A The Lust Hbk Beeu Found. Oit.ut.v, Net.., Dec. 20. The police have been notified by the Cmlahy funiily to drop the investiitntion of the disap pearance, of the Cudahy boy, who was returned to hie home early this morn ing iiB mysteriously ie he disappeared.' The family refuse to make any state ments concerning his return. It was later developed that $25,100 in mild tv.ia .villi lit T ill inn h1f fniluhv fur the return of his son, who was kidnapped Tuesday night. A letter came through the mails ofl'ering to return the hoy for that sum, if paid last uight. Full di - rections where the monev was to be left were given. Plans were diecussed to capture the kidnappers, but abandoned, nnd Cudahy decided to comply with the demand. Tnkiug a bag of money, the millionaire drove five miles north of tne city, until be came to a white lan tern hanging on a short stick in the road. There he deposited the sack close to the light, and, without seeing any one, he returned home. A few hours later the boy was seut down in a hack to the house. There is absolutely no clew by which the kidnappers could be identi fied. By this action Cudahy has re covered his son, but put a premium on kidnapping, which will greatly encour age desperate men. During the terrific wind storm last Saturday night the large new shed of the Baldwin Sheep & Land Co., at flay Creek, was blown clown and ten head of the company's very finest ewes were killed outright, a number of others be ing badly ciippled. At the time there were about 500 sheep under the shed, and the roof seemed to be lifted com pletely off its foundations and hurled down upon the ewes huddled below. It is a miracle that no more of the sheep were killed. The ahed was one which had just been completed. Tne damage to the structure, however, was slight compared with the loss of the valuable Bheep. which cannot be so readily re1 placed. Antelope Herald. Cilorioiii- News. Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four bottlee of Electric Bitters hn: cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which bad caused her great suffering tor years Terrible eores would break out on her bead and face, and the beat doctors could give no help; but her cure ie com plete and her health is excellent." Thii shows what thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum ulcers, boils nnd running sores. It stimulates iiver, kidneys and bowels expels poisone. helps digestion and builds up the strength. Only 50 cents Sold by Blakeley Druggist. Guaram teed. 4 Now is the time when croup and lung troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results is one Mieute Cough Cure. It is very pleasant to take and can be relied upon to quickly cure couL'lie. colds and all lung diseases. It will prevent consumption. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. The shabby-looking fellow may pay as much for hie clothes as the swell looking man. Its the way the clothes bane. That difference is what makes good dressers wear our garments. A. M. Williams & Co. The Christmas edition of the Portland Telegram will be issued Saturday evening, 22nd Inst , and will consist of forty pages of highly illustrated matter, relating laruely to the resources of the state. Copies 5 cents. Leave orders with agent or at Grant's cigar store. 2t BL'MINKHK LOCALS. We recommend .Lazell's Try it. M. Z. Donnell. perfumes. Itt-dlvr Lazell's perfumes for Christmas at Donnell's. 18-lwd Don't fail to see the mechanical toys at the New York Cash Store. Holidav perfumes at popular prices at M. Z. Donnell's. 18-dlw Koslyn, CUalum and Australian coals by the'Stadeliiiau Commission. 21-1 in Our holiday perfumes are now reailv lull line at lJonueii a drug store Wanted A girl to do housework in a small familv. Apply at this office. 