The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 20, 1900, Image 4

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Notice of lllmuilutlon.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
i. E. Adeox ami Theodore H. Liebe,
under the firm niune and style of J. E.
.Adrox & Compnnv, is tine day dissolved
bv mutual consent, J. E. Artcox retiring i
Jroin said firm. Theodore H. Liebe will
rontinne the business of Baiil firm under
ibe name and style of J. E. Adcos ii
Company, and is authorized to receive
nil receipt tor all moneys due said firm,
and all claims against eaid firm should
le presented to him for payment.
Dated this 10th day of December, 1900.
J. E. Ancox,
Tiieo. H. Likiie.
1 desire to announce to uiy patrons
and the public generally that in assum
ing control and management of the jew
elry firm of J. E. Adeox & Co. I retain
jhe services of J. E. Adeox, which is a
sufficient guarantee that all work in
trusted to our care will be repaired in a
workman-like manner.
2 Tiieo. H. Likiie.
Sample"! sample!
H. Herbring bought from one of the
roost prominent manufacturing com
panies their entire Hue of samples, con
sisting of tine ladies' dress skirts, waists,
petticoats, etc. He paid for them the
extremely low price of G21.. cents on the
dollar, and therefore is in a position to
se'l these goods at such low prices as
cannot be found elsewhere. Don't fail
to examine them. 19 4t
The Talk of tlir Tnwn.
3?ow for hurry days ; four pianos and
organs sold yesterday. The way it looks
mow we will have our hands full to
deliver nil nianos selected so far for
Christmas- In order to induce custom
ers and allow us to deliver instruments
si once, we will make a special cut to
jmrty purchasing first instrument, each
day thie week only. Nickelsen's Book
A Alusic Store.
Mrs. J. E. Rarnett returned today
iroui a trip to canui liosa, vjumornia. i
Mrs. Olivia Morgan has returned from
a protracted absence in Antelope und
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Davenport and
Mrs. Lewis went to Portland this after
noon, expecting to return Saturday.
Mrs. C. F. Stephens went to Portland
today on businees connected with the
Degree of Honor, of which she is grand
A full line of Christinas goods can be
found at the New York Cash Store.
You will not have boils if von take
Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boll..
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke A Falk.
Clarke it Falk's flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your grocer for them.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arKe
& Falk.
A Splendid Program,
The following program will be ren
dered at the Catholic entertainment at
the Baldwin Thursday night:
Duct-'Ttfri'titV . .. . . . Ktwtlmanti I
JIIsm's Dora Tercel Mid M. lioelilner.
Hark to the Mandolin lltnru l'arkrr
JIIjes Myrtle Mlclicll ami KlUabcth llonu.
Matmeln l'ortiiKUeMt .... .. Heller
Paint your house with
I fully guaranteed to last.
! have them.
paints that ara
Clarke it Falk
t. Mary's Orchv.ttn.
Vocal Solo "Judith ' . .
Mls Dora I'orcel.
Cornet Solo I.e llevi D'Amour llamltn Millar
Mr. J. 1'. Benton.
Sons: Selected
Mr. John Hampshire.
Soule Bros., professional piano tuners
of Portland, will be in town the coming
week. Leave orders at Menefee it
Parkins' or Nickelseu's tiuiBic stores.
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paintB when you can buy James E.
Patton'e sun proof paintB for $1.50 per
For all will be found at
Fine Toilet Sets and Albums.
An Extra Fine Line of Stationery.
' ii-:r.r.T
! rou
TIKK M:iiKlill.r.,
KlIOM lAI.M.u.
r unit
A sale
of men's black suits at A. M.
it Co.'s next Saturday and
Read change in their ad.
Take time to look into A. M. Will
lams it Co.'s windows as you pass by,
You may see something you want.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Attack on AVliiburR In Expected.
London. Dec. 19. It is reported this
afterneon that General Knox has been
forced to abandon the pursuit of General
Devet, owing to the situation created in
Cape Colony by the Boers crossing the
! Orange river.
