'i y i CONCERNING CHRISTMAS SHOPPING ' 'IV mi Elll We wish to assure the Ladies and Gentlemen who do Christmas trading that the collection of wares what we are offering for Holiday gifts are of the very best and just as represented. There are some striking designs in Vases and Cameo Ware. Below you will find a list of the many suitable things that we would suggest as being an appropriate present for Lady or Gentlemen. THE PRICES, by the way, have been remarkably low from the start, it will pay you therefore to buy here. Sterling Silver Ware in Souvenir Spoons, Bon Bon Spoons, Taper Cutters, Darners, ' Embroidery Scissors, Nail Files, Manicure Sets. Tooth Brushes, Tooth Brush Bottles, Tooth Powder Bottles, Nail Brushes, Curling irons, Thimbles, Shoe Horns, Erasers, Blotters, Button Hooks, Stick Bins, Bracelets, Cameo Ware in Plaques, Vases, Fancy Jars, Hand-Carved Leather Goods, Shaving Cases, Cuff Boxes, Collar Boxes, Picture Frames. Fur Jackets, Fur Capes, Silk Waists, Dress Goods, Ice Wool Shawls, Fur Scarfs, Pillows, Hand Embroidered Linen, Blankets, Real Down Comforts, Shoes, Ladies' Slippers, Men's Slippers, Clothing, , r" Neckwear, Mufflers, Hats, Canes, Umbrellas, Collars and Cuffs, Smoking Jackets, Fine Night Gowns, Suit Cases, Overcoats, Underwear, Fine Hand-Made Candies, - ' Preserves, Nuts. Figs, Oranges, Etc. So many good Christmas gifts for boys and girls, grown-up folks too, that we attempt no description, but ask you to come and look around. For the older people many useful and val uable presents can be found among our display of China and Bvic-a-Brac. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS. OPEN EVENINGS A fhe Dalles Daily Chronicle. into such WI'.I)N1DAY DEC. 19. 1000 whicllj rain hand- What an Italian , f Oysters sorvecl in any stylo... At Andrew Keller's. he is fun! transform!:) i some monuments n only I artist can conceive The woid lecture often denotes some tiling far from entertaining. Such i not the case when applied to the novel lei-tare which will be hoatd at the Cal vary Ihiptlst eh tn eh tonight. Whatever you may want for Christ mas you'll find here. If you don't know he was not feeling well and the at- ai'l: came on after he had unloaded some fait from the delivery wagon. He ; was carried to his mother's home and . win considerably hetter at last accounts, i The case of the United .Slates vs. II. j 11. Riddcll, late postmaster of this city, I occupied the attention of the federal 'court at I'oitland all day Monday, and j was (riven to the jury ye-tenlay morning. TJiKASntM'S NOTICE. -Ml U hmwi (utility ttiirruntN i tr i -1. r- I prior to MiiliinbiT I. IWI7.m1I. l ! mi prM'iitllipn at my nllli'f. IntitifM i !iNi- lifter Now iiiIiit :Jl, 1 1MIU. .lo iin i". ii..m rsiti itu, ; ii ti t y Treunirrr. ' what vou want, look at our window dis- , i Jry remained out till o o clock yes inlav. or comi! inside and find how trreal ter day afternoon, when they came into is our iriety. Don't A. M. Williams & Co. j I'ourt and Hated that they could not tnd wete (lit charjred. The under-) is that this failure of the ; r.ir.it tli'it luf-iirrnii. u f f nr ririiin t'l-''' , . . . . . i i e rii i iiuHiniii i'i it IB Kit; tlinu 'ii i uu eaiu ui viii i-iuuir in n- , , ii- t . i. i;..,, : JU'V to agree means a new trial. i clea atul u ine tif nouiH-tiiade candies J - 1 ! ..i i ....i... i... .i... ..ii.. i...iioo ..i i One of the most eniovable narties of ui i ur wn. iiui ii iifc. ir? " i- - - ' Entertainment in the WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. bv 'Gumption" At the IJaptist church tonight. See our souvenir suspenders iJ. A. M. WilllauiF ti Co. Chrintmim shunning made easy calling at .Menefee & Parkins', Alfred Dodge's eelehrated felt foot wear can ho hud at A. M. Williainu cc Co.'ri. Remember that Menefee ct Parkins' stoic in the head(Uiirtere