17-dlw Even thing that is new and rare in the line of nliildreu'ri toys can be found at Menefee & Parkins'. ' When the slomrtch is tired out it mint have u r'.'Ht, but we can't live without food.. Kodo) Dyspepsia Cure "digests what you eat" so that you can eat all the Ml food you want while it is restoring the ilietMtiv onnH to liHiilth. Fl n flu. only preparation that digests all kinds I of food. Sold bv Clarke it Falk's P, O, ' Pliarm icv I ' ' , Beniemlwr that Menefee (t I'.irkiiis' , Store in tliH he:idminrter for liiilnlue I l'oikIh. I TTT. r i Imuran oc ran: nave on sate a inn line 1 of paint and artipt'n brushes. Christmas shopping made easy by calling ut Menefee & Parkins'. Notice of nunolutlitn. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between J. E. Adcox and Theodore H. l.iebe, under the firm nume and style of J. K, Adcox A Company, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, J. E. Adcox retiring from said firm. Theodore'H. Liebe will continue the business of said firm under the name and style of .1. E, Adcox A Company, nnd is authorized to receive and receipt for all moneys due said firm. - SriSeolSl,;. 8h0nl,, D.4ted this 10th day of December, 1900. I J. E. Aneox, 1 Thko. H. I.ikiik. , Idesire to announce to my patrons nnn Trill minim nn.inpti 1 1 1 r.i.t I ... naia.t.i. ing control and management of the jew ...u f'l.ul.l, 1 .11,1 ..II . blll.V 111 IICIIUl elry firm of .1. E. Adcox it Co. I rutain the services of J. E. Adcox, which is u 1 sufficient guarantee that all work in trusted to our care will be repaired in workman-like maimer. Kespectfullv, 2w Thko. II. Likiik. Sample: Sample-; H. Herbrmc boucht from one of the most prominent manufacturing com panies their entire line of samples, con sisting of fine ladies' dress skirts, waists, petticoats, etc. He paid for them the extremely low price of tVJ'.j cents on the dollar, and therefore is in a position to sell these uoods at such low prices as cannot be found elsewhere. Don't fail to examine them. HMt The Talk nf the Town. Now for hurry days ; four pianos and orcuns sold yesterdnv. The wav it looks now we will have our hands full to deliver all pianos selected so far for j Christmas- In order to induce custom ers and allow tie to deliver instruments at once, we will make a special cut to party purchasing first instrument, each day "this week only. Nickelsen's Book & .Music Store. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Catarrh Cannot He Cured. with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hali'e Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the test blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the bept. 12 Nasal CATARRH In all Its stages there ihould be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balm cleanse?, soothe and Jieils the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and drive away a cold !u the head qu!ci;ly. Cream Balm is placed Into the nostrils, ipreada over the membrane and Is absorbed. Itelief ia im- I mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drying does not produce sneezing. Large Size, SO cents at Uru- gut or by mail ; Trial iuv, 10 cents by mall. HCY MKmiEUS, JC Warreij Street, Kew York To Whom It May Concern. It having come to my knowledge that ! part es, presumab y uterested. are r 1 1 ' i claiming that when I eold out my retail I interest at 171), Second street, French's f block, I contracted to not open any re-, tail business in the city of The Dalles. I beg to say that I eold my right not to onen anv retal business netween red- era! and "Washington street.", on Second' street, and have and intend to conform ; ami inieim to conform j My place at the Bank f to my contract. Cafe Is in no sense contract. t dl-tf C. .J. Stl'iii.im. Help Is needed ntonce when a person's ' l Iif lu in ln,.r A ni.rrlcr.fl.fl ,.r.l. .,WIIUUHJ II. 1IIUIIUICK UlireS WHICH It 1 cold may soon become Herious and bhoiild:i1Hku jt a favoraito evoiv where. For be stopped at once. One Minute Cough 1 euje (jv wttkeley, the druifu'iHt. IJUIUrW UIIICB fundus HIIU UIJIMB rlllU the worst eaees of croup, bronchitis,; grippe and other throat and lung troubles. