The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 19, 1900, Image 4

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    Notice of involution.
Notion is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existinc between
.1. E. A deux and Theodore H. I.iene,
under the (Inn name and style of J. E.
Adcox & Company, It, this day dissolved
by mutual consent, J. E. Adcox retiring
from said firm. Theodore H. I.iebe will
continue the business of said firm under
the name and style of J. E. Adeox
Company. d is authorised to receive
and receipt for nil moneys due said firm,
anil all claims against eittd firm should
be presented to htm for pavment.
Dated this J0:h day of December, 1900.
.1. E. Adcox,
Tiiko. H. Lii:ni;.
J desire to announce to my patrons
nnd the public generallv that in assum
ing control and nituiiiBement of the jew
elry firm of J. E. Adcox & Co. I retain
the services of J. E. Adcox, which is u
purticient guarantee tlist all work in
trusted to our care will be repaired in n
workman-like manner.
I2sv Tiiko. H. Lih-iiK.
Sample-! Miniple-
H. Herbrinc bought from one of the
most prominent manufacturing com
panies their entire line of samples, con
sisting of tine ladies' dress skirts, waists,
petticoats, etc. He paid for them the j
extremely low price of 02. cents on the j
dollar, and therefore is in a position to
sell these goods at such low prices as
cannot be fouud elsewhere. Don t fail
to examine them. lP-4t
The TallJ of thf Town.
Now for hurry days
four pianos Ulldl
organs sold vesterdar. The wav it looks
now we will have our hands full
deliver all pianos selected so far for
Christmas- In order to induce custom
ers and allow us to deliver instruments
at once, we will make a special cut to
party purchasing first instrument, each
day this week only. Nickelsen's Book
& Music Store.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature sf
Lost, a Masonic charm with square
and compass set in biack onyx, and the
initials W. L. G. dimly engraved on the
back. When lost it was attached to a
black silk fob chain. Will give $2 50 for
its return to the Columbia Packing Com
pany. iil lit
Catarrh Cannot lit- Uurcil.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hali'e Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
ie a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the lest blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients ie
what produces such wonderful reeulte in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Props., Toledo O,
Sold by drruggistfl, price 7nc.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
In all Its (Use there
thould be cleanliness.
Ely's Cream Balm
the diseased membrane.
It cured catarrh and drives
away a cold In the head
Cream Balm is placed Into the nostrils, spreads
over the membrane and ia absorbed. Itelief is Im
mediate and a cure follow.-). It is cot drying doca
not produce meezing. Lare Size, 00 centa at IJru.
gist or by mall; Trial Size, 10 centa by mall.
MA IXKn-UEIlS, 50 Warren Street, New York.
To WIidiii It Muy Concern.
It having come to my knowledge that
parties, presumably interested, are
claiming that when i sold out my retail
interest at 1711, Second street, French's
block, I contracted to not open any re
tail business in the city of The Dalles.
I beg to say that I sold my right not to
open any retail business between Fed
eral nnd Washington streets, on Second
street, and hare and intend to conform
to my contract. My place at the Hank
Cafe is in no sense iu violation of the
dl-tf C. J. StCIIM.SO.
llnrruli for Clirlatmunl
I have theonly mistletoe in The Dalles.
Just cut from the oai:s of the Willam
ette. Call early und get the finest he.
fore it goes. Price reasonable.
Gl.-IIK HlC.VliV,
18-1 w With Geo. C. Ulukeley.
For npralnb, swelling and lameness
there Is nothing so good tie Chamberlain's
Pain Halm. Try it. For sale by Hlake
ley, the druggist.
Watch our window for ten days. If
you don't eee what you want, step in
side and we'll do the reet. Geo. C.
The mechanical toyo at the New York
Cash store will pleaee the old as well as
the young.
Woman' Secret Itftvertlml.
' Nkw Yoi:k, Dee. IS. A dispatsh from
London to the Herald says :
I An extraordinary story of a woman's , City who pleaded guilty to stealing
terrible secret at last revealed ie wired material to build it house, has been
from Ostend by n Daily Mail correspond- j sentenced to thiee years in the peniten
ent there. Three llelgiun workmen tiary by .lndge Eakin, Heforo Alhee's
! were tried about seven years ago and sentence, he was visited by Hew J. K.
fottiid guilty of liuviin: committed ujN. Hell, juslor of the I'reabyterian
! serious of crimes, among them the
iniirderof an nged woman at Hatitinonda.
