The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 21, 1900, Image 3

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We wish to assure the Ladies and Gentlemen who do Christmas trading that the collection of wares what
we are offering for Holiday gifts are of the very best and just as represented. There are some striking designs in
Vases and Cameo Ware. Below you will find a list of the many suitable things that we would suggest as being an
appropriate present for Lady or Gentlemen. THE PRICES, by the way, have been remarkably low from the start,
it will pay you therefore to buy here.
Sterling Silver Ware in Souvenir Spoons,
lion Bon Spoons, Paper Cutters, Darners,
Embroidery Scissors, Nail Files,
Manicure Sets. Tooth Brushes,
Tooth Brush Bottles,
Toolh Powder Bottles,
Nail Brushes,
Curling Irons,
Shoe Horns, Erasers, Blotters,
Button Hooks, Slick Pins, Bracelets,
Cameo Ware in Plaques,
Vases, Fancy Jars,
Hand-Carved Leather Coods,
Shaving Cases, Cuff Boxes,
Collar Boxes,
Picture Frames.
Fur Jackets, Fur Capes, Silk Waists,
Dress Goods, Ice Wool Shawls, Fur Scarfs,
Pillows, Hand Embroidered Linen,
Blankets, Real Down Comforts,
Shoes, Ladies' Slippers,
Mien's Slippers, Clothing,
Neckwear, Mufflers,
Hats, Canes,
Collars and Cuffs, Smoking Jackets,
Fine Night Gowns,
Suit Cases, Overcoats,
Fine Hand-Made Candies,
Nuts. Figs,
Oranges, Etc.
So m any good CI i ristmas gifts for
boys and girls, grown-up folks too, that
we attempt no description, but ask
3'ou to come and look around. For
the older people many useful and val
uable presents can be found among our
display of China and Bric-a-Brac.
All Goods Marked
in Plain Figures.
jl HIIIIIIII 1 1 fc,
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
DEC. '-'1. UtOO
A - A nHfnui VCrkHnr'c:.
All Wimt!" County HiirruiilH ri'eiNtitri'il
lirliirtn i.-itPinlMT 1. IHlT. will l I'U'd
mi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii lit my olllee. I itt tn t
uflrr Nil i-iiiImt "II. 1IMMI.
Hull illy Tri'UHiiriT.
Thu children's dancing class tomorrow
afternoon ut the Baldwin.
bj tliu new ImtH for boys in A.M.
Williams & Co.'h window.
Entertainment by tho Children's Mia
eiou Band ut tlm JiuptiPt tonight.
Tomorrow afternoon ut 2 o'clock ia the
hour for tliu children's dancing cIiihh ut
the Baldwin.
Dressed turktiyH, geee, chickens ami
Booth's euatern oysters ut the Ktwlul
initti Commission Co.'b. -l-t
Dou't forgot tho children's dancing
class ut tho Baldwin ut 1! o'clock tomor
row afternoon.
Harry Taylor has biit'ii coiifiuud to bin
room fur moro than a week with a pain
ful attack of rhoumutlam.
Iluta make a good and iiHuful Christ
mas present. It i ouu of thu imuiy ap
propriute gifts for man or hoy; Boat
UBHortmont, aH usual, will bo found ut
A. M. WUtiainn A Co.'h.
Tlio Chlldrtui'H Mission Band of tho
Calvury Baptist church will give a Modal
ut that church thia (Friday) evening atS
o'clock. Articlca useful and ornamental
will b i on Kiilu. Uci'ieshiiiuuts will bo
servud. Admission 10 cents.
Tho good people of Kndorsby precinct
huvo arranged to have u Christmas true
arid entertainment In tho Endersby
Hchool Iiouho Chilatmas ove. A wholo
wagon load of candy and nuta has been
contributed and waa taken out there
Points ubout men's elotheB. The first
point la good cloth. Tho accond point
is perfect lit. Tho third point la tho
Litest fashion and good workmanship.