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmucy. lliirrnli Inr ;iirltiimil I have thfionly mistletoe in The D.tlles. Just cut from the oafes of the Willam ette. Call early and get the linem bin fore it goes. Price reasonable. ClAIllv ll-.NItV, 18-lw With Geo. V. Blakeley. "' Hprains, swellings mill latiH'iienH there is nothing so good a. Cliamberlriin's 'M'" ' r' l'"r l:al" ''' HIku- ley, the druggist, atoll 0IU window for ten days. If von don't fcee what you want, step in- side and we'll do the rest. Geo. C. iiimLhIhi - j The mechanical toys at the New York Cash store will please the old as well us the young. BUSINESS LOCALS. A full line of Christinas goods can be found at the New York Cash store. ' Yon will not have boils if vou take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for bolls. A full line of Eastman til inn and sup plies just received by Clarke & Kalk. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your uroeer for them. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by C'urKe it Falk. Paint your house with paintB that am fully guaranteed to last. Clnrke it Falk have them. Soule Bros., professional piano tuners of Portland, will he in town the coming week. Leave orders at Munefee it Parkins' or Nickelsen's music stores. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inforior paints when you can buy James E. Pat ton 'a sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clurk it Falk, ugents. ml DeWitt's Little Early Iiisers are dainty little pills, but they never fail to cleanse the liver, remove obstructions and in viuorate the petem. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Wanted Men nnd women of good character and references, to represent an established house, splended opportunity for advancement. Address P. O. Box 5S7, Portland, Oregon. novlo-lmo Hustling young man can make iffiO per mouth and expenses. Permanent posi tion. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars. Clark it Co., Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel hpiti, Pa, sS-tf Our toilet necessaires are of the latest importations; somethiiur unusually tine, and at a price that will convince you that we meau to give the people of The I Dalles an opportunity to buy at metro ' politan prices. See our east window. ' Geo. C. Blakelev. Don't use any of the counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Most of them are worthless or liable to cause in jury. The original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is a certain cure for idles, eczema, cuts, burns, sores, and skin diseases. Sold by Clarke it Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. When you need a soothing and heal ing antiseptic application for any pur pose, use the original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, u well known cure for piles aud skin diseases. It heals sores with out leaving a scar. Beware of counter feits. Sold by Clarke it Felk'e P. O. Pharmacy. Nutlet) ii f DUaultitliiu of l'lirtnemhlp. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between Grant Mays aud L. E. Crowe, under the firm name of Mavs & Crowe, was dissolved Dec. 1, 1900, Grant Mays re tiring. The business will be continued under the old firm name of Mays & Crowe by L. E. Crowe. All claims against the firm will be paid, and all accounts and notes due the firm collected by him. GltANT M.U'h, L. E. Chowe, The Appetite iifu Gout Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose etomuch and liver are out of order. All such should know that Dr. Kinu's New Life Pille, the wonderful Rtomach and liver remedy, gives u splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health nnd great energy. Only 25 cents ut the Blakeley drug store. 