1 Althouuh they declared their innocence
, until the last moment, one of them was
' sentenced to imprisonment for life and
I the others were guillotined. Now a
, woman named Souuiage bus
just an-
1 uounced that her husband committed
the crimes. She is said to be quite sane,
and the authorities are investigating the
4 ....1 '
charges. When Degroot, one of the men
executed, was being pinioned, l,e caused
some sensation by nying- "Yon can
not tie all of me. Yoti wi'l not have my
iiiuiiuruu sum. ion win ne piimsneu
for the wrong you have done me.
riuyf: out.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the bodv, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, heverishness,
Pimples or Soresjare ali positive evidon
ces of impure blood. No mutter how it
Decanie so it must be purified iu order
to obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elexir has nevet failed tocure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee. Hlakeley, the drug
cist. , Mining Company .11 ..tins.
Vntip is liorpliv i-ivnn thut Mm .ntiaot
Mining Co mpany will hold a special
meeting on the "2d (lav of December,
1900, at the hour of i o'clock a. ni., at
the office of the county clerk of Wasco
county, Oregon, for the purpose of vot
ing on a proposition to increase the cap
ital stock ot the corporation.
dl2-22 S. Bolton, Secretary.
Notice of Dissolution of J'artnerslilp,
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
Grant Mays and L. E. Crowe, under
the firm name of Mays & Crowe, was
dissolved Dec. 1, 1900, Grant Mavs re
tiring. The business will be continued under
the old firm name of Mays & Crowe by
L. E. Crowe. All claims against the
firm will be paid, and all accounts and
notes due the lirm collected by him.
L. E. Ckowe,
The Appetite of H Gout
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose
stomach and liver are out of order. All
such should know that Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the wonderful stomach and
liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite,
sound digestion and a regular bodily
habit that insures perfect health and
great energy. Only '2b cents at the
Blakelev drug store. 4
Trv it.
recommend Lazell'e
M. Z. Donnell.
Its easy
The Fair.
to buy Christmas presxnts at
IS Utd
perfumes for
Christmas at
Don't fail to see the mechanical toys
at the New York Cash Store.
Holiday perfumes at popular prices at
M. Z. Donnell'e. IS dlw
Roslyn, Cl-alum and Australian coale
by the Stadelmaii Commission. L'l-lm
Our holiday perfumes are now ready.
A full line at Donnell'e drug store. lw
The newest assortment of fancy Hta
tionerv; prices from li to "" cents will
be found at The Fair. IS fltdlw
Wanted A girl to do tionsework in
a small family. Apply at thi office.
If you are looking for a nice present
for your best girl, be sure and bo to The
Fair. IS.'id-lw
A new jacket makes a fine present.
You know ours are the latest in style
and best in cloth. We .will extend our
25 per cent off on those goods this week.
The Fair. lS-'idlw
Don't forget Hob Teague i still iu the
grocery uusineee fie can give you good
goods and low prices, he has just received I
a verv fine line of cotreee, the beat in the
city. Trv them. Phone. No. J -M !
When the stomach is tired out it must
have a rest, but we can't live without!
good food you want while it is restoring
U.e digestive organs to health. It is the j
onlv nrenaratioii that d.Wats all kii.ilf.
of food. Sold by Clarke fc Falk's P. O.
Help Is needed ut once when a person's
life Is in danger. A neglected cough or
cold may soon become serious and should
he stopped at qnce. One Minute Cough
Cure quickly cures coughs and colds and
the worst cases of croup, bronchitis,
grippe and other throat and lung
troubles. Sold by Clarke 4 Falk's P. O.
Experience is the beat Teacher.
Acker's English P.emedy in anv ease of
, ,v m i i i it
coughs, colds or croup. Should It fail to
give immedlute relief money refunded,
'25 uts, und 50 cts. Hlakeley, the drug
The three great mechanical toys of the
age the speedway racing gig, CO cents ;
clown, stubborn donkey and cart, -18
cents j the African letter carrier, '2l cts.
For sale by the New York Cash Htoie,
Lazell's perfumes,
nell's drug store,
best, ut Don
Subscribe for Tin: Ciiuonioi.l'.
FmIUi In Ct Itulnnl MhnMnml.