It is said that oOOO republicans have
entered Cape Colony, and a similar
number have reached Phiiipstown. The
report adds that Dewet, with about -1500
men, is northwest" of Ladybraud, and
that an attack on Wiuburg is momentar
ily expected.
i gallon, .guaranteed for 5 years. Clark it
.J. Coiicene . talk, agents. ml
De Witt's Little Early Risers are dainty
little pills, but they never fiiil to cleanse
the liver, reaiove obstructions and in
vigorate the ssteni. Sold by Clarke it
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Wanted Men and women of good
character and reterences, to represent an
established house, splended opportunity
for advancement. Address P. O. Box
5S7, Portland, Oregon. novlo-lmo
Hustling young mnn can make $60 per
month and expenses. Permanent posi
tion. Experience unnecessary. Write
quick for particulars. Clark it Co.,
Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel
lipia, Pa, tS-tf
Our toilet necessaires are of the latest
importations; somethinc unusually tine,
and at a price that will convince you
that we mean to give the people of The
Dalles an opportunity to buv at inetro-
Bears the
Signature o
Lost, a Masonic charm with square
and compass set in biack onyx, and the
initials W. L. G. dimly engraved ou the
back. When lost it was attached to a
black silk fob chain. Will eive $2 30 for
its return to the Columbia Packing Cum
pany. 117-3t
Catarrh Uanuot Be Vurd
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
3e a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
ual remedies. Hall e Catarrh (Jure is
'token internally, and acts directly on
ine blood and mucous surfaces. Jiaire
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
38 a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on tbe mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of tbe two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
raring Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggiflts, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are tbe best. 12
lu 11 its (Uges there
t'aould be cleanliness.
Ely's Cream. Balm
riumet, ioothei and lieale
the diatiued membrane.
.P.tnrtacatarrhand dritca
taj- k cold iu the head
Crram Balm Is placed Into tbe nostrils, spreads
r tbe membrane and is absorbed. Itelief is lm
stellate arid a cure follows. It la not drying does
kc produce sneezing. Large .Size, SO cents at Drug-j-aiir
by mall; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail.
JLY IKIOTUBItS, K Warren Street, Sew York.
Try it
Its easy
The Fair.
recommend Lazt
M. Z. Donnell.
to buv Christmas presents at
'16 atd
perfumes for Christmas at
Don't fail to see tiie mechanical toys
at the New York Cash Store.
Holiday perfumes at popular prices at
M. Z. Donnell's. 18-dlw
Roslyn, Cl?alum and Australian coals
by the Stadelman Commission. 21-ltn
Our holiday perfumes are now ready.
A full line at Donnell's drug store. l'w
The newest assortment cf fancy sta
tionery; prices from ( to 75 cents will
be found at Tbe Fair. lS-3tdlw
Wanted A girl to do housework in
a small familv. Applv at this office.
If you are looking for a nice present
for your best girl, be sure and go to The
Fair. IS lid-lw
Evert thing that is new and rare in
the line of children's toys can be found
at Menefee & Parkins'.
A new jacket makes a fine present.
Yon know ours are the latest in style
and best in cloth. We will extend our
25 per cent off on those goods this week.
The Fair. lS-3dlw
Don't forget B(ob Teague i still in the
grocery business he can give you good
goods and low prices, he has just received
a very tine line otcotleee, trie iinst in the
citv. Trv them. Phone. No. u. H-4
politan prices. See our east window.
Geo. C. Blakeley.
Don't use any of the counterfeits of
DeWitt's Witch Haze) Salve. Most of
them are worthless or liable to cause in
jury. The original DeWitt's Witch IlH.el
Salve is it certain cure for piles, eczema,
cuts, burns, sores and skin diseases.
Sold by Clarke it Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
When you need a Boothing und heal
ing antiseptic application for any pur
pose, use the original DeWitt's Witch
Haze! Salve, a well known cure for piles
and skin diseases. It heals sores with
out leaving a scar. Beware of counter
feits. Sold by Clarke it Felk's J. O.
Notice or Dissolution of l'artuerlilp.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
Grant Mavs and L. E. Crowe, under
tbe firm name of Mavs & Crowe, was
dissolved Dec. 1, 1900, Grant Mavs re
The business will be continued under
tbe old firm name of Mays & Crowe by
L. E. Crowe. All claims against tbe
firm will be paid, and all accounts and
notes due the firm collected by him.
