l. n t M rU .-'-1. ' troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only The DalieS Daily UnrOniGie. lmrmi,.Bs remedy that produces lin-j : r-r mediate results is one Mimite Couch WEDNESDAY l'KC. 1", 1M0 Cure. It is very pleasant to take and rz can he relied upon to ijuickly cure coughs, eoKU and all lune diseases. It ' will prevent consumption. bold by Clarke & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. i The tariff measure which the re publicans adopted last winter for Porto Uico has so justified itself in , practical operation that the Potto Rictus are oncer to retain it. Scarce- I)lolut Inn (if I'nrtnerilllp, The partnership hentofom exi'tins: Mtirtn A. M. Strineer and T. S. Ken- lr any measure that was ever brought n(jrr under thp gtvle of Xllt! I)iUtes Dit. before congress was so bitterly as- tillery Company, has this day been die bailed as this, not simply by demo-! solved by mutual consent, A. M. Stringer .,-ot wma nmwitirmwns tn be retirinc and T. S. Kennerly continuing 'flP Complete j inlluen- the business and paying all debts aud U''UUl W-0 .""..v.- , C0lectjnf. bH b;llg tial repuoiicans ana leaning repuu- i The rjaueS) Dec. 10, 1900. lican papers. The Oregoniau ex-! A. M. Stkinger ' hausted its vocabulary of invective : dlO 2v T. S. Kennkklv. in condemning it. and even the a village i;uekmttii ni iiu Little1 truly good Senator Simon deserted ' H H Biackthe well known i his party so far as to vote against blacksmith at Grahanm-ille, Sullivan! it. What changes time brings! And Co., X. Y., says: "Our little son, fivej bow much better is some people's years old, has always been subject to CHOCOLATE BON BONS. i in talking of Chocolates please i remember that we carry a full line of LOWNEY'S. just opened, fresh from the factory. In plain and fancy boxes for Christiras trade, and at prices to suit. Don't forpet that we are head quarters for the best on earth. Xame ; LOWXEY settles it. bind sight than their foresight! Now when the Taft commission is drafting a tariff law for the Philippines, on croup, and so bad have the attacks been that we have feared many times that he1 would die. We have had the doctor aud used many medicines, but Chamberlain's precisely similar lines, not a word of j Couch Remedv is now our sole reliance. objection has been so much as It seems to dissolve the touph mucus' breathed against it. and b-v Giving frequent doses when the n , the croupy symptoms appear we have There is more truth than noetrv in Ionnd that the dreaded croup is curtd - 4 m the following which we copy from Geo. C. Blakeley, ; The Druggist. before it Rets settled." Theie is no danger in giving this remedy for it con-; the Baker City Democrat: There a-ng no opinm or other injurious drug need be no complaint over the fact and n-iay be piven as confidently to a I that Senator Simon is in Oregon at- habeas loan adult. For sale be Blakeley, tending to the job of electing a sena-) tne druggist i tor to succeed McBride instead ofj Drying preparations simply devel- attenaing to his official duties in the on diy catarrh; they dry op the secretions, f . which adhere to the membrane and decom- senate. Mr. Simon, as senator, is a pose, causing a far more serious trouble than creature of his own creation ; he is the ordtoaiy lormof catarrh. AvoidaU dry- ' mg inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs a self-made seuator, having wrested and use that which cleanses, soothes and "Irs. XJ t Vicaiu xuilu n duui t. .tiiiuu) and will cure catarrh or cold in the head casilr and plea.;antlv. A trial size will bo an Restaurant I.. Y. Hone. Prop'r. First-Class in Every Respect .MEALS AT ALL HOl Ks. Oysters Served in any Style. .v Ji-t'oml St., The Paliev Or. Cipe of at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Just What You Luant. J. E. FALT & CO., 1 propriotora GommerGial Sample Rooms. Purest Liquors for Family Use $ Delivered (o any purl of the City. Vbmn: SsftS; niBtancc. 173 Second Street. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. the election at the close of the last legislature. He owes nothing to the people of the state, who would quickly turn him down if senators were elected by a direct vote of the people. His oflicial conduct, there fore, becomes a matter of bis own personal choice. To be in "Washing- j rr tf tin c fnnltnnc fir tn lio tn ! C. F- Stephens mailed for 10 cents. All drtigejsts pell tho oUc.size. Elylirothers. 30 "Warren St.. The Balm cures without pain, docs not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itiself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the j-inf ul inflammation. With Ely's Cream i.aim you nro armed against Koeal Catarrh and Hay Fever. .Dealer In. ) Dry Goods, Clothing, j l Cents' Furnishings, Hoots, Shues. lints, ( hps S it. Ui Vff' lor W U lioi'C as sh'K Ifl if) P t-ri THE CELEBRATED .. .G0It1)HBlA BREWEKY ... !j AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. 