The fourth uoint is. come here tomorrow-, thing ie counted, to have about $1.75-'
or Monday and get $12..0 and $13.ij0 left. This i exceedingly gratifying, and j
black all-worsted clay sulu for $10. A. the ladies feel correspondingly- grateful .
M. Williams & Co. j to all who contributed to their success. I
The fore part of tnis week the Shamko j At the sale yesterday afternoon, in spite
Warehoufo Compimv held a meeting, j"' the untoward weather, nearly every-
audit was unanimously decided to en- , tiling was cleared out. There was a
lame their warehouse to double its ca- I Rood attendance at the entertainment in ,
pneitv at present. One of the company i the evening when the excellent program ;
informs us that the business done bv 1 "s pleasingly rendered. Mrs. . K,
them the past summer is far beyond Guinther won the handsome dressed,
their most sanguine expectation", ami , ,l0"- !
from present indications it in nothing j Tlio remains of t lie late Miss Ifnttie,
compared to what it will bo thie coming Tnhll'ero did not leave Seattle till noon
aeaHJii. L-Jtuler. todav and will probably not arrive here
.,, , . , , ... ,1 till noon tomorrow. The funeral, there- '
Sunday will be parents' day a the M. w nQl u
E. Sunday school. I here will be some j Q ;
recitatioiiB and special music and a short (.uin.t i
review of the lessons of the (iurter hy I
Mr. X. Wheaidou. TI.m teachers will i'ties up m the ne.u'hborhood ot ;
report the number of lllled wheels and West .Ninth street compla.n o frequent
tho awarding oi merits. We are iiearriiiK nlfof guns and p.Btols of nights to
the close of the year, near the close of the alarm and terror of the neighbor
the century. Wo want to mako these ! hood. Jiesules, it .a said that chicken
exercisea tho most interesting of any we I roostH are frequently raided arm drunken
have had. All parents of pupils and ! orIie-, with their accompanying crimes
friw.ds of tho school are urged to be and shindige. an. the rule rather than,
inn exeeiiiion. vjiiv ui win nuisi ic.i
a center table and this waa found in one
of his pockets. O'Brien is a stupid
looking young fellow of -'0 or 2S, who,
whether designedly or not, acts the
greeny. When asked why he gave hie
name first as Welch and now as O'Brien
he said he didn't remember anything
about it.
1'UOI'I.K C .MING A Jl (iltINO,
Max Lueddomaun, of The Antelope
Herald, is in the city.
K. If. Wakefield returned yesterday
from spending six weeks at hia gold
mine in the Jv.igle Creek district of
Union county. Mr. Wakefield is very
much satisfied with the way thu mine in
opening up.
Won't llo.
Toy Sti'.'im h'liKlni'K, rtn.
That is what one of our competitors
says, and he is right. The idea of inly
ing tin whistles, smiled dolls and trash
is an absurd proposition, especially
when line nianos and oruans are eoing
at such prices that will enable any one I a'rving tho term just ended by death,
to make a Christmas present that has a
value to it all tho year arouni
Xickelsen'a Uook & Music Store you
can huvo a piano or organ on terms to
Made tin; III Hi at Last.
Frit. Bauer, a baker who tormerly
lived in this city and worked for Andrew
Keller, committed suicide Wednesday
by hanging himself in hia cell in the
city jail in Portland. Bauer made a
noose ct'u bit of blanket and attached
the other end to a steam pipe, which ho
reached by standing on a table. Then
ho jumped oil'. lie had twice recently
tried to take ids own life, and while in
The Dalles and confined for a drunken
assault on hia wife, he tried to butt his
brains out against the walla of hia cell.
Bauer is known in police annals of
1'ortland as the man who fed turkey to
his'do!S, instead of giving it to his wife
and children, liiBt Thanksgiving day.
After tlio turkey episode Bauer chased
hia wife about the house with a razor,
and waa then arrested for drunkenness.