for holiday goods. Everj thing that is now and rare in the line of children!) toy can be found at Menefee Jc Parkins'. The next dunce of the Columbia Danc ing Club will bo given on the night "I l-rlday, tho t-'8th itiHtunt. The president yeaterdav tent the'nnine nf J. M. Patterson to the senate us the nomineu for the postmastershlp at The Dalles. Thu little folks will not forget to visit thohMi pond at the liiildwin tomorrow afternooti. Adniieciun freu to every, body. Thu celebrated Columbia .Salvador b'jck beer will tie on draft on Chfistmaa eve at the placed of all the customers of Vumict liuuhiur. 'Jl0'-4 ides and cake : the liiildwin. I evening. ! You'll eave lots of time and be better 'pleased with your Chribtmas shopping if you come ritrht to us. The money you and I will eavo will buy the Xtnas. dinner. Chinaware nt half iirice. A. M. Will iams ti Co. . The Ninth PtreetTuidK") Vas linii'hcd yesterday ufteriioon and opened to traf fic. It is practically a hridne, an it has ii new queen's tii-5 ami nine new bente. The Oridtre ia(- a Hpau of -10 fet 1 . . . f . ... i v the tearon wiw (.'iven last evenitiL' by j i the Chmanihemum Ch'.b, at the liald-, I win opera hoiiPe. This is the first dance j Uiiven by this ciub and their euncets is! asuied by their openini: party. The ' hall wan beautifully decorateil with potted plants and chrysantheinniiip, anil ; the tnuMc was furnished by Mr. Win. ' Hirirfeli' and Miss Alum Schmidt. Tim. patronesses were Mrs. Fred Van Norden and Mis. .1. M. Patterson. , and Is believed to b - stout enough to en jj- port a railroad tiaiu. W. J. 1 1 ill rinian, admiuistrAtor, sold yesterday nt public auction for cash the personal eil'ects of the lute Charles I) v!o. of Kndersby. They wr ah ilie- Dosed ol in an hour and a half. The! Wo are requested to announce that ! bidding was lively and the v'ods, which i Mrs. I5eatrice J5rtrlo-I)iercko will rive wereehlcliv farm chattels and livestock, !n nimifi rt'i'ltal nt the M. K. chtlich III ! l.w. ....!. .,,.,( ..,!,.,io A K. ...nn I liu.nl. I this cltv, Suturdav, December 29th. t.af 0f eommon scrub stock, broii'dit I $10. U5. What he mlaht bavo brotiirht Mrs. 15ailow-l.)lercl:e Is a Portland lady o( bii;h htandiiiir as a pianist, and her recital wMI iillbrd u rare treat to The Dulles lovers of music. "Dis prosperity is all fictitious!" said Meaudeiinir Mike. "What muke you t'nk it?" asked rioiidin I'ete. "lie uiuse they keep on olleriii' us roast tur key an' cider de Mime as dey did last 0t our business hero preparatory to o Xovomber. It we was procre-Bin' as we j j,, t San Krancifcco, where our head ort de hand. outs would include terrapin ' (jim,t,,,H wjl hu hereafter, ami wo ate! an' ctiampaKiie by dis time." Washing- j t u rm rit the world upside down just! had there been more of him no ono can tell, hut the people had plenty of money, , and, as usual in such circumstances, the spent it royally. j The other dealers in town cannot sell any piano while our removal sale is no- I tut on . Why? Hecause we are closing j i ton .Star. ! Mr. Robert Mcintosh received a tele- j nrani from Portland announcing tho t The h'jit Is the cheapest, especially at deatn this iiinriiliic ,at iow. This sale will not last much , lonirer, but while it does hist we aioj going to have things our own way. Sunuyside ol Some of our competitors may lose an I . I . " ... t 1 A I . . f il l. ...1.1 Christmas tide. Gentlemen's now "ecK- ; Mrs. Nellie D-iHrdull niece ol Mrs. ..ic- ; linagiiiary mine or iwo oeioie wus sum. wear from TjO cents to it-! 