' Hakim: City, Dec, 18 Charles Albee,
, the well-known young man of Biiki't i
j church, and one of the prominent minis
' ters of the state. Dr. Dell visited the
! culprit as spiritual adviser. After spend
! an hour with him, he came out of cell f
! assuring the jailor that Albue would lie i
! a better man when he had served his
term, and that he seamed to have good
j parts. As Dr. Hell started to leave the,
, courthouse he passed three trunks on the j
; sidewalk. One of them he recognised as I
: his own, ami immediately asked where
the jailer had not his trunk.
"That is not your trunk; thus is Al
( bee's," replied the oilieer.
"That is my trunk," insisted the rev
erend gentleman. "Well, if that fellow
didn t steal my trunk!" Kev. Mr. Hell
is credited witii saying that he believed
there was no hope for the criminal. Cir
cumstances alter cases. A man that
would steal the parson's trunk had little
hope for reformation.
A full line of Christmas goode' can be
found ut the New York Cash Store.
You will not have boils if vou tako
Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke et Falk.
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts tire
the best. Ask your grocer for them.
Floral lotion will euro wind chapping i
and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arKe !
& Falk. j
Paint your house with paints that urn
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Soule liros., professional piano tuners I
of Portland, will be in town the coming
week. Leave orders at Meuefee &
Parkins' or Nickelsen's inusie stores.
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
Patton's sun proof paints for 1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
Falk, agents. ml
DeWitt'e Little Early Risers are dainty
little pills, hut they never fail to cleanse
the liver, remove obstructions ami in
vigorate the svstem. Sold by Clarke &
Fulk'e P. O. Pharmacy.
Wanted Men and women of good
character und references, to represent an
established house, epleuded opportunity
for advancement. Address P. O. Hox
5S7, Portland, Oregon. novl5-lmo
Hustling young man can make $60 per
month and expenses. Permanent posi
tion. Experience unnecessary. Write
quick for particulars. Clark & Co.,
Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel
hpia, Pa, s8-tf
Our toilet necessaires are of the latest
importations; something unusually tine,
and at a price that will convince you
that we mean to give the people of The
Dalles an opportunity to buy at metro- J
politan prices. See our east window, j
Geo. C. Hlakeley.
Don't use any of the counterfeits of
DeWitt'e Witch Hazel Salve. Most of
them are worthless or liable to cause in- I
jury. The original DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve is a certain cure for piles, eczema,
cute, burnp, sores and skin diseases.
Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
When you need a soothing and heal
ing antiseptic application for any pur
pose, upe the original DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve, a well known cure for piles
and skin diseases. It heals eores with
out leaving a ecar. Beware of counter
feits. Sold by Clarke & Felk'e P. O.
10 remove a irouuiesome corn or
bunion: First soak the corn or bunion
in warm water to eoften it, then pare it
down ae closely as possible without draw
ing blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain
Halm twice daily; rubbing it vigorously
for live minutes at each application. A
com plaster should bo worn for a few
days, to protect it from the Hhoe. As a
general liniment for sprains, bruises,
lumenese und rheuinutiHin, Pain Halm is
unequaled. For aale by Hlakeley, the
"I have used Chainberlain'e Colic,
I Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy und find
! it to be a great medicine," says Mr. K.
"i i . i?', f- i nnot speak oo
',l!lily ,t, . Tl".8. r'dy ''"
th.H 0a ?ni" 2"' "Ot praiee, of thoso
who use it. The quick cures which it
euects oven in toe most severe cases
make it a favoraito ovoiv where. For
sale by Hlakeley, the druggist.
If your hair is dry and dead-like. Co-
couuut Creum Tonic will give it life and
luster. It ia pronounced the finest,
tonic on earth. Can bo had ut Frozor'e '
barber shop, agent. nl)lm
The most directive little liver pills
made are DeWitt's Little F.uly Ubers. j
Thev never gripe. Hold by Clarke &
J'alk s P, O. PlMrindey
,i.i,. 1- n. i " i i
Clarke & hulk haye received a curload
of the celebrated .lame
K. Put ton
strictly pure liquid imiiita
Come in and see tho
Cheaper than ever, Geo.
latest in art.
C. Hlakelev.
Clark & Falk are never dosed Sunday,
Don't forget this,
Clarke & Falk have on sulo u full line
of paint and urtist's brushes.
