 111. Christmas services Tuesday at 11 a. m. Children's Chi 1st mas service Tuesday at I p. 111. W. llrenner. Congregational ctiuich corner Fifth and Court streets. Iiev. l'oling, pastor. Services morning and evening. At 11 a. 111. the Young People's Society of Willing Wotkers will conduct the ser vice, the passtor being unwell. A sermon, seltcted, will bo read bj one of the nieiuhms, Subject, "Going Homo." Methodist KpU0np.1l church Corner Fifth uiid Washington, Kev. U. F. Hawk pastor. Morning worship at 11 ; Sunday school at 10 a. 111.; class meet ing at l'-ilo; Kpwoith League at (i;!iO; Junior L-ngue at :i:;tl); evening service at 7 :!!0. At the morning service the pi-toi's theiiio will he "The Christ in H.-i People." lu the evening he wi'l speak on the timely subject "The Glory ol Our Ceuiury. Appropriate music will In tendered at both terviivs, Gentlemanly ushers will assist you to reals. If vour h.iii is oiy and dead-like, Co coanui Cieam Tonic will give it life und luster. Jt is pronounced the lluest tonic on earth. Can bo hud ut Fnuer's barbershop, agent. nO-lui Merry Christum. Why not go to Jones' cafe and enjiy u good Christmas dinner? Everything for your comfort and enjoyment. 1IIL1. of faki:. Oyster Soup, Turkey with cranberry sauce. Irish and Sweet Potatoes. United Onions. Lob3ter Salad. Plum Pudding, with or without brandy sauce. Mineo Pio. Vuuilu Ice Cream and Cake. Candy. Fruit. Salted Almonds. Coli'eo. Dinner, SO cents. Order your ice cream for Christmas. L'U'-L'c AllWU'tthUlt I.Xlttll'H. Following is the list of letterB remain ing in the postutlico at The Dalles un called for December '22, 1000. Persons calling for the suae will give date on which they were advertised : Anderson, Lucia Jones, llenrv Harford, Mrs W A Jones, Mr Sadie liuiley, Hany Leniiifi-i, K W nengman, B' l.aiu-, F lirooks. II K Mill.ud. Mrs W I. Clarke, Mr A Smith, J S Clark, ' II i2i Toney, Miss Mabel Davis, Kliz.tbeth Whorig, S A Kwing, Mrs K W Wilkeieon, Jennie Harvey, Hex, Hand, J U Toy Strum l.llt; i l , etti,, Wnli't On. That Is what one of our competitors; says, and ha right. The idea of buy ing tin whistles, stullt-d tlolla and trash is an absurd proposition, especially when lino piano3 and organs are going at such prices that will enable any ouu to make u Christmas present that has a value lo it all the year around. At Nickt-lsen's Hook ,t Music Store you can have a piano or organ 011 teims to suit your purse. Two more pi'mios and two organs told yesterday. A fancy Martin upright piano in walnut U set itride tor a Christmas surprise, a Paris Ki;pnsltloii Liidw ig goes to Walla Walla, a laign stockman from Mitchell sends in a mail order for fancy case Chicago Cottago organ. Santa Clans will soon be here; take advantage of our bargains now. We will make a special cut to partus puu-hasing llrst instrument each day this week, if you ever intend buyim: a piano or or.-au, now is tho time. Heineinbur the place, Nickeleen'a Hook t Miific Stoat, Tho Dalles, Oregon. Heineinbur that Unco.inut Cream Tonic will pioinoto growth nf hair. Charles Fru.sr, eolo agent. nO-lin 9 ,r4 'V. ,ii I t (if ' It1 1