After a subsequent arrest, and while
imaginary uncle or two before this sale
ia over. There is lots of fun in tiie music
trade now, but it is all at Nickelsen'a
I music store where the Wilev B. Allen
Co. of Portland iiave on display a car
load of high grade pianos.
1 , 1itiHea of these carousals ia the fact that I
A ji n v t..-. r i
who perhaps get more enj yment. out of
life than uny other dues of people, too
high school pupils certainly take the
lead. And bo tho invitation of Oeear
Beck to spend last evening at hia home
waa the signal for the jolUct. time im
aginable. Abouttwonty-livo of hia
i.lssmiitiH wiire present, and tlio time
was paHBed wltlames, tinging and va
rious kinds of umusement, while the
splendid lunch served by Mra. Beck waa 1
... . ....... i i.... i i ii. ........... '1
itho participants are largely made wp of
minora, who obtain their liquor in vio- ,
lation of tho law. The pity is our one i
kdty nightwatchmun cannot be every
where, elee these hoodlums would learu .
Ilthat there is n quiet, decent element in
Bthecity t hat haa BOine rights that the!
hobo element must respect whether they ,
will or no.
Jack O'Brien pleaded guilty in Justice
Brownhill'a court yesterday afternoon
spleuuiu iunc1 nurvuu uy .hid. jm " "
one of tho principal features of the even- jho petty larceny and waa sentenced to
ing'a pleasure. thirty days in the county jail. ThiB is
... ...... ... . i i- mi ii ir...i
Two more pianos ami two organa sold
yesterday. A fancy Martin upright
ntano in walnut is ant aside for a Christ-
itiun mini rise, a PariH i.udwie goes to
Wallu Walla, a Urge atockman from j undressed and went to
MU..I...H uu..,iu ! ii mail order for fancy Mr. Hudson discovered
t"l llv Hi 1 1 n i'u
the man who entered Mr. 1. H. Hud
Bori'a residence Wednesday afternoon ,
and, linding the coast clear, walked up
stairs and enteiing one of tho lied rooms
eleep. When 1
him coming !
case Chicago Cottage organ. Santa;. town stairs mr u unw oi waier w. ,
China will aonn bo here; take advantage j fellow gave his name aa Welch. It up- (
of our bargains now. We w ill make a j peats, however, that when O'Brien was
special cut to parties purchasing lirat j allowed to take Ids departure from the,
Instrument each dav this week, if you house it was not known that he .hud on !
ever intend buying a piano or organ, him a couple of pair of lady's under-1
now is the time. Remember the place, , draweia Unit had been left lying on the
Nickelsen'a Book & Muic Store, Tim , bedromn buieau tied up in u paper us ;
Dallea, Oregon. 1 they came fiom the store. The drawers i
Tho Catholic ladies met with success were not missed till some time after the
In their sale and entertainment of yes- fellow Had leu inn wuen umomuera were
terday afternoon and i.voning for beyond I notified of the theft thu missing gar
their expectations. They thought they j menta were soon located and suminurlly
would do well if they netted 75 or ifKO, I stripped of!" the thiof. O'Brien had also
whereas they now expect, when every-' taken a 'J3 cent piece which he found on
suit your purse.
il in Atiiiy.
J. K, Adcox & Co. will give u watch to
the person making tlio nearest guess to
the number of stones in the jur on dis
play in their show, window. One guess
given with each twenty-flve-cunt pur
chase. d'-'l-2t
In future any and all inquiries rela
tive to delinquent taxes must be made
to the county clerk, aa he ia custodian of
delinquent tax sale record and rolls. Tn
siieriir having complied with the law in
making aaie of delinquent tax's, he ia
completely out of the tax-collecting
business till March next. dK'-lm.v
Lost A lady's silk bug, containing a
program, a couple of handkerchiefs and
a number of toilet articles. Kinder will
oblige by leaving it ut tho Ciikonii i.i:
ollice. ' dl'.MH
Bauer, learned that hia much-wronged
4l i wife had threatened to start proceedings
for divorce, when he made u nearly suc
cessful attempt to cut his throat with a
razar. lie was then removed to the
county hospital for treatment,
where he remained till a week ago w hen
he waH returned to jail. U.iuer leaves a
wilo and three children.
llolillnc Timi IIIkIi.