L. E. Ciiowe,
Tim Appetite of a dual
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose
stomach and liver are out of order. All
such should know that Dr. King's New
Life Pills, tbe wonderful stomach and
liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite,
sound digestion and a regular bodiiv
habit that insures perfect health and
great energy. Only 25 cents at tbe
Blakelev drug store.
To Whom it May Concern,
2t having come to my knowledge that
jurties, presumably interested, are
daiming that when I sold out my retail
interest at 17.'!, Second street, French's
block, I contracted to not open any re
inil business in the city of The Dalles.
3 beg to say that I sold ray right not to
open any retail business between Fed
r! and Washington streets, on Second
itreet. and have and intend to conform
)o roy contract. My place at the Bank
uale ib in no sense in violation o! the
ton tract.
dl-tf C. J. Stl'iilim..
ilurrali lor Christum!
1 have the only mistletoe in The Dalles.
Jnt cut from the oaKs of the Willam
ette. Call early und get the finest be
fore h goes. Price reasonable.
Ci.vm; Hu.vitv,
JS-lw With Geo. C. Blakeley.
For sprains, swellings and lameness
there if nothlnir so L'oud us Chamberlain's
J'nin Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake
ley, the druggist.
Watch our window (or ten days. If
roil don't see what you want, step in-
i)e and we'll do the rest. Geo. C.
T1ip mechanical toys at the New York
yb store will please the old us well as
hunnet Mlnlnc Company Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that the Sunset
Mining Company will hold a special
meeting on the 2L'd dav of December,
1900, at the hour of 9 o'clock a. in., at
the office of the county clerk of Wasco
county, Oregon, for tbe purpose of vot
ing on a proposition to increase the cap
ital stock ot the corporation,
d 12-22 S. Bolton, Secretary.
xo remove a troublesome corn or
bunion : First soak the corn or bunion
in warm water to soften it, then pare it
down as closely as possible without draw
ing blood and apply Chamberlain's J'ain
Balm twice daily; rubbing it vigorously
for five minutes at each application. A
corn plaster should be worn for a few
davs, to protect it from the shoe. As a
general liniment for sprains, bruises,
lameness and rheumatism, Pain Balm as
unequaled. For sale by Blakeley, the
"T tiAVf. nhofnfinrluin'a Pnlir
what you eat" so that you cun eat all the ' oi .i i r.!..i i. .. , I
good food yon want while it is restoring I u'" u r.emeuy anu unu
the digestive organs to health. It is the i 11 10 'e u 8reat medicine," says Mr. E.
only preparation that digests all kinds S. PhippB, of Potean, Ark. "It cured
of food. Sold by Clarke & Falk'e P. O. me of bloody flux. I cannot speak too
Pharmacy. bighly of it." This remedy always wins
the good opinion, if not praise, of those
Help Is needed at once wheu a person's j who use it. The quick cures which it
life is in danger. A neglected cough or ! c"eetB even In the most severe cases
cold may soon become serious and should ! k S; .iruS''""'
he stopped at once. One Minute Cough ! fettle U blttlt? "l11-
Cure quickly cureB cough and colds and , if your hair is dry and dead-like. Co-
the worst cases ot croup, bronchitis, : ..nanut Oeam Trillin will irivn it lif nnil
t'layvc: Out.
Dull Headache, Pans in various parts
of the bodv, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach. Loss of appetite, Feverishuess,
Pimples or SoresTare all positive eviiien
cee of impure blood. No matter how it
became so it must he purihed in order
to obtaiu good health. Acker's Blood
Elexir has never failed tocure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee. Blakeley, the drug
gist. When the stomach is tired out it must
have a rest, but we can't live without
food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure "ditiests i
grippe und other throat and lung!
troubles. Sold by Clarke A Falk's P. O.
Pharmacy. 1
Experience is the best Teacher. Uee j
Acker's English Remedy in any cafo of j
coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to !
give immediate relief money refunded,
25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drug-1
!9t. j
The three great mechanical toyt- of the
aae ttie Hpfedway racing gig. 0U t.vntn ;
clown, stubborn donkey and ran, -its
luster. It is pronounced the finest
tonic on earth. Can be had at b razer'e
barber shop, agent. nU-lm
The most effective little liver pills
made are DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
They never gripe. Sold by Ularke &
Talk's P. O. PlMruiiicy.