If you have dandruff, your hair is
fallinglout. Use Cocoanut Cream. For
sale at Frazer'a barber shop. nO-Im
The Kintl You Have Always
iu uso lor over iiO years,
Al! Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jusi-ns-frootl" are lnrt
ExperiniL'iits that, trifle with and endanger the health of
lut'ituts and Children Experience against Experiment.
Cnstoriii is u liunnloss substitute for Castor Oil, Puro
Burh:, Drops ami Soothinjr Syrups. It is l'luasant. It
oxmtaiiis neither Opium Morphine nor other Nnrootic
Mth.ttuiice. Its ape is its friiuranteo. It destroys "Worms
urt allays Feverishm ss. It cures Diuniueu ami "XViml
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
ami Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, glvinjr healthy und natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
lAfAl A rA.
WllOI.I.h I,B
Wines, Liquors Cigars
I i.
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
I, .5!
I ' Next door to First National Hunk. 'S I
5' '8
I phone 234' THE DALLES, OREGON.
l5ii'r,KvJ!r.iKTirt.ri.rA'ri.riT('trt I
I li
ferMrf r cooKing and heating. jmm h
M W HJ Prices from $? to $ co. wl I E-
hi Mraf The genuine all bear the above Trn-Je-Mnrk ,1 I
1 1 ' 1MB and nre 80,d with a wrlun euaranlee. lUiyP
I mMm Awardetj First Prize Paris Exposition 1900 Wiim I
mSTyr Sold by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere. dPjS!1M
M U udBoni)fi.y Tim Michigan Stove Company, tST U
htgjiirMrtjiaiiigito in tho World. Oik tinw .m
Bought, nnrt which 1ms boon
has homo the Ki-jimtnro of
has been iiuulo untler ins ie,r-
fy. - sonal supervision sineo us inianej.
',tcJitlt Allow no ono totlecelvo you in this.
Signature of
Lincoln Sexual Pi'.l. restore niitiiriti etrenuth an:l
vi"r. Tiiey iln nut exene or Htimiiiate. They are
perfectly inire und certain nerve foul, nun cverv tablet
in HtHiidiiri7."il to uli-nliitc nniforinitv. I're tliein und
von li rejoice in Hlreiiuth, nerve vior and muiily
Price, .l 00 per box buv of your drinriet or cunt
by mail on receipt of price, in plum vrapper.
.M. . Donnell, Ap:nt, The Ditllec, Or.
timk M'lir.iiei.r.
I'lltlM D.W.I.KS,
Hull I.iiki, Iiuuvur. I't. i..
Worth, Oiimliii, Km n v-ii
I ' ..) li. Ill, Mid t! IV. St.
'""iv i:u i, .
Chli'iiKo unit Kust,
1 xprets
I'.'.Ni ii. in.
in Hunt
liiumii. ,Sn It ljiUt, Denver. I'l.
nrlli. Oiiiiilwi, knu
kiio City, Kt. IjmiIs,
Clilruini mill Kutt.
I I.
ii. m
Wilt In WhIIh, HHikiiin
Mlnni'iitHiUM. .si. I'm,,,
ii iilut li,,
Clilcimii mill Kiist, vlii
HpiiliiuiiMikil Htiiittiii
tun : iiImi till jiIiin tu
WimliliiKtnn mill T.hhI
em OriKim.
i h. m
1. m
h li. m.
1'liiiM I'mtTLANlr
Omni hleniiiHlilis.
For him I'mni'lMMi
Kvery I'lvu Dnv.
' P. m.
!' 111 I I ii m
Kx.hiiniliiylCNUiutililii Hv. HtemnerM. Kx.Min
To Ahtoiua mill Way
Ill . III. j
I'm. III. i W I I.I.AM KIT II ItlVKIt. t t m
Ex.hiiluliiy Oregon City, Newliurc, Ux.bunilaj
i fiilein i'i Viiy Uiiid'h.