'legnt silks j j tosh and of Mis. I!. (J. lirooks, of ! is over. There is lots of fun in the music uiirl patterns. A. M. Williams ti Co. jThree Mile. Mrs. Mcintosh and Mrs. ' trade now, hut It Is all at Nickelsen'sj Will ID4VH on IIIH Illuming iruill ' iiiuhii; nun: n in m ui" ii uu . oiiiJii i ar i i..... 1...1..1.. iu. I...,. ..iintiilnliiL' a I Brooks proru...,. i couple of handkerchiefs und j to attend the funo-al, which takes plac-; Co. of Portland have on display a .i ,i J, . let ..rt.cles. Finder will ! at .Suunysldo tomorrow afternoon. load of high grade pianos. Churley Jleppuer, who has been work A representative oi una paper wnue injf In the grocery store of It. J'.. Teague, J in foe rooms of Mr. UlU'ord, thu photog. wbb taken suddenly ill yeHtorday of lieu-' rapher, this morning, saw some of the oblige by ollice. Louie ComWii has leaving it ut the Ciikonii'I.k diu-a, received a earloud handsomest portrait frames he has ever cast his eyes on. There are two general varieties, both entirely new in the city, with very few like them anywhere. One variety is finished in pure gold leaf, the other in ebony and gold. Those of the hitter variety ate marvelously beautiful and must be seen to be appreciated. As no frames of similar design and fin Mi have ever before been oflered for sale in this city, an inspection will repay any one wanting anything in that line. The murvel of it is that the prices are verv little above what the people have been piying for frames that are in every re spect much inferior. The Fossil Journal says: "The Co lumbia Southern R. K. is niakini; a strong drive for tho chipping business of Fossil, Mayville, Ferry Canyon atul per haps Condon, to all of which points the C. S. station ot Kent is oonsiderahly neater than Arlington, the present ship ping point. The railroad company ban had an easy wagon road surveyed from Kent to Mr, Graham's place on the .lohn Day river, IP... miles, and is about to let a contract for the work. Sherman county has appropriated $000, and the citizens of Sherman have mado up .f 1000 to assist with tho work. The Mayville fanners aio strongly interested in the project, and ate rpiidy to contribute work on the Gilliam side ot the line. The problem of crossing the river will probably be solved by the railroad com pany, when the wagon road is com pleted. Acting Postmaster Forest Fisher has received a clerical appointment in one of the depaitments at Washington and will enter upon his work at tins com mencement of the year, provided, of course, that his succetsor, .J. M. Patter son, will have been eonlirnied and will have qualified in time, and of this there is no d'liibt. It is duo to Mr. Fisher to say that his management of Tho Dalles postollice, since Mr, Uiddell's retire ment, has given very gieat satisfaction, Wo believe this Is the universal senti ment of the patrons of the ollice, We kuoiv it is very decidedly tho sentiment of Tun Ciikomi'i.i:. A newspaper ollice, more than almost any other business in terest, is put to great inconvenience when the malls are slovenly handled or not distributed promptly on their arri val. Forest Fisher's management of the ollice in these respects, and In every other, was all that could ho asked or de sired, lie will cairy with him to Wash ington the good will of this community and their earnest wishes for his future success. Dr. GeisendorfiYsr wasgreatlv surprised last night on receiving a dispatch from! Seattle announcing the death at that i place of Miss Hattie Talifi'ero, who vis ' recently in the doctor's employ as a trained nurse. On account of failing health Miss Talifiero left The Dalles! about a ouplo of weeks ago with the intention, after visiting Eonie friends in the coast towns, of going back to her old home in St. Louis. She had gone to Seattle, and was (stopping with a Mrs. liert'en, a sister of Krnest Middleton, of this city. It was learned by a dispatch received this morning that Miss Talill'ero hud gone to bed in her usual health Monday night. At 7 o'clock yesterday i morning Mrs. Hfrgen, on entering her room, found hor unconscious. A physi cian was summoned and it was found that