Clarke & Falk hay- received a carload
of the celebrated Jame E. Putton
strictly pure liquid paints
Corne in and
cents ; the At.'lrun letter currier. 2u cts. , "M"r m vur.
Fur sale bv the New ) ork Cash Stoie.
see the latent in tut.
Geo. C. Blukelev,
Remember that' Menefee Sc Parkins'
store is the headquurters for holiday
the best, at Dot).
Clark it Falk are never closed Sunday,
Don't, forget this.
Lazell's perfumes,
nell's drug store. -
Subscribe for The Chuonicle.
Clarku it Falk huve on sale a full line
of paint and artist'i brushes.
If you have dandruff, your hair is
falllnglout. Use Cocoantit Crenui, For
tale at Frazer'a barber shop, ii9Im
A Jacket for a Lady or an Overcoat for a Gentleman
make very desirable presents.
We also have a nice assortment of Umbrellas. Kid
Gloves and Handkerchiefs both linen and silk.
Our Prices are Aluuays the lioujest
The place to .Save .Money on all kinds of lereliandise.
133 Second Street.
Lincoln Sexual Pi"f restore natural strength and
vigor. Thf-y do not excite or stimulate. They are a
perfectly pure and certain nerve food, anil evcrv tablet
is Htatidanztfd to abuoliite uniformity. Use them and
von w li rejoice in strength, nerve vigor and inauly
Price, $1.00 per box buy of your druggist or sent
by mail on receipt of price, in plain vrapper.
M. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles, Or.
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First National l!nnk.
Phone 234,
gsa One thousand styles and sizes.
ftrrfl ror cooking and heating.
Prices from $5 to $50.
fust iHnlt I.uki', Denver, Kt. p.,.
Mull Worth, Oiimlui, knu v.ii
IJ n: p. m., t-h cay, St. Louis, i.i ,"
ClilriiRii mid Hunt.
l'J :.' 11. 111
Vlu Hunt
St Ml I
U '.'." p. in
h p. in.
I IJiko. Denver. Kt
Worth, Oniiilni, Knn
mih City, hi. Louis,
CIllCHK'O lllllt Kllkt,
W'mIIh WhIIh, HKkiitie,
MlutiritHillh. St. fniil,
1)11 lu t h, Mlluiiiikev,!
Oilmen Hllll K.HKt, vlu
HlHikiuil-iikil KuiitliiL'
ton; ul no nil point in
U'tiHtiltiRtmi mill Liim
em Orison.
Ocean hteiuiiihlnr.
I-'or Sun Kriincle(
Kvery Tlvo Dhvk.
I 1 1 11, m
;i1 a. a
i. m.
S p. m. 1 1 m
Kx.MliulnyiColumtJlH Hv. Kteniiierh. Kx.huti.
!Ti Aktoria mid Whj-,-uiiir'liiy
I IjiiuIIiics.
10 p. in. j
ft H, HI, , WIU.AMKTTK IIIVRK. 4 :) n m
i:x.Miniii'yOrej;iiii City, Newticric, Lx.Bunrts'r
nuluni iV vny Uind'h.
T M. m, WtLLAM VTTK AND VaU H.TO i. ra.
Tiie.1lmr. nu.i, ItiVKitv. Mnii.,Vea
mid rut. (Orepoti City, Duytmi, mid Krl.
anil Viiy-L:uidlti!ti.
I.v Itlpiirln
iliiliy i
i X'i u. in. ',
fi.VAKl: KlVKK.
Hljitirlii to lwlntou.
;reu. m
C. JVIarquardsen, Prop.
1'nrlien HcMriliL- to mi to lli'imin'r n
puiiiiK on i .(illinium .-miwH'ni viu iiikhh. MioiiIJ
tHLe No. .', luavlliK 'I'll- Dnlli-1 lit i ID p. n.
innklui.' itlrcet eoiiiit'etlons lit Hi'i'l'inT Junction
mid lllk,- HetiiruliiK iniiKliiKillrtt'teiiiiiicctlon
itt Heppiier Jiinrtlou mid IIIstK" with Xti. Lur
rlvl'ic nt J In- DiilleH u 1 p. m.