A press dispatch from Huntington
under date of December KSth says:
" The local wool growers and the buy
ers are unable to meet on a common
ground, and if relhhlo reports are to be
believed, tho wool which has ao far re
mained unsold in thu warehouses this
sea-on, will, if not disposed of at once,
lie kept over until next season. Several
prominent wool buyers have been in
the city the past week trying to bring
about a satisfactory agreement, but have
failed in their cllbrta. 0. G. Huberts,
the veloian wool buyer of Portland, was
i among them ami snueu inai mo wooi-
The celebrated Columbiu Salvador j growers were holding their clip two
bock beer will no on draft on Christmas ' ,.,.,tH uhove the nun ket price."
eve at the places of all the customers of
August Buchler. dlil '-M
Fifty men wanted to buy as many
The other dealers In town c.iinot sell
any pianos w hile our removal sale is go-
men wanted to miy as many w, ,., ivcause we anicloolng
black clay worsted suits of us tomorrow J (lU ntl( mtl(.M .r ,,rep:ratoiy to go
and Monday. U-MiO and i:5.50 suits for : u () ,.,, i.v.inclsco, wheio our head
10. All sizea, from llo to 50 chest. See ((nl,uH wlt , heieafler, hip! we are
our window. A. M. Williams & Co. J tm unit; th world upside down just
If you have daiidrull', your hair is j now. I'm- s,i!e wid not last much
falling out. Uee Cocoaiiut Cream. For j longer, hut while it does last we are
salo at Fraw's b.irber hop i going to have things our own way.
Subscribe for TiikCiihomcm;. ! Some of our competitors may lose an
Our Trade With England.
The most confirmed hater of England
in thia country can say nothing when
the question of business relations ia
weighed. For England is by far our
j bett foreign customer, and tho balance
in uur invur oi laie lias increased witti
singular rapidity. In October last we
sold Great Britain .iSO.OOO.OUO worth
Igooda and bought from it less than 4
000,000 worth, tho balance in our favor
in one month reaching the great sum of
if 10,000,000. it ia a striking fact that
this balance is 10,000,000 greater than
in the same month last year. How
deeply concerned the United States
would lie if it were carrying on business
witli any country at sncti a dixp.nity.
England undoubtedly buvs freely of ut
because it is to her advantage, but that
ia true of all sound and legitimate bu-i-nesj
transactions. Estimating the whole
year, which can now lie di.uu eloselv,
Great Britain's purchases in merchan
dise from us in 1000 will be $110,000,000
and ita sales of merchandise to us f 11)0,
000,000, u balance on our side In twelve,
months of $450,000,000.
Another biji landslide occurred lust
plight near Dodson, so that the passen
ger train due here at PJillO a, in. had not
arrived at tho hour of going to press,
and it ia impossible to tell when tho
track may be cleared. Tho passengers
that arrived here from the East this
morning, together with the U. S. mails,
were transfened to the Hegulator. No.
1 passenger, that arrived here from the
EtBt at 1:05 p. m., passed on and will
transfer at Dodsm to one of the O. I!, it
N. boats. A wrecking train, with P.
Dulliill'iu charge, left here lor the slide
at noon. There is a rumor that thu
i train due hero at 12 -15 this morning,
ran into I lie slide at Do.U.itu.d that
Engineer Curtis mid hia ilreinan yme
injured and the train wi cked. 'I ,
latest icport at this wnth g ia that u
through passenger train from llie west
may he expected here between I and fi
o'clock. Thia may mean 10 i-r in the
niornliiL'. or anvlhing. Wn give lint
facta repoited as we found them, with
out vouching for their arcuracy.
I.Hzell'a pel fumes, the bcM, at Don
nell'e ding store. IS dlw