she was suffering from an overdose I of morphine administered by her own j ban 1, probably unintentionally. She never recovered consciousness and was only kept alive by artificial respiration till 0 o'clock, when she died. Miss Till ill'ero belongs to one of the oldest fami lies in St. Louis. She was a skilled muse anil was thoroughly devoted to her profession. Her sudden demise is deplored by the few people in this city who had the pleasure of her acquaint ance. -',11(1 llf Tllillll(N, We, the mother, father and brothers of the late Maurice dishing, desire by this meaiiH to express our sincere and heartfelt thanks to the members of Fgau Tribe, I. O. It. M., of Siimpter, Oiegou, for the care and kindness bestowed upon Maurice when in his terribly wounded condition mid also after lie had passed to th't other shoo, in caring for his re mains. We also doslii, ni express our thanks to the members of Wasco Tribe, I. O.K. M., to the camp of Modem Woodmen of Ameiica and the ititl.fiiH of Thu Dilles generally for many acls of kmdiii'i-s extended to the sorrowing rel atives of Mam ice Cushiug at, before and I after the time of his funeral in this city, j Mils. M.utv Or.sniMi. j M. M, Cumiimi, 0. 11. ClIMII.SCi, Mll.O Al. Cl'hlllMi, W. II. Ol MIINli. Dited Tho Dalle", Due. IS, lllilO, Sumpler papers please copy.) Remember that Cocoanut Creiiin Tonic will piomote growth of hair. Charles Fraiier, solo agent, ill). 1 in A Visit With tile -'Stiir.. " L'tst evening witnesstd the annual in stallation of oflicers of Columbia Chapter Xo. lili, order of the Eastern Star, in Masonic hall. About sixty members were in attendance. pTlur'ha1l,' was' beautified with white chrysanthemums, and with tho bright colors ever present these madu a picture long to bo remem bered.!' The initiation of two candidates claimed their attention for the first hour. Thu'servico was rendered in an impres sive manner am) we trust its inlluence will long bo remembered by those pres ent. This was followed by installation, sister Alice Crossen, past matron, serv ing as installing oflicer, with Sister Saline Phirman na marshal. These two olllcers were at their host, and it is almost needless to say their work was done perfectly. The following otlicers were installed: W. M, Sarah T Mac Allister; W P, G W DieUel; A M, F.dna Krrhart; Sc, Mary Scott Mvers; Tn-ia, Mary Logan ; Com!, Mrs O W Uiuiv - ; A Cond, Harriet Mardeu ; Adah, Mi-. I A GeiseudoiU'er; Ruth, Hlizt Kolsav. Fsther, Evelyn Estielinan ; Martini. Lillian Johnston ; Electa, Lena Ltchc; warden, Grace Dounell ; sentinel, Altniia Clifton; chaplain, Mrs Morris; marshal, Maude Clarke; organist, (.race KPait. Toy S I ii ii 1 1 1 t.ucitiKx, tin,, Won't Do. That is what one nf our competitors says, and Iw bs right. The idea of buy ing tin whistles, BttiU'ed dollh and trash' h an iibsnrd proposition, especially when fine pianos and organs aio uoing at such prices that will enable any mm to make a Christinas picsfiit that has ii value to it all the year around. At Nickelsen's Hook tc Music Store you can have a piano or oigun on terms to suit your purse. SiIiiiiiii I rinji iiiii. The following program Mill be leu- deied at I he Catholic entertainment at die liiildwin Thursday night : Uni't "I'llt.l'nll ' . .11. i:ni)tluumn Missus poia I'eii'i'l unit Jl. (inelilaer. Illllk til tllO Mllllllllllll till) M.rili I' Mt.MM M.Mtlo Mii'liull mill Kll.tiiln'(li iliiliu. Miiiilit'la rnitiiKMt'Mi . . . .., I!eilr St. Mdiv'f. Oii'lli'atlii. Vmial rinlii -"Jintllli ' .. I'miri MUi. Hunt IVii'fl. C'iMllot aulii 1.0 licit H' Uiimir fiiiid'H II Mm Mr. .1. I'. IU'iiiiiii. riling .Si'lfi'U'il ... Mr. .Inini Hump-lime ii.wtiti i:u. This morning, Dec, Kith, at the resi dence ot the son-in-law of I hu bride, groom, R. E, '.Vague, of this city, G. M. Johnston, ot Three Mile, to Mrs. Nettie Palmer, of Portland.