4 KuriNol Ml h I uk Company Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the Sunset Mining Company will hold a special meeting on the 22d dav of December, 19U0, at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m., at the office, of the county clerk of Wasco county, Oregon, for the purpoBe of vot j ing on a proposition to increase the cap ital stock ot the corporation. (112-22 S. Boi.to.v, Secretary. To remove a troublesome corn or bunion : First soak the com or bunion in warm water to soften it, then pare it down as closely as possible without draw ing blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice dally; rubbing it vigorously frit ( 1 Li miMiiriiU uf no itfi f util er A " - I'nrn nluotttr tirinnlrl tit unm frit i fttu- rjave( t0 protect it from tnu 8ll0e. Aa u general liniment for sprains, bruises. lameness and rheumatism. Pain Balm is unequaleU. For sale by Blakeley, the druggiBt. "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kernedy and find unoiera anu uiarriioea iterneuy unit lint jt t0 lje a greal ...edin,.," 8l,ys Mr. E : S. Phipps, of Poteati, Ark. "It cured itiO nf tilnriflif ftnv T nunnit annate too ' liluhlv of it." This remedv alwavs wins the good opinion, if not praise, of those ., it MM... ,...!,.!. .....,. ... i.:i. . .. ii uim, i.ir ; rin- ,.nri i,n,i. ill, r.n. , coanut Cream Tonic will give it life aud luster. It is pronounced the finest I tonic on earth. Can be had at Frazer's barber shop, agent. nil 1 in The most etlective little liver pills made are DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They never gripe. Sold by Clarke t Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Clurko & Fulk h.iye received a carload of the celebrated .lame E, Putton strictly pure liquid paints Come in and see the latest in art. Cheaper than ever. Geo. O. Blakeley. Clark A Falk are never'ulosed Sunday. Don't, forget this. The three great mechanical tovs of the ugetlie speedway racing gig. 00 cents ; clown, stubborn donkey and curt, -18 cents ; the African letter-carrier, 2.1 eta. Fur sale by the Now York Cash Stoie. CHRISTMAS GIFTS For all will be found at THE FAIR. Fine Toilet Sets and Albums. An Extra Fine Line of Stationery. A Jacket for a Lady or an Overcoat for a Gentleman make very desirable presents. We also have a nice assortment of Umbrellas. Kid Gloves and Handkerchiefs both linen and silk. Out Prices arc Alujays the bou-iest ...THE FAIR... The place to Save Money on all kind.- of -Merchandise. 133 Second Street. THE DALLES, OREGON. C. J. STUBLIHG, WllOI.KKAI.K Wines, Liquors Cigars I?' Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door" to Firpt THE fc S. Phone 234, VY.t. v . . v I : r One thousand styles and sizes. hor cooking trices irom tui IfUnfM i The genuine all bear uu are soia wiin a Awarded First Prize OVER ALL Sold by Flrsl-Clajs Stove Merchants everywhere. Mado only Inr Till; MiclliL'all Slovc rm' tfBWIWMtMWaj p. C. JVIanquardsen, Prop. BE STRONG. Lincoln Sexual Pillp restore niitiirnl Htrcitylh und vior. Thi-y (In mil exuitt' or Htimiiliitt). Tliny lire u jmrfectly jniri! anil cttrtiiiti imrvi- fnud, umi nvcrv tiililut itj 8tanilarl.Kil to iili-olntc nnlforinlty. Uhi; tlifln mid vim w Ii rt'julci! in Htrentli, iutvo vigor unil tniuily iiiactiL'tiHtn. l'rice, 1.00 jnir box liny ol your (lruint or Hunt liy until on receipt of priiiti, in pliiiu vruppor. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Ft. Wiiyno, Incl, M. Doiitiell, AKnt, Thf Dttllee, Or. AND liKT.Wt, Nutiotml Uiink. DALLES, OREGON. 'i l r.i.vj.r.l Tinri ywri and heating;. $5 to $50. Catt Ranges i the above Trnlc-Mark written ifuarantui- Paris Exposition 1900 THE WORLD. World. ok 8tov St BENTON, SOLEKCENTS I0.R.&N i time hcnmim.r., FltllM ll.U.I.Kh. AllKtV 1- hum Knit Knit t.Nkr, Denver, Ft. v.., Mull worth, OniHliii, Kim Jui, Ij r.iM.i. jhh City. jt. ,,), llltt l' Chlcnito hiiU K.iiht. ' Atlantlii riHit Ijikr. Denver. I t. .,u ... ii. in. I iim City, Ht. Urns,, Vlii Itiiut-I ClitciiKii mill l.iint, InXt'in. I Hixiliiinii Mull mill llxiire.o W'nllii Vt'iilln, Kiii'iiin., Mllitieiipnlpi. Ht. I'mil, i) ninth, .Mllumaw,, Chlrnco nlul Knst, vlii HpukiniL' nkd Itlnitltii; Inn; nhii nil point In WiishltiKtnii ml limt urn Drt'gim. Hpfiliniie MhII mil l'.xim."ts i. in h p. m. KttOM I'iii-.tlanh (Irciin Hti'iiiiisliiK. I'or Huh I'miiriirn t'.very I'lvu Duvv 1. m. 8 p. m. i .. l.x.hllliihivlCiiliinililii Itv, HtiMiniern. Kx.htinr;. To Aiitoiiu mill Wuy .Siuiiriliiy i IaiikIIiisi. 