The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 20, 1900, Image 3

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    V iV - 4'
T. :
We wish to assure the Ladies and Gentlemen who do Christinas trading that the collection of wares what
we are offering for Holiday gifts are of the very best and just as represented. There are some striking designs in
Vases and Cameo Ware. Below you will find a list of the many suitable things that we would suggest as being an
appropriate present for Lady or Gentlemen. THE PRICES, by the way, have been remarkably low from the start,
it will pay you therefore to buy here.
Sterling Silver Warn in Souvenir Spoon?,
Hon lion Spoons, Taper Cutlers, Darners,
Embroider' Scissors, Nail Files,
Manicure Sets, Tooth Brushes,
Tooth Brush Bottles,
Tooth Powder Bottles,
Nail Brushes,
Curling Irons,
Shoe Horns, Erase is, Blotters,
Button Hooks, Stick Tins, Bracelets,
Cameo Ware in Plaques,
Vases, Fancy Jars,
'Hand-Carved Leather Goods,
Shaving Cases, Cuff Boxes,
Collar Boxe,
Picture Frames.
Fur Jackets, Fur Capes, Silk Waists,
Dress Goods, Ice "Wool Shawls, Fur Scarfs,
Pillows, Hand Embroidered Linen,
Blankets, Real Down Comforts,
Shoes, Ladies' Slippers,
Men's Slippers, Clothing,
Neckwear, Mufflers,
Hats, Canes,
Collars and Cuffs, Smoking Jackets,
Fine Night Gowns,
Suit Cases, Overcoats,
Fine Hand-Made Candies,
Nuts. Figs,
Oranges, Etc.
- So many good Christmas gifts for
boys and girls, grown-up folks too, that
we attempt no description, but ask
you to come and look around. For
the older people many useful and val
uable presents can be found among our
display of China and Bric-a-Brac.
All Goods Marked
in Plain Figures.
"he Dalles Daily Chronicle.
DKC. 20. limn
g "
Oysters .
' At Andrew Keller's. run as large as fit) ohest, in the Mrs. Mermen, of Seattle, in whose house Animals; the Disposition of the Indians
black suits advertised for next Saturday Mies Talitfero died, to have the remains j and the Number and Situation of Their
and Monday. Price w f II be only $10 00 , shipped her?, atid they are expected to Tribes, Together With an Essay on the
for any size. arrive tonight or in the morning. The ! Advantage Resulting from a Settlement
In order to get even with 11ij ptaie time of the funural line not been feet, but of the Territory."
us Hie n'juy nus ueen emuamifu nu i ii
.n Astliftlo Drunk.
the Line county board of eniiali.Ation : ll-
redueed the assessment in that county ! convenience will arise from deferring it
about one million dollars. Evidently ! Saturday, and it is probable that
some kind of an equalization hoard is I will lje mo ''
The other dealers in town cannot sell
any pianos while our letnoval sale is go
ing on. Why? Hecanse we are closing
out our business here preparatory to go-
needed. Mr. K. L. Mrooks informo us that at I ini; to San Francisco, where our head-
. . ' . ..
The Children's Mission Hand of the , o'clock- this alternnon j,ne barometer iquarters win ne nereauer, aim wo are
All Wn' (Jimmy MurrimtN ri-clnliiriMl I
jiiIiii In M.-liiilr I, IKUT. III l pulil j
mi iirci.i'iilHiliiii hi my tll . iinnri'M
ri'iixiM ufli'i- Viivfiiiliiir 'il. 1IMMI.
.IMIIN P. HAMl'SlllKi:,
County TrpiiMiirwr.
Catholic entertainment
At the P.aldwin tonight.
Tim W. C. T. U. will meet at the Con
gregational church Friday at 2 p. in.
The 127th anniversary of the famous
Ronton Tea Party will occur nest Sun
day. The genuine lJlssoll toy ear pet sweeper
only 2' cents nt A. M. Williams k Co.