7 ii. :ii, Wu.i.AMrTTB a:! Vam Hint,, hi
"liieN.'llmr., im.l. Uivkiii. Mtm.Atnl
iiml ant. OrcBim Cliy, Dnj'tiiit, mid Krl,
ami 'iiy-l.:uulliiKs.
l.v lilimtln
.i.:i. ii. in,
hNAKi: IlIVKlt.
llll'iirlii to LcwUtim,
J'.IOii. re
fiirtlm (leilrnitr to U'O 10 Ili'Minor tir
IKiuiih on t iiiiiiiiniii Miiiuicrn via iiiski, Hiiniili
I.Ike No .', leavlliK 'l lic Ilillles lit VI 10 . a,
iiinktiiK illriet ciiiiiii'ctioiih at lleiiiier Junction
mill HIkkv Ke'.iiriiliiK linnlliKilluft('(iiiii'llon
at Ili'iiner jtini'tlim ami IHkhi with No.
tlvl'iic at 'I'lie Dalle m J'.-.iSi i, m,
The (). It. v N. Mruni'jr "MoiliM'"'! liu mlr
t tr reKiilai trip, to ciileiu mill llipeix'lultiw,
toiilii; at nil way latiilltiuit. Nile leau-Jhrn
liiml mi .Miiiiiliin, Wrihieiihiyr unit Krlila'H i
I. it. iu., arriving at ha 'en I p. iu., anil I iitlct-.-ti1
em e ahiiiil i. p. in. on name ilayn, llclntnln
Imat leave liiileK!llileiiee at a. m. anil bdlttn
at i. n in mi 'rim.iiln j-n. 'rhiirMhiyn mat bittur
ilm. iirilv iiik at I'ortliiliil nliniit .1 i. m.Mmi:
Tor lull particular!! mil on (I. I! .V, Ci.'i
"Kent The liatleh. or aililtc
W. II lit 111,11! UT,
den, I'ar Act , I'urtliiiiil, Or
llnr II . .
llllloii.ri..-, 1'nrlfr tin, III,,,,,,
( ilr,ill,,MH.i ii... '
tin ci n . '"iT, "',"r 1:r"M' rKUrn. Tu con.
be. Hold br lraBiitfc DR. 'I0SAMK0 CO. Phlla. .
lly virtue or an order of the council of I ;ille
City OruKim matte tin tliu'.'iith iliiv ol Nuvum
lici- A I) IIDO. nolli'c Is li'Jrnliy Kivrii Unit uti
the will! 1th. day of Noviimlicr. IWiu, the Mill
I'uiiiii'll .It'L'lareil hy rcMiliilliin inlopleil. tlut
that iwrtion of Ih.i hIiIhwiiII. Hlttmti.'it im th'
uortlierly nliln of l-'ultoii Htrcu. und lyliiK I"'
Iweentlic imrtliciiM riimnrof thcMimre fnrii.oil
hv the Intersection of wild Fulton htreet with
WitshliiKloii Street la Dulles City unit u point
Imfeet east of wild cornerou mtlil rillton Street
Ik In a limit; trims condition und In need nf helm;
t, 'built in that hiild nIiIowuIIs ! wuult, lec-.ij uil
und mitufc tu tntvtil iiion nnd It ivai, ilelur
mlneil hy Mild niuiietl lo rnljilllit the same ami
that the cost of reliullilliiK Mild hIiIkiviiIIi l"i
charueit to the owner or owntirN of the prii;riy
.iiiutliij.' on Mild portion of niiIiI Miltuwilk (Ie
dared in it daniieroim loiidltloii us hy law pro
Tnlh nntlce Is pulilhhcd for II days from thr
Uli iluy of neeemher, I'.'H, liy order of the
toiincll of Dallth City, wnli.'h order was ukiiIi'
Nov Wth. IWjo.
iiiited ut liiilles (Mt , Or., Iieeeniher :id. V)-
Ni:n ii iATi;s.
lii.eorilur of Dulles Cltv
L. Lane.
(i EN Kit A I,
Wagon nnd Carriage Work.
Fish Brothoro' Wagon.
Tiiiril anilJclTrnii. Phone 159 S
IvetterH of Credit iemied iinlliihln In 'h"
KuHteni '-itittiui,
Hluiit JiMihunuu mid Tleini'hi;
TrunuferH Hold on New York, Chitin-'fi
Kt. Louiii. Sun FrAiieiiico. l'ortlttnd Ore-
Kon, Ktmttlo WubIi,, and vitrloiiH imlinf
in uroHon and Wuiihitiutou.
Colluctlono iiiudti ut nil itointH on fuv
ruble terniH.
Belgian Hares to Lease.
I have uhoiit 101) th(iroiihhrcd dot-H
tliut I will leiiHO in lotti of 10 to region-
elhlo (inrtieu on HhurtiH. Apply to
A N Dee
n'JO-iiw Ttio Dullua.