The O It. A S. Mourner "Modoc 'btunvmak.
niK nriiiar tnp to Milein mid lnpci.'iiJc!ice
htnppluK nt 1! wuy tmidluipi. She leaHi foil
laud on Motidiiyh, VVeluendii) mid Krldayi ut
t,ii in.. mrlvliiK nt Suien I p. in., and Iiulitid
eiiee aliotit t, p. lu. on kiitne diivh. Iloturnlu;
1 x in t leaveh Iiidepeiiduliei! iit ni. in HiulHilcm
at On. in on TileMlnyh. 'MiurwliiyH nud tiutut
iliu, nrrHiiiK ut Portland aliout .1 p. m. Mine
For (nil particular!, rail 1111 O. I'.. A X. Cu.'i
aceiitThe liatlek. or addteKS
W. It. lit Itl.lll UT,
tieu. Pan, Act , l'nrtluiid, Or
lUranT. PlmplM. PrnTfiDt
lllllMtli-.,pl,riT thnlllnoiL
A tnovrnift.! f i hV .l-U -I-v. m ,
atfiBrci nor.irkn. Tucod
. i 1 mhl. .u .. - ... I ) . . ...
I... ttnl. 1, Tl .
.1..,."...;. "if. C'llw nor iirk.n. To con.
kW Huld i. J1 1 ,n'l "mriU r. or full l.oi for
ecnuine all bear the abavz Tradc.Marl-
ana are soia witn a written euaruntee.
liuarilarl Clrrtt DrUn D.Ia r w..UI.. mnn K
nnuiucu iiioi rmv raii CAiU&lllUII iguil
Sold by FirslClass 8love Merchanlt everywhere.
Madnnnlr In The Micllitrail Stove CdinrmntA
iumefi Largoat Mukrn of Htutnm mid ltiiiu;en in the World. Oak Stove
Ily vlrtm of iiu order of the council ot Dalle
City Oreuon nnuleon tlie'.'iHh dav of Nut cm
her A I) 1 imii. notice. Is neretiy k'Uen that nn
the mild aith day of Novumtmr lino, the wld
eoimcll Jeclured liy rexolullon udopted. that
Hint portion of U1.1 Mdeunlk hltuated on tli'
northerly Hide ot Kulton Stree'. and lying I
lw eun the iiortlieuM corner of ttn: hquure formed
hv the InterM'etlou 4t Mild I'ultou .Street with
WiiHhliiKton .Street iu Dulleh City and a iwlnt
lli feet east of hiildconiiiron wild I'ultou Street,
ih In 11 duiiKjroiis condition und lu need ot lielns
rehulll In that wild hldewulls Is weuK, deejyeil
und iinsufe to tniv'til upon, and It uas deter
iMlni'il by hiild eoiiuell to ruliutld the name und
that the cost ot rehulldliiK Mihl hlduuulk I
ehared to the owner or owner of the prnperty
iihutliiK 011 hiild portion of Mild wdewulkile
dared tu 11 duiiKcroiih conilltlou as hy law pro
This notice Is published for 1 1 days from the
Ith day o( December, l'.mu, by order o( the
council or Dulles City, wnlch order wiis made
.N"o aith, twin.
Dated at Dalles City, Or., Dweuiher .M, taifl.
Ni:t 11. UATILS.
Kucorder of Dulles City
L. Lane,
!, Wagon and Carriage Work.
Fish Brothora' Wagon.
Tiiirtl and Mcnn, Fliouo 159
Itttire ofCrodlt ihimi'il avullaliln in ''
EuhUTII flU'.tl'H.
Sljclit Knilmnuo und TeU'irrnphi'J
Traniifora ho11 on Nnw York. GM W0,
Kt. LouIh, San FrunclHtiO, J'ortlnuil
koii, beattlo Wasli,, and varloiin poi"
In Onitron anil WuHluntttou.
ColltiutioiiH tnado ut all polute on lav'
rablr) truiH.
Belgian Hares to Lease.
I liavu about 100 tliorauuliurt'd ""'"
that llll Ituibo in lotu of 10 to runpoii-
Hlblo partioa on eliareH. A ilI V '
ii'JO Uw -Tho DiiIlDHi