0 Oi thf nrodiict of tide well-knou n lin-wi-ry the United Statue Health JItt'porti- for J line L'S. 1900, Hays: "A more iiupfiior brew never tmteri'd th' hihr.itory of the United State" Health rttportn. It is aholiitly devoid ' 0 of the aiihti'Ht trace of e.diitteratiuti, tint on thn other hand if eo'iipou'd of j the liet of malt and choii:ent of hojii. 1 1 tonic inmlitien urti of tliu liicli- i est and it eau he lined with the e,rete"t hcnufit mid Hiitiffnction by old and j? yoiinu. Its nee e.ui i:onciuiitiou-ly be prenenbed by the, physlciaiiB wild J the cereaintv that better, purer or more wholcfcoim) beverape could not ' possibly be found." j 0 East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. 1 1- '' i Man' persons hay hat! theespurience nf Mr P-jtwt !hurmnn nf VnrtK mtfnrA Oregon to help create another sena-, t.h., who eays, "For years I Buffered tor if his inclination runs otherwise, torture from chronic indigestion, but ! He is the Allah of all that coes on m Kodol Dyspepsia Cure made u we'i man ' . of me. It rtiyests whet vou eut and is republican politics in this state, and a ctJI.tajn cure for dyspepsia and every what he (loos is nobDdy's business. form of stomach trouble. It srlves relie'f at once even in thj worst cases, and can t sielp out do vou irooc. j.u uv Clarke & Fa.k's P. O. Pharmacr. Tclenhotie N'n. .1 1.4- .-oi-ilir' J. A. EBERLE i The Oregonian pays The Dalles the following just and handsome compliment. Of course nothing is said about the city being as dark as hades the year round, nor that if we bad more light we would probably have less mone3': "They have a kind of politics at The Dalles which is worth labeling. That enterprising city bv some mysterious means has accumulated a sinking fund of several thousand dollars on which it gets higher interest than it pays for city bonds. Thus its' debt helps to run the city government. The secret of the myster' is said not to be unat tainable. If Portland has any embryo financiers, they might go to The Dalies for a course of development. A Year Book annouwes that the United States has no men of con spicuous merit but has man' able men. The able men, the plodders and well balanced individuals, ap pear to run the country about as well as some of the overmastering geniuses that set the old world on lire and call for help to extinguish the blaze. Sags & Oiowe w of Ulorluii ew. Comee from Dr. D. B. Carfile, Wcehita, I. T. lie writes: "Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of tcrofula, which had caused her great aufierinj: lor years. Terrible sores would breah out on her bead and face, aud the best doctors could give no help; but her cure is com plete and her health ie excellent." This fibows what thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters is the best blood pnrilier known. It's the supreme remedy for eczauia, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. It etimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, exnele poisons, helps digestion and builde up the strength. Only 50 ceute. Sjld by Blakeley DrugglBt. Guaran teed. NOTICE. In future any and all inquiries rla tive to delinquent tazee must be made to the county clerk, hh be ie cimtodian of delinquent tax sale recoidatid rolls. The sheriff having complied with the law in making sale of delinquent tax.r, be is completely out of the tax-collecting buiiness till March next. dl!-lm j Now it the time when croup and lung I The only store It this city where tht Genuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold A little higher ic price, but outlast; a dozen pieceaof so called cheap enam eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look likeit.butthegenu ine has the name Stransky -Steel Ware oneach piece Do not be deceived First prize at K International Exhi bitions HiKhc-Bt award at World f Columbian Exhibt tion. Chicago Pre ferred by tlie test cookingauthorittes, certified to by tlie most famous chem ista for purity and durability it is cheapest because pipe Jailorii A complete line of Fall and Winter suiting, I'auf inH and Overcoating, now on display. liH) different varieties to se .eet frum. Suits, $20 ar?d up. Call aiid examine s:md before L'oinp eises-tiere. s-oud street, opp. Mays & Crowe"?. lie Solium PacRing Go., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF it AN C f'ACTU KEKS OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)RIFD BEEF. ETC. Kodol New ideas in Wull Paper here. Such ; TUB MBS. Ur. i fore uraced a single stork, ileal imita- Good papers at cheap paper prices, j Elegant designs, taptefnl colorinsrs, yourn j for a Email price, at our store on Third ' street. Also a full line of bouse paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. j DEAI.Ki: IN fill kinds of funeral Supplies1 F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Second & LansMin. 