1U p. in. , liu. m. Wii.i.amkttk Kiviiii. I'lain m i:x.Biiiiiiy;()reiiii City. Niiwlivn-i Kx.Miimu'j , Milium A. Wuy Uimt'h, 7 H. III. ILLAMKTTr ash Yam :i ait .. . Tiifi..TJiur. iiti.i. Kivinii. Jinn ..v.f' mill Mit. O'l'Kim City, Diiytnn. nnil Krl. mitt W iiy-l :iiiillUKs. l.v Uliirln iWiliy 11 .! n. Ill, HKAKR ItlVCIl, It 1 1 it lii to U'Wlhion. l.KAVr. I.XWISTD.V itiilly 'J 00 ii. m I'urlli'K ituilritn; to i:o to lli'iiiniur nr IHiiiiiniin i.Miuiiiiiiii coiiiiii.'rn via iiiuki, ulicmM tilkl' NO. J. It'ilVlllK '' In' Dnlli ut 1.' 10 i, ei, mnkliiK illrrrt rniiiiviitliiiiK nt HfpiUMT jiniclloii mill lllinjs Iti'tuniliiK timkliiKillrii'lcniiiicctlan ut lli'iiiniur lunrtloii mul llii:i," Itli No, l.t rlvlMK ut Tin' Dulles ut l'j ;m ji, m. ! Tin-() It. A S. Mciiiiii'r "MuiIim ' 'i!i Hint-ui.ik-I Iiik rcKhhir trl lo nuti'iii ii ml tnpci.'iiilciici', I r tiipjiiiitr ut nil way Imiilliii;, Hhi' Itu; i, rmi Imiil oh .Moniliiyn, Wi'iliR'nilays mill l-rlilnj nt i. a. in., nrrlviiiKiit hiiW.-ri l ,, m id linleiviiit iMur iiiiiuii i. 1 1. in. on Minn.' iiiiys. iii'tiinilnj Iniat lt'iiCf Iink'i.i'iiik'iii'K nt a. in unil t-alcm "t i it in mi Tnwilays. Tlnirnliiya mul hntut iIiimi. iirrlvius at l'ortlmid nbmit ,i p ut. mint iliiyp.. 1-or (nil piirtlriiliirx rail on (. It, X, (:(i aj!fiit The llallck. or Hilling- W. II, III UUlNtT, (en. 1'iin, Act , rortliiiiit, Or DfiJUNN'S: i ONE FOR A DOSE. n.,,t'"""" l!"nPlo. IWiinl I !illin;niu,liitl(7 tlinllliind, l.urnllvniUihnil 1 PILLS IK'S Wi' "r w"iiS5 ssjSfSii . s; J6c. Huld b, druMuu. DR. BOSAHKb CO. Phil. & NOTICE. liy vlrtui of mi oritur nt tin' niiiurll of H.ilku City On.'UDii niuilcon tliO'.'Utli dav nt .Snvt'iii ln:r A I) 1 liKj. notlci.' I iMirntiy nivcu that an the Haul '.ilih diiyiir Nuvumlitir, Uim, tlic K.iltl roimi'll ili.'UlnriMl hy ruholtHltJii iidopleil that lliut portion of thn nIiIuvmiII; Nltuuted nn tliu nortliiTly Hldo ot Fulton Mtrutit mid Ivlnn ! twiM.'ii tin: niirtliuiist riininrof thcMimrc (nriiicit hv tin' Inlcrhi'i'tloii of mild I'nlloii .Street with Vns))liiitiii Ktreet lu Ilullcs City mul 11 point HKi;eti)ust of siildeiiriii.'ron mild Pulton Street Is In a tliinc iroiih einiditlon mid In need of ImiiiK rulniilt, In tliutMiIil KldinMilU Is nenK, dee.iycd ami innate to triivul iiiaiu. mid It ivus detur iidni'd hy .said eoiuiell In rolmllil the itauit' ami thai the eost of ruluillilini; haid Nlileivallc Im ehiiri,'i.ii in the omjr or owners of the property iilnitlii.' on said imrtloii or hiilil hldewalli ile elured in n daiiuerous coiidttiuu lis l law pro vlded. 'I'nl.s notice Is puliliKlied for II days from the Ith day of lleeemlier, I'.), liy orili'r of tin coiinell of Dalles City, wnleli order was iniitlr Nov. snth. UHi. Haled at Hallen Citv , Or.. December IM. W--VKU II. UATI'.M Iteeordur id IJalles flty r L. Lane, UKNKKAl. !, Wngon end Carriago Work. Fish Brothors' Wagon. Tiiiril and JciTcrni!, Plioiic 159 FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. 1'ltANHAUT A KNKUAI.IIANKINII HI "1 I'' Lottcru of Credit Ihhii'iI hviiIIuIiIh in di" JiiiHtitrn Ktuli'M. Ul. .1.1 I.'. ..I ...I 'IVI....IUII n: .'ikiii. jai!iiuii(;ii mm nn. .-r Truiiafora wold on Now Yorlc, 0M(M Kt I r.nlu U.... I?..,., ..lo,.. l',,rl l.ilill On" ft i I liKf.tllT I con BiacKsmitn A N D HoTSBShoer . . ...in, ,7ii - i.iit.invt', i.i ....' koii, Kiuittlo WhhIi,. mid viirltiut! poiniP In Ort'Koii mid WuHliincton. ColluctlotiH ind ut till point on rulili) UiruiN, Belgian Hares to Lease. I liiivn aliont 100 tliorouitliliriMl dui'H tliut I.wlll ImtBii in lotH of 10 to ruHion hIIjIo irtiun on HliureH. Apply to O. H. HA V A H, iillO i!w Tliu KallfH.