Nice Ninas gift for the little girl.
A Lane county young mini bus written
a story entitled "Tom .lellerson, or a
Tale of Frontier Oregon Life," founded
on the Meeks murder in Crook county j
in 181!-'. i
iieyond any question the American
people vill defend any oannl they under
take to build, and the fact might us well
be embodied in a treaty touching the j
At the beginning of the century Eng-1
lisli was Hpokeu by 21,000,000 people and
now it is used by RiO.OOO.OOO. Among
the t.riuiuphH of the nineteenth century
that !h one of the llrsl.
The $5:1,000,000 estate of the late Cor
nelius Vanderbllt is invested at an aver
age of ill 2 iter cent interest annually.
Oonsorvotivo investors two satisfied with
II1,. per cent in these times.
It.illlu A handsome, hand-carved
tuilet tuble, carved with a jick-knife,
and a rare work of art, now on t'xhlbi
at lllakeley's drug store. Tickets for
sale there ut I cent to 100 cents.
You suy you are too big, too large u
man to bo titled in ready-made clothes.
Well, that limy be, but If you will etep
into WllllniiiH A a.'a they will lit
you, whether other mores can or not.
Calvary Baptist chinch will give a social stood at 20.22, the lowest point it
at that church tomorrow evening at S I '? reached in l he lilies since .lanu
o'clock. Articles useful and ornamental ;'"' This abnormal condition
will be on sale. Refreshments will be. of the barometorndicated that there
served. Admission 10 cents. , was a terrific stynn raging somewhere
! at that time. The temperature, at the
A Slide occurred on me irac mis ; HBme hour WBjf
teruoou somewhere near tunnel No. 3.
Engine No. 81 left here at 2 o'clock to i 'J'om Murphy walked into the gain-'
Wing rooms over mo warwiei: saioon in
turning the world upside down just
now. This sale will not last much
longer, but while it docs last we are
going to have tilings our own way.
Some of our competitors may lose an
imaginary uncle or two before this sale
is over. There is lots of fun in the music
trade now, but it is all at Niekelsen's
music store where the Wiley H. Allen
fun! out particulars. J he mi. i paseen- i - ; i Uo of pjjn.j iiaV(i otl ,Hsplslv a car
ger arrived here on time, but, wa9 still Spokane at 1 o dock luesday morning, q(
in the vards at 4 :Ii0 awaiting instrut- covered six men wmi a revoner, re-
The senate yesterday conllnned the
noinination of ,1. M. Patterson for post-
The whole town is laughing over an
incident that happened last night at the
resilience of T. A. Hudson. About 7
o'clock as Tom was quietly seated in the j1
parlor reading Tiik Chiionici.k, he heard
a strange noiee overhead, and wonder
ing if it could have been made by Henry
Smith, who rooms there, whom he took
to be at the club rooms, he called out
once or twice : "Is that you, Henry?"
Hearing no response, Mr. Hudson
thought he would investigate, and siev
ing a light, made for the stairway, where
lie was confronted with a stranger in u
li:ilf. drunken condition? whoso tout en-!
seiuble was the oddest Mr. Hudson hadjj
ever gazed on. A few pointed, emphatic
questions brought out the situation.
The stranger, who gave his name as
j Welch, said lie Ijad been working on
: the race track below town, had got full
master at The Dulles. Mr. Patterson
will take charge of the ollice us soon as
his bonds have been improved, the
blanks for which are due here any mo
ment. Jf yqu are thinking of buying a pair
of slippers for your wife 6r little daugh-
lieved the place of over 001) and es- The Telegram says Captain W
, wiped. Fifteen minutes later he was ; Johnston of the steamer Reliance, who
j captured by the police and neaily all the ' waa brutally assaulted at tiie 1). P. A A.
money was recnered. J i.e rest no lost , x. dock in Portland, .Monday mornin
while running to eccipe. Murphy j 0f last week, and was taken later to .St.
states he is
2(1 years old anil from San
W. A. Kirby had the misfortune this
i forenoon to break both bones of his leg
a little above the ankle anil also par-
I I 1 1. ,1 ; jlr.i. 1 1 II I hu nnL-lu. 'I'llH aci'illlllt
ter. something for house wear, warm i ' ' , .
7 occurred nt the south end of the plank
an, oozy, go w A i M. U l a Co s ilnlUHl! eaat 0, .Dr. Fergn
, look at their line of ur-t m nn.1 ' realden,e on the b,Ilff. As Mr.
I 'V" "j "'n'" i
, the ground, a distance of not more than
ifl.'Jj to $1.50.
The Christinas edition of the Portland
Telegram will bo issued Saturday
evening, '-'2nd Inst., mid will consist of
forty paged of highly illustrated matter,
relating largely to the resources of the
state. Conies 5 cents. Leave orders
Vincent's hospital, sullering from a
severe case of concussion of the brain, is
reported as lying in the same precarious
condition with no change for the better.
Ho complains of severe pains in his
back, anil at times is unable to retain
his thoughts collectively. His friends
are fearful of the worst results. Charles
Tracy, the self-admitted assailant, is
being held at the city prison with a
charge of assault with a deadly weapon
booked against him, though lie main
tains he struck Johnston in the face
with his clenched list and not in the
back of the head with a weapon, He
was introduced to the sweating process
severs! times, hut still clung to the main
statements, though his narratives aie
said to be conflicting.
during the afternoon and, staggering
west on Second street, came to the jump
oil' place at the Hudson residence, and
I being unable to go further in that direc
; tiou entered the building, and climbing
j up stairs went into the bedroom of Mies
I Hudson, undiessed and went to sleep.
at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Ilia
right hand, which wae resting on the
I...., r .1.,. ,i "...
iui ui mu i.uiK ai me tune oi me ex
plosion, was almost entirely blown ofl',
and amputation of the member was nec
essary, llie saloon is lighted with ace
tylene, and the gaB apparatus is in the
cellar. Mr. Crossman was giving in
structions to an employee of the place
in regard to management of tlio lights,
and the assistant had just gone up stairs
i when the explosion took place. It is not
known what kind of a defect in the ap
paratus caused the explosion, as Mr.
Crossinan, who was the only one present
at the time, lias not be?n annoyed on the
subject since his frightlnl injury. Ho
had been given every iifsurauco that the
lighting system was safe and in fact has
been agent for the light company for
some time and has installed a number
of plants in various places,
j "Immediately after the injury lie canio
to the top of the stairs and snid, '1 am
hurt, get a doctor,' He was placed in
charge of Dr. Paeon, wnouith the as
sistance of Drs. ltelt and Riggers, mane
the amputation, there iiein no possible
hope of saving the hand.
.Mr. vjrossnian withstood the oncra-
IU..I.I .1... ,l,,..1. il., .. I
rtK.,. . ..,..-.... ... ; ti0, ,ieroIcillly aui, , ,,,. ..omfortabiy
il lllllllt Willi M , III' Ullllll-ll UIMlillll IUI
at the Foley hotel. His serious injury
is deeply regretted by his many friends
in Li Grande and elsewhere.
Siillli'llliiiK Nt .
ten inches, his ankle doubled under him
with the above result. He lay on the
ground till he was recognized by fome
of the men who are at work on the hos
pital, when he was cairied to Dr. Fer
guson's residence and Dr. E. E. Forgu-
with agent or at Grant's cigar store. 2tjhon KHt for. When the injury was
Dr. Alexander Rlackburn'H lecture ul attended to, Mr. Kirby was removed to
the Calvary IJaptist church last night on . his home, whein he was resting easily
"Gumption" was chock full of sage rtnd ! at last accounts. j-
homely advice and council on the tlioiis. Librarian D. P. Leach lias just se- jat published by the .Southern Pa
and tilings that make up the sum of j (!lm),i for the Portland Library Aseocia- ujfi jo,, is a pamphlet upon the re
average human life. The doctor is a i ton n ,.0,,y of what is believed to be the i pources of Western Oregon, which in
very entertaining speaker and held Uie.tirst book about Oregon ever printed, dudes an excellent map of the state,
undivided attention of his audiencrt from I for which he lias been advertising for ( H) contains information on climate,
start to finish. ; tlncu years. Il is entitled: "A Geo. lands, education, etc., existing indus-
Dr. Geisendorll'iir recelveil a telegram ' graphical Sketch of That Part of North , trii'H and their capabilities. Attention
last night from Mrs. Anne Dickson, of America Called Oregon, Containing an , i8 uieo directed to such new llehls lor
Hunceston, Missouri, sinter of Miss Tal- Account of the Indian Title, the Nature , t,nergy or capital as promise fair return.
Itlero, who died at Seattle Tuesday, in- of a Right of Sovereignty, the First Dis. 1 Thin publication tills a need long ex
strncting the doctor to havo the remains coveries, Climate and Seasons, Face of purienced by Oregoniiins in replying to
of Miss Talillero brought to The Dalles the Country and Mountains, Natural inquiries of eastern friends,
for iutorment and to wire Kev. Stockton, Divisions, Physical Appearance and Soil j Copies mav be had of local agent for
of Heppner, to conduct, the funeral ser- of Each ; Forest and Vegetable Produc-1 Southern Paclllo Co., or from
vices, The doctor immediately wired toins; Rivers, Hays, etc. j Islands, etc. ; O, 11, M aiikiiam, G. P. A.
sciiiethiug to cover his nakedness, and
linding two pair of lady's unilerdrawers
on the bureau, he drew both of them on
and started to hunt water. In this con
dition Mr. Hudson met him. Welch
j was ordered back to the bedroom, where s,lV8 iui lS is ritf,t. The idea of buy
) ln disrobed, and putting on his own tog-, B tj whistles, smiled dolls and trasli
jgery was inarched down stairs tothojja a ubsurd proposition, especially
hall door, when- he received a iiealthy i Wlien lino nianos and oruans are eoiiiL'
Tiiy Smitni Kiit-lnri-, rle,, Won't lu.
That is what one of our competitors
kick in the back part of his anatomy
and was warned that if he ever came
back he would faie worse.
Meanwhile Mrs. Hudson had tele
phoned for the nightwatchmeii, and both
ollicers meeting Welch a shot t distance
f i oiii the Hudson residence, took him
b.ick for ideutillcatiou and subsequently
lodged him in the county jnil, where he
'was still a prisoner at II this afternoon.
' lie will, however, probably lie turned
loose, a- there is no evidence that he in
tended to commit a crime.
ilium Tin ii on'.
The Li Grande Chioniclo gives the
following account of an accident that be
j fell Adam Grossman, formerly a resilient
of ihl-i ci'.v.
I "Adam Ciocsiu.iu, one of the pro
prietors of the International saloon on
j .lell'ereon avenue, was seriously injured
by the explosion of an acetylene pas tank
at such prices that will enable any one
to make a Christmas present that lias a
value to it all the year around. At
Nickelsen's Hook A: Music Stoio you
can have a piano or organ on turms to
suit your purse.
In place of snow i-hnes and fur cap,
people are buying umbrellas for Christ
mas presents this year. The best as
sortment will be found at A. M. Will
iams A Oo.'s.
Lost A lady's silk hag, containing a
program, a couple of ii.indkeichiefs and
a iiumbei of toilet articles. Kinder will
oblige by leaving il at the I'iiiionii'i.i;
ollice, ill II Hi
The celeliraied Columbia Salvador
buck beer will neon diaft on ('
.eve at the places of .ill tint cii-toinei s of
August Rucliler. dill 24
Christmas shopping made easy I
calling at Menefee it I'ai kins'.