'Phone 157 Grandall & Barget UNDERTAKE L tP EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Kobes, BuriaSh Etc. J. C. HCHKNCK, President. U. M. llr.AM., Fifst national Bank. Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. ' Ir (oo(U, Ciotbinc, ISoote and M.oen, ut muc.li Iuks tlian wholeKaic prices. Will t-ell in buik or in iota, or any way to euit purcbaeerfi. I Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. : All itoode will b sacrificed except Tbnnipson'H (ilnve-flttint: Corsets ' and Huttericl: I'atterni. Your prices will be inine. Cull early and t'ceure bargiuiisi. " I J. P. McINERNY, Conior Second and Court '."Us THE DALLES OREGON A General Banking BuBineas traneacted DepoeitB received, subject to Sitfbt Draft or Cbeck. CollectionB made and proceeds ptomptly remitted on dav of collection. Siubt and Telegrapbic Exchange Bold on New York, San Francisco and! Port land. DIKBOTOKS, D. F. TuoMfHOK. Jno. H. ScarNCK. Ed, M. VVilliamh, Gko. A. Lirbk. H M. Bkah.. REGULATOR LINE. Str. Rotrulntor DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA KAY. COWAtf otomiorn oi tli( lU'RUlntor l.lne will run h l'T tin Il r "iw.iiK M'lmluli'. the Ciinimiiy rukerriiiK tlie right t clmUh'1 j fi'l.vdule Mitnuut notice. Ij I MATT SHOREN, msl Dyspepsia Cure General Blacksmith and tforseshoer. Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special 1 y imported for ana Bold in this city ex clusively by us As It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor cntch inside, is notailectedbyncid? in fruits ot veKeinbles will boil etc .. -j and baki without: imparting, , flavor o previously cook d i food and ! wlti last j lor ycarc. We cau tion ths public nt;iii.,!c. imita' .4 Diaests what you eat. It artificially d Igests the food and aida Nature In Htreugtbeniiig aud recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It Is the latest discovereddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Iudigestlon, Heartburn, Flatuleuce, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgla.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. PrlcoSOc.andfl. Lanre site contains ZVS times BmullBlze.UcMkallabouiuyspepslumHtieufree "spared by E C DcVITT A CO., Crjlcage. Sold by Clurke AFhlkVI'. O. I'mtniwcy. l.v Diilk-v i k hutiiriiiiy . C Arr. I'lirtliini p, Hti:'M v. it. S ut 7 a. H. h' Tuosiliiy. p 'rtmfcdiii iff. i-r. I.v. I'ortluiKl nt" A. M. .MllllllllY Wwlnesility Kriilny Arr. IIuIIvh it ', v. t. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. DnlloB City. HOVVM l.v. DlltlCH lit 7 A. M. Momlity . Wi-rlinmiluy. . I'rlilny. Arr. l'urtlitml ut I :.W r. )l. i r. J 1, 1'nrtliiinl 5 nt 7 IX) A . TiienliO I Tlmril A Bittunl")' 5 Arr DiillM'S ut v FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, D It. It. K. N.MITII, Osteopath. llooiru 10 Hint 11, C'tinpmaii The Unlles OrtK"U. .Jil All kimlH of blackeinitliini; will receive prompt attoution and will be executed Hi ilrdt-cluHH Kbape. Give liim a cull. Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near .Federal, The DAllec, Or. Stylish Dressed Men.... Are those who wear clothes tlint are up-to-diue in fit, workmaiiHliip mid uullty. My line ot eiimples covers all the Jutest deeit'iiH for (all and winter, tlie price Is right, aod I cud guarantee a perfect lit. 5, Travel liy tin- HteniniTH n( tint ItcKiiliitor l.lnc. The f :m .ittiy will nudcurnr to t'lv' ll" I'"' ff nm tin' U-t m;ivIi jumiilhli: Tor lurtlifr tulonnittliiii mlilrei" l'lirtlninl Oillcv, Ouk Htr.-ijt Dim. W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Aft. Hick Headache abeolutely and perintw j neatly cured by tislnu Moki Tea. A , pleasant herb drink. Cures conntipation find indigestion, makes you eat, sleep and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed on money back. Kcts. and 50 cts.BUkeley, John PftShek, The Tailor, the druggist. Suits to Order, $10.00. tutu tilrA.r..Yjyj.t.yljri.ru yy.. y-r.. YjjMxL'rjiix.rtiwJtx.ri.rMri iu Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, kind Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, lISSd Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FloilT This Flour is manufactured expressly .TJa ... . J-yJlMl use; every sack is Kwaranteed to give satisfftctioa. i i sell our poods lowitr than any house iu the trade, and